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New Year Address & Osiris God Ritual

Happy new year!!!
Happy New Year to all JoS community!
Special thank You to HP HC 666 and HPS Lydia for their hard work and support!

The last year brought many challenges, I hope this year will bring many good surprises for everyone on their spiritual journey. No matter how difficult the path may seem, don't give up, every SS is important for the Gods and JoS community!

I wish everyone to achieve their new 2025 goals on this path! 🙂🎉
Happy new year my satanic family!
Let us progress strongly towards our goals and let us walk to heights we once thought impossible.

Let us cross the threshold and be rewarded with an even greater connection to divine knowledge and power, which is sustained by Lord Satanas and the Gods who guide us!

Time to recover and strengthen the connection with one of my most beloved Gods.
Greetings to all of our Family in the Gods,

2024 has been a year of many developments, struggles that have been overcome and many beautiful things. As we look back on the year 2024, we can see a year of progress, where we have grown as a community, bonded closer and above all, we came closer to the Gods.

We should look back at 2024 as a beautiful year. If anything, this year has proven that not only we can overcome everything, but we are here to stay and to progress. The next year is going to be even better, and every next year, is going to be better and better. I have faith in this and this faith comes from knowing the members in our Community and our people. I say openly that as my faith was always unshakeable in our community and in ourselves, we are moving with the same unyielding faith in 2025.

If I have anything personal to wish to anyone, is to make the best out of your trials and opportunities for the next year. To never give up on your dreams, to always have the Gods in your life, and to keep progressing with absolute certainty that they are here for you. As we see the growth of us all, each will look at another and know that the Gods are here for us all.

I want to further thank our people and our community for always having our back doing what they are destined to do and progressing forward. For me, the glory of my life has been to watch all of you grow, overcome, become better people and spiritually advance. I can find no higher glory than this in anything in this world. I salute all of you, brothers and sisters, walkers of the Divine Path. I bow in front of the Gods for the opportunity that they have given to all of us.

For without their loving hand, where would we be?

This is why this place has remained pure, on it's track, on it's divine path from the Gods. Everytime I look at us, I can only thank the Gods for what we are creating, but also, who we are. Every SS from this place should look in the mirror and see someone they are proud of and may the Gods keep you on the straight path, with health, vigor and blessed luck.

On another note, I want to publish a most amazing Ritual about one of our favorite Egyptian Gods, this is Osiris. The link to the Ritual is below. Words will certainly fail to fully encapsulate the greatness of Osiris. May all of you bond with the Great God and be inspired to do great and honorable acts in your life, but also to transform.

We will keep you posted for more developments.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you for your message Im really proud of being part of this community, this certainly has been a though year but really rewarding. I can't wait to start this new year with all my brothers and sisters. I'm also so proud of us all as I see how we can adapt to difficult circumstances and continue advancing our cause. May all our goals be acomplished. Hail Satan
Happy New Year, everyone!

To answer a question that has been brought up before, our Satanic and Pagan new years are different, but this, the social calendar year, is legitimate as well, and is the one used for numerology. The energy of it is real.

I am so happy for the ritual of Osiris. He has been the God who lead me to do more yoga, inspiring me with a love for it. His energy is very stabilizing. He told me once, years ago when I was doing yoga, Tree Pose to be exact: "Stability through balance". This is good to meditate on and realize in your soul.

I'll be leading 2 group rituals today in Element, for those of you who want to join :)
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Greetings to all of our Family in the Gods,

2024 has been a year of many developments, struggles that have been overcome and many beautiful things. As we look back on the year 2024, we can see a year of progress, where we have grown as a community, bonded closer and above all, we came closer to the Gods.

We should look back at 2024 as a beautiful year. If anything, this year has proven that not only we can overcome everything, but we are here to stay and to progress. The next year is going to be even better, and every next year, is going to be better and better. I have faith in this and this faith comes from knowing the members in our Community and our people. I say openly that as my faith was always unshakeable in our community and in ourselves, we are moving with the same unyielding faith in 2025.

If I have anything personal to wish to anyone, is to make the best out of your trials and opportunities for the next year. To never give up on your dreams, to always have the Gods in your life, and to keep progressing with absolute certainty that they are here for you. As we see the growth of us all, each will look at another and know that the Gods are here for us all.

I want to further thank our people and our community for always having our back doing what they are destined to do and progressing forward. For me, the glory of my life has been to watch all of you grow, overcome, become better people and spiritually advance. I can find no higher glory than this in anything in this world. I salute all of you, brothers and sisters, walkers of the Divine Path. I bow in front of the Gods for the opportunity that they have given to all of us.

For without their loving hand, where would we be?

This is why this place has remained pure, on it's track, on it's divine path from the Gods. Everytime I look at us, I can only thank the Gods for what we are creating, but also, who we are. Every SS from this place should look in the mirror and see someone they are proud of and may the Gods keep you on the straight path, with health, vigor and blessed luck.

On another note, I want to publish a most amazing Ritual about one of our favorite Egyptian Gods, this is Osiris. The link to the Ritual is below. Words will certainly fail to fully encapsulate the greatness of Osiris. May all of you bond with the Great God and be inspired to do great and honorable acts in your life, but also to transform.

We will keep you posted for more developments.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

2024 was the best year of my life & the best part of it was finding the JOS & dedicating my soul to Father Satan

May 2025 be an even better year for all of us

Thank you for everything, High Priest, and to everybody here.

Lord Osiris' Ritual was extremely powerful for me. Even when I looked at His Sigil beforehand, I could feel something very strong.

Actually, during the Ritual, when I was reading out the "from darkness to light" part, I burst into tears and started crying, to the extent where I had to actually pause the Ritual for a bit. I was moved with such strong emotions, based on everything I have experienced and been blessed with recently. When I thought about the signs I receive from the Gods, re-assuring me that while I may not hear them always, they are always there for me to help me, and everything will be okay, it was overwhelmed. It was an extremely emotional experience for me.

I still find it, to this day, almost unbelievable how much my life has changed for the better in such a short period of time. I feel like I am still new and I need to do much more, and yet when I look back to how I was even a year or so ago, I am in awe to see how far I have come. I am unable to express the levels of gratitude I have for the Gods, and the JoS, in words.

Happy New Year to everybody. May 2025 be full of abundance, growth, and blessings for us all.

Hail Satan.
Osiris is an extremely complex and multi-faceted deity who sat at the head of the Egyptian pantheon. The highly esteemed nature of Osiris is evident in every single facet of the civilization of the Nile. He was regarded as a God of resurrection, the afterlife, silence, fertility, agriculture, medicine, vegetation, and many other domains. Highly prominent in the pantheon of the state of Egypt, Osiris was considered the Father of Egyptian civilization and the husband of Isis.

He represented both the heliacal rising of the star Sirius and the stars of Orion—a very holy matter for the Egyptians—and the annual agricultural cycle that united their civilization was closely tied to the exploits of Osiris. Egypt was a farm-centered civilization, and Osiris represented the germination of the seed, the sowing of the soil, and the resurrection of the grain. The silt created by the inundation phase of the Nile was also associated with him, as it was the lifeblood that allowed farms to prosper.

Representing fertility and abundance, Osiris was therefore a very pivotal deity in day-to-day matters.

Primarily, however, Osiris was the God of Death in Egypt whose importance to tombs and rites of the dead was paramount. Funerary inscriptions relay that the ankh of a deceased person was related to the judgement of Osiris. Those who had practiced goodness in the form of right meditation and virtue would receive a good ankh and be seated in proximity to Him in death, being above the confusion of the world of the lesser individuals.

While Anubis, the son of Nephthys and Osiris, was invoked in shaping the bodies of all people after death, Osiris was regarded as being closer to a more select group of people. To have the esteemed ankh was no small accomplishment.

Although Osiris was regarded as a powerful deity, the Egyptians believed in an incarnated aspect of Him who first served as the royal herald and later became the right hand of the Pharaoh and the High Priest of Egypt. Plays and other types of dramatic enactments describing his life story and acts started in Egypt and survived well into the Christian period, appearing far into the Middle Ages. Osiris was regarded as a personable God and the most humanlike of all Gods, but these portrayals of His life also reveal that godhood is not simply a given; it must be earned by all who seek to defy death.

Being a symbol of working towards the state of divinity, Osiris deals with the ultimate and highest sphere of free will: the question of orientation towards the Gods and true dedication, being the Lord of Ma’at. This form of free will in relation to the Gods is utterly sacrosanct and cannot be violated. One cannot follow a fake or distorted form of Satanism, nor can one be a Satanist while acting in opposition to the Gods, nor can anyone be forced into Satanism without being fully informed. For this reason, Osiris represents an oppositional figure of Truth against the slave creeds called 'religions' that populate the Earth, as well as the ideology of brutal communism simmering beneath their surface.

One subject that Osiris represents heavily is silence and contemplation, in line with Satan, the Most Holy Father. This is one of the major reasons Harpocrates, the son of Isis and Osiris, is represented with a shushing gesture; from ancestor to son to grandson, the importance of silence and rest is paramount and eternal in progression to a higher form.

