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Studying the Vedas - A tale about a dance.


Jun 26, 2024
I have always been fascinated by Hellenic knowledge like Platonism, as well as Kemetic knowledge. The Sanskrit side of this eluded me before I joined the JoS. The past month, I have been focusing my studies and meditation on the Vedas and Vedic knowledge. On Dharma, on the Vedic writings, on uncorrupted Hindu knowledge of existence. I have read, I have taken notes, I have actively pondered the teachings. I have meditated on many words my intuition told me were powerful and Divine (I think people that are more psychically sensitive and open can feel these things a bit), and quite a bit more, for potentially hours a day total.
This isn't unusual to me, as I obviously didn't overdo meditating, just the studying. I am a person who reads and studies a lot naturally, so this didn't affect me negatively.

This will be a series of posts about things I learned, concepts I understood, and experiences I had in this process. There will be things to learn from these, especially if you have not yourself studied the Vedic teachings, but these posts are not meant to teach. There are no mediators in Satanism, and I certainly would not be a competent mediator on this matter, as others have studied far longer. I want these posts to set a flame inside each of my brothers reading it. A flame of thirst of knowledge, a flame of confidence from hearing someone's growth, as you can do this too. And I want to plant a seed for those that have not studied the Vedas to start doing so. By the time I've posted all of them, it will be irresistible to not study further by yourself.
If you have studied the Vedas, you will really enjoy these posts. As these will make so much more sense to you, and you will get joy from seeing that people who aren't as familiar with these concepts find them fascinating. Please do add any additional information you have studied, if it is relevant to the post.
If you have not studied them, think of these posts as stories. I will take you through a narrative.
Each of these posts will be long, so if you're just scrolling through, bookmark it and set it aside for later. When you have your time you usually study the JoS, give this post, maybe in chunks, a read as well. With a nice cup of tea.

This first post is more artistic, to set a certain feeling for the rest. When I wrote this, I was meditating in a park, and I had tears of joy the entire time. Tears that didn't make me feel drained in any way, but rather calm and at peace. This has always been the feeling I had when I was focusing on Father Satan, or when I desperately needed His help and he delivered.

I dedicate these posts to Lord Satan, symbollically as Shiva. Satan's ineffable Truth is shown, explained and gifted to humanity through Shiva. The understanding of one's place in existence and to bring awareness. I am eternally grateful to You.
I also dedicate this post more formally to High Priest Hooded Cobra. The very first mentions of the Vedas I have read and actually paid attention to were his Sermons where he explained some things. They were all fascinating, and deeply moving.. Little did I know that he barely showed us 1% of what studying these has to offer if one sets on the path to evolve in their understanding of these. You have awakened a powerful flame within me, and I hope to pass it forward. Thank you, commander. I would be beyond honored if you were to give your opinions on these stories.

Sacred Vedic Concepts and Numerology

Let me tell you an allegorical story about numbers and the flow of existence. Imagine a Universe where all that exists are numbers. There is nothing to count with these numbers, just the numbers as abstract concepts. Now imagine this Universe actually looked, behaved and felt exactly like our own. Truly, we do live in that Universe.
First, there was the One.

AUM (ओम्)

This One is All that Is. No matter what life is like, no matter how existence changes, no matter what happens, one thing is always true: "Things are as they are.". But who proclaims this? And what are the things? These are the questions that spawn out of the One, to be answered. For things to always be as they are, there needs to be a Truth to Existence. And there needs to be someone to proclaim that truth.
AUM is all that is, the proclamation that
"It is, behold what is." AUM as a concept is the One, not as an actual word. As a word, when vibrated, it makes full use of vibration and the breath, like no other sounds, so it is THE vibration. To explain why, we need to meet Three. So wait for now.
The One had a son and a daughter. They were the Two.

