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House of the Gods: Welcoming New Members

Alexandros Iowno [TG]

Head of Activism
Aug 13, 2019
We all were at one point complete beginners in the journey of Joy of Satanas, being initiated on the most occult and highest of paths.

Looking back, everyone can reflect on how they have changed for the better, to the extent of now being closer to manifested beings of the Gods, solidified on the path, stronger, wiser, with developed spirituality, powers of the mind, close to the true Gods.

But the situation stands, you had to endure a journey and you still do, and this is not guaranteed in our life. People can fail and do fail due to many entropic "faults" of life, some in their control and some in our control to aid in.

The only constant force that saves people out of the paths of obstacles and dangers is the one of allowing and accepting help from the accomplished and longing Spiritual Satanists, and this help cannot come without said Spiritual Satanists giving this from their own piece of mind, soul. Ultimately it is a testament of one being truly advanced but also of love, of the community and Gods. We must look sincerely at our human condition and observe that all that is and we have, is ultimately, ourselves as humans. The rest, as in whole Universe, is in a weird way, a show for the consciousnesses to allow the experience of life.

I want to remind that new members are coming everyday and they are onboarding the most intense path, full of transformation. They broke the cages of the mind imposed by the false religions to the degree necessary to come here, some are curious, some are feeling a calling, some are spiritual some are not, yet all do come here due to to their inner calling towards truth and salvation. A something that sometimes cannot be expressed but it may be, if they follow through. There is an intense warfare and as life is war, we are here to help our brothers and sisters take the proper steps and not fall into the ENDLESS bottomless pits of life by denying the supernal wisdom of Joy of Satanas.

What we do here, and your help towards each member, even as little as one reply, counts in the cosmic scale beyond your ability to reason this. This is due to the true salvation of SOULS upon these planes we inhabit. We should not behave to new members like they owe us perfection as a new member in knowing everything, as if we are a buffer filter of any judgement, as if we are the disciplinaries of the cosmos, but as friends, brothers/sisters and parents , helping our own like we help ourselves. We are a reflection of our family, and they are us, you and I are no different but of the same Godly fiber of longing to become perfected. Therefore our imperfections, lacking, differences, are not reason for disunity, but reason of proving oneself towards nature, Gods and ourselves we can manage and complete this complex life.

I look back and If I am to restart my journey again as a SS, knowing how the path has been until now, I do feel a an emotional alertness over the fact that it was full of potential falls, thankfully I fared well, and this is to the credit of all of the community , the Clergy and the Gods. Do welcome new faces, and do not deny them based on false standards of false expected behavior, intellectual idealizations, levels of emotional and mental intelligence, positions over world matters or other subjective ideals you hold, as what we do here, is beyond and above these temporary matters of the material that ultimately will be communicated to one another. Doing this, I say to all of you new here as well, the promise of seeking the truth in Joy of Satanas will always lead you in alignment to the Gods and with your true self, becoming whole. The rewards here are real and only offered in the highest of the silences.

Being polite, friendly, mature, intelligent and if possible, connected to the creative force of the Gods as inspiration and enthusiasm in helping people, being a light for others, is how we become the loved ones of the Gods.

How we communicate and behave matters do the degree of having potentially not only saved a soul, but having helped create a God in the timeline of existence. Knowing this, who dares oppose the unfoldment of the Assembly of the Gods! Do Help these potential Gods become Manifested Gods, and in spite of the enemy mob, we ultimately do love and uphold our own to that standard.
Excellent post.

The JOS is a living religion with living Gods.

My advice to the new initiates:

Try to improve your energy sensitivity through meditation, mainly void meditation(for focus), energy foundation meditation( to increase energy) and opening the soul(to increase energy sensing):

I would also recommend when you can feel energies even slightly to do a ritual for Father Satan:

His energy is intense, you will feel it. Then you will know the Gods are indeed real and the promises of spiritual development the JOS gives are genuine.
Remembering where we started from allows us to understand who is starting now.
Help, direct, support and correct them so that they truly understand and learn from their mistakes. The first periods are the hardest, where you analyze yourself, your past and your mistakes. But everything serves to make you actually realize that now you are on the right path, with a family that is there for you.

True brotherhood exists here, no one is judged. Here we are truly brothers and sisters and this is the only place where we feel at home and can truly grow.

All together we will arrive at our divinity. Reuniting with our beloved Gods.

Hail Satan
Very important announcement for us to not turn away potentially good future SS.
I know I personally wouldn't want to have "making someone give up on this path" on my conscience.
I have noticed that in my everyday life I have become exactly the one who does good to those who deserve it and tries to guide everyone with the smallest gestures towards what is right.

This made me very appreciated by those around me, and some started to take me as an example.

Until now I have responded little here in the forum to those seeking advice, because I wanted to wait until I had more knowledge.

