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About the Bottomless Pit Of Stupidity: Do NOT Get In

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
The human species albeit it generates a lot of delusions about itself [open up social media for this], is still inherently not very intelligent. I am trying to be formal here and not say it is outright retarded, but I want to be kind today.

And by intelligence I don't mean an AI type of intelligence, IQ, or the ability to google up things and tell them to others and pretend one has knowledge. I mean overall existential intelligence.

More fundamentally, human beings are very low in the ranking of what we call understanding of the universe. This universe involves other beings, the environment, and all things in the existence of the species.

Many animals comparably to human understand many things way better. Humans for example require "explanation" on why they must "procreate" in this day and age, others require explanation on to not even engage in consumption of their own waste, or how to create a balance with the ecosystem around them and not throw waste on beaches. Or why you must not lie to everyone because other people will no longer believe you. Or that the sun rises every morning, that also has to be explained.

These are all signs of a downfall of a species on more than one areas.

I need to actually sit down here and "explain" why the JoS would require financial progression in a world where you cannot even drink clean water in order to survive without this tool. "You know what the baby needs milk in order to raise itself and grow". Yes, it does.

One woman was also aired on TV for drinking the bleach that we use for floors, would not take a word on it, she loved drinking it. Gallons everyday. Gods forbid anyone would tell her to not do this; she loved it and know better. The list is endless.

Long story short many beings out there are decided unwaveringly to be ruined. Their denial levels are off the charts. This can reach such heights that nobody else can save them from this self inflicted condemnation. This cannot be stopped. And we should not seek to stop it in quite a few cases. Out of these people who are decided to destroy themselves, only about half of them stand a chance to be saved.

Not that long ago, I was walking down the street. There was a man who was homeless there, he had so many infections he would have gangrene. As a case like this, getting to a hospital is quintessential as amputation is the next thing that might need to happen. They were sitting there, doing nothing. They could be admitted and cured for free. Had a phone and everything but did not care. Next day, I went through this place again, and I see that the ambulance was there and offering to take them in. They responded they don't trust the hospital and they don't want to go.

So they gave them first aid and patched them up, and gave them antibiotics. The day after this, I was passing again from that place, and I saw them taking off the bandages and throwing the anti-biotics on the trash can. They would not take a word from me or anyone else. Albeit many lives and beings exist in major suffering states, beyond comprehension, they don't want to be helped, change their mindsets or improve in anyway.

They have it all right and they know it all, this condemned man I saw also had it all figured out. Hospitals, doctors, first aid workers, passer-by's, the whole universe he knows and rejected any input from it. Next week he likely dies or does become amputated, or simply his legs are gone. Nothing will change his mind.

Overall, some people on this universe are decided to ruin themselves. This is in many cases irreversible. I have to actually sit down in similar cases to explain to people why certain things need to change. This works only in maybe half of all people. Most people deserve not only one, but many lifetimes of suffering until value, health, balance and many other notions are understood. They invite this upon themselves and make their own torment, by not allowing anything better to arise in their existence, even when this is offered to them.

At the current state of the world, the way I see people behaving, it's very likely even if Satan and the Gods came with spaceships, most of them would make a few stories on Instagram with the UFO sightings and then return back to their ordinary and boring existence. Overall, people think they need help and that they would appreciate this, but the reality of existence is that a species on a low level of consciousness cannot really appreciate a lot of things. I could sit a monkey with me right now to explain to it the marvel of modern technology, but in it's mind all it understands is the taste of a banana and nothing else.

So to all people here, make sure to use life and existence that you have properly. Do not be fools, never like the people in the above category. You are a different type of human being that is destined for other things. You are here because this higher force is trying to lift you higher. You must make sure it can do this to the best of your ability.

Other people do not yet have this, at least some of them, don't mourn for them - I would not like to get deep into this, but many have formed this condemnation on their own, albeit not always by a "conscious" choice. It is very sad, but it is what it is. What is sadder is that people like you here don't make evolution in life, rather than the already self condemned not being "saved".

Let "Jesus" or whatever lie they conjured up and they believe in this to do this (he won't, that's why they believe in him in the first place, they don't want to be truly saved). They believe in these lies as deep inside they don't want to be saved.

We are of another nature and type here. Some are in the making and others further ahead, but we are another thing. All that takes to understand is to have good insight on the world and how it operates and what beings are.

Try to have an open perspective that takes existence in consideration. While the Gods give people abundant chances, like the evolution in the JoS, or major other things that are of exceptional nature, the lesser mind of the monkey rejects them, and all humans to lesser or higher degrees have this mindset. You are responsible for this solely, not the Gods, nor your "fortune" nor anything else.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Let "Jesus" or whatever lie they conjured up and they believe in this to do this (he won't, that's why they believe in him in the first place, they don't want to be truly saved). They believe in these lies as deep inside they don't want to be saved.
What if these people are our family members or loved ones? As much as I know it's their own choice but it's sad to see the people we care about in this state.

I would like to have a life where I see that they are all SS.
What if these people are our family members or loved ones? As much as I know it's their own choice but it's sad to see the people we care about in this state.

I would like to have a life where I see that they are all SS.

Appreciate them and love them, but don't let them sink you down. Because they can if they want to. Your protection is very important here. Some people are hellbent on destroying other people out there. Keep a safe distance and protect them.

Souls will eventually evolve the problem is however their timeline is not the same as ours. People here are ahead in evolution terms. So others will take a lot of time and one must not ruin themselves for this, but stay focused on evolving themselves and others who want this, not those who do not or can destroy you for trying.
What if these people are our family members or loved ones? As much as I know it's their own choice but it's sad to see the people we care about in this state.

I would like to have a life where I see that they are all SS.
Sometimes people evolve fast, others slowly, others are deceived, others even their souls are slimy. ( 💀 )
Eventually everyone who is not a Jew will see the truth.
Because we will eradicate the Jews!

Really, love them all. Don't show them the error of their ways. They will find it.
Maybe you will not remember them in your next life. Spend good times with them... :) ✨
I've made quite a few changes to my life since Dedicating, and it's been liberating to take better decisions and take control of my life.
I was where I was before Dedicating, and I still have much work to do and many problems to fix. But knowing I have upward movement relaxes me and doesn't let me overly worry about the bad things in my life, as they are just opportunities to improve.

Only good things can come from gaining even 1% of the understanding of the world from the Gods. Because it is ultimately pro-human, pro-life and pro-Universe. The Gods and their ethics are natural.
Appreciate them and love them, but don't let them sink you down. Because they can if they want to. Your protection is very important here. Some people are hellbent on destroying other people out there. Keep a safe distance and protect them.

Souls will eventually evolve the problem is however their timeline is not the same as ours. People here are ahead in evolution terms. So others will take a lot of time and one must not ruin themselves for this, but stay focused on evolving themselves and others who want this, not those who do not or can destroy you for trying.
As "different" as they are sometimes, I think I respect their struggle. They are trying, more than I've ever seen in anyone else. And if they were here, they would have so many values to hold on to in their lives. They have always survived by hugging each other, and I think this has created a sense of "unity" in me since my childhood.

