Greetings everyone,
Oftentimes I am told by people that it's probably "better" to not complexify information and this in many ways can mean the following:
1. Do not make something better, because "people will not get it"
2. The above, assumes that people are dumb
3. Keep it simple also means in some cases, to lie
Given I disagree with all of the above and I believe that the Gods did seed humanity with great intelligence, or at least, those who are meant to understand spirituality, must evolve, I refuse to dumb down things.
I refuse therefore to not make you better, because this will "challenge" you, or to take as granted, Gods forbid, that people interested in the Gods are "dumb". To want to know the Gods, indicates intelligence and good will beyond the ordinary levels and one is more than ready to be imparted, gradually, with the Truth.
To lie is out of the question, as lies will only invite curses from the Gods, which lies also mean that we curse ourselves by doing this. We worship the Truth for a reason. This is a most meaningful reason.
Yes, you will see things that might conflict you a bit or require mental expansion. Yes, you will need to meditate to understand it all. Yes, you must push yourself to relate to the Gods and climb to their level, and Gods must not come down to us all the time and shrink themselves to dumb monkey levels of understanding. Because if they do this, we do not grow.
The "Religions" of the enemy challenge the human mind and make it very stupid. They require foolishness, submission and slavery. To attain these purposes the mind must not think for itself and people must be dumb. The dumber the people, the more applicable for them to belong to Christianity or Islam. These programs are meant to systematically create dumber, more irrational and more superstitious folk, that is easy to control.
Our enemy has an aim to make humanity non spiritual, make them dumb and disable their mental functions. This distances the human being from the Gods and only gives more and more distance from the Cosmic Intelligence. As one becomes dumber, violence, superstition and arrogance, all of which are negative for spirituality, do take hold of the mind and one becomes a prisoner and not a child of the Gods.
As a leader of the Gods I refuse to treat my people as incapable, dumb, foolish or to shrink things just so that you feel "comfortable". Your wisdom, power and potential is great, and I see this very directly for all of you and have seen since the first day I stepped up here. Therefore, knowledge and wisdom must flow and we all must adapt to wisdom, rather than expect wisdom to shrink itself for our limited minds.
The Gods have predestined all of you, in your own time, to become like them. This process will not happen with the constant shrinking of the human soul and mind, but by expansion.
Now some of you can sometimes experience a little confusion or feeling over-blown by certain things. We all have. This does not mean one is dumb, on the contrary, it means the mind is expanding.
We ask the Gods to take away our ignorance, not to increase it. The defiance of ignorance stands many times outside of our "Comfort Zone". Yet, as you will have noticed in the path, the Gods propel you past the state of ignorance, step by step and gradually, until your mind becomes a garden and not a desolate desert. As flowers grow, sometimes they can be confused about this process.
I am here to remove walls from your minds and your hearts and souls, not to increase the walls. If one finds they are stuck on the wall, ask questions, work it with meditation and ask the Gods directly. Your Guardian Daemon is here to expand your consciousness and lead you to the Truth. This journey is not a journey of walls and prisons, it's the way out of the prison of ignorance. They will lead you through. Have faith in yourself and in your Guardian Daemon in this process. Be patient.
Certain answers, took me over 15 years to understand, being stuck on them again and again; I wasn't ready. This didn't mean I was dumb. It's all about that one must grow the strength to climb the wall. When we climb, the Gods push us and we can help each other climb the wall. This is why community exists.
As promised, as we go, more and more things will be understood about our transition. You will see very blantantly and clearly, why this context expansion has occurred. Simultaneously, your own mind will expand and you will become stronger and more capable. This can sometimes come at the expense of comfort. But comfortable ignorance is our enemy.
I refrain from public expressions of emotions, but I have to tell you the above is because of serious love for you and your development. I cannot be treating people who prove themselves on the daily to be sworn by the Gods, to dwell on the lesser levels of ignorance. Everyday you give me hope and reason and I seek to return the same. This is a move of genuine love for everyone here and for humanity. We must love each other to move forward, and the Gods. This is what we need. To expand and to grow.
