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Hi, everyone who is a Human. How are you? This is long, so,
tl;dr - you might skip to the bullet/numbered lists and the pictures and videos and check the links, and possibly also the biblical references.
I made a reply here about the biblical character Isaiah being "sawn in-half by a wooden saw". This is not biblical. It is a jewish-christian text, and the mention of it being a wood saw was added later. This led me to re-remember about the jew rewriting history and claiming its own faerie tale stories were true. One example of the jew rewriting history is the corruption of Roald Dahl's works; at least one of the rewriters being a jew.
Before, I came across something that said the bibles were created in about the dark ages (when there was little, if any, actual scientific progress happening; I don't mean "education" of jesus in universities, philosophy being merged with jesus, translation of jesus stories from Greek into Latin, early contributions to the Scientific Method beginning, etc.), and from that I extrapolated that the bibles' stories were pre-dated (an earlier date put on a document than the actual date), and then the jew tried making people believe it all; i.e. the bibles were actually written in the dark ages (about the 5th-15th centuries) and it was decided what should be in the bibles and what shouldn't be at the First Council of Nicaea (in about 325CE, which is before them being written in about 5th-15th centuries, obviously; while written in the dark ages (5th-15th centuries CE), the stories were claimed to be from, and being decided upon, centuries earlier - like if you wrote a story today and set it 100 years ago, and then tried making people believe that it was actually true and actually happened 100 years ago, and that 99 years ago you had a council to decide laws and things.
The first "the" pope was supposed to be a non-existent biblical character. In Matthew 16:18–19, St. Peter was "the first 'the' pope".
Matthew 16:18–19
...and I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.
...and I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
I don't know if this is jewish originally, or a jew perversion and corruption of, and stolen and twisted from, Human naming, but an accepted meaning of the name Matthew is "gift of god" or "gift of yahweh" from the allegedly-original hebrew "Mattityahu". Look (and much more on this forum and related sites) at this "gift", this "present" that "god" has given us while it just watches - and still "lOvEs eVeRyOnE"! "jehova" means "god of evil" in hebrew anyway...
We know this character never existed, being an apostle of jesus which we know never existed; if the jesus stories were written in the 5th-15th centuries, then the first "the" pope would have existed at one point or another during the dark ages of 5th century CE to 15 century CE, with the pre-dating and Council deciding what was canon and what was not. If this Council of Nicaea from 325CE did exist, then it took the jew 1000 years to write the bibles from 5th to 15th centuries, (which fits in with the "1000 years = 1 day to god" nonsense). If the Council didn't exist, then it seems like the jew pre-dated it and made it appear that the dark ages of 5th to 15th centuries could be the 1000 years = 1 "god" day (since the World is supposed to be only 6000 years old), which would make christians all happy and giddy and accept "this proves 'god' exists!".
Bear in mind, most people during these times were illiterate in their own language, nevermind being capable of understanding anything in Greek or Latin or hebrew or aramaic, the last of which here has written records going back to the 10th century BCE. If Aramaic is a Human language and not jewish, despite being a semitic language, then it is Human; if aramaic is jewish, which was supposed to be the language of "jesus", then I suspect these written records dating back to the 10th century BCE are false and also pre-dated. It's so convenient that the language "jesus" spoke has some texts preserved for such a long amount of time while, usually, Human things tend to not have survived. So for all I know, the bibles - parts of which were written in aramaic - were still being written during the 5th and 15th centuries, so with nearly everyone - at least the peasants/serfs/slaves if not the nobles and aristocrats and "leaders" - being uneducated, stupid, illiterate... they had to do as the "priest" told them to do, and also be forced to pay the tithe (which means "slave" by the way) every Sunday or be punished/fined/flogged, etc.
Reading and interpreting the bibles was discouraged or outright forbidden -
muttering the words, contemplating their depth, and letting them shape one's thoughts and actions, so that they resonate in one's mind and heart and change their behaviour and control their lives. As I've said before, control what a person says, you control what a person thinks; control what a person thinks, you control what a person does; control what a person does, you control how a person behaves; control how a person behaves, you control that person's life to one extent or another.
This reminds me of some people who have trouble controlling their minds and emotions, with ruminating thoughts and emotions, eventually leading to mental illness including depression from overthinking the same things repeatedly (seeing christians going through difficulty, blaming Satan for "tempting" them, while they're damning themselves) - yet in these times above, the very thing of revising and analysing the bibles which is encouraged today in some parts, was very wrong and punishable by being kicked out, put in jail, or burnt at the stake. Using the "free will" that "god" "gave them" is punishble by being shunned, locked-up, or burnt alive. "You have free will; you can make your own decisions, but make sure you do what I want, or else..." Presumably, if they did not do the very act of self-educating and individual interpretation, then they'd be happy slaves, and with ignorance supposedly being bliss they'd be fine, so to speak; having fought for knowledge, which is a Natural inclination for Humans, despite one having knowledge being "wrong", they are then told to go over-the-top nowadays and give themselves depression and ruminating thoughts and fucking themselves up by going into the bibles, i.e. jewish texts, very deeply.
It's as if the jew says, "You will be punished; behave yourself and you'll be punished less" - in this sense of being a good modern christian self-education is loads of difficulties and struggles internally and not healing properly but just accepting, "god is good", making the person become really messed-up, not healed, and only a fraction and a shell of their true selves; being a blind, ignorant, braindead slave without any personal interpretation of the bibles, there's supposedly a sort of "bliss" in that. The jew plays both sides against us in the middle - HPS/Lady Maxine said that years ago. The jew does such extremes. I'll say this again - the one found "guilty" of whatever they decided arbitrarily was supposed to be "heresy" was punished by being excommunicated, being put in jail, or by being executed such as being burnt alive at the stake. "god" is so loving!!!! The church/the jew just wants to control the narrative; thereby, control people's lives, including by denying laypeople from performing interpretations themselves. Once the people back then perhaps managed to see -
Isaiah 45:7
I form the light and create darkness, I bring prosperity and create disaster; I, the LORD, do all these things.