The Egyptian priesthood was trained under the symbolism of Osiris in the cities of Heliopolis and Avaris under the guise of a Brotherhood that spread to many cities of Egypt, including Abydos and Alexandria. Much like the Mysteries of Isis, the Mystery was conceptualized in the guise of a ladder with levels of Initiation, Progression, Distillation, and Completion for those who had gone through the threshold of its doors, a matter that is conveyed with complexity in the Platonic dialogues. When travelling in Egypt after the death of Socrates, Plato went to observe these holy rites directly. Despite being heavily corrupted, elements of this Osirian system still survive in Freemasonry.

Osiris was closely associated with the Apis Bull, a sacred being in Egypt. The Bull, selected for its purity and physical perfection, symbolized aspects of Pharaonic power. While alive, it represented some of the might and power of Ptah, but upon its death, it became associated with Osiris, embodying mastery over the four directions and the powers in death. It was equated with Taurus in the Dendera temple complex.


The Great Temple of Osiris, also known as Taposiris Magna, was located at Abydos. This complex featured three sanctuaries and ceremonial rooms of great length. It housed the primary Festival of Osiris, which was continually expanded by the Pharaohs and celebrated throughout Egypt. Cleopatra VII is known to have orchestrated a significant renovation of this complex, incorporating Hellenistic elements, likely to cement her popularity among the inhabitants of Upper Egypt. Osiris was also worshipped on the island of Philae.


After the Greek conquest of Egypt by Alexander the Great, Serapis came to represent Osiris in a Greek guise and with aspects of the Apis interwoven into His symbolism. Curiously, however, the first Temple of Serapis is recorded in Babylon rather than Egypt. Alexander is known to have participated in certain rites adjacent to this temple, leading some to believe major aspects of Serapis have origins in Mesopotamian imagery.

Nonetheless, the Egyptians clearly equated this deity too with Osiris:

The identification of Sarapis with Osiris-Apis was more common among the Greeks than among the Egyptians. Nevertheless, there are clear examples where Egyptian texts use the divine name Osiris-Apis to refer to Sarapis. In Ptolemaic Egypt, as in earlier periods of Egyptian history, it was customary to swear oaths by the ruler. Specimens of such oaths are attested in Greek and Demotic documents from various Egyptian sites, including Elephantine, Thebes, Herakleopolis, Hawara, and Tebtunis.

Following Osiris - Perspectives on the Osirian Afterlife from Four Millennia, Mark Smith

The historical record shows that Osiris-Serapis maintained His status as one of the most popular and enduring Gods by the time the Romans had conquered Egypt. His cult had spread as far as Scotland and India. By this point, he had become the patron God of the city of Alexandria. The Serapeum dedicated to Him in that city, built by Ptolemy III Soter, was the greatest academic temple complex in the entire known world and one of the greatest centers of ancient learning. As one can see on this map, it took up a significant amount of urban space in Alexandria:


The temple was built on a high platform accessible only by stairways, overlooking the sea and Lake Mareotis on the other side. It housed a significant annex containing a vast collection of research and tomes from the Great Library of Alexandria, the central scientific and religious hub of the world. The Serapeum spanned several hundred feet in length and width, exceeding the base dimensions of many modern skyscrapers and civic buildings. Underground tunnels in the Serapeum, associated with priestly functions and the Mysteries, were so long that they extended deep into the lake and harbor.


His name relates to the constellation Orion and the star Sirius, something that blatantly survives in the Greek rendition of his name. The code of his name, Usir, both in sound and in the shape of the hieroglyphs, also relates to 'the throne of the Eye,' signifying His connection to the activation of the Third Eye and surrounding chakras. His name is also associated with Might and Power, correlating to the ability of Demons to 'see' beyond human perception, as well as the power of the 'act'—a Demon is no longer a force purely 'acted upon' but one that animates itself.

The crook and flail He wields represent royal and stately power, as does the Crown of Atef showing truth and justice, also showing the union of Egypt. Osiris embodies the wisdom and responsibility of rulership, symbolizing the Pharaoh's duty to make the land and state fertile. In this, however, is a reference to Orion, the true original realm of civilization and the abode of the Gods who taught humanity civilization and agriculture.

Serapis-Osiris is given the thyrsus, a staff with a pinecone relating to the powers of the Pineal gland and the seat of witchcraft in the soul. Iamblichus stated in his Life of Pythagoras that the meanings of the Greek and Egyptian theology were shared in content beyond the surface in a complex manner.

Osiris is associated with the Rune of Dagaz, with which he shares many mysteries with Thoth and other divinities. The circulation of energy around the Sixth Chakra is one of the symbols of Osiris. Notable in this is a reference to the visual shape of the constellation Orion, hidden in the form of the Upper Chakras:


Notably, Dagaz is also shaped like a butterfly, another symbol of Osiris, representing resurrection and rebirth from the pupillary stage of existence. It also symbolizes the two opened eyes present on the Sigil of the God and even the traditional shape of an hourglass. The two triangles of Dagaz intersect in the middle, symbolizing union and the perfect instant, while alluding to other geometric mysteries through which one can comprehend deeper processes of the universe.

Osiris was a major God representing the specifically masculine aspects of fertility and sexuality; consequently, He was often depicted with an erection. Beyond symbolizing the seed of the masculine principle, this also relates to the symbolism of Dagaz in orgasm and union. Another aspect of this is the uniting function between the Sixth Chakra and the Sacral Chakra in sexual matters, as visual and sensory stimuli lead to physical arousal. In some languages, orgasms are referred to as 'the little death.'

This relates to one of the meanings of the traditional story of Set cutting Osiris into fourteen (sometimes twenty-six or forty-two, the latter representing the number of provinces in Egypt) parts and scattering them throughout the land. The human left to the forces of nature is metaphorically 'cut up' into pieces, unable to resist the forces of existence, and reduced to the basics of survival, with only the life-force sustaining them.

The widow of Osiris, Isis, accomplishes the feat of finding the missing pieces and stitching them back together. The Osirian myth pertains to Astarte presiding over major aspects of connection in the soul and accessing the inert feminine powers of the soul. Only in establishing the connection of the fourteen Chakras and making them work in together does someone transcend the mortal realm of their existence by progressing on the path of Godhood. Naturally, this should begin with the Third Eye or Ajna of Osiris, as we recommend on the site.

Death represents a sort of finality, a severing away from both the mortal body and the ‘social self.’ It is a stage of contemplation where the pure self is ideally meant to come to a valuation of their actions. Osiris is represented by the Four of Pentacles in light of this. This is a card that frequently represents a necessity to move forward from feelings of scarcity or to contemplate one’s situation keenly.


As one of the major Gods of Death, Osiris is associated with the Death card of Tarot, of which the scythe cuts not only the head of the peasants but also the crowned kings, meaning it will reach both regardless of earthly prestige. Just as Osiris triumphs against Set, Death also represents the potential reversal of this process. For this reason, Osiris is represented in the Star card where Sirius is beheld by Isis in the reflection of the water. Certain aspects of this and the Set myth parallel the meanings of steps of the Magnum Opus itself, with putrefaction being purified by spirit and leading directly to conjunction, leading to the Union of the father and son after various types of transmutation.

Unsurprisingly, as the God associated with Orion, He also represents many aspects of masculinity, and is linked to the Odhal rune. Just as He represented the body of Egypt scattered by Set, Osiris symbolizes the active union of individuals into a collective biological and spiritual entity, bound by their heritage—a mechanism that perfectly complements reincarnation and rebirth.

Most importantly, among all the symbolism, Osiris sits upon the waters of creation, existence, and consciousness, transcending these as a celestial and holy entity. These waters reflect the nature that JG Alexandros Iowno explained here. They also represent the powers of procreation, linked to the Sacral Chakra. The famous blue-green skin of Osiris in Egyptian symbolism represents the high atmic level of spiritual power He possesses, symbolizing both the sky reflecting onto the deep ocean and nature’s rejuvenating power.


As could be expected of the God who was the patron of the city where Christianity originated, Osiris is one of the most stolen from, reinterpreted, and attacked Gods by the enemy. In Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, this thievery is so complex and intricate that it requires a lengthy explanation.


The Biblical story of Joseph is a reformulation of the God as a Hebrew patriarch. The Joseph name in Hebrew means ‘He who is gathered.’ Accordingly, in the course of this story, Joseph, born to Judah, is heralded as greater than his eleven brothers and the Sun and the Moon, coming up to fourteen. Due to jealousy, Joseph is sold as a slave by his eleven brothers and sought by his father and mother.

Joseph is sold as a slave to Potiphar, his fifth master. He is set upon with desire by the wife of Potiphar, who has him imprisoned by her outraged husband. After several years in prison, he interprets the dreams of an imprisoned royal cupbearer dreaming about a three-branched vine producing wine and of a royal baker about bread scavenged by birds. Joseph asks for both of them to obtain his freedom.

The cupbearer, in line with Joseph’s dream interpretation, is freed and restored to the Pharaoh’s service, while the baker, who quickly forgets Joseph, is hanged and devoured by birds. After some years, the Pharaoh dreams about seven lean cows devouring seven fat cows. Released from prison, the cupbearer remembers Joseph’s power to interpret dreams and asks the Pharaoh to release him. The latter takes the Pharaoh’s dream to be an indication of seven years of prosperity and seven years of severe famine.

