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Numerology - Every Number [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2019
Warning: This information has not been verified by the Clergy. Use caution and always ask your GD or Satan for advice.

Astrology is the most divine and superior form of divination that exists among all, but numerology is also crucially important. In addition to your natal planetary aspects and transits for "predicting" things, you can also use the details I am giving you now to "make your own luck" and achieve greater success in life, I'm referring to success overall, in total, not just in specific areas. Just follow the details provided. For example, if you were born on the 1st, it would be advisable to wear one of those metals in contact with your skin, such as always having a gold ring or something that touches your skin. And if you want to start a project, begin it on a date between 1, 10, 19, or 28. If one of these numbers falls on a Monday or especially Sunday, as these are the numbers for the digit 1, then Sunday on the 1st, 10th, 19th, or 28th is the most potent time for success. It is a good time to make plans, start plans, or try your luck at a casino or something, meet people, and many other things like that. Expanding opportunities, and the universe will support you, but it's up to you to recognize such things and take action. Knowledge is not enough; understanding and action are essential.

Number 1

Planet: Sun
  • Traits: Leadership, individuality, initiative
  • General Meaning: Number 1 represents beginnings, leadership, independence, and initiative. People born under this number are often seen as trailblazers, driven to pursue their own path, and make changes.
  • Multiples: 1, 10, 19, 28, 37, 46, 55, 64, 73, 82, 91
  • Associated Days: Monday and Sunday
  • Precious Metals: Gold, copper, iron
  • Significant Stones: Amber, garnet, diamond
  • Associated Colors: Red, gold, white, yellow

Number 2

Planet: Moon
  • Traits: Sensitivity, intuition, cooperation.
  • General Meaning: Number 2 is linked with balance, harmony, collaboration, and diplomacy. People with this number are often sensitive, empathetic, and have a strong sense of justice.
  • Multiples: 2, 11, 20, 29, 38, 47, 56, 65, 74, 83, 92
  • Associated Days: Monday and Tuesday
  • Precious Metals: Silver, platinum
  • Significant Stones: Pearls, moonstone, opal, amethyst
  • Associated Colors: White, silver, light blue, light green

Number 3

Planet: Jupiter
  • Traits: Creativity, optimism, communication.
  • General Meaning: Number 3 represents creativity, self-expression, and optimism. People with this number are energetic, communicative, and have a strong sense of humor.
  • Multiples: 3, 12, 21, 30, 39, 48, 57, 66, 75, 84, 93
  • Associated Days: Thursday and Friday
  • Precious Metals: Gold, copper, bronze
  • Significant Stones: Citrine, turquoise, topaz
  • Associated Colors: Yellow, orange, light blue

Number 4

Planet: Uranus
  • Traits: Stability, discipline, practicality.
  • General Meaning: Number 4 symbolizes stability, discipline, hard work, and achieving long-term goals. People born under this number are often serious, organized, and dedicated to their dreams.
  • Multiples: 4, 13, 22, 31, 40, 49, 58, 67, 76, 85, 94
  • Associated Days: Wednesday and Saturday
  • Precious Metals: Titanium, platinum, copper
  • Significant Stones: Sapphire, onyx, quartz
  • Associated Colors: Dark green, gray, brown, black

Number 5

Planet: Mercury
  • Traits: Change, freedom, adaptability.
  • General Meaning: Number 5 is associated with change, adventure, freedom, and curiosity. People with this number are dynamic, versatile, and have a strong desire to explore new experiences.
  • Multiples: 5, 14, 23, 32, 41, 50, 59, 68, 77, 86, 95
  • Associated Days: Tuesday and Friday
  • Precious Metals: Mercury, silver
  • Significant Stones: Emerald, tourmaline, agate
  • Associated Colors: Blue, red, green

Number 6

Planet: Venus
  • Traits: Love, beauty, harmony, responsibility.
  • General Meaning: Number 6 symbolizes love, family, harmony, and responsibility. People with this number are often nurturing, empathetic, and focused on helping others.
  • Multiples: 6, 15, 24, 33, 42, 51, 60, 69, 78, 87, 96
  • Associated Days: Monday and Thursday
  • Precious Metals: Silver, copper
  • Significant Stones: Pearls, lapis lazuli, emerald
  • Associated Colors: Blue, pink, green, violet

Number 7

Planet: Neptune
  • Traits: Spirituality, introspection, wisdom.
  • General Meaning: Number 7 is linked to introspection, spirituality, and wisdom. People born under this number have a deep connection with their inner world and are often profound thinkers.
  • Multiples: 7, 16, 25, 34, 43, 52, 61, 70, 79, 88, 97
  • Associated Days: Wednesday and Sunday
  • Precious Metals: Gold, silver, platinum
  • Significant Stones: Diamond, amethyst, lapis lazuli
  • Associated Colors: Violet, dark blue, indigo

