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Relationships #75714 Could someone help me?


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
I can't talk to anyone. Yes you guys may call it 'this is not a problem'. But this is a problem. I can't talk to anyone. Even if I start a conversation, it ends after a while, even though everything is going normally. I don't have a friend or a girlfriend. Until 6 months ago, everything was very different. I had a girlfriend, friends. If I spent time with my girlfriend, my friends would get upset, if I spent time with my friends, my girlfriend would get jealous. What happened that changed everything all of a sudden. Imma the same. Imma not ugly, not broke. Actually, there is something I suspect. 6 months ago, I was in a relationship with a girl. She was a witch, and I was not a satanist at that time. The reason I wanted to meet her was satanism. At that time, I didn't know anything about Jos. But the girl didn't know anything about Jos either. Still, the conversation continued. When we had a relationship, fights started to happen. Sometimes I felt a superhuman hatred towards her, she annoyed me so much. She also said to me, "You make me so sad, I can't stand it." However, it was all happening because of her paranoia. Then I decided to break up, but she didn't want to. After breaking up with her I couldn't talk to anyone even though I never thought about her. I can't communicate with anyone. I want to flirt, everything is fine at first, but sometimes it doesn't even last for an hour, I can't get any response from the other side, no interaction. The friendship ends the same way. What happens? I would also like to mention this. My relationship with my previous lovers was also very strange, at first everything was fine but suddenly they would get depressed for no reason. And somehow they all got hurt. One of them started having stomach problems, I don't know if she was diagnosed with cancer, my relationship with that girl didn't last long. Another one had an accident and became disabled. My other girlfriend's relative was crushed under a truck in front of her, she received treatment for a long time and couldn't leave the house, she had agoraphobia. Another one's family problems came to light and she also got depressed even though she had a very understanding family and was successful. There was a girl, my normal friend, we were so close that there was nothing we didn't know about each other. The most positive person you could ever see in your life, started talking to me, she got depressed again for no reason, she said she saw something long and black in her room, she even said it bothered her and she couldn't look in the mirror. One day, before committing suicide, she told me that 'I hate you, I started seeing such things because of you. But at the same time, I love you so much that I can't leave you' and she committed suicide. She took pills but didn't die, her family took her to the hospital to have her stomach pumped. Then I didn't want to talk for a while and then she started to be happy like before. I didn't want to do any more harm and cut off communication. All of these girlfriends I mentioned were both successful and the most positive people you could ever see. I started to feel uncomfortable with myself and cut off communication with all of them to make new friends and new relationships. Who would believe this, and who could I tell these bullshits? They'll thought Imma crazy. Then I started making new friends again and met the girl I mentioned 6 months ago and started a relationship. While I was having a relationship with this girl, both she and I were getting hurt. One day, I had a bad fight with my girlfriend and the fight was about something very meaningless. The night we made up, while trying to sleep, I felt a slight scratch on my chest. Thinking that a fly must have bitten me, I scratched it lightly and tried to sleep. I couldn't sleep because of the pain. When I got up and looked, I noticed 3 or 4 scratches. I started to feel nervous but I fell asleep without being able to do anything. When I woke up in the morning, I saw that there weren't 4 or 5 scratches but countless scratches. The scratches were so obvious and big that my brother was worried, 'What happened to you?' I don't know. But I couldn't communicate with anyone after that girl. I think this girl cast a spell on me, she was already involved in black magic. What about the previous ones? If you ask why I didn't ask this before, I can only tell you guys this. Who would believe me? I still think that people who read this will think I'm a troll. If you can help me, I would be very happy.
I believe you.

Here are some things you can do:

Returning Curses Part 1 and 2, this will help return the curses to her if this was what happened:

Aura Cleaning, this meditation will help you clean your aura, do about 10 mins or longer for a deep clean, time it with your phone if that helps, while visualsing the clean, chant Surya or Raum as explained in the page, this will help further:

Aura of Protection, this will help you when it comes to protection from the negative energy, you can visualise white light around you or even black as both colours help with protection and removing bindings/curses, negative thoughtforms:


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
