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The Egyptian Pantheon AMON-RA or/and Amun-Ra aka Lord Azazel / Apollon - Biography


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2019
This topic in made in the honor of one of our the most greatest God's , Lord Apollon / Amon-Ra / Azazel.


The one who has helped humanity since the begin of it's creation and maybe the One who helped it the most ! That's why the enemy have been so focused on Him for so much, in a intensive and consistent way.

Lord Azazel deserves a LOT of respect and this is self earned, on merit , He have been teaching us from the very begging of our existence, the mastery of the occult ,spirituality , astrology and many other things and also protecting , guiding and blessing us towards our spiritual journeys , all of this ,not just because of the Love He has for His/Our Father Satan, but also for the love He is carrying towards us.

Azazel is the Son of Satan and He directly works with Satan , He's also the Head Chief of Security in Hell and one of the 4 Ruler's of Hell.

Not long ago , one of our Brothers asked who was Lord Azazel as a Egyptian Pantheon, on the Gods list and I came with an answer on that topic, I then have been advised that this could and should had been a topic in itself and that this is the right thing to do , therefore, I will adjust some things from there and make it better, on this topic and add additional information's as well.

I want it to be known clearly , there is a reason why Amon has only Amon as name in His sigil ,even though he is also seen as Ra , He is indeed Ra as well but when we refer to Amon-Ra / Amun-Ra ,we refer to the combination of Ra with Amon , which is not the same fusion in literal as how Satan and Beelzebub are , not even by far, this combination is mostly due to the similarities that they have , it is more of a symbolistic meaning then an actual fusion/connection such as Satan and Beelzebub have [I'm referring to God Amon and God Amon-Ra #Azazel here].

Zodiacal sing : Ophiuchus , similar to Scorpio/Pluto attributes , are the 'unseen' such as how Neptun-12th is , but in a different existential plan of matter , also being inter-connected into the ALL existence towards, all planes , this is not possible to explain in words , but I have articulated this thing just to show where the 'unseen' and where the possessor of the Keys coming from, all of His Knowledge and Wisdom , such as the One where He managed to destroy the chaos and establish order [ Capricorn - Aquarius connotation ] same as Father Satan has.

Azazel is the most closest to Satan in what comes to the attributes of darkness, chaos and destruction[not to be confused with evil] ,where on the other hand, Goddess Astarte is more inclined towards Beelzebub , the creation , life, light.

2 of Them [Satan/Azazel being the Darkness [not to be confused with evil, but mostly ,understood from an hermetic and universal point of view] and the other two beings Goddess Astarte and God Beelzebub being the 'opposite' beings and representation of light/creation itself - The 4 Rulers of Hell / all of existence and the entire Universe // Satan being beyond all the Universe including in it but mostly beyond.

Azazel and Amon Ra are two different Gods.
Azazel is Amon-Ra.

There is a strong connection between Amon[RA] and Amon-Ra, though they are distinct deities. It's not easy to explain, but it shouldn't be dismissed as "too complicated to explain." While there is already a lot of information to explore and more is yet to come, it's important to look into the history and understand their past meanings. However, what's even more important today is focusing on who they are now. They are, and always have been, the same. We now have more freedom and a stronger astral/spiritual connection than in the past, thanks to the rituals established by our HP with the Gods' help.

I wouldn't say that those two Beings [ Azazel and Amon ] are one and the same, such as how Satan and Beelzebul are, but they are very similar and mostly then that, very connected as They both are , Deities of the Sun , but distinct God's.

An example to their connection as per attributes , abilities and the very own existence I would say GOD Hades and GOD Osiris , are deeply similar ,in what comes to 'ALL' , as how Azazel and Amon are to each other.
AZAZEL aka ZAZEL, APOLLO (Greek; God of Shining Sun), Mithra (Roman), Mitra/Surya (Vedic Period), LUGUS/LUGH (Irish/Welsh), SHAMASH (Babylonian), UTU (Sumerian; The Shining One),* SAMAS (Akkadian), BABBAR (Sumerian), Ashur (Assyrian), SHAMIYAH (Hathra), SAMYAZA, SEMJAZA, SEMIHAZAH, SEMIHAZAI (As he appears in a lot of enemy literature, taken from Middle Eastern names and titles of the God)

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn/Aquarius (both 1-10 degrees), for Spiritual Work, Ophiuchus Degrees of Scorpio**
Tarot Card: Ace of Swords
Planet: Saturn, the Lunar South Node (Dragon's Tail)
Candle Color: Blue, Black
Metal: Lead
Element of Air
Symbols: The Eagle and the Scorpion; the Faravahar (see below)
Number: 20, also 5, 7, 36**
Rank: Chief Of Security In Hell, works directly with Father Satan

Azazel is the GOD of ORDER and JUSTICE and also the god of Revenge. He is a Master of the Black Arts and the Protector of Travelers.


Link : https://joyofsatan.org/Azazel.html
More information's : https://satanisgod.org/AzazelHC.html
---------------------AMON-RA #Azazel Connections with Amon

If you read upon Lord Azazel connections and names They will meet/connect with the Deity Amon-RA/Amun-Ra.

