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Satanism - Past and Today

The Alchemist7 [TG]

Head of Translations
Nov 17, 2017
[email protected]
Many people and even among our own on the forums here who are attached to the Joy of Satan identity seem to forget, or not be aware of the context upon which the movement of Satanism has developed globally in the last 5-6 decades. Starting from the 1950s a widespread movement of "rebellion" against traditionally christian norms and beliefs emerged on multiple levels where a lot of concepts and elements considered "anti-christian" or "unfit" in a christian society have started to become appealing and gain popularity and interest among large numbers of people, starting mainly in North America and Western Europe and spread globally in a matter of years. This is historically known as the Religious Crisis of the 1960s. This is the period when so called "satanic" (as the vast majority of hardcore christians consider them) music genres such as heavy metal, rock and punk have developed and together with them, entire cultures and "anti-conformity", aggressive clothing styles etc.


This period has also seen the advent of wicca, new-age and other christianity-inspired forms of magic and witchcraft. As most people know from this major current of ideological and societal changes, Satanism has derived in the form of Church of Satan by Anton LaVey. Since then this was to become the generally-accepted image of Satanism where Anton Lavey has taken the christian views about Satan and turned them upside-down, not denying any of the christian falacies but consolidading the belief that Satan is an evil being that is antagonist to the judeo-christian god.


Has Anton Lavey done any justice to Satan and the Gods? Is the above how Satan and the Gods were originally depicted in ancient times? No! What he did though was to contribute to the anti-christian sentiment that was growing in many people and giving them a major alternative to christianity that was also in "theme" with the growing trends mentioned above. What counter-religion could be as major if not the worhsipping of the "Adversary of God"?. How many times have you heard hardcore christians or old people say that those listening to rock and heavy metal and dressing as such are "satanists"? I personally have many times, because there is a connection here and these all originated from one large movement. Anyone can easily tell how Satanism was just the other side of christianity when Anton Lavey calls his movement "Church of Satan", he writes "the Satanic Bible", asigns as the emblem of Satanism a pentagram that is circled with hebrew letters around it (yes, the fact that Lavey was jewish definitely did not help the matter either and the influences are very telling). Other similar demoninations have derived from this, in the same way many sects and cults have derived off christianity (such as the jehovah witnesses).

The other side did not stay silent either. The same period has seen a major popularization of horror movies, "demonic possessions", christian priests that can exorcise people and cast the "evil demons" out. Hollywood and the movie industry played a major role in countering the growing movement of Satanism as in, the worshipping of the Adversary of the judeo-christian god. This is the image that has developed about Satanism globally, to this day. Absolutely no consideration for pre-christian time when the religions of the Gods existed for thousands of years and had absolutely nothing in common to what Satanism was to become in modern times.

Anton Lavey as the founder of the first internationally recognised "satanic organisation", did not help the Gods or their image at all, however a step forward has been made. Satan was brought back to public attention and even in these extremely twisted and ugly ways still found admiration among those that opposed christian norms and beliefs. This is the context Joy of Satan has been based on. We could argue all day, but the objective truth is likely that it could not be any other way. Unlike Anton Lavey, not only that HPS Maxine knew the Gods as predating any christian opinions and fabrications, but she also emphasised on this repeatedly on the site and called out the other "satanic" movements for just twisting christianity and nothing else. Joy of Satan was the first "Satanic organisation" to acknowledge Satan and the Gods as real beings that predate judeo-christianity. This was another major step forward that allowed the Gods further to become more known among people and in a more positive light. However is this the ultimate representation of the Gods? Is this how we want people to know the Gods? No. However you have to keep in mind, Lavey had connections in the music and movie industry, publishing industry, famous and rich people etc. He had the resources and backing to create Satanism, however he has done it in the worst way possible, which is most likely why the "elites" allowed this to happen altogether. They knew they couldn't stop it because the entire movement had so many ramifications in other areas but made it so the most wrong and ugliest image of Satan would become the most popular.

This is likely the reason Lavey and Church of Satan became famous with mass media while HPS Maxine and Joy of Satan were and are unheard of on the public scene. HPS Maxine had nothing, no fortune, no connections with rich people or elites, no background and connections in movie or music industries, yet she had the Gods backing and guiding her and created the only Satanic organisation that eventually stood the test of time and that is actually relevant from the standpoint of global reach, resources, teachings, the Gods. How many people are now in the Church of Satan? How many are giving it any relevant importance? How many people are in any other "satanic" cults and what real advice do these provide to their followers? The truth is, Joy of Satan - Temple of Zeus is a lot bigger than anybody would want to admit, and we are still at beginning stages.

