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Reading/learning addiction


Dec 12, 2023
Mars and Pluto in the 3rd House of Sagittarius alongside Lilith Dark Moon.

How to sublimate this energy? I have a reading/learning addiction and the energy is so obsessive.

Will next week's Mars in Aries Square help me to become more oriented towards achievement in the physical world, or will it exacerbate this pre-existing tendency?

And what does Lilith Dark Moon mean in this context?
Mars and Pluto in your natal house, as you already see, lead you to put your focus/energy (Mars) in your life, even obsessive (Pluto), as far as natal house matters, the third. (Mercury) (studies).

You can “use them,” to get to discover the truth about things, go deep (Pluto) into spiritual matters (sagittarius) and expand this knowledge and experience in “big” (sagittarius).

Also because you most likely have an unconscious desire (Black Moon), related to the topic of the third house, which in this case seems to be directly related to the “hunger” for study, learning and research, in relation to the spiritual (sagittarius).

Use this configuration to deepen this topic and attain true knowledge and apply it to advance with the gods.

The Mars square can increase this predisposition in an inescapable way. But you should not have many problems if you maintain “control” over what you do.
This is normal. "Information" and "knowledge" are connected to the mind. And this is a key point.

If you look at the Gemini glyph, ruler of the third house, the mind, you can see its duality, the lower (material) mind and the upper (divine) mind.

The "ladder" representing the next step, its upper octave, "connection with Divinity." The axis 3rd house, (Gemini) Mind, creation, connection, and 9th house (Sagittarius), Jupiter, Zeus, Divinity, spirituality.

Hermes rules the mind and Gemini. "He can ascend and descend". He is the only one who can descend to Hades, Hades only allows Hermes, and he can also ascend to Olympus. Hermes the divine messenger.

This is one of the most important points for the enemy to block, and that is what they do. "The mind is the bridge that connects and can access."
This is one of the most important points for the enemy to block, and that is what they do. "The mind is the bridge that connects and can access."
This is normal. "Information" and "knowledge" are connected to the mind. And this is a key point.
I was always captivated by the idea of the mind being humanity's principal agent of evolution.

I'm sure I could've saved at least one or two lifetime's worth of effort if genuine knowledge was made readily accessible.

Do you differentiate between "information" and "knowledge" or are you using the terms interchangebly here?

If you look at the Gemini glyph, ruler of the third house, the mind, you can see its duality, the lower (material) mind and the upper (divine) mind.

The "ladder" representing the next step, its upper octave, "connection with Divinity." The axis 3rd house, (Gemini) Mind, creation, connection, and 9th house (Sagittarius), Jupiter, Zeus, Divinity, spirituality.
How would Gemini's symbolism come into play here with its relation to a Mercury in Scorpio? I'm not sure if Scorpio is actually spiritual sign or not, of the "divine" sort, but it obviously tie's in heavily with the occult?

Also, speaking of glyphs, I've noticed the "images" of numbers and numerology seem to have a clear link. For example, "8" and its striking resemblance to the infinity symbol, as well its relation to "permanence" in numerology... The symbol itself has no exit point, and perpetually flows into itself, forever.
Hermes rules the mind and Gemini. "He can ascend and descend". He is the only one who can descend to Hades, Hades only allows Hermes, and he can also ascend to Olympus. Hermes the divine messenger.
So, essentially, the mind itself is the """messenger""" between these two realms, and this is what Hermes represents? ... Very interesting. Which God was Hermes again?
Do you differentiate between "information" and "knowledge" or are you using the terms interchangebly here?
I used it as two different things.

How would Gemini's symbolism come into play here with its relation to a Mercury in Scorpio? I'm not sure if Scorpio is actually spiritual sign or not, of the "divine" sort, but it obviously tie's in heavily with the occult?
Hades rules the subterranean, dark, deep realm, the lowest part, the end, power over death, the final cycles, the wealth of the earth, “plutos” in Greek means wealth.

Pluto, together with the Sun, rules the rich.

Pluto is connected to the occult and divinity. Hades is the deity of the afterlife, brother of Zeus.

Pluto's glyph “speaks” of the soul “overtaking” the material plane and reaching the soul in its pure form. Without imperfection. The circle (the soul) above matter (the cross) and the half moon (the boundary between the material and spiritual planes).

