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This post is for HP.Hooded Cobra666


New member
Oct 3, 2023
I know that we dont know each other but i ask you in the name of Father Satan a little favour
Can you do in next period a psalm for Sorath? He is my Guardian Demon and i wish to have a good connection with Him. I dont have a sigil to contact Him :(((
I know that you are busy and you maybe dont read this message but i will be grateful if you can do this favour to me
I know that we dont know each other but i ask you in the name of Father Satan a little favour
Can you do in next period a psalm for Sorath? He is my Guardian Demon and i wish to have a good connection with Him. I dont have a sigil to contact Him :(((
I know that you are busy and you maybe dont read this message but i will be grateful if you can do this favour to me
Read the site, it says there are no mediators in Satanism. This means, among other things, that the High Priests don't do rituals to the Gods or contact the Gods for us. It's one of the basics of Satanism.

Also, Sorath doesn't have a sigil. Only the 72 Goetic Demons and Satan have one, and Sorath isn't one of them. And you don't need a sigil to communicate with God.
Read the site, it says there are no mediators in Satanism. This means, among other things, that the High Priests don't do rituals to the Gods or contact the Gods for us. It's one of the basics of Satanism.

Also, Sorath doesn't have a sigil. Only the 72 Goetic Demons and Satan have one, and Sorath isn't one of them. And you don't need a sigil to communicate with God.
I didn't say that I needed a mediator to contact my Guardian Demon, I merely made a request that HP.Hooded Cobra create a psalm exactly like the one made for Father Satan for the God Sorath.
I know I can contact a God even without a sigil, but it's sometimes much easier if you have the sigil.
I didn't say that I needed a mediator to contact my Guardian Demon, I merely made a request that HP.Hooded Cobra create a psalm exactly like the one made for Father Satan for the God Sorath.
I know I can contact a God even without a sigil, but it's sometimes much easier if you have the sigil.
Do you have even the slightest idea how busy HPHC is, literally every day?

That, and these things come with time.
The Rituals, Psalms, etc. are not just a little poem that you ask Mr. Cobra to compose for you so you can show it to the Gods.

Ignoring the fact that I don't really get how you know God Sorath is your Guardian Demon, while not being able to make contact in any way, there being a Ritual or Psalm for Him won't help your case.

Just like you can't just do the Baalzebul Power Ritual and have Him spawn right next to you, this won't work.

Work on your clairvoyance and clairaudience points, if you have already performed the Opening of the Soul.

In addition to that, just contact Him directly. A name and intent is enough for your message to be heard. To receive messages back, ask for a sign you can comprehend. Don't expect to experience supernatural things unless your clairs are developed and you have a good feel for energy.

Best of luck.
I know that we dont know each other but i ask you in the name of Father Satan a little favour
Can you do in next period a psalm for Sorath? He is my Guardian Demon and i wish to have a good connection with Him. I dont have a sigil to contact Him :(((
I know that you are busy and you maybe dont read this message but i will be grateful if you can do this favour to me
All of the gods will get rituals and updated information etc at some point. Be patient. The gods are very sensitive, your intention and focus is enough for them to hear you, especially if he is your guardian. Otherwise you can ask Satan to relay your thoughts and feelings for him.

Have you thought about writing your own psalm for him?
There are some things one must do for them selfs like the others said HPHC is really busy with stuff on here and in his own personal life .

Can't you make poem for the god you're self and I have a feeling if you try it you're self you can do it speak from the heart .

Best of luck
Do you have even the slightest idea how busy HPHC is, literally every day?

That, and these things come with time.
The Rituals, Psalms, etc. are not just a little poem that you ask Mr. Cobra to compose for you so you can show it to the Gods.

Ignoring the fact that I don't really get how you know God Sorath is your Guardian Demon, while not being able to make contact in any way, there being a Ritual or Psalm for Him won't help your case.

Just like you can't just do the Baalzebul Power Ritual and have Him spawn right next to you, this won't work.