I won't let them pull me down, but I will always create a safe space for them.

Thank you.

Sometimes people evolve fast, others slowly, others are deceived, others even their souls are slimy. ( 💀 )
Eventually everyone who is not a Jew will see the truth.
Because we will eradicate the Jews!

Really, love them all. Don't show them the error of their ways. They will find it.
Maybe you will not remember them in your next life. Spend good times with them... :) ✨

Correct, based on this I think I also have to explain some things in the future about how past lives/future lives and family do relate. Because there are many cases to this.

As "different" as they are sometimes, I think I respect their struggle. They are trying, more than I've ever seen in anyone else. And if they were here, they would have so many values to hold on to in their lives. They have always survived by hugging each other, and I think this has created a sense of "unity" in me since my childhood.

I won't let them pull me down, but I will always create a safe space for them.

Thank you.


Yes brother, do not despair, stay focused on your growth first and foremost. But don't let them sink you down, because if they also sink you down they are also sinking themselves down. So try to ignore this as much as you can and try to stay strong.

It's good they at least support each other, there are many bad cases of families around, trust me on that one. If they at least have some love for each other and they try to survive together, even if they drag you down a bit, it's due to stupidity not due to evil. Sounds like they are all good people.

It felt really good to read this article.

Thank you. I wanted to explain this in order to free your minds a little bit from feeling too much obligated to raise everything up. Focus on yourself first, and then what can be raised and what you are destined to raise, will come. Hope this helps because it took me a full 10 years to arrive to these conclusions shared in the post. Endless trial and error also, which was a quite the pain to experience.

I've made quite a few changes to my life since Dedicating, and it's been liberating to take better decisions and take control of my life.
I was where I was before Dedicating, and I still have much work to do and many problems to fix. But knowing I have upward movement relaxes me and doesn't let me overly worry about the bad things in my life, as they are just opportunities to improve.

Only good things can come from gaining even 1% of the understanding of the world from the Gods. Because it is ultimately pro-human, pro-life and pro-Universe. The Gods and their ethics are natural.

Absolutely, even 1% as you say, is the crown of crowns in this world. I am very glad to read this, it shows clearly your mind is rapidly expanding, so keep it up and I am sure you will attain greatly in the path and for yourself.
I feel like all of this would have been prevented through genetic engineering. If you design a computer with easily hack-able flaws and a barely working software, putting bandages on it won't do much. You can try cleaning it up, ect but when the failure rate is 99%, the problem is with the machine itself.

Imo and I could be wrong, humans just weren't made correctly. Jews are the way they are because of reptilian additions and I wonder if their rep genes were removed they'd be more normal. The rest of humanity was given genes that designed brains that just couldn't handle civilization or even personal life. It's like putting the weight of the body of an elephant and making it rest on giraffe legs. No matter how much you try to help it, the legs can't handle the weight and will collapse. Maybe you'll get 1 in a million legs that SOMEHOW held the weight, but that's probably due to lucky genetic mutations.

We're the minority freaks of a horribly gone wrong genetic experiment. We're the animal with giraffe legs that mutated enough to hold the elephant weight, somewhow...

Perhaps if every human was given, let's say, a 200-300 IQ brain, very high impulse control, immortality and so on, genetic resistance to any alien engineering like the reps, inbuilt psychic powers, this wouldn't be happening.

Like the chimp, if you genetically engineered it to have the intelligence of the human brain, you probably would be to able to have profound conversations with it.

I'm not saying there's no free will, but to pretend like it's all or even mostly free will is disingenuous imo.
You can say it's the soul or whatever, but put an advanced soul in a 50 IQ, low impulse control body and see how "advanced" it will be.
But to be frank, I wonder if the human design we have now is even the original one. After Satan lost a battle to the reps, they might have retarded us genetically. Dogs and cats can see beings that we can't. We're less advanced by default than them in that regard.

But a hole in that theory is why didn't they just give us all reptilian genes? Perhaps they did and Jews just have a higher portion of it? Idk. It's hard for me to make sense of the puzzle when I don't even have all the pieces put together.
Correct, based on this I think I also have to explain some things in the future about how past lives/future lives and family do relate. Because there are many cases to this.

Yes brother, do not despair, stay focused on your growth first and foremost. But don't let them sink you down, because if they also sink you down they are also sinking themselves down. So try to ignore this as much as you can and try to stay strong.

It's good they at least support each other, there are many bad cases of families around, trust me on that one. If they at least have some love for each other and they try to survive together, even if they drag you down a bit, it's due to stupidity not due to evil. Sounds like they are all good people.

Thank you. I wanted to explain this in order to free your minds a little bit from feeling too much obligated to raise everything up. Focus on yourself first, and then what can be raised and what you are destined to raise, will come. Hope this helps because it took me a full 10 years to arrive to these conclusions shared in the post. Endless trial and error also, which was a quite the pain to experience.

Absolutely, even 1% as you say, is the crown of crowns in this world. I am very glad to read this, it shows clearly your mind is rapidly expanding, so keep it up and I am sure you will attain greatly in the path and for yourself.
I really hate to see my loved ones suffer, only those I truly care about as I'm coming up in this lifetime. I feel it would be right to send them the protection they need until they wake up. If it's not now then later in time as it goes on. From your perspective HPHC, I have support here and there from time to time. I feel the distance at time or I'm not engaging with social interaction from my family. But I want to see them live long as they can, because I care about them.

How would it be once I send them the protection they need so they can be safe as well? With the current state of this world, they're programmed of course. And I want them to be safe and secured on a spiritual level. Would I be wasting my time trying to be there for the ones I love? And maintaining a safe distance would it be worth it?
Yes brother, do not despair, stay focused on your growth first and foremost. But don't let them sink you down, because if they also sink you down they are also sinking themselves down. So try to ignore this as much as you can and try to stay strong.

It's good they at least support each other, there are many bad cases of families around, trust me on that one. If they at least have some love for each other and they try to survive together, even if they drag you down a bit, it's due to stupidity not due to evil. Sounds like they are all good people.
I will never despair. All these things are very true and very valuable. I think I am very lucky, both to have been born into a family of virtues (however Muslim they may be) and to have found the JoS. Sometimes things seem bad, but as you say, I try to will Stay Strong, and I will.
I feel like all of this would have been prevented through genetic engineering. If you design a computer with easily hack-able flaws and a barely working software, putting bandages on it won't do much. You can try cleaning it up, ect but when the failure rate is 99%, the problem is with the machine itself.

Imo and I could be wrong, humans just weren't made correctly.

Humanity is fundamentally just fine as a creation, very good and with endless prospect. The problem is that the user manual of humanity was spiritual knowledge and guidance [this has to do with the Soul and Soul related abilities] which if left untended, can make problems. This extends beyond genetics. Many people are just fine genetically they are not flawed on a biological level, they are fine.

