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The Runes and Their Numbers


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2019
Rune: FEHU , vibration count: 1 (or a multiple of 1)
Rune: ÜRUZ, AUROCHS , vibration number: 2 (or a multiple of 2)
Rune: THURISAZ , vibration count: 3 (or a multiple of 3)
Rune: ANSUZ , vibration count: 4 (or a multiple of 4)
Rune: RAIDHO , vibration count: 5 (or a multiple of 5)
Rune: KENAZ , vibration count: 6 (or a multiple of 6)
Rune: GEBO , vibration count: 7 (or a multiple of 7)
Rune: WUNJO , vibration count: 8 (or a multiple of 8)
Rune: HAGL , vibration count: 9 (or a multiple of 9)
Rune: NAUTHIZ , vibration count: 10 (or a multiple of 10)
Rune: ISA , vibration count: 11 (or a multiple of 11)
Rune: JERA , vibration count: 12 (or a multiple of 12)
Rune: EIHWAZ , vibration count: 13 (or a multiple of 13)
Rune: PERTHRO , vibration count: 14 (or a multiple of 14)
Rune: ALGIZ , vibration count: 15 (or a multiple of 15)
Rune: SOWILO , vibration count: 16 (or a multiple of 16)
Rune: TIWAZ , vibration count: 17 (or a multiple of 17)
Rune: BJÖRK , vibration count: 18 (or a multiple of 18)
Rune: EHWAZ , vibration count: 19 (or a multiple of 19)
Rune: MANNAZ , vibration count: 20 (or a multiple of 20)
Rune: LÖGR , vibration count: 21 (or a multiple of 21)
Rune: INGWAZ , vibration count: 22 (or a multiple of 22)
Rune: DAGAZ , vibration count: 23 (or a multiple of 23)
Rune: ÖDHAL , vibration count: 24 (or a multiple of 24)

So as an example, if you're let's say doing DAGAZ and it's number it's as shown [23] then you have to to 23+23 and so on adding always 23+ , multiples of it's number.

Numerology helps a lot in the occult and magical practices , same as per the Astrology!

Good luck!
This has also been posted on my profile, and many more things will be shared there as well. I will keep the posts on my profile as a personal archive, making it easier for others to access information. Instead of constantly searching through my posts or trying to find information on specific topics, everything will be available on my profile ,easier to find and view all at once, benefiting everyone.
That's interesting. And good to know..❤️🙂 Thank you for sharing.
Interesting. What were your sources on this? I haven't really used these multiples in my Runic workings, but rather used numbers that were numerologically relevant.
If the Runes had specific multiples that would be more useful to use, I'd like to see a JG or someone else more advanced verify this, and more info about where this came from can help.
Do you have any sources or anything to back up what you are saying
I'm glad that someone has put the question, this shows that you're a true SS , always ask and question anything, don't simply believe it , congrats.

Yes, there's a source : https://apolloabove.org/old.bucurialuisatan.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=4717.html
This is the old archive of the period 2015 of Romanian Jos Community , I have knew about those informations from a decade ago. I am older member then you think and not only in this life time, longer.

Credit is from the source given, with respect and gratitude to everyone who contributes into sharing the true occult and knowledge to the one who deserve , that's why not all the information's are truly leaked because of others who might use this power for bad. There's gentiles who are not connected or even against Our and Theirs own God's.

Fact : Regardless of how many times you vibrate a rune, that would work inevitably , it don't have to be the multiplier of the rune in specific to make it work but that will increase the potent and success.
1: Me personally I have used the runes into cursing and for white magik as well , they work perfectly , I have followed their numbers and it is a similar effect as you were to do a spiritual working on a good current sky planet , meaning it makes the vibrations more potent as they would match their number , now you can imagine those each numbers as colors , let's say because number 1 It's identified by the planet "Sun" in numerology although in astrology this is classed as planet Mars [1th the body,the first house whatever] but 1th as in numerology only seems to identify more with the "planet Sun" which identify the ego , both are correct. I have also seen Sun-Mars as the "EGO" part of our existence , but this topic already went far into astrology , sorry for the deviation from the topic, I just did not knew where to put this thoughts into at I'm surely it will help many if they look themselves for the truth.