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.
then I wonder what would have happened, if they realised that's exactly how they've been mistreated... Such a loving "god"! Reading the bibles, we know that this is in-keeping with "god" - and with "jesus" being "god", it is "the same yesterday, today and forever" (Hebrews 13:8) in the new testament (which means the same rampaging, murderous, sociopathic, psychpathic, etc. "god" of the old testament is the same always), and it admited it came to fulfil the law -
Matthew 5:17
“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them..."
Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
So in the past, while you're ignorant and can't read, which seem to have been illegal or at least punishable to correct (wow - punishable but not illegal!), you had to just accept what the "priest" told you about "god", and being stupid and ignorant and uneducated, you'd be afraid, which means that the jew could rule through fear and lack of intelligence, with it eating fat food while you were paying it to eat fat food while you were starving, paying it to not hurt you and not frighten you - and in some areas, paying money to cancel sins!
During the middle ages, the catholic church promoted "indulgences" - paying literal money to reduce one's, or one's family's, time in purgatory. Notice "purg-atory" and "purge". The height of these indulgences was in the 16th century, and Martin Luther opposed it strongly and protested against it in his Ninety-five Theses, leading to the "Protestant Reformation", arguing that forgiveness came from "god", not bribing the church/jew with money like they do every Sunday. It's interesting that a Mattin Luther stood-up against "god" in this practice; "god" just watched it all happen, and "god" just watched Martin Luther change "god"'s "word" and "practices", etc. Even christian Humans are better and more-powerful than yahweh, jehova, "god"! "god" is impotent, incompetent and incapable. For those who don't realise what I'm saying - "god" doesn't exist and the jew, and Humans, used "jesus" as a tool and a weapon of power and control to keep Humans as slaves, and even brainwashed sheep (christians) fought against that for a less-bad type of slavery. What happens today is not very different. Some of the mentions below are repeated.
I am about to mention "exorcisms". When I was a christian, a preacher told a story of going to either a mental hospital ward or jail (I forgot which), and the workers there were worried and afraid of a particular individual staying in the shiny grey hotel. This one male individual, the preacher said, was behaving all crazily and whatever, pretending to be possessed by a "demon", and this preacher, who went there for whatever made-up reasons, said he laughed at the person, because "demons don't do that anymore", referring to the story of "jesus" where the "evil spirits" were driven out and went into pigs which made the pigs commit suicide; with "jesus" having "died on the cross", all "sin" and sickness and "possession", etc., stopped forever (yes... hospitals still exist...).
"It's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than it is for a man to enter'heaven' 'the kingdom of god'" [Matthew 19:24]. It's also easier for a preacher, and "god", to heal a person in a wheelchair than an amputee's limbs... but christians still have faith, though - and it still doesn't happen, though! Despite all of the centuries of the power and faith energies and the momentum, i.e. the karma, of and behind christianity, only "dead" people who have been knocked-out with anaesthesia (or are good at acting, playing dead) with the poor, vulnerable, desperate people I presume being held behind barriers so they can't check for a pulse, and only people who sit in wheelchairs can be healed; no amputee's limb can be healed.
So... how many others are there who have been caught charging people for so-called "exorcisms", "healings", "special prayers" - preying on the vulnerable and ignorant and desperate; not to mention the physical slavery and sexual exploitation that happens against people, female genital mutilation, etc.? A quick search gave me an idea of merely a fraction, and these are in only recently-documented time; I don't know everything of how many, and what, happened in history -
Fight breaks out in the middle of church service
Admitting that money is used selfishly in, of, by a church. Indeed.
Also it's funny they went to a non-"god" "authourity" to come to a conclusion. Why would "god" not step-in?! It's also funny that "god" didn't "come down" and stop thoseIrish catholics and Irish protestants fighting in the middle of "god"'s "house" and correct them.
Preacher kenneth copeland defends lavish lifestyle
and of course this again.
13 Famous Pastors Caught Doing Unholy Things
Ted Haggard is completely heterosexual
, though.
This is a list of religious leaders who have been convicted of serious crimes before, during or after their period as a religious leader.
and these are only recent; how much have the church "leaders", the "shepherds" been doing things against billions of people over the centuries?! If you want to have a lovely, beautiful garden, then make sure you don't have Japanese knotweed. If you do have it and want to get rid of it, then you must get rid of it properly; you must get to the root of the problem; otherwise, your lovely "eden" will be full of poison apples and mind-altering substances that make you think an Animal, the serpent that "god" created to be more cunning than all others, is talking to you, "tempting" you with knowledge. To paraphrase -
Matthew 7:15-17
"Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognise them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit..."
Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
you'll know "god" by its fruit... or its weeds. It admits creating evil; it brings forth evil fruit, its dirty, rotten, jewish fruit. I wonder why there wasn't any mention of Japanese knotweed in the bibles. Oh - because all events in the bibles happened within a small radius of a location within the Middle East. Herp-derp. Surely Adam and Eve would have pestered "god" to burn the evil Japanese knotweed roots... When the jew plants and gardens, this is what Earth turns into...
Of course, christians will deny these as "false prophets", but it is not very different from the forceful blockage against knowledge and understanding in the past. "god" just slaughtered millions for using the free will it gave them, and stole precious stones and the Lands of Peoples. These "leaders", acting, have a lot of money. So does the worldwide church and "the" pope.
Presuming christian families are having Children still, and not many older people are dying, then this is increasing.
What christianity is is a capitalist business. While the politics and governances of the past might have been whatever, it was all still capitalist. The "prophets" refer to the corruptors who lie and sell a product; prophets make profits, like goalies goalkeep. You know the saying, "hater's gunna hate"; prophet's gunna profit. From desperate people. Exploitation. The jew wrote in the full-of-holes, i.e. holey, books that things would repeat - this continues to repeat.
It was, is and - if it continues - will be an actual, literal mafia, a worldwide anti-Human, anti-Natural, anti-Spiritual, anti-Scientific programme of death and destruction run, owned, maintained and administered by the twisted, perverted and perverse, anti-Human, evil dirty mafia family which stole, twisted, perverted and corrupted already-existing knowledge, understanding, wisdom, customs, culture, being, life, etc... into its own dirty shit, and since "god" "sews the seeds" (Matthew 13:3) (read these biblical references again and remember "gift of god" meaning weeds and shit upon Earth) to make a garden of weeds, it is not just the anti-Human dirty shit that do this; some Humans also have been grown up with weeds and shit and poison in their Minds, Hearts and Souls and do similar things against Humans. "god", i.e. the jew, wants you to have faith that what it is telling you, and selling you, is true and you'll live in paradise next to this evil "god", while if you have knowledge then you are disgusting because the jew loses power and control.
