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About Metrics Of Opinion & Improvement

PS: Página de símbolos atualizada (ela será atualizada e expandida muitas vezes e os símbolos continuarão sendo adicionados). Quando estiver pronto, todos serão notificados: https://templeofzeus.org/Symbols

Estamos indo para uma melhoria de x100 aqui em todos os níveis. Será óbvio, e para muitos, já é.

Sim, eu também tive que me conformar com as mudanças que estavam por vir como qualquer outra pessoa. Eu fui o primeiro e mais resistente fator aqui, então os Deuses tiveram que trabalhar comigo por mais de 5 anos devido à minha própria mente. Se alguém gostou do tema sombrio fui eu, o nível de adoração que tive, estava fora das paradas.

Sim, eu também pediria francamente a todos que perguntassem diretamente aos Deuses sobre esse tópico, mas deixem de lado o medo. Perguntem a Satanás, seu GD, Belzebu ou qualquer outro Deus, diretamente, por exemplo, e façam como vocês fizeram. Perguntem a eles por qualquer nome que vocês saibam que é real e vocês verão.

Quando eu estava dizendo que precisaríamos de um fórum em 2016, algumas pessoas me atacaram naquela época e disseram que eu tinha alguma agenda negativa ou algo assim. Esse é apenas um pequeno exemplo. Eu disse a eles que não, que só precisamos de uma plataforma para que possamos existir fora do Yahoo Groups porque podemos ser bombardeados a qualquer momento. Não, você quer fazer isso e aquilo (eu não queria nada negativo, pelo contrário). Não ficou aparente imediatamente, mas depois ficou.

Então, 3-4 meses depois, tudo foi destruído, mas tivemos nosso primeiro fórum para continuar. Abençoe sua alma HP Micama dessa época ajudou a fazer o fórum. Nós sobrevivemos, continuamos e prosperamos. Isso é para mencionar um pequeno exemplo.

Para aqueles que duvidam e têm medos, por favor, compartilhem comigo e eu os abordarei de qualquer maneira, sempre abordei e sempre abordarei.
Saudações Sr. HP Cobra, há 3 anos estudei os Deuses Gregos, tentando localizar as energias de Satanás, lendo os fatos históricos, Zeus ressoou, mas sofri muita confusão, ataques da oposição e fatos distorcidos, ou afastados da história verdadeira. Localizei Prometeu, Ártemis, Diana, Poseidon, Hades, Apolo/Dionísio, Hermes? e mais... E no caso de Hades, a Energia muito peculiar de Enlil, que eu já havia considerado Satanás, Astharot/Lilith também, pois havia sentido a energia geradora de Lúcifer (Yin), então, com essas novas informações trazidas pelo Sr. HP, faz todo o sentido. Esta NOVA ERA DE OURO aqui no ToZ é revolucionária.
Hall BaalZevOl
It's important to be a little realistic about certain things. When we give any form of criticism it's important to be on a good side. I notice certain people and if we put it all into metrics, you speak far further than what is in anyway supported by valid and realistic metrics.

This post seeks to create the opposite of lack of confidence in the path, to give strong confidence and reassurance to people who follow it through, that you matter to the Gods greatly, actually. And to show the rest of us who are lagging a bit, how you can move forward in this in a technical way. For those who want to do nothing about this there are not many things that can be done, unfortunately. But also this particular category must not attack other people who actually do this, it's not helping them or their targets.

This path has these it's not like Christianity where you can enter a schizoid phase and call it a day. There is a path upward here which is carved by what we do, not what we emptily think.

To give an example:

1. Amount of help done for the community: 0%
2. Amount of work done for the JoS in any previous interval: 0%
3. Amount of positivity or education brought to anyone for the Gods: 0%
4. Amount of physical help provided (such as physical progress, or donations): 0%
5. Amount of spiritual advancement or knowledge that would have helped yourself and others in the path, in anyway, shape or form: 0%
6. Amount of years or time in the path: Oftentimes less than 1-2 years maximum and these 2 years with nothing really done or invested into this place. 1-2 years is about the time you need to enter in.