He prepares for the scarcity by telling the Pharaoh to hoard grain as the prophecy unfolds and all nations succumb to famine; even the Egyptian priests sell themselves as slaves for grain. Joseph comes to rule Egypt as an official and ‘Eye’ of the Pharaoh.

Rewarded handsomely, he is given the daughter of the priest of Os (Heliopolis). Eventually, Joseph reunites with his family and brother Jacob, now known as Israel. Judah and Israel bless the Pharaoh, and the Jews settle in the land of Goshen east of the Nile.

Part of the reason for this refashioning of the Osirian myth as a variety of curses relates to race, distributing the masculine and active Jewish claim to be above all of the Gentile races into reality, much like the feminine equivalent of Esther becomes an interloper in the realm of the Persians. Joseph represents the exoteric side of the Hebrew aim in the world.

Therefore, it should not come as a shock that male Jews assumed major positions in all royal courts of Europe during the collapse of the Roman Empire, but more recently in Prussia, Poland, and other states. More recently than that, Jews have come to occupy many senior positions in the United States.

Hostility to Osiris began very early from the anti-theists. Alexandria was essentially the New York City of its time, a bustling metropolis with hundreds of thousands of Jewish residents. Riots between Greeks and Hebrews went as far back as the 2nd century BCE, if not earlier. The Serapeum was first fully attacked and ransacked by a mob during the Kitos War during the reign of Trajan. Later, Hadrian rebuilt much of the temple and gave it a greater grandeur, remodelling part of it on the Platonic Academy in Athens.



Joseph is regarded as a ‘forerunner’ of Christ by John Chrysostom and other Church Fathers, an admission of theft. This is also one of the sources for the Christian idea that the Pyramids were built by Joseph, as they are known to be aligned with the rising of Sirius.

At this point, new agers and others tend to understand that many aspects of the Nazarene’s story were stolen from Osiris-Serapis, particularly in the format of being a dying-and-resurrecting God. Many across time have also identified the link with the lamentation of Mary at the crucifixion and finding the empty tomb of the resurrected Nazarene to the mythology of Isis gathering the parts of Osiris’ body.

However, other fables of the Nazarene are also directly linked to Osiris that are not as obvious. For instance, the story of Jesus ‘walking on water’ and extending his hand to save the doubting Peter attempting the same feat is intentionally elaborated in the Bible to supplant Osiris.

As JG Alexandros Iowno shows in Exposing Christianity and Judaism, the title of ‘Christ’ is also stolen from Osiris directly:

"Christos" is also stolen from the ancient philosophy encompassed in the word "Chrēstos," which means "Good God" or "Goodness" as an epithet applied to Osiris as well as to the pharaohs, who were considered divinities on Earth, incarnations of the God Horus. Osiris and other Egyptian Gods and Goddesses were called Chrestos.

The word Chrestos is also used to denote divination or the giver of oracles relating to Apollo again.

"Chrestus (or in its Greek original, chrêstos) means gentle, kindly, and good. It is curiously the equivalent of the common pharaonic title of Osiris, Un-nefer.

This epithet "Un-Nefer" or "Onnofri" (which also means to do honorary eulogy as something being good) possesses the same basic meaning as chrestos; therefore, any Egyptian texts calling Osiris "Un-Nefer" when translated into Greek may have used the word chrestos.

It is significant that in Egyptian language the word for "tomb," "funeral," "dead body," or "mummy" is pronounced "KRST" or "karest," which signifies the Risen Osiris from the tomb and death.

There are many other aspects related to this, such as the figure of ‘Peter’ the Apostle. As Tertullian explains, Peter walks and wades on the surface of the waters of consciousness, with the ‘ship’ of Christians torn here and there by ‘persecution’ from Satan, representing the so-called Church. As one should understand by now, the Church is used here to supplant the Cults of Osiris-Serapis, who ordinarily would transform the souls of those coming to the surface.

...the apostles then served the turn of baptism when in their little ship, were sprinkled and covered with the waves: that Peter himself also was immersed enough when he walked on the sea." It is, however, as I think, one thing to be sprinkled or intercepted by the violence of the sea; another thing to be baptized in obedience to the discipline of religion. But that little ship did present a figure of the Church, in that she is disquieted "in the sea", that is, in the world, "by the waves", that is, by persecutions and temptations; the Lord, through patience, sleeping as it were, until, roused in their last extremities by the prayers of the saints, He checks the world, and restores tranquility to His own.
De Baptismo, Tertullian

Many of these mythologies orient themselves around the code word of ‘Pator’ or father. St. Peter was stolen from a variety of Gods, as [JG] ThomaSsS explained years ago. As Osiris was the Father of Egypt and much of Christianity originated among the Jewish contingent in Alexandria that had infiltrated the Mystery Schools, the curse on the Great God was necessary to construct in a set of symbols and allegorical meanings, but also to appropriate the Mystery Cult for the Catholic Church.

For example, the appearance of Osiris with the Crown of Atef and the cross in the shape of the Djed Pillar should suggest to the viewer immediately that his attributes were stolen and appropriated for the ‘Pope’ (papa, father) and other religious authorities in Christianity, along with similar priestly regalia of the Mesopotamian civilizations. This thievery was not merely based on the temporal claims to power of the Pope, but also on an arrogant mockery, suggesting that this individual controls all aspects of life and death through the ‘rock’ of ‘Saint Peter’ and the ‘baptismal water’ of Christ. Insidiousness is the essence of the enemy program, and as HPS Maxine elaborated two decades ago, these corruptors made a very real deal to exchange power for souls.


As Christianity developed from the immense portion of Alexandrian Jews and the ascetics around Lake Mareotis, the theft had to be covered up for the new religion festering within Rome to cover its tracks. A great design emerged among the enemy groups to destroy the Serapeum and obliterate any remnant of the true God. The Jewish lunatic Tertullian elaborated more on why the Serapeum was a prime target:

The whole world is filled with Satan and his angels. Yet not because we are in the world do we fall from God but only if in some way we meddle with the sins of the world. Thus, if, as a sacrificer and worshipper, I enter the Capitol or the temple of Serapis, I shall fall from God—just as I should if a spectator in a circus or theatre. Places do not of themselves defile us, but the things done in the places, by which even the places themselves (as we have argued) are defiled. We are defiled by the defiled.
De Spectaculis, Tertullian

The Serapeum was subjected to a relentless assault in 391, the same year Theodosius II decreed that no one was permitted to enter any pagan temple on pain of death. During this year, it was ransacked and destroyed by hordes of Christian and Jewish terrorists, which is celebrated widely in the literature of the church.

Eunapius, the Neoplatonic philosopher, claims in his work Lives of the Philosophers and Sophists that the Christians simply stormed the emptied building unprovoked and copiously stole its valuables. The mob then took a large amount of bones of criminals and slaves condemned to death and erected a monastery to worship these individuals whom they named as saints and intercessors. The Empire erupted into a civil war within months, and Theodosius died of a cancer characterized by extreme water retention three years later, leading the Empire to officially be split into two parts. The Church of Pergamon in Revelation was located inside the Serapeum of that city.

In the Goetia, Osiris is shown to be a lion riding upon a steed burnished with two serpents named Oriax or Orias, who can teach the adept the knowledge of all the stars and planets. The claimed ability of Oriax to metamorphose a man into any shape is related to His mysterious powers of resurrecting the soul.


Unlike the story of Joseph, the equivalent in the Ǫu’ran, Yusuf, is thrown into a cistern or well to die by his brothers, paralleling the myth of Osiris being sealed in a box or thrown down a well by Set more closely. Considering the proximity of Egypt to Arabia, certain mythologies were less altered.

Osiris continued in certain Egyptian and Yemeni myths long into the medieval Islamic period, such as one set of literary traditions named the Tale of Al-Zir Saleem (based on a real individual named Adi bin Rabia), in which a man named Kulaib among the pagan Arabian tribes was brutally murdered by his cousin Jassas. His other brother, a knight named al-Zir, attempts to take revenge on the other tribes of the peninsula and Jassas, later giving way for Kulaib’s son Hijras to do so.

In some forms of the story, Al-Zir is cut into pieces by one of his two servants. His sister discovers this, places his remains in a hide, and throws them into the sea. Al-Zir is then discovered by fishermen, culminating in them bringing him to a king who resurrects and heals him.


In doing His Ritual for the New Year, we honor the greatness of the King of Kings and Lord of Sirius and seek to instate His office for our protection and guidance. May the great King show us the mysteries related to life and death, rebirth and resurrection.


Mystical Origins of the Tarot: From Ancient Roots to Modern Usage, Paul Huson

Following Osiris - Perspectives on the Osirian Afterlife from Four Millennia, Mark Smith

Reflections of Osiris: Lives from Ancient Egypt, John Ray

Marsilio Ficino, Platonic Theology

Eunapius, Lives of the Philosophers and Sophists

Osiris: Death and Afterlife of a God, Bojana Mojsov

Game of Tarots, Court de Gébelin

Special thanks to:
- [JG] Power of Justice (editing)
- [JG] Alexandros Iowno (pointing out Christian symbolism with the waters, theft of Osiris title)
- [JG] ThomaSsS (St. Peter research)
Osiris is an extremely complex and multi-faceted deity who sat at the head of the Egyptian pantheon. The highly esteemed nature of Osiris is evident in every single facet of the civilization of the Nile. He was regarded as a God of resurrection, the afterlife, silence, fertility, agriculture, medicine, vegetation, and many other domains. Highly prominent in the pantheon of the state of Egypt, Osiris was considered the Father of Egyptian civilization and the husband of Isis.

