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Multiple interests and many gods... can I contact several?


New member
Nov 19, 2017
In recent times I have been drastically changing my way of being a Satanist. For a long time I was very negligent in my meditations and in what it means to be a Satanist. The fact is that a lot has changed, especially my thoughts and ideas. Today I know that I am following the right path.

The fact is that for a long time, although I was not very active, I always focused only on meditations and wanting to evolve spiritually and I completely forgot about my physical and emotional body...

The fact is that from what I have learned and studied (unfortunately it took me a while to learn this), this physical and emotional healing is as important as just meditating... so I have identified my strengths, my weaknesses and my goals in both material and spiritual life. During this journey I know that many gods could help me and guide me.

After reading Hoodedcobra666's wonderful post (About Prayer To The Gods), one word has caught my attention: "Gods" in the plural.

I have been praying to a goddess and a god to help me with a specific problem and I feel like they are helping me. I still have a hard time seeing their signs or anything like that, but I know that somehow they are helping me. Honestly, I have no idea how, but I don't know, things seem different...

I would like to establish relationships with other gods about other issues that I would like to either ask questions about or help me grow along my journey.

Can I pray to other gods (focusing on their sigils) to help me and guide me?

It may seem like a really silly question, but I have a feeling of not wanting to bother them or a feeling of disrespect if I try to contact some gods to help me with different problems. It may seem like a blockage, but it is a feeling that I have...

But is this really how you establish relationships with them? Or am I thinking completely wrong about trying to contact them like this?
The God Rituals are here for this specific purpose. Do the God Ritual for the specific God, then take the time afterwards to meditate on their sigil, and talk to them. You may not receive immediate signs, and you may struggle to interpret the signs you do receive.
But as you improve your third eye, 6th chakra, throat chakra and clair points, this will improve your communication.
You can try contacting and praying to them for guidance. They will hear you, but you have to do the work also. Do not just chit-chat about nonsense.

And don’t think you’re being ignored or that they don’t want you. You just need to develop your astral senses to notice their signs. Be patient with yourself and try to meditate consistently. Satanas & his Demons are with us in all levels.

Hail Satanas!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