7. Amount of empty opinion and pretense levels, aggression, dictates, force to others, impoliteness: 100%

We also can see the inverse in many people who are well measured and very strongly and evidently on the path of the Gods.

To put that in perspective, the above shows a level of zero love or care invested in the actual Gods. Therefore, it's normal to assume that one needs to get a return for actual love invested, not just empty words. We have to avoid emptiness in that regard. When we also get this love back from the Gods, we tend to avoid certain types of behavior toward others which can be frankly negative and non constructive. So it's important to show ourselves value and therefore advance. The metrics above can help one to see where they can advance in this. They are universal, I did not make them, they appear anywhere where the Gods are discussed in the ancient past.

The above data being low or zero, is inconsistent with any claims that one is close to the Gods or does actually care about the Gods or anything of the sort. In regular existence none of these arguments would fly. The above is not how one advances, builds a respectable opinion, becomes someone in the path, or does help their fellow human beings.

This recipe of disaster is totally delusional and inconsistent with any standards put forward by the Gods, also. These are written standards by the Ancient top tier people of the Gods, and they are not written in reactionary nonsense or in surface level "my doll wears a cape" type of knowledge. These teachings are a map on how to live life akin and close to the Gods, versus living in summerland.

To not do these is Inconsistent fully with reality as well as there is nothing to gain our of the life and from the Gods if you don't try to evolve in the very least, yourself.
The Gods don't take this very seriously. Nowhere in any Ancient texts it's mentioned you wake up one day in a schizoid phase and you will be taken all that seriously by the Gods, the opposite is stated.

Uncomfortable for some, I know, but it's the truth. Nobody ever I saw in this path that followed the above metrics to zero, has had the outcomes they would imagine they would. Make these 20-30% and this is where the serious connection with the Gods starts appearing.

Given the above it's important for those who want to evolve in the path and also go forward for constructive help or even criticism to improve in the above metrics since the statement goes that opinions are like bu**holes and everyone can have an "opinion" in 2025 as it's for free, and especially so when it is insulting, low level or non-positive whatsoever. Jealousy or resentment is not helping the above either.

Lastly these people also tend to think that "somehow" they are very "special" and that "Satan" or the Gods are with you. They aren't with you, and if they are, they wait from you to listen to the opinions here and actually do something. You are in a self-trolling phase. Since you are not even in connection with them and they see you are essentially joking around and in no actual communication with them either. So it's important if you find yourself in the above category to move out it to see the actual path as it unfolds.

A few have also sent me messages about how much you care about the JoS and how afraid you about ToZ and how this and how that, since our God is called Zeus now [the basic premise of the JoS is that our Gods...Predated the enemy by...thousands of years - you got it now]. Citing much care and interest in this. Fair enough.

But I have a question. Where your presence was at when we were making everything all these years, you remembered your high love for Satan and the Gods 2-3 days ago? You suddenly remembered to care today, coming out of the dark shadows in the middle of nowhere, to instruct about what?

You act like parents who never were there for their kids and show up 25 years later when their kids are millionaires to explain why they had a crack addiction problem yet suddenly they love their children 25 years later, like the father of the artist Weeknd that showed up when he found out the Weeknd had who knows how many millions. How loving and caring of you.

Thanks for caring so much about this place and us, we will be fine however going forward with the real parents and people who do things, you know?

If you were close to the Gods you would know, if Satan/Zeus/Beelzebul or whomever, Amon-Ra, Thoth, and the Gods want to tell anyone something, including to myself, it's very easy to both say it and to ENFORCE it if necessary. Yes, even to ENFORCE things if things are not in accordance to their Will.