Back when the jew was writing the bibles, where it said, "let there be light", and then things were "created", it seemed to know Natural principles and then just changed them around with light existing before the Sun did... The jew knows a lot, and decided, because it thinks it is authourity over us, that we shouldn't know things, but instead forced us to be slaves and be ignorant and stupid and controlled us through ignorance and fear. No wonder Scientific advancement has to recieve a lot of funding, and things are becoming more and more expensive, and the jew tries to slow things down, etc. because the jew is fearing, it is shit-scared, that we are gaining knowledge and learning the secrets of Nature and the Universe. If Scientific advancement and learning did not cost that much, we'd be so much further on than we are now. The jew knows that.
It might not have been illegal exactly, nor a "sin", but access to literacy especially in regards to religious texts often was restricted by both secular and religious authourities. Back then, I suspect "secular" authourities, still under biblical "law" in societal legislation, were actually the same promoters of jesus, i.e. they along with the religious "leaders" were all playing good-copper/bad-copper. Once one starts to learn what the bibles say, then one can start to unravel its bullshit, and then - since curious minds need to know - go on to learn actual, real-life things of Nature and the Universe. Even the very "words" that "god" "spoke" were not "allowed" to be understood; one just had to obey as a ignorant, unknowing, uneducated, illiterate-in-your-own-language slave. When christians today cry "persecution", they must be recalling past-life trauma and memories of being a slave of the jew while stupid and being like Children - illiterate/semi-literate, ignorant, uneducated, instead of having learnt things. We still learnt actual knowledge of actual things, despite that, though... The bibles say to be like Children [Matthew 18:3] and also where "god" wants to dash stones against the little ones, the ones doing this seizing of and dashing against Children is blessed [Psalm 137:9] - that's how you're supposed to be mistreated.
Things say that many christian communities used different scriptures in the 2nd and 3rd centuries CE, and in the 4th century CE councils and influential figures helped formalise the biblical canon; and in real-life, jewish-narrated history states that jesus actually existed in about 0BCE/CE-33CE - or more accurately, born, lived and died from somewhere between 7BCE to 4BCE and +33 years (without actual biblical mention of age at death, with scholars estimating the age being in the early 30s due to historical context) (there being 33 degrees of masonry and 33 vertebrae in the Human spine, coincidentally or cohencidentally).
Suppressing Humans' Natural inclinations causes depression and being wound-up very tightly and so many problems, in many various ways. Along with that is the fundamentalism and extremism (one leading on to the other) and the arrogance that one, as a christian, probably would go into thinking that they are always right and that "god" agrees with them causing them to put themselves in a higher place than others so that they think they can get away with arrogance and crimes and corruption because they've convinced themselves, or they've been convinced by preachers, that they're under "higher laws" so they "own" Earth and can do whatever they want.
Based on what I researched includes "while shepherds watched their flocks by night" - that seems to be too cold for that to be in December. During winter, the sheep would be brought into shelters; they'd be out during the warmer times of the year. "jesus" would have been born not in winter, and December was chosen to align with Natural AKA Pagan festivals, so that - just like above with "jesus" merging with already-existing philosopy - "jesus" could be integrated and mixed with already-existing Natural things and festivals, and then, as happened, attempt to replace them.
The estimated dates of "jesus" being born were between March 7BCE and December 4BCE, that I found, including Astrological/Astronomical timings. I am not an Astrologer by any stretch of the imagination. What I say here is merely common sense. Since there isn't an actual date-and-time stamp of "jesus" being born, then one cannot do "jesus"'s Astrology chart. During this date range, various Planetary positions (again, I'm meaning common sense here) fit with the positive attributes of the "nature of jesus". One will not be born extremely slowly over a 4-year period; one is born so much quicker than that, so an Astrological placement that happened in March 7BCE, being an attribute, would not be the same as in December 4BCE, being an attribute; and one cannot have a date-range of attributes being attributed to them of their date-and-time stamp at birth; it is the rather specific date and time of when and where you're born; yet the good attributes from this date range = "jesus"'s "nature" as purported in the bibles and by christians. I am sure christians would lol and be happy about that, either that Astrology is nonsense for "jesus"; therefore, it is nonsense for everyone; or that all of these attributes from a date range are for "jesus", misunderstanding that the date range doesn't work and/or ignoring that it doesn't work but still going with it. The "birth date" of "jesus" just so very conveniently and cohencidentally just happened to be the transition into the Age of Pisces/Kali Yuga - and for those who don't know, "jehova" means "god of evil".
So christians are supposed to 'meditate' - get the "word of god" to be them. They are supposed to inhale all of it, from this god of evil, so that it becomes them. Humans are supposed to ingest jewish poison so it becomes them. No wonder they go through great difficulty trying to be a good little christian, when their own Nature is fighting back against that disgusting shit, and their Mind and Soul are trying to wake them up. Then they blame Satan and thank "god"; not taking responsibility themselves nor having pride in their own decent accomplishments. Have a quick look at the main parts above again, and remember christians find "pleasure" in giving "god" money every Sunday for the conducting of evil unto the World. They literally are, knowingly or unknowingly, funding a worldwide anti-Human, anti-Nature, anti-Spiritual, anti-Science mafia programme of death and destruction - and they say Satan is evil and "god" is good. Verily, FancyMancy say to thee - woe unto christians for putting "good" for evil and "evil" for good [paraphrase of Isaiah 5:20]. These people above are not not-real-christians; they do exactly as "god" prefers, but still not enough, obviously. This god of evil's very "word" is supposed to fill up christians and be them and replace them - from what "god" bore them as originally! Retard! They were born without it, and "god" bore them as they were, and then they must change to be the "word" that "god" "spoke". Such retarded illogical nonsense bullshit. Then we see the state of the World.
P.S. "You don't focus on islam; you only go after christianity." I wasn't a muslim; I don't know anything about it, very little, in fact. I was a christian; I know a lot more about that. Besides - islam is today what christianity was in history, and both islam and christianity are two sides of the same dirty jewish coin.
tl;dr - you might skip to the bullet/numbered lists and the pictures and videos and check the links, and possibly also the biblical references.
