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Would anyone like to be my friend?


The people on the forums are some of the nicest I ever met in my life and they can all be your friends, plus they are very helpful with whatever you need help with.

I would advise against meeting other SS irl as it can potentially be dangerous for you.
It's just how things are sadly.

But we are always here on forums whenever you need something!
I'm new here, but I've been studying Satanism for two years. Ah.. I'm Brazilian, so I don't know much English. I don't have Satanist friends, and I would like to, even if I'm not Brazilian.
Very welcome. I hope you have the best moments with what you learn here.
And yes, we do not share our personal information.

We are always here and always here to support you! 🌠
I'm new here, but I've been studying Satanism for two years. Ah.. I'm Brazilian, so I don't know much English. I don't have Satanist friends, and I would like to, even if I'm not Brazilian.
We are a community, you can write posts in the forums and you can reply to other posts, here you will find brothers and sisters!
I'm new here, but I've been studying Satanism for two years. Ah.. I'm Brazilian, so I don't know much English. I don't have Satanist friends, and I would like to, even if I'm not Brazilian.
It's a great place to be and a great community to find yourself in. Make sure to keep reading up on the sites and sermons, they have a lot of useful information.
Start meditating, become familiar with the Gods, and slowly work to improve yourself.

If you ever want to make friends here, I recommend being active and posting meaningful things in the Forum, to get to the 50 (?) posts needed to message people. That should make it easier to chat around. When you do, I'm always open for conversation.

Just as a warning, be careful about giving out your private social media or info around to make Satanist friends. It's not exactly safe.
I'm new here, but I've been studying Satanism for two years. Ah.. I'm Brazilian, so I don't know much English. I don't have Satanist friends, and I would like to, even if I'm not Brazilian.
Idem for me..but I want to be u friend dude u know?
HI!! I'm new here too!! I have been studying spiritual Satanism for 3 years now, I am Italian and I know almost nothing about English.... I would also like to make friends with people who know this cult! (sorry if something written is wrong but I'm using google translate)
I'm new here, but I've been studying Satanism for two years. Ah.. I'm Brazilian, so I don't know much English. I don't have Satanist friends, and I would like to, even if I'm not Brazilian.
hello brother, welcome! first of all as many will have already told you here "everyone is friends with everyone" in the sense that we help each other and we are there for each other. but I speak for myself in this case: in case you wanted I would like to be your friend! also because I myself in my life have not been lucky, if you can call it that, to have many friends and in particular satanist friends. if you want I'm here 😊
Hail Satan♥️
HI!! I'm new here too!! I have been studying spiritual Satanism for 3 years now, I am Italian and I know almost nothing about English.... I would also like to make friends with people who know this cult! (sorry if something written is wrong but I'm using google translate)
hi, I'm Italian too, I'd like to write to you privately so if you need a hand I'd be there or in general you'd have an extra friend, but unfortunately you haven't activated private messages yet. I write in English so everyone can understand me ♥️
ciao, anch'io sono italiano, vorrei scriverti in privato così se hai bisogno di una mano ci sarei o in generale avresti un amico in più, ma purtroppo non hai ancora attivato i messaggi privati. Scrivo in inglese così tutti possono capirmi♥️

Non riesco ancora a usare correttamente questo sito...non so come fare...
Non riesco ancora a usare correttamente questo sito...non so come fare...
Tranquillo provo a scriverti io e dimmi se ricevi il messaggio, dovresti trovarti la notifica sul simbolino della busta delle lettere accanto alla barra di ricerca sopra;)
Comunque mi chiedevo ,se ti andrebbe magari scriverci su un’ app così è più semplice….tipo non so se hai Instagram, Facebook ecc…sempre se ti va bene ovviamente 🙌🏻 ^_^
HI!! I'm new here too!! I have been studying spiritual Satanism for 3 years now, I am Italian and I know almost nothing about English.... I would also like to make friends with people who know this cult! (sorry if something written is wrong but I'm using google translate)
We can be friends if you want. (I'm also using Google translate)
To unlock the conversations you have to post 50 messages in the Forums.

Anyway, don't share personal informations.
Comunque mi chiedevo ,se ti andrebbe magari scriverci su un’ app così è più semplice….tipo non so se hai Instagram, Facebook ecc…sempre se ti va bene ovviamente 🙌🏻 ^_^
Altamente sconsigliato.
Sono siti nemici e pesantemente controllati.
In ogni caso ricordatevi di non comunicare mai vostre informazioni personali a persone su internet, soprattutto qua.
So che sembra un controsenso, ma qua non puoi mai sapere se hai davanti un vero Satanista Spirituale per bene ed avanzato, o un infiltratore come molti ce ne sono stati.
Come sempre seguite la regola più importante dello stile di vita Satanista Spirituale: usate il buon senso.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
