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  1. sublimesatanist

    Spirit and body

    I love your detailed response to this thread and I thank you for it. There's a question bugging me though. Is the physical body not at its core an extension of the soul? Or is it separate? If someone living loses their soul would their body also perish? I used to think they were one in the...
  2. sublimesatanist

    Question #3642: First religion

    PS - My apologies for the quotation marks on Satanism. Those weren't needed and I'm not sure why I would think to put them there. I get too crazy with those things sometimes for some weird reason. :-/
  3. sublimesatanist

    Question #3642: First religion

    I always used to think that Sumerian was the first known form of "Satanism" but this is likely due to Christian programming and movies such as the Exorcist which featured in the opening scene a Pazuzu statue (Babylonian origin). Somehow I felt a knowing of that as a young child... born "evil" I...
  4. sublimesatanist

    I like to sing but I worry about the possibility that the lyrics I sing will give negative affirmations.

    I think the most important thing is how you feel about it. What is your perspective on negativity? It should rather be looked at from a point of neutrality and growth; something that is not inherently good or bad but just is. A sad song and even an angry song can all illicit positive emotions...
  5. sublimesatanist

    About the Bottomless Pit Of Stupidity: Do NOT Get In

    HP always has the best sermons! I feel much that animals are indeed on a different level. A strong example in my case has been dealing with a dog who at times gets into things like garbage. The feeling of frustration I get most largely comes from worrying about things in there like napkins...
  6. sublimesatanist

    Is morality being used and exploited against us in an unexpected way?

    I wouldn't be too concerned over this, although it is something I think we all experience at times. Society tends to parody the behaviours of people on television, thus a person of a higher vibration generally sees through all things and is a more genuine and whole person which often sets them...
  7. sublimesatanist

    Let Us Be Clear About A Few Things

    Awesome, thanks for the infos AFODO! 🙂 That's all a big relief to me. Everything is much more straight-forward than I thought. This site 100% looks to have every channel that YT does. Fantastic resource and thank you for sharing brother.
  8. sublimesatanist

    News On Kundalini-Project - Website, Kundalini-Project Public License & More

    If you've got a Pixel your best bet is GrapheneOS. This is the most secure OS for mobile devices from what I can tell. The second-best option I think is CalyxOS. This is also very secure, plus it's also a free open-sourced project. For the latter check out the link here: https://calyxos.org/...
  9. sublimesatanist

    Let Us Be Clear About A Few Things

    Well Windows is out for me. I only favoured it due to routine and strong familiarity with it. I tried Linux Mint for a period but I had a hard time installing drivers for certain things (mostly for DAW/sound-design stuff) and switched back. I'll try researching more about Qubes and give it a go...
  10. sublimesatanist

    Let Us Be Clear About A Few Things

    I know this won't be fun or easy for me but it will be done. Social media, no problem. But no more Windows? This will be an adjustment for me. Being an all-or-nothing type of person I expect that I'll use QubesOS and stick to Tor while following your protocols on the kundalini-project...
  11. sublimesatanist

    Changes to User Fields on the Forums

    This is good to see as I recall many top-notch members had great frustration with trolls in the past. This place has improved exponentially since that time and I'm forever grateful for the admirable work. To members who are new, 50 posts is quite forgiving. It may feel like a nuisance to a few...
  12. sublimesatanist

    New Rituals & Schedule Now Live: HPS Maxine's Ritual & Lord Balaam's Ritual

    I absolutely had an incredible experience with these beautiful rituals. My soul feels empowered, inspired and touched to the deepest core of my existence. I am mildly uncertain over one tiny aspect that I thought I'd ask your thoughts about though. When meditating on the sigil/shenu ring I...
  13. sublimesatanist

    Happy Summer Solstice!

    Happy summer solstice!! I cannot believe I forgot. I was a bit extra busy for some period of time. I got home tonight and for some reason all I could think about was lighting a candle for some reason. Then I opened up the forums and sure enough it was a very special night indeed. Bless all of...
  14. sublimesatanist

    How do I deal with enemies on here? And harassment...🤔 without getting into trouble. And without making myself look bad?

    You're doing fine. Just remember that we all think and communicate differently. I find your posts to be reassuring as they show a strong human aspect, that you have some things that you might feel insecure or concerned about. It's relatable and although it may appear overstated I think you're...
  15. sublimesatanist

    Babies, Lies Told to Women

    This was a touching read. Thanks HPS Lydia! It just goes to show how much thought, time and energy must go into raising a child to the best of his/her capacity; giving them those tools that many of us here didn't get in our experience growing up. Reading this does make me wonder if it's for me...
  16. sublimesatanist

    New Rituals & Schedule Now Live: HPS Maxine's Ritual & Lord Balaam's Ritual

    That's a great question DEWAKI made. I see, it's contextual and not literal. So being 'cursed' by the true Gods is in effect a blessing because this 'curse' or 'burden' is the knowledge of the work we have in our collective general circumstances and our curses (the ones we bear) have failed...
  17. sublimesatanist

    For "god" So-Loved the World

    What is it about this former clergy member? I found his posts often to be of great material and good accuracy. All things considered though, I've never noticed any replies from him. I think I read once that he was creating drama against other members and such. Whatever the case it's a shame...
  18. sublimesatanist

    The Matrix is...

    That concept of the 'categorical imperative' is interesting. Basically it suggests living by your morals first, however you add that this should be within the confines of law which I generally agree with unless we're talking about places like China and so on (i.e communism), particularly when it...
  19. sublimesatanist

    Project 2025

    It's almost as though QAnon is coming out of the shadows and trying to further corrupt right-wing politics while pretending to help 'drain the swamp'. I can't imagine what would happen to so-called hate-speech if this occurs. It would no doubt exclude everything as per usual minus things that...
  20. sublimesatanist

    Uniting Our Russian Communities [орумы Joy of Satan Russia были обновлены! - 17 июня 2024]

    Russia is home to such amazing people of srong moral integrity and values. To see what Putin is trying to do here is unreal. Stay strong our fellow SS in Russia! Also, thank you to the clergy and to our brothers and sisters once again for another job well done. Such challanges are promptly...
  21. sublimesatanist

    Israel Attacking Lebanon

    I've come across a couple of interesting news articles from a website that I'd recommend checking out. Israeli attack on Lebanon rescuers: https://www.rfi.fr/en/middle-east/20240507-hrw-israel-attack-on-lebanon-rescuers-was-unlawful Israeli Missile Strikes Kill 5...
  22. sublimesatanist

    Is this related to intelligence?

    There are some great responses here. I've had similar feelings in life also and I can relate to this idea of having an overly-analytical nature. For some of us, like myself, this is a part of how we process information. In many cases this doesn't mean that a person completely lacks emotional...
  23. sublimesatanist

    For Our People: The Joy of Satan

    Just as the infiltrators have done with Freemasonry (changing it from something good to evil) they have done so to our world throughout the ages and still vainly attempt to do so here. To stand on the right side of this history is an honour none of us should take lightly. The enemy creates new...
  24. sublimesatanist

    Why did Egyptians mummify their deceased?

    I'm pretty sure I remember reading this. The "kabalah" originates from "ka-ba-ankh". If I understand right the 'ba' part is the soul. So we have Ka (astral body), ba (soul) and ankh (physical body). How very interesting that is! Another thing the Egyptians had in hieroglyphs were people with...
  25. sublimesatanist

    Jewish art??

