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All major religions are the same religion/There are only two religions on Earth

Seeker in the Dark

Active member
Jul 8, 2024
This is gonna be a long post. The reason it'll be long is because I want to hammer home with proper evidence that all major religions are the same aka one "religion", with the second religion being Spiritual Satanism (SS). I'll explain why that is the case soon.

For those who don't like long posts and prefer to read a couple of lines instead, the TLDR is that all major religions (Abrahamic and Dharmic) have the EXACT SAME core teaching, which is the annihilation of the individual will and soul and merging with "The Light".

From this point on I'll assume you're interested in this post and are willing to read for a while, as I really want to show thoroughly what I'm claiming is undeniably true. I'll only be using as references the writings of "saints" and highly esteemed "spiritual" teachers from those religions, no wiki/blog garbage will be used here. This post isn't necessarily for advanced SS members (which I am not claiming to be either), but for those who may be considering SS but may still feel a pull to other religions or are mystified by these religions, I'll show you in this post that the grand differences between these religions are really superficial and actually at the root, they're almost identical in what they teach.

The main difference between SS and every other major religion is SS is Egoist while the others are Anti-Egoist (AE). Egoist will be defined here as the desire to preserve and expand the Ego(aka your SOUL) to a proper Divine state, rather than the AE goal to destroy it and subjugate it to "God". From my experience, before I became SS, when I used to call on "God", what I got once was reptilians telling me my soul was doomed and then mocking me (they showed me in my third eye the image of a chimp, I understood the meaning immediately, a common insult among them is to call humans monkeys as a form of denigration). By the time I became SS, I had the experience and understanding that the reptilians were behind all major religions, but I didn't understand the purpose behind that other than to cause confusion, which is true but the deeper meaning which clicked to me recently behind these religions was for the reptilians to ensure all the spiritually gifted humans went nowhere and fed themselves to the "Light" aka TO THEM.

I'll start off with Christianity, bringing in an example from both a Catholic and an Eastern Orthodox saint, mainly to show the denominational differences are superficial as well. I'll then bring in a Muslim Sufi example, then a Jewish Kabbalistic example, finishing off with an example from a Hindu saint(with a disclaimer) and a Buddhist monk. Those are the elite mystics of these "religions". I chose the mystics as they actually have the experience to back up what they're saying, compared to the theoretical scholars with no front-line experience who speak from concepts only.


This one is from "The Ascent of Mount Carmel" by "Saint" John of The Cross, Chapter 11:

"It is for this reason that we say of this state that it is the making of two wills into one — namely,
into the will of God, which will of God is likewise the will of the soul. For if this soul desired any
imperfection that God wills not, there would not be made one will of God, since the soul would
have a will for that which God has not. It is clear, then, that for the soul to come to unite itself
perfectly with God through love and will, it must first be free from all desire of the will, howsoever
slight. That is, that it must not intentionally and knowingly consent with the will to imperfections,
and it must have power and liberty to be able not so to consent intentionally. I say knowingly,
because, unintentionally and unknowingly, or without having the power to do otherwise, it may
well fall into imperfections and venial sins, and into the natural desires whereof we have spoken;
for of such sins as these which are not voluntary and surreptitious it is written that the just man
shall fall seven times in the day and shall rise up again."

Translated from the care-bear "love" filter: "YOU WILL BE ASSIMILATED, NO INDEPENDENT WILL FOR YOU!"

Eastern Orthodoxy:

From "Divine Eros" by "Saint" Symeon the New Theologian Hymn 9:

"for the pleasure of beautiful dispassion, from which the light mysteriously kisses me, it snatches away and transports my whole mind, and seizes my naked mind with an immaterial hand, it does not allow me to fall away from his love, nor to consider a thought of passion, but it embraces me incessantly, and yearning inflames my soul, and there is no other sensation in me"

In other words, "The Light" consumes you completely, not leaving any independent will. As much as Christians, in their rebuttal of the Gnostics, say the body isn't evil, they then go on to say all bodily desires are evil, but the body itself isn't. It makes about as much sense as 3=1. Symeon later talks about Satan rebelling against this because of "pride", because self-determination is "evil" and total submission of will is "good".