Ever since, humanity doing mistake after mistake, perverts the original design which for all intents was most excellent. The nature of these flaws do not have to do with genetic engineering, but the nature of the universe that can actually reduce things so long they do not improve. This is the nature of the universe itself. As it allows for expansion, it can also cause major flaws and reduction.

I will never despair. All these things are very true and very valuable. I think I am very lucky, both to have been born into a family of virtues (however Muslim they may be) and to have found the JoS. Sometimes things seem bad, but as you say, I try to will Stay Strong, and I will.

Of course you are, don't question this. About one's family religious beliefs, just accept them for what they are. They are not experts. If they are good people, one is rich in this life. I have seen many other scenarios and one should be thankful to have ethical and decent people in their family. They are not supposed to be spiritual geniuses or anything, but if they are not brutal, abusive, thieving, or outright destructive and also help and protect you, they are good people.

Maybe you feel like things are a bit worse than they are, I am just trying to remind you here they are not THAT bad. There are people who get abused and who knows what from their so called "family". If one had not one of these, then all else is not that bad.

I really hate to see my loved ones suffer, only those I truly care about as I'm coming up in this lifetime. I feel it would be right to send them the protection they need until they wake up. If it's not now then later in time as it goes on. From your perspective HPHC, I have support here and there from time to time. I feel the distance at time or I'm not engaging with social interaction from my family. But I want to see them live long as they can, because I care about them.

How would it be once I send them the protection they need so they can be safe as well? With the current state of this world, they're programmed of course. And I want them to be safe and secured on a spiritual level. Would I be wasting my time trying to be there for the ones I love? And maintaining a safe distance would it be worth it?

Protection does not mean they will become better or smarter, but it can truly protect them when it comes from many dangers [they will not know, and they will likely think God protects them, but that is not an issue here, their protection is].

This is why I say every household that has a Spiritual Satanist is a most blessed household.

The amount of good a Spiritual Satanist can do to people is immense. It's like having a priestly inclined child but an actual one, not like the enemy. Having a productive and spiritual person in the family can be a life saver for the whole family.

Of course, many people do not see this that way because of our "Title" today (They are afraid of the Gods), but if people had children like this in the Ancient Civilizations, they would be most praised to have spiritual children and great descendants.

Times will change and the people of value will be re-admitted in society normally.
Of course you are, don't question this. About one's family religious beliefs, just accept them for what they are. They are not experts. If they are good people, one is rich in this life. I have seen many other scenarios and one should be thankful to have ethical and decent people in their family. They are not supposed to be spiritual geniuses or anything, but if they are not brutal, abusive, thieving, or outright destructive and also help and protect you, they are good people.

Maybe you feel like things are a bit worse than they are, I am just trying to remind you here they are not THAT bad. There are
people who get abused and who knows what from their so called "family". If one had not one of these, then all else is not that bad.
Yes, I think some of the astrological aspects I have can make me see things as worse than they are. Sometimes it can even affect my discipline. Sometimes I can even have sudden mood swings.

All these are very true words. I respect them and I will not get into unnecessary arguments anymore. For someone to change we have to give them the space. And if they don't change, I still love them.

Thank you, sir.

Stupidity has always been used by the enemy against us; whether that be emotional manipulation, false religions, poisonous ideologies, or even the media and "brainrot". Isn't it strange how people who waste their youth, end up becoming "faithful christians" in their 50's, or even a few months before their death? It's much easier to nail a crucified kike on the wall than to work on your body, mind, and soul.
Still you are moving with same point every few topics.
We are living in same World and know how people are degenerated, and we are looking at them every day. We can write milions examples of ruins, but still it won't be enough for every person in JOS to learn "by somebody fail" because every case of mortal have different Devils and Temperances in their souls to work at.

It's fine to simplify knowledge, which people can extend fragment by fragment - alone or with Gods in their minds and souls. The problem is, that ways you can touch topics in simple way are limited at current level of deep and teachings are repeatable. If somebody is interested in knowledge, they would to read older sermons.
I just see that masculine simplicity overwhelmed new posts and stopped pointing to femine deep examination, which is really harmful, because people will move around and around in same circle.
People nowadays have mostly masculine thinking, but without female part their souls will be thin like notebook. Logical facts are important however without touching feelings, insights and visions they aren't valuable enough for global lessons. There always should be a pinch of other Serpent.
That's good you are "slowing down" in public with masculine forces, nevertheless it's also too high.
I don't even mention how our yesterday private communication was weak and fulfilled by "lost to The Devil", because you were arrogantly sure I cannot be somebody more than little dot. I expected a little bit more engagement.
I have read some of these comments and I agree with HPHC for the most part on this love your family from a distance.

For good reason after some things came to light for me concerning my bio and adopted family. I can't seem to love them anymore even from where I am at . it's like all care and love for them poofed into thin air.

I can't save their souls it's not my job to do it is their job to save them selves .

as much as I would or what small part of me that still cares for them it's not my place to help All we can do is sit and wait and they will see the truth .

I will always be grateful for the lesson on kindness, patience , compassion etc. the path we are on must be taken willingly and is not to be forced on.

Just focus on yourself and one day you may cheer them on at the finish line
The human species albeit it generates a lot of delusions about itself [open up social media for this], is still inherently not very intelligent. I am trying to be formal here and not say it is outright retarded, but I want to be kind today.

And by intelligence I don't mean an AI type of intelligence, IQ, or the ability to google up things and tell them to others and pretend one has knowledge. I mean overall existential intelligence.

More fundamentally, human beings are very low in the ranking of what we call understanding of the universe. This universe involves other beings, the environment, and all things in the existence of the species.

Many animals comparably to human understand many things way better. Humans for example require "explanation" on why they must "procreate" in this day and age, others require explanation on to not even engage in consumption of their own waste, or how to create a balance with the ecosystem around them and not throw waste on beaches. Or why you must not lie to everyone because other people will no longer believe you. Or that the sun rises every morning, that also has to be explained.

These are all signs of a downfall of a species on more than one areas.

I need to actually sit down here and "explain" why the JoS would require financial progression in a world where you cannot even drink clean water in order to survive without this tool. "You know what the baby needs milk in order to raise itself and grow". Yes, it does.

One woman was also aired on TV for drinking the bleach that we use for floors, would not take a word on it, she loved drinking it. Gallons everyday. Gods forbid anyone would tell her to not do this; she loved it and know better. The list is endless.

Long story short many beings out there are decided unwaveringly to be ruined. Their denial levels are off the charts. This can reach such heights that nobody else can save them from this self inflicted condemnation. This cannot be stopped. And we should not seek to stop it in quite a few cases. Out of these people who are decided to destroy themselves, only about half of them stand a chance to be saved.

