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The Osiris Myth


Sep 29, 2018
I believe that the Myth of Osiris, Set and Horus is understood too superficially, and sometimes not understood at all. Thanks to the help of our wise Gods teachers and for the benefit of the entire SS family, I am writing this article where I will try to understand some of the confusing elements of this myth. Distinguish the wheat from the chaff.

Of course, now we'll have all these idiotic "interpretations" of ancient Egyptian myths as if it were a cheap jewish soap opera on television. Do not be deceived, look to the root, and with the help of spiritual insight and the guidance of our Gods, they will reveal to you the true meaning of the ancient legends. As has been said many times in the ZhOS - all these are instructions for achieving MO and other important allegories. All the sacraments of the ancient world were written by Priests and highly initiated into the secrets of the Gods. Thus, it was always, in principle, laid down at least 3 layers of interpretation of any Myth or Ancient Knowledge.

The first layer concerned the literal or exoteric layer of knowledge. These were explanations for the uninitiated and a code behind which deeper meanings were hidden. Often, from the exoteric interpretation of the myth, they created something like public holidays for the crowd, explaining it with something external (for example, the Myth of the battle of Ra with Apep was explained as the change of day and night).
The second layer always related to the knowledge of the initiates. This was astrological, alchemical, medical, magical and yogic knowledge encrypted in the form of a metaphorical language. Each God or character of Myth was associated with some special properties/bodies and, through symbolic understanding, participated in a certain operation. It is known that Ra represents the power of Sunlight and our Solar Chakra, the meditations Chariot of RA and the 7 Arcana of the Tarot, as well as many other insights about the nature of light.
The third and highest level concerned instructions to the Masters. This was the highest priestly and initiatory knowledge, which was obtained and deciphered only through Gnosis, or the revelation of purified higher chakras. These were instructions on MO, secrets of government, astrological prophecies and much more. The gods in these allegories acted rather as indications of the required states and processes. Revealing these secrets was punishable by death in many ancient cultures.

In Greek and Neoplatonic teaching, we also know about three categories of people. In Post Vedic India it is known as the three stages of spiritual realization: Pashu, Virya and Divya. For the Greeks, this is Gilik - a physical man, Andrapoda. Psychic - aware of his soul. And Pneumatic are spiritual beings who have achieved full awareness of their soul and Spirit. The same myth was always used and made sense for all three categories! Magical writing in hieroglyphs provided a multi-layered interpretation. Each subsequent layer revealed deeper mysterious secrets.It is precisely because of the existence of a multi-layered narrative that this knowledge is reliably protected from jewish and profane forces who want to receive it. Comprehension of ancient legends is directly related to the activities of people here and now, because it serves as instructions preserved through the centuries, a legacy that we can use in our War and our Improvement.

This is why the legend of Osiris is so important; it is directly about achieving the highest transformation of a being into Divinity.

Let's refresh our memory with a brief summary of the Osiris Myth:
The Story of Osiris, Isis and Horus: The Egyptian Myth of Creation