This is very clear in the Al Jilwah as well, if one wants to cite direct materials. Past a level these things are a given reality, not assumption. If Satan or the Gods are pissed off at someone, trust me, your e-mail and petty insults are the last thing they would require to set the matter straight, very directly.

People close to the Gods know how that is.

When the people like Homer, Pythagoras, Iamblichus, Proclus and other very serious sources talk about certain topics, or Aristotle or Plato, it's important to consider these people have done decades and decades on maximum level of initiation on all of the above. Therefore, their opinions did remain eternal and even were saved from the onslaught by the enemy, with very good reason. It's important to understand why certain things are as they are and it's not because of empty favoritism, it's because of what people did.

If Homer said something it truly means something. If Timmy said something it probably means not that much. And this goes to many excellent personalities all over the globe, I am not making a "selection" here. One has to listen to people who are in the good trajectory here. That's not negative obedience that's exercising proper judgement so one can advance.

These are only some realistic assessments of performance and it's important if anyone wants to evolve here, to have some standards to follow. Also, what standard one follows, other people tend to mirror. So if these types come around and the community kicks them out it's all done in a very logical fashion.

Blessings to everyone NOT in the above category and may the Gods illuminate you and make you like Themselves. Thank you for existing and much love!

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I have had to donate less this month 2025 is not my year apart from having a great wife who is SS now but i messed up at work and broke my arm looks like in total time ill be out of work for 4 months including last year about 2 weeks out from yuletide but even then i still donate and try to heal often i will not blame the gods for my clumsy mistake but i still have full function of my fingers despite my radius bone getting wrecked I'm still young so i should heal back now i will have titanium plate in my bone can't break it again at least in a way it has brought me and my wife closer she bathes me and sometimes helps dress me I'm confidant I'll get back on that horse and ride forward again. I have no idea how people can't donate 5$ to 50$ to a cause that they supposedly love slackin i have recruited a few people into our fold helped many improve themselves Financially, spiritually, emotionally and physically i recruited my wife and still donate even when im down so i ask you whats your excuse and what excuse are you going to give the gods when you arrive at their door when your life here is over how is your heart going to weigh up against that feather i wonder.

I have had to donate less this month 2025 is not my year apart from having a great wife who is SS now but i messed up at work and broke my arm looks like in total time ill be out of work for 4 months including last year about 2 weeks out from yuletide but even then i still donate and try to heal often i will not blame the gods for my clumsy mistake but i still have full function of my fingers despite my radius bone getting wrecked I'm still young so i should heal back now i will have titanium plate in my bone can't break it again at least in a way it has brought me and my wife closer she bathes me and sometimes helps dress me I'm confidant I'll get back on that horse and ride forward again. I have no idea how people can't donate 5$ to 50$ to a cause that they supposedly love slackin i have recruited a few people into our fold helped many improve themselves Financially, spiritually, emotionally and physically i recruited my wife and still donate even when im down so i ask you whats your excuse and what excuse are you going to give the gods when you arrive at their door when your life here is over how is your heart going to weigh up against that feather i wonder.

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Absolute respect for your wife. I am a full-time caregiver for my wife, and I believe it to be a privilege to care for a sick/hurt spouse. You are both demonstrating the best characteristics of our Folk. Heal soon.
im down so i ask you whats your excuse and what excuse are you going to give the gods when you arrive at their door when your life here is over how is your heart going to weigh up against that feather i wonder.

Excuses are a very big problem. If everyone did their part, most of the current problems would be eliminated instantly. I exclude people with true, living, edge of life problems However, among the excuses will be these:

