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Well-known member
Sep 21, 2017
This chapter may not be of interest for some people, but from my perspective can be quite intriguing for Romanians and for people who are very passionate about geopolitics, strategy, foreign policy and how the world affairs work.

I was criticized by a few very advanced individuals in the past months for formulating conspiracy theories, or for even giving the disclaimer that what I am about to say can be treated as a conspiracy theory. The notion of “conspiracy theory” normally should mean a possibility, a scenario that can happen or not. It is a possible event or series of events that are feasible and could occur, it does not mean they are bound to happen or not. The probabilities and degree of feasibility may vary due to many variables.

The whole game of chess is a game of conspiracy theories, of possibilities, speculations and possible outcomes. A tree type of ramification of possible events that if one can see in advance, they can avoid the adversary. This is also how basic AI operates and adding Quantum Computing on top of it speeds up the calculation of possibilities as each next possible event that can be a consequence of the previous can in turn have another series of consequence events. This is an analogy which we should contemplate on.

It is also very important to slide back to the original purpose of those writings which is to make a bridge between us and the outside world and to influence the exceptional people and those in positions of power and decisions. At this moment in time, the JoS community has shadow lurkers from the highest positions in the world.

It would be a good idea for them to learn from those writings, develop a chess like mindset and know how to anticipate the enemy, which in my opinion, has a great mind and way to fool, trick and manipulate which is often above the vast majority of gentiles. If we want to end this useless war once and for all, we and they who are in power better develop this mindset and start playing chess.

I understand that some may want to focus strictly on spiritual and/or physical development or on health or finances, but there are many subjects in our lives and on the macro scale there are people who look to the forums for guidance and ideas on how the Jew thinks and how to take on the enemy.

The current situation in Romania is also relevant to the massive restructuring of the world order which is taking place. People in positions of power have an extremely rare and unique opportunity to turn this in our advantage and there are signs that this may happen with the two major astrological transits adding on top of everything, Pluto in Aquarius and Neptune in Aries. The last one has a belligerent element to it and must therefore be watched with much carefulness.

This new candidate, Calin Georgescu came quite fast in the area of elections, but despite what many say, he has been known for quite a while in politics and UN projects. Some of his intentions are still unclear, but the evil of the rest of politicians are quite clear. Both those must be put on the weight scale.

I have formulated a scenario or a so-called “conspiracy theory” for the purpose of training the mind, understanding the games of geopolitics and perhaps even alerting some good-willed individuals in power to the mechanisms and strategies of the world so they can foresee, plan and avoid or empower certain movements.

This will also be in this final, edited version of my book in the previous chapter.

Again, this is just for the ones that are interested in global games of chess and if someone is not interested, they can skip this chapter and continue with the subjects of interest and we all have our own individual areas of interest and that is to be understood and respected.

“One can consider a possibility or conspiracy theory scenario, for anticipating and understanding some global strategy games or just for a bit of amusement:

Călin Georgescu receives verbal support from Trump or Kennedy before the next round of elections, whichever that may be in the current context if it will even take place — it is possible that someone from the Trump administration may put pressure on the illegal decision of the Constitutional Court to cancel the elections. Cristian Terheș has dual citizenship, also having American citizenship. There’s something suspicious about how he acted at the Constitutional Court so easily, overturning the elections. Firstly, he contested the results so the Court had a recount. Then the recount did not make any difference and the Court validated the first round. Then almost two weeks later when people already started voting abroad, the election was cancelled over mere speculations of Russian interference, the eternal boogey man of the Soros system. I speculated at first could be and American coup. The elections were annulled, and the first round and the whole process must now be repeated.

Here’s the idea: Georgescu could win on the back of American support, and everyone says, “How foolish we were to claim he’s Putin’s man.” But secretly, he might have some ties to Russia.

The elections end and then Georgescu could win amidst the social conjuncture. He weakens trade with the EU, using Orbán’s method (a more extreme version) but compensates with American trade. I understand that we’ve recently had some visa facilities updated; I put that into the equation as no coincidence. Likewise, the construction of the NATO mega-base at Kogălniceanu—larger than the historic Ramstein base—is a project carried out between the Biden and Trump administrations. In exchange for favorable trade relations with the U.S., the Americans could make weapons contracts at profitable prices. Trump would rather offer more defense to a country which he profits from, it is only fair from a business and strategical point of view.

Georgescu was a Freemason at a certain moment in time (could still be) who has worked at a high level in diplomacy and various UN projects on ecology and geopolitics. He is very educated and well read, his moral intentions remain a bit unclear. He didn’t suddenly enter politics as a “worn-out, outdated communist,” as pseudo-progressive intellectuals believe.