From Geb, the earth god, and Nut, the sky goddess came four children: Osiris, Isis, Set and Nepthys.Osiris was the oldest and so became king of Egypt, and he married his sister Isis. Osiris was a goodking and commanded the respect of all who lived on the earth and the gods who dwelled in thenetherworld.However, Set was always jealous of Osiris, because he did not command the respect of those onearth or those in the netherworld. One day, Set transformed himself into a vicious monster andattacked Osiris, killing him. Set then cut Osiris into pieces and distributed them throughout thelength and breadth of Egypt.With Osiris dead, Set became king of Egypt, with his sister Nepthys as his wife. Nepthys, however,felt sorry for her sister Isis, who wept endlessly over her lost husband. Isis, who had great magicalpowers, decided to find her husband and bring him back to life long enough so that they could havea child. Together with Nepthys, Isis roamed the country, collecting the pieces of her husband’s bodyand reassembling them. Once she completed this task, she breathed the breath of life into his bodyand resurrected him. They were together again, and Isis became pregnant soon after. Osiris wasable to descend into the underworld, where he became the lord of that domain.The child born to Isis was named Horus, the hawk-god. When he became an adult, Horus decided tomake a case before the court of gods that he, not Set, was the rightful king of Egypt. A long periodof argument followed, and Set challenged Horus to a contest. The winner would become king.Set, however, did not play fair. After several matches in which Set cheated and was the victor, Horus’mother, Isis, decided to help her son and set a trap for Set. She snared him, but Set begged for hislife, and Isis let him go. When he found out that she had let his enemy live, Horus became angrywith his mother, and rages against her, earning him the contempt of the other gods. They decidedthat there would be one more match, and Set would get to choose what it would be.Set decided that the final round of the contest would be a boat race. However, in order to make thecontest a challenge, Set decided that he and Horus should race boats made of stone. Horus wastricky and built a boat made of wood, covered with limestone plaster, which looked like stone. As thegods assembled for the race, Set cut the top off of a mountain to serve as his boat and set it in thewater. His boat sank right away, and all the other gods laughed at him. Angry, Set transformedhimself into a hippopotamus and attacked Horus’ boat. Horus fought off Set, but the other godsstopped him before he could kill Set. The other gods decided that the match was a tie. Many of thegods were sympathetic to Horus, but remembered his anger toward his mother for being lenient toSet, and were unwilling to support him completely.The gods who formed the court decided to write a letter to Osiris and ask for his advice. Osirisresponded with a definite answer: his son is the rightful king, and should be placed upon the throne.No one, said Osiris, should take the throne of Egypt through an act of murder, as Set had done. Sethad killed Osiris, but Horus did not killed anyone, and was the better candidate. The sun and thestars, who were Osiris’ allies, descended into the underworld, leaving the world in darkness. Finally, the gods agreed that Horus should claim his birthright as king of Egypt.
In myth, Isis she is also the wife of Osiris, and therefore the main role in the resurrection and the work of finding parts falls on her.In the drawings, it is Isis who is shown as a regenerating and healing force. We also know this from other attributes and the symbol that correlates with the Goddess Astarte. In the Tarot, Isis is often associated with the Star(17), her role in the alchemical process serving as direction and cosmic substance/inspiration. This part will be more understandable in the context of the appearance of Horus as the child-Sun(19).

In different versions that have come down to us, the number of cut parts of Osiris differs. In order not to cause much confusion, let us take as a basis the text of Pyramids that states the division into 14 parts, and the parts of the eye of Wadget(Which is further stated to have been part of what Horus offered to his Father as a gift of foresight and protection) in this context are divided equally into 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 and so on up to 1/64: this was the basis of the Egyptian mathematics (remember layer 2).

The Gods guide and assist Isis in restoring her husband through practice, embalming and knowledge. This allegorically points to the spiritual knowledge necessary to achieve immortality. In this form, the restored Osiris conceives the child Horus, that is, symbolically transfers his power to the heir. This is an indication of the conscious element of creation that is accessible to man, his intelligence and ability to achieve afterlife and even resurrection. This myth was later extrapolated to the practice of mummification and preparation for achieving posthumous rebirth of the nobility.

The myths speak ambiguously about the method of “conception” of Horus, which hints to us that we are talking specifically about a spiritual process. Isis in the form of a bird fills the lungs of Osiris with air (energy) and he comes to life; in other versions, Horus is conceived by a bright flash of lightning (hence the fact that this is the “Solar” child of the light power of RA). In any case, this is an indication of the energy of light and power necessary for the process of rebirth. Without her, nothing would have worked out.

Horus and Set represent a combination of the manifest and unmanifest sides of existence. Set represents Nav, the unmanifested. Horus represents Yav - reality, the manifested. This can also be read as Ida and Pingala, while Ptah represents the superconscious, but this is a separate topic. The High Priest explained these elements of existence in this beautiful article: The Dedication Ritual: Path To Initiation
In this sense, the “struggle for the throne” no longer seems like a crazy invention?) The Throne is a symbolic representation of the Crown, having achieved supremacy, Set and Horus unite under the rule of Ptah. The Heliopolis legend is focused on Ennead culture(in which Ptah is not represented; a separate temple in Memphis was dedicated to him) and therefore omits this part of the myth-instruction; I suspect that this knowledge was distributed on deeper layers and did not concern the external myth.