Not that long ago, I was walking down the street. There was a man who was homeless there, he had so many infections he would have gangrene. As a case like this, getting to a hospital is quintessential as amputation is the next thing that might need to happen. They were sitting there, doing nothing. They could be admitted and cured for free. Had a phone and everything but did not care. Next day, I went through this place again, and I see that the ambulance was there and offering to take them in. They responded they don't trust the hospital and they don't want to go.

So they gave them first aid and patched them up, and gave them antibiotics. The day after this, I was passing again from that place, and I saw them taking off the bandages and throwing the anti-biotics on the trash can. They would not take a word from me or anyone else. Albeit many lives and beings exist in major suffering states, beyond comprehension, they don't want to be helped, change their mindsets or improve in anyway.

They have it all right and they know it all, this condemned man I saw also had it all figured out. Hospitals, doctors, first aid workers, passer-by's, the whole universe he knows and rejected any input from it. Next week he likely dies or does become amputated, or simply his legs are gone. Nothing will change his mind.

Overall, some people on this universe are decided to ruin themselves. This is in many cases irreversible. I have to actually sit down in similar cases to explain to people why certain things need to change. This works only in maybe half of all people. Most people deserve not only one, but many lifetimes of suffering until value, health, balance and many other notions are understood. They invite this upon themselves and make their own torment, by not allowing anything better to arise in their existence, even when this is offered to them.

At the current state of the world, the way I see people behaving, it's very likely even if Satan and the Gods came with spaceships, most of them would make a few stories on Instagram with the UFO sightings and then return back to their ordinary and boring existence. Overall, people think they need help and that they would appreciate this, but the reality of existence is that a species on a low level of consciousness cannot really appreciate a lot of things. I could sit a monkey with me right now to explain to it the marvel of modern technology, but in it's mind all it understands is the taste of a banana and nothing else.

So to all people here, make sure to use life and existence that you have properly. Do not be fools, never like the people in the above category. You are a different type of human being that is destined for other things. You are here because this higher force is trying to lift you higher. You must make sure it can do this to the best of your ability.

Other people do not yet have this, at least some of them, don't mourn for them - I would not like to get deep into this, but many have formed this condemnation on their own, albeit not always by a "conscious" choice. It is very sad, but it is what it is. What is sadder is that people like you here don't make evolution in life, rather than the already self condemned not being "saved".

Let "Jesus" or whatever lie they conjured up and they believe in this to do this (he won't, that's why they believe in him in the first place, they don't want to be truly saved). They believe in these lies as deep inside they don't want to be saved.

We are of another nature and type here. Some are in the making and others further ahead, but we are another thing. All that takes to understand is to have good insight on the world and how it operates and what beings are.

Try to have an open perspective that takes existence in consideration. While the Gods give people abundant chances, like the evolution in the JoS, or major other things that are of exceptional nature, the lesser mind of the monkey rejects them, and all humans to lesser or higher degrees have this mindset. You are responsible for this solely, not the Gods, nor your "fortune" nor anything else.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I agree with you. It seems like we have enough,drama going as it is. And we deal with random individuals, and wanna-bes, spyco jews and other other pet peeves. and it is not easy, trying to help each other as it is on here, with spiritual and emotional problems as it is. Looking for help on there path. It makes it easier to be with, those who understand what is going on, and responsibility, for there own and help make things more comfortable. Thank you for sharing this article. ❤️🔥
Yep, it's difficult to admit/accept how people are unable to smell the spiritual moisture of their bottomless pits.

Maybe young souls are leaded to experience this to take better decisions in their next reincarnation ? One life being too short to correct the course for them ?

They are not able to say to themselves : "Hey guy !? you commit a kind of suicide by doing this !" and they stay in their nihilist mode for the one, consumerist for other... what they need to weave the thick psychic layer that keep them from questionning themselves.

Technically, it's madness.

And if you want to do your best, many will look at you sideways to say something like : "Who do you think you are ?" to refrain you, just to avoid to feel themselves obliged to improve.
Then more and more strategic places are leaded by people cultivating moistures of a labyrinth of bottomless pits.

We need to have a fucking willpower to not to sink into this ! or maybe, simply experience... then you understand we have not all the same age, and only the fact that we reincarnate can explain that.
because you were arrogantly sure I cannot be somebody more than little dot.
It's he who says who is.

I don't often post or reply something on the forum, but at least, when I do, I avoid to be unpleasant.
It's more constructive to participate in translations or go deeper into the subject than to criticize.

If you talk like this to weak people, you push them to withdraw into themselves and progressively degenerate like the examples given into the sermon.
Learn to be humble and altruistic rather than demanding attention.
It's those that wine and complain that, make me wonder. And sometimes even those people that want sympathy for no reason, and ask silly questions like a child, that gets old to fast. And people who l, are smart 🙄 Look at the situation and make a better change, knowing that there is better choices for each and individual. And there are some people that just don't understand and never let go, and give them sells an actual chance to learn something of it? Or just admit that they have a problem. Be honest with there shit? And move on. ❤️ people have choices...
It's he who says who is.

I don't often post or reply something on the forum, but at least, when I do, I avoid to be unpleasant.
It's more constructive to participate in translations or go deeper into the subject than to criticize.

If you talk like this to weak people, you push them to withdraw into themselves and progressively degenerate like the examples given into the sermon.
Learn to be humble and altruistic rather than demanding attention.
Pushing into yourself is necessary for everyone, because you can dig deeper and deeper expanding your soul.
6th Chacra rules about it and everyone have different level of it God's and People. The exception is connection of a Mars, because that Chacra able you to access to your opponent level by physical plane (Aries) or psychical (Scorpio).
If you expanding yourself outside without having builded inside, that will slowly decay your environment, it's how human race went down century by century, because people always wanted to aid in the Light without knowledge about Night and Shadows. It's cursed and out of Universe will. Look at the sky, the Sun shining by day, but the clean blue sky is atmospheric illusion. Everywhere what you have is a emptiness visible in the night. That Emptiness is a vessel, vessel for Sun and thousand of Stars.. Planets and also it works also inside everyone soul for chacras. Akasha build space in souls, that allows hold stronger Chacras, because you have more room to fill. Moreover you are safe from others whose have lower level of "Deep". Deep it's name for 6th Chacra dimension at the Opposite you have Solar Plexus with Manifestation. Deep&Manifestation are full description of a Soul. World is created from Duality, but also need connector that have both of characteristics it's how Triquetra is holy symbol in Satanism. For example Poseidon, Zeus and Hades.
Please don't be mad about my ending of previous post, but it was addressed personally to Mr. Cobra about what we mailed private.
Thank you HP Hoodedcobra666 once again for a wonderful sermon