The American deep state knew it would make a change between 2024 and 2025. Trump probably knew his 2020 election would be stolen and planned to return much stronger as a martyr, evidenced by winning the electoral vote, popular vote, Senate, House of Representatives, and Supreme Court. Trump, Kennedy, and Musk have all advocated for peace between Ukraine and Russia, a peace that will be agreed upon by both sides. In a real negotiation, the treaty must be bilateral, not unilateral, like the joke of a unilateral negotiation in Paris this year. How can you talk about peace between Ukraine and Russia without inviting Russia to the negotiation table and expect to achieve anything? How idiotic must you be to play such games at this level?

After the war, Russia could return to the European commercial scene. This is likely the condition for a profitable version of peace in Ukraine, where Ukraine doesn’t concede too much territory or resources to the Russian Federation. This is how they hope to convince both sides. Any deal or exchange must be profitable for both parties.

Trump is reforming the world; he’s now building the new façade of the global deep state. He hasn’t eliminated the deep state; he’s reconstructed its image. He’s coming back to power much stronger, as a martyr, after possibly staging an assassination attempt on himself to boost his polls. Trump may seem ideologically more “normal” than the progressives, but he’s still a tool of the Jews. Or is he? At this point in time, it is hard to tell for sure. He, Elon Musk and Robert B. Kennedy have made declarations which imply sort of a high hostility towards the principles and tactics of the enemy and while this could be weighted as a controlled opposition tactic, some of those actions give birth to ideas similar to ours and bring speeches to the public attention that some of us have not even hoped to see.

Biden’s role was to start the war between Russia and Ukraine to weaken Russia before the war with China. The next stage could be transferring a colossal part of America’s military force to the Pacific for that war. This is why Trump wants to clean up Europe first. He wants to end the war in Ukraine and arm Europe as much as possible—especially Eastern Europe—so that when he reduces America’s military presence, Europe is sufficiently well-defended by its own powers. Some of his troops will still remain, but only in the areas where they are most needed. Trump, a businessman at heart, has always emphasized profitability in his dealings. He’s stated multiple times that arming NATO must benefit the United States. After all, the US contributes with 75% of NATO’s budget.

Georgescu boasts of being a skilled negotiator, much like Trump. This is why trade relations with the European Union will likely decline, while commercial and diplomatic relations with the United States will expand massively if we play this carefully. The European Union is an economic power in decline, while the new giants are the United States and China. Georgescu will offer Trump a market in exchange for favorable economic relations and security guarantees. Trump will defend us, but it must also benefit him. He has always bragged that he doesn’t want to be a slave to the EU and NATO but wants to stay in these alliances to secure a more dignified and profitable position. He wants to negotiate and gain as much advantage as possible from both sides.

China has captured a significant share of the global market, which irritates the Americans. This is why they may start a proxy war, hybrid conflict, or even a world war against China, mirroring the one with Russia.

Georgescu might win through victimization when possibly Kennedy or someone from the Trump administration signals clearly that he is their ally. Meanwhile, hysterical progressive masses behave abjectly with violent revolts, inciting hatred and death, and displaying terrorist flags like Antifa’s. For outsiders if you don’t know what Antifa means:

Shame on you right now;

Educate yourself urgently!
Georgescu is the bridge between the West and Russia for the peace Trump will mediate and Russia’s reintegration into European commerce. Hence the accusations of him being pro-Russian and distancing Romania from the European Union. The Romanian deep state either doesn’t understand the shift and is eliminated and replaced, or it plays this game to generate the emotional momentum needed for the desired vote. It’s clear that they want to alienate sovereigntists through disgust towards violent and hateful LGBT, trans, and Antifa protests.

Georgescu runs on the idea of peace and balance, disdained by left-wing extremists, while his opponent, Elena Lasconi, has declared she wants the war in Ukraine to continue—even as globalists pursue peace. This reflects a conflict between America, wanting peace with Russia, and Europe, wanting the war to persist. It is Musk versus Soros on a global scale. Watching the hypocrisy of those claiming moral superiority while embodying the opposite is painful.

I and others have spoken about these aspects and the danger of alienating non-progressives, and no one listened. Now everyone is shocked, as if I haven’t existed for the past 8–10 years. I am deeply disappointed by the people around me, who are 90% progressive, and I’ve lost all trust in them. My soul aches that they’ve failed every test of integrity, and I can no longer see them as human beings but as ideologized robots who hate and disdain me. For them, social pressure and validation always came first; for me, truth and justice did. I live among ticking time bombs who, at the next test, will choose the greater evil and harm me, claiming it’s for my good. I hate injustice! I hate hypocrisy and falsehood!