He represented both the heliacal rising of the star Sirius and the stars of Orion—a very holy matter for the Egyptians—and the annual agricultural cycle that united their civilization was closely tied to the exploits of Osiris. Egypt was a farm-centered civilization, and Osiris represented the germination of the seed, the sowing of the soil, and the resurrection of the grain. The silt created by the inundation phase of the Nile was also associated with him, as it was the lifeblood that allowed farms to prosper.

Representing fertility and abundance, Osiris was therefore a very pivotal deity in day-to-day matters.

Primarily, however, Osiris was the God of Death in Egypt whose importance to tombs and rites of the dead was paramount. Funerary inscriptions relay that the ankh of a deceased person was related to the judgement of Osiris. Those who had practiced goodness in the form of right meditation and virtue would receive a good ankh and be seated in proximity to Him in death, being above the confusion of the world of the lesser individuals.

While Anubis, the son of Nephthys and Osiris, was invoked in shaping the bodies of all people after death, Osiris was regarded as being closer to a more select group of people. To have the esteemed ankh was no small accomplishment.

Although Osiris was regarded as a powerful deity, the Egyptians believed in an incarnated aspect of Him who first served as the royal herald and later became the right hand of the Pharaoh and the High Priest of Egypt. Plays and other types of dramatic enactments describing his life story and acts started in Egypt and survived well into the Christian period, appearing far into the Middle Ages. Osiris was regarded as a personable God and the most humanlike of all Gods, but these portrayals of His life also reveal that godhood is not simply a given; it must be earned by all who seek to defy death.

Being a symbol of working towards the state of divinity, Osiris deals with the ultimate and highest sphere of free will: the question of orientation towards the Gods and true dedication, being the Lord of Ma’at. This form of free will in relation to the Gods is utterly sacrosanct and cannot be violated. One cannot follow a fake or distorted form of Satanism, nor can one be a Satanist while acting in opposition to the Gods, nor can anyone be forced into Satanism without being fully informed. For this reason, Osiris represents an oppositional figure of Truth against the slave creeds called 'religions' that populate the Earth, as well as the ideology of brutal communism simmering beneath their surface.

One subject that Osiris represents heavily is silence and contemplation, in line with Satan, the Most Holy Father. This is one of the major reasons Harpocrates, the son of Isis and Osiris, is represented with a shushing gesture; from ancestor to son to grandson, the importance of silence and rest is paramount and eternal in progression to a higher form.

The Egyptian priesthood was trained under the symbolism of Osiris in the cities of Heliopolis and Avaris under the guise of a Brotherhood that spread to many cities of Egypt, including Abydos and Alexandria. Much like the Mysteries of Isis, the Mystery was conceptualized in the guise of a ladder with levels of Initiation, Progression, Distillation, and Completion for those who had gone through the threshold of its doors, a matter that is conveyed with complexity in the Platonic dialogues. When travelling in Egypt after the death of Socrates, Plato went to observe these holy rites directly. Despite being heavily corrupted, elements of this Osirian system still survive in Freemasonry.

Osiris was closely associated with the Apis Bull, a sacred being in Egypt. The Bull, selected for its purity and physical perfection, symbolized aspects of Pharaonic power. While alive, it represented some of the might and power of Ptah, but upon its death, it became associated with Osiris, embodying mastery over the four directions and the powers in death. It was equated with Taurus in the Dendera temple complex.

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The Great Temple of Osiris, also known as Taposiris Magna, was located at Abydos. This complex featured three sanctuaries and ceremonial rooms of great length. It housed the primary Festival of Osiris, which was continually expanded by the Pharaohs and celebrated throughout Egypt. Cleopatra VII is known to have orchestrated a significant renovation of this complex, incorporating Hellenistic elements, likely to cement her popularity among the inhabitants of Upper Egypt. Osiris was also worshipped on the island of Philae.

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After the Greek conquest of Egypt by Alexander the Great, Serapis came to represent Osiris in a Greek guise and with aspects of the Apis interwoven into His symbolism. Curiously, however, the first Temple of Serapis is recorded in Babylon rather than Egypt. Alexander is known to have participated in certain rites adjacent to this temple, leading some to believe major aspects of Serapis have origins in Mesopotamian imagery.

Nonetheless, the Egyptians clearly equated this deity too with Osiris:

Following Osiris - Perspectives on the Osirian Afterlife from Four Millennia, Mark Smith

The historical record shows that Osiris-Serapis maintained His status as one of the most popular and enduring Gods by the time the Romans had conquered Egypt. His cult had spread as far as Scotland and India. By this point, he had become the patron God of the city of Alexandria. The Serapeum dedicated to Him in that city, built by Ptolemy III Soter, was the greatest academic temple complex in the entire known world and one of the greatest centers of ancient learning. As one can see on this map, it took up a significant amount of urban space in Alexandria:

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The temple was built on a high platform accessible only by stairways, overlooking the sea and Lake Mareotis on the other side. It housed a significant annex containing a vast collection of research and tomes from the Great Library of Alexandria, the central scientific and religious hub of the world. The Serapeum spanned several hundred feet in length and width, exceeding the base dimensions of many modern skyscrapers and civic buildings. Underground tunnels in the Serapeum, associated with priestly functions and the Mysteries, were so long that they extended deep into the lake and harbor.

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His name relates to the constellation Orion and the star Sirius, something that blatantly survives in the Greek rendition of his name. The code of his name, Usir, both in sound and in the shape of the hieroglyphs, also relates to 'the throne of the Eye,' signifying His connection to the activation of the Third Eye and surrounding chakras. His name is also associated with Might and Power, correlating to the ability of Demons to 'see' beyond human perception, as well as the power of the 'act'—a Demon is no longer a force purely 'acted upon' but one that animates itself.

The crook and flail He wields represent royal and stately power, as does the Crown of Atef showing truth and justice, also showing the union of Egypt. Osiris embodies the wisdom and responsibility of rulership, symbolizing the Pharaoh's duty to make the land and state fertile. In this, however, is a reference to Orion, the true original realm of civilization and the abode of the Gods who taught humanity civilization and agriculture.

Serapis-Osiris is given the thyrsus, a staff with a pinecone relating to the powers of the Pineal gland and the seat of witchcraft in the soul. Iamblichus stated in his Life of Pythagoras that the meanings of the Greek and Egyptian theology were shared in content beyond the surface in a complex manner.

Osiris is associated with the Rune of Dagaz, with which he shares many mysteries with Thoth and other divinities. The circulation of energy around the Sixth Chakra is one of the symbols of Osiris. Notable in this is a reference to the visual shape of the constellation Orion, hidden in the form of the Upper Chakras:

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Notably, Dagaz is also shaped like a butterfly, another symbol of Osiris, representing resurrection and rebirth from the pupillary stage of existence. It also symbolizes the two opened eyes present on the Sigil of the God and even the traditional shape of an hourglass. The two triangles of Dagaz intersect in the middle, symbolizing union and the perfect instant, while alluding to other geometric mysteries through which one can comprehend deeper processes of the universe.

Osiris was a major God representing the specifically masculine aspects of fertility and sexuality; consequently, He was often depicted with an erection. Beyond symbolizing the seed of the masculine principle, this also relates to the symbolism of Dagaz in orgasm and union. Another aspect of this is the uniting function between the Sixth Chakra and the Sacral Chakra in sexual matters, as visual and sensory stimuli lead to physical arousal. In some languages, orgasms are referred to as 'the little death.'

This relates to one of the meanings of the traditional story of Set cutting Osiris into fourteen (sometimes twenty-six or forty-two, the latter representing the number of provinces in Egypt) parts and scattering them throughout the land. The human left to the forces of nature is metaphorically 'cut up' into pieces, unable to resist the forces of existence, and reduced to the basics of survival, with only the life-force sustaining them.

The widow of Osiris, Isis, accomplishes the feat of finding the missing pieces and stitching them back together. The Osirian myth pertains to Astarte presiding over major aspects of connection in the soul and accessing the inert feminine powers of the soul. Only in establishing the connection of the fourteen Chakras and making them work in together does someone transcend the mortal realm of their existence by progressing on the path of Godhood. Naturally, this should begin with the Third Eye or Ajna of Osiris, as we recommend on the site.

Death represents a sort of finality, a severing away from both the mortal body and the ‘social self.’ It is a stage of contemplation where the pure self is ideally meant to come to a valuation of their actions. Osiris is represented by the Four of Pentacles in light of this. This is a card that frequently represents a necessity to move forward from feelings of scarcity or to contemplate one’s situation keenly.

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As one of the major Gods of Death, Osiris is associated with the Death card of Tarot, of which the scythe cuts not only the head of the peasants but also the crowned kings, meaning it will reach both regardless of earthly prestige. Just as Osiris triumphs against Set, Death also represents the potential reversal of this process. For this reason, Osiris is represented in the Star card where Sirius is beheld by Isis in the reflection of the water. Certain aspects of this and the Set myth parallel the meanings of steps of the Magnum Opus itself, with putrefaction being purified by spirit and leading directly to conjunction, leading to the Union of the father and son after various types of transmutation.