Keep in mind, we has been censored, shadowbanned, deliberately kept underground and away from public attention, we have been attacked, hacked, had our forums and sites taken down and so on, because HPS Maxine did her utmost best to take the ugly image of Satan Lavey has created and turn it into something actually meaningful and more closer to the Gods. However this is as far as the modern idea of Satanism can go. Most people have heard of Satanism, but how many did actually care to research into it and question their own beliefs? An extremely small percentage, because the traditional image of Satanism that Lavey has created is one of ugliness, degeneracy, materialism and by its philosophical and phychological associations with christianity, an image of slander and fabrications. What Satanism was supposed to become was a current of mass awakening of people to the ancient Gods and Lavey has created something that made this impossible.

HPS Maxine has taken the above and did major progresses in the right direction, and Temple of Zeus can build upon her work further and represent a new beginning and an array of opportunities can arise for us to make the Gods a lot more known that it has been done before. We have grown and matured enough to leave behind the ugly image of Satanism that Anton Lavey has created and we are creating our own context where we can build the most accurate and pure image of the Gods and as close as possible to their original and real identity and that is going to be a lot more globally appealing and sympathetic to all people than Satanism has ever been. Also a context where the enemy will have virtually no moral power over us and will not be able to lie about Satan - Zeus anymore as they have been doing for centuries. People will be a lot more comfortable to be with the Ancient Gods in the purest form we can present them into than to be with whatever the enemy has said about Them before.

I am saying this for all of you to understand that major changes happen in gradual steps and they take a lot of time to manifest. You have to see the bigger picture of how we came to be and what we want to achieve on long term. It is a psychological fact that people are resistant and skeptic to change, once we found or made our comfort zone we don't want to get out of it, however if we don't get out of our comfort zone we are going to remain stuck in place. As time goes Temple of Zeus will see many developments and if we do what we have to do we can turn around the global perception about the Gods into something totally more positive and closer to how they have been known when people were still following Them.
For me personally, it will always be the Joy of Satan, as well as now the Temple of Zeus, but primarily the Joy of Satan. That name has alot of meaning, being Satan's joy. I never interpreted it through the window dressings of jewish hollywood portrayals of Satan or Satanism.

I understand the importance of presentation for the public given the context of lies Satanism has risen from, and this reform has been a long time coming. But I still love the Joy of Satan.
Many people and even among our own on the forums here who are attached to the Joy of Satan identity seem to forget, or not be aware of the context upon which the movement of Satanism has developed globally in the last 5-6 decades. Starting from the 1950s a widespread movement of "rebellion" against traditionally christian norms and beliefs emerged on multiple levels where a lot of concepts and elements considered "anti-christian" or "unfit" in a christian society have started to become appealing and gain popularity and interest among large numbers of people, starting mainly in North America and Western Europe and spread globally in a matter of years. This is historically known as the Religious Crisis of the 1960s. This is the period when so called "satanic" (as the vast majority of hardcore christians consider them) music genres such as heavy metal, rock and punk have developed and together with them, entire cultures and "anti-conformity", aggressive clothing styles etc.

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This period has also seen the advent of wicca, new-age and other christianity-inspired forms of magic and witchcraft. As most people know from this major current of ideological and societal changes, Satanism has derived in the form of Church of Satan by Anton LaVey. Since then this was to become the generally-accepted image of Satanism where Anton Lavey has taken the christian views about Satan and turned them upside-down, not denying any of the christian falacies but consolidading the belief that Satan is an evil being that is antagonist to the judeo-christian god.

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Has Anton Lavey done any justice to Satan and the Gods? Is the above how Satan and the Gods were originally depicted in ancient times? No! What he did though was to contribute to the anti-christian sentiment that was growing in many people and giving them a major alternative to christianity that was also in "theme" with the growing trends mentioned above. What counter-religion could be as major if not the worhsipping of the "Adversary of God"?. How many times have you heard hardcore christians or old people say that those listening to rock and heavy metal and dressing as such are "satanists"? I personally have many times, because there is a connection here and these all originated from one large movement. Anyone can easily tell how "Satanism" was just "the other side of christianity" when Anton Lavey calls his movement "Church of Satan", he writes "the Satanic Bible", asigns as the emblem of Satanism a pentagram that is circled with hebrew letters around it (yes, the fact that Lavey was jewish definitely did not help the matter either and the influences are very telling). Other similar demoninations have derived from this, in the same way many sects and cults have derived off christianity (such as the jewova witnesses).