Number 8

Planet: Saturn
  • Traits: Power, ambition, material success, authority.
  • General Meaning: Number 8 represents power, ambition, material success, and the balance between the physical and spiritual worlds. People with this number are often natural leaders, focused on achieving their goals.
  • Multiples: 8, 17, 26, 35, 44, 53, 62, 71, 80, 89, 98
  • Associated Days: Tuesday and Saturday
  • Precious Metals: Gold, platinum, copper
  • Significant Stones: Obsidian, garnet, topaz
  • Associated Colors: Black, silver, brown, gold

The traditional approach sticks with Saturn for Number 8. If you prefer a more intense, transformational interpretation, you can use Pluto as an alternative, especially when viewing Number 8 through a more modern or mystical lens.

Number 9

  • General Meaning: Number 9 is considered the number of wisdom, compassion, and the completion of a cycle. It is linked with people who have a broad vision, care about humanity, and are oriented toward helping others.
  • Multiples: 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, 72, 81, 90
  • Associated Days: Monday and Friday
  • Precious Metals: Platinum, gold, copper
  • Significant Stones: Sapphire, amethyst, diamond
  • Associated Colors: White, violet, red

In astrology the number varies but in numerology those are their so called planets, everyone is free to comment and correct me if they think it's wrong information as my intent is not to make misinformation but to help.
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Hay yeah! 😀❤ That's good to know,. Thus is very interesting! 📚 Thank you for sharing this information.
Here you can read a post of HP. Hooded Cobra 666 about numbers:

About 6, HPHC stated that this is the number of repetition. Exis in greek (ΕΞΙΣ) is repetition, while Exi (ΕΞΙ) is 6.

In works his multiples are used as power numbers, 60, 120, 180, 240, 360, the reference was about the number of days to make changes.

You can read about this here:

I want to add something about the number 108. I saw somebody that said that it was negative, or you shouldn't use it because is related to Saturn.

But if you pay close attention, 108 is 6x18 or 6x(6+6+6). 108 is also an angle of the Pentagon.

These are just two things I noticed in regards of math.
Warning: This information has not been verified by the Clergy. Use caution and always ask your GD or Satan for advice.

Astrology is the most divine and superior form of divination that exists among all, but numerology is also crucially important. In addition to your natal planetary aspects and transits for "predicting" things, you can also use the details I am giving you now to "make your own luck" and achieve greater success in life, I'm referring to success overall, in total, not just in specific areas. Just follow the details provided. For example, if you were born on the 1st, it would be advisable to wear one of those metals in contact with your skin, such as always having a gold ring or something that touches your skin. And if you want to start a project, begin it on a date between 1, 10, 19, or 28. If one of these numbers falls on a Monday or especially Sunday, as these are the numbers for the digit 1, then Sunday on the 1st, 10th, 19th, or 28th is the most potent time for success. It is a good time to make plans, start plans, or try your luck at a casino or something, meet people, and many other things like that. Expanding opportunities, and the universe will support you, but it's up to you to recognize such things and take action. Knowledge is not enough; understanding and action are essential.

Number 1

Planet: Sun
  • Traits: Leadership, individuality, initiative
  • General Meaning: Number 1 represents beginnings, leadership, independence, and initiative. People born under this number are often seen as trailblazers, driven to pursue their own path, and make changes.
  • Multiples: 1, 10, 19, 28, 37, 46, 55, 64, 73, 82, 91
  • Associated Days: Monday and Sunday
  • Precious Metals: Gold, copper, iron
  • Significant Stones: Amber, garnet, diamond
  • Associated Colors: Red, gold, white, yellow

Number 2

Planet: Moon
  • Traits: Sensitivity, intuition, cooperation.
  • General Meaning: Number 2 is linked with balance, harmony, collaboration, and diplomacy. People with this number are often sensitive, empathetic, and have a strong sense of justice.
  • Multiples: 2, 11, 20, 29, 38, 47, 56, 65, 74, 83, 92
  • Associated Days: Monday and Tuesday
  • Precious Metals: Silver, platinum
  • Significant Stones: Pearls, moonstone, opal, amethyst
  • Associated Colors: White, silver, light blue, light green