    Absolutely horrific! What a call to action! I'm about half way through the documentary TGSNT and I must say that Hitler had been the most honourable and lovable man I'd ever encountered in history. The weight of what he fought against. The way in which the enemy instigated war at every turn...
  26. sublimesatanist

    Have I been doing things ineffectively, incorrectly?

    Wow, an honourable mention LOL! (First one I had). 😊 I still think you're famous FancyMancy in that many know you here and recognize the positive contributions and attitudes you have about things. Whether its mentioned or not, your posts have been seen by many acompanied with your strong...
  27. sublimesatanist

    World divided in two fronts, even more?

    Thank you for your insights WiseDragon, a great read. That's a relief to hear considering I've adopted a 'zero-trust' standard to Trump, that he's this lesser of two evils but evil and corrupt nonetheless. Much of this indeed could be due to the connections and power he has, not to mention his...
  28. sublimesatanist

    About Joy of Satan Social Media

    "Here" not here, jeez lol! 😊
  29. sublimesatanist

    About Joy of Satan Social Media

    Thank you everyone for your extraordinary efforts and to HPHC for this empowering message. It is beyond words to me how strong the JoS is becoming with spreading such beautiful truth to our world. I used to think I was "unintelligent" yet in my earliest years. In spite of my poor logical ability...
  30. sublimesatanist

    About the reality

    We haven't had a post like this in a long time! If said person wishes to destroy their soul and lead themselves into a life a debauchery that's their prerogative. We are only truly slaves to our mind/consciousness and trough it our actions and beliefs. For this person to make such outrageous...
  31. sublimesatanist

    Base chakra meditation?

    Outstanding information, thank you!!! You're a wizard, Harry-I mean Henu. 🤣 This was very empowering and reassuring to read through. I'll keep at it and I won't worry too much about the more advanced stuff ATM. All things in good time.
  32. sublimesatanist

    Joy of Satan History Restored: Groups Archive Now LIVE!

    I'm in such awe and gratitude for this achievement! What a milestone! There are exceptional posts and sermons in the JoS archives. That's not to say the posts here aren't as informative but rather that there are things there that expand on so much, even information that at times may not appear...
  33. sublimesatanist

    Base chakra meditation?

    Thank you! I'll try that. I know for myself my birth time is vauge and I did experience a premature birth, however I did read somewhere that you can get your birth time from the hospital you were born at. I'll do that and I'll try figuring out some of this astrology because it does appear to be...
  34. sublimesatanist

    Base chakra meditation?

    This was highly informative! I'll keep at the chakra spin meditation and cleaning each of my chakras during my daily routines. The post you made also has some great information on healing. There is so much to do and explore when it comes to healing ourselves. With diet, exercise, meditation and...
  35. sublimesatanist

    Base chakra meditation?

    That is good to know. It appears like a very long and difficult path to get there but I'll do my best. Yes, I did catch that. I was just wondering (along with that route) if I do make contact with one of our Gods how I should go about it. I think a pendulum might help and I feel unsure about a...
  36. sublimesatanist

    Base chakra meditation?

    Thank you for this. I've wondered because I have a number of physical issues that seem to relate solely to the base and naval chakras, yet this probably doesn't mean that the chakra is damaged or blocked. All things considered I'm very fortunate that my challenges are minimal when compared to...
  37. sublimesatanist

    Base chakra meditation?

    This may be an obscure question but I thought I'd ask if you had any thoughts/opinions relating to the base chakra and its role in our development on our path. My thoughts pertaining to this have felt hyperbolic due to a few health challenges. I feel as though the base chakra relates strongly...
  38. sublimesatanist

    Feeling Overwhelmed in Life? / Accomplishing Goals

    Sometimes I wonder if others in the world are doing better than myself because they always say things like 'take care of yourself'. I work hard and do everything 110% and I do feel at times burnt-out yet glad that I'm always making forward progress. I'll try your suggestion out of making a...
  39. sublimesatanist

    How I Became A Spiritual Satanist: About My Studies Of Other Religions

    What astounds me the most in this sermon is how powerful these revelations are! I myself am no expert in history, religion, etc yet I also had that upbringing of being forced into christianity and seeing the never-ending contradictions. That gays have to repent every hour of every day to be...
  40. sublimesatanist

    I love this! Thanks for liking my comment btw! ^_^ I clicked your profile by mistake and I was...

    I love this! Thanks for liking my comment btw! ^_^ I clicked your profile by mistake and I was amazed at the fantastic art, WW2 info and this captivating post. To do everything beautifully and with your soul. You're an emoji expert! I had a few good chuckles there. 😆 Animals and nature are...
  41. sublimesatanist

    Forum Badges: Explained

    I love the badges! Those sporting them have worked hard for the JoS and its integrity, making it a welcome place for all. It also inspires me to improve, to go above and beyond plus a little extra. I expect this begins with researching JoS websites (including old forums), applying what we learn...
  42. sublimesatanist

    Passion Is The Key: What Are You Waiting For?

    and the positive results of our Gods, efforts and cause. We must never forget about that and always keep our focus on it.
  43. sublimesatanist

    Passion Is The Key: What Are You Waiting For?

    This idea that we can achieve incomprehensible progress within just a few hours per day for a week is difficult to grasp for many indeed. We tend to compare ourselves to others in ways that have no basis on our quality of being human (such as knowledge, success, health, charisma and so on). As...
  44. sublimesatanist

    Anonymity & Security Advices

    That's a good idea AODO! This is becoming a popular movement (dumbphones) and its something I agree that I should look into. I prefer calls only while everyone around me likes texting, something that I'm on the fence about. I see people texting at work, on the bus and sitting down with family. I...
  45. sublimesatanist

    Anonymity & Security Advices

    🤣 You're right brother!!! Fuck windows and fuck Bill Gates! Thanks for your insights here. These Linux phones, as cool as they appear, are very laggy and not practical. How fun it would be to have something like that run PC programs though! I'm thinking of an all-in-one approach because I'm on...
  46. sublimesatanist

    Anonymity & Security Advices

    Thanks for sharing this info Brightspace! Based on your above post I think these options might be best for me to start out. On my PC I may try a dual-boot and use Windows solely for creative purposes because I do like the look and feel of it, yet I'm sure it's better to go without and get used...
  47. sublimesatanist

    A Closer Look at Numerology

    *Apologies in advanced for the long comment! 😅 I truly love your post here Korpi and I can't thank you enough for the inspiring insights you shared. Your examples of the number 666 appearing so often is blowing my mind! Numerology is fascinating and it honestly has helped me see the divinity...
  48. sublimesatanist

    Humans Are Better and More-Powerful Than "god" - the Origins of the Methodist Church

    I'm very glad you escaped this horrifying religion that blinds people so badly to truth. Sorry to hear you had to take a more difficult road at first. That image of the angel is familiar and disturbing, much like others I've seen of seraphim and such. These later things as they are described in...
  49. sublimesatanist

    Musical Communication with the Gods: Inquiring into Sounds

    Great info. Today I saw someone with an Ankh tattoo and later an octopus dog toy I sold at work along with more (fake) flowers than usual. Not sure if that counts but I will for sure try meditating on this to gain better awareness. I feel in a way that Astarte is too busy and valuable for a...
  50. sublimesatanist