I owe everything to the Joy of Satanas, I hope everyone finds and understands the greatness of what we have here.
I am reminded of the Aesop's fable on the mouse and the lion. In the fable a captured lion is freed by a mouse which bites through the ropes that bind him. When the lion and the mouse met before, the lion did not believe that the small mouse could ever be of help to him, yet he was proved wrong and the mouse ultimately saved his life.

Let us help each other, so we grow together and transform the whole world with us.
The world is beautiful, albeit a bit dirty from the enemy's influence. We will cleanse it and restore it to its former glory.
How we communicate and behave matters do the degree of having potentially not only saved a soul, but having helped create a God in the timeline of existence. Knowing this, who dares oppose the unfoldment of the Assembly of the Gods!
This part especially needs to be read and remembered.

One long-term member recently reported a post, saying it was blasphemous or a troll. I had to reject it because it was a new member who asked the question. We cannot assume every new member is a troll based on just a few posts. People are coming here from all backgrounds, very few were spiritual before finding the JoS. True spirituality is brand-new to most people, and now they find all this information which can be very overwhelming. It's normal for them to have questions.

When I was new, I didn't like internet forums nor did I use social media, so I just read the JoS continuously for 3 months. I had it all memorized before my GD advised me to join the forums (yahoo groups then), so I had no questions when I joined. But this isn't how most people are. I would advise everyone to spend time reading and studying the JoS though, many questions have already been asked and answered multiple times.
That's right!
And another thing to note and it's not just for beginners is that when an advanced or long time member gives you an advice, you should check if it correlate with the Joy Of Satanas sermons from the High priests and High priestesses and the general overview of the Joy Of Satanas.

Here you will get more validation on the answers given to you and you will understand the subject of discussion more!

Hail Satanas!
Hail Lilith!
Hail Andras!
You are right JG, this path is a true transformation for them who chose it.
Thank you JG for this important sermon, we all needed to hear this important message, and take in everything you said because it’s very important that we all as a family help each other.
I have improved a little since I’ve come here out of the world of confusion and conflict and envious people who only want to see you fall and be miserable, so I came from a lot of bad influences and corruption, it took me awhile to change my outlook on life and people, I am improving everyday and learning to be more humble and patient and understanding, I am still going back reading from the JoS website, so i can memorise most of what I’m learning, I’m trying to make a continuous program to do my meditations and rituals and keep it consistent.
I agree with you JG we must be more understanding to our new siblings that come here even though we see that they have a very different outlook to certain things, I’m a little guilty in that way and I’m also learning to be more adaptable to new things and to look at things from different angles, this is a very good and important Sermon and one that was needed to be said, we are all trying to better ourselves and to also assist our new family members that come here like we all did, we are a spiritual and physical family because we are the human gentiles races so we all are together in unity, so we welcome our newly family members to the Jos forum and hope to all be of assistance to each other as we all grow together in this most important and exciting journey path to connect with each other and our Gods and Goddesses and make our earth 🌍 a better and more beautiful place like it was in the Golden Age of the Gods! We are now in the Era of Aquarius Father Satan’s Era, and now we SS will thrive and grow ever so stronger and bring our world back to it’s original form and state and we will all assure in this wonderful new world of Satanas!

Thanks to HP HDCobra666
Thanks to HPS Lydia
Thank you Alexandros Lowno JG
And thanks to all the JG’s and clergy and Moderators who are all doing a marvellous work here for all of us to unite and grow together ❤️

Hail Satanas ❤️
Hail to the Gods and Goddesses ❤️
هذا الجزء يحتاج بشكل خاص إلى القراءة والتذكر.

لقد أبلغ أحد الأعضاء القدامى مؤخرًا عن منشور، قائلاً إنه تجديف أو متصيد. اضطررت إلى رفضه لأنه كان عضوًا جديدًا هو الذي طرح السؤال. لا يمكننا أن نفترض أن كل عضو جديد هو متصيد بناءً على بضع مشاركات فقط. يأتي الناس إلى هنا من جميع الخلفيات، وكان عدد قليل جدًا منهم روحانيين قبل العثور على JoS. الروحانية الحقيقية جديدة تمامًا لمعظم الناس، والآن يجدون كل هذه المعلومات التي يمكن أن تكون ساحقة للغاية. من الطبيعي أن يكون لديهم أسئلة.