Unsurprisingly, as the God associated with Orion, He also represents many aspects of masculinity, and is linked to the Odhal rune. Just as He represented the body of Egypt scattered by Set, Osiris symbolizes the active union of individuals into a collective biological and spiritual entity, bound by their heritage—a mechanism that perfectly complements reincarnation and rebirth.

Most importantly, among all the symbolism, Osiris sits upon the waters of creation, existence, and consciousness, transcending these as a celestial and holy entity. These waters reflect the nature that JG Alexandros Iowno explained here [LINK]. They also represent the powers of procreation, linked to the Sacral Chakra. The famous blue-green skin of Osiris in Egyptian symbolism represents the high atmic level of spiritual power He possesses, symbolizing both the sky reflecting onto the deep ocean and nature’s rejuvenating power.


As could be expected of the God who was the patron of the city where Christianity originated, Osiris is one of the most stolen from, reinterpreted, and attacked Gods by the enemy. In Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, this thievery is so complex and intricate that it requires a lengthy explanation.


The Biblical story of Joseph is a reformulation of the God as a Hebrew patriarch. The Joseph name in Hebrew means ‘He who is gathered.’ Accordingly, in the course of this story, Joseph, born to Judah, is heralded as greater than his eleven brothers and the Sun and the Moon, coming up to fourteen. Due to jealousy, Joseph is sold as a slave by his eleven brothers and sought by his father and mother.

Joseph is sold as a slave to Potiphar, his fifth master. He is set upon with desire by the wife of Potiphar, who has him imprisoned by her outraged husband. After several years in prison, he interprets the dreams of an imprisoned royal cupbearer dreaming about a three-branched vine producing wine and of a royal baker about bread scavenged by birds. Joseph asks for both of them to obtain his freedom.

The cupbearer, in line with Joseph’s dream interpretation, is freed and restored to the Pharaoh’s service, while the baker, who quickly forgets Joseph, is hanged and devoured by birds. After some years, the Pharaoh dreams about seven lean cows devouring seven fat cows. Released from prison, the cupbearer remembers Joseph’s power to interpret dreams and asks the Pharaoh to release him. The latter takes the Pharaoh’s dream to be an indication of seven years of prosperity and seven years of severe famine.

He prepares for the scarcity by telling the Pharaoh to hoard grain as the prophecy unfolds and all nations succumb to famine; even the Egyptian priests sell themselves as slaves for grain. Joseph comes to rule Egypt as an official and ‘Eye’ of the Pharaoh.

Rewarded handsomely, he is given the daughter of the priest of Os (Heliopolis). Eventually, Joseph reunites with his family and brother Jacob, now known as Israel. Judah and Israel bless the Pharaoh, and the Jews settle in the land of Goshen east of the Nile.

Part of the reason for this refashioning of the Osirian myth as a variety of curses relates to race, distributing the masculine and active Jewish claim to be above all of the Gentile races into reality, much like the feminine equivalent of Esther becomes an interloper in the realm of the Persians. Joseph represents the exoteric side of the Hebrew aim in the world.

Therefore, it should not come as a shock that male Jews assumed major positions in all royal courts of Europe during the collapse of the Roman Empire, but more recently in Prussia, Poland, and other states. More recently than that, Jews have come to occupy many senior positions in the United States.

Hostility to Osiris began very early from the anti-theists. Alexandria was essentially the New York City of its time, a bustling metropolis with hundreds of thousands of Jewish residents. Riots between Greeks and Hebrews went as far back as the 2nd century BCE, if not earlier. The Serapeum was first fully attacked and ransacked by a mob during the Kitos War during the reign of Trajan. Later, Hadrian rebuilt much of the temple and gave it a greater grandeur, remodelling part of it on the Platonic Academy in Athens.

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Joseph is regarded as a ‘forerunner’ of Christ by John Chrysostom and other Church Fathers, an admission of theft. This is also one of the sources for the Christian idea that the Pyramids were built by Joseph, as they are known to be aligned with the rising of Sirius.

At this point, new agers and others tend to understand that many aspects of the Nazarene’s story were stolen from Osiris-Serapis, particularly in the format of being a dying-and-resurrecting God. Many across time have also identified the link with the lamentation of Mary at the crucifixion and finding the empty tomb of the resurrected Nazarene to the mythology of Isis gathering the parts of Osiris’ body.

However, other fables of the Nazarene are also directly linked to Osiris that are not as obvious. For instance, the story of Jesus ‘walking on water’ and extending his hand to save the doubting Peter attempting the same feat is intentionally elaborated in the Bible to supplant Osiris.

As JG Alexandros Iowno shows in Exposing Christianity and Judaism, the title of ‘Christ’ is also stolen from Osiris directly:

There are many other aspects related to this, such as the figure of ‘Peter’ the Apostle. As Tertullian explains, Peter walks and wades on the surface of the waters of consciousness, with the ‘ship’ of Christians torn here and there by ‘persecution’ from Satan, representing the so-called Church. As one should understand by now, the Church is used here to supplant the Cults of Osiris-Serapis, who ordinarily would transform the souls of those coming to the surface.

De Baptismo, Tertullian

Many of these mythologies orient themselves around the code word of ‘Pator’ or father. St. Peter was stolen from a variety of Gods, as [JG] ThomaSsS explained years ago. As Osiris was the Father of Egypt and much of Christianity originated among the Jewish contingent in Alexandria that had infiltrated the Mystery Schools, the curse on the Great God was necessary to construct in a set of symbols and allegorical meanings, but also to appropriate the Mystery Cult for the Catholic Church.

For example, the appearance of Osiris with the Crown of Atef and the cross in the shape of the Djed Pillar should suggest to the viewer immediately that his attributes were stolen and appropriated for the ‘Pope’ (papa, father) and other religious authorities in Christianity, along with similar priestly regalia of the Mesopotamian civilizations. This thievery was not merely based on the temporal claims to power of the Pope, but also on an arrogant mockery, suggesting that this individual controls all aspects of life and death through the ‘rock’ of ‘Saint Peter’ and the ‘baptismal water’ of Christ. Insidiousness is the essence of the enemy program, and as HPS Maxine elaborated two decades ago, these corruptors made a very real deal to exchange power for souls.

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As Christianity developed from the immense portion of Alexandrian Jews and the ascetics around Lake Mareotis, the theft had to be covered up for the new religion festering within Rome to cover its tracks. A great design emerged among the enemy groups to destroy the Serapeum and obliterate any remnant of the true God. The Jewish lunatic Tertullian elaborated more on why the Serapeum was a prime target:

De Spectaculis, Tertullian

The Serapeum was subjected to a relentless assault in 391, the same year Theodosius II decreed that no one was permitted to enter any pagan temple on pain of death. During this year, it was ransacked and destroyed by hordes of Christian and Jewish terrorists, which is celebrated widely in the literature of the church.

Eunapius, the Neoplatonic philosopher, claims in his work Lives of the Philosophers and Sophists that the Christians simply stormed the emptied building unprovoked and copiously stole its valuables. The mob then took a large amount of bones of criminals and slaves condemned to death and erected a monastery to worship these individuals whom they named as saints and intercessors. The Empire erupted into a civil war within months, and Theodosius died of a cancer characterized by extreme water retention three years later, leading the Empire to officially be split into two parts. The Church of Pergamon in Revelation was located inside the Serapeum of that city.

In the Goetia, Osiris is shown to be a lion riding upon a steed burnished with two serpents named Oriax or Orias, who can teach the adept the knowledge of all the stars and planets. The claimed ability of Oriax to metamorphose a man into any shape is related to His mysterious powers of resurrecting the soul.


Unlike the story of Joseph, the equivalent in the Ǫu’ran, Yusuf, is thrown into a cistern or well to die by his brothers, paralleling the myth of Osiris being sealed in a box or thrown down a well by Set more closely. Considering the proximity of Egypt to Arabia, certain mythologies were less altered.

Osiris continued in certain Egyptian and Yemeni myths long into the medieval Islamic period, such as one set of literary traditions named the Tale of Al-Zir Saleem (based on a real individual named Adi bin Rabia), in which a man named Kulaib among the pagan Arabian tribes was brutally murdered by his cousin Jassas. His other brother, a knight named al-Zir, attempts to take revenge on the other tribes of the peninsula and Jassas, later giving way for Kulaib’s son Hijras to do so.

In some forms of the story, Al-Zir is cut into pieces by one of his two servants. His sister discovers this, places his remains in a hide, and throws them into the sea. Al-Zir is then discovered by fishermen, culminating in them bringing him to a king who resurrects and heals him.


In doing His Ritual for the New Year, we honor the greatness of the King of Kings and Lord of Sirius and seek to instate His office for our protection and guidance. May the great King show us the mysteries related to life and death, rebirth and resurrection.


