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Examples of Dissimilation, Changing Speech, Changing Minds, Changing Behaviour, Changing People


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
Along with prestidigitation (sleight of hand, magic tricks) which is for fun and entertainment, the jew likes to do this in other ways, as well. I mention a lot that the jew dissimilates, i.e. tries to change meanings and terms. Examples -
  1. The jew basically admits re-writing history, trying to force you to think the way it wants; wronging rightthink
  2. The Joys of Yiddish [Revised] It's a wordbook but not a dictionary but is a lexicon. All three of these mean the same thing. This is a revised edition, saying the same thing as previous editions...
  3. Pretending that there are 6 million genders and identities. I identify as the World's richest, most-powerful banana. (I'm just waiting...)
  4. American trying to claim "American English", when English is of England. There is no "British English"; it is English; there is no "AmericEngland" nor "American English"; it is American (or Americanian, Americanese).
There is hardly English itself, with everyone coming over here and injecting other languages into our speaking over the centuries. We can't keep our own identities. These days we have to "switch" from one energy company or one Internet service provider to another. I thought we just used to change, but I'm only English... There aren't any switches to switch which one keeps swtiching; therefore, they are not a switcher and they do not switch. Where have all the English idoms gone, and all of the fun English terms? How many can you name without cheating? Misspelling of "-or" instead of "-our" and "-ize" instead of "-ise". "Does it matter?!" It's OK for "urban" verses in all sorts of pop music, but I've never heard any White verses in rap or hip-hop. White and Asian dancers trying to dance Black/"urban" instead of dancing their own cultures and identities. Talk about a melting pot; and the pot melts further - other examples include "gives me 'the ick'" as if someone has an "ick" in their hand and gives it to them, "that's cringe", as opposed to "cringey" or "cringeworthy", and "I feel" when they actually mean "I think". We can be injected with other culture, but we can't inject into other culture. We can't do cultural appropriation, but we can be appropriated culturally against. I don't want cornrows. That's not my culture; let Blacks have and keep to their own, their own culture. I know it is the jew's attempt at blaming Whites for raping (whether sexually or non-sexually) other cultures in history with christianity, but that is jewish, not White. Again - "Does it matter?" if we spell things differently and incorrectly or "Does it matter" "that you don't like, FancyMancy"? It's not about my likes and dislikes. It does matter.

I was once near a mental health charity helping thing in passing, and either with or without a license to play music publicly they had a radio on. One song "I'm only Human, after all" came on. We're not "only Human". We have achieved things, in the last merely few thousand years, that lower Animals, who are millions and millions of years older than us, have never achieved, never been able to achieve, and by the looks of it, never will achieve. I was trying to explain that being a mental health help thing, such music shouldn't be played. Instead of understanding me, the workers and service users who heard me misunderstood and claimed that I was saying the song should not be played because I disliked the song, instead of realising being a supposed help thing for mental health it shouldn't have depressing and minimising, belittling, undermining things there. They all know best, though; they either have qualifications in "learned" mental health "help" or use/have used the service.

"Satan" means "Enemy, Adversary" in jewish things, but in real-life, Satan is highly-respected, highly-regarded, highly-esteemed. Even the jew, Satan's enemy, can't ignore Him, and has to slander and libel against Him and His Name.

Yes, it does matter what we say. One misspelling and then another and then other words and then incorrect thinking and then this, that, and the other, then depression... "Om" is not a mantra/vinration in meditation. "AUM" is correct. ("Sol", "Om" and "On" are names for our star, the Sun, and "solomon" was supposed to be the wisest jew, yet it didn't know how to invent a camcorder to record its magic, and it died, lol.) Here's 2.5 examples of raping Children's Minds with incorrect words and incorrect thinking -

"There are two genders", said a student; his teacher kicked him out of the classroom

re: "There are two genders", said student; teacher kicked him out classroom

Modern eDuCaTiOn

Regarding "-or" instead of "-our" and "-ize" instead of "-ise" - yes, it does matter. We lose what little identity we have of our own speech. Non-English, i.e. European, Asian, African people who are supposed to be learning... well... "English"... actually learn American instead. I wonder if I wanted to learn Zimbabwean I might go to Japan and learn Japbabweanianese (Jap-babwe-aynian-ees), instead.


If you control what people say, you control what they think; if you control what they think, you control their behaviour; if you control their behaviour... It doesn't always, if ever, happen quickly. It can also be slower than that. People's speech, as well as patterns of behaviour, influences Children who then learn it as correct, who can then be influenced based on that. Notice why generations tend to be different, and when parents, grandparents and older generations see the young'ns they might roll their eyes, tut and lol a bit at the immature silliness, thinking and saying "it'll be alriiiight".

I didn't realise this at first - I started this thread with "prestidigitation". That's a lardy-dar word. "Oooh. A big word!" We commoners hardly say "sleight of hand". Most of us just say "majik twiks! Yahughr!". Maybe this helps explain and understand my point.

I haven't learnt everything in language nor ancient languages nor etymologies. I present this simply. Why does language have to be complicated? One reason is what differentiates the aristocrats and elitists from the commoners and peons, serfs, peasants - and that is speech, language, what one says, how one speaks and how they have to speak depending on who they are speaking to.

"A most pleasant afternoon, Your Grace. It is an honour to bask in your esteemed presence."
"Morning, mate! How's it going?"

"How does this fine day find you, dear sir/madam? I trust your affairs are prospering?"
"How are you, then? All good?"

"I bid you a fond farewell. Until we meet again, may fortune and grace follow your every step."
"Alright then, catch you later!"

To repeat in concise form.
To appear to repeat (the evolutionary stages of the species) during the embryonic development of the individual organism.
To make a summary.

To surrender under specified conditions.
To give up all resistance; acquiesce, synonym - yield.
To settle or draw up the heads or terms of an agreement, as in chapters or articles; to agree.

In reference to; in the case of; concerning.
About, regarding, with reference to; especially in letters and documents.

Again, anew.

So to capitulate again is not to recapitulate, except that "re-" is to do again. Of course, there are plenty of other examples. I do expect, I wonder, I swear that back in whichever day of olde, probably in Medieval times, there was a highly-regarded saint whose surname was Upid St. Upid. who took the piss out of the commoners for not knowing that the bibles say "Blessed is he who seizes your infants and dashes them against the stones" and "I ... create evil; I, the LORD, do all these things" and then goes on to blame Satan for evil and harming Babies - and what did those pigs do to deserve the supposed Daemons' supposed evil spirits being put into them, driving them insane, and drowning themselves?! "jesus" is such a dirty, filthy swine - and christians are so clever for worshipping and defending it.

A bit more about the jew's hyperbole and rhetoric -
Something about the Jews and their speech patterns

Oh. FancyMancy is just talking nonsense above. Just ignore him.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