I made a reply here about the biblical character Isaiah being "sawn in-half by a wooden saw". This is not biblical. It is a jewish-christian text, and the mention of it being a wood saw was added later. This led me to re-remember about the jew rewriting history and claiming its own faerie tale stories were true. One example of the jew rewriting history is the corruption of Roald Dahl's works; at least one of the rewriters being a jew.
Before, I came across something that said the bibles were created in about the dark ages (when there was little, if any, actual scientific progress happening; I don't mean "education" of jesus in universities, philosophy being merged with jesus, translation of jesus stories from Greek into Latin, early contributions to the Scientific Method beginning, etc.), and from that I extrapolated that the bibles' stories were pre-dated (an earlier date put on a document than the actual date), and then the jew tried making people believe it all; i.e. the bibles were actually written in the dark ages (about the 5th-15th centuries) and it was decided what should be in the bibles and what shouldn't be at the First Council of Nicaea (in about 325CE, which is before them being written in about 5th-15th centuries, obviously; while written in the dark ages (5th-15th centuries CE), the stories were claimed to be from, and being decided upon, centuries earlier - like if you wrote a story today and set it 100 years ago, and then tried making people believe that it was actually true and actually happened 100 years ago, and that 99 years ago you had a council to decide laws and things.
The first "the" pope was supposed to be a non-existent biblical character. In Matthew 16:18–19, St. Peter was "the first 'the' pope".
Matthew 16:18–19
...and I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.
...and I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
I don't know if this is jewish originally, or a jew perversion and corruption of, and stolen and twisted from, Human naming, but an accepted meaning of the name Matthew is "gift of god" or "gift of yahweh" from the allegedly-original hebrew "Mattityahu". Look (and much more on this forum and related sites) at this "gift", this "present" that "god" has given us while it just watches - and still "lOvEs eVeRyOnE"! "jehova" means "god of evil" in hebrew anyway...
We know this character never existed, being an apostle of jesus which we know never existed; if the jesus stories were written in the 5th-15th centuries, then the first "the" pope would have existed at one point or another during the dark ages of 5th century CE to 15 century CE, with the pre-dating and Council deciding what was canon and what was not. If this Council of Nicaea from 325CE did exist, then it took the jew 1000 years to write the bibles from 5th to 15th centuries, (which fits in with the "1000 years = 1 day to god" nonsense). If the Council didn't exist, then it seems like the jew pre-dated it and made it appear that the dark ages of 5th to 15th centuries could be the 1000 years = 1 "god" day (since the World is supposed to be only 6000 years old), which would make christians all happy and giddy and accept "this proves 'god' exists!".
Bear in mind, most people during these times were illiterate in their own language, nevermind being capable of understanding anything in Greek or Latin or hebrew or aramaic, the last of which here has written records going back to the 10th century BCE. If Aramaic is a Human language and not jewish, despite being a semitic language, then it is Human; if aramaic is jewish, which was supposed to be the language of "jesus", then I suspect these written records dating back to the 10th century BCE are false and also pre-dated. It's so convenient that the language "jesus" spoke has some texts preserved for such a long amount of time while, usually, Human things tend to not have survived. So for all I know, the bibles - parts of which were written in aramaic - were still being written during the 5th and 15th centuries, so with nearly everyone - at least the peasants/serfs/slaves if not the nobles and aristocrats and "leaders" - being uneducated, stupid, illiterate... they had to do as the "priest" told them to do, and also be forced to pay the tithe (which means "slave" by the way) every Sunday or be punished/fined/flogged, etc.
Reading and interpreting the bibles was discouraged or outright forbidden -
- The Latin Vulgate monopolised the understanding of Latin texts of the bibles, which the catholic church insisted be read in Latin, so as to keep the interprtetation under the church's control.
- The Council of Toulouse (1229) outright forbade people owning copies of the bibles in their own common, everyday language.
- John Wycliffe from the 14th century and William Tyndale from the 16th century translated the bibles into English, challenging the authourity of the church. The Lollards, Wycliffe's followers, were persecuted and Tyndale was executed in 1536 for heresy.
- For those who spread "unauthourised" religious teachings, the Inquisition targeted them.
- The Index Librorum Prohibitorum (which was created in 1559) listed banned books, including translations of the bibles and other texts that were supposed to be dangerous to the way of things.
- For any person who owned and/or distributed certain books, it could have resulted in them receiving severe punishment, especially if that was connected with any heretical movements.

muttering the words, contemplating their depth, and letting them shape one's thoughts and actions, so that they resonate in one's mind and heart and change their behaviour and control their lives. As I've said before, control what a person says, you control what a person thinks; control what a person thinks, you control what a person does; control what a person does, you control how a person behaves; control how a person behaves, you control that person's life to one extent or another.
This reminds me of some people who have trouble controlling their minds and emotions, with ruminating thoughts and emotions, eventually leading to mental illness including depression from overthinking the same things repeatedly (seeing christians going through difficulty, blaming Satan for "tempting" them, while they're damning themselves) - yet in these times above, the very thing of revising and analysing the bibles which is encouraged today in some parts, was very wrong and punishable by being kicked out, put in jail, or burnt at the stake. Using the "free will" that "god" "gave them" is punishble by being shunned, locked-up, or burnt alive. "You have free will; you can make your own decisions, but make sure you do what I want, or else..." Presumably, if they did not do the very act of self-educating and individual interpretation, then they'd be happy slaves, and with ignorance supposedly being bliss they'd be fine, so to speak; having fought for knowledge, which is a Natural inclination for Humans, despite one having knowledge being "wrong", they are then told to go over-the-top nowadays and give themselves depression and ruminating thoughts and fucking themselves up by going into the bibles, i.e. jewish texts, very deeply.
