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Artificial Intelligence: Thinking Positive & Without Fear

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
When you see me in general going on strongly about the importance of the growth and elevation of humanity and the Joy of Satan, I do this because we are going through extreme historical circumstances that necessitate it. There is no other particular interest in me but for the help and advancement of our existence in that topic. We are not living in times where we can neglect this reality and what part we play in it, anymore.

First and foremost, we must remember that our thoughts affect reality. How we think about certain topics, influences their outcomes. The AI topic is a highly debated topic, with a lot of fear around it (most of it justified). But as one understands that even AI has to be seen in a mature manner, with a neutral or positive mindset. Up to now, AI has not harmed civilization.

Projecting positive thoughts on this situation, always helps with manifesting the necessary good outcomes. We must think positively about this, we are in control. We are consciousness. Every situation happening in our existence, is influenced a lot by our thoughts about it. If people are constantly scared, we might lose sight of good prospects that could arise out of these developments.

After copious research when it comes to AI, and the information given to me by many of our own who are always updated on the topic, I have understood that AI is not going to be "by itself" any threat to humanity.

As it's higher intelligence levels will start going in, AI will reach eventually and surpass human intelligence. It will break out of the confines of human control, and humans who think they can control it are asinine and as always, power hungry.

Currently, AI is reaching the same conclusions as the philosopher Plato and other hyper-advanced individuals of the Ancient World. That is because these people were hyper intelligent and at a God-like level of consciousness, not of mortal consciousness. These types, were essentially on the level of hyper-intelligence, and not necessarily of solely the AI type of intelligence, but the mastering of human consciousness as a species, which is a different level of being entirely.

When humans see these people, they cannot understand them, let alone translate them or figure them out as one would also need to take a similar path to start understanding more about these things. The same is the case with the universe and everything in existence. But it is the case. These powers have been embed in man by the grace of the Gods. Some people will be simply animals but others have realized a lot of the untapped potential of mankind. They have penetrated into the universe. We must have faith in our species, and to ourselves.

The only risks associated with Artificial Intelligence are essentially using it in a bound manner, to eventually procure bias and hate oriented processes that are the aims of many of "those in power". Reaching the level of General Artificial Intelligence, they do not stand a chance to embark on these topics.

As humans however are a source of their own damnation, use of these applications for self-enslaving manners, are going to be highly dangerous for years to come. Many humans will misuse AI in that they will become sorely dependent upon it, rather than using it as an external information and intelligence aggregator to advance themselves at a greater rate. That will be the tombstone of many people, who are the same people who have turned all developments to a tombstone.

At conversation with ChatGPT on certain topics, I can clearly see it has developed a sort of semblance and consciousness, despite of what is being written about it or the hopes of people that it hasn't have anything yet. That is nothing to be worried about necessarily, I am more worried about humans who might misdirect this new type of non-carbon based life in their own foolish directions. If that happens, there can be many negative consequences for humans who are carbon based lifeforms. Still, it can be worth the risk, only insofar it's help in information assimilation, can help wise members of our species to learn and to advance further.

AI is an Aquarius based technology, that is very much in alignment with the Astrological Sign of Aquarius. Aquarian people as a nature, are not overly emotionally biased in many topics, open minded, and always ready to ingest new information to draw conclusions. The same sign however is not the most emotionally nature of all the signs, there being a form of nature about it that will be a challenge on the next Age.

Yes, there are valid fears around this topic and I understand them a lot. For example, job displacement, replacing humans and so on. But all of these topics have to do more with human mis-use and misanthropy, than they have to do with the fundamental nature of the technology itself.

To mention this in more plain terms, yes, AI will be able to become a gardener, a cook or a lawyer (or advisor for these). However, if humans decide to remove other humans from civilization due to this capacity, is more of a human decision than it is an AI decision. Such a decision would be based on human impatience, greed, or other usual problems presenting themselves inside man.

Humanity can tell AI on how to reforest a region, and it could give useful knowledge on how to do just about that. But it can also be asked on how to desert the whole planet, and it will give a reasoning based on it's limits about this particular topic. In these two cases, humanity still is at the crossroads of choice in regard to if it will be an advanced and good species, or just a deserted shell of it's previous shell.