    Musical Communication with the Gods: Inquiring into Sounds

    Thanks Yeye95! Your words here were helpful. I shouldn't overthink it. Music that is very raw, dark and extreme tends to make me feel at peace and inspired albeit too much 'angry' music for too long at times can make me feel angry at the world. :-/ It might be the same in that I don't care for...
  51. sublimesatanist

    Updates: New JoS Guardian, JoS Donors System, Site Updates, Outreach etc

    I see, thank you Lydia. Jeez how did I not notice that lol!!! 🤣 Congratulations on HPS status! It's amazing to see such a beloved and incredible member of the forums fill that position. I think it's needed because with Maxine's absence that female aspect of the clergy has been missing until you...
  52. sublimesatanist

    Germany Was Going To Win WW2 With Ease

    I'm in awe of your insights here! Many thanks for this contribution. I'll cross-reference where I can and at some point watch a documentary or two and read a book (whatever I can) because I only know tiny bits and pieces about this history which isn't enough on this path. That said, the holohoax...
  53. sublimesatanist

    Why is there no more love between humans?

    The world is in a different place right now. People generally are more stressed due to inflation largely because of the war in Ukraine that the West is throwing money at which mostly has lined the pockets of politicians who only further the war effort. This money has been like throwing gasoline...
  54. sublimesatanist

    Musical Communication with the Gods: Inquiring into Sounds

    I really love your post here! I've always been an extreme kind of person and thus I have this concern that my tastes in music might not be able to communicate to me messages from the Gods, with a few even perhaps misrepresenting concepts of Satanism in some ways, although I am a very musical...
  55. sublimesatanist

    Updates: New JoS Guardian, JoS Donors System, Site Updates, Outreach etc

    This space here keeps growing and expanding, both in quality and quantity. Well done to Karnnonos for his achievements and his well earned title of JG! I greatly look forward to our 2024 here and I thank all of you for your inspiring efforts and accomplishments. Let's all do our best this year...
  56. sublimesatanist

    Bloating Stomach Wife please advise

    This post really speaks to me and I'm glad that I found it! That's crazy! Who knew... and here we have all these FODMAP diets and things that suggest eating smaller portions of food throughout the day with things such as avocado on low-FODMAP toast, bone-broth soups, etc... basically enough...
  57. sublimesatanist

    Enki's Book

    This means to give something in order to obtain something elseu. The christian idea of this has been perverted (giving something for the sake of a higher power). In the case of Satanism and Paganism, burnt offerings were made to celebrate and venerate our Gods and this often involved large...
  58. sublimesatanist

    Life Long Suffering. Looking for a solution.

    I'm very sorry to hear that you've been struggling with this. As a pescetarian having read online a bit too much I understand that deficiencies in iron, B-12, Vitamin D and iodine can cause light-headedness and fainting. I'm guessing your doctor did a blood test. No results? It might be...
  59. sublimesatanist

    Focalor / Lucifuge Rofocal Ritual Now LIVE!

    I see now, thank you HP for posting this!!! I understand much better now and I will work on this ritual with the utmost understanding and conviction. Blessings to you and to the JoS! Hail Satan!
  60. sublimesatanist

    A brief message of encouragement

    Thank you, that's a good suggestion! I think that they mostly use this energy to manifest positive things in the world (they are the most kind and caring of Gods). From what I've read before this is one of the differences between the Wiccan (upright pentagram) vs our inverted pentagram here...
  61. sublimesatanist

    Over the world

    I used to also feel this way when I was new to this path. TBH I dedicated when I was 16. I meditated for a good while and I felt this divine connection to our Gods. I did some amazing art, got into exercising everyday and I had this innocent view of the world, that reality is what you make of...
  62. sublimesatanist

    Focalor / Lucifuge Rofocal Ritual Now LIVE!

    I am ecstatic that we have a new God ritual, right on time for me to properly thank and venerate him. Thank you HPHC for this amazing post and for the beautiful sermon about Focalor. I'm just a little confused about one thing. Why is the title Lucifuge Rofocal considered blaphemous? It appears...
  63. sublimesatanist

    A brief message of encouragement

    This is a strange post yet I wanted to share some bizarre experiences I had today. It was not a good day to start with by any means because my alarm clock didn't go off because I'd accidentally unplugged it. Still, I woke up suddenly feeling energized and I managed to get to work only a few...
  64. sublimesatanist

    Enki's Book

    I think that this might be most likely true in this case: (Typo lol...)
  65. sublimesatanist

    Enki's Book

    No, the flood never actually happened and it was only written about in a spiritual (not literal) sense, in myths and scriptures. Myths are misunderstood today because the are 1.) meant to be taken literally, or 2.) meant to be considered 'fables' (not true), all which is by design from the enemy...
  66. sublimesatanist


    (Disclaimer): You may need a drink of tea or water for my comment... I went overboard again. 😄 Definitely homemade pizza is #1. I'm also a fan of tempeh stir-fry with brown (or wild) rice, salmon + caeser salad with mashed potatoes, guacamole on toast with a blasamic vinegarette salad...
  67. sublimesatanist

    Enki's Book

    This was an allegory about the soul and achieving magnum opus. There was no actual flood and as far as I can tell there is no archaeological evidence to support it aside from legends and scriptures. This includes the Sumerian story among others. In the bible there was a stage of complete...
  68. sublimesatanist

    Group & Teamwork First: How The Gods Work With Us

    Anyone can help others no matter how bad their life may seem. Just by doing little things to help themselves (improve their sleep, get strong routines going, always looking to the positive in life, etc) this act alone helps others. I live with xians and to tell you the truth I used to have...
  69. sublimesatanist

    Artificial Intelligence: Thinking Positive & Without Fear

    I'm with you there!! It's my belief also that genuine art and music cannot be replaced by AI. It might be enhanced for some people, namely in digital art, yet AI (no matter how advanced) lacks a soul and thus it cannot replace true creative expression to its fullest extent. It will be...
  70. sublimesatanist

    Once again, H.P Maxine was right about the Kabbalah

    It goes to show that one who joins xianity and flips over to enemy New Age stuff becomes schizophrenic. This was a great cautionary tale of how badly enemy forces can attack a person. I haven't experienced anything like this except as a young child; often being brought to church, facing...
  71. sublimesatanist

    I, the rest and opposition

    I appreciate that! It took me a lot of time but I realized that people can have a million-and-one reasons to be angry/sad/insecure/etc. I was even one of those people before following this path. In public I acted excessively humble, bending over backwards for everyone. Internally I had this...
  72. sublimesatanist

    I, the rest and opposition

    Draconi666 makes a good point. This hatred we feel does boost the effectiveness of RTRs yet in my experience this is not just anger but righteous anger (emotions that stem from wishing to protect the goodness and purity of our world) which in turn becomes the intent to remove/destroy the...
  73. sublimesatanist

    Earning fiat and paying taxes versus building communities with crypto

    I can't help but feel that crypto is typically more an investment tool than something a typical person would subsist solely from, however this can be done most notably in places like Mexico and South America from what I gather, where crypto is more often accepted as a method of payment. In the...
  74. sublimesatanist

    Embarrassing newbie-esque questions about spinning chakras, etc.