It's as if the jew says, "You will be punished; behave yourself and you'll be punished less" - in this sense of being a good modern christian self-education is loads of difficulties and struggles internally and not healing properly but just accepting, "god is good", making the person become really messed-up, not healed, and only a fraction and a shell of their true selves; being a blind, ignorant, braindead slave without any personal interpretation of the bibles, there's supposedly a sort of "bliss" in that. The jew plays both sides against us in the middle - HPS/Lady Maxine said that years ago. The jew does such extremes. I'll say this again - the one found "guilty" of whatever they decided arbitrarily was supposed to be "heresy" was punished by being excommunicated, being put in jail, or by being executed such as being burnt alive at the stake. "god" is so loving!!!! The church/the jew just wants to control the narrative; thereby, control people's lives, including by denying laypeople from performing interpretations themselves. Once the people back then perhaps managed to see -
Isaiah 45:7
I form the light and create darkness, I bring prosperity and create disaster; I, the LORD, do all these things.
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.
then I wonder what would have happened, if they realised that's exactly how they've been mistreated... Such a loving "god"! Reading the bibles, we know that this is in-keeping with "god" - and with "jesus" being "god", it is "the same yesterday, today and forever" (Hebrews 13:8) in the new testament (which means the same rampaging, murderous, sociopathic, psychpathic, etc. "god" of the old testament is the same always), and it admited it came to fulfil the law -
Matthew 5:17
“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them..."
Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
So in the past, while you're ignorant and can't read, which seem to have been illegal or at least punishable to correct (wow - punishable but not illegal!), you had to just accept what the "priest" told you about "god", and being stupid and ignorant and uneducated, you'd be afraid, which means that the jew could rule through fear and lack of intelligence, with it eating fat food while you were paying it to eat fat food while you were starving, paying it to not hurt you and not frighten you - and in some areas, paying money to cancel sins!
During the middle ages, the catholic church promoted "indulgences" - paying literal money to reduce one's, or one's family's, time in purgatory. Notice "purg-atory" and "purge". The height of these indulgences was in the 16th century, and Martin Luther opposed it strongly and protested against it in his Ninety-five Theses, leading to the "Protestant Reformation", arguing that forgiveness came from "god", not bribing the church/jew with money like they do every Sunday. It's interesting that a Mattin Luther stood-up against "god" in this practice; "god" just watched it all happen, and "god" just watched Martin Luther change "god"'s "word" and "practices", etc. Even christian Humans are better and more-powerful than yahweh, jehova, "god"! "god" is impotent, incompetent and incapable. For those who don't realise what I'm saying - "god" doesn't exist and the jew, and Humans, used "jesus" as a tool and a weapon of power and control to keep Humans as slaves, and even brainwashed sheep (christians) fought against that for a less-bad type of slavery. What happens today is not very different. Some of the mentions below are repeated.
- In the 1980s, Peter Popoff was exposed with being fed information by his wife through a hidden earpiece after claiming to know about congregants' ailments, later coming back to sell "miracle spring water".
- Also in the '80s, Jim Bakker was convicted of fraud but returned to TV selling survivalist products with claims of divine protection; then later, was warned by the US government for selling a "cure" for coronavirus-19.
- Shepherd Bushiri from South Africa and Malawi, a self-proclaimed prophet and leader of the Enlightened Christian Gathering church, claimed to perform miracles, including curing HIV and raising the dead. He and his wife were arrested in 2020 for fraud, money laundering and running a Ponzi scheme, allegedly scamming followers out of millions by promising them wealth and prosperity. He fled South Africa to Malawi while on bail and continues preaching.
- Alph Lukau from South Africa, a controversial pastor known for staged miracles, including a viral 2019 event where he faked resurrecting a man from the dead during a church service. He has been accused of exploiting poor followers by demanding large donations in exchange for blessings and divine intervention.
- David E. Taylor from USA, a preacher running Joshua Media Ministries International (JMMI), who claimed to have direct conversations with Jesus. Accused of misusing church funds to buy luxury cars, designer clothes, and expensive mansions, while pressuring followers to donate large sums for "kingdom work". His ministry has been investigated for fraudulent financial activities, and has also been accused of running a cult.
- TB Joshua from Nigeria, a megachurch leader known for "healing miracles" and selling anointed water claimed to cure diseases. During the COVID-19 pandemic, he promoted his water as a divine cure. His church has faced allegations of abuse, financial exploitation, and deception including faking miracles, forcing abortions, and raping and torturing churchgoers.
- Gilbert Deya from Kenya/UK, a pastor based in the UK who ran a "miracle babies" scam, "creating miraculous pregnancies", telling infertile Women they could conceive miraculously if they donated to his ministry, which the "miracle babies" appeared to be stolen Children smuggled from Kenya; he was extradited to Kenya to face charges of Child trafficking but later acquitted, of kidnapping.
I am about to mention "exorcisms". When I was a christian, a preacher told a story of going to either a mental hospital ward or jail (I forgot which), and the workers there were worried and afraid of a particular individual staying in the shiny grey hotel. This one male individual, the preacher said, was behaving all crazily and whatever, pretending to be possessed by a "demon", and this preacher, who went there for whatever made-up reasons, said he laughed at the person, because "demons don't do that anymore", referring to the story of "jesus" where the "evil spirits" were driven out and went into pigs which made the pigs commit suicide; with "jesus" having "died on the cross", all "sin" and sickness and "possession", etc., stopped forever (yes... hospitals still exist...).
"It's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than it is for a man to enter
So... how many others are there who have been caught charging people for so-called "exorcisms", "healings", "special prayers" - preying on the vulnerable and ignorant and desperate; not to mention the physical slavery and sexual exploitation that happens against people, female genital mutilation, etc.? A quick search gave me an idea of merely a fraction, and these are in only recently-documented time; I don't know everything of how many, and what, happened in history -
Fight breaks out in the middle of church service
Also it's funny they went to a non-"god" "authourity" to come to a conclusion. Why would "god" not step-in?! It's also funny that "god" didn't "come down" and stop those
Preacher kenneth copeland defends lavish lifestyle

Preacher kenneth copeland defends lavish lifestyle
Banking/economy memes & videos

and of course this again.
13 Famous Pastors Caught Doing Unholy Things
- Creflo Dollar. In 2015, Creflo Dollar asked his congregation to donate $300 each – to his fundraiser. For what, you ask? A $65 million private Gulfstream jet, so that he could travel safely and comfortably to spread the word of the Gospel.
- Paul Jenning Hill. Paul Jennings Hill was a pastor who took his pro-life teachings a little too far when he shot and killed an abortion doctor outside of her clinic in Florida. He was arrested and later executed for his crimes.