عندما كنت جديدًا، لم أكن أحب المنتديات على الإنترنت ولا أستخدم وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي، لذلك كنت أقرأ كتاب "العقيدة" باستمرار لمدة 3 أشهر. كنت قد حفظته بالكامل قبل أن ينصحني صديقتي بالانضمام إلى المنتديات (مجموعات ياهو آنذاك)، لذلك لم يكن لدي أي أسئلة عندما انضممت. لكن هذا ليس حال معظم الناس. أنصح الجميع بقضاء بعض الوقت في قراءة ودراسة كتاب "العقيدة"، فقد تم بالفعل طرح العديد من الأسئلة والإجابة عليها عدة مرات.
أجد صعوبة في التواصل مع مجتمع فرح الشيطان أريد مشاركة المعرفة أنا لست عبدًا جديدًا لقد أمضيت ست سنوات في إيقاظ الكونداليني، لكنني لا أستطيع توصيلها إلى شقرا التاج
We all were at one point complete beginners in the journey of Joy of Satanas, being initiated on the most occult and highest of paths.

Looking back, everyone can reflect on how they have changed for the better, to the extent of now being closer to manifested beings of the Gods, solidified on the path, stronger, wiser, with developed spirituality, powers of the mind, close to the true Gods.

But the situation stands, you had to endure a journey and you still do, and this is not guaranteed in our life. People can fail and do fail due to many entropic "faults" of life, some in their control and some in our control to aid in.

The only constant force that saves people out of the paths of obstacles and dangers is the one of allowing and accepting help from the accomplished and longing Spiritual Satanists, and this help cannot come without said Spiritual Satanists giving this from their own piece of mind, soul. Ultimately it is a testament of one being truly advanced but also of love, of the community and Gods. We must look sincerely at our human condition and observe that all that is and we have, is ultimately, ourselves as humans. The rest, as in whole Universe, is in a weird way, a show for the consciousnesses to allow the experience of life.

I want to remind that new members are coming everyday and they are onboarding the most intense path, full of transformation. They broke the cages of the mind imposed by the false religions to the degree necessary to come here, some are curious, some are feeling a calling, some are spiritual some are not, yet all do come here due to to their inner calling towards truth and salvation. A something that sometimes cannot be expressed but it may be, if they follow through. There is an intense warfare and as life is war, we are here to help our brothers and sisters take the proper steps and not fall into the ENDLESS bottomless pits of life by denying the supernal wisdom of Joy of Satanas.

What we do here, and your help towards each member, even as little as one reply, counts in the cosmic scale beyond your ability to reason this. This is due to the true salvation of SOULS upon these planes we inhabit. We should not behave to new members like they owe us perfection as a new member in knowing everything, as if we are a buffer filter of any judgement, as if we are the disciplinaries of the cosmos, but as friends, brothers/sisters and parents , helping our own like we help ourselves. We are a reflection of our family, and they are us, you and I are no different but of the same Godly fiber of longing to become perfected. Therefore our imperfections, lacking, differences, are not reason for disunity, but reason of proving oneself towards nature, Gods and ourselves we can manage and complete this complex life.

أنظر إلى الوراء وإذا كنت سأبدأ رحلتي مرة أخرى كعضو في SS، مع العلم كيف كان المسار حتى الآن، أشعر بيقظة عاطفية بشأن حقيقة أنه كان مليئًا بالسقوط المحتمل، ولحسن الحظ، لقد نجحت بشكل جيد، وهذا يعود إلى الفضل في المجتمع بأكمله، رجال الدين والآلهة. رحبوا بالوجوه الجديدة، ولا تنكروها بناءً على معايير خاطئة للسلوك المتوقع الزائف، والمثاليات الفكرية، ومستويات الذكاء العاطفي والعقلي، والمواقف بشأن أمور العالم أو المثل العليا الذاتية الأخرى التي تتبناها، لأن ما نقوم به هنا، يتجاوز ويتجاوز هذه الأمور المؤقتة للمادة التي سيتم توصيلها في النهاية إلى بعضنا البعض. من خلال القيام بذلك، أقول لكم جميعًا الجدد هنا أيضًا، إن وعد البحث عن الحقيقة في Joy of Satanas سيقودكم دائمًا إلى الانسجام مع الآلهة ومع ذاتكم الحقيقية، لتصبحوا كاملين. المكافآت هنا حقيقية ولا تُعرض إلا في أعلى الصمت.

أن نكون مهذبين، ودودين، ناضجين، أذكياء، وإذا أمكن، متصلين بالقوة الإبداعية للآلهة كمصدر إلهام وحماس لمساعدة الناس، وأن نكون نورًا للآخرين، هو كيف نصبح أحباء الآلهة.

إن كيفية تواصلنا وتصرفنا تؤثر على مدى قدرتنا على إنقاذ روح، بل وعلى المساعدة في خلق إله في خط الزمن للوجود. فإذا علمنا هذا، فمن يجرؤ على معارضة تطور جمعية الآلهة؟ ساعدوا هذه الآلهة المحتملة على أن تصبح آلهة متجلية، وعلى الرغم من حشود الأعداء، فإننا في النهاية نحب آلهةنا ونحافظ عليها وفقًا لهذا المعيار.
I find it difficult to communicate with community joy of satan I want to share knowledge I am not a new slave i spent six year I have awakened the kundalini, but I cannot delivery it to the crown chakra
I find it difficult to communicate with community joy of satan I want to share knowledge I am not a new slave i spent six year I have awakened the kundalini, but I cannot delivery it to the crown chakra
New members, even if they have awakened for years, need to gain trust from the community. Don't forget that there is new members that just woke up from the abrahamic virus, many can be agressive and/or completly close due the fact that they have been deceived for some many years.