    I appreciate it! The past couple days they've been very quiet thank goodness! I look forward to improving in all ways and I'm very grateful for your support. If it starts sounding like a circus in the house again maybe those earmuffs construction workers use would be a good idea, especially...
  75. sublimesatanist

    I, the rest and opposition

    Very wise words! There's a good quote about this: “Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny.” - Lao Tzu In my...
  76. sublimesatanist

    AI and universe (deep dive)

    WOW this makes total sense! Thank you for sharing your insight. A great post with a wealth of information! I've felt this so much since (just barely) learning about science, starting with biology and moving into particle physics. I've slowly been realizing these patterns everywhere and it's a...
  77. sublimesatanist

    Artificial Intelligence: Thinking Positive & Without Fear

    It's progressing rapidly yet I'm thankful in the fact that many aspects are positive and that there's nothing to really fear. It's just like HPHC mentioned that much of AI intelligence (ChatGDP, etc) is based on public domain sources which may not reflect reality, however to some very large...
  78. sublimesatanist

    Embarrassing newbie-esque questions about spinning chakras, etc.

    About that, I was procrastinating regrettably. I have these internal doubts on whether they might work effectively or not and if they would create any discomfort, but I won't know until I try. I never actually used earplugs before TBH but they do make a difference I'm sure seeing that people...
  79. sublimesatanist

    Embarrassing newbie-esque questions about spinning chakras, etc.

    I don't know if this is something worth asking about yet I thought I'd ask anyway. I've been doing chakra spinning followed by cleaning and then the vu-va-vo meditation prior to doing an RTRs. I am curious, is it correct that I spin them (from a birds-eye view looking down) in a clockwise...
  80. sublimesatanist

    Happy New Satanic Year: 2024

    I'm late adding a response yet better late than never! Happy Satanic new year to everyone and thank you HP for this! Your warm voice resonated deep into my heart and soul. It literally gave me goosebumps! May this place reach many more in this new year and may it continue to grow, touching...
  81. sublimesatanist

    Visualiazing The Chakras With A Black/White Line

    I'm glad you see it that way! Also thanks for your kind words! Yes, these are all the things that we must do (myself included). It's always easier said than done and we all struggle at times yet I'm honoured to be around such kindhearted and encouraging people. Hopefully after enough...
  82. sublimesatanist

    Spiritual Satanism: An Aristocratic Religion

    As a person who only knows absolute extremes (hyperfocus at 110%, 24/7), this is a sermon of great empowerment! I tend to go from one thing to the next and the other, leaving myself feeling as though I am always struggling for time. I will try something drastic for the next 30 days - non-stop...
  83. sublimesatanist

    For or Against Defending Israel, Stamping-out anti-Semitism and Supporting Jews? Here's Why.

    🤣🤣🤣 You're always welcome to poke fun at me lol, I can take that any day of the week, no-homo. 🙂 I think I'm starting to slowly understand Fancy-Mancynese and your "sarcasm" lol. Still, you always keep me on my toes and just a touch confused which I take as a means to develop my thinking...
  84. sublimesatanist

    A very interesting read on individuality vs (((oneness)))

    That's a very fascinating observation. They used way too may dots for no apparent reason! Other than to maybe sound more wise than they are, kind of like how Donald Trump uses long pauses in his speeches. Pastors do that too which really makes me furious. Outside of these examples, people may...
  85. sublimesatanist

    Visualiazing The Chakras With A Black/White Line

    One more little thing (if you get a chance) I'd recommend this post made by JG BlackOnyx8 about setting goals. I found it extremely helpful myself. 😄 https://www.ancient-forums.com/index.php?threads/setting-and-achieving-goals.96131/
  86. sublimesatanist

    Visualiazing The Chakras With A Black/White Line

    Don't worry about that! I'm barely good at math either considering special ed (almost a dropout because of it...) Learning math is optional on this path. We are all our own worst critics, that's for sure! I don't think I'm alone in this feeling, as though I was never enough. After talking to a...
  87. sublimesatanist

    For or Against Defending Israel, Stamping-out anti-Semitism and Supporting Jews? Here's Why.

    Just noticed... for the sake of better clarification... (trolls and infiltrators) was a contrasting comparison as you're neither of these obviously yet I think I remember a comment or two where some had that idea... people are strange I guess. To most everyone I'd say you're posts are quite...
  88. sublimesatanist

    Visualiazing The Chakras With A Black/White Line

    Hi Korpi, thank you for the inspiring post here! I just had a little part I was confused about and I thought I'd ask if I might be following this correctly. 26 (combed faces, vertices and edges of cube) doubled... ...reduces to 7 = the same number of edges. vertices x edges = 96 (x) ...(x)...
  89. sublimesatanist

    WW2 History/Memorabilia Thread

    That's crazy!!! I did not know that but now I do. 🙂 Thank you for the information. I'd always for some reason loved both Germany (their music, scientific/medical/technological advances, culture, history and language) and Japan (remarkable history, technology/innovation, art, culture, language...
  90. sublimesatanist

    Your Relation With The Gods & Communicating Properly

    I think I can understand where you might be coming from. In my experience, they sometimes are there immediately and frequently while other times they give us answers in the form of day-to-day experiences and realizations over long periods. I think it could be that since they know us and our...
  91. sublimesatanist

    For or Against Defending Israel, Stamping-out anti-Semitism and Supporting Jews? Here's Why.

    I suppose your right there, however I have heard some things... crazy things about dead internet theory and this other theory floating around about how everything in the internet (going back something like 15 years) has been archived on servers some place silicon valley which (((for all we...
  92. sublimesatanist

    Learning Respect and Freedom

    Thank you so much for your insight! It truly helped me out. I shouldn't be so strict worrying about if or what I may lack. I never knew that there was such a thing as emotional intelligence (EQ). I sometimes can feel extremely insecure when I'd see a person who appears far more capable than...
  93. sublimesatanist

    Reading/learning addiction

    Astounding! No wonder flowers are so common in these myths and cultures! Beltane also. 🙂 You've really opened my mind with this allegory. It amazes me how deep and spiritual this all is. Highly moving and empowering! So these flowers extend to 'heaven' I suppose, hence the various colours...
  94. sublimesatanist

    For or Against Defending Israel, Stamping-out anti-Semitism and Supporting Jews? Here's Why.

    Very interesting article F.M. 🙂 I thought I'd throw out something stupidly random (don't know if you use Windows or not), but I found out that you can set a custom dark theme in 'themes' that makes everything black (even any website you visit) with your choice of letter colouring, etc. Just a...
  95. sublimesatanist

    WW2 History/Memorabilia Thread

    I wanted to open a very random post about something I found to be interesting. This is an old find (discovered via wiby.me) which is a website that links you typically to old internet sites without javascript. This shows some photos of a WW2 era refinery and when you click at the bottom...
  96. sublimesatanist

    Spiritual Support Thread - Never Give Up!