Mercury in scorpio can give the native:

Depth. Mental power. Occult ability, mainly connected with the dead or death in general, strong predisposition in communication through the other dimensional planes, great mental ability, at the level of strategy, analysis, through the higher mind, seeing beyond “boundaries,” ability in research, investigation and more.

Also, speaking of glyphs, I've noticed the "images" of numbers and numerology seem to have a clear link. For example, "8" and its striking resemblance to the infinity symbol, as well its relation to "permanence" in numerology... The symbol itself has no exit point, and perpetually flows into itself, forever.
Yes, exactly.

So, essentially, the mind itself is the """messenger""" between these two realms, and this is what Hermes represents? ... Very interesting. Which God was Hermes again?
Yes, this is a key to interpretation.

Hermes is the god Thoth. You can do his ritual, asking him to give you knowledge. When this ritual came and I did it, some knowledge was expanded for me.
I used it as two different things.
By knowledge do you mean "understanding" - such as that what can only be gained from experience, or is it something else?

This is all very interesting. It seems almost everything of the occult is interconnected with each other.

Mercury in scorpio can give the native:

Occult ability, mainly connected with the dead or death in general, strong predisposition in communication through the other dimensional planes, great mental ability [...] through the higher mind, seeing beyond “boundaries",
Makes sense. I've frequently been visited by people in my dreams right before they die, and I experience prophetic dreams quite a lot in this regard.

The telepathic communication currently seems to manifest in that I can almost always tell exactly what a person is thinking and feeling to uncanny degrees of accuracy, albeit my psychic centres are still too weak. I am more of a "receiver" of telepathic communications, than the initiatior. Sort of like i'm on a radio frequency channel that those with the ability can easily tap into. Such as the God's, and enemy greys/aliens, or people but through dreams and strong enough thoughts/emotions and I oft receive "answers" to things in this way.

And when I am asleep my mind seems to vaguely know what is going on around me, and I absorb these impressions into my unconscious. Almost as if there are no "boundaries", as you say, during this time - between my mind and the external world, things "float" into me, such as conversation's, hidden objects, events, feelings etc., but it's quite a lot of random shit.

But could you expand more on what would classify as "boundaries" and also "subterranean places".

Hermes is the god Thoth. You can do his ritual, asking him to give you knowledge. When this ritual came and I did it, some knowledge was expanded for me.
I've come to realise the process of studying the occult is very scatterred. It seems every1 just sort of picks up random bits n bobs here and there and tries to piece things together.

You have a lot of knowledge and I value your wisdom. Idk if this is a lot to ask, but I'd like you to help guide me to the correct direction to become as knowledgable as you are currently, in these areas, if this is something you're open to.
By knowledge do you mean "understanding" - such as that what can only be gained from experience, or is it something else?
Yes, correct.

Going beyond the physical plane. Reaching the spiritual plane, the dimensions beyond the physical. Going beyond the lower mind to "see" and "perceive" beyond.

The physical plane is a limit/boundary, which must be crossed, in the correct way. The lower mind is also a limit/boundary, because it does not allow you to go "beyond," remaining anchored on this plane of existence, without evolving.

Pluto literally rules everything connected with the underground. Mines, caves, tunnels etc..

Ades, which represents, the lowest point, the abyss, is also related to the first chakra in the soul. Hell is associated with the realm of ades, in the various corruptions, connected with the color red, "the infernal flames."

The first chakra is the "lowest" point of the soul, "below him there is nothing else."

Just as Zeus, who rules the heavenly realms, connected with Jupiter, the 7 chakra is corrupted by the enemy with the "Jewish heaven."

"Upward expansion."

In the glyph of Sagittarius, it can be seen how the arrow is pointing "upward." The "thrust of expansion," toward the divine, the spiritual plane. Olympus.

Its upper octave is spirituality, the Divine; its lower octave is excess.

This can also manifest on the astrological level. Jupiter in some cases, although considered "positive," can manifest its lower octave, in people's lives. Just as in world events, it can cause "negative" situations in excess.

Zeus, in certain areas had no limits, and create strong problems due to excesses(lower octave). No rules, no stakes, no restrictions, no regulations. To impose these things on Zeus was almost impossible.

I've come to realise the process of studying the occult is very scatterred. It seems every1 just sort of picks up random bits n bobs here and there and tries to piece things together.