- Andy Savage. Pastor Andy Savage made headlines early this year when he admitted to sexually assaulting a woman in 1998. The headlines were because he received a standing ovation from his congregation for his confession, not because justice was served.
- Billy Graham. When the Nixon tapes were finally revealed, Reverend Billy Graham found himself at the center of controversy. On one of the tapes, he was heard making comments about the "Jewish stranglehold on the media" and conferring with the President on how to end it.
- Cardinal Bernard Law. Bernard Law is possibly the most infamous "Bad Priest." In the 1990s, the Spotlight team from the Boston Globe exposed Law for failing to remove sexually abusive priests from his congregation and for covering up the abuses for years.
- Ted Haggard. Colorado mega-church founder Ted Haggard's world was rocked in 2006 when a gay prostitute came forward claiming he'd had an affair with the seemingly straightlaced, married father of four. Haggard was eventually forced to step aside to let his wife become pastor. The family now appears on reality television, like Wife Swap, on which he and Gary Busey's wives swapped lives.
- Eddie Long. In 2010, several young boys came forward and accused their church Bishop, Eddie Long, of sexual abuse. Despite the accusations, Long remained a respected member of his parish until his death from cancer in 2017.
- Jimmy Swaggart. In 1988, famed television evangelist Jimmy Swaggart made a shocking, on-camera confession. He admitted to "moral indiscretions" and "incidents of moral failure" as tears streamed down his face on live television, and asked his followers and family for forgiveness before ultimately stepping down from his post.
- Jim Bakker. 1988 was a bad year for pastors. The same year, it came out that Jim Bakker, founder of Praise The Lord (PTL) Ministries, had had an affair with a former church secretary. Additionally, he was indicted on federal charges of mail and wire fraud, and conspiracy to defraud the public. Not a great year for Jim Bakker.
- Marcus Lamb. In 2010, famous televangelist Marcus Lamb went on live television and admitted to having an affair in his youth, while married to his wife. Of course, despite his indiscretions, his church gathered around him and pledged to "hold him accountable" in the future.
- Peter Popoff. Peter Popoff was one of the bolder frauds in televangelist history. He claimed to be able to diagnose (and cure) any of his churchgoers' hidden diseases just by asking the heavens for help. He was later revealed to be wearing a wire, through which his wife would feed him the information. He now sells bottled water on late night infomercials.
- Aimee McPherson. Aimee McPherson was a glamorous, evangelical preacher who performed theatrical church services in the 1920s. She disappeared in 1926 and mysteriously reappeared a month later claiming she'd been kidnapped. Her story was later debunked as a hoax to gain more publicity.
- Wilton Gregory. The seemingly humble Archbishop Wilton Gregory came under fire in 2014 when it was revealed that the down-to-earth clergyman was building a posh $2.2 million private mansion in an upscale Atlanta neighborhood. Eventually, the archbishop scaled back his home, saying he'd come to his senses about the whole thing.

13 Famous Pastors Caught Doing Unholy Things
What happens when those who are supposed to guide us away from sin become sinners themselves? Check out these pastors behaving badly to find out.

This is a list of religious leaders who have been convicted of serious crimes before, during or after their period as a religious leader.
Violent crimes
- Tony Alamo - Headed a Santa Clarita commune. Convicted of tax evasion in 1994 and then resided in a halfway house in Texarkana. In 2009, he was convicted of ten federal counts of taking minors across state lines for sex, and sentenced to 150 years in federal prison.
- Shoko Asahara - Founder of Aum Shinrikyo sentenced to death by hanging under Japanese law for involvement in the 1995 Sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway.
- Wayne Bent (AKA: Michael Travesser) - Founder of Lord Our Righteousness Church, sometimes called Strong City. Was convicted of one count of criminal sexual contact of a minor and two counts of contributing to the delinquency of a minor in 2008. He was sentenced to 18 years with eight years suspended.
- Graham Capill - former leader of Christian Heritage New Zealand. Sentenced to a nine-year imprisonment term in 2005 after multiple charges of child sexual abuse against girls younger than twelve.
- Matthew F. Hale - Former leader of Creativity Movement sentenced to a 40-year prison term for soliciting an undercover FBI informant to kill a federal judge.
- Warren Jeffs - Once President of Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (a polygamist Mormon sect), convicted of rape as an accomplice (overturned in 2010). Jeffs was convicted in a Texas state court of child sex charges and sentenced to life plus 20 years. He is incarcerated at the Powledge state prison. He also awaits trial in other states and in the federal court system.
- Jung Myung Seok - South Korean religious sect leader and founder of Providence. Convicted for raping several of his followers.
- William Kamm - An Australian religious sect leader who was sentenced to prison in October 2005 for a string of sexual attacks on a 15-year-old girl. In August 2007 his sentence was increased after being found guilty for a series of sexual abuses against another teenage girl over a five-year period.
- Ervil LeBaron - Led a small sect of polygamous Mormon fundamentalists, and was convicted of involvement in the murder of two people and plotting to kill another person in 1981.
- Alice Lenshina - Zambian head and founder of the Lumpa Church. Conflicts with the government over the sect's rejection of taxes led to a violent confrontation and her subsequent imprisonment.
- Jeffrey Lundgren - Headed splinter group from Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, executed on October 24, 2006, for multiple murders.
- Charles Manson - Leader of the Manson Family who served life in prison for first degree murder until his death in 2017.
- Shukri Mustafa - Egyptian leader of Takfir wal-Hijra who was captured and executed on March 19, 1978, for the kidnapping and murder of an Egyptian ex-government minister.
- Fred Phelps - Leader of anti-gay Westboro Baptist Church. Convicted for disorderly conduct and battery.
- Swami Premananda of Tiruchirapalli - Indian religious leader convicted and sentenced to two life sentences for the rape of 13 girls and murder in 2005.
- Theodore Rinaldo - Leader of a religious group in Snohomish, Washington convicted of third-degree statutory rape for having sexual intercourse with one minor girl and of taking indecent liberties with another.
- Paul Schäfer - Former head of Chile-based Colonia Dignidad, was convicted of sexually abusing 25 children.