Like some of the comments here I too have thought of my family members and how will I explain everything but most of my family members I cannot tell them the truth as they believe in their religion, I do have an elder sister who is not religious never has been, in fact she hates religion, I’ve shown her how Christianity is made up and that it’s astrological in that jewsus is actually worshipped for being the SUN ☀️ and that, the SUN ☀️ dies and rises every day and gives life, like they believed that this jewsus died rose and gives life!
I told her the whole Bible has been stolen for the ancient pagan religions and the Jews made up their own characters from the stolen pagan real Gods and named their characters which really never existed, like Adem and Eve, Moses, Noah, David, Jesus and even the 12 apostles are actually the 12 signs of the zodiac, and the four books of the Gospel is the four seasons summer, winter, spring and Fall (Autumn) and she listens to me, I have told her the God that Christian’s and Jews and Muslims worship is actually the greys and the Reptilians and that the 3 Abrahamic religions are nothing but a control mechanism and a death cult but for those who are running this evil cult religions are very wealthy because religion brings in lots of money as we know from the Vatican to the Saudi Mecca which bring in thousands and thousands of money from the ignorant worshipers, and my sister believes me she trusts me because she knows most of my life I have studied and read upon many things she knows I constantly read and have read many things, but I have not told her that I’m in Spiritual Satanism and that the True creator God of the human race is Father Satan because she’s not ready to hear this just yet
Hail God Father Satan Lucifer ❤️
Hail to all the Gods and Goddesses of Orion ❤️
The human species albeit it generates a lot of delusions about itself [open up social media for this], is still inherently not very intelligent. I am trying to be formal here and not say it is outright retarded, but I want to be kind today.

And by intelligence I don't mean an AI type of intelligence, IQ, or the ability to google up things and tell them to others and pretend one has knowledge. I mean overall existential intelligence.

More fundamentally, human beings are very low in the ranking of what we call understanding of the universe. This universe involves other beings, the environment, and all things in the existence of the species.

Many animals comparably to human understand many things way better. Humans for example require "explanation" on why they must "procreate" in this day and age, others require explanation on to not even engage in consumption of their own waste, or how to create a balance with the ecosystem around them and not throw waste on beaches. Or why you must not lie to everyone because other people will no longer believe you. Or that the sun rises every morning, that also has to be explained.

These are all signs of a downfall of a species on more than one areas.

I need to actually sit down here and "explain" why the JoS would require financial progression in a world where you cannot even drink clean water in order to survive without this tool. "You know what the baby needs milk in order to raise itself and grow". Yes, it does.

One woman was also aired on TV for drinking the bleach that we use for floors, would not take a word on it, she loved drinking it. Gallons everyday. Gods forbid anyone would tell her to not do this; she loved it and know better. The list is endless.

Long story short many beings out there are decided unwaveringly to be ruined. Their denial levels are off the charts. This can reach such heights that nobody else can save them from this self inflicted condemnation. This cannot be stopped. And we should not seek to stop it in quite a few cases. Out of these people who are decided to destroy themselves, only about half of them stand a chance to be saved.

Not that long ago, I was walking down the street. There was a man who was homeless there, he had so many infections he would have gangrene. As a case like this, getting to a hospital is quintessential as amputation is the next thing that might need to happen. They were sitting there, doing nothing. They could be admitted and cured for free. Had a phone and everything but did not care. Next day, I went through this place again, and I see that the ambulance was there and offering to take them in. They responded they don't trust the hospital and they don't want to go.

So they gave them first aid and patched them up, and gave them antibiotics. The day after this, I was passing again from that place, and I saw them taking off the bandages and throwing the anti-biotics on the trash can. They would not take a word from me or anyone else. Albeit many lives and beings exist in major suffering states, beyond comprehension, they don't want to be helped, change their mindsets or improve in anyway.

They have it all right and they know it all, this condemned man I saw also had it all figured out. Hospitals, doctors, first aid workers, passer-by's, the whole universe he knows and rejected any input from it. Next week he likely dies or does become amputated, or simply his legs are gone. Nothing will change his mind.

Overall, some people on this universe are decided to ruin themselves. This is in many cases irreversible. I have to actually sit down in similar cases to explain to people why certain things need to change. This works only in maybe half of all people. Most people deserve not only one, but many lifetimes of suffering until value, health, balance and many other notions are understood. They invite this upon themselves and make their own torment, by not allowing anything better to arise in their existence, even when this is offered to them.

At the current state of the world, the way I see people behaving, it's very likely even if Satan and the Gods came with spaceships, most of them would make a few stories on Instagram with the UFO sightings and then return back to their ordinary and boring existence. Overall, people think they need help and that they would appreciate this, but the reality of existence is that a species on a low level of consciousness cannot really appreciate a lot of things. I could sit a monkey with me right now to explain to it the marvel of modern technology, but in it's mind all it understands is the taste of a banana and nothing else.

So to all people here, make sure to use life and existence that you have properly. Do not be fools, never like the people in the above category. You are a different type of human being that is destined for other things. You are here because this higher force is trying to lift you higher. You must make sure it can do this to the best of your ability.

Other people do not yet have this, at least some of them, don't mourn for them - I would not like to get deep into this, but many have formed this condemnation on their own, albeit not always by a "conscious" choice. It is very sad, but it is what it is. What is sadder is that people like you here don't make evolution in life, rather than the already self condemned not being "saved".

Let "Jesus" or whatever lie they conjured up and they believe in this to do this (he won't, that's why they believe in him in the first place, they don't want to be truly saved). They believe in these lies as deep inside they don't want to be saved.

We are of another nature and type here. Some are in the making and others further ahead, but we are another thing. All that takes to understand is to have good insight on the world and how it operates and what beings are.

Try to have an open perspective that takes existence in consideration. While the Gods give people abundant chances, like the evolution in the JoS, or major other things that are of exceptional nature, the lesser mind of the monkey rejects them, and all humans to lesser or higher degrees have this mindset. You are responsible for this solely, not the Gods, nor your "fortune" nor anything else.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Great sermon
Try to have an open perspective that takes existence in consideration.
This is so very profound and simply STEEPED in Wisdom. When you finally understand existence, you understand that LIFE is meant to be lived to the fullest in the pursuit of Happiness. And advancing Spiritually will bring ultimate happiness as your soul is replenished with Truth and knowledge and Power.
Only good things can come from gaining even 1% of the understanding of the world from the Gods. Because it is ultimately pro-human, pro-life and pro-Universe.
The above is very insightful. While advancing our Souls, we come to realize we are perpetually and eternally students and we have an unquenchable thirst for Truth and knowledge of our world and the Universe we are part of. As we advance, we become more and more Synergistic with the Universe and can comprehend its marvels on an increasing scale. How wonderful life becomes with the more we learn. Knowledge is Power.
Humanity is fundamentally just fine as a creation, very good and with endless prospect. The problem is that the user manual of humanity was spiritual knowledge and guidance [this has to do with the Soul and Soul related abilities] which if left untended, can make problems.
What absolute eloquence. You can turn a simple phrase into some amazing words. I took note that you qualified this with the phrase, "if left untended". We here are fortunate to have JoS to teach us how to "tend to" our souls. HPHC, I could feel your love for all of humanity in these words. It gave me a feeling of joy to be included in your love for mankind. You are worthy to lead us and we lovingly follow you into the light.
This is why I say every household that has a Spiritual Satanist is a most blessed household.
Every single one of us here, are blessings to our households.