Mystical Origins of the Tarot: From Ancient Roots to Modern Usage, Paul Huson

Following Osiris - Perspectives on the Osirian Afterlife from Four Millennia, Mark Smith

Reflections of Osiris: Lives from Ancient Egypt, John Ray

Marsilio Ficino, Platonic Theology

Eunapius, Lives of the Philosophers and Sophists

Osiris: Death and Afterlife of a God, Bojana Mojsov

Game of Tarots, Court de Gébelin

Special thanks to:
- [JG] Power of Justice (editing)
- [JG] Alexandros Iowno (pointing out Christian symbolism with the waters, theft of Osiris title)
- [JG] ThomaSsS (St. Peter research)
Absolutely amazing information! I really love these deep-dive write ups that you do, they brighten my day every time I see them. Thank you very much JG Karnunnos for this great work.
Greetings to all of our Family in the Gods,

2024 has been a year of many developments, struggles that have been overcome and many beautiful things. As we look back on the year 2024, we can see a year of progress, where we have grown as a community, bonded closer and above all, we came closer to the Gods.

We should look back at 2024 as a beautiful year. If anything, this year has proven that not only we can overcome everything, but we are here to stay and to progress. The next year is going to be even better, and every next year, is going to be better and better. I have faith in this and this faith comes from knowing the members in our Community and our people. I say openly that as my faith was always unshakeable in our community and in ourselves, we are moving with the same unyielding faith in 2025.

If I have anything personal to wish to anyone, is to make the best out of your trials and opportunities for the next year. To never give up on your dreams, to always have the Gods in your life, and to keep progressing with absolute certainty that they are here for you. As we see the growth of us all, each will look at another and know that the Gods are here for us all.

I want to further thank our people and our community for always having our back doing what they are destined to do and progressing forward. For me, the glory of my life has been to watch all of you grow, overcome, become better people and spiritually advance. I can find no higher glory than this in anything in this world. I salute all of you, brothers and sisters, walkers of the Divine Path. I bow in front of the Gods for the opportunity that they have given to all of us.

For without their loving hand, where would we be?

This is why this place has remained pure, on it's track, on it's divine path from the Gods. Everytime I look at us, I can only thank the Gods for what we are creating, but also, who we are. Every SS from this place should look in the mirror and see someone they are proud of and may the Gods keep you on the straight path, with health, vigor and blessed luck.

On another note, I want to publish a most amazing Ritual about one of our favorite Egyptian Gods, this is Osiris. The link to the Ritual is below. Words will certainly fail to fully encapsulate the greatness of Osiris. May all of you bond with the Great God and be inspired to do great and honorable acts in your life, but also to transform.

We will keep you posted for more developments.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
How many days do we do lord Osiris Ritual?
Thank you to you, HP Cobra, and hail to Lord Osiris! May our rebirth into the New Year be blessed by him. Thank you to JG Karnonnos also, for his incredible write-up.

Joseph is regarded as a ‘forerunner’ of Christ by John Chrysostom and other Church Fathers, an admission of theft. This is also one of the sources for the Christian idea that the Pyramids were built by Joseph, as they are known to be aligned with the rising of Sirius.

All the links to Joseph/Yusuf, as you've described, are incredibly revealing, and I was unsure of the link until reading what you've written here. In my own time reading, I noted just how much had been pilfered from Osiris. Given the supplanting in the form of Joseph, it makes so much more sense now why so many of the images of Mother Isis and Infant Horus were stolen and twisted into the image of Mary and the infant Jesus. Even the symbology of Osiris being shown wielding the shepherd's crook was taken.

With the name of the Uraeus being invoked at the end of the Ritual, I was drawn to look more into the enemy Seraphim. The initial link felt obvious in the etymology of Serapis, but it ended up going far further. The Uraeus serpent crown symbol being noted, it's extremely apparent how the Seraphim angels are depicted with serpentine qualities. Moreover, it's said the Uraeus (and its presiding Goddess Wadjet) protect the Pharaoh by casting fire at his enemies, befitting something that bears the solar disk motif as part of its symbology.

The word seraph/saraph quite literally means "burning," but it also works as a noun that outright means "serpent." The most notable mention of these enemies in the "canonical" sections lies in Isaiah 6:1-8. Here, the Seraphim at the throne of YHVH are shown to be able to purge someone of their sin. Some later writers go even further, and ascribe increasingly obvious stolen Kundalini aspects to the Seraphim at large. Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite outright describes them with the power of elevating and kindling of the lower elements, which rise and destroy the "shadows of darkness."

Like JG Karnonnos noted, the source of the thievery is so apparent in the context of what happened in Alexandria. For all the idiot Christians who think that it began with some impoverished preacher named "Jesus", the fact of the matter is, this was the carefully stolen aspects of a gentile religion which they then orchestrated the destruction of to hide their tracks. Sadly for them, however, despite everything we lost, our history, and the truth, persevered.

To Osiris!
This is true High Priest, but I know for myself. Without you I probably wouldn't be alive. In more ways than one.

I truly hope next year is better, and I wish the same to you as well.

Brother I appreciate the kind words brother.

This goes both ways; maybe I wouldn't be around if it wasn't for people like all of you to keep me in awareness that good people actually exist.

Be blessed.

Thank you Master Cobra!
May the Gods bless our great community and the magnificent work done through all these years!
I wish you all a wonderful New Year and that our goals be accomplished according to the Gods' wishes.

Thank you so much brother Blue, may the new year bless you abundantly.

Thank you for for Osiris' Ritual and for everything you have done HP Hooded Cobra. I wish you and every Satanist an even more prosperous next year and a lot more to come.
Little by little JoS has grown bigger gradually over the years but even since the last couple of them our power, expansion and reach has been exponential. We are now past the times of small victories. Every year from now on Joy of Satanas will grow like a huge rolling snowball. 📈

Be blessed Everyone and always keep close to the Gods and to our collective goal! 👍 🥳

Thank you brother and JG, may the Gods be with us all in all years to come. All our contributions are making the giant snowball.

Thank you for the wonderful Words, great master. I want to thank you and our entire spiritual family. Together we can make our lives better and the coming new year successful. The Gods will always help us and with them we can do everything. Glory to the Gods.

May the next year advance you constantly more than the previous one, thank you for your kind words!

As usual, I would like to write a reply where I comment on how much your actions mean to this eternal community and how honored we feel to have you here, High Priest, and, as usual, I never find the words because what you convey to us transcends in the highest way anything that can be expressed in words, but in the end it is, exactly, the same thing that you often say: "Facta non Verba!"

When you say that Lord Osiris is one of our favorite Gods... wow, upon my word, it is literally IMPOSSIBLE to disagree with you! 😉

For the rest, I really wanted to wish a happy 2025 with all my heart to you beloved @Hp. Hoodedcobra666 and to our equally beloved @HPS Lydia

I am very aware that the real Satanic New Year is on Beltane, but for me it is still the evening of the 31st for a few more hours and I honestly didn't want to get to midnight without first having had the chance to tag you to wish you a very happy new year... ❤️

Lord Osiris is phenomenal. We will do His Ritual for 5 days, until January the 6th. Be blessed Seguace. Thank you.

Facta, non verba, indeed. Be strong brother.
Thank you for everything, High Priest, and to everybody here.

Lord Osiris' Ritual was extremely powerful for me. Even when I looked at His Sigil beforehand, I could feel something very strong.

Hail Satan.

This Ritual is so powerful, that this is the reason it's only one Ritual. I am very glad you enjoyed. Give it time to develop in you.

Osiris is an extremely complex and multi-faceted deity who sat at the head of the Egyptian pantheon. The highly esteemed nature of Osiris is evident in every single facet of the civilization of the Nile. He was regarded as a God of resurrection, the afterlife, silence, fertility, agriculture, medicine, vegetation, and many other domains. Highly prominent in the pantheon of the state of Egypt, Osiris was considered the Father of Egyptian civilization and the husband of Isis.

He represented both the heliacal rising of the star Sirius and the stars of Orion—a very holy matter for the Egyptians—and the annual agricultural cycle that united their civilization was closely tied to the exploits of Osiris. Egypt was a farm-centered civilization, and Osiris represented the germination of the seed, the sowing of the soil, and the resurrection of the grain. The silt created by the inundation phase of the Nile was also associated with him, as it was the lifeblood that allowed farms to prosper.

Representing fertility and abundance, Osiris was therefore a very pivotal deity in day-to-day matters.

Primarily, however, Osiris was the God of Death in Egypt whose importance to tombs and rites of the dead was paramount. Funerary inscriptions relay that the ankh of a deceased person was related to the judgement of Osiris. Those who had practiced goodness in the form of right meditation and virtue would receive a good ankh and be seated in proximity to Him in death, being above the confusion of the world of the lesser individuals.

While Anubis, the son of Nephthys and Osiris, was invoked in shaping the bodies of all people after death, Osiris was regarded as being closer to a more select group of people. To have the esteemed ankh was no small accomplishment.

Although Osiris was regarded as a powerful deity, the Egyptians believed in an incarnated aspect of Him who first served as the royal herald and later became the right hand of the Pharaoh and the High Priest of Egypt. Plays and other types of dramatic enactments describing his life story and acts started in Egypt and survived well into the Christian period, appearing far into the Middle Ages. Osiris was regarded as a personable God and the most humanlike of all Gods, but these portrayals of His life also reveal that godhood is not simply a given; it must be earned by all who seek to defy death.