- Keith Raniere - The founder of NXIVM, a multi-level marketing company and cult based near Albany, New York. Raniere was convicted of racketeering on the charges of sex trafficking, sexual exploitation of a child, attempted sex trafficking, identity theft, forced labor, conspiracy to alter records, conspiracy of sex trafficking, forced labor, racketeering, and wire fraud. Raniere was sentenced to 120 years in federal prison starting in January 2021.
- Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh - an Indian guru, music producer, singer-songwriter, actor, and filmmaker. He has been the head of the social group Dera Sacha Sauda since 1990. On 28 August 2017, Singh was sentenced to 20 years in jail for rape. He has also faced prosecution for murder and ordering forced castrations. He is also alleged to have committed sexual assaults on many of his followers. He is also alleged to be involved in the murder of a journalist.
- Flordelis dos Santos de Souza - Brazilian former Pentecostal pastor, gospel singer and politician. In 2022, she was convicted of murder of her husband, Anderson do Carmo.
- Roch Thériault - Former head of "Ant Hill Kids commune" served a life sentence in Canada for the murder of Solange Boislard.
- Yahweh Ben Yahweh - Head of Nation of Yahweh, convicted for Federal racketeering charges and conspiracy involving 14 murders.
- Dwight York - Head of Nuwaubianism, convicted in 2004 of multiple RICO, child molestation, and financial reporting charges and sentenced to 135 years in prison.
Non-violent crimes
- Joseph Smith, Jr. - The founder of the Latter Day Saint movement, was "subjected to approximately thirty criminal actions" during his life. Another source reports Smith was arrested at least 42 times. Smith was killed by a mob while in jail awaiting trial on charges of treason against Illinois.
- Jim Bakker - Created the PTL (Praise the Lord) organization. Convicted of fraud and conspiracy charges after illegally soliciting millions of dollars from his followers.
- Hogen Fukunaga - Founder of Ho No Hana who was given a twelve-year jail sentence for fraudulently gaining 150 million yen from his followers.
- Kent Hovind (Dr. Dino) - founder of the Creation Science Evangelism ministry. Willful failure to collect, account for, and pay over Federal income taxes, knowingly structuring transactions in Federally-insured financial institutions to evade the reporting requirements, and obstructing and impeding the administration of the internal revenue laws.
- L. Ron Hubbard - Founder of Scientology. He was convicted of petty theft and ordered to pay a $25 fine in San Luis Obispo, California, in 1948 and in 1978 was convicted of illegal business practices, namely, making false claims about his ability to cure physical illnesses in France. He was sentenced in absentia to four years in prison, which was never served.
- Luc Jouret - A founder of the Order of the Solar Temple. He was convicted in Canadian Federal Court of conspiring to buy illegal handguns.
- Henry Lyons - Former President of National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc. Convicted for racketeering and grand theft.
- Barry Minkow - Head pastor of San Diego's Community Bible Church, and founder of the Fraud Discovery Institute, who had turned to religion and entered the ministry after release from prison for the notorious ZZZZ Best fraud, returned to prison in 2011 for further acts of securities fraud while serving as a clergyman.
- Sun Myung Moon - Leader of Unification Church, imprisoned for criminal tax fraud in the 1980s.
- Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh – later called Osho. Fined $400,000 and given a 10-year suspended sentence following a plea bargain agreement in which he made an Alford plea to (1) a charge of having concealed his intent to remain permanently in the U.S. at the time he applied for his visa extension and (2) a charge of having conspired to have followers stay illegally in the country by having them enter into sham marriages. Deported from the United States.
- David Yonggi Cho - Founder of Yoido Full Gospel Church. Sentenced to three years in prison for embezzling 13 billion won (US$12 million) in church funds, in 2014.
- Kong Hee - Founder of City Harvest Church. Original sentence of eight years, reduced to three and a half years for misappropriation of church funds amounting to SGD50million, in 2016. See City Harvest Church Criminal Breach of Trust Case
List of religious leaders convicted of crimes - Wikipedia
and these are only recent; how much have the church "leaders", the "shepherds" been doing things against billions of people over the centuries?! If you want to have a lovely, beautiful garden, then make sure you don't have Japanese knotweed. If you do have it and want to get rid of it, then you must get rid of it properly; you must get to the root of the problem; otherwise, your lovely "eden" will be full of poison apples and mind-altering substances that make you think an Animal, the serpent that "god" created to be more cunning than all others, is talking to you, "tempting" you with knowledge. To paraphrase -
Matthew 7:15-17
"Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognise them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit..."
Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
you'll know "god" by its fruit... or its weeds. It admits creating evil; it brings forth evil fruit, its dirty, rotten, jewish fruit. I wonder why there wasn't any mention of Japanese knotweed in the bibles. Oh - because all events in the bibles happened within a small radius of a location within the Middle East. Herp-derp. Surely Adam and Eve would have pestered "god" to burn the evil Japanese knotweed roots... When the jew plants and gardens, this is what Earth turns into...
Of course, christians will deny these as "false prophets", but it is not very different from the forceful blockage against knowledge and understanding in the past. "god" just slaughtered millions for using the free will it gave them, and stole precious stones and the Lands of Peoples. These "leaders", acting, have a lot of money. So does the worldwide church and "the" pope.

Presuming christian families are having Children still, and not many older people are dying, then this is increasing.
What christianity is is a capitalist business. While the politics and governances of the past might have been whatever, it was all still capitalist. The "prophets" refer to the corruptors who lie and sell a product; prophets make profits, like goalies goalkeep. You know the saying, "hater's gunna hate"; prophet's gunna profit. From desperate people. Exploitation. The jew wrote in the full-of-holes, i.e. holey, books that things would repeat - this continues to repeat.
It was, is and - if it continues - will be an actual, literal mafia, a worldwide anti-Human, anti-Natural, anti-Spiritual, anti-Scientific programme of death and destruction run, owned, maintained and administered by the twisted, perverted and perverse, anti-Human, evil dirty mafia family which stole, twisted, perverted and corrupted already-existing knowledge, understanding, wisdom, customs, culture, being, life, etc... into its own dirty shit, and since "god" "sews the seeds" (Matthew 13:3) (read these biblical references again and remember "gift of god" meaning weeds and shit upon Earth) to make a garden of weeds, it is not just the anti-Human dirty shit that do this; some Humans also have been grown up with weeds and shit and poison in their Minds, Hearts and Souls and do similar things against Humans. "god", i.e. the jew, wants you to have faith that what it is telling you, and selling you, is true and you'll live in paradise next to this evil "god", while if you have knowledge then you are disgusting because the jew loses power and control.