There is a connection between Amon-Ra and the gods mentioned, as they are all associated with solar worship and divinities of light, justice, and cosmic power.

1. Amon-Ra and Apollo (Greek) - 700 BC

Apollo, in Greek mythology, is the god of light, the sun, and prophecy. Although he was not originally a solar deity (this role belonged to Helios), during the Hellenistic period, Apollo became identified with the sun. Amon-Ra, as the supreme god of Egypt, had similar functions, and during the Ptolemaic period, he was sometimes equated with Apollo.

2. Mithra (Roman) and Mitra/Surya (Vedic) - 1st century BC / Around 1500 BC

Mithra was an Indo-Iranian god of contracts and light. In the Roman Empire, the cult of Mithras became a mystery religion associated with the invincible sun (Sol Invictus). In Vedic tradition, Mitra and Surya [which is just one and the same] posses similar 'connections' to Mithra and Amon-Ra [which is just one and the same ,again].

Connection : SOL is the rune SOWILO , and also the represtation of the snake and thunder , life and light , creation.

3. Lugus/Lugh (Irish, Welsh) - 1000 BC

Lugh is a celtic god of light, war and wisdom, comparable to Apollo and thus Ra. He is associated with the sun and divine radiance, like Ra. [Being Amon-Ra]

4. Shamash/Utu (Babylonian, Sumerian, Akkadian) - 1900 BC/2100 BC/2300 BC

Shamash (Babylonian) and Utu (Sumerian) are gods of the sun, justice, and divine light. This god was seen as a cosmic judge, similar to Ra and Apollo.

5. Ashur (Assyrian) - 2500 BC

Ashur, the supreme god of the Assyrians, was sometimes associated with the sun and divine power, sharing common elements with solar gods.

6. Shamiyah (Hatraean) - 1st century AD

Shamiyah is a deity from the city of Hatra in Mesopotamia, linked to Shamash and other solar divinities.

7. Samyaza/Semjaza (Apocryphal Jewish Mythology) - 2nd century BC

Samyaza ☀️is a fallen angel❌ [This is not true ! It's just a lie and illusion of the enemy set in place to corrupt the truth of reality and to distract people from the true origin of what this means, just as they have tried and continue to try , with the rest of the God's]

Mentioned in the Book of Enoch [Book of the illegal alien enemy] .

Name also connected to the : https://satanisgod.org/Samhain.html and towards the Shen ring such [Spiritual Force, Divine Force, and God.]

More information's to be found here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samyaza

This name derives from the Semitic root "Shem" (meaning brightness, name), which is symbolically associate him with solar deities.
- Of course everything that represents truth, empowerment , freedom , consciousness ,positivity, light , samd it would be classed as wrong and the entities in themself who stand for such things are classed as a 'fallen angel'.

The Semitic roots are much older, dating back to around 2000-3000 BCE, as part of the early development of Semitic languages. On the other hand, the concept of fallen angels like Samyaza ,emerges much later, specifically in the Book of Enoch [ book of which the enemy created to diminish the truth , hide it and corrupt it] around the 3rd century BCE - 1st century CE.

The Semitic roots are thousands of years older than the idea of fallen angels.

---------------------AMON-RA aka Lord Azazel Connections Part 2
Yes, there are certain parallels and possible connections between the Babylonian solar gods and Amun-Ra from Egypt. There are some interesting points of connection:

1. Utu / Shamash The Mesopotamian Sun God 2100 BC / 1900 BC

  • Utu (Sumerian) / Shamash (Akkadian, Babylonian, Assyrian) was the sun god in Mesopotamian mythology, worshipped in Larsa and Sippar.
  • In Egypt, Ra is his counterpart, also being the god of the sun and justice.
  • The temple E-babbar ("House of Light") in Larsa is similar in name and function to the Egyptian temples of Ra and Amun-Ra, which were centres of solar worship.

2. E-dur-an-ki – "House of the Bond Between Heaven and Earth" 2100 BC

  • This name resembles Amun-Ra’s celestial mediator role in Egypt.
  • The connection to the sky is essential in Amun’s worship, especially in his form as Amun-Ra.

3. The Names "Ararwa" and "Aste Azaga"

  • "Ararwa" (which supposedly means "heavenly light") is similar in meaning to Ra/Amun-Ra, who symbolised divine light.
  • "Aste Azaga" (sacred/shining/pure throne) has a meaning similar to the Egyptian titles of Amun-Ra, which included concepts of kingship, purity, and brilliance. - Brilliance has to do with Aquarius which Lord Azazel has , beside the other many things.
More: Ellasar, also known as Larsa, was an important center of sun-god worship in Mesopotamia. Its Sumerian name was Ararwa, and it was also called Aste Azaga, meaning "the holy (bright, pure) seat" or throne. Its ruins are located at Senqara, on the east bank of the Euphrates, between Warka (Erech) and Muqayyar (Ur).