The acquisition of the power of the Horus is compared to the inclusion of Wadjet - with the help of the power of the awakened higher chakras (which are also represented as Ptah), the unconscious in us recedes and we can achieve eternal life and power.
Surviving ancient Egyptian texts have conveyed to us various versions of the myth of the Eye of Horus (Wadjet). According to one of them, Seth pierced Horus's eye with his finger, according to another, he stepped on it, according to the third, he swallowed it. One of the texts says that Hathor restored her eye by giving it gazelle milk. Another says that Anubis buried the eye on the side of a mountain, where it sprouted shoots in the form of a vine.

Horus used the regenerated eye to resurrect his father Osiris. After Osiris swallowed the eye of Horus, his dismembered body grew together in the same way as the eye itself.

In some versions of the Myth, the struggle between Set and Osiris (before his murder) is presented as a struggle between Order and Chaos. In the modern understanding, it is probably more correct to call this the struggle of entropy and anti-entropy. Without a conscious element and effort, the cosmos will be swallowed up by the forces of entropy which here symbolically appear under the guise of Set. The cosmic order of the “resurrected Osiris” is represented as the power of his Son Horus (our left hemisphere and the conscious element of nature), but already in the unification stage. It is interesting that in many parts of the myth Ra is considered the “father” of Horus, born with light and power. This is an instruction that we can achieve the restoration of our soul with the help of light and the restoration of our integrity.

Osiris appears as a renewed and united soul. This is the same meaning (12 arcana of the Tarot) as the symbol of Wotan hanging from the Yggdrasil tree. After completing the ritual (12 Arcana) and symbolic death (13), the stage of conception follows (14 Arcana of the Tarot), Set’s attempt to intervene and destroy Osiris or Horus himself (this is also allegorically reflected as the 15 Arcana - the enemy / forces of entropy), and then follows the birth of the power and glory of Horus, who is allegorically represented as the Child on the Tarot card Sun(19). This also explains the connection between Ra and Horus. Here the Solar symbolism of the restored Sun God appears as the transfer of power from death to the rightful heir. This was of great importance in explaining the power and succession of the Pharaohs, but we are of course more interested in the alchemical interpretation of the myth.

After a period of reintegration and connectedness, a confusing/labyrinthine reunification and saturation with the power of all the “parts of God”, which in Myth is expressed as Isis uniting the parts of Osiris cut into pieces. The fully restored and protected Soul regains power and strength, becoming "the rightful heir and king of all Egypt." The stage of competition and trial, when the fate of Horus’s power and his “battle” with Set could not be decided, is the 18th Arcana. Thus the complete Myth concerns those stages of high-level alchemical work that prepare the initiate for the passage of the “gates of death and the afterlife,” allegorically expressed in the fate of Osiris, rebirth, the conception of the Child, and the final acquisition of strength and power (Sun-19 arcana).
Of course, all this is of interest primarily to ready ears and eyes, to all of you. Dedicated to SS and those who devote enough time to their own improvement. The common people will pass by these diamonds of spiritual wisdom, but we will be able to see. I do not pretend to provide a complete explanation of this myth; each of its elements and details can lead to amazing conclusions and discoveries that you can make on your own. I just shared the results of my own research on this matter. The myth of Osiris is the central line of gaining and restoring the Power of the Soul, in the part where life and death replace each other, it is a myth about the struggle and victory over entropy.

I thank Seth, I thank Osiris and Father Satan who instructed me in this.


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Very well researched post. The point is as with everything in Spiritual Satanism and outside of it, through hard work we can overcome any obstacles. Through death we can be reborn again. Thank you, brother.
Interesting, the last 3 or 4 days Osiris came to mind out of know where and I'm trying to find out. I'm not sure the link I have yet either....
Thank you again.
Without wishing to diminish your work in principle, because it is largely accurate, I would like to make a few corrections or comments here.

The Greeks, or rather the Gnostics, knew three essential states or stages of human development as described by Irenaeus of Lyon in his writing Contra Haereses I in chapter 7.