Number 3

Planet: Jupiter
  • Traits: Creativity, optimism, communication.
  • General Meaning: Number 3 represents creativity, self-expression, and optimism. People with this number are energetic, communicative, and have a strong sense of humor.
  • Multiples: 3, 12, 21, 30, 39, 48, 57, 66, 75, 84, 93
  • Associated Days: Thursday and Friday
  • Precious Metals: Gold, copper, bronze
  • Significant Stones: Citrine, turquoise, topaz
  • Associated Colors: Yellow, orange, light blue

Number 4

Planet: Uranus
  • Traits: Stability, discipline, practicality.
  • General Meaning: Number 4 symbolizes stability, discipline, hard work, and achieving long-term goals. People born under this number are often serious, organized, and dedicated to their dreams.
  • Multiples: 4, 13, 22, 31, 40, 49, 58, 67, 76, 85, 94
  • Associated Days: Wednesday and Saturday
  • Precious Metals: Titanium, platinum, copper
  • Significant Stones: Sapphire, onyx, quartz
  • Associated Colors: Dark green, gray, brown, black

Number 5

Planet: Mercury
  • Traits: Change, freedom, adaptability.
  • General Meaning: Number 5 is associated with change, adventure, freedom, and curiosity. People with this number are dynamic, versatile, and have a strong desire to explore new experiences.
  • Multiples: 5, 14, 23, 32, 41, 50, 59, 68, 77, 86, 95
  • Associated Days: Tuesday and Friday
  • Precious Metals: Mercury, silver
  • Significant Stones: Emerald, tourmaline, agate
  • Associated Colors: Blue, red, green

Number 6

Planet: Venus
  • Traits: Love, beauty, harmony, responsibility.
  • General Meaning: Number 6 symbolizes love, family, harmony, and responsibility. People with this number are often nurturing, empathetic, and focused on helping others.
  • Multiples: 6, 15, 24, 33, 42, 51, 60, 69, 78, 87, 96
  • Associated Days: Monday and Thursday
  • Precious Metals: Silver, copper
  • Significant Stones: Pearls, lapis lazuli, emerald
  • Associated Colors: Blue, pink, green, violet

Number 7

Planet: Neptune
  • Traits: Spirituality, introspection, wisdom.
  • General Meaning: Number 7 is linked to introspection, spirituality, and wisdom. People born under this number have a deep connection with their inner world and are often profound thinkers.
  • Multiples: 7, 16, 25, 34, 43, 52, 61, 70, 79, 88, 97
  • Associated Days: Wednesday and Sunday
  • Precious Metals: Gold, silver, platinum
  • Significant Stones: Diamond, amethyst, lapis lazuli
  • Associated Colors: Violet, dark blue, indigo

Number 8

Planet: Saturn
  • Traits: Power, ambition, material success, authority.
  • General Meaning: Number 8 represents power, ambition, material success, and the balance between the physical and spiritual worlds. People with this number are often natural leaders, focused on achieving their goals.
  • Multiples: 8, 17, 26, 35, 44, 53, 62, 71, 80, 89, 98
  • Associated Days: Tuesday and Saturday
  • Precious Metals: Gold, platinum, copper
  • Significant Stones: Obsidian, garnet, topaz
  • Associated Colors: Black, silver, brown, gold

The traditional approach sticks with Saturn for Number 8. If you prefer a more intense, transformational interpretation, you can use Pluto as an alternative, especially when viewing Number 8 through a more modern or mystical lens.

Number 9

  • General Meaning: Number 9 is considered the number of wisdom, compassion, and the completion of a cycle. It is linked with people who have a broad vision, care about humanity, and are oriented toward helping others.
  • Multiples: 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, 72, 81, 90
  • Associated Days: Monday and Friday
  • Precious Metals: Platinum, gold, copper
  • Significant Stones: Sapphire, amethyst, diamond
  • Associated Colors: White, violet, red

In astrology the number varies but in numerology those are their so called planets, everyone is free to comment and correct me if they think it's wrong information as my intent is not to make misinformation but to help.
Where did you find these informations?
Where did you find these informations?
This information can be found in Cheiro's Book of Numbers by the renowned astrologer and numerologist Cheiro (also known as William John Warner). In this book, Cheiro discusses the connection between numbers and planetary influences.

The book explores how using specific dates and metals can enhance one's chances of success and is considered a classic resource for anyone interested in numerology and predictions based on planetary influences.
Here you can read a post of HP. Hooded Cobra 666 about numbers:

About 6, HPHC stated that this is the number of repetition. Exis in greek (ΕΞΙΣ) is repetition, while Exi (ΕΞΙ) is 6.

In works his multiples are used as power numbers, 60, 120, 180, 240, 360, the reference was about the number of days to make changes.