Being a symbol of working towards the state of divinity, Osiris deals with the ultimate and highest sphere of free will: the question of orientation towards the Gods and true dedication, being the Lord of Ma’at. This form of free will in relation to the Gods is utterly sacrosanct and cannot be violated. One cannot follow a fake or distorted form of Satanism, nor can one be a Satanist while acting in opposition to the Gods, nor can anyone be forced into Satanism without being fully informed. For this reason, Osiris represents an oppositional figure of Truth against the slave creeds called 'religions' that populate the Earth, as well as the ideology of brutal communism simmering beneath their surface.

One subject that Osiris represents heavily is silence and contemplation, in line with Satan, the Most Holy Father. This is one of the major reasons Harpocrates, the son of Isis and Osiris, is represented with a shushing gesture; from ancestor to son to grandson, the importance of silence and rest is paramount and eternal in progression to a higher form.

The Egyptian priesthood was trained under the symbolism of Osiris in the cities of Heliopolis and Avaris under the guise of a Brotherhood that spread to many cities of Egypt, including Abydos and Alexandria. Much like the Mysteries of Isis, the Mystery was conceptualized in the guise of a ladder with levels of Initiation, Progression, Distillation, and Completion for those who had gone through the threshold of its doors, a matter that is conveyed with complexity in the Platonic dialogues. When travelling in Egypt after the death of Socrates, Plato went to observe these holy rites directly. Despite being heavily corrupted, elements of this Osirian system still survive in Freemasonry.

Osiris was closely associated with the Apis Bull, a sacred being in Egypt. The Bull, selected for its purity and physical perfection, symbolized aspects of Pharaonic power. While alive, it represented some of the might and power of Ptah, but upon its death, it became associated with Osiris, embodying mastery over the four directions and the powers in death. It was equated with Taurus in the Dendera temple complex.

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The Great Temple of Osiris, also known as Taposiris Magna, was located at Abydos. This complex featured three sanctuaries and ceremonial rooms of great length. It housed the primary Festival of Osiris, which was continually expanded by the Pharaohs and celebrated throughout Egypt. Cleopatra VII is known to have orchestrated a significant renovation of this complex, incorporating Hellenistic elements, likely to cement her popularity among the inhabitants of Upper Egypt. Osiris was also worshipped on the island of Philae.

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After the Greek conquest of Egypt by Alexander the Great, Serapis came to represent Osiris in a Greek guise and with aspects of the Apis interwoven into His symbolism. Curiously, however, the first Temple of Serapis is recorded in Babylon rather than Egypt. Alexander is known to have participated in certain rites adjacent to this temple, leading some to believe major aspects of Serapis have origins in Mesopotamian imagery.

Nonetheless, the Egyptians clearly equated this deity too with Osiris:

Following Osiris - Perspectives on the Osirian Afterlife from Four Millennia, Mark Smith

The historical record shows that Osiris-Serapis maintained His status as one of the most popular and enduring Gods by the time the Romans had conquered Egypt. His cult had spread as far as Scotland and India. By this point, he had become the patron God of the city of Alexandria. The Serapeum dedicated to Him in that city, built by Ptolemy III Soter, was the greatest academic temple complex in the entire known world and one of the greatest centers of ancient learning. As one can see on this map, it took up a significant amount of urban space in Alexandria:

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The temple was built on a high platform accessible only by stairways, overlooking the sea and Lake Mareotis on the other side. It housed a significant annex containing a vast collection of research and tomes from the Great Library of Alexandria, the central scientific and religious hub of the world. The Serapeum spanned several hundred feet in length and width, exceeding the base dimensions of many modern skyscrapers and civic buildings. Underground tunnels in the Serapeum, associated with priestly functions and the Mysteries, were so long that they extended deep into the lake and harbor.

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His name relates to the constellation Orion and the star Sirius, something that blatantly survives in the Greek rendition of his name. The code of his name, Usir, both in sound and in the shape of the hieroglyphs, also relates to 'the throne of the Eye,' signifying His connection to the activation of the Third Eye and surrounding chakras. His name is also associated with Might and Power, correlating to the ability of Demons to 'see' beyond human perception, as well as the power of the 'act'—a Demon is no longer a force purely 'acted upon' but one that animates itself.

The crook and flail He wields represent royal and stately power, as does the Crown of Atef showing truth and justice, also showing the union of Egypt. Osiris embodies the wisdom and responsibility of rulership, symbolizing the Pharaoh's duty to make the land and state fertile. In this, however, is a reference to Orion, the true original realm of civilization and the abode of the Gods who taught humanity civilization and agriculture.

Serapis-Osiris is given the thyrsus, a staff with a pinecone relating to the powers of the Pineal gland and the seat of witchcraft in the soul. Iamblichus stated in his Life of Pythagoras that the meanings of the Greek and Egyptian theology were shared in content beyond the surface in a complex manner.

Osiris is associated with the Rune of Dagaz, with which he shares many mysteries with Thoth and other divinities. The circulation of energy around the Sixth Chakra is one of the symbols of Osiris. Notable in this is a reference to the visual shape of the constellation Orion, hidden in the form of the Upper Chakras:

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Notably, Dagaz is also shaped like a butterfly, another symbol of Osiris, representing resurrection and rebirth from the pupillary stage of existence. It also symbolizes the two opened eyes present on the Sigil of the God and even the traditional shape of an hourglass. The two triangles of Dagaz intersect in the middle, symbolizing union and the perfect instant, while alluding to other geometric mysteries through which one can comprehend deeper processes of the universe.

Osiris was a major God representing the specifically masculine aspects of fertility and sexuality; consequently, He was often depicted with an erection. Beyond symbolizing the seed of the masculine principle, this also relates to the symbolism of Dagaz in orgasm and union. Another aspect of this is the uniting function between the Sixth Chakra and the Sacral Chakra in sexual matters, as visual and sensory stimuli lead to physical arousal. In some languages, orgasms are referred to as 'the little death.'

This relates to one of the meanings of the traditional story of Set cutting Osiris into fourteen (sometimes twenty-six or forty-two, the latter representing the number of provinces in Egypt) parts and scattering them throughout the land. The human left to the forces of nature is metaphorically 'cut up' into pieces, unable to resist the forces of existence, and reduced to the basics of survival, with only the life-force sustaining them.

The widow of Osiris, Isis, accomplishes the feat of finding the missing pieces and stitching them back together. The Osirian myth pertains to Astarte presiding over major aspects of connection in the soul and accessing the inert feminine powers of the soul. Only in establishing the connection of the fourteen Chakras and making them work in together does someone transcend the mortal realm of their existence by progressing on the path of Godhood. Naturally, this should begin with the Third Eye or Ajna of Osiris, as we recommend on the site.

Death represents a sort of finality, a severing away from both the mortal body and the ‘social self.’ It is a stage of contemplation where the pure self is ideally meant to come to a valuation of their actions. Osiris is represented by the Four of Pentacles in light of this. This is a card that frequently represents a necessity to move forward from feelings of scarcity or to contemplate one’s situation keenly.

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As one of the major Gods of Death, Osiris is associated with the Death card of Tarot, of which the scythe cuts not only the head of the peasants but also the crowned kings, meaning it will reach both regardless of earthly prestige. Just as Osiris triumphs against Set, Death also represents the potential reversal of this process. For this reason, Osiris is represented in the Star card where Sirius is beheld by Isis in the reflection of the water. Certain aspects of this and the Set myth parallel the meanings of steps of the Magnum Opus itself, with putrefaction being purified by spirit and leading directly to conjunction, leading to the Union of the father and son after various types of transmutation.

Unsurprisingly, as the God associated with Orion, He also represents many aspects of masculinity, and is linked to the Odhal rune. Just as He represented the body of Egypt scattered by Set, Osiris symbolizes the active union of individuals into a collective biological and spiritual entity, bound by their heritage—a mechanism that perfectly complements reincarnation and rebirth.

Most importantly, among all the symbolism, Osiris sits upon the waters of creation, existence, and consciousness, transcending these as a celestial and holy entity. These waters reflect the nature that JG Alexandros Iowno explained here. They also represent the powers of procreation, linked to the Sacral Chakra. The famous blue-green skin of Osiris in Egyptian symbolism represents the high atmic level of spiritual power He possesses, symbolizing both the sky reflecting onto the deep ocean and nature’s rejuvenating power.


As could be expected of the God who was the patron of the city where Christianity originated, Osiris is one of the most stolen from, reinterpreted, and attacked Gods by the enemy. In Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, this thievery is so complex and intricate that it requires a lengthy explanation.


The Biblical story of Joseph is a reformulation of the God as a Hebrew patriarch. The Joseph name in Hebrew means ‘He who is gathered.’ Accordingly, in the course of this story, Joseph, born to Judah, is heralded as greater than his eleven brothers and the Sun and the Moon, coming up to fourteen. Due to jealousy, Joseph is sold as a slave by his eleven brothers and sought by his father and mother.

Joseph is sold as a slave to Potiphar, his fifth master. He is set upon with desire by the wife of Potiphar, who has him imprisoned by her outraged husband. After several years in prison, he interprets the dreams of an imprisoned royal cupbearer dreaming about a three-branched vine producing wine and of a royal baker about bread scavenged by birds. Joseph asks for both of them to obtain his freedom.