Georgescu has been accused of antisemitism. How can any person believe at first that a global-system Freemason could genuinely be antisemitic? Pretending to be is another story. He’s placed there by the same people he allegedly opposes when, in reality, he’s their global enforcer. Could he have a change of heart? We all did at a certain point in our lives. How could a European genuinely care for Jews after so much proven hatred towards our race? Jewish intellectuals in academia, such as Barbara Specter or Noel Ignatiev, have openly advocated for the eradication of the white race, and we don’t even mention this. Worse, the media and institutions protect far-left terrorist organizations like Antifa and BLM.

I’ve written these books, which probably won’t even be read locally during my lifetime because of people like you. We could have had a beautiful life, but you wanted to be slaves of the Jews while denying their power. Because of you, I’ve suffered so much—more than because of the Jews.

JUST TO CLARIFY: This is addressed to people outside our community. I’ve posted this here for reflection.

Now continuing our analysis of the major shifts in foreign policy, it is more than clear, for better or worse, that the Western world is transitioning from left wing progressivism to a more conservative approach. This time the conservative approach may finally include the racial component, rather than the enemy’s much desired religious element. All of Soros’ controlled governments are decreasing badly in power.

Keri Starmer in UK has even said that the melting pot immigration experiment is a failure and it was done by design rather than by accident. This is the same man that imprisoned Englishmen for social media posts against immigration and even the ones that have protested against the Arab stabbings of white children. Make no mistake, Starmer is of the enemy, but this action clearly indicates that he is extremely afraid of what is happening in the global deep state right now.

Emmanuel Macron’s French government has fallen and they will be forced to have new elections. There is even talk about a possible impeachment against him in 2025. That remains to be seen how well he complies with the new global strategies which are now played by Musk and Trump on the surface. Macron has welcomed Trump in Paris like an old friend or close brother at the reopening ceremony of the Notre Dame cathedral where Volodimir Zelensky also participated. All three of them had talks about the upcoming negotiations of peace.

Likewise, Zelensky is eager to engage in peace talks, a radical shift from his warmongering Jewish vision. The Ukrainian people are also very eager for peace and the Russians probably feel the same at this time. The escalations against Putin may be pretexts for negotiation, we do not know for sure.
Olaf Scholtz, chancellor of Germany also had a government crisis recently and may head to another round of elections just like France and the UK. He seems to have also turned the guns to 180 degrees in hopes of being accepted by the new order which is forming. He went to say that Ukrainian refugees should either find work urgently or be deported back to their country. AfD is putting much pressure on internal politics and immigrants may find out they will not enjoy the system anymore.

Syria’s Bashar Al-Assad has fled the country and went into refuge in Moscow after the whole government and army fell in a matter of days. This is another coup like the ones mentioned above. It may be used for later negotiations. What if Trump talks to Putin face to face saying “You want to keep Donbas and other territories you have conquered? I am thinking you will give them all back and I will give you all of Syria back. You saw how fast a puppet state can fall, right? You don’t want to refuse such a profitable deal and the possible reopening of Russian commerce into Europe? This time it was Syria, next time it could be Chechnya again. Be smart and your people will see you as a true leader, rather than throwing your country into chaos.” University Ph.D professor in sociology and foreign policy, Dan Dungaciu has talked about how negotiations could be made in this context. Jewish profiler H.D. Hartmann also added some input to this subject. One must filter carefully the information which is given. They think that The US will force Zelensky to come to the negotiation table or else face the total stop of military and financial aid to his country. On the other side, the Americans may tell Putin that if he refuses to come and make a deal, they will give the Ukrainians their most effective weapons, which this time can make a strong difference. Musk’s Starlink satellites have already proven their capabilities in 2022. Putin admitted in his interview with journalist Tucker Carlson that Elon Musk cannot be controlled. Besides, we just witnessed how fast some of Russia’s satellite states can fall by “coincidence.”

We have another coup in Romania taking place which is the main subject of this chapter. Unfortunately, the Secret Services and deep institutions have not positioned themselves well enough to mold into this new global strategy as I will further elaborate later in this chapter.