1. the hylic, i.e. ὑλικοί, the "material" or sarcic, from σάρξ sarx, "flesh, body"). This was the name given to the person who was completely enslaved to matter and earthly existence and thus lived in eternal ignorance. He could not be redeemed. However, I do not know a Gilik. I only know an andrapoda derived from Andrapodon ᾰ̓νδρᾰ́ποδον. Among the Greeks, he was a prisoner of war who mainly carried out unskilled work in which he could be chained.

2. the psychic, i.e. ψυχικὀς, the "psychic". This was the name given to the person who was not directly capable of knowledge, i.e. gnosis, of the "unknown God", but who could gradually ascend to it by listening to Gnostic teachings.


3. the pneumatic, from πνευμα, pneuma, i.e. breath, wind or breath. This was the name given to a person who was directly enlightened by the divine spirit or who worked from the divine spirit, i.e. who was spiritual in the sense of being able to truly recognize the divine. He could be redeemed and became partaker of the pleroma.

In a Nag Hammadi scripture, three Adam figures are distinguished analogously: the pneumatic, the psychic and the earthly Adam. Although they came into being one after the other, they are united in the one and only first man.

In essence, you have correctly reproduced the Osiris myth. However, there were several versions of this myth, depending on the Egyptian cult center in which it was told. As for Seth, he was older than Osiris and in ancient times the one true god, who was later equated with the "evil Satan". However, Seth was originally of a good-natured character and was degraded by the priestly castes to a god of foreigners and an enemy of Osiris. That is why he was called the "red one" and in the papyrus Jumilac he is crucified or bound at the Furka and is pierced by many knives. The Egyptians hated red as a color.

Seth 1.jpg

Image: The bimorph Seth with the donkey's head pierced by a knife together with a man pierced by a knife tied to a Y-pole (a furka); late period; Petrie Museum UC 59473.

The papyrus Salt 825 shows a similar constellation, only without the pole or furka, of which the following image gives an overall depiction with the "House of Life".

Seth 2.jpg

Image: The British Museum's papyrus Salt 825; left: the "House of Life" and on the right, in sequence, some depictions of the bound Seth and a foreign man (Ptolemaic period)

Seth 3.jpg

Image: Seth bound and in his typical red color, which classifies him as negative in character; Papyrus Bremner-Rhind (BM EA 10188) of the Ptolemaic period

And finally Seth bound at the Furka

Seth 4.jpg

"The donkey-headed set (Seth) on the pole, pierced by knives "1; Temple of Hathor, Dendera

1 Image and text from: Ernst Krause, Okapi und Esel im ägyptischen Pantheon; in: Otto N. Witt (ed.), Prometheus, Illustrierte Wochenschrift über die Fortschritte in Gewerbe, Industrie und Wissenschaft, XV. Jahrgang, Nr. 732, Heft 4, Verlag von Rudolf Mückenberger, Berlin 1903, p. 54 (Fig. 52)

The pharmacist, biologist and writer Ernst Krause, pseudonym Carus Sterne, writes in the magazine "Prometheus" about the above picture: "... in one of the rooms of the southern terrace of the temple of Denderah, the donkey god bound to a pole appears pierced by the spears of Horus".1

1 Ernst Krause, Okapi und Esel im ägyptischen Pantheon; in: Otto N. Witt (Hrsg.), Prometheus, Illustrierte Wochenschrift über die Fortschritte in Gewerbe, Industrie und Wissenschaft, XV. Jahrgang, Nr. 732, Heft 4, Verlag von Rudolf Mückenberger, Berlin 1903, S. 52

Let us take a look at Mephitic theology. Horus himself is often regarded as the resurrected Osiris.

The image you have reproduced represents the "green Osiris", who is also understood as the god of fertility. Osiris as the god of the underworld, on the other hand, was always depicted as the "Black God". The Egyptians loved the color black. It is also attributed to Saturn. Who is described in Babylonian writings as papsukkal "the black one" and who, as the god Ninib, possessed the cross as a symbol in cuneiform script.