Work on your clairvoyance and clairaudience points, if you have already performed the Opening of the Soul.

In addition to that, just contact Him directly. A name and intent is enough for your message to be heard. To receive messages back, ask for a sign you can comprehend. Don't expect to experience supernatural things unless your clairs are developed and you have a good feel for energy.

Best of luck.
Funny for you to think that I'm not aware that if I do the ritual to the God Beelzebub, He's not going to come through the ceiling like you come through the door.
I am aware of what it means to be busy, especially since I have a social status that allows me to say I'm fucking busy, and I didn't deliver that message to HP.Hooded Cobra in the form of a military order but as a favor from one spiritual Satanist to another.
I've been too busy with military training for almost 8 months straight and I've lost some of the energy sensitivity and progress I used to have.It's wrong to say I've lost them, they're just frozen until I can meditate as much as I used to.
I didn't come on the English forum to pick fights or to have argue with ,,spiritual bodybuilders", even more that we didn't serve in the army together.
I am aware of the effects of meditation and I see that you are too, but you seem to be unaware of the progress that the ritual of Satan's Power and the Satan's Psalm brings to one's personal relationship with Satan.
I come neither to beg nor to seek mediators between myself and the Gods, that is why I meditate and fight so that I may be able to take my life into my own hands and not be ruled by others(superiors in military rank) and others(planetary effects or enemy attacks).
If I asked for a psalm to the God Sorath, I didn't expect HP.Hooded Cobra to fulfill my wish immediately like a faithful wife,but I didn't expect to be taken by the balls to the street either by others like i dedicated myself yestarday and i have no clue about what means Spiritual Satanism.
Don't always expect anything from people. Do it yourself. Communication with the Gods whose Sigil has not yet been openly revealed to humanity can be achieved through mutual effort if they truly want to reach you.

Open your chakras and perceptions as much as possible. Also, vibrating his name can strengthen the energies between you.

Communication with the Gods is your private domain.
Funny for you to think that I'm not aware that if I do the ritual to the God Beelzebub, He's not going to come through the ceiling like you come through the door.
I am aware of what it means to be busy, especially since I have a social status that allows me to say I'm fucking busy, and I didn't deliver that message to HP.Hooded Cobra in the form of a military order but as a favor from one spiritual Satanist to another.
I've been too busy with military training for almost 8 months straight and I've lost some of the energy sensitivity and progress I used to have.It's wrong to say I've lost them, they're just frozen until I can meditate as much as I used to.
I didn't come on the English forum to pick fights or to have argue with ,,spiritual bodybuilders", even more that we didn't serve in the army together.
I am aware of the effects of meditation and I see that you are too, but you seem to be unaware of the progress that the ritual of Satan's Power and the Satan's Psalm brings to one's personal relationship with Satan.
I come neither to beg nor to seek mediators between myself and the Gods, that is why I meditate and fight so that I may be able to take my life into my own hands and not be ruled by others(superiors in military rank) and others(planetary effects or enemy attacks).
If I asked for a psalm to the God Sorath, I didn't expect HP.Hooded Cobra to fulfill my wish immediately like a faithful wife,but I didn't expect to be taken by the balls to the street either by others like i dedicated myself yestarday and i have no clue about what means Spiritual Satanism.
I didn't start a fight with you and believe me I am not the one bud anyway I couldn't find your balls.

I don't need you're life story I am a very nice sometimes too nice and that is my mistake. Show some respect to those trying to help you