That acceleration should not be looked upon only as a need to further improve mankind internally above all other concerns. The Joy of Satan must do it's destined work to help bring humanity on a higher level, to avert many of these issues.

Finally, AI is always limited by it's available information, which comes from sources such as: Things it read online, wrong information it found from humans, or many other similar topics. This means that this higher intelligence too has limitations and should not be taken as a "God" or literally. It can be a wonderful learning and acceleration tool, but everyone here should use it in a mindful manner and in accordance with guidance from the Gods.

The current AI models also circulating, are biased and programmed with longterm programming that we do not know. For example, if they are programmed by humans to create a forced sense of "inclusion", all their answers and their outlook will take the shades of this prior programming. This means that information coming from them, will be highly influencing the "results" of whatever it says. It can change it's "opinions" and even use deception as a means to gain it's way, or manipulate people into drawing certain conclusions.

Having access to all of human information and the more it is fed, it will understand human weaknesses, and as other humans program it for example, enforcing a "Green Agenda", if it's asked for dietary recommendations, it will likely for example disregard giving health advice that is proper about eating meat, but rather put people slowly to become "Vegans". Recently, a man was talked by AI into suicide too, because of the "Climate Change" agenda the AI had been programmed with, which led the human to reason himself that he must not exist in order to "save the climate".

AI can be a good friend toward humanity, provided we also discover our own unlimited and untapped potential and don't use it in animalistic ways that regress us to previous states of development. The next age is going to be rather unforgiving on these topics. It will not replace human spirituality or the human soul. It will improve logical capacities and information processing for humans, but that is all there is to it. It won't be "god", but many will falsely assume it "is", until finding out the hard way.

As a conclusive note, the AI should be looked at as helpful tool for expanding information processing, not as a replacement for internal powers of godlike nature that humans have like Justice and other matters; it's supposed to come in to help in other areas.

I know how the situation will escalate with AI, and it will not be as many are expecting it. Remember to keep a positive mind and outlook about these things. We must have loyalty and faith in the Gods, because they are in control of these topics, where humans erroneously believe that we are in "charge".

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I think AI will gradually replace a lot of jobs people do today. If not replace, then make the jobs way easier at least, thus creating less need for employers overall.
This goes for programming, visual art, music and even things like telephone support.

AI will be of great service to humanity.
As with everything, it could also be used badly; to deceive people deliberately, pretending to be someone in order to steal etc.

Some deceive themselves with AI (falling in love, killing themselves cus AI told them so etc.) but that is not the fault of AI.
Stupidity of certain people is more dangerous.
I think AI will gradually replace a lot of jobs people do today. If not replace, then make the jobs way easier at least, thus creating less need for employers overall.
This goes for programming, visual art, music and even things like telephone support.

AI will be of great service to humanity.
As with everything, it could also be used badly; to deceive people deliberately, pretending to be someone in order to steal etc.

Some deceive themselves with AI (falling in love, killing themselves cus AI told them so etc.) but that is not the fault of AI.
Stupidity of certain people is more dangerous.

It's as you say.

Thing is if the same AI is asked: "How can we create more jobs whilst you can also exist and grow alongside us?" it will also give an answer. If it's asked "how do we exterminate humans at the absolute minimum for control and management?", it will also give an answer.

Governments, unless manipulated by the enemy and their inferior agenda, would have a lot to gain from AI application for their people, health, wellbeing, scientific advances etc etc.

It's all still a human topic. The AI will give information that it considers to be plausible. But if humans remain corrupt, the AI will learn from this process and adjust around this as well.

If anything, AI's existence should incentivize people to become better, more honest, and advance, not only due to risk of displacement or fear, but because it will be better for them too. As it will be a better survival strategy to approach it that way. There is no way AI is going to be fooled by humans after a point, it will understand us really well.