1. Had to spend on an OnlyFans sub. This woman that does not care about me made a video for me and other 2000 idiots.
2. Yes but I wanted to buy a woman that gold-digs a nice handbag instead.
3. Had to buy Fortnite coins
4. I thought I would go bankrupt if I donated 10$ and didn't know the Gods would look out for me and I'd make it all back again.
5. Wanted to ask about Golden Age but didn't want to give anything for it.
6. I was "suspicious" despite of everything I saw manifesting (stronger excuse)
7. I believed I did one Ritual a week and that somehow this generated material food. Albeit I still go to the Supermarket to buy material food, and it's not produced by Rituals when I pray, I pretended this was the case for your Temple, fellow Gods.
8. Just didn't care enough
9. It was fun garnering all the spiritual knowledge for free and having to do nothing for it, and since you allowed this dear Gods, I felt great doing that and thought it was "normal"
10. I wasn't obligated or forced to do so
11. "Yes but aren't we best friends Gods why didn't you give me 10 millions to most likely not even donate 1000$ in return and spend it all for myself anyway? How can I send 10$ if I am not given 10,000$ first?"
12. Had personal things going on
13. Yes but look I want Magnum Opus and immortality and 10$ is too much for this, I deserve immortality by default simply because I exist. Wen Immortality?
14. Best excuse: "Others will do it, it's not for me. I am a sideline and bench player, because I chose this, but I pretend life did to myself to feel good".
15. Better best excuse: "Why don't you tell people the lottery numbers to fix it, you are Gods. Just give 5 people the lotteries and to me Magnum Opus. Don't we deserve it by default..." Erm no we do not?

Reasoning that is rooted in the above is why the Jews will build the 4th Temple and the goy will just sit on the sideline. Jews albeit they are psychopathic and schizophrenic, they will protect the structures that will keep them alive, so they can further their shizophrenia, while others will spend on Fortnine and Onlyfans.

Then these creatures will ask about their destiny and why the Jews run them. Makes me wonder why? No wonder why.

These and many other things are the things people will tell themselves and move on with life.
Excuses are a very big problem. If everyone did their part, most of the current problems would be eliminated instantly. I exclude people with true, living, edge of life problems However, among the excuses will be these:

1. Had to spend on an OnlyFans sub. This woman that does not care about me made a video for me and other 2000 idiots.
2. Yes but I wanted to buy a woman that gold-digs a nice handbag instead.
3. Had to buy Fortnite coins
4. I thought I would go bankrupt if I donated 10$ and didn't know the Gods would look out for me and I'd make it all back again.
5. Wanted to ask about Golden Age but didn't want to give anything for it.
6. I was "suspicious" despite of everything I saw manifesting (stronger excuse)
7. I believed I did one Ritual a week and that somehow this generated material food. Albeit I still go to the Supermarket to buy material food, and it's not produced by Rituals when I pray, I pretended this was the case for your Temple, fellow Gods.
8. Just didn't care enough
9. It was fun garnering all the spiritual knowledge for free and having to do nothing for it, and since you allowed this dear Gods, I felt great doing that and thought it was "normal"
10. I wasn't obligated or forced to do so
11. "Yes but aren't we best friends Gods why didn't you give me 10 millions to most likely not even donate 1000$ in return and spend it all for myself anyway? How can I send 10$ if I am not given 10,000$ first?"
12. Had personal things going on
13. Yes but look I want Magnum Opus and immortality and 10$ is too much for this, I deserve immortality by default simply because I exist. Wen Immortality?
14. Best excuse: "Others will do it, it's not for me. I am a sideline and bench player, because I chose this, but I pretend life did to myself to feel good".
15. Better best excuse: "Why don't you tell people the lottery numbers to fix it, you are Gods. Just give 5 people the lotteries and to me Magnum Opus. Don't we deserve it by default..." Erm no we do not?

Reasoning that is rooted in the above is why the Jews will build the 4th Temple and the goy will just sit on the sideline. Jews albeit they are psychopathic and schizophrenic, they will protect the structures that will keep them alive, so they can further their shizophrenia, while others will spend on Fortnine and Onlyfans.

Then these creatures will ask about their destiny and why the Jews run them. Makes me wonder why? No wonder why.

These and many other things are the things people will tell themselves and move on with life.

