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The synod of the church of England voting about safeguarding against abuse


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017

"Things that have been laid bare..."
Deliberate choice of words.

"...that will prevent these failings ever happening again..."
They're not failings. They're deliberate choices, decisions of evil. A failure is trying something and then not being able to do it; this was deliberate, on purpose, chosen consciously and wickedly with ill intent in mind, malice in heart, and evil in soul.

"...this is the time when the church has to send out a clear signal to abuse victims and survivors that they are very serious about making the church a safe place again..."
"Again"? When was it ever a safe place? Its history and its true nature are being known... and christians continue to defend it blindly, ignorantly, stupidly deliberately. Those who identify as christians bullshit others and themselves, saying that atheists, by which they mean all non-christians, are evil and going to "burn in christian hell" which "god" created deliberately, because they refuse to accept that that "loving" "god", who created christian hell deliberately, had its own son (which is also itself) be tortured to death. You refusing to accept a thing having its own son, which is also itself, be tortured to death means you will be punished for eternity - christians defend and promote and worship that, while "god" watches all of this evil happening, instead of doing anything at all to prevent it.

"...the bishops who are celebrating that move say they didn't want to make a promise they couldn't keep, but a lot of the church abuse victims that we've been speaking to say they feel they've been let down again and the church missed an opportunity to say it was really serious about moving forward on dealing with abuse."
The lowly Humans and/or the jew didn't want to make a promise they couldn't keep, ignoiring "god" supposedly being "all-powerful" so it should be able to do anything and everything, so instead it was not a promise but "send a clear signal". Such fucking bullshit... The cherry-pickers AKA christians don't care that they are bullshitting; "god is all-powerful", but only the lowly Humans and the jew there don't want to make a promise about safeguarding Children against the church "leaders" that "god" watches commit abuse. The church also didn't miss an opportunity; it ignored it.

Voting is to take place. By Humans and presumably a number of j00z also being present. "god", "all-knowing" and "all-powerful" won't be present and won't be dictating anything; the lowly Humans and/or jew will be voting. Despite that, you know that they will bullshit -

'god' has blessed us with this damning outing of our institution's still somewhat secret current evil and has informed only the highest 'priest'; none of us lowly stupid sheep - about how we should change. Instead of 'coming down' and stepping-in to stop our evil from occurring - or better yet, preventing it from happening in the first place - against Children, it just watched us commit these attrocities against Children - and only regarding this which has been revealed; we ignore, and will not tell you about, all previous history of us committing pure evil against Humans and against Children specifically while 'god' just watched us commit evil and refusing to 'come down from heaven' and make the World a better place while we merely pray and don't make the World a better place ourselves. We are committed to the never-changing 'god', who admits in the new testament that it is 'the same yesterday, today and forever', in changing its never-changing mind and in doing things differently now that secular society has harmed our secret happenings of which we've been exposed and revealed.

...or something along those... or... not-quite-those lines, but maybe you understand my point. You know they'll say "god" helped them to improve, not that retards sat and chatted about, and voted for, shit.

I have said before that I was watching some videos on youtube. Regarding different topics, some can be about a christian saying that if it wasn't for "god" telling them to not do certain immoral or malicious, or worse, acts, then they would commit them.

"Those who can persuade us to believe absurdities can make us commit atrocities."

Some of the people in the videos who are arguing against belief and religion and those things are (allegedly) open to demonstration that "god" exists, etc., blah, blah, blah. In some of them, there are guests who do a bit on a topic of their choice. On one such topic was someone who said that religious society has a lot higher crime and shit than secular society (Humans are better and more-powerful than yahweh, jehova, "god") - and these videos are maybe 12-15 years old on youtube; they surely are about as old as, if not older than, that when having appeared originally.


So they... err... choose what the doctrine is. The sheep say "god" tells them things... That's the same as those who decided which books would be in the bibles and which wouldn't, way back when...

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
~Unknown; although, apparently misattributed to 18th century Irish philosopher and statesman Edmund Burke

As is obvious, christians are not Good Men. The individual Humans might be good, but the christianity within them is not, and they do not do good things; they just pray instead of helping properly.

christians defend this, the above, and ignore what happens against Humanity and Children specifically, and just regurgitate irrelevant verses from the bibles, not caring about things that happen. This is starting to make more sense, in at least one way, as to how and why "many will want to join in the end, but it will be too late"...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