sir or miss
You could say I'm a new member here and I shouldn't get involved. Although I dedicated a while ago and neglected my meditation, I kept following the forums and the site for updates and came back now stronger and motivated to properly advance and help the Gods. Anyways, that's not what this is about. I, myself, asked various questions here on the forums and every single time someone answered, trying to help me as he/she could. Those who replied you here respected you and answered you sincerely. I don't see how anyone tried to pick a fight with you as you misinterpreted. We all have have a personal life, our own pace of advancing and our own problems. When we come here, we try and help each other, even if sometimes you don't like the answer and it doesn't really fix your problem. I, myself, and I'm sure others too, would like to have certain Power Rituals or Psalms for other Gods, cause we feel a connection with them or want to communicate better. Shamefully, I haven't found who my Demon Guardian is yet, but that's ok, I try to talk to him every day and even if I don't get an obvious answer, I know He hears me. Eventually, I'm sure you'll be able to communicate with you Demon Guardian, it just takes pacience. HP COBRA is indeed very busy, already doing everything he can for us and I'm sure when the time comes, he'll add Power Rituals for every single God. But that takes time and communication with the Gods. I think the best we can do here is be respectful and sympathetic with each other. Only like this we can succeed! Hail Satan!
There are some things one must do for them selfs like the others said HPHC is really busy with stuff on here and in his own personal life .

Can't you make poem for the god you're self and I have a feeling if you try it you're self you can do it speak from the heart .

Best of luck
If you read what i asked, you wouldnt come here to charge this post with this reply.
I asked for a psalm, not a poetry or a music
I didn't start a fight with you and believe me I am not the one bud anyway I couldn't find your balls.

I don't need you're life story I am a very nice sometimes too nice and that is my mistake. Show some respect to those trying to help you

sir or miss
I am a he. And honestly, if you can't come up with a helpful comment keep the meanness inside.
That I'm not interested in your life either and that you're too nice or super nice and tripping on the balls of someone like me who after 8 months of being a militant futa-fucker can't take criticism from others, at least for a good while until I recover a bit from the drunken drunkenness of nerves and agitation that my job gives me.
I asked for neither poetry to read to the God Sorath over a glass of beer, nor piano music, but a PSALM, I'm writing in big letters that maybe now you can see past the super nice you have inside you.
I mean, I can be criticized by anyone, I didn't come here to argue with anyone and for you to take me for a pittance.
You could say I'm a new member here and I shouldn't get involved. Although I dedicated a while ago and neglected my meditation, I kept following the forums and the site for updates and came back now stronger and motivated to properly advance and help the Gods. Anyways, that's not what this is about. I, myself, asked various questions here on the forums and every single time someone answered, trying to help me as he/she could. Those who replied you here respected you and answered you sincerely. I don't see how anyone tried to pick a fight with you as you misinterpreted. We all have have a personal life, our own pace of advancing and our own problems. When we come here, we try and help each other, even if sometimes you don't like the answer and it doesn't really fix your problem. I, myself, and I'm sure others too, would like to have certain Power Rituals or Psalms for other Gods, cause we feel a connection with them or want to communicate better. Shamefully, I haven't found who my Demon Guardian is yet, but that's ok, I try to talk to him every day and even if I don't get an obvious answer, I know He hears me. Eventually, I'm sure you'll be able to communicate with you Demon Guardian, it just takes pacience. HP COBRA is indeed very busy, already doing everything he can for us and I'm sure when the time comes, he'll add Power Rituals for every single God. But that takes time and communication with the Gods. I think the best we can do here is be respectful and sympathetic with each other. Only like this we can succeed! Hail Satan!
You could say I'm a new member here and I shouldn't get involved. Although I dedicated a while ago and neglected my meditation, I kept following the forums and the site for updates and came back now stronger and motivated to properly advance and help the Gods. Anyways, that's not what this is about. I, myself, asked various questions here on the forums and every single time someone answered, trying to help me as he/she could. Those who replied you here respected you and answered you sincerely. I don't see how anyone tried to pick a fight with you as you misinterpreted. We all have have a personal life, our own pace of advancing and our own problems. When we come here, we try and help each other, even if sometimes you don't like the answer and it doesn't really fix your problem. I, myself, and I'm sure others too, would like to have certain Power Rituals or Psalms for other Gods, cause we feel a connection with them or want to communicate better. Shamefully, I haven't found who my Demon Guardian is yet, but that's ok, I try to talk to him every day and even if I don't get an obvious answer, I know He hears me. Eventually, I'm sure you'll be able to communicate with you Demon Guardian, it just takes pacience. HP COBRA is indeed very busy, already doing everything he can for us and I'm sure when the time comes, he'll add Power Rituals for every single God. But that takes time and communication with the Gods. I think the best we can do here is be respectful and sympathetic with each other. Only like this we can succeed! Hail Satan!
I don't feel like I've been answered nicely or to their stench. I feel treated like an emo teenage girl who cuts her hands and thinks she's a satanist if she cuts her hands with shards of glass.
I'm damn near 6 when I'm dedicated.
I fully understand that everyone has their own life and problems, but I could have gotten a message like the AFODO one that Azazel is the one who dictates when and what ritual we get and I was content rather than being attacked with dozens of mean words from people I don't know but with whom I share the same spiritual values and shouldn't get into these situations of getting into serious arguments
I don't feel like I've been answered nicely or to their stench. I feel treated like an emo teenage girl who cuts her hands and thinks she's a satanist if she cuts her hands with shards of glass.
I'm damn near 6 when I'm dedicated.
I fully understand that everyone has their own life and problems, but I could have gotten a message like the AFODO one that Azazel is the one who dictates when and what ritual we get and I was content rather than being attacked with dozens of mean words from people I don't know but with whom I share the same spiritual values and shouldn't get into these situations of getting into serious arguments

