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Meditations #76023 Struggling with Trance after profound experience

This question is related to meditation.


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
So I had a wonderful thing happen during the Osiris rituals and it was very profound. I had intense power after a couple ritual and it was honestly amazing but at the same time I feared it might have been soul burn out so not once but twice I asked for the energy to be taken away. First by a Demon and second, I'm not even sure why I called upon her, Maxine. I said "she'd always be there for her people" when I was feeling scared.

It was a great feeling and I actually loved it. It was blissful although it was intense giving I couldn't relax and I was worried I was gonna miss my squares due to randomly falling asleep at the wrong time. I loved the buzzing and when I closed my eyes I saw shifting moving clouds nonstop and I had an intelligence like I never have before. I just understood spiritual concepts so much easier and I loved every second of it.

Afterwards I haven't been able to trance after it though. I stopped all meditations afterwards until that feeling when totally away a day later and I even let the returning curses lapse a day because of it. I've returned to it but I started asking Lord Father Satan for protection via the prayer request. Before I was doing it myself and not even knowing there was a starter one for people who are new. I fought myself on doing new stuff feeling I was unworthy due to the dabbling and 'half' attempts I've had before.

My question is mulifolded, did I piss the Gods off by turning away from a gift? The buzzing and intensity started on the second which was a day for the unexpected. During it, the energy being reaped, I sorta fought having the energy being taken because I didn't really wanna give it up and I felt it leaving my hands and when I pressed together I felt this bubble/presence as I tried to close around in a hug: I was saying sorry the whole time and because I am sorta physically needy I did wanna hug someone at the time, did I piss the Gods/Father Satan/That Demon off for my action? And am I having a hard time tracing because I'm soul burned? I also didn't necessarily felt good about the energy being taken though. I didn't feel comfort or anything of the like and looking back on it just felt like a presence rather than a Demon but I asked for a Demon to take it. I've always heard their presence are soft warm and kind.

The last few times I did the Osiris ritual I felt my body shake around in a sort of rage as my Sacral Chakra was being touched. I know I've been molested/raped and my mind forgot. I've always had this sense of it and knew it to be true but felt no emotions over it. Later in my life I was outright raped although I consider it my fault for being a dumbass. It was also an interracial encounter. It was 'just' (as in if you jump off a bridge you get what happens because why the fuck did you jump) punishment for my foolishness of enjoying the fetish of being raped and also like interracial so I likely brought it on myself. Not to mention I choose to get drunk around someone I should not have.

The first times was from this jew catholic priest a parent of mind worked for. I say jew because I've a hunch and they had a ton of jewish bibles and stuff stowed away so at the very least he was a learned enemy andropod.

But yeah I feel a lot of intensity over this and I feel like I blew it. I had spend the last couple months pretty well off and I was even doing a solar square and a lunar square. I stopped both because I found that I wasn't trancing that well during them and I was worried that if I did I might get very intense soulburn. It was doing wonders for me even though neither were at an optimal time.

After the stopped I had a strange occurrence in which I was lamenting and my tv screen went bright green outta no where so I took that as a sign to do the Osiris ritual because such a thing has never happened before or since. I'm just really lost right now. Sorry for the rant if it comes off that way.
If I'm reading this right. I think you just reached a new level which going to take more effort to back into a trance. Thinking lifting weights, at first a weight is hard and then it becomes easy. When you jump to the next level (increase the weight) then it becomes hard again. The natural energy level is a lot higher now and its take more effort to calm it down. Keep practicing and being diligent. Sounds like you are making progress.

I'm sorry all these things happened to you. To many people on the forums have these experiences.
I think that you should continue your meditations as you normally would, if you need to ease back in that is fine, but don't outright stop. Father Satan and our Gods are beyond emotionally mature, they don't have the mentality of children. They are not just going to forsake you because you did this small thing here or there. I believe you are projecting your own insecurity on to them. It's okay though, we can all get caught up from time to time, don't panic or fret. It is stated in these rituals, that if the energy becomes too intense you can ask Father Satan or your Guardian Demon to take the excess energy and utilize it where it can be focused best. This can be beneficial.

"If you are uncomfortable with too much energy AFTER the ritual is finished, ask your Guardian Demon or call on Satan to take the energies."
From the Raising Energies page. https://satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/Raising_Energies.html

I have done this several times. We are all growing here, and the body can only handle so much energy, but as we continue it can handle more and more. It's not a gift to hold onto so much energy that it harms us. You did the right thing. With a higher level of energy there is an adjustment period as SomewhatCoherent stated in their post. This is a good sign of progression, just continue to meditate and take time to adjust. You've done nothing wrong. Relax. Rebalance. Refocus.
Good Luck!
Hail Satan Forever!!!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