Anyone here who is looking deeper into the knowledge of the God's shall and will receive their answers to the question asked but the action must be taken upon each individual, so asking as you did is a great thing! You could also do more research and look deeper into the meaning of things , I think you're on the right track, follow your survival instinct but don't forget that you've also got a Soul and a consciousness, I like when things are put upon the question mark , takes courage to do so as well , especially in this world we live in.
He took that here :runes

Its nothing new, most knowledge Viego is sharing is already on the website.
Right, but on the link provided by you, where does it shows the runic numbers? As I can't see. I already gave the source , it's from the Romanian Jos in 2015 , the archived version of the old forum, archived by JG Apollo , I am just planning to put everything on my profile, everything that I found important and strong will be posted/re-posted in a more easier manner to be found and accessed , for instance, because I have not seen the runic numbers anywhere too easy I was thinking to do what I've just done, which is a good thing. You're welcome.

I will also post some of my own things as well , who made what is irrelevant , all of us who contribute towards sharing the true occult is having same heart for the God's , all I do is with love and pure desire to literally help, if anyone has any questions then be free to ask and to contest any information , I don't mind.
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Do you want me to quote other people in this conversation?
Lol I was blind, the way it has #1 and #2 made me thought it means nothing else just the fact it's been number 3,4 to be told but if I would had check thst against my post then it would had Match the numbers.

They were put in a weird way for me to understand, everyone sees different, thanks for showing this. Why would quoting others do anything?
I mean even on the Romanian site they show this as well as 1. Fehu
But I did not knew those were actually those runes number as it did not said " Rune x and it's number its y, multiply the number for greater effect ", glad the confusion been cleared up then.
I would like to extend my question a bit based on what @OttoHart asked. I have also not used multiples of numbers in my workings that include runes, but instead numerologically relevant numbers. And as for numerological relevance, I have seen only this source: https://joyofsatan.org/Satanic_Numerology.html . So I can basically understand how relevant can be single digit numbers and some two digit ones. Still, it would be nice to have more info when using double digits, triple digits, but the URLs seem to be broken. For instance, this one returns 404: https://joyofsatan.org/Satanic_Numerology1.html . Or this one that is supposed to provide info about double digits: https://joyofsatan.org/Satanic_Numerology2.html . Can any one here give the working URLs for this info? Or was this info not introduced, yet?

Then, another question. Sorry if my question sounds stupid, but I did not find any info on the JoS platform that would explain in greater details how this needs to be approached. Let us say we want to combine GEBO (7), EIHWAZ (13), and DAGAZ (23) runes in one working. How many vibrations would we use when combined?

Is it going to be 7*13*23 = 2093 vibrations (or a multiple of 2093)? Somehow, it seems way too off, and I doubt anyone here would be able to do 2093 vibrations in a reasonable amount of time.

Or maybe we should sum those numbers, get 43 in this case, and then use a multiple of 43 starting with 43?

Or maybe the combination looks like this?
1. GEBO x 7, 14, 21, ... Whatever affirmation that is related to GEBO.
2. EIHWAZ x 13, 26, 39, ... Whatever affirmation that is related to EIHWAZ.
3. DAGAZ x 23, 46, 69, ... Whatever affirmation that is related to DAGAZ.
4. Some affirmation that would combine the energies of our runes. Or another rune used to combine the energies, e.g., EHWAZ vibrated 19, 38, 57, ... times with related affirmation to explicitly combine the energies.
5. Visualize on what has been worked here, i.e., complete the third step of witchcraft.