Keep sharing your knowledge, you will gain the trust of us all.
لقد سألت وثنية الظلام هل يجوز استعمال اللاوعي الجمعي = شجرة الحياة أقصد التصوف، الأساسيات، أفلاطون، بلوتينوس، بروكلس، وامتداداتهم، وليام جيمس، والسحر الاحتفالي. الخيمياء سي جيه يونغ رحلة البطل أم الأحمق
New members, even if they have awakened for years, need to gain trust from the community. Don't forget that there is new members that just woke up from the abrahamic virus, many can be agressive and/or completly close due the fact that they have been deceived for some many years.

Keep sharing your knowledge, you will gain the trust of us all.
I have asked the paganism of darkness Is it permissible to use the collective unconscious = the tree of life i mean mysticism, basics, Plato, Plotinus, Proclus, and thier extension,William James, and ceremonial magic. Alchemy c j jung Hero's journey or fool
We all were at one point complete beginners in the journey of Joy of Satanas, being initiated on the most occult and highest of paths.

Looking back, everyone can reflect on how they have changed for the better, to the extent of now being closer to manifested beings of the Gods, solidified on the path, stronger, wiser, with developed spirituality, powers of the mind, close to the true Gods.

But the situation stands, you had to endure a journey and you still do, and this is not guaranteed in our life. People can fail and do fail due to many entropic "faults" of life, some in their control and some in our control to aid in.

The only constant force that saves people out of the paths of obstacles and dangers is the one of allowing and accepting help from the accomplished and longing Spiritual Satanists, and this help cannot come without said Spiritual Satanists giving this from their own piece of mind, soul. Ultimately it is a testament of one being truly advanced but also of love, of the community and Gods. We must look sincerely at our human condition and observe that all that is and we have, is ultimately, ourselves as humans. The rest, as in whole Universe, is in a weird way, a show for the consciousnesses to allow the experience of life.

I want to remind that new members are coming everyday and they are onboarding the most intense path, full of transformation. They broke the cages of the mind imposed by the false religions to the degree necessary to come here, some are curious, some are feeling a calling, some are spiritual some are not, yet all do come here due to to their inner calling towards truth and salvation. A something that sometimes cannot be expressed but it may be, if they follow through. There is an intense warfare and as life is war, we are here to help our brothers and sisters take the proper steps and not fall into the ENDLESS bottomless pits of life by denying the supernal wisdom of Joy of Satanas.

What we do here, and your help towards each member, even as little as one reply, counts in the cosmic scale beyond your ability to reason this. This is due to the true salvation of SOULS upon these planes we inhabit. We should not behave to new members like they owe us perfection as a new member in knowing everything, as if we are a buffer filter of any judgement, as if we are the disciplinaries of the cosmos, but as friends, brothers/sisters and parents , helping our own like we help ourselves. We are a reflection of our family, and they are us, you and I are no different but of the same Godly fiber of longing to become perfected. Therefore our imperfections, lacking, differences, are not reason for disunity, but reason of proving oneself towards nature, Gods and ourselves we can manage and complete this complex life.

I look back and If I am to restart my journey again as a SS, knowing how the path has been until now, I do feel a an emotional alertness over the fact that it was full of potential falls, thankfully I fared well, and this is to the credit of all of the community , the Clergy and the Gods. Do welcome new faces, and do not deny them based on false standards of false expected behavior, intellectual idealizations, levels of emotional and mental intelligence, positions over world matters or other subjective ideals you hold, as what we do here, is beyond and above these temporary matters of the material that ultimately will be communicated to one another. Doing this, I say to all of you new here as well, the promise of seeking the truth in Joy of Satanas will always lead you in alignment to the Gods and with your true self, becoming whole. The rewards here are real and only offered in the highest of the silences.

Being polite, friendly, mature, intelligent and if possible, connected to the creative force of the Gods as inspiration and enthusiasm in helping people, being a light for others, is how we become the loved ones of the Gods.

How we communicate and behave matters do the degree of having potentially not only saved a soul, but having helped create a God in the timeline of existence. Knowing this, who dares oppose the unfoldment of the Assembly of the Gods! Do Help these potential Gods become Manifested Gods, and in spite of the enemy mob, we ultimately do love and uphold our own to that standard.
dear Alexandros I send a message to you on X about joining to outreach program for JosPersia X account. I also sent an email.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