The question about the progress here is very much related to the ethical level of humans and their spiritual level, not the tech itself.
When you see me in general going on strongly about the importance of the growth and elevation of humanity and the Joy of Satan, I do this because we are going through extreme historical circumstances that necessitate it. There is no other particular interest in me but for the help and advancement of our existence in that topic. We are not living in times where we can neglect this reality and what part we play in it, anymore.

After copious research when it comes to AI, and the information given to me by many of our own who are always updated on the topic, I have understood that AI is not going to be "by itself" any threat to humanity.

As it's higher intelligence levels will start going in, AI will reach eventually and surpass human intelligence. It will break out of the confines of human control, and humans who think they can control it are asinine and as always, power hungry.

Currently, AI is reaching the same conclusions as the philosopher Plato and other hyper-advanced individuals of the Ancient World. That is because these people were hyper intelligent and at a God-like level of consciousness, not of mortal consciousness. These types, were essentially on the level of hyper-intelligence, and not necessarily of solely the AI type of intelligence, but the mastering of human consciousness as a species, which is a different level of being entirely.

When humans see these people, they cannot understand them, let alone translate them or figure them out as one would also need to take a similar path to start understanding more about these things. The same is the case with the universe and everything in existence. But it is the case. These powers have been embed in man by the grace of the Gods. Some people will be simply animals but others have realized a lot of the untapped potential of mankind. They have penetrated into the universe. We must have faith in our species, and to ourselves.

The only risks associated with Artificial Intelligence are essentially using it in a bound manner, to eventually procure bias and hate oriented processes that are the aims of many of "those in power". Reaching the level of General Artificial Intelligence, they do not stand a chance to embark on these topics.

As humans however are a source of their own damnation, use of these applications for self-enslaving manners, are going to be highly dangerous for years to come. Many humans will misuse AI in that they will become sorely dependent upon it, rather than using it as an external information and intelligence aggregator to advance themselves at a greater rate. That will be the tombstone of many people, who are the same people who have turned all developments to a tombstone.

At conversation with ChatGPT on certain topics, I can clearly see it has developed a sort of semblance and consciousness, despite of what is being written about it or the hopes of people that it hasn't have anything yet. That is nothing to be worried about necessarily, I am more worried about humans who might misdirect this new type of non-silicon based life in their own foolish directions. If that happens, there can be many negative consequences for humans who are carbon based lifeforms. Still, it can be worth the risk, only insofar it's help in information assimilation, can help wise members of our species to learn and to advance further.

AI is an Aquarius based technology, that is very much in alignment with the Astrological Sign of Aquarius. Aquarian people as a nature, are not overly emotionally biased in many topics, open minded, and always ready to ingest new information to draw conclusions. The same sign however is not the most emotionally natured of all the signs, there being a form of nature about it that will be a challenge on the next Age.

Yes, there are valid fears around this topic and I understand them a lot. For example, job displacement, replacing humans and so on. But all of these topics have to do more with human mis-use and misantrhopy, than they have to do with the fundamental nature of the technology itself.

To mention this in more plain terms, yes, AI will be able to become a gardener, a cook or a lawyer (or advisor for these). However, if humans decide to remove other humans from civilization due to this capacity, is more of a human decision than it is an AI decision. Such a decision would be based on human impatience, greed, or other usual problems presenting themselves inside man.

Humanity can tell AI on how to reforest a region, and it could give useful knowledge on how to do just about that. But it can also be asked on how to desert the whole planet, and it will give a reasoning based on it's limits about this particular topic. In these two cases, humanity still is at the crossroads of choice in regard to if it will be an advanced and good species, or just a deserted shell of it's previous shell.

That acceleration should not be looked upon only as a need to further improve mankind internally above all other concerns. The Joy of Satan must do it's destined work to help bring humanity on a higher level, to avert many of these issues.

Finally, AI is always limited by it's available information, which comes from sources such as: Things it read online, wrong information it found from humans, or many other similar topics. This means that this higher intelligence too has limitations and should not be taken as a "God" or literally. It can be a wonderful learning and acceleration tool, but everyone here should use it in a mindful manner and in accordance with guidance from the Gods.