May the Gods be with us and keep us on the straight path.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Oftentimes I am told by people that it's probably "better" to not complexify information and this in many ways can mean the following:
1. Do not make something better, because "people will not get it"
2. The above, assumes that people are dumb
3. Keep it simple also means in some cases, to lie
Given I disagree with all of the above and I believe that the Gods did seed humanity with great intelligence, or at least, those who are meant to understand spirituality, must evolve, I refuse to dumb down things.
I refuse therefore to not make you better, because this will "challenge" you, or to take as granted, Gods forbid, that people interested in the Gods are "dumb". To want to know the Gods, indicates intelligence and good will beyond the ordinary levels and one is more than ready to be imparted, gradually, with the Truth.
To lie is out of the question, as lies will only invite curses from the Gods, which lies also mean that we curse ourselves by doing this. We worship the Truth for a reason. This is a most meaningful reason.
Yes, you will see things that might conflict you a bit or require mental expansion. Yes, you will need to meditate to understand it all. Yes, you must push yourself to relate to the Gods and climb to their level, and Gods must not come down to us all the time and shrink themselves to dumb monkey levels of understanding. Because if they do this, we do not grow.
The "Religions" of the enemy challenge the human mind and make it very stupid. They require foolishness, submission and slavery. To attain these purposes the mind must not think for itself and people must be dumb. The dumber the people, the more applicable for them to belong to Christianity or Islam. These programs are meant to systematically create dumber, more irrational and more superstitious folk, that is easy to control.
Our enemy has an aim to make humanity non spiritual, make them dumb and disable their mental functions. This distances the human being from the Gods and only gives more and more distance from the Cosmic Intelligence. As one becomes dumber, violence, superstition and arrogance, all of which are negative for spirituality, do take hold of the mind and one becomes a prisoner and not a child of the Gods.
As a leader of the Gods I refuse to treat my people as incapable, dumb, foolish or to shrink things just so that you feel "comfortable". Your wisdom, power and potential is great, and I see this very directly for all of you and have seen since the first day I stepped up here. Therefore, knowledge and wisdom must flow and we all must adapt to wisdom, rather than expect wisdom to shrink itself for our limited minds.
The Gods have predestined all of you, in your own time, to become like them. This process will not happen with the constant shrinking of the human soul and mind, but by expansion.
Now some of you can sometimes experience a little confusion or feeling over-blown by certain things. We all have. This does not mean one is dumb, on the contrary, it means the mind is expanding.
We ask the Gods to take away our ignorance, not to increase it. The defiance of ignorance stands many times outside of our "Comfort Zone". Yet, as you will have noticed in the path, the Gods propel you past the state of ignorance, step by step and gradually, until your mind becomes a garden and not a desolate desert. As flowers grow, sometimes they can be confused about this process.
I am here to remove walls from your minds and your hearts and souls, not to increase the walls. If one finds they are stuck on the wall, ask questions, work it with meditation and ask the Gods directly. Your Guardian Daemon is here to expand your consciousness and lead you to the Truth. This journey is not a journey of walls and prisons, it's the way out of the prison of ignorance. They will lead you through. Have faith in yourself and in your Guardian Daemon in this process. Be patient.
Certain answers, took me over 15 years to understand, being stuck on them again and again; I wasn't ready. This didn't mean I was dumb. It's all about that one must grow the strength to climb the wall. When we climb, the Gods push us and we can help each other climb the wall. This is why community exists.
As promised, as we go, more and more things will be understood about our transition. You will see very blantantly and clearly, why this context expansion has occurred. Simultaneously, your own mind will expand and you will become stronger and more capable. This can sometimes come at the expense of comfort. But comfortable ignorance is our enemy.
I refrain from public expressions of emotions, but I have to tell you the above is because of serious love for you and your development. I cannot be treating people who prove themselves on the daily to be sworn by the Gods, to dwell on the lesser levels of ignorance. Everyday you give me hope and reason and I seek to return the same. This is a move of genuine love for everyone here and for humanity. We must love each other to move forward, and the Gods. This is what we need. To expand and to grow.
May the Gods be with us and keep us on the straight path.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666