From "Masnavi" by Rumi, the founder of Sufism, verse 2095:

"When the Shaykh (Halláj) said ‘I am God’ and carried it through (to the end), he throttled (vanquished) all the blind (sceptics). When a man's ‘I’ is negated (and eliminated) from existence, then what remains? Consider, O denier."

Basically the same doctrine of self-annihilation, just replace "Jesus" with "Allah". But muh different religions.

Jewish Kabbalah:

Hakhsharat HaAvrekhim 14:

"I hereby, surrender, subdue, and nullify my body, nefesh, ruach, and neshama from this moment onward, to God, This includes my desires, thoughts, speech and actions. It remains in force while I am sleeping and while I am awake. At no moment shall any facet of my being go against God’s will, God forbid. My soul, mind, body, emotion, speech and actions will only be vessels for the fulfillment of God’s will and desires."

The ultimate goal for the jew is the same as all the others, assimilation of self into "God". No independent will or thought allowed. The jews were the originators of these AE doctrines, as everyone here knows it's from them Christianity and Islam came about, but it gets worse...


Now for the disclaimer, Hinduism was originally fully Satanic, with enlightenment understood as the awakening of the Divine power within humans, rather than assimilation into nothingness/"the light", then it got corrupted by jews, see the link for more, the whole world owes HPHC for his work, he has saved countless souls through his research:

Anyways, now for the example, from a renowned Hindu mystic, Ramakrishna, who also said what I'm pointing out here that all religions essentially lead to the same destination (spiritual death).

From "The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna":

"The path of the Vedantic discipline is the path of negation, "Neti", in which, by stern determination, all that is unreal is both negated and renounced. It is the path of jnana, knowledge, the direct method of realizing the Absolute. After the negation of everything relative, including the discriminating ego itself, the aspirant merges in the One without a Second, in the bliss of nirvikalpa Samadhi, where subject and object are alike dissolved. The soul goes beyond the realm of thought. The domain of duality is transcended. Maya is left behind with all its changes and modifications. The Real Man towers above the delusions of creation, preservation, and destruction. An avalanche of indescribable Bliss sweeps away all relative ideas of pain and pleasure, good and evil. There shines in the heart the glory of the Eternal Brahman, Existence-Knowledge-Bliss Absolute. Knower, knowledge, and known are dissolved in the Ocean of one eternal Consciousness; love, lover, and beloved merge in the unbounded Sea of supreme Felicity; birth, growth, and death vanish in infinite Existence. All doubts and misgivings are quelled for ever; the oscillations of the mind are stopped; the momentum of past actions is exhausted. Breaking down the ridge-pole of the tabernacle in which the soul has made its abode for untold ages, stilling the body, calming the mind, drowning the ego, the sweet joy of Brahman wells up in that superconscious state. Space disappears into nothingness, time is swallowed in eternity, and causation becomes a dream of the past. Only Existence is. Ah! Who can describe what the soul then feels in its communion with the Self?"

Dissolution/Assimilation into the "One", just replace Jesus/Yahweh/Allah with "Brahman". Same. Fucking. Thing. Do you still think these "religions" are really that "different"?


From Shobogenzo by Degen, a renowned Zen Buddhist monk:

"To learn what the path to Buddhahood is, is to learn what the True Self is. To learn what the True Self is, is to forget about the self. To forget about the self is to become one with the whole universe. To become one with the whole universe is to be shed of ‘my body and mind’ and ‘their bodies and minds’. The traces from this experience of awakening to one’s enlightenment will quiet down and cease to show themselves, but it takes quite some time for all outer signs of being awake to disappear."

No body, mind or self, "merging with the universe" aka soul destruction.

All major religions are actually one religion, repackaged so it looks different for the profane. The differences are basically different clothes, but the stinking, diseased core reptilian body of bullshit underneath is the same one. I've proven that here to be the case without a shadow of a doubt.