Georgia also had massive protests against a supposed pro-Russian legislation. There is this eternal pattern that we cannot ignore. All politicians that are not tied to George Soros are labeled by his system as “pro-Russian”. Donald Trump in the United States, Viktor Orban in Hungary, Calin Georgescu in Romania, Georgia Meloni in Italy, Marine Le Pen in France, Robert Fico in Slovakia, Andrzej Duda in Poland, the AfD party in Germany and basically every faction that is not cancer rotten with far-left ideology. Even Alexei Navalny, a Russian himself was criticized by some Jews, while they made political capital based on his image, knowing he will not prevail in Russia. He officially died on the 16th of February 2024 in a Russian gulag. The circumstances can only be speculated. Some say that someone which was against Putin did this prior to the elections to discredit him, but then again Vladimir Putin does not care about any of the internal circumstances and could have very well been his order. The elections in Russia are most probably a big fraud and the man is untouchable.

South Korea also had a martial law declared when the president deemed the opposition as having sympathies towards North Korea. The situation is not very clear to me here in this regard.

The patterns remain very visible and all those coups and major events are happening at the same time. There is a massive shift made knowing about the astrological transits. The forums have had an article about the 248 - 250 years since the American Declaration of Independence which marks an ending cycle happening in 2024 - 2026. In 2017 and 2024, the US has had two major total solar eclipses which’s trajectories basically draw a big X on the map of the United States. It is almost like a very powerful omen. Some believe the constitution and present form of government is morphing into something else based on the new transits.

The issue specifically for Romania is that, compared to all other countries in Europe, our Secret Services/deep state has left no room for a conservative entrance. The culture remained predominantly traditional, but other than that, the system was almost entirely controlled and defined By George Soros’ principles and ran Through people like former president Traian Basescu, Laura Codruta Kovesi and Florian Coldea which was the Securitate’s most aggressive leader in our modern times.

Since 2015 when Trump entered politics, our media and institutions have shown nothing but hostility towards the man. There was literally not even a neutral news article about him, everything was made to denigrate and portray him as the impersonation of total evil. What was left of traditional politics, good or bad, was totally eliminated in Romania by imprisonment and fake or forged and forced cases. The Romanian system left no entrance whatsoever for politics like Trump’s, basing their whole strategy and vision on the idea that Soros will always be eternal and will always have total control of Europe and especially our region. Poland, France, Italy, Germany, the UK, Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and most of other countries have always had a wider entrance for such politics and sentiments, that in our country were boiling. The need for traditional values and a stop of the progressive madness was long boiling and while traditional parties appeared in the last years, they were denigrated and labeled as extremist and pro-Russian obviously.

At least a big part of our system was either too tied to factions and individuals such as George Soros and Ursula von der Leyen and either did not anticipate this major shift or they did and have no way to back down and join it as they sponsors are overwhelmingly leftist.

When Trump was invited in Paris at the Notre Dame reopening ceremony and talked geopolitics with Macron and Zelensky, Romania had no representative. This was immediately after the Constitutional Court annulled the elections over some rumors. The world leaders are isolating Romania for now for refusing the new global strategies and directions. And all of this for stupidity and stubbornness. Trump knows how our system has treated and viewed him for the past eight to nine years and he will not accept the same deep state remaining in power even if they decide to cooperate with him. The culture in the urban cities is still heavily leftist and so are most of politicians, influencers, businesspeople, media and journalists.

For some reason, while the world is taking a 180 degree turn in ideology, the Romanian system is refusing to acknowledge this and that if they want to be with the West rather than with Russia, they have to accept that this is the new America and that new relations and changes must take place. Politicians have given signs to the Trump administration that they are willing to cooperate, but it must still be them at the ship’s rudder. Lasconi’s apparent willingness to collaborate with Trump was met with extreme backlash from influencers, media and her own voters. Elena Lasconi, while being extremely unprepared and incompetent is still in my view, the most normal person among the USR (Save Romania Union, the main Romanian progressive party) supporters, voters and members by far! She has a certain degree of understanding about what is happening. The worst element in our society at the moment is not the Jew, nor the politicians, but the progressive people. Even the enemy wants to adjust to a more humane ideology for a while, wither out of fear or to mask their intentions, while a large portion of the population wants to keep the bleeding of society ongoing. Their fanaticism and stupidity is the most repulsive phenomenon I have seen. While Calin Georgescu’s character and intentions are not fully clear, theirs is blatantly aggressive, sick, hypocritical and degenerate. They are projecting every dark deed they do on the other side.

The left has always labeled the opposition including Georgescu as pro-Russian, while they have 100% agreed with and supported every authoritarian abuse which was made in the last years: the right to work being granted only by vaccination green certificates or facing weekly expensive tests during the pandemic. The Senate passed the bill against the constitution and it was heading to the Chamber of Deputies, but fortunately the pandemic was over. But the war in Ukraine started which was also most likely used as an exit strategy from the pandemic.
The elimination of Diana Sosoaca from the presidential race for having supposed ties to Corneliu Zelea Codreanu’s Iron Guard legionaries. She may be an enemy controlled opposition asset to discredit nationalism and traditionalism based on her crazy and idiotic behavior while tying this behavior to some good ideas to make the false correlation that nationalists and traditionalists are a bunch of crazy idiots. She was formerly a friend of the progressive side and of Laura Codruta Kovesi. It is a bit weird how one would just switch sides like that given her bizarre behavior. Sure, we want people to change, but saying some good ideas or impersonating an idea just to later act like a lunatic and discredit everything is a major red flag!