The sermon was beautiful.
Hail Satan!!!
The human species albeit it generates a lot of delusions about itself [open up social media for this], is still inherently not very intelligent. I am trying to be formal here and not say it is outright retarded, but I want to be kind today.

And by intelligence I don't mean an AI type of intelligence, IQ, or the ability to google up things and tell them to others and pretend one has knowledge. I mean overall existential intelligence.

More fundamentally, human beings are very low in the ranking of what we call understanding of the universe. This universe involves other beings, the environment, and all things in the existence of the species.

Many animals comparably to human understand many things way better. Humans for example require "explanation" on why they must "procreate" in this day and age, others require explanation on to not even engage in consumption of their own waste, or how to create a balance with the ecosystem around them and not throw waste on beaches. Or why you must not lie to everyone because other people will no longer believe you. Or that the sun rises every morning, that also has to be explained.

These are all signs of a downfall of a species on more than one areas.

I need to actually sit down here and "explain" why the JoS would require financial progression in a world where you cannot even drink clean water in order to survive without this tool. "You know what the baby needs milk in order to raise itself and grow". Yes, it does.

One woman was also aired on TV for drinking the bleach that we use for floors, would not take a word on it, she loved drinking it. Gallons everyday. Gods forbid anyone would tell her to not do this; she loved it and know better. The list is endless.

Long story short many beings out there are decided unwaveringly to be ruined. Their denial levels are off the charts. This can reach such heights that nobody else can save them from this self inflicted condemnation. This cannot be stopped. And we should not seek to stop it in quite a few cases. Out of these people who are decided to destroy themselves, only about half of them stand a chance to be saved.

Not that long ago, I was walking down the street. There was a man who was homeless there, he had so many infections he would have gangrene. As a case like this, getting to a hospital is quintessential as amputation is the next thing that might need to happen. They were sitting there, doing nothing. They could be admitted and cured for free. Had a phone and everything but did not care. Next day, I went through this place again, and I see that the ambulance was there and offering to take them in. They responded they don't trust the hospital and they don't want to go.

So they gave them first aid and patched them up, and gave them antibiotics. The day after this, I was passing again from that place, and I saw them taking off the bandages and throwing the anti-biotics on the trash can. They would not take a word from me or anyone else. Albeit many lives and beings exist in major suffering states, beyond comprehension, they don't want to be helped, change their mindsets or improve in anyway.

They have it all right and they know it all, this condemned man I saw also had it all figured out. Hospitals, doctors, first aid workers, passer-by's, the whole universe he knows and rejected any input from it. Next week he likely dies or does become amputated, or simply his legs are gone. Nothing will change his mind.

Overall, some people on this universe are decided to ruin themselves. This is in many cases irreversible. I have to actually sit down in similar cases to explain to people why certain things need to change. This works only in maybe half of all people. Most people deserve not only one, but many lifetimes of suffering until value, health, balance and many other notions are understood. They invite this upon themselves and make their own torment, by not allowing anything better to arise in their existence, even when this is offered to them.

At the current state of the world, the way I see people behaving, it's very likely even if Satan and the Gods came with spaceships, most of them would make a few stories on Instagram with the UFO sightings and then return back to their ordinary and boring existence. Overall, people think they need help and that they would appreciate this, but the reality of existence is that a species on a low level of consciousness cannot really appreciate a lot of things. I could sit a monkey with me right now to explain to it the marvel of modern technology, but in it's mind all it understands is the taste of a banana and nothing else.

So to all people here, make sure to use life and existence that you have properly. Do not be fools, never like the people in the above category. You are a different type of human being that is destined for other things. You are here because this higher force is trying to lift you higher. You must make sure it can do this to the best of your ability.

Other people do not yet have this, at least some of them, don't mourn for them - I would not like to get deep into this, but many have formed this condemnation on their own, albeit not always by a "conscious" choice. It is very sad, but it is what it is. What is sadder is that people like you here don't make evolution in life, rather than the already self condemned not being "saved".

Let "Jesus" or whatever lie they conjured up and they believe in this to do this (he won't, that's why they believe in him in the first place, they don't want to be truly saved). They believe in these lies as deep inside they don't want to be saved.

We are of another nature and type here. Some are in the making and others further ahead, but we are another thing. All that takes to understand is to have good insight on the world and how it operates and what beings are.

Try to have an open perspective that takes existence in consideration. While the Gods give people abundant chances, like the evolution in the JoS, or major other things that are of exceptional nature, the lesser mind of the monkey rejects them, and all humans to lesser or higher degrees have this mindset. You are responsible for this solely, not the Gods, nor your "fortune" nor anything else.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
This really eased my mind with all these over-imposed ideas of collective responsibilities humanity share,,,
But honestly there is nothing more saddening as seeing those around us bearing all the characteristics of you referred to as a Fallen andrapod and some luckily bridging the distance between and and andrapod and the former,
And in by no way do I see myself any better,am just glad I noticed my gifts and shortcomings albeit heavily disadvantageous ,
In family matters it would be impossible the.get my family out of the Christian slaves mumbo-jumbos ,
My mom is a literal Church cleric,
But seeing them being there For us 90% of the time we have fallen flat on our faces really weighs heavily on the idea of seeing them as something to forget about Incase they don't seek the path we do,,it's ,brutal,, necessary maybe, you can't walk into an Area zero of a nuke blast scene trying to stop someone who's always been there for you is blindly going towards it,
There is nothing brutal as being zombified,Even if you wish to forcefully treat i the zombie would still lash out to you,you can't always succeed,
One thing that bothers me is seeing all the genocide,mass ethnic cleansing, rewritten history literal hijack of the gentiles soul and just smiling because the 'Gods said they've won't
Would the enemy just walk off ,,all that the energy they put to work into driving the world into an eschatological haze would go unused?
I really worry about what the enemy has for those still in their clutches out of their own free will,and in this case people very deer to us,
It would be correct to call them zombified sheep but we can't deny who they really are,
Do Gods have any plan for our families? Even in death?
Or do we just lose them for their ignorance?
And for those who don't make it into Godhood in this lifetime,are we still going to get reincarnated back here while the enemies has sunk their claws further and turned this into a literal slave farm,?
Do we also reincarnate into the same intellectually inferior race one was ?
Hypothetically wishing the weights are lighter in the other gym
The human species albeit it generates a lot of delusions about itself [open up social media for this], is still inherently not very intelligent. I am trying to be formal here and not say it is outright retarded, but I want to be kind today.

And by intelligence I don't mean an AI type of intelligence, IQ, or the ability to google up things and tell them to others and pretend one has knowledge. I mean overall existential intelligence.