The cupbearer, in line with Joseph’s dream interpretation, is freed and restored to the Pharaoh’s service, while the baker, who quickly forgets Joseph, is hanged and devoured by birds. After some years, the Pharaoh dreams about seven lean cows devouring seven fat cows. Released from prison, the cupbearer remembers Joseph’s power to interpret dreams and asks the Pharaoh to release him. The latter takes the Pharaoh’s dream to be an indication of seven years of prosperity and seven years of severe famine.

He prepares for the scarcity by telling the Pharaoh to hoard grain as the prophecy unfolds and all nations succumb to famine; even the Egyptian priests sell themselves as slaves for grain. Joseph comes to rule Egypt as an official and ‘Eye’ of the Pharaoh.

Rewarded handsomely, he is given the daughter of the priest of Os (Heliopolis). Eventually, Joseph reunites with his family and brother Jacob, now known as Israel. Judah and Israel bless the Pharaoh, and the Jews settle in the land of Goshen east of the Nile.

Part of the reason for this refashioning of the Osirian myth as a variety of curses relates to race, distributing the masculine and active Jewish claim to be above all of the Gentile races into reality, much like the feminine equivalent of Esther becomes an interloper in the realm of the Persians. Joseph represents the exoteric side of the Hebrew aim in the world.

Therefore, it should not come as a shock that male Jews assumed major positions in all royal courts of Europe during the collapse of the Roman Empire, but more recently in Prussia, Poland, and other states. More recently than that, Jews have come to occupy many senior positions in the United States.

Hostility to Osiris began very early from the anti-theists. Alexandria was essentially the New York City of its time, a bustling metropolis with hundreds of thousands of Jewish residents. Riots between Greeks and Hebrews went as far back as the 2nd century BCE, if not earlier. The Serapeum was first fully attacked and ransacked by a mob during the Kitos War during the reign of Trajan. Later, Hadrian rebuilt much of the temple and gave it a greater grandeur, remodelling part of it on the Platonic Academy in Athens.

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Joseph is regarded as a ‘forerunner’ of Christ by John Chrysostom and other Church Fathers, an admission of theft. This is also one of the sources for the Christian idea that the Pyramids were built by Joseph, as they are known to be aligned with the rising of Sirius.

At this point, new agers and others tend to understand that many aspects of the Nazarene’s story were stolen from Osiris-Serapis, particularly in the format of being a dying-and-resurrecting God. Many across time have also identified the link with the lamentation of Mary at the crucifixion and finding the empty tomb of the resurrected Nazarene to the mythology of Isis gathering the parts of Osiris’ body.

However, other fables of the Nazarene are also directly linked to Osiris that are not as obvious. For instance, the story of Jesus ‘walking on water’ and extending his hand to save the doubting Peter attempting the same feat is intentionally elaborated in the Bible to supplant Osiris.

As JG Alexandros Iowno shows in Exposing Christianity and Judaism, the title of ‘Christ’ is also stolen from Osiris directly:

There are many other aspects related to this, such as the figure of ‘Peter’ the Apostle. As Tertullian explains, Peter walks and wades on the surface of the waters of consciousness, with the ‘ship’ of Christians torn here and there by ‘persecution’ from Satan, representing the so-called Church. As one should understand by now, the Church is used here to supplant the Cults of Osiris-Serapis, who ordinarily would transform the souls of those coming to the surface.

De Baptismo, Tertullian

Many of these mythologies orient themselves around the code word of ‘Pator’ or father. St. Peter was stolen from a variety of Gods, as [JG] ThomaSsS explained years ago. As Osiris was the Father of Egypt and much of Christianity originated among the Jewish contingent in Alexandria that had infiltrated the Mystery Schools, the curse on the Great God was necessary to construct in a set of symbols and allegorical meanings, but also to appropriate the Mystery Cult for the Catholic Church.

For example, the appearance of Osiris with the Crown of Atef and the cross in the shape of the Djed Pillar should suggest to the viewer immediately that his attributes were stolen and appropriated for the ‘Pope’ (papa, father) and other religious authorities in Christianity, along with similar priestly regalia of the Mesopotamian civilizations. This thievery was not merely based on the temporal claims to power of the Pope, but also on an arrogant mockery, suggesting that this individual controls all aspects of life and death through the ‘rock’ of ‘Saint Peter’ and the ‘baptismal water’ of Christ. Insidiousness is the essence of the enemy program, and as HPS Maxine elaborated two decades ago, these corruptors made a very real deal to exchange power for souls.

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As Christianity developed from the immense portion of Alexandrian Jews and the ascetics around Lake Mareotis, the theft had to be covered up for the new religion festering within Rome to cover its tracks. A great design emerged among the enemy groups to destroy the Serapeum and obliterate any remnant of the true God. The Jewish lunatic Tertullian elaborated more on why the Serapeum was a prime target:

De Spectaculis, Tertullian

The Serapeum was subjected to a relentless assault in 391, the same year Theodosius II decreed that no one was permitted to enter any pagan temple on pain of death. During this year, it was ransacked and destroyed by hordes of Christian and Jewish terrorists, which is celebrated widely in the literature of the church.

Eunapius, the Neoplatonic philosopher, claims in his work Lives of the Philosophers and Sophists that the Christians simply stormed the emptied building unprovoked and copiously stole its valuables. The mob then took a large amount of bones of criminals and slaves condemned to death and erected a monastery to worship these individuals whom they named as saints and intercessors. The Empire erupted into a civil war within months, and Theodosius died of a cancer characterized by extreme water retention three years later, leading the Empire to officially be split into two parts. The Church of Pergamon in Revelation was located inside the Serapeum of that city.

In the Goetia, Osiris is shown to be a lion riding upon a steed burnished with two serpents named Oriax or Orias, who can teach the adept the knowledge of all the stars and planets. The claimed ability of Oriax to metamorphose a man into any shape is related to His mysterious powers of resurrecting the soul.


Unlike the story of Joseph, the equivalent in the Ǫu’ran, Yusuf, is thrown into a cistern or well to die by his brothers, paralleling the myth of Osiris being sealed in a box or thrown down a well by Set more closely. Considering the proximity of Egypt to Arabia, certain mythologies were less altered.

Osiris continued in certain Egyptian and Yemeni myths long into the medieval Islamic period, such as one set of literary traditions named the Tale of Al-Zir Saleem (based on a real individual named Adi bin Rabia), in which a man named Kulaib among the pagan Arabian tribes was brutally murdered by his cousin Jassas. His other brother, a knight named al-Zir, attempts to take revenge on the other tribes of the peninsula and Jassas, later giving way for Kulaib’s son Hijras to do so.

In some forms of the story, Al-Zir is cut into pieces by one of his two servants. His sister discovers this, places his remains in a hide, and throws them into the sea. Al-Zir is then discovered by fishermen, culminating in them bringing him to a king who resurrects and heals him.


In doing His Ritual for the New Year, we honor the greatness of the King of Kings and Lord of Sirius and seek to instate His office for our protection and guidance. May the great King show us the mysteries related to life and death, rebirth and resurrection.


Mystical Origins of the Tarot: From Ancient Roots to Modern Usage, Paul Huson

Following Osiris - Perspectives on the Osirian Afterlife from Four Millennia, Mark Smith

Reflections of Osiris: Lives from Ancient Egypt, John Ray

Marsilio Ficino, Platonic Theology

Eunapius, Lives of the Philosophers and Sophists

Osiris: Death and Afterlife of a God, Bojana Mojsov

Game of Tarots, Court de Gébelin

Special thanks to:
- [JG] Power of Justice (editing)
- [JG] Alexandros Iowno (pointing out Christian symbolism with the waters, theft of Osiris title)
- [JG] ThomaSsS (St. Peter research)

This post is simply phenomenal. All of you who co-wrote this, you have done a wonderful work that blesses yourselves and Lord Osiris. May Osiris make note of this. Thank you!
I have to admit that Osiris Ritual is the one I felt the most intense on my soul and consciousness.
Once I finished it, I bathe my soul with His energy and breathing it from His sigil.

Just as I concluded and uttered the final word, I heard a Voice thanking me, as I assume, for completing the Ritual.

May we all be blessed by the Great Osiris.
I think it can be done up to the 5th of January 2025 judging by the Satanic calendar of this year. Osiris (OSE) goes all the way to the 5th.
Just a quick correction, the Osiris interval is 11 - 15 January. 1 - 5 is OSE. The ritual can be done at any time I assume, but Osiris' period is more important. HP Cobra will probably let us know when the ritual periods are.
Can't wait to perform this ritual in the name of the Great Osiris! Hail the Elder Gods!
I want to also wish all my brothers and sisters a blessed new year! As we cross the threshold into another year, I wish nothing but success, happiness, good health & wealth, and many blessings unto us as individuals, and as a family. 2024 is the year I found you all, and I couldn't be more grateful to have found my true calling, and my true home; right here, with all of you and Our Gods. 🤍
I will continue to devote my time to the JOS and this community, for this year and every year thereafter.
I adore you all, and I hope you all had a joyous and warm Yuletide season.
And a special thank you to the Clergy, because without you guys, we wouldn't be where we are today.
A great thanks goes to you Priest and also to Lydia because without you all this would certainly not be.
You have filled this year with knowledge, making us more and more wise and strong to approach our dear Gods.
As soon as I read the thread I got the shivers from the emotion because it is only thanks to your commitment to creating everything that we are so united in a great family. Thank you again.
Praise our Priests!!!!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
