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The Black Sun of The Slavs by Edward Lonsa (Slavic Fairy Tales. Koschei the Deathless or Koschei the Immortal.)


Well-known member
Sep 2, 2022

Slavic Fairy Tales

Koschei the Deathless or Koschei the Immortal

The traditional personified Death in Slav culture, the analogue of the Grim Ripper, known as Koschey or Kaschey the Deathless

(Familiarize yourself with the personage here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Koschei )

This image is found in all pre-Christian cultures - it is the nigredo stage of alchemy, also reflected in the tarot card Death. The Death card in many interpretations in its best hypostasis means freedom in its direct position. This interpretation is connected with the alchemical meaning of the card Death: the stage of nigredo carries the death of heavy elements / base metals of the soul. That is why Kashchey stands in the way of the protagonist to the beloved. Tsarevna, the beloved of folk tales is the pineal gland, the feminine origin of the soul, so she most often bears the epithet of the Wise. To reach her and unite with her, the protagonist, the masculine beginning, must defeat death. To make himself immortal, it is necessary to kill death. To switch roles with it, so to speak.

The answer to how to do this lies in the egg. This is exactly where the Judeo-Hsians stole their Easter eggs from us. Following are quotes from the article on the symbolism of the egg.

Easter Egg:

The Greek Orphic symbol shows a serpent coiled seven times around a cosmic egg. From this egg came their original creator Phanes:


Dionysus was traditionally depicted encased in the egg of the Zodiacal circle

“The egg symbolizes the belief in the Greek Orphic religion that the universe originated from a silver egg. The first emanation from this egg, described in an ancient hymn, was Phanes-Dionysus, the personification of light.

In Greek myth, especially in Orphic thought, Phanes is the golden winged Primordial Being who hatched from the shining Cosmic Egg that was the source of the universe.
Called protogonos (primordial) and Eros (Love)* being the seed of gods and humans* Phanes means "Manifest" or "Revelation" and is related to the Greek words for "light" and "shine".

Rituals are alchemical practices in which the outer ritual is a mandala for inner transformation. Here the Priests of Orpheus (whose mysteries are symbolized by the cosmic egg) are called Orpheotesta. Denoting that they are perfect beings. Dionysus is also called: "The First Orpheus". This refers to the perfection of the Serpent energy. Serpents hatch from eggs. In the Mysteries of Shiva, the golden egg is a symbol of the soul and the lingam. The inner fire rituals associated with tapa caused a new soul to hatch from the egg. Symbol of work. The egg was so sacred to the Orphic Mysteries that some texts forbade eating them.”

“A lingam stone that is depicted as a cosmic egg in the root chakra. It is also a symbol of the soul and its rebirth.”

“Dionysus (the perfect Zeus) is born from the cosmic egg [and is eternally young]. Like Ptah and Brahma. Ptah, Amun and Ra, as the findings show, constituted the original trinity in Egypt. Ra also came out of the Cosmic Egg. The egg symbolizes the element of ether, which generates all elements from the microcosm of the universe. Just as new life is formed in the egg by the union of male and female, forms life and grows until it hatches out of the egg and is "born again," the same happens to the soul. Remember that most snakes lay eggs.

Eastern texts say that tapas or spiritual practices generate an inner spiritual fire that purifies and unifies the soul. You incubate the new soul in warmth similar to the way a hen incubates an egg, creating warmth for it.
The reborn soul has been depicted in many cases as coming out of the Yoni [fish upside down]. Yoni is also shaped like an egg.”
The end of the quotes.

The egg is also an ancient symbol for DNA.

The image of the DNA helix was found on a 7,000-year-old "space egg":

(in Russian)

“In the Portuguese city of Algarve British researcher Peter Dotry, discovered a mysterious stone object. The artifact is a smoothly polished "egg" with a strange pattern on the surface, resembling a double helix of DNA. The stone is kept in the Lagos museum, research shows that it is more than seven thousand years old.

"Space eggs" - smoothly polished stones with a characteristic shape - are found all over the world. The stone object from the Algarve is believed to depict two intertwined snakes that signify two opposites seeking union - male and female.”
End of the quote.


Card Tarot Fool shows this link – Egg is Ether from which all is born and to which everything returns:


The Fool, Ancient Egyptians Tarot
Kashchei's death is the death of death, which is the meaning of the Nigredo stage. This is also the case with the Tarot card, in addition to the liberating aspect of torment and death, it can signify torment and death itself, which is ruled by Saturn. Like the image of Kashchei, in divination this card can foretell both evil and deliverance from it.


"There Tsar Kashchey over the gold withers;
There the Russian spirit is... it [the gold] has the smell of Russia!"
-A.S. Pushkin

Gold and Rus are more connected than it seems from the great verse of the great poet. Russian means The Shining One in the Ancient Russian. The root Russ means White light, gold, and gold is the oldest and most popular symbol of achieved immortality. Death fears immortality… About it see in detail a series of articles:
Russia: the Country of White Golden-haired People and Undivided Chervonets or Pentacle

Hail Satan!!!



Old JoS yahoo groups search for the word egg

Alexander Geishtor - Slavic Mythology
The Third Eye, God, Kabbalah Stolen From The East

Eng. original:
The Third Eye, God, Kabala Stolen From The East

Afanasyev. Poetic views of the Slavs on nature
Alexei Bychkov. Encyclopedia of pagan gods. Myths of the ancient Slavs
Ruslan and Ludmila - A.S. Pushkin

Author: Edward Lonsa
Translators: Edward Lonsa,
(translated from Russian into English by Edward Lonsa and AristocraticDragon666)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