More fundamentally, human beings are very low in the ranking of what we call understanding of the universe. This universe involves other beings, the environment, and all things in the existence of the species.

Many animals comparably to human understand many things way better. Humans for example require "explanation" on why they must "procreate" in this day and age, others require explanation on to not even engage in consumption of their own waste, or how to create a balance with the ecosystem around them and not throw waste on beaches. Or why you must not lie to everyone because other people will no longer believe you. Or that the sun rises every morning, that also has to be explained.

These are all signs of a downfall of a species on more than one areas.

I need to actually sit down here and "explain" why the JoS would require financial progression in a world where you cannot even drink clean water in order to survive without this tool. "You know what the baby needs milk in order to raise itself and grow". Yes, it does.

One woman was also aired on TV for drinking the bleach that we use for floors, would not take a word on it, she loved drinking it. Gallons everyday. Gods forbid anyone would tell her to not do this; she loved it and know better. The list is endless.

Long story short many beings out there are decided unwaveringly to be ruined. Their denial levels are off the charts. This can reach such heights that nobody else can save them from this self inflicted condemnation. This cannot be stopped. And we should not seek to stop it in quite a few cases. Out of these people who are decided to destroy themselves, only about half of them stand a chance to be saved.

Not that long ago, I was walking down the street. There was a man who was homeless there, he had so many infections he would have gangrene. As a case like this, getting to a hospital is quintessential as amputation is the next thing that might need to happen. They were sitting there, doing nothing. They could be admitted and cured for free. Had a phone and everything but did not care. Next day, I went through this place again, and I see that the ambulance was there and offering to take them in. They responded they don't trust the hospital and they don't want to go.

So they gave them first aid and patched them up, and gave them antibiotics. The day after this, I was passing again from that place, and I saw them taking off the bandages and throwing the anti-biotics on the trash can. They would not take a word from me or anyone else. Albeit many lives and beings exist in major suffering states, beyond comprehension, they don't want to be helped, change their mindsets or improve in anyway.

They have it all right and they know it all, this condemned man I saw also had it all figured out. Hospitals, doctors, first aid workers, passer-by's, the whole universe he knows and rejected any input from it. Next week he likely dies or does become amputated, or simply his legs are gone. Nothing will change his mind.

Overall, some people on this universe are decided to ruin themselves. This is in many cases irreversible. I have to actually sit down in similar cases to explain to people why certain things need to change. This works only in maybe half of all people. Most people deserve not only one, but many lifetimes of suffering until value, health, balance and many other notions are understood. They invite this upon themselves and make their own torment, by not allowing anything better to arise in their existence, even when this is offered to them.

At the current state of the world, the way I see people behaving, it's very likely even if Satan and the Gods came with spaceships, most of them would make a few stories on Instagram with the UFO sightings and then return back to their ordinary and boring existence. Overall, people think they need help and that they would appreciate this, but the reality of existence is that a species on a low level of consciousness cannot really appreciate a lot of things. I could sit a monkey with me right now to explain to it the marvel of modern technology, but in it's mind all it understands is the taste of a banana and nothing else.

So to all people here, make sure to use life and existence that you have properly. Do not be fools, never like the people in the above category. You are a different type of human being that is destined for other things. You are here because this higher force is trying to lift you higher. You must make sure it can do this to the best of your ability.

Other people do not yet have this, at least some of them, don't mourn for them - I would not like to get deep into this, but many have formed this condemnation on their own, albeit not always by a "conscious" choice. It is very sad, but it is what it is. What is sadder is that people like you here don't make evolution in life, rather than the already self condemned not being "saved".

Let "Jesus" or whatever lie they conjured up and they believe in this to do this (he won't, that's why they believe in him in the first place, they don't want to be truly saved). They believe in these lies as deep inside they don't want to be saved.

We are of another nature and type here. Some are in the making and others further ahead, but we are another thing. All that takes to understand is to have good insight on the world and how it operates and what beings are.

Try to have an open perspective that takes existence in consideration. While the Gods give people abundant chances, like the evolution in the JoS, or major other things that are of exceptional nature, the lesser mind of the monkey rejects them, and all humans to lesser or higher degrees have this mindset. You are responsible for this solely, not the Gods, nor your "fortune" nor anything else.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
an example, my partner was harvesting some seeds in the front yard from her flowers, a younger neighbor came over wondering what she was doing. explained that saving the seeds so we could plant more flowers. the younger woman was amazed and had no idea the flowers came from the seeds like that. And you went to school for What? a lot of young people cant read an analog clock these days. Understanding the functioning of their souls and its improvement would seem like a vast vast leap for them.
What if these people are our family members or loved ones? As much as I know it's their own choice but it's sad to see the people we care about in this state.

I would like to have a life where I see that they are all SS.
I long for the same for my family unit. My little girl is SS, not yet dedicated, my boys are atheist. But my mother is deluded xtian. Very lazy, very frustrating.
This is so very profound and simply STEEPED in Wisdom. When you finally understand existence, you understand that LIFE is meant to be lived to the fullest in the pursuit of Happiness. And advancing Spiritually will bring ultimate happiness as your soul is replenished with Truth and knowledge and Power.
That's true, but even if you live at your known 100% it's not enough, because lot of people escape from knowledge of second part - The Death. Same situation is visible during Kundalini growth, when you can't reach full understanding/meaning about Masculine part if you barely touched Femine and opposite. The most important thing is Will of Life. It's when you are brave enough to fight for in daily tasks and against enemies of knowledge and ascending.
an example, my partner was harvesting some seeds in the front yard from her flowers, a younger neighbor came over wondering what she was doing. explained that saving the seeds so we could plant more flowers. the younger woman was amazed and had no idea the flowers came from the seeds like that. And you went to school for What? a lot of young people cant read an analog clock these days. Understanding the functioning of their souls and its improvement would seem like a vast vast leap for
an example, my partner was harvesting some seeds in the front yard from her flowers, a younger neighbor came over wondering what she was doing. explained that saving the seeds so we could plant more flowers. the younger woman was amazed and had no idea the flowers came from the seeds like that. And you went to school for What? a lot of young people cant read an analog clock these days. Understanding the functioning of their souls and its improvement would seem like a vast vast leap for them.
its very sad to see people in this state. Social media has become one of the contributing reasons for such behaviors. A lot can’t even stay for mins without mindlessly scrolling though the phone
I've made quite a few changes to my life since Dedicating, and it's been liberating to take better decisions and take control of my life.
I was where I was before Dedicating, and I still have much work to do and many problems to fix. But knowing I have upward movement relaxes me and doesn't let me overly worry about the bad things in my life, as they are just opportunities to improve.

