This is interesting, can u post this here?
Maybe with the overlay of the US Chart and Trumps?
Well Saturn is not the devil, Saturn rules over Limits, stability, and learning the hard way, it is a planet of the old and wise. Saturn can reward you, Saturn is the King maker. But you have to rule over yourself first, and apply the saturnian knowledge from within - or else Saturn can be a very strict and punishing teacher.
On one hand Saturn rules over death and limits. When in conjunction with Mercury, the planet If Technology and speech, a possible outcome could be that the presence of Donald Trump would lead to some sort of a violation of speech, or the Liberty of speech and so on.
As we can see, this is what happened already - the media followed a certain narrative and fought against free speech, honest and unadulterated information, and basically brainwashed people on their ends with the media (Mercury).
Did Donald Trump caused this?
Did he wanted to do so?
Saturn in conjunction with the Chart Ruler can of course lead to misfortune - or it can act as a radical, honest, and cruel teacher that is showing the path to a better future and version, even if it is not comfortable.
Bringing the stability of a lasting Kingdom.
Saturn rules over death, the old, the cold, the barren, misfortune and hardluck.
But Saturn also stands for Limits, stability, that which lasts, learning the hard way and growing stronger.
Saturn is both the destroyer and King maker.
I believe Trump will unleash all the negativity (which was already present, but is now surfacing more) and release it - but it depends on what follows after that.