PRAKRTI (प्रकृति ) AND PURUSHA (पुरुष)

The Two are the Opposites in Divine harmony. They are archetypes for all of duality. The Divine Feminine and Masculine, the Ida and the Pingala, the left and the right. In the flow of existence, Prakrti is the self, and Purusha is nature, but both are Nature. This is where English simply limits us, so one must at least understand the Sanskrit. Prakrti is Maya, or Material Nature. Purusha is Bramhan, the Spirit, the Ultimate Nature. Spirit and Nature are in perfect harmony to satisfy the One's question. Purusha is the guaranteed observer. You, reading this, know for a fact you are conscious and having a conscious experience. You are the observer. Prakrti is what is being observed.
I just told you that these two dance in harmony, to satisfy the One. So Purusha must dance with Prakrti, and that is done by her spiritually evolving, by understanding Prakrti. When one develops spiritually, the self harmonizes with nature. So this must be in reverse as well. Prakrti must dance with Purusha. How he do that? When he dances, Prakrti becomes many things, all things, in fact. He is the Three, the Four, the Five, and so on, because this is how the dance is danced. Purusha dances by understanding Prakrti, so it is only rational that Prakrti must dance by giving Purusha things to understand, to keep the dance going eternally.
Prakrti can be more created and more destroyed, as you can see in the material world. But Purusha can never change, be more created or more destroyed.

"You will not be any more created by creating, than you will be destroyed by destroying."
-Lord Satan

A-U-M as Three

Aum, conceptually, is the One. But the vibration of AUM by a person, conversely, can not be the One. Why? Because it happens inside Prakrti. It is an action taking place in "what exists", no matter the dimension. It does not happen "within what observes", so it is not the One in this context. It is the Three. The Divine Triunes of Nature can be heard in these sacred sounds when vibrating in focus.
A is the point of origin. It almost vibrates in the gut, and is the simplest sound a human can make, without any articulation. This is RAJAS, action and passion.
U is when we contract the lips, raising the center of resonance to the throat. This is SATVA, the light that makes and transforms.
M is when we close the mouth, raising the center of resonance to the nose. This is TAMAS, the dark that makes things stand still, inertia, unchanging.

"I take action to change or to make eternal." Such a powerful mantra.

They are the Three material states that Purusha can entertain to understand Prakrti.
SVAPNA, the Dream, is where Purusha creates of Prakrti.
JAGRAT, Wakefulness, is where Purusha maintains Prakrti.
SUSHUPTI, Deep Sleep, is where Purusha destroys Prakrti.

But there is a Fourth state, TURIYA, to make the Four.
We know Purusha is entertaining Prakrti in the dance, in these "states of existence", so there must be a True state. This is the Four acknowledging the One. Allegorically, the closest element of Prakrti to the One is SAT-VA, The Light.

These four numbers are the guiding principles to Existence and the experience of Life.

These principles directly manifested the Five Elements, both in Prakrti, and in Purusha. This is where both Prakrti and Purusha are the self, as even Prakrti can experience itself, through the Bodies, your Soul being considered one of your bodies. This is where all of Existence is simply Divine, and the experience of being alive and conscious is simply Divine. Harmony in both the observed and the observer, through the Five.

And so on, it goes, according to the One's Question, the Two's Duality, their dance of Threes to answer the Question, there always was a Fourth, another way, and all these laws manifest as the Five. Prakrti can keep splitting and changing, into future numbers that have future teachings. Purusha must understand them.

Will you dance?
I believe that approching the text, for example Rg Veda, verse by verse in order is really interesting, and gives an accurate view of the text.

Can you do that?

I found that knowing the meaning of a verse and vibrate it inside yourself can give powerful and positice effects.
The Rg Veda alone has +4000 verses, and each one is basically a blessing.
I found at the beggining some verses about attracting only wise people and keep away ignorant ones. Or a verse about all people will speak good about you, the sages and the opposers of Lord Indra. Or connecting to the fire of the Heroes.

We should do a study in depth, verse by verse about Vedas. For now I chant and read the verses, like something everyday.

Here you can download the Rg Veda in pdf format (it starts at page 42):

I will post other links to download the other Vedas when I'll find them.

In these videos you can exercise with pronunciation. With time you will master these:

In the pdf you will also have the transliteration, these videos can give you an idea about how to pronunce.