Only good things can come from gaining even 1% of the understanding of the world from the Gods. Because it is ultimately pro-human, pro-life and pro-Universe. The Gods and their ethics are natural.
Good to hear that brother
I have met many people like what you have described.
And I even mourned for them because they don't know the truth. But it is useless to mourn.
It may be interesting that I call these types of people zombies.
I protect the people I love with the power I have. And I pray for their souls to come to the truth as soon as possible.

sorry for my bad English.
I understand cobra but he is a bit wrong.
These people who are said to be irreformable and do not want anything good are typical parasite control.
A parasite sits on most of the population it is worth remembering this parasite manipulates the ignorance of the person who is infected with it.
Such an infected person succumbs to influence and does not want happiness. chooses typical own explanations of an ignorant person.
This is a typical picture of an infected person with aliens.
I have observed people who are infected with them and the alien manipulates them to skepticism first, then to ignorance and then to suffering.
It is not natural for a human to be such a negative being.
These ''irreformable ignoramuses'' most of them are under the influence of an alien. In our world there are a lot of evil spirits or "aliens". They sit most often on people and manipulate and drag to suffering.
That's why I understand Cobra but I don't agree with him that man is like that, it's the work of aliens - I'll tell you.
It's true what I'm saying.
The jewish lie pseudo philosophy is that man is under attack by the jew and the alien and people are convinced of this pseudo philosophy that man is destructive to himself and others.

People are so negative because they are often manipulated by force (psionic attack on the brain)
A person skillfully manipulated by an alien is unable to distinguish this from their own thoughts.
-often accepts it as their own and reacts negatively.

Cobra don't let people's negative behavior bring you hatred towards them, you have to understand and understand what is happening to them.
Just like Lord Lucifer once said never to laugh at drunks, because they are forced to drink by the parasite, the same with drug addicts.
I understand cobra but he is a bit wrong.
These people who are said to be irreformable and do not want anything good are typical parasite control.
A parasite sits on most of the population it is worth remembering this parasite manipulates the ignorance of the person who is infected with it.
Such an infected person succumbs to influence and does not want happiness. chooses typical own explanations of an ignorant person.
This is a typical picture of an infected person with aliens.
I have observed people who are infected with them and the alien manipulates them to skepticism first, then to ignorance and then to suffering.
It is not natural for a human to be such a negative being.
These ''irreformable ignoramuses'' most of them are under the influence of an alien. In our world there are a lot of evil spirits or "aliens". They sit most often on people and manipulate and drag to suffering.
That's why I understand Cobra but I don't agree with him that man is like that, it's the work of aliens - I'll tell you.
It's true what I'm saying.
The jewish lie pseudo philosophy is that man is under attack by the jew and the alien and people are convinced of this pseudo philosophy that man is destructive to himself and others.

People are so negative because they are often manipulated by force (psionic attack on the brain)
A person skillfully manipulated by an alien is unable to distinguish this from their own thoughts.
-often accepts it as their own and reacts negatively.

Cobra don't let people's negative behavior bring you hatred towards them, you have to understand and understand what is happening to them.
Just like Lord Lucifer once said never to laugh at drunks, because they are forced to drink by the parasite, the same with drug addicts.
I agree with Cobra's statement about the level of understanding of people's world around them, that's why they are so susceptible to alien attack. Their level of advancement doesn't allow them to see the enemy, the problem or make better decisions. And I'll add again when it comes to drugs, they are often forced to them (psionic attack)
HP always has the best sermons! I feel much that animals are indeed on a different level. A strong example in my case has been dealing with a dog who at times gets into things like garbage. The feeling of frustration I get most largely comes from worrying about things in there like napkins, rotten food and so forth.

This likely is a natural occurrence resulting from things I cannot yet fully grasp. Possibly it is a natural inclination towards seeking more wholesome nutrient-dense foods. This puppy (lab) is my roommate's whom feeds it cheap conventional dog food along with tap water of which switch out when possible. I may look into studying dog-food recipes and try to get my roommate on board.

I've been doing my utmost to not let anger overtake me. In our states of negativity they sense our emotions and seek to give us comfort and consolation.

I can't help but feel that dogs are smarter than most people in that they live by and of natural law. A dog wouldn't try to take food from the owner's grasp yet they may be likely to take food when the owner is turned away.

Most if not all of us have some trauma from our childhood. Overcoming this and realizing that things take time has helped me personally. It is best to focus on proactivity and positive reinforcement first as fostering this helps to further contrast negative things. Satanism and nature share such deep parallels.
It’s like if we where more creative in our thinking and broad minded in regards to our environment ourselves and others we could begin to (slowly but surely) come up with new ideas and philosophies. Exactly like hitler did. He was a visionary and to put it simply figured it all out. I stress the word creative. It’s like most humans are just stuck in a thought box. This is where Satan comes to free us!

Hail Satan!
Yes, I know only too well the kind of people who only ever complain but don't want to be helped and certainly don't do anything for themselves to free themselves from their misery. Some people, who I just wanted to sensitize a little to take a closer look at their own problems and look for suitable solutions, literally put me down. They almost shouted in my face: "Let me suffer. You don't have the right to want to take away my suffering". I was very shocked and just thought to myself: "Is Aristotle not quite right after all when he asserts in his Nicomachean Ethics: "Happiness is the highest goal of human life"? Is Schopenhauer perhaps right with his bleak metaphysics when he writes in his work "The World as Will and Representation": "There is only one innate error, and it is that we are here to be happy", i.e. human life is determined by pain and boredom, all happiness is just an illusion. I myself cannot take anything good from this attitude despite such experiences with people who obviously prefer suffering to happiness.

A dear girl-friend of mine also complains a lot. But when I show her very practical ways to get out of this vale of tears and lead a self-determined, happy life, she deflects and just says: yes, I'm special too and somehow I've been blessed, but that doesn't apply to her. When I then reply that I have done a lot practically every day to work my way out of my low circumstances because I really do come from a very poor home where I was only physically and mentally abused, but have always begged the nameless gods from an early age to give me the strength and the will to free myself from all this mire and to grow with every problem and every situation, no matter how bad, she doesn't want to hear it or just says: I don't understand that.

Today I know that these nameless gods to whom I pleaded were really just one god in many guises: Father Satan. He heard my fervent pleas and he gradually showed me ways and means to grow in everything, both materially and spiritually.

Yes, HP HoodedCobra666, you are absolutely right. All brothers and sisters who have found JoS are special and I have not the slightest doubt that if they remain faithful to Father Satan and give themselves completely to him, he will promote their further and higher development. Father Satan wants to provide people with all the means to become not only self-determined, free beings, but also gods themselves by virtue of their inherent spirituality. On the way to this goal, I wish every brother and sister the blessing of our Father Satan.

And yes, I agree with you, HP HoodedCobra666. Even when the gods visibly come down to earth in spaceships, most complaining, whining people will still think it's all due to blue beam technology.

Unfortunately, the sluggish masses are always so easy to influence and make themselves dependent on Jewish propaganda, which would rather see a lazy person than a person who is full of spirituality. For only this person can become dangerous to them because he escapes their mass hypnosis.

Hail Satan!

Hail Lucifer!

Hail Wotan!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