    I know exactly what you mean here about entities and their energy. It's a little crazy but I've always had this intuition and feeling about these things. I was baptized as a child and it was not fun at all (so many traumas from back then)... there were literal vibrations in the water that were...
  97. sublimesatanist

    Reading/learning addiction

    Your writing here is of exceptional value and I'm glad I came across it! I'm coming to realize that the Greek Gods are at times more allegory, though isn't Zeus the same God as Beelzebub? Appolo/Azazel? And Poseidon/Satan? This whole pantheon has a broad way of representing our Gods. These...
  98. sublimesatanist

    Your Relation With The Gods & Communicating Properly

    I appreciate your elaboration! Excellent analogies! I see, the Gods show us patience at that young-and-dumb and new stage where we need to develop ourselves while through this process we are taught the value of patience and that things don't happen overnight, that it takes time and effort...
  99. sublimesatanist

    Learning Respect and Freedom

    actual "harm" to others... jeez I need to learn to type lol!
  100. sublimesatanist

    Learning Respect and Freedom

    *Edit: so long as it's morally just and it doesn't cause actual to others.
  101. sublimesatanist

    Learning Respect and Freedom

    I see now! That makes more sense to me. 😆 Thanks for clearing up my confusion. From my little bit of reading and learning it appears that 8 states require a permit to purchase a firearm while 18 states require background checks. So the 2nd amendment has rules and regulations surrounding it...
  102. sublimesatanist

    Learning Respect and Freedom

    I also learned this reading around... things I just never knew. The USA is crazy! Many states have added restrictions and regulations that may require additional background checks or waiting periods. But, for the most part, Americans can typically purchase a gun within hours. Under federal law...
  103. sublimesatanist

    Learning Respect and Freedom

    Woops, I should correct myself there... Switzerland has less farming than the US, however nearly 18% of it is organic while in the US it's less than 1%... better farming practices. It's all very interesting to me how different all these countries are. Thanks also for sharing the info about...
  104. sublimesatanist

    Learning Respect and Freedom

    That was a response and a half but I do honestly appreciate it because wow.... you covered a lot that I never actually knew. You may need a coffee/tea yourself because I have some lengthy thoughts on these things (my apologies in advanced!) Switzerland and their lax gun laws yet little gun...
  105. sublimesatanist

    Marriage & Baptism in Spiritual Satanism: About Love

    This is a beautiful message and one that I feel should resonate with everyone. For myself, I once felt impartial to what my partner's views were so long as they were a good person who I liked and felt attracted to. Now in stating this one can easily imagine that it's easier said than done...
  106. sublimesatanist

    Learning Respect and Freedom

    I don't mean to stoke any fires on this highly complex issue but I think that you might be taking Ol agedco luciftias's insinuation as an assertion. I'm not all that informed but what I gather is that estimates suggest that 80% of gun-related crimes in the USA are committed with illegal...
  107. sublimesatanist

    Learning Respect and Freedom

    Keyboard warriors... I was guilty of feeding into this a few times and I've been evaluating this in myself. I'd see one stupid comment with poor grammar stating something like 'not true. where u learn that google?' It's things like this which at times make me feel anger, yet the extremity of...
  108. sublimesatanist

    Learning Respect and Freedom

    I think I know exactly what you mean here - scapegoating (i.e shifting blame) to something vague and to a degree without real context or meaning. Being someone who was diagnosed as severely autistic and the world throwing me into a sort-of downward spiral due to my label (not being allowed to...
  109. sublimesatanist

    Partition of Ukraine

    The enemy's control is horrifyingly expansive, hence the obvious controlled opposition between the 'so-called' alt-right movement of Trump and Putin, both which have done far more harm than good in their respective countries. The enemy likes to play both sides to achieve certain ends while...
  110. sublimesatanist

    Learning Respect and Freedom

    Considering young parents today it does seem like they are either 1.) overly-strict entitled narcissists who cannot admit to their kids that they too are fallible. 2.) meek introverts who try to befriend their children without providing enough discipline. This is a real problem today and I...
  111. sublimesatanist

    Astarte's Ethics: Now Live

    Horrid typo, sorry everyone!!! Alongside, not aside.
  112. sublimesatanist

    Astarte's Ethics: Now Live

    I've never seen such beauty and perfection in writing! Hail Astarte for her divine wisdom and sincerely, thank you HPHC for channelling these extraordinarily powerful and motivating words to us. The more I piece together little things and keep meditating the more I begin to see the importance of...
  113. sublimesatanist

    Question #4462: Satan

    I've heard of something like this before somewhere; that there is no real past or future but only present moments at different spaces in the space-time continuum. Does this mean that time-travel is not possible? Ideas like this are confusing and fascinating to me... physics, the universe, etc.
  114. sublimesatanist

    Drug Rehabilitation Center

    I know exactly how hard this can be as I was in-and-out of remission with mary-jew-wanna for too many years to count on my journey here. My closest friends smoke it unfortunately. I go to karaoke and I put the foot down on myself after struggling financially. I told myself that I can't afford...
  115. sublimesatanist

    Idealism VS Objectivity in Satanism?

    Thank you for writing this and my apologies for not noticing it until now. You make fantastic points! This path is indeed the most direct, logical and true path in life yet it is certainly one where we face challenges of avoiding escapism and bad habits. These things are everywhere! Bad eating...
  116. sublimesatanist

    How efficient is RTR? Can it be practiced by non-Satanist?

    Also, who guaruntees that RTRs work? Our Gods (these were gifts from them carried through a most advanced and loving person). Apart from that, we ourselves determine if they work or not through our intention and will. In this respect we turn off our logical brain almost completely and focus on...
  117. sublimesatanist

    How efficient is RTR? Can it be practiced by non-Satanist?

    One little thing I'll add to this string of comments (they are very accurate!) is that we don't worship in the way that other religions do. Hence why we tend to avoid the word worship and opt for words like 'revere' or 'praise'. We also do not view our Gods as beings that we give our will to...
  118. sublimesatanist

    Managing Disease and Pain.

    This is extremely inspiring! I've been faced a hefty burden yet this year I've been really working on myself spiritually and I am seeing moderate improvement. Physicians are simply no help sometimes. Mine in particular acts as if I'm a hypochondriac and solely used a blood panel, a stool test...
  119. sublimesatanist

    My drawing thread

    Thanks for the feedback! Posting some artwork is a good idea. I honestly think I should also get back into it. I have some artwork from high school and I took art classes there. After graduating however I gave up a sort-of dream of being a manga artist and got more involved with working and...
  120. sublimesatanist

    My drawing thread

    One more thing, you don't have to worry about the eyes too much, especially since this would be likely a small area to work with. (I was vaguely describing something far too hyper-realistic, my apologies). Examples for this... and this (way to crazy!) I'm not the best at giving...
  121. sublimesatanist

    My drawing thread

    PS - sorry it might not be the best image. Models tend to use a lot of makeup. :-/
  122. sublimesatanist

    My drawing thread

    Yay, it works still. (imgbb.com), upload image, copy/paste/open link, right-click image to open in new tab and that brings you to the working link (found in the address bar) for posting here.
  123. sublimesatanist

    My drawing thread

    You don't give yourself enough credit! These are outstanding and I can tell that a lot of time and work went into them. I've done some art in the past and one of my struggles in some of my art has been not completing pieces as I get bored and wish to start something new and (possibly) better...
  124. sublimesatanist

    Important Notice: Members Allowed to Apply

    This is definitely something I'd have interest in. I would like to ask however, what are some ways that we can protect our identity? I've seen too many things about AI and the way that up to 100 years of data online has been archived in servers. I have this feeling that the online digital space...
  125. sublimesatanist

    Eclipse Faked?

    My mistake... "Satan's Library" (not Satanic Library).... It's been a while since I looked through it.
  126. sublimesatanist

    Eclipse Faked?