After she was taken out of the election, which could happen to anyone who is not part of the system, this backfired on the system and instead of the sovereignist vote being split between candidates, it mostly went to Calin Georgescu and some of it to George Simion and putting Georgescu on the first position after the first round of voting ahead of Elena Lasconi. If Sosoaca was not eliminated, probably Lasconi would have entered in the final round with Marcel Ciolacu, the social democrat of the system. We have the pandemic abuses, the elimination of a candidate, the forced recount of the votes in the first round which did not help the system to overturn the election and later the annulling of the election cycle as a whole when the diaspora votes indicated a 70 to 30% difference for Georgescu in some sections. Even with such grave acts against the “democracy” which progressives invoke obsessively and hypocritically so often, they still mock the rest of us and make retarded jokes when the gravest thing against democracy has happened. Not to mention that 280 million Euros were wasted on an election with no result. But people would tell me that it is normal for progressive mayors to raise taxes as there is no more money in the budget. There is money for a wasted election and there is enough money for military aid to Ukraine. There is also enough GDP money to fake auctions for infrastructure and other projects and ask for tens of millions more Euros than the real prices. There is also enough money to sponsor a bankrupt national air company every year while they cancel a hallucinating number of their flights and never give the wasted money back to people with a jerk attitude. The processes we initiate against them are rarely won and if they are, the government will just pump more sponsorship into them which is still the GDP money from our taxes. One way or another we are being skinned financially.

The Romanian government has acquired 32 F-35 Lightning II Lockheed Martin jet fighters which will be delivered to us in 2030. Those are already paid and have no visibility if they will be second hand used planes with who knows how many wasted combustors.

Meanwhile the pensions and social aid for people that are really in need is a literal spit in the eyes of those in need. The government officials same as some low rank administration employees have special pensions. Some even have those before retirement while having a salary in parallel. The public employee segment in Romania is somewhere around 30% if we do not include the black market of workforce and tax evasion, which is an enormous number compared with other countries in the European Union. Many posts are artificially created for friends and acquaintances of those in the public sector. The robbery is excruciating.

Many businesspeople prefer to employ Indians, blacks, Pakistani and the related non whites in order to have cheap labor. This has only increased the Romanian Diaspora enormously. The Diaspora and many of Georgescu’s voters have been called “deplorables” (“pleava societatii”), exactly as the MAGA voters in the United States. The similarities are sometimes ridiculous, but there are differences as well.

Georgescu claims he wants a strong degree of economic independence in order to even reduce public debt as much as possible. This angers the average progressive individual enormously. Their minds and cowardly whore behavior makes them instinctively agree with every enemy idea. They consider this the norm which must never be changed. Everything else is stupid, extremist and a “conspiracy theory”. Note that the average leftist considers the term not as a possibility, but rather as a false fact.

Georgescu’s view on Trump, Kennedy and Musk is very positive overall. But his declaration on certain subjects can be hard to digest, some of them being extremely true and some being ridiculous or idiotic. He claimed in some interview that carbonated juices like Coca-Cola have nanotechnology in them, painting him as some nutcase. While the NIH has posted a study that juices contain nanoparticles of various chemical elements this is different from the notion of nanotechnology which seems extremely absurd and forced. Some scientific publications do use this term “nanotechnology”, but in the sense of food preservation and not microchips or other related notions. It is possible that he might have used the wrong language and painted this image on himself, but it can also be a method of gaining visibility as some say, no advertising is negative. He basically made more visibility triggering the press, the influencers and the pseudo-intellectuals which are constantly looking for a reason. While the simple and honest person also knows that many of those theories may be ridiculous, they ignore those irrelevant sporadic “mistakes” and look towards his vision on economy, business stimulation, banking, national security, immigration and how all his plans tie into the new games of geo-politics. The average nerd, still to this day, regurgitates jokes about microchips while being a slave to bank debt, but overall, still being able to pay his enormous debt to the bank. Some people are tired of being in debt for 30 years to finally, maybe be owners for a two-room apartment. The average corporate nerd same as his toxic influencer, does not have any consideration about the poor construction worker or his old mother that do not have enough money for heating and medicine. They will hold long, cancerous, painful and hypocritical speeches on how such individual are a “threat to our democracy” while they engage in the most anti-democratic actions blatantly and not even making any effort anymore to hide it. They mentally “wink wink” at each other and continue telling the same lies to the public as they think they have the necessary numbers and coordination to keep this madness happening while they consider the ones they alienate and anger absolutely harmless and irrelevant. They hope to just break their spirit and continue acting like parasites immune to immunity.