What do you think about my idea "verse by verse"?
I have done this too. Some verses I intuitively understood, and notes poured out, some verses I needed to meditate on. Ponder the idea, vibrate the idea, and so on. I have done this on a deeper level on key words, but have also delved into it on a verse level.

An analysis verse by verse, though, would probably be too limiting, in the sense that I can't simply explain the Vedas in their entirety. It ruins the point of encouraging one to study by themselves, as opposed to hearing the explanation from me. I will go over key verses in a deeper fashion, for a few that were touching, or perplexed me.

The lessons you showed were very accurate, and it's actually fairly easy to find a lot of good information on phonetics for Sanskrit. It is a very well designed language phonetically, and many people work to preserve its sacred authenticity, spiritual people or academical ones.
I have done this too. Some verses I intuitively understood, and notes poured out, some verses I needed to meditate on. Ponder the idea, vibrate the idea, and so on. I have done this on a deeper level on key words, but have also delved into it on a verse level.

An analysis verse by verse, though, would probably be too limiting, in the sense that I can't simply explain the Vedas in their entirety. It ruins the point of encouraging one to study by themselves, as opposed to hearing the explanation from me. I will go over key verses in a deeper fashion, for a few that were touching, or perplexed me.

The lessons you showed were very accurate, and it's actually fairly easy to find a lot of good information on phonetics for Sanskrit. It is a very well designed language phonetically, and many people work to preserve its sacred authenticity, spiritual people or academical ones.
Analyzing verse by verse, and each hymn for its entirety can be very interesting (one hymn at a time).

In addition to giving an idea of what is written in the Vedas, it can inspire more people to recite them and obtain their blessings. It does not eliminate the spirit of seeking but entices people to practice to understand 100%.

Explaining and reading is one thing, but practicing is the main thing.
Analyzing verse by verse, and each hymn for its entirety can be very interesting (one hymn at a time).

In addition to giving an idea of what is written in the Vedas, it can inspire more people to recite them and obtain their blessings. It does not eliminate the spirit of seeking but entices people to practice to understand 100%.

Explaining and reading is one thing, but practicing is the main thing.
Here an example:

Rg Veda 1:1:6

It talks about how Agni does good to the givers and the generous.

Here the reference is related to those who work for the Gods, those who work and act in the Virtues, and those who bring positive offerings (sacrifices in other translations, basically meditations and rituals, or the will).

Agni has two heads, one symbolizing the beneficial aspects of fire, the other the destructive ones. Fire and Agni are related to the 3rd chakra and the Sun, thus to the will.
Will is what creates along with vibration.
So there is a reference here that we are protected from all negative will and harm, Agni can only do us good.
Here an example:

Rg Veda 1:1:6

It talks about how Agni does good to the givers and the generous.

Here the reference is related to those who work for the Gods, those who work and act in the Virtues, and those who bring positive offerings (sacrifices in other translations, basically meditations and rituals, or the will).

Agni has two heads, one symbolizing the beneficial aspects of fire, the other the destructive ones. Fire and Agni are related to the 3rd chakra and the Sun, thus to the will.
Will is what creates along with vibration.
So there is a reference here that we are protected from all negative will and harm, Agni can only do us good.
You can see Agni as the fire element in the universe, the third chakra. There are a lot of possible interpretations, but he is the fire of Lord Baalzebul/Indra and probably a separate God.

Vayu here is an example. In the Vedas he is basically one aspect of Lord Indra, also Agni is the same.
But Vayu is also Lord Zephiros, so this can be the case of Agni too.

Rg Veda 1:1:1-9
means Rg Veda Mandala 1 Sukta 1 Verses 1 to 9.

I'll use this style for other posts in the future.
It seems like instructions about the Cup of Life thing. 3rd chakra united to 6th chakra, the drink of immortality, ecc...

Look at first 3 Sukta of Rg Veda.
I plan to fully read this today, so I'll return when I have the free time to read this thoroughly. But, just from the topic alone, super intriguing! Can't wait to dive into this. 💙

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