I should have start donating longer ago, but better late than never.
Will donate something at least monthly from now on. Time to start building up the temple for real and not just in Unreal Engine.

Something important for everyone to consider is how small droplets can make an ocean in the end. 10$ is not much from one member, but from all members once a month it is.

Sometimes I have fallen of the path of advancement from now and then, but now:

It's important to be a little realistic about certain things. When we give any form of criticism it's important to be on a good side. I notice certain people and if we put it all into metrics, you speak far further than what is in anyway supported by valid and realistic metrics.

This post seeks to create the opposite of lack of confidence in the path, to give strong confidence and reassurance to people who follow it through, that you matter to the Gods greatly, actually. And to show the rest of us who are lagging a bit, how you can move forward in this in a technical way. For those who want to do nothing about this there are not many things that can be done, unfortunately. But also this particular category must not attack other people who actually do this, it's not helping them or their targets.

This path has these it's not like Christianity where you can enter a schizoid phase and call it a day. There is a path upward here which is carved by what we do, not what we emptily think.

To give an example:

1. Amount of help done for the community: 0%
2. Amount of work done for the JoS in any previous interval: 0%
3. Amount of positivity or education brought to anyone for the Gods: 0%
4. Amount of physical help provided (such as physical progress, or donations): 0%
5. Amount of spiritual advancement or knowledge that would have helped yourself and others in the path, in anyway, shape or form: 0%
6. Amount of years or time in the path: Oftentimes less than 1-2 years maximum and these 2 years with nothing really done or invested into this place. 1-2 years is about the time you need to enter in.


7. Amount of empty opinion and pretense levels, aggression, dictates, force to others, impoliteness: 100%

We also can see the inverse in many people who are well measured and very strongly and evidently on the path of the Gods.

To put that in perspective, the above shows a level of zero love or care invested in the actual Gods. Therefore, it's normal to assume that one needs to get a return for actual love invested, not just empty words. We have to avoid emptiness in that regard. When we also get this love back from the Gods, we tend to avoid certain types of behavior toward others which can be frankly negative and non constructive. So it's important to show ourselves value and therefore advance. The metrics above can help one to see where they can advance in this. They are universal, I did not make them, they appear anywhere where the Gods are discussed in the ancient past.

The above data being low or zero, is inconsistent with any claims that one is close to the Gods or does actually care about the Gods or anything of the sort. In regular existence none of these arguments would fly. The above is not how one advances, builds a respectable opinion, becomes someone in the path, or does help their fellow human beings.

This recipe of disaster is totally delusional and inconsistent with any standards put forward by the Gods, also. These are written standards by the Ancient top tier people of the Gods, and they are not written in reactionary nonsense or in surface level "my doll wears a cape" type of knowledge. These teachings are a map on how to live life akin and close to the Gods, versus living in summerland.

To not do these is Inconsistent fully with reality as well as there is nothing to gain our of the life and from the Gods if you don't try to evolve in the very least, yourself.
The Gods don't take this very seriously. Nowhere in any Ancient texts it's mentioned you wake up one day in a schizoid phase and you will be taken all that seriously by the Gods, the opposite is stated.

Uncomfortable for some, I know, but it's the truth. Nobody ever I saw in this path that followed the above metrics to zero, has had the outcomes they would imagine they would. Make these 20-30% and this is where the serious connection with the Gods starts appearing.

Given the above it's important for those who want to evolve in the path and also go forward for constructive help or even criticism to improve in the above metrics since the statement goes that opinions are like bu**holes and everyone can have an "opinion" in 2025 as it's for free, and especially so when it is insulting, low level or non-positive whatsoever. Jealousy or resentment is not helping the above either.

Lastly these people also tend to think that "somehow" they are very "special" and that "Satan" or the Gods are with you. They aren't with you, and if they are, they wait from you to listen to the opinions here and actually do something. You are in a self-trolling phase. Since you are not even in connection with them and they see you are essentially joking around and in no actual communication with them either. So it's important if you find yourself in the above category to move out it to see the actual path as it unfolds.