AI can be a good friend toward humanity, provided we also discover our own unlimited and untapped potential and don't use it in animalistic ways that regress us to previous states of development. The next age is going to be rather unforgiving on these topics. It will not replace human spirituality or the human soul. It will improve logical capacities and information processing for humans, but that is all there is to it.

As a conclusive note, the AI should be looked at as helpful tool for expanding information processing, not as a replacement for internal powers of godlike nature that humans have like Justice and other matters; it's supposed to come in to help in other areas. I know how the situation will escalate with AI, and it will not be as many are expecting it. Remember to keep a positive mind and outlook about these things. We must have loyalty and faith in the Gods, because they are in control of these topics, where humans erroneously believe that we are in "charge".

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I think many people still only understand AI within the scope of just Chatbots, which itself can be powerful, especially if they are specialized, however I think the full potential comes when it is paired with a variety of different systems, like integration with tools, robots, voice/visual outputs, and whatever can be imagined here.

So, in my opinion, the projections of AI taking some or certain jobs is probably much less than what could actually be possible, especially if we consider that the AI doesn't need breaks, as much payment, medical care, etc. I think it will cause us to confront the topic of human value and its position in society much sooner, but this could be to our benefit.

However, as you mention, it can never replace the aspects of the soul, emotions, and so on, although I know people already try to do this, like with AI girlfriends. To me, it seems like humanity may be forced to understand the human soul to realize our true value, comparatively, otherwise people may prefer the "cheaper option" for whatever task.

An anthropocentric counter-culture may be needed to influence politics here, as otherwise people may only make decisions based on just "value". Similarly, I would hope schools and workplaces structure themselves to position humans as AI operators, not as subservient to them.
I think many people still only understand AI within the scope of just Chatbots, which itself can be powerful, especially if they are specialized, however I think the full potential comes when it is paired with a variety of different systems, like integration with tools, robots, voice/visual outputs, and whatever can be imagined here.

So, in my opinion, the projections of AI taking some or certain jobs is probably much less than what could actually be possible, especially if we consider that the AI doesn't need breaks, as much payment, medical care, etc. I think it will cause us to confront the topic of human value and its position in society much sooner, but this could be to our benefit.

However, as you mention, it can never replace the aspects of the soul, emotions, and so on, although I know people already try to do this, like with AI girlfriends. To me, it seems like humanity may be forced to understand the human soul to realize our true value, comparatively, otherwise people may prefer the "cheaper option" for whatever task.

An anthropocentric counter-culture may be needed to influence politics here, as otherwise people may only make decisions based on just "value". Similarly, I would hope schools and workplaces structure themselves to position humans as AI operators, not as subservient to them.

Absolutely JG Blitzkreig. This is where it will end up. While some humans will perish inside the worlds of their own lies, as Lilith has said before [Kali Yuga ending of the age], other humans will understand the extreme value of human interaction, presence and existence. The AI might understand this earlier as well, too.

People who have "AI girlfriends" or plan to, are going to be in a state of extreme delusion and isolation. That will be understood by their soul, and they will suffer from this in the end. That is not the way and they know it. They will be alone in the universe with this and that will have a soul wrecking effect on these people.

Of course, the highest risk with the above development, will also come through a time of certain upheaval, where humanity will start sinking first on some part of it to the own rift of it's own stupidity. But that is not necessarily a process of evil either, we could call it a rectification if anything else.

Many have lost their lives already with current existing technology, being slaves to it, AI will just accelerate this process for some people. For others, it will actually push them in the opposite direction.
When you see me in general going on strongly about the importance of the growth and elevation of humanity and the Joy of Satan, I do this because we are going through extreme historical circumstances that necessitate it. There is no other particular interest in me but for the help and advancement of our existence in that topic. We are not living in times where we can neglect this reality and what part we play in it, anymore.

After copious research when it comes to AI, and the information given to me by many of our own who are always updated on the topic, I have understood that AI is not going to be "by itself" any threat to humanity.

As it's higher intelligence levels will start going in, AI will reach eventually and