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Is There a Negative Vibe in the Astral Lately?


Active member
Feb 10, 2024
Greetings, my fellow brothers and sisters.

Have you started to feel restless/uncomfortable like me lately? Do not think of this feeling of 'disturbance' as the usual feelings that everyone experiences in daily life. What I am talking about is as if a storm is about to start in the Astral. I don't feel like I've been getting the same results from my spiritual work that I always get, especially in the last few days. Even though I've been trying to communicate with the Gods, I've only been able to communicate with my GD. Add to that HPHC's recent posts, the negative and negative feelings I've been feeling for the last 2 days and Pissrail barking like a rabid dog again in the news and it feels like we're on the verge of something 'big'.

Rumors about a new pandemic started on the news, Pissrail officials said something about launching a nuclear attack on my country (Turkey). After experiencing so many negative things in a row, I reread one of HPHC's last posts; what a great man he is, reading carefully what he wrote, I became sure that we should not be afraid of this absurd period. Still, I have a strong intuition that something bad could come, so I wonder; when will we start a new ritual program? HPHC stated that a new program would start immediately after the ritual program at the time, but it still hasn't started. I know that timing is very important in these things and we have the help of the Gods themselves, but somehow I feel like I need to reassure myself.

For my peace of mind, no matter how busy I am, I will do FRTR 2-3 times a day and do my Aura Protection and Cleansing work much more strictly. I also think that closing the Chakras before going out in public can be very important in the coming days. In addition to these, meditating on GD and Satan's sigil can also be comforting.

I am writing this post to hear how you are doing in the last days and what you are going to do until a new program starts. Just reading your advice will make me feel better, brothers and sisters; take care of yourself during this period.
For my peace of mind, no matter how busy I am, I will do FRTR 2-3 times a day and do my Aura Protection and Cleansing work much more strictly. I also think that closing the Chakras before going out in public can be very important in the coming days. In addition to these, meditating on GD and Satan's sigil can also be comforting.
Good decision. As always when we don't have a schedule, do the FRTR and God rituals.
Have you started to feel restless/uncomfortable like me lately? Do not think of this feeling of 'disturbance' as the usual feelings that everyone experiences in daily life. What I am talking about is as if a storm is about to start in the Astral. I don't feel like I've been getting the same results from my spiritual work that I always get, especially in the last few days.
it also have something to do with the state of what's happening at the sky right now!
we have Jupiter in gemini (detriment sign)
Moon in capricorn (detriment sign)
Mercury is retrograde
Venus in Virgo (falling sign)
and Saturn is also retrograde
in days like this you need to stay low key, not overthinking and don't take major decisions.
I am writing this post to hear how you are doing in the last days and what you are going to do until a new program starts. Just reading your advice will make me feel better, brothers and sisters; take care of yourself during this period.
The "downfall" part of the Age of Aquarius is still in full swing, so it makes sense that this is what you are feeling.
And all your advice is great, both for yourself and for some others.

I personally am too busy with my own advancement to tune in to the general vibe of the astral.
As I tend to do, I took on a lot of work to improve my Soul, and while it's been going well and I've been keeping things under control, it is tiring. In a good way.
Rumors about a new pandemic started on the news, Pissrail officials said something about launching a nuclear attack on my country (Turkey).
I think the astral vibes are related to the place where you live, too.
For many reasons I visited different countries in my life and I perceive them in a very different way each other. Some of them like feel like better vibes, due to better social organization and respect and less worries. Others are a total mess, namely the most xian or islamic places, their "mass mind" as a country is really full of bad vibes and people are strongly insecure, aggressive, worried and unrespectful. I think the enemy vibes are more present in that kind of country. With all respect, I have never been in Turkey, but it does not sound like the best place where to live now - in terms of energies. I think you perceive this.

I am writing this post to hear how you are doing in the last days and what you are going to do until a new program starts. Just reading your advice will make me feel better, brothers and sisters; take care of yourself during this period.
I feel things are going down on the astral plane (according to my skills and my limited perception) since the Covid, at a fastest pace.
I personally am too busy with my own advancement to tune in to the general vibe of the astral.
As I tend to do, I took on a lot of work to improve my Soul, and while it's been going well and I've been keeping things under control, it is tiring. In a good way.
Thanks for this post, you give me a good idea for my advancement, working to "tune out" the general vibe - not easy for me at this stage.
Thanks for this post, you give me a good idea for my advancement, working to "tune out" the general vibe - not easy for me at this stage.
You should be comforted by the fact that the Gods are telling us this war is all but over.
Not in the sense that you don't still make efforts for spiritual warfare, you should. But in the sense that the Enemy is not to be feared at this point, at least not astrally. Physically, the jews are still a threat, but on a larger scale, they have lost.
See these people as what they are, a nuisance at best.

Learn to outpower them.
You're not the only one who feels that way at all brother or sister.

In My house we do the daily meditation etc and we don't re act to the sudden shift We go about our day.

go about your normal day as usual don't act out if something knocks off the shelf or you feel a energy change .

It's best to keep working on meditation etc because unless you're astral senses are open and clear.

You don't know what could be in front of you

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