The other side did not stay silent either. The same period has seen a major popularization of horror movies, "demonic possessions", christian priests that can exorcise people and cast the "evil demons" out. Hollywood and the movie industry played a major role in countering the growing movement of Satanism as in, the worshipping of the Adversary of the judeo-christian god. This is the image that has developed about Satanism globally, to this day. Absolutely no consideration for pre-christian time when the religions of the Gods existed for thousands of years and had absolutely nothing in common to what Satanism was to become in modern times.

Anton Lavey as the founder of the first internationally recognised "satanic organisation", did not help the Gods or their image at all, however a step forward has been made. Satan was brought back to public attention and even in these extremely twisted and ugly ways still found admiration among those that opposed christian norms and beliefs. This is the context Joy of Satan has been based on. We could argue all day, but the objective truth is likely that it could not be any other way. Unlike Anton Lavey, not only that HPS Maxine knew the Gods as predating any christian opinions and fabrications, but she also emphasised on this repeatedly on the site and called out the other "satanic" movements for just twisting christianity and nothing else. Joy of Satan was the first "Satanic organisation" to acknowledge Satan and the Gods as real beings that predate judeo-christianity. This was another major step forward that allowed the Gods further to become more known among people and in a more positive light. However is this the ultimate representation of the Gods? Is this how we want people to know the Gods? No. However you have to keep in mind, Lavey had connections in the music and movie industry, publishing industry, famous and rich people etc. He had the resources and backing to create Satanism, however he has done it in the worst way possible, which is most likely why the "elites" allowed this to happen altogether. They knew they couldn't stop it because the entire movement had so many ramifications in other areas but made it so the most wrong and ugliest image of Satan would become the most popular.

This is likely the reason Lavey and Church of Satan became famous with mass media while HPS Maxine and Joy of Satan were and are unheard of on the public scene. HPS Maxine had nothing, no fortune, no connections with rich people or elites, no background and connections in movie or music industries, yet she had the Gods backing and guiding her and created the only Satanic organisation that eventually stood the test of time and that is actually relevant from the standpoint of global reach, resources, teachings, the Gods. How many people are now in the Church of Satan? How many are giving it any relevant importance? How many people are in any other "satanic" cults and what real or advice do these provide to their followers? The truth is, Joy of Satan - Temple of Zeus is a lot bigger than anybody would want to admit, and we are still at beginning stages.

Keep in mind, we has been censored, shadowbanned, deliberately kept underground and away from public attention, we have been attacked, hacked, had our forums and sites taken down and so on, because HPS Maxine did her utmost best to take the ugly image of Satan Lavey has created and turn it into something actually meaningful and more closer to the Gods. However this is as far as the modern idea of Satanism can go. Most people have heard of Satanism, but how many did actually care to research into it and question their own beliefs? An extremely small percentage, because the traditional image of Satanism that Lavey has created is one of ugliness, degeneracy, materialism and by its philosophical and phychological associations with christianity, an image of slander and fabrications. What Satanism was supposed to become was a current of mass awakening of people to the ancient Gods and Lavey has created something that made this impossible.

HPS Maxine has taken the above and did major progresses in the right direction, and Temple of Zeus can build upon her work further and represent a new beginning and an array of opportunities can arise for us to make the Gods a lot more known that it has been done before. We have grown and matured enough to leave behind the ugly image of Satanism that Anton Lavey has created and we are creating our own context where we can build the most accurate and pure image of the Gods and as close as possible to their original and real identity and that is going to be a lot more globally appealing and sympathetic to all people than Satanism has ever been. Also a context where the enemy will have virtually no moral power over us and will not be able to lie about Satan - Zeus anymore as they have been doing for centuries. People will be a lot more comfortable to be with the Ancient Gods in the purest form we can present them into than to be with whatever the enemy has said before about Them before.

I am saying this for all of you to understand that major changes happen in gradual steps and they take a lot of time to manifest. You have to see the bigger picture of how we came to be and what we want to achieve on long term. It is a psychological fact that people are resistant and skeptic to change, once we found or made our comfort zone we don't want to get out of it, however if we don't get out of our comfort zone we are going to remain stuck in place. As time goes Temple of Zeus will see many developments and if we do what we have to do we can turn around the global perception about the Gods into something totally more positive and closer to how they have been known when people were still following Them.
The, Jos/ The Temple of Zeus. Makes more, sense to me. Most other
, groups I have been in were enemy related and laced with lies, xtians and jewish Marxism.
I always rejected Xianity since I was a child and I remained in the metalhead stereotype until the early 30s and I had already known about Lavey's Church of Satan for years but it didn't attract my attention because I saw it as reverse Xianity. In my 20s I followed the black metal scene led by Varg Vikernes as a reference and some punk bands like The Exploited.