Georgescu has made other questionable remarks along the time, although those are carefully handpicked segments from older speeches as he did not rely on all of them in his political campaign. His Christian idealism does bother me a lot as we are trying to get rid of it once for all. But given the current mentality of traditional people in my country, it is a weapon and a fertile ground for popularity increase. At least from his perspective, as I could not make such compromises.

He one said that water is not H2O, but it is in reality information. They way he verbally formulated this was very wrong as what he probably meant to say was that water is not JUST H2O, but also contains information. Water is an energy propagator and we know how energy is used to communicate and spread information in nature. Electromagnetic waves are used in radio and wireless communication. The internet is based on this. The energy waves of planets give us the natal astrological configuration which defines a great degree of our character and behavior. This also ties into a different subject he invoked about birth. This theory might very well have standing. While those theories might have standing, I personally would not run on such speeches as this is knowledge that is indigestible to many average individuals and I may risk to alienate a certain segment of the population before winning the office. What happens afterwards is a different story with a different strategy. Although we must take all variables and risks of our times into consideration. A lot of people are becoming more and more curious about spirituality, astrology and mysticism. This is why, regardless of the way he formulates those ideas, many still like him overall. As a former or even present freemason, he probably has extensive knowledge about the occult.

Another thing he invoked was the birthing process which I mentioned above. He said that cesarean section births “cut the divine line”. The average soy nerd is still to this day mocking those “mad declarations”, while conveniently ignoring the annulling of a 280 million Euros election, because this is their priority. I have said over and over again “Do not give them any excuse!” As SS if we ever get into such positions, we must act impeccable in order to not discredit our sacred mission. But getting back to his theory, is it really that far-fetched? Evolution and creation have defined certain natural processes for us. At birth we are assigned an astrological configuration by the universe. Natural birth has a lot of spiritual knowledge to it which I admit I do not fully know at this time. I want those ideas to be taken with a grain of salt as science has not yet gone to study the occult and spirituality. Those writings will in time have to be improved and updated with the acquiring of new knowledge. Reptiles and birds for example, must hatch their eggs by themselves at birth, otherwise there are certain muscles in the body that do not form properly and the being will remain handicapped for life and most probably face an early death.

Georgescu has went further to explain his declaration and said that he is not against cesarean section operations, but that he encourages the natural births whenever they are possible and do not pose any risks. He said that two of his children were birthed by this procedure. The truth is that in Romania, there is an entire business of cesarean births and most of modern and emancipated women chose this way as the doctors tell them that only poor peasants choose to birth naturally in present times and that it is much more comfortable compared to the extremely painful natural births. Most of them buy it. Only women can elaborate better here, but from what I have talked with some and what my wife has found out on her own researches, it is far from the truth. After this type of operation, the hormonal configuration is heavily altered and the pain and discomfort after the procedure is worse than the natural birth. The recovering process can be more difficult. I will take their word for it as I know those persons to be quite trustworthy.

A hypocritical approach of his however was that his wife said that obsessively using God into political speeches is mistake. Both of them do just that as most if not all of conservative or traditional politicians do.

Another of his obsessions is health and sports. This also involves the environment and the quality of food. Robert F. Kennedy has the same strategy and vision for the US. He claims to know him, but that remains to be seen. The idea would be that Romania could be a massive exporter of quality food, water and energy for both the US and other countries in the immediate region. Kennedy’s book “The Real Anthony Fauci” constitutes a really well documented case against Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates for the crimes against humanity they did during the pandemic.

Elon Musk and Donald Trump Jr. have already made social media posts about the cancelling of the Romanian elections which they said they don’t agree with. Many other politicians, influencers and press outlets in the US and Europe have expressed their disagreement with the authoritarian type of decision the deep state made through the Constitutional Court. Romania now is ironically in a reversed/mirror typo of situation as the anti-communist revolution of December 1989. The former Secret Services/Securitate/deep state betrayed Nicolae Ceausescu and executed him at the end of ’89.