4. The God Shamiyah 2nd century BC

  • The name "Shamiyah" may be linked to the Semitic root ŠM (Shamash), meaning "sun" or "light," just like Ra.
  • In some interpretations, Shamash was seen as an "eye of the heavens," similar to how Ra was perceived in Egypt.

Although Amun-Ra is not directly mentioned in these Mesopotamian sources, there are thematic and linguistic similarities between:
  • Utu/Shamash and Ra/Amun-Ra as solar God[s] and deitieS of justice.
  • E-babbar ("House of Light") and the temples of Ra.
  • Ararwa/Aste Azaga as terms indicating light and divinity, similar to the epithet "shining" used for Ra.

---------------------Other Connections of Azazel
Connections with Amun-Ra and Shamash

A. Solar and cosmic symbolism
In some interpretations, Shesha is associated with the cosmic cycle and world order, just as Amun-Ra and Shamash represent divine order. - Both Satan and Azazel having Capricorn [Saturn] Saturn being Sat which equals Truth in sanskrit - Satan , Our GOD
Ra is often depicted with a serpent (Mehen) protecting him in the solar boat. This image recalls the role of Shesha, who protects Vishnu.
In Vedic texts, Shesha is sometimes identified with the sun, although this role is more strongly linked to Surya.

B. The serpent as a symbol of divine protection
In Egypt, the serpent was both protective and chaotic (e.g., Apophis, the serpent of chaos, whom Ra must defeat).
In Mesopotamia, snakes appear in legends such as Enki and Utu/Shamash, and are linked to knowledge and protection.
In India, Shesha protects the universe, just as Mehen protects Ra on his night journey.

---------------------More connections
In Hindu mythology, Vishnu is the guardian god of the universe who maintains the balance between good and evil, protecting the world.

In Egyptian mythology, a god who might play a similar role is Amun-Ra.

Amun-Ra is the supreme god of Egypt, associated with the sun, and is considered the creator and protector of the universe, with the role of maintaining cosmic order.

Ra (the sun god) also has a similar role in maintaining the universal order as Vishnu, in that Ra ensures that the cosmic order is protected and that the world remains stable.

Shesha in Egyptian Mythology:

Shesha is a cosmic serpent in Hindu mythology, often symbolizing the stability of the universe. It supports Vishnu in many iconographies, often being present in the form of a bed for Vishnu, who sleeps on it on the cosmic ocean.

In Egyptian mythology, a deity with a similar role could be Apep (Apophis), who is a god of chaos and darkness, often depicted as a giant serpent. Apep was considered the enemy of Ra, and the whole battle between Ra and Apep symbolized the maintenance of order in the cosmos, in contrast to the forces of chaos.

However, in terms of the role of a protective cosmic serpent, a god closer to Shesha might be Mehen, a protective serpent god who in Egyptian mythology is often associated with the protection of the Sun and light. Mehen wrapped himself around Ra's ship to protect it from the forces of chaos.

Temple of Apollo in Delphi, Reconstructed

The temple of Delphi and the temples of Amun-Ra in Egypt had similar functions of spiritual guidance and a link between people and gods.


Look at the symbols and how much they connect with Azazel's Sumerian Sigil.

Azazel is "Atum".
Amon-Ra - Associated with Atum, the Egyptian primordial god.

Apollo and Amun-Ra - Mystical and Solar Associations
In the religious syncretism of the Hellenistic period (after the conquest of Egypt by Alexander the Great), Greek and Egyptian gods were often assimilated or combined. Thus Apollo could sometimes be associated with Ra or Amun-Ra in syncretic contexts.
Amun-Ra, as god of light and creation, had a similar aura to Apollo, in the sense that both were the source of light and cosmic power. Amun-Ra is often seen as 'hidden' or 'unknown', while Apollo, in his role as prophet and god of light, is seen as a representative of universal truth, similar to Ra's solar vision.

Atumus is a primordial creator god who is often associated with the first sun god in Egypt, as he was believed to have given birth to the universe and also to have a connection with 'light' and 'creation'.

Apollo, in his mythology, is also a creator god through his prophetic acts and his connection to divine wisdom and music. Both Atum and Apollo are also connected to cosmic concepts of order and harmony.

From all the mantras of the Sun, Suryae is the strongest one and this is APOLLO/AZAZEL , Amon-RA [Apollo] is the perfectionate of the SUN and THE SUN which is Him , Azazel.
-------------------- More information's

from : https://satanisgod.org/AzazelHC.html as mentioned above
-------------------- The reason enemy hates him so much
They have everything must mostly the beings who are pushing foward for evolution and life , therefore , Azazel being one of the Greatest Gods , the master of the occult , spirituality , astrology and many other things and all that he shared and shares with us, that is why , the enemy is hating Him so much, trying to hide the truth about the Gods and mocking them.

I can't take all the credit for the hard work put in, as I'm not the only one who contributed to this—there are many of us, especially HPHC. What I did the most was to connect the dots and present them in a clearer and more understandable way.

May God Azazel bless you all and since this is a topic of Him, ALL Hail LORD AZAZEL!

☀️' Even the Sun will say when He sees you: Behold, for Lord Apollo is coming!' ☀️

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