A few have also sent me messages about how much you care about the JoS and how afraid you about ToZ and how this and how that, since our God is called Zeus now [the basic premise of the JoS is that our Gods...Predated the enemy by...thousands of years - you got it now]. Citing much care and interest in this. Fair enough.

But I have a question. Where your presence was at when we were making everything all these years, you remembered your high love for Satan and the Gods 2-3 days ago? You suddenly remembered to care today, coming out of the dark shadows in the middle of nowhere, to instruct about what?

You act like parents who never were there for their kids and show up 25 years later when their kids are millionaires to explain why they had a crack addiction problem yet suddenly they love their children 25 years later, like the father of the artist Weeknd that showed up when he found out the Weeknd had who knows how many millions. How loving and caring of you.

Thanks for caring so much about this place and us, we will be fine however going forward with the real parents and people who do things, you know?

If you were close to the Gods you would know, if Satan/Zeus/Beelzebul or whomever, Amon-Ra, Thoth, and the Gods want to tell anyone something, including to myself, it's very easy to both say it and to ENFORCE it if necessary. Yes, even to ENFORCE things if things are not in accordance to their Will.

This is very clear in the Al Jilwah as well, if one wants to cite direct materials. Past a level these things are a given reality, not assumption. If Satan or the Gods are pissed off at someone, trust me, your e-mail and petty insults are the last thing they would require to set the matter straight, very directly.

People close to the Gods know how that is.

When the people like Homer, Pythagoras, Iamblichus, Proclus and other very serious sources talk about certain topics, or Aristotle or Plato, it's important to consider these people have done decades and decades on maximum level of initiation on all of the above. Therefore, their opinions did remain eternal and even were saved from the onslaught by the enemy, with very good reason. It's important to understand why certain things are as they are and it's not because of empty favoritism, it's because of what people did.

If Homer said something it truly means something. If Timmy said something it probably means not that much. And this goes to many excellent personalities all over the globe, I am not making a "selection" here. One has to listen to people who are in the good trajectory here. That's not negative obedience that's exercising proper judgement so one can advance.

These are only some realistic assessments of performance and it's important if anyone wants to evolve here, to have some standards to follow. Also, what standard one follows, other people tend to mirror. So if these types come around and the community kicks them out it's all done in a very logical fashion.

Blessings to everyone NOT in the above category and may the Gods illuminate you and make you like Themselves. Thank you for existing and much love!

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thanks for this Sermon
I really like them I think come from
Your inner light within you do really
Good your a awesome High Priest
Thanks for sharing!!
Hail Zues and the Gods! !!!!
Very true preaching and let's take an example from the enemy in this case. My donations will now be made steadily every month
Oh I'm so sorry. I haven't been able to help anyone for the last 1.5 years. I can't even follow the updates because I'm trying to deal with the problems in my own life and I so tired. I think I'm too rusty. And I don't think I deserve this blue comminty helper badge. I think it should be taken away from me.
Oh I'm so sorry. I haven't been able to help anyone for the last 1.5 years. I can't even follow the updates because I'm trying to deal with the problems in my own life and I so tired. I think I'm too rusty. And I don't think I deserve this blue comminty helper badge. I think it should be taken away from me.
I don't think so. I’ve seen your old posts and read all of them. Your posts have been very helpful to me and continue to help others as well. Seeing that your posts and contributions are still helping others shows how valuable your contributions are. You can always start over and continue your development. I believe you still deserve that badge.
Oh I'm so sorry. I haven't been able to help anyone for the last 1.5 years. I can't even follow the updates because I'm trying to deal with the problems in my own life and I so tired. I think I'm too rusty. And I don't think I deserve this blue comminty helper badge. I think it should be taken away from me.
It's okay. Focus on yourself and help others when you are more able.

And the badge is going to stay because past contributions help continuously as other people read those contributions.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