Somehow, I think the latter combination would make the most sense. But I might be wrong, so this is why I am asking this. An answer would be useful in the future for our fellow SS brothers and sisters who would end up in this topic.
I would like to extend my question a bit based on what @OttoHart asked. I have also not used multiples of numbers in my workings that include runes, but instead numerologically relevant numbers. And as for numerological relevance, I have seen only this source: https://joyofsatan.org/Satanic_Numerology.html . So I can basically understand how relevant can be single digit numbers and some two digit ones. Still, it would be nice to have more info when using double digits, triple digits, but the URLs seem to be broken. For instance, this one returns 404: https://joyofsatan.org/Satanic_Numerology1.html . Or this one that is supposed to provide info about double digits: https://joyofsatan.org/Satanic_Numerology2.html . Can any one here give the working URLs for this info? Or was this info not introduced, yet?
This confusion has already been explained and sorted on here: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/numerology-every-number-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9.294262/#post-1102695 , read the latest replay.

Then, another question. Sorry if my question sounds stupid, but I did not find any info on the JoS platform that would explain in greater details how this needs to be approached. Let us say we want to combine GEBO (7), EIHWAZ (13), and DAGAZ (23) runes in one working. How many vibrations would we use when combined?

Is it going to be 7*13*23 = 2093 vibrations (or a multiple of 2093)? Somehow, it seems way too off, and I doubt anyone here would be able to do 2093 vibrations in a reasonable amount of time.

Or maybe we should sum those numbers, get 43 in this case, and then use a multiple of 43 starting with 43?

Or maybe the combination looks like this?
1. GEBO x 7, 14, 21, ... Whatever affirmation that is related to GEBO.
2. EIHWAZ x 13, 26, 39, ... Whatever affirmation that is related to EIHWAZ.
3. DAGAZ x 23, 46, 69, ... Whatever affirmation that is related to DAGAZ.
4. Some affirmation that would combine the energies of our runes. Or another rune used to combine the energies, e.g., EHWAZ vibrated 19, 38, 57, ... times with related affirmation to explicitly combine the energies.
5. Visualize on what has been worked here, i.e., complete the third step of witchcraft.

Somehow, I think the latter combination would make the most sense. But I might be wrong, so this is why I am asking this. An answer would be useful in the future for our fellow SS brothers and sisters who would end up in this topic.
Everyone is different and has their ways of seeing and doing things, I think you're a bit confused and overthinking it as well.

You want to combine Gebo, Eihwaz and Dagaz , use those 3 runes in a spiritual working , ok.
How many vibrations would we use when combined?

now you just mutiply those numbers by their number so you have to understand how much energy you can manage in the first place, for instance on a spiritual working you could do:
Gebo 7+7+7+7+7+7+7 = 49 vibrations of this rune or keep adding more seven's in , that's what multiply it by it's own energetical number means.
Eihwaz 13+13+13+13+13+13= 78
Dagaz 23+23+23+23= 92

So you're doing a total of 49+78+92 vibrations a total of 219 runic vibrations, which this is irrelevant in numerology , what's important it's to follow the runic's own numbers , the end result of how many vibrations you've ending up with do not matter that mutch. And with the runes number I try to keep them balance, for instance you see that Dagaz is mutipler is already 23 , big number therefore try to balance the runes on the same numbers , not exact same [because you have to multiply by it's own number] but by that I am referring to have something like example:

219 runic vibration's would not be as strong as 219x vibration of Sun Mantra , the Suryae mantra but they are more specific towards your cause and also things such as "level of power" are more complex to be explained and going onto details , I don't want to overcomplicate to much for the people but it's not just that Suraye it's more strong in power, it's all about that each power is different from another, those 3 runes energies are completely different of the Sun's energy, therefore might helping you even more then the Suraye mantra but that depends of what you're trying to achieve and doing.

Rune x : 87
rune a: 82
rune c: 84
rune d: 86

You see what I mean by balance? Is that but then again you could prefer to use one rune more then the other due to it's own specific energies and other things , that's fine , for as long as you follow their numbers.

Whatever affirmation that is related to GEBO.
You got to use whatever affirmation that is related to your cause not only the one what is related to Gebo, so if you're desire is to gain money then the affirmation should stay the same for all of the runes you're using, and the energies of the runes, because they are unique and different it would work different in attracting you money.

So yes,

Finish with rune X , then do the affirmation 10 times , then do the other rune and it's number do affirmation and then go to the third rune and do the same, depending of how many you want to use in one single spiritual working.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