During the fall of the Iron Curtain when the Warsaw Pact was gradually dissolved, most communist countries changed their systems through a peaceful transition. George H.W. Bush and Michael Gorbachev agreed to do this and restructure Europe. Nicolae Ceausescu, the last communist president of Romania refused to back down. He did not recognize the global change and did not want to go with the flow. His deep state, however, smelled the opportunity. They triggered the protests, gave the orders to shoot civilians in the name of Ceausescu and executed him for the crime. Ceausescu was definitely a dictator and made lots of mistakes, but the Securitate was so much worse. They made a deal with external powers to execute this coup and take the country for themselves being led by Ion Iliescu and other communists and even former Russian agents. The present Secret Services and institutions are lead by the same genealogy of the former Securitate if not the same ones. They are themselves or their children and nephews. Now the same individuals who betrayed the dictator who did not want to conform to a global change are now in that same position of refusing the change some willingly and some out of stupidity and not knowing the full picture. They risk isolating Romania from the very institutions they accuse Georgescu of being against which are NATO and the EU. Georgescu wishes to use them to the country’s advantage, but the world is changing and this change risks to put Romania outside those organizations in a very vulnerable position in front of Russia. Ironic and hypocritical… the ones that scream something are always against that something in the end. I remember how much the liberal order has accused President Donald Trump of being pro-Russian while his actions indicated his interests were exactly the opposite. He asked Macron, Merkel and Stoltenberg to stop renewing the gas contracts with Russia because they were pumping millions of Euros into the Russian war machine while the US had the ability to self-sustain their energy and be a massive exporter for most of Europe. They refused and hypocritically continued to call him pro-Russian for years. He even pushed for the stop of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, which Joe Biden had no problem against. The senile, demented president had no problem to be involved in the process of attracting two countries in a massive war. Although each one of them might have their role assigned. Biden against Russia and Trump against China. Time will assess on its own. Georgescu claims peace negotiations with Russia and all his declarations seem to be for the moment, a diplomatic flattery for the hopefully upcoming peace.

He also talked briefly a few times about immigration and population replacement, a subject that is rare even for right wing politicians that only talk about religion and ignore the subject of race completely.

He criticized the banks and corporations for blackmailing the state, ruling through debt and imposing policy. The media and influencers have run a campaign of fearmongering, saying that he will kick out the corporations and create massive unemployment. His strategies seem to be similar with Orban’s plans which only involved a more drastic control of how corporations declared their profit without masking it and taking out undeclared profit out of the country which our government allowed for a long time. He plans to have a stable and predictable fiscal strategy in order for private businesses to plan their strategies ahead. He emphasizes on all sorts of financial help packages for small business starters.

Some people who work in corporations have said that they wouldn’t even fear the total ban of corporations as those private giants have fired lots of people during the reign of Soros and Coldea without reason and without warning simply to employ foreign cheap labor. They would not feel safe even during a continuation of corporate rule.

This guy, Georgescu has even hinted about Jewish influence when talking about the subjects of corporations and bank usury. Jews have been briefly mentioned by Elon Musk and Kennedy as well in the context of white hatred, the pandemic and vaccines. Musk has attacked Soros specifically for the hate of the white race and humanity overall.

Georgescu is against mandatory vaccination and shares many of Kennedy’s views on health, environment and physical training. Putting this in the context of him being subtly supported by Trump administration officials, this draws the picture of a possible new future.

Even though he is aligned with Trump’s new order which is sending shockwaves over Europe, he did hint in a subtle way that he has doubts about his assassination attempt from July 2024 and it being as real as the 911 attacks which are pinned solely on “terrorists” or the death of Princess Diana who died in a “car accident”.

I have formulated a possibility in regards to that assassination attempt which I will not bring up again. I may be right or wrong, we just need to keep an eye open to all possibilities and nothing more. I do not wish to create an entire ideology or movement over a strange event.

Another big declaration which makes me contemplate a lot is him saying that all societies right now despise the normal citizen for being free, because being free means you are a threat to corporations, banks, the state, he specified a few more of the related ilk and then finally said A THREAT TO THE CHURCH! While declaring himself a Christian fundamentalist, he is the first conservative/sovereignist that did not endorse the church as an institution. This and all of the above point to him making some very serious attacks to the enemy’s global power structure, that seem to be out of the boundaries of controlled opposition. Even if he is, launching such subjects of debate in public space and opinion on a large scale is not doing any good to the Jews even if it were for the sole purpose of later discrediting them. Especially doing this during those massive transits. There are American influencers who have supported Trump for a long time that paraphrasing them basically say: “You think Trump is a threat to globalists? Wait until you see this guy, Georgescu, he is 100 times worse!”

