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I wanted to ask this

Live according to well-grounded principles, ethics and virtues, aim for personal evolution and strive towards TRUTH away from ignorance.

Have a read through our section on ethics and virtues: Satanic Ethics
We don't have to be like anyone else, we just have to be ourselves. Just be the person you want to be. This is often enough.

We should not put ourselves in danger. Talking about yourself to others (especially if you live in a place like the Middle East where there is no freedom of thought) can sometimes be dangerous. Apart from that, try to stay connected to your friends and family. Friendship is a great virtue.

Friendship, community and national values often influence our character.
You should act with Nobility that requires a few things.

The first characteristic of a Noble is his arms. A Noble man has to maintain arms and armor as well as has body in case he’s called to fight. We as Wizards are armed with Yoga and Sadhana.

The second characteristic is education. We should learn as much as possible about our ancestors their philosophy and culture. The time period of the third reich is especially important.

The third characteristic is loyalty to the sovereign. Our God is a National Socialist and so are we and we should know all that that entails.

The fourth is Honor. We should keep our word and treat others fairly. Maintain a good reputation at work and with your family. Being in good shape is a matter of Honor since it pertains to your dignity and other people’s vision of you.

The last and most under appreciated virtue is good taste. You should prefer to cook for yourself rather then eat fast food and be able to impress others with your cooking. Your suggestions for books to read and shows to watch should be high quality. You should dress well and associate with other people who are of good moral standing and have good taste.

You can read the Satan ethics if you wish but a lot is missing, there is no mention of Socialism in them and the sexual ethics part is missing the part about race mixing. I wouldn’t say is written is bad but it’s totally uninspiring.
You should act with Nobility that requires a few things.

The first characteristic of a Noble is his arms. A Noble man has to maintain arms and armor as well as has body in case he’s called to fight. We as Wizards are armed with Yoga and Sadhana.

The second characteristic is education. We should learn as much as possible about our ancestors their philosophy and culture. The time period of the third reich is especially important.

The third characteristic is loyalty to the sovereign. Our God is a National Socialist and so are we and we should know all that that entails.

The fourth is Honor. We should keep our word and treat others fairly. Maintain a good reputation at work and with your family. Being in good shape is a matter of Honor since it pertains to your dignity and other people’s vision of you.

The last and most under appreciated virtue is good taste. You should prefer to cook for yourself rather then eat fast food and be able to impress others with your cooking. Your suggestions for books to read and shows to watch should be high quality. You should dress well and associate with other people who are of good moral standing and have good taste.

You can read the Satan ethics if you wish but a lot is missing, there is no mention of Socialism in them and the sexual ethics part is missing the part about race mixing. I wouldn’t say is written is bad but it’s totally uninspiring.

Your points are very good but I don't agree with the last part.

Reading and understanding the Satanic Ethics that are given seems to be a process in itself.

One first reads to understand the overview what it is about but I think it is necessary to Meditate on the information to reach conclusions that are not observable by first glance. There are often Prayers to each respective God (Satan, Baalzebul, Azazel, Astarte) at the end of each section to facilate this process for deeper understanding.

I would suggest to keep coming back and re-reading the Ethics often (or just single Ethics at a time) to understand their full potential/purpose. You will see how these things play out in life.
You can read the Satan ethics if you wish but a lot is missing [...] I wouldn’t say is written is bad but it’s totally uninspiring.
The writings may seem obvious at first glance, but there is a world of depth that reveals itself if you are to properly contemplate their implications.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