"When the initiate into the Eleusinian mysteries had victoriously passed all the tests, had looked at and touched the sacred things, and was considered strong enough to learn the last and most terrible of all mysteries, a veiled priest approached him and whispered the enigmatic word in his ear as he passed: "Osiris is a black god".

(Eliphas Lévi, History of Magic. Translated from the French by Fritz Werle, Econ Ullstein List Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, Munich 2001, p. 30)

Let me put it this way: it is about what the Eleusinian mysteries as well as the Osiris myths conveyed and what the highly consecrated Goethe expresses in his poem "Selige Sehnsucht" as the "Stirb und Werde". The human being who strives for knowledge, for gnosis, must first descend into the "underworld", where the source of true knowledge is hidden, just as the gods did in the past. He must connect with the chthonic, subterranean forces in order to be able to participate in gnosis, in "Man, know thyself". He must come to terms with his own subconscious in magical practice.

He must be devoured by the serpent, the Kundalini, the Leviathan, the Phoenician
Nun. The Jews transformed it into Jonah, who is devoured by the fish. Only through mystical death is he then reborn as a recognizer, in the Eleusinian sense as a myste, a silencer and epopte, a seer.

If I have understood you correctly, Isis with her wings is supposed to represent the bird. In ancient Egypt, the bird was Ba, the soul, which was given to humans through the breath. At its death, the Ba bird emerges from the body and goes to the underworld. In ancient Egypt, however, the bird was mainly depicted in the form of benu.

According to Egyptologist A. Wiedemann, the Egyptians particularly called the god of the morning star with the hierograms
Benu 1.jpg
benu, Bennu1, which means "to shine".

1 A. Wiedemann, Die Phönix-Sage im alten Aegypten; in: Zeitschrift für Ägyptische Sprache und Alterthumskunde, Sechszehnter Jahrgang. Third and fourth issue, 1878, p. 95

According to religious doctrine, the Benu, Bennu, the "Osiris of Heliopolis", is related to the resurrection. For, "the name of the phoenix in Egypt is Bennu".1

1 E. A. Wallis Budge, The Gods of the Egyptians, Vol. II, Dover Publications, Inc, New York 1969, S. 96
It is the symbol of the transformations of the soul. In the Egyptian "Book of the Dead" chapter 17, Papyrus Hunefer 1, it is written of him (see picture below): "I am the Bennu bird that is in Annu, and I am the keeper of the book of the things that are and the things that will be". 2

But Annu is Osiris.

1 British Museum Papyrus Nr. 9901

2 E. A. Wallis Budge, The Egyptian Book of the Dead, The Papyrus of Ani, Dover Publications, Inc., New York 1967, S. 282


Image: On the left, the god Osiris as judge of the dead. In the center the jackal-headed Anubis,

who handles the mummy of the deceased scribe Ani. To his right is the bird Bennu, the original phoenix. He is followed by Ba, part of the human soul with a human face and the body of an owl; from the Papyrus of Ani, an unusually complete version of the Egyptian Book of the Dead, 1350 BCE1

1 Image from: Boria Sax, Imaginary Animals. The Monstrous, the Wondrous and the Human, Reaktion Books Ltd., London 2013, S. 137

Isis with the wings can also be seen as the original form of Saturn in its polar configuration before the cataclysmic event.

The image of Seth and Horus, which is generally regarded as a union of kingdoms by Egyptologists, shows very nicely that Seth and Horus are not opponents, but the two pillars that open up the Shushuma path, the middle path, the "golden mean" between Ida and Pingala, between Boas and Jachin, i.e. the path of the Kundalini serpent, in the "whirling", one could also say in the whirling of all the chakras.

In fact, the battle between Seth and Osiris is seen by many as a battle between chaos and order. However, one must understand that chaos is the original state, the "everything" or the "nothing", which was also described as "Nun", "primordial waters" by the ancient Egyptians, from which the god created himself, e.g. through masturbation. Be it Ptah, be it Atum or Amun Ra, the "hidden sun" etc. The ancient Egyptians therefore worshipped Maat, the goddess with the feather, because she reminded them that the Egyptian had to fight every day for the balance between chaos and order.

Hail Satan!

Heil Lucifer!

Hail Wotan!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