Once you realise this, it all goes away. Fear of being wrong, fear of "hell", interest in these "religions", feeling pulled towards them(due to enemy spells that are designed to make these religions seductive, the art, incense and music all serve the purpose of attraction as well). The gnosis of this FACT will make you realise what's going on. These "religions" are all scams, branches of the same scam tree.

"The Light" is basically this:


Many might ask why did I bother to do this? Well I did this for the new people here, those who came from other systems and still have doubts. If I can even save one person from these reptilian fucks then this post was worth it.

"God" brings slavery and death. Satan, the TRUE God, brings freedom and life!

Hail Satan!
Realise how they all seem to use the same words “bliss” “peace” “love”, terms that are usually associated with the higher chakras.

What i think is going on is that reps through the “light” very strongly stimulate the crown chakras of these poor idiots, who are then convinced they’ve experienced “God”.

Something similar might also occur to people who have NDE or just die, their crown chakra and maybe other higher chakras are stimulating heavily by the “Light” which then draws them in and absorbs them, adding their energies to the blob which now grows stronger in its ability to attract more suckers to eat.
Realise how they all seem to use the same words “bliss” “peace” “love”, terms that are usually associated with the higher chakras.

What i think is going on is that reps through the “light” very strongly stimulate the crown chakras of these poor idiots, who are then convinced they’ve experienced “God”.

Something similar might also occur to people who have NDE or just die, their crown chakra and maybe other higher chakras are stimulating heavily by the “Light” which then draws them in and absorbs them, adding their energies to the blob which now grows stronger in its ability to attract more suckers to eat.
This is why the dedication is important. It protects you from them trying these tricks on u after death as the Gods take you safely away from them.
All concepts of ego, eros + God
Are truly divine, esoteric writings preserved from antiquity.

The kundalini is a Teluric force of the Shakti itself
To awaken it is to merge with them, to unite with the kosmos or God.

The Light is the mind
It is the mind that connects the material with the immaterial.
The mind is proof of God's "Eros"

The esoteric or esoteric scriptures, except that Polytheists are not literal.
It was the Jewish religions that diluted the meanings and liberalized everything.
What makes a consciousness experience reality as a reptilian versus say a human or a different species?

All of this feels like mere chance at times…
What makes a consciousness experience reality as a reptilian versus say a human or a different species?

All of this feels like mere chance at times…
One time I saw a face fron one of them in my third eye.

Their eyes emitted so much evil I could strongly feel it. It was unlike any human I ever saw, and even the crazy eyes humans.
Some vidoes for reference of the “light” and how it could affect people:

This second example is how the reptile queen and her adopted human-reptile hybrid daughter used their “bliss” ability to overwhelm all humans with “love”, to turn them into slaves, spiritual junkies. Through that bliss they gain the obedience from humans who then are addicts for another hit of “bliss light”. The show got cancelled after that episode, it showed too much truth:

Interestingly, both the girl in the first video and the reptilian queen are called “Anna”, i do not know if this is a coincidence or if there is a deeper meaning here relating to Goddess Inana.
The Divine Sun exists, and this "Light" exists. The infinite, by default, IS in conflict and also is not, with the finite vessel and dimension, and hence the ultimate mystery ensures.

The permeation of the divine is as described by all the above verses correctly, and have been stolen and pretended by false people thorough the aeons, yet only few and of the Gods truly were permeated fully by the all, became and are IMMOVABLE.

These are very sacred and mystical things, enemy lenses do not help in this case for understanding but very deep meditation and advancement done with the help of the Gods.
The Divine Sun exists, and this "Light" exists. The infinite, by default, IS in conflict and also is not, with the finite vessel and dimension, and hence the ultimate mystery ensures.

The permeation of the divine is as described by all the above verses correctly, and have been stolen and pretended by false people thorough the aeons, yet only few and of the Gods truly were permeated fully by the all, became and are IMMOVABLE.

These are very sacred and mystical things, enemy lenses do not help in this case for understanding but very deep meditation and advancement done with the help of the Gods.
But can’t the enemy masquerade as “the light” after death to try to assimilate people into their energy pool?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