You can read about this here:

I want to add something about the number 108. I saw somebody that said that it was negative, or you shouldn't use it because is related to Saturn.

But if you pay close attention, 108 is 6x18 or 6x(6+6+6). 108 is also an angle of the Pentagon.

These are just two things I noticed in regards of math.
There's a difference between what HP Cobra has posted and the information I have posted , there's many way to interpret the numbers, the way He did is from the Satanic point of view , then it's the Astrology , "simple numerology" there's many ways and many things that each number means and they are viewed and used from various aspects , it's hard to explain, that information is has been re-shared by me as well on my profile , it's good information, same as the one I have shared.

You can use this both things , let's say the Cheiro's Book of Numbers , you're born on the 1th , then if you do a spiritual working on the 28th [ which is part of 1 Numer-SUN] so again , 28th on Sunday [1's day] on a very nice planetary transit in your natal chart ,at the right planetary hour [ coinciding with your working and desires ] , at the somehow even perfect time let's say 10:28 [which 10,28 is 1th number] then you've just hitted the JackPot , I think the numbers from the Satanic Point of view is for more of a metaphysics point of view and the other one below this are more for us and our world , so all the information's are fine, if anything then anyone please be free to contest and say your thought. Thanks
This information can be found in Cheiro's Book of Numbers by the renowned astrologer and numerologist Cheiro (also known as William John Warner). In this book, Cheiro discusses the connection between numbers and planetary influences.

The book explores how using specific dates and metals can enhance one's chances of success and is considered a classic resource for anyone interested in numerology and predictions based on planetary influences.
The sources used should be listed along the article in the same manner as it is customary in any other research out there.
The general meaning described on your post sounds new age, it doesn't make any sense, try to compare it with this.

We don't people to be misguided.
New people might see your post and still think that it's valid to some degree.

I'm not attacking you here, I hope you understand what I meant.
The general meaning described on your post sounds new age, it doesn't make any sense, try to compare it with this.

We don't want people to be misguided.
New people might see your post and still think that it's valid to some degree.

I'm not attacking you here, I hope you understand what I meant.

About numbers, they may reveal something, but what is really important is the position of Planets on the Zodiac Signs, to know ourselves, and the energies of a work.

Obsessing over dates, hours (numbers in this context) isn't neccessary. The position of Planets is.
15 November, Mars is in Aries, good for certain types of works, so I wait Mars to be in that Sign, but I'm not obssesing with the number being 15, 22, 4 or whatever (example, Mars isn't in Aries currently).

About numbers, if one check the value of one's name, and see a coincidence with the value of a God's name, or to other concepts, born date, ecc...
Ok, your name might have the same value of that of Lord Satanas, or maybe it adds up to 10, Number of God, completeness.

Now what? You aren't a God because of this, nor it means that you are connected with that God. A lot of enemies have their names with the value of the name of a God, or other important concepts.

It may get delusional after a point, if you engage in this.

While with Astrology you can know yourself or a thing (projects, mariages, nations, companies, wars, everything basically) 100%, with all the areas where you lack and where your are capable. You can even make predictions about the future, but this is more advanced.

Let's do an example, you have a child in 30 January 2025, London, Male.
Tell me with interpretation of math what you can potentially know.

Then go here, go to natal chart, and tell me what you can know about this child.

This is the same with works, in regards of energies. Obviously the interpretation of Planets and Signs will be different, as this is a different wing of Astrology.
I have done it myself and it worked for me, you can try , that's why I post it here, nobody is obliged to try or not.
I have done it myself and it worked for me, you can try , that's why I post it here, nobody is obliged to try or not.
The issue is not what you have done or not done, but that you post information such as

"Planet: Uranus

  • Traits: Stability, discipline, practicality."
which is clearly wrong.
The issue is not what you have done or not done, but that you post information such as

"Planet: Uranus

  • Traits: Stability, discipline, practicality."
which is clearly wrong.
This I see as clearly wrong as well but I did not wanted to alter the book and the information with my information's.

In a way it can make sense because if you think about Aquarius is co-gov of Saturn but yea, I have tried the numbers 1,10,19,28 as I am born on one of them days so got the number 1 and waiting for a monday/sunday day in one of those days also meditating before and using those numbers and things and intuition while gambling I was quite "lucky" , I don't mind debating and when someone judges or ask for proof/sources or when simply is against or thinking about something , I am completely fine with that, I have shared the information as it is and as I've said on my case , it did work , many times.

Nobody should trust randomly but what you've stand to lose if you would give it a try tho.
Also, please be careful and check before using anything. I don't confirm that this is the best book or anything but some info from it for me one have worked at least.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