    His voice did seem very off... kind of shuddering and whatnot. I thought at first he might've had spasmodic dysphonia or something, yet this is unlikely and very rare. Great observation! That's a relief to hear. I keep on hearing things about project blue beam and I heard of this other thing...
  127. sublimesatanist

    Eclipse Faked?

    I wanted to share something I came across which I think is in the realm of possibility. This isn't something to dwell on however as we know that no matter what happens in the world, our cause and our path always leads to victory, be it within our lifetime or future ones. All that being said...
  128. sublimesatanist

    A thank you

    I love this post and I'm inspired how you got yourself out of a seemingly impossible situation solely through the JoS. It goes to show what focus, hard work and meditation can do. I'd never been homeless yet I've been in poverty and battled through disease. Things for myself haven't been great...
  129. sublimesatanist

    Happy Beltane, Hail Baalzebul!

    A very happy Beltaine to all! I feel like this will be a year for much positive change and transformation.
  130. sublimesatanist

    Music is a really important part for understanding how the Mind & Universe Works.

    I'm very inspired by your writing here! I've been a little obsessed with music myself lately (solely digital so far) and I started with LMMS and I'm now (slowly) working towards mastering Ableton. You're so right that vibration (sound) is fundamental to all things in the world just as Tesla...
  131. sublimesatanist

    About Trance — An Alternate Approach [MEDITATION]

    This was very well written and if offers some amazing insight and advice! Thanks Power of Justice! I wanted to ask, not that it's important, but I'm curious about sitting cross-legged. Is this a necessary skill to hone? I've always had difficulty since I was a child with sitting cross-legged...
  132. sublimesatanist

    Controlling Over-Analyzing Mind; Strengthening Creative Mind

    I also struggle with chess and strategy, but I am very left-brained. I studied another language and I'm really into music. One thing that might help is building routines. Cleaning dishes, cooking/measuring, doing all that kind of menial stuff that no one likes doing... but instead find a way to...
  133. sublimesatanist

    Controlling Over-Analyzing Mind; Strengthening Creative Mind

    I agree with Lydia here. I've given this some thought too and indeed the subconscious mind and the soul act in similar ways and they can easily affect each other. We program our subconscious through conditioning via our logical mind (this creates autonomic responses and impulses) while we affect...
  134. sublimesatanist

    Controlling Over-Analyzing Mind; Strengthening Creative Mind

    This post really helps me a lot! Thanks Lydia! I'm a very strong left-brained thinker and it's been difficult to not life in a left-brained existence. I might try classical music and see how it goes. I tend to only like extreme music like industrial, EBM and black metal. Also, doing things like...
  135. sublimesatanist

    Feminists, Incels, MGTOW, GBLTQAI

    I agree that this is often the case, yet there are always some you will meet who are outstanding people with great values. I knew one that was one of the most open-minded and thoughtful people I'd met. Although she had ADHD traits and seemed to always be happy even when she was stressed out...
  136. sublimesatanist

    Feminists, Incels, MGTOW, GBLTQAI

    BTW - a random thing I forgot to say - that is the most awesome banner I've seen! (It made me laugh!) I might have to put that on a coffee mug or something it's so great lol! 🤣 Thanks again for the comment and my apologies for my deep thinking. I could be wrong about one or two things (a bit...
  137. sublimesatanist

    Feminists, Incels, MGTOW, GBLTQAI

    That makes perfect sense to me, thanks for sharing! I've had this issue before in the past also - feelings of poor self-esteem, inadequacy, comparing myself to others and so on. I learned about an interesting concept in psychology called 'the wise mind' that sits between the logical mind and...
  138. sublimesatanist

    Feminists, Incels, MGTOW, GBLTQAI

    I cannot tolerate the over-representation of the GLBTQI+(infinity) community. I have nothing against the identification of gay or lesbian people, however the rest are to me a symptom of poor mental health. For the former two I'd suggest that they do not require the over-representation that...
  139. sublimesatanist

    Non-jewish News Outlets

    I don't know about trustworthy news as there are lies all over the place with some half truths among absolute truths. Most everyone is influenced by the enemy in some way or another irrespective of what they believe or claim. Considering I'm not exceptional in this area I'm sure there are...
  140. sublimesatanist

    I finally heard satan voice in my dream

    I agree here, Satan shows us such love and compassion! I saw him once (for a few moments) at night after waking up suddenly smiling at me with his arms crossed an bright white aura. Another time I simply asked him in my mind 'what do I do' at a time where I was overcome by distress and...
  141. sublimesatanist

    Faith In The Gods - No Matter What

    HPHC, you made such a truthful and reassuring message! We needn't get lost in the left-brain thinking and remember that we are with the Gods! What an amazing thing! The power of the mind is far more vast than what we consider it to be and it is through meditation that we become more aware of...
  142. sublimesatanist

    The Sins Of Israel & Iran War

    This is upsetting news to hear but it was to be expected. Barbarian Netan-yahoo is doing the very thing he said pissrael would do - spread their incursion past Gaza and into Iran and other parts of the Middle East (Jordan, Syria and so on if I recall). This is sickening and I will revel in the...
  143. sublimesatanist

    New US Civil War, Predictive Programming Moment?

    Very interesting! I find that it's almost impossible to plan if or when civil war would occur, however things do keep escalating as they always do. The US debt is forecasted to reach a staggering $50 trillion by 2033 with an average increase rate of $5.2 billion per day which is absolutely...
  144. sublimesatanist

    There is something missing on this forum...

    I can very much relate to this feeling, especially as a new person. Things here aren't so streamlined, chronologized and categorized. Say for instance someone wants to learn more about Beelzebub and his various names... that information exists yet it isn't directly on the forums. At times...
  145. sublimesatanist

    Sacfrices: What you do for Satan.

    Thank you so much for the comment! You make such an amazing point here! I must add that things are finally improving which I didn't expect. I was for so long trying to work too hard to make perfect meals, calculate them, weigh them and plan everything around them. If I ever happened to eat out...
  146. sublimesatanist

    Let Us Save The Goddamn World!

    No worries there, I see now. I'm glad you're not involved in other practices and sorry if my comment came across as reactive. I worry because it is extremely important to stick to the teachings here and never go outside of them. I'm glad to hear that you're not involved in that. For security in...
  147. sublimesatanist

    Sacfrices: What you do for Satan.

    Incredible post brother! I had felt like this a lot in my past. This weakness is the pinnacle of what we must eviscerate from our lives completely. Mental weakness. Physical weakness. Spiritual weakness. It all amounts to nothing but our own detriment. I had so many health problems since I was...
  148. sublimesatanist

    Feeling Sick from Yoga? + Spiritual Purity

    Thank you so much for this detailed article you created! I'm saving this! It's no wonder so many of us have hypochondria, myself being no exception. We feel poorly before we heal and improve; be it in dietary changes, exercise and even spiritual changes. This is described generally in medicine...
  149. sublimesatanist

    STOP quoting whole posts.

    Whoops! Edit: "The new forums no longer require the [ quote ] ... [ /quote ] parts." They do still work however. :)
  150. sublimesatanist

    STOP quoting whole posts.

    I'd like to add a little trick I discovered that works well for me (just for people who may come across this thread). After clicking 'reply' try holding 'shift' and the 'up' arrow key until all the text is highlighted, then (while holding shift) press the 'right' arrow key once and hit...
  151. sublimesatanist

    Let Us Save The Goddamn World!