His candidacy has exposed the bias and double standards of the globalists in an extremely aggressive manner. The whole country has seen, debated, accepted or denied the truth that while the Supreme Council for National Defense (CSAT) and the Constitutional Court (CCR) have cancelled the election over Tik Tok bias or “algorithmic advantages”, the leftist candidates have been pushed on Facebook in a repulsive way, being a biased environment, always being sponsored by foreign elements or helped by algorithms while the rest that did not conform 100% to the system were censored or shadow banned for over 10 years. Not to mention the latest news which have brought to light an even darker event. The National Liberal Party (PNL) has paid a firm to push Georgescu on Tik Tok, just enough to split the votes between him and George Simion, the other nationalist candidate, putting them both in the position of not qualifying for the second round and bringing Marcel Ciolacu (PSD) and Nicolae Ciuca (PNL) into the final round. This is the official narrative, that it was not the Russians, but either a deep state error, or an attempt of the deep state to impersonate Russian collusion, just like the US situation not so long ago. Another possibility may be that, given Musk is putting great pressure on Tik Tok, regulating them in order to still be able to operate on US soil, it may be possible that some elements of the Secret Services from Romania might have done this intentional social media push more than it was supposed to be done on purpose while working with the US’ upcoming administration.

Fake accounts that impersonated Alexandr Dugin or other Russian fanatics were created to praise Georgescu and put certain labels on him. Which reminded me when Putin praised Trump in his first term and then endorsed Biden later on. Can you guess the media’s reaction in both cases? In the first one “RUSSIAN AGENT!” and in the second one “He did that to discredit him”. And those are the ones who claim don’t believe in conspiracy theories. They do when it is to their advantage and people will follow them due to the social pressure which they maintain hysterically day by day. The double standard and hypocrisy are painful to watch and they make us all sick. Us, sane people.

People are extremely angry because 280 million Euros were wasted for an annulled election and that the media, political parties and influencers and not only paid by sponsors or donors, but by public money as well. Georgescu has taken advantage of those circumstances and mentioned all of those aspects. The system lies into a puddle of blood in terms of public trust. Only the corporate nerds remain fanatics, while they themselves know the truth. The simple-minded individual has had more integrity and an overall capacity to understand some geopolitics at least to a certain degree.

The average soy nerd has been calling the simple citizen “uneducated, low IQ, deplorable” for years and has alienated enormously the one that brings them meat and vegetables from the country side far away, while they stay on Facebook trashing them day and night. The fact that the nationalist movement still advocates for peace and understanding while the leftist side which was considered “the educated segment” is pushing for hate or even formulating death threats will lead to the fall of the Soros system for good. At least this is what I hope for and I am carefully optimistic. Seeing the system of the Securitate finally fall after decades of misery and social tensions would be the greatest gift of 2025.

Let’s not forget that the “educated and pro-democracy” people said they would have been extremely happy if Trump died in the assassination attempt. Same happened in Slovakia when Fico was shot. When Arabs stabbed white children France and the UK and when terrorist attempts happened in Germany, it was always the white’s extremist fault. For me the hatred normal people have for the average leftist is not nearly enough compared to what they really deserve in reality. Those aren’t voters, those are criminals. Oh, I don’t have a democratic approach? Guess what, neither do they.

Adding on top of all the latest events, the current enemy government is debating the selling of the Romanian E.ON energy company to a Hungarian company which is most likely affiliated with Viktor Orban. While I admire Orban to a strong degree, I have some doubts about his intentions in the region of Ardeal. I may be a nationalist at heart, but I despise the fake nationalism that only puts more conflict between white nations. This madness about Romanians and Hungarians being in a constant beef for historical reasons is a phenomenon that will have to end sooner or later. Me and all who have traveled to Hungary have seen what a nation of smart and hard-working people with leaders that know how to negotiate deals, looks like. It is a civilized and well-educated country and has treated everyone with respect. Sure, there are problems like in any society, but comparing what we have seen there with what we have seen in many other Western countries… well, they are above! By far!

To conclude this bonus chapter, this guy has a very aggressive speech against the enemy which is a rare historical event. For any people in positions of decision, please take notes from this information and act carefully, do not rush. We must try our best to choose what is best for our countries and communities and that includes many times, choosing the lesser evil.

For the curious ones, do not get dragged into useless conflicts that may be legal traps. Be mindful of your surroundings and act both based on instinct and brain. Stay strong, keep training physically, meditate and most importantly, Enjoy the YULE SEASON!

An extremely exhausting year has passed and we deserve some rest and fun with our families and friends. Try as much as possible to be nice to those which can comprehend your feelings and enjoy those much-needed moments of peace and rest! HAPPY YULE my brothers and sisters from my beloved community! I am privileged to have found you and be part of this!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