You have a lot of knowledge and I value your wisdom. Idk if this is a lot to ask, but I'd like you to help guide me to the correct direction to become as knowledgable as you are currently, in these areas, if this is something you're open to.
Ask the gods for guidance on this. Thoth is perfect for this. They will know how to guide you much better than anyone else.
Your writing here is of exceptional value and I'm glad I came across it!

I'm coming to realize that the Greek Gods are at times more allegory, though isn't Zeus the same God as Beelzebub? Appolo/Azazel? And Poseidon/Satan? This whole pantheon has a broad way of representing our Gods.

These events that occurred in the mythology also confuse me... Peresophone being sent to Hades/the underworld and being reborn, in some way representing the changes of the seasons. She represents growth/fertility which is interesting... (akin to Ishtar)... was this story also about death and rebirth?

Demeter was her mother, and there are other Goddesses in the Pantheon that seem to represent her also. It's rather complicated albeit fascinating!

Then there are these 5 rivers that encircle Hades, one being Styx which is the boundary between life and death. I will need to research the JoS astrology page and the forums more and at some point get to reading some works from Homer along with Dante's Inferno. I got through a part of the Illiad in the past but I gave up because it made zero logical sense to me at the time (too many names; sons and daughters, etc)... 😅

At least I now know what the sacrifices were really about (food offerings/celebrations).

I used to have this fear about learning these things yet the more I read the forums the more I find how meaningful and profound they are. Plus it helps me feel closer to the Gods. Most importantly too, it will take much more meditation for me to truly appreciate these myths and thus I'll be keeping that at the forefront rather than 1/8 of my free time (a little at morning and night). Meditating on the bus has helped keep me going too. It's also little easy to get lost in information rabbit-holes (history, etc)...

Thank you for your input and I apologize for such a long comment.
I'm coming to realize that the Greek Gods are at times more allegory, though isn't Zeus the same God as Beelzebub? Appolo/Azazel? And Poseidon/Satan? This whole pantheon has a broad way of representing our Gods.
Yes, that is correct. You can see them, their names, associated with this, in the Rituals of the Gods.

These events that occurred in the mythology also confuse me... Peresophone being sent to Hades/the underworld and being reborn, in some way representing the changes of the seasons. She represents growth/fertility which is interesting... (akin to Ishtar)... was this story also about death and rebirth?
Yes, there is also a meaning here related to Pluto (Hades). Ours is a path of transformation, of moving from “darkness” to “light.”

This is clearly explained here:

(...)The depth of her mysteries is extensive, and the importance of these mysteries was the “Descent into the Underworld”, which the Goddess Demeter’s most famous allegory is related to. The underworld, is symbolic of the astral plane and realms of the dead, but also of the re-connection of the soul with one’s spiritual powers.

In this myth, Demeter’s daughter, Persephone, descends into the underworld to finally get saved and brought to her mother again. The Myth of the “Descent”, also famous in Sumerian and Ugaritic history of Astarte. This story was called “Astarte’s Descent Into the Underworld”, and is the restoration of the Fallen Serpent Power [Fertility Power] and re-uniting this power with the Divine Mother or Demeter [the head of the spiritual practitioner].

When this spiritual process is completed, “Spring”, the Greek word of this being “Aneksis” which means “Opening” does occur, and the person finally opens up their spiritual faculties which allow the person to go back and forth into the “Realm of the Dead” or the Astral Plane and the physical world. The spring and blossoming of the soul happens, as the Chakras are also commonly in all Pagan Traditions depicted as flowers, and then one finally blossoms and returns to the “Divine Mother” or Demeter.(...)

Astounding! No wonder flowers are so common in these myths and cultures! Beltane also. 🙂
You've really opened my mind with this allegory. It amazes me how deep and spiritual this all is. Highly moving and empowering!

So these flowers extend to 'heaven' I suppose, hence the various colours represented in flowers themselves, and her mother resided there while Hades (hell) was the base chakra. Thus, earth being in the middle (the neuter, heart chakra perhaps?) I am honestly blown away at how all these things fit together and your expression of it in words is so perfect that it honestly deserves a sticky to 'important articles' in my view.

I hope more people stumble across your posts here and feel that same level of inspiration that I do. Many thanks. 💖🌹🌺🌻🌼

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