It wasn't until I heard about the Sumerian tablets and the Pagan Gods that I began to be interested in Satanism in a more spiritual way and that made me end up discovering the JOS.
Great point, I for once never understood why we kept the "edgy" names and designs since it has been years that we have known who our Gods really are.
So my case is kind of the opposite of what most people are having issues with, yes I too grew attached to our previous identity but I've always seen it as something that doesn't make a lot of sense to "wear" for us.

Talking about LaVey, what about that thing we used to believe that "he was a miracle by Satan Himself, a Gentile Soul in a jewish body so he could bring Satan to the attention of the world without the enemy stopping him"? I remember Lady Maxine Herself has said it. But my memory isn't the best ahah.
I always rejected Xianity since I was a child and I remained in the metalhead stereotype until the early 30s and I had already known about Lavey's Church of Satan for years but it didn't attract my attention because I saw it as reverse Xianity. In my 20s I followed the black metal scene led by Varg Vikernes as a reference and some punk bands like The Exploited.

It wasn't until I heard about the Sumerian tablets and the Pagan Gods that I began to be interested in Satanism in a more spiritual way and that made me end up discovering the JOS.
Varg's youtube channel before it was deleted was a great educational and inspirational tool for me when I was younger. I have a backup of all of his videos, but no good way to share them.

You can probably still find them on Archive.org. I would like to put something to organize them by the date they were posted like how it was sorted on the original youtube page, but not sure where to find that information.
Varg's youtube channel before it was deleted was a great educational and inspirational tool for me when I was younger. I have a backup of all of his videos, but no good way to share them.
Cloud storage. Since the archive is likely large enough you would probably need to buy some extra space. If you have the required equipment and knowhow, you can make your own network accessed storage.
Cloud storage. Since the archive is likely large enough you would probably need to buy some extra space. If you have the required equipment and knowhow, you can make your own network accessed storage.
Maybe bitchute?
Maybe bitchute?
That's a maybe because we don't know what's going to be left posted and what's not. And in comparison to cloud storage it is cumbersome and slow to use regarding uploading and downloading content.
Varg's youtube channel before it was deleted was a great educational and inspirational tool for me when I was younger. I have a backup of all of his videos, but no good way to share them.

You can probably still find them on Archive.org. I would like to put something to organize them by the date they were posted like how it was sorted on the original youtube page, but not sure where to find that information.
Same in my case, it was watching his videos that made me realize some things before being an SS, like that capitalism and communism are two sides of the same jewish coin.
This is an impressive post that takes everything in full context. Very enjoyable to read and well written, thank you JG.
Varg's youtube channel before it was deleted was a great educational and inspirational tool for me when I was younger. I have a backup of all of his videos, but no good way to share them.

You can probably still find them on Archive.org. I would like to put something to organize them by the date they were posted like how it was sorted on the original youtube page, but not sure where to find that information.

Varg have been very negative towards the JoS on twitter though, insulting us and so on.
Varg have been very negative towards the JoS on twitter though, insulting us and so on.
He doesn't know all the things that we know. The only "satanism" that he ever knew about is the reverse christian bullshit that is the same as christianity. And for the nordic religious stories, he does not have the spiritual knowledge to interpret them correctly.

Varg is good for historical and cultural knowledge and music.
I am so excited to see this community evolving. Our predecessors laid the ground work with JOS, but I feel this new Temple of Zeus direction will be more relatable and digestible than the origin website. I created a TikTok account with the same name, ScaredShirtless, and created videos from the articles that HP Maxine wrote. I ended up with like 1800 followers and it was amazing to see how many people responded positively to the teachings and sermons from Satan. This new age, it belongs to us. I deleted that Tik Tok account, and am currently doing you tube instead. @officialscaredshirtless if the you tube if any of you would like to watch Maxine's material in video format, or would like to give me some creative criticism to represent this ministry better.
Varg have been very negative towards the JoS on twitter though, insulting us and so on.

We don't need Varg and he might come around in the future, maybe not. Varg was also part of the "Satanic Panic" situation so he has harmed our side but thankfully changed it up later.
I am so excited to see this community evolving. Our predecessors laid the ground work with JOS, but I feel this new Temple of Zeus direction will be more relatable and digestible than the origin website. I created a TikTok account with the same name, ScaredShirtless, and created videos from the articles that HP Maxine wrote. I ended up with like 1800 followers and it was amazing to see how many people responded positively to the teachings and sermons from Satan. This new age, it belongs to us. I deleted that Tik Tok account, and am currently doing you tube instead. @officialscaredshirtless if the you tube if any of you would like to watch Maxine's material in video format, or would like to give me some creative criticism to represent this ministry better.
Hello that is great to hear. You could have continued with the tiktok account as it seems to be very popular and widespread nowadays, as a form of activism.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