    Black fire? Blessing and cursing? These concepts relate to Luciferianism which is rotten and heavily corrupted with kabbalist magic. Satan's fire is represented by the solar plexus chakra; the grail (hence his sigil). It is golden - the colour of truth, prosperity, lifeforce and purity. It is...
  152. sublimesatanist

    Let Us Save The Goddamn World!

    This is a powerful wake up call to action! We must all take action no matter how small it may seem. Doubt is our enemy! I've been noticing that my aura feels stronger and more powerful when I visualize and believe that it is after meditating; yet if I visualize it in a minimalist sort-of way...
  153. sublimesatanist

    Videogame for us?

    I concur, this is a monumental service and much thanks! I also agree. I used to play a lot of platformer games growing up, then Skyrim and now I gave them up also. Life is the best video game there is. We have real-life NPCs, different levels (stages in life), final bosses and so on. Breaking...
  154. sublimesatanist

    Jihadism, Al-Qaeda, ISIS... What is it really?

    I see, thank you for this tidbit! It's very tragic how contrived and corrupt this whole issue is yet that's how it goes. It's getting to this point for me that every problem that exists literally can be traced to these (((so-called people))) - the banking system, Blackrock/Vanguard, the British...
  155. sublimesatanist

    Journaling, Writing to Yourself

    This was a beautiful post by someone who has clearly mastered this skill! I will read it over again for sure. I used to write poetry and I felt such inspiration from that alone. I'll have to try this journaling and see where it takes me. It's much better than making other people and my own mind...
  156. sublimesatanist

    Write Down Your Problems

    Wow, I feel like there's nothing left to write! I have truly never felt less alone and I thank all of you for your inputs! I relate to so much written here already which is very empowering in itself! I have a black/white world view and I can only compare and contrast things constantly. I've...
  157. sublimesatanist

    Jihadism, Al-Qaeda, ISIS... What is it really?

    I just wanted to ask our members here if anyone knows more about these topics and can either give a brief explanation or point me to a resource to find said information. I don't know much at all save from what I've heard over the years from MSM. I certainly understand the extremism of certain...
  158. sublimesatanist

    Jewish surnames ORIGINS AND/OR MEANINGS

    Just found this recently. Sorry for commenting on such an old post, I just found compelling how much the enemy takes from German names. More than 80% of Jews are of the Ashkenazi lineage. It's interesting how frequently the word German appears on this list (roughly 363 times to be exact). I...
  159. sublimesatanist

    Small Question - AOP vs Cleaning

    Also, thank you so much for this part (in bold)! I feel that is exactly what I need to do to help me overcome that weakness in myself that I sometimes face. No more distractions! Jewtube and such are terrible for this, almost to a point like it's made that way honestly.
  160. sublimesatanist

    Small Question - AOP vs Cleaning

    Great advice! Budgeting time is much like budgeting money given that we have to create hierarchies and plans. When we don't budget our money properly we feel as though we have no money. It's the same with time. I'll keep working to improve that and I thank you for your insight here. Moderation...
  161. sublimesatanist

    Small Question - AOP vs Cleaning

    This is a captivating and extremely descriptive response, thank you! I will take it to heart an not be too concerned over energy colour and instead focus more on visualization and feeling. I appreciate your time writing this NakedPluto. One thing that I find myself struggling with at times is...
  162. sublimesatanist

    Small Question - AOP vs Cleaning

    I'm sorry to ask such a simple little question but I have some confusion about the fundamental differences between cleaning and protection. According to the JoS site both use white-gold energy, yet cleaning can also use white energy. I've been using the latter for cleaning due to my confusion...
  163. sublimesatanist

    Order of Importance Regarding Meditation?

    I have a slightly embarrassing situation that I've been struggling with. Lately I've had busy days that leave me an hour to meditate at night. Other times I cannot meditate at all (just work, get groceries, cook something, sleep and work the next day). This especially happens when I'm asked to...
  164. sublimesatanist

    Tips on how to avoid reincarnation?

    These two points very much resonate with me. I agree with many things David Icke mentioned in some of his videos that I've seen, though I have yet to read his books. They are probably worthwhile, especially with a strong SS perspective! I saw this one video (podcast) from a woman who had spent...
  165. sublimesatanist

    Protection During Ritual Schedules

    Thanks for this post! I never knew about this extra powerful method of creating an AoP and it's something I'll include daily. I figured I should ask - is it true that performing an AoP should be done after RTRs? I usually do one cleaning and AoP every morning, then cleaning and RTR at night...
  166. sublimesatanist

    Zarathustra's Wheel.

    Exceptional post, thanks Arcadia. It cleared up my confusion and has encouraged me to learn with more of an even more open mind. Although Nietzsche was opposed to NS he wrote such powerful and outstanding works! Too much bias is not a good thing in our development. Even people I can't stand in...
  167. sublimesatanist

    Zarathustra's Wheel.

    It's so true that we face these things in life that try to throw us off-course constantly. The work of the enemy, people in our lives, our own struggles and so forth. I will keep reminding myself that we are spiritual beings and that we can overcome all obstacles of our physical realm through...
  168. sublimesatanist

    VOC Moon Questions

    That's a good analogy! I have noticed that progress we make seems to be permanent (I've opened one chakra so far) and that things do become easier. I kept having this feeling that what I do would dissipate over time and become hard to start again. This was probably a mental block I created in...
  169. sublimesatanist

    VOC Moon Questions

    I totally misunderstood, silly me. New workings... I get it now. For some reason I thought things like RTRs aren't cumulative but I suppose they are. So all workings (cleaning the aura, etc) build up overtime? It's no wonder stopping and starting again can be very challenging. Thanks again and...
  170. sublimesatanist

    VOC Moon Questions

    Thanks Lydia! That answers my most pressing question! I should add though; is it better start all workings (including RTRs, cleaning aura, etc) before the void moon? Can these particular things still be done during a VoC? Will they still be effective? It's a little confusing to me but this VoC...
  171. sublimesatanist

    Somehow I knew about Satanic/Freemasonic believing before getting into it , is it possible?

    I see what you mean now. That's a very positive sign! I feel much the same (also a big Yugioh and anime fan in my youth). I'm very glad you dodged that bullet! I also had this interest in Freemasonry in my younger years, thinking that it might be something for me. They take from some ancient...
  172. sublimesatanist

    A Meaning In Godhood

    I keep thinking about Tesla lately... Everything is a wave! Even a circle can be understood as a wave; spinning and cycling ad infinitum. This idea of pushing and pulling, breathing, undulations and so forth. It truly is the basis of all reality and you very well captured this idea. Often times...
  173. sublimesatanist

    VOC Moon Questions

    I'm starting some major workings and I'm very thankful for the calendar our members worked so hard on creating! The VOCs appear different than ones you can find online for free, obviously showing how much work went into the accuracy, time zones and so forth. I just wanted to know. There are...
  174. sublimesatanist

    What do you think? Am I in the right direction?

    Sorry for the last reply, I felt a little confused about the question. I think you are on the right track! Building up your inner-world and manifesting it into the real world to build and shape the life that suits you best. Success in this regard I suppose would be acquiring things and people in...
  175. sublimesatanist

    What do you think? Am I in the right direction?

