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vent about Andrapodic friends


Feb 22, 2024
Ever since I became a SS, done meditations and learned about the Turth, I have taken close notice to the behavioral and lifestyle loops I see in my friends. Whenever I talk to one of them, it feels like I'm talking to a robot. She is just so bland, no emotion and just feels like I'm talking to Alexa who only knows a few responses. She lives a life of no hobbies or goals, and it just messes with my positive view of her. She is very academically smart, but other from that, there is nothing more that distinct her from the masses. All she does, study, sleep, scroll, on repeat. This may be connected to the fact that she was raised in a xtian household. But, my other friend who is a xtian as well, lives a more full life! She does volunteering, does ballet, has her own cooking business and so on. Even as devoted xtian, she is less of a andrapod than the other.

I have also began to feel the energy of certain people. Even if on the outside they are all happy and positive, I always trust my gut feeling about the person. I had a art teacher who from day one I did not like her. Her energy and vibe just threw me off. It could be because she was a bigass xtian; I don't know, but for the rest of the year we did not vibe with each other. Even some of the friends who'd I have been with for many years, even as long as 9, they can still throw me off from time to time. I understand that they are still blinded by all the xtian filth, yet it shocks me of how they can't just open their eyes to the Truth! Its right Infront of you!!

Another one of my mixed (Latin/White) friends is Agnostic yet still spiritual. Ever since she found out I was a SS, she was pretty chill with it. Only one time when I was celebrating Samhain, she got a bit "hurt". She went on all this ramble how shes talked to angles, shes talked to her ancestors and shes seen the so called "truth". She rambled about how she knows Satan hurts people, how he isn't the true God and he isn't good for me. Basically, trying to convince me to convert back or some shit. She is more of a hippie spiritual kind of gal, preaching about peace, angel numbers, xtian god, love. From that day, our energies would constantly clash and I just have to shut myself up to prevent hurting her feelings.

I still have SOME friends who I can hang with without worrying about clashing energies. It is a sad truth that at least 80% of my friends are xtians. I have come to terms with it. I do not expect anythinng from them, and they do not expect anything from me. I am friends not because they help me in any way., but just so I have some company.

Just wanted to vent about some bs in my life. Thank you for reading. HAIL SATAN!!!
to completely level with you on this one and offer a rant in return, i get you.
however, i think in practice theres a much more complex variety of people than SS/xtian/atheist.
for example, i have a friend whos a SS but we arent really close on an emotional level. we meet every now and then and fuck around, and also take care of all lets call it paranormal activity, or offerings etc. you get the gist. i would still rarely if ever talk to her about any advancement i maybe made, or anything related to spiritual work whatsoever. to give a stupid example, if i were doing a mercury square for whatever reason, she probably wouldn't find out unless she directly asked me. because it feels odd to let her know, since we dont connect on an emotional level.
on the flip side, i have a friend who's an atheist who i could casually say that to that would just say oh yes sounds cool, maybe ask how or why and we'd move on.
and to bring up another example, i knew a xtian girl who truly did not give a fuck i or my friends were SSs. we mentioned we dont really fuck with angels and her response was "yea i guess that makes sense from your POV" and thats it. we went thrifting directly afterwards.
all that to say, dont focus on finding spiritual people necessarily. it wont mean they will understand you better. just find someone who is working on bettering themselves in whichever way, and who you can talk to. even if you dont give out all of the information (to use my previous example, many wont care you're using squares, runes or celebrating pagan holidays, but they will think your opinion on the holocaust is awful, so simply dont mention that and talk about the rest). ideally we will create a world where all you have to do is step onto the city square and youll find multiple SSs sitting in a café, but until we do you're just kinda have to settle for regular normal people, who have hobbies they enjoy, who work on themselves in whatever way they can, who are supportive of you and compassionate
ending it here I've gone on for too long already
Thank you!
to completely level with you on this one and offer a rant in return, i get you.
however, i think in practice theres a much more complex variety of people than SS/xtian/atheist.
for example, i have a friend whos a SS but we arent really close on an emotional level. we meet every now and then and fuck around, and also take care of all lets call it paranormal activity, or offerings etc. you get the gist. i would still rarely if ever talk to her about any advancement i maybe made, or anything related to spiritual work whatsoever. to give a stupid example, if i were doing a mercury square for whatever reason, she probably wouldn't find out unless she directly asked me. because it feels odd to let her know, since we dont connect on an emotional level.
on the flip side, i have a friend who's an atheist who i could casually say that to that would just say oh yes sounds cool, maybe ask how or why and we'd move on.
and to bring up another example, i knew a xtian girl who truly did not give a fuck i or my friends were SSs. we mentioned we dont really fuck with angels and her response was "yea i guess that makes sense from your POV" and thats it. we went thrifting directly afterwards.
all that to say, dont focus on finding spiritual people necessarily. it wont mean they will understand you better. just find someone who is working on bettering themselves in whichever way, and who you can talk to. even if you dont give out all of the information (to use my previous example, many wont care you're using squares, runes or celebrating pagan holidays, but they will think your opinion on the holocaust is awful, so simply dont mention that and talk about the rest). ideally we will create a world where all you have to do is step onto the city square and youll find multiple SSs sitting in a café, but until we do you're just kinda have to settle for regular normal people, who have hobbies they enjoy, who work on themselves in whatever way they can, who are supportive of you and compassionate
ending it here I've gone on for too long alread

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