Back when the jew was writing the bibles, where it said, "let there be light", and then things were "created", it seemed to know Natural principles and then just changed them around with light existing before the Sun did... The jew knows a lot, and decided, because it thinks it is authourity over us, that we shouldn't know things, but instead forced us to be slaves and be ignorant and stupid and controlled us through ignorance and fear. No wonder Scientific advancement has to recieve a lot of funding, and things are becoming more and more expensive, and the jew tries to slow things down, etc. because the jew is fearing, it is shit-scared, that we are gaining knowledge and learning the secrets of Nature and the Universe. If Scientific advancement and learning did not cost that much, we'd be so much further on than we are now. The jew knows that.

It might not have been illegal exactly, nor a "sin", but access to literacy especially in regards to religious texts often was restricted by both secular and religious authourities. Back then, I suspect "secular" authourities, still under biblical "law" in societal legislation, were actually the same promoters of jesus, i.e. they along with the religious "leaders" were all playing good-copper/bad-copper. Once one starts to learn what the bibles say, then one can start to unravel its bullshit, and then - since curious minds need to know - go on to learn actual, real-life things of Nature and the Universe. Even the very "words" that "god" "spoke" were not "allowed" to be understood; one just had to obey as a ignorant, unknowing, uneducated, illiterate-in-your-own-language slave. When christians today cry "persecution", they must be recalling past-life trauma and memories of being a slave of the jew while stupid and being like Children - illiterate/semi-literate, ignorant, uneducated, instead of having learnt things. We still learnt actual knowledge of actual things, despite that, though... The bibles say to be like Children [Matthew 18:3] and also where "god" wants to dash stones against the little ones, the ones doing this seizing of and dashing against Children is blessed [Psalm 137:9] - that's how you're supposed to be mistreated.
Things say that many christian communities used different scriptures in the 2nd and 3rd centuries CE, and in the 4th century CE councils and influential figures helped formalise the biblical canon; and in real-life, jewish-narrated history states that jesus actually existed in about 0BCE/CE-33CE - or more accurately, born, lived and died from somewhere between 7BCE to 4BCE and +33 years (without actual biblical mention of age at death, with scholars estimating the age being in the early 30s due to historical context) (there being 33 degrees of masonry and 33 vertebrae in the Human spine, coincidentally or cohencidentally).
Suppressing Humans' Natural inclinations causes depression and being wound-up very tightly and so many problems, in many various ways. Along with that is the fundamentalism and extremism (one leading on to the other) and the arrogance that one, as a christian, probably would go into thinking that they are always right and that "god" agrees with them causing them to put themselves in a higher place than others so that they think they can get away with arrogance and crimes and corruption because they've convinced themselves, or they've been convinced by preachers, that they're under "higher laws" so they "own" Earth and can do whatever they want.
Based on what I researched includes "while shepherds watched their flocks by night" - that seems to be too cold for that to be in December. During winter, the sheep would be brought into shelters; they'd be out during the warmer times of the year. "jesus" would have been born not in winter, and December was chosen to align with Natural AKA Pagan festivals, so that - just like above with "jesus" merging with already-existing philosopy - "jesus" could be integrated and mixed with already-existing Natural things and festivals, and then, as happened, attempt to replace them.
The estimated dates of "jesus" being born were between March 7BCE and December 4BCE, that I found, including Astrological/Astronomical timings. I am not an Astrologer by any stretch of the imagination. What I say here is merely common sense. Since there isn't an actual date-and-time stamp of "jesus" being born, then one cannot do "jesus"'s Astrology chart. During this date range, various Planetary positions (again, I'm meaning common sense here) fit with the positive attributes of the "nature of jesus". One will not be born extremely slowly over a 4-year period; one is born so much quicker than that, so an Astrological placement that happened in March 7BCE, being an attribute, would not be the same as in December 4BCE, being an attribute; and one cannot have a date-range of attributes being attributed to them of their date-and-time stamp at birth; it is the rather specific date and time of when and where you're born; yet the good attributes from this date range = "jesus"'s "nature" as purported in the bibles and by christians. I am sure christians would lol and be happy about that, either that Astrology is nonsense for "jesus"; therefore, it is nonsense for everyone; or that all of these attributes from a date range are for "jesus", misunderstanding that the date range doesn't work and/or ignoring that it doesn't work but still going with it. The "birth date" of "jesus" just so very conveniently and cohencidentally just happened to be the transition into the Age of Pisces/Kali Yuga - and for those who don't know, "jehova" means "god of evil".

So christians are supposed to 'meditate' - get the "word of god" to be them. They are supposed to inhale all of it, from this god of evil, so that it becomes them. Humans are supposed to ingest jewish poison so it becomes them. No wonder they go through great difficulty trying to be a good little christian, when their own Nature is fighting back against that disgusting shit, and their Mind and Soul are trying to wake them up. Then they blame Satan and thank "god"; not taking responsibility themselves nor having pride in their own decent accomplishments. Have a quick look at the main parts above again, and remember christians find "pleasure" in giving "god" money every Sunday for the conducting of evil unto the World. They literally are, knowingly or unknowingly, funding a worldwide anti-Human, anti-Nature, anti-Spiritual, anti-Science mafia programme of death and destruction - and they say Satan is evil and "god" is good. Verily, FancyMancy say to thee - woe unto christians for putting "good" for evil and "evil" for good [paraphrase of Isaiah 5:20]. These people above are not not-real-christians; they do exactly as "god" prefers, but still not enough, obviously. This god of evil's very "word" is supposed to fill up christians and be them and replace them - from what "god" bore them as originally! Retard! They were born without it, and "god" bore them as they were, and then they must change to be the "word" that "god" "spoke". Such retarded illogical nonsense bullshit. Then we see the state of the World.
P.S. "You don't focus on islam; you only go after christianity." I wasn't a muslim; I don't know anything about it, very little, in fact. I was a christian; I know a lot more about that. Besides - islam is today what christianity was in history, and both islam and christianity are two sides of the same dirty jewish coin.