    Success is something determined by its quality in my view. Our health, ability to save money and live within our means and the ability to be self-sufficient without depending too much on things like fast food and so on bring more success in life than what is superficial. Our wealth is a very...
  176. sublimesatanist

    Somehow I knew about Satanic/Freemasonic believing before getting into it , is it possible?

    I'm not very well versed in these things myself, however there are many posts on Freemasonry. I'd recommend typing in 'Freemasonry' in that search bar at the top-right and read through some of the posts. As far as I can tell, Freemasonry originated in ancient Egypt and it was Satanic...
  177. sublimesatanist

    What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger - A Misunderstood Idea

    I can't stand pop music... Anyway! I wanted to open a brief discussion on this concept and dispel (from my knowledge so far) why it's vastly misunderstood. Here on the forums and through the knowledge of the JoS, this idea is based perfectly in logic and reason in which it's maintained and...
  178. sublimesatanist

    Quitting coffee

    Oh right, moon square will be a big help for me! I'm very excited to see how that goes and I will make sure to keep at it with with utmost determination and confidence. Thanks again! Hail Satan!
  179. sublimesatanist

    Quitting coffee

    That makes sense. I'm a Virgo and have very strong traits like that (attention to detail, perfectionism and modesty) whilst medical science is very much this way; passive and a little too detailed. Like you say, medical science today does go backwards considering the lack of critical thought and...
  180. sublimesatanist

    Quitting coffee

    Very fascinating! Thanks Ol argedo lucifias! I can understand now why this topic of coffee is so complex. Some here will defend it to the death and I understand why as it can be very addictive and create this feedback loop of feeling the need to create more of that energy from nowhere (along...
  181. sublimesatanist

    Quitting coffee

    I see now, thank you Henu! I always avoided learning TCM because it seemed outside of science to me for some reason. I notice in myself that I tend to think in terms of logic a bit too much and avoid things that appear too broad. That said, TCM has worked for thousands of years and it's...
  182. sublimesatanist

    Ukraine and Organ Harvesting

    Whoops. Countries (not trips).
  183. sublimesatanist

    Ukraine and Organ Harvesting

    Couldn't find the ski-trip anecdote but he did make a number of trips... 36 to be exact. The enemy loves those numbers and I cannot figure out why... triggering christards? Numerical power? Two-for-one? These so-called (((people)))... It's serious RTR time for me...
  184. sublimesatanist

    Ukraine and Organ Harvesting

    I forgot to add... mandatory enlistment? That should go against all kinds of civil rights. I hope that Zelenski suffers for this greatly. I heard somewhere once that he took a skiing trip somewhere (Norway perhaps) as soon as the war kicked off. My heart goes out to fellow SS out there and I...
  185. sublimesatanist

    Ukraine and Organ Harvesting

    This is confusing to me. There are many reports of staged events, body-bags and mock-up photographs which appear on the news in the west as politicians seek to increase funds for the war effort. Take this recent article for instance...
  186. sublimesatanist

    Quitting coffee

    Reading through old posts (apologies)... I just wanted to ask, where did you get these ideas from? TCM? It seems a little outside of the research that I know of. Here's what I've come to find most true: Coffee blocks adenosine receptors from receiving said hormone, making us not feel tired...
  187. sublimesatanist

    IBS and Malabsorption

    That makes sense. It's also very addictive and time-consuming, so I will quit. It won't be fun but I feel that it's necessary for me as it can be very anxiety inducing at times. Coffee also... it messes with my circadian rhythm and perhaps digestion to an extent. If I plan to heal myself I...
  188. sublimesatanist

    Astarte: Eternal Queen and Mother / Spring Equinox

    This was a beautiful post! I'd always felt this deep love for our lady Astarte (Astaroth). In my life I'd faced such challenges. Though I've grown out of it so much yet I still feel it's there. Presently I'm really working on it though! Namely in the 'soil' and 'eliminating diease' aspects. I...
  189. sublimesatanist

    IBS and Malabsorption

    I should add one more thing... I hate to admit it but I have a difficult habit with vaping. This is something I should probably try quitting, although it is such a coping mechanism to me. I keep thinking 'maybe I should get organic vape juice products, etc.' I'm probably better without I...
  190. sublimesatanist

    IBS and Malabsorption

    THANK YOU Henu! This helps a lot. Blitzerkrieg gave me some great information on sun squares recently. "As you may know, the Moon rules the intestines and the elimination of things. Here we find the relation to the IBS, as the moon controls these tissues, but is also responsible for creating...
  191. sublimesatanist

    IBS and Malabsorption

    Great stuff, I'll do that. Milk is a tough one because where I live raw milk is illegal, so I'll try kefir instead as I don't have any issues with it. Cutting out these healthy staples will be tough for me but it must be done! Hopefully after a month or so I can slowly re-introduce them into the...
  192. sublimesatanist

    A Message To Those Who Give Us Courage: Keep Blossoming!

    I'm very sorry for being panicked, confused and raving about things that have no basis in my own reality for far too long. I've been healing so much recently and I'm feeling better than ever! Digestive problems and anxiety are a killer. Constantly researching about every possible condition is...
  193. sublimesatanist

    IBS and Malabsorption

    I really appreciate your comments Aquarius! Sorry in advanced for this extremely late update. It's hard to put my symptoms in words but the best I can describe this as is bloating, IBS-C and steatorrhea from a not-so-easy birth. I'm finding that homemade quacamole on sprouted grain toast with...
  194. sublimesatanist

    Idealism VS Objectivity in Satanism?

    That's a spectacular point! A person focused and living only for truth in spite of the challenges is truly a rare person... almost perhaps 0.001 percent of all people or less. Eugenics! This is an interesting idea. I'd always thought that it could end very badly, like in the film 'Gattaca'. For...
  195. sublimesatanist

    Idealism VS Objectivity in Satanism?

    Amazing feedback! I tend to feel too empathetic about others yet you are right! I've had some life-long problems I've been working on throughout my life and it honestly feels like climbing out of a hole to reach that level ground where everyone else starts at, yet at the same time I have gained...
  196. sublimesatanist

    Thoughts on Activism?

    I see, I was being a little myopic and emotionally driven. Thanks for that! Leading by example is the best way for sure! That's an amazing idea. I've come to realize that I have some people in my family that are Freemasons while the rest are NPCs who look up to these people and believe every...
  197. sublimesatanist

    Idealism VS Objectivity in Satanism?

    Just a short question for everyone. Is there a delineation between what and what isn't realistic in this path? By this I'd like to ask about those who cannot in some capacity achieve to the same degree as 99% of others. Take for instance schizophrenics? Those with irreparable head trauma...
  198. sublimesatanist

    You are Satan, or better yet, an extension of Him

    I love your post! I tend to portray myself as an anarchist inside and out and I try to plant seeds in people's mind on how to find their own power, truth and thus become free and independent in a every way. This I feel is the best way to wake people up to how backwards the world is. What you...
  199. sublimesatanist

    Ukraine and Organ Harvesting

    I'm very sorry to here this. 'Jewtin' vs 'Jewlinski'... I can't imagine the level of corruption going on there and I feel amiss for not having looked into this enough. My focus tended to get overwhelmed with the situation in Palestine, vax cover-ups and censorship bills rolling into the West...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