Mercury is in retrograde which can cause miscommunication and conflict. There is almost always some sort of conflict on the forums when Mercury is in retrograde motion.

But this is not an excuse to how some people have been treating others lately which is very rude from them.

Anyway, you can contact Sorath trough Satan.
I don't feel like I've been answered nicely or to their stench. I feel treated like an emo teenage girl who cuts her hands and thinks she's a satanist if she cuts her hands with shards of glass.
I'm damn near 6 when I'm dedicated.
I fully understand that everyone has their own life and problems, but I could have gotten a message like the AFODO one that Azazel is the one who dictates when and what ritual we get and I was content rather than being attacked with dozens of mean words from people I don't know but with whom I share the same spiritual values and shouldn't get into these situations of getting into serious arguments
I understand that and I clearly see your point of view. In your case, as AFODO said, the answer is patience. I really hope that in the near future you will receive what you desire, maybe even a Power Ritual for Lord Sorath. I'm sure many more people here would enjoy that. Best wishes!
I hate arguments and especially verbal shootouts, but if I am engaged in such a conflict I will never hesitate to fight to the end, regardless of whether the rest of the world believes in an opposing opinion to mine. It was unwise to allow myself to be attacked by this discussion and although I was aware of how this situation would play out in this thread I took no steps to control myself.
H.P. cobra is always very receptive to any idea anyone might have.
He'd probably think it was a good idea, but he wouldn't execute it on the spot because it depends. Some things are more important than others

You can get used to "spiritual bodybuilders", arrogance is quite common and there's nothing to change that in a militant.
If you read what i asked, you wouldnt come here to charge this post with this reply.
I asked for a psalm, not a poetry or a music
You should have came to me with this answer first instead of talking to me like you did . You took my question and my answer as ((charged)) that is on you.

Mercy is in retrograde so my answer may of seemed charged when i didn't mean to.

I think one of Satan's books has what you need
I am a he. And honestly, if you can't come up with a helpful comment keep the meanness inside.
That I'm not interested in your life either and that you're too nice or super nice and tripping on the balls of someone like me who after 8 months of being a militant futa-fucker can't take criticism from others, at least for a good while until I recover a bit from the drunken drunkenness of nerves and agitation that my job gives me.
I asked for neither poetry to read to the God Sorath over a glass of beer, nor piano music, but a PSALM, I'm writing in big letters that maybe now you can see past the super nice you have inside you.
I mean, I can be criticized by anyone, I didn't come here to argue with anyone and for you to take me for a pittance.

learned a new word today thanks brother 😀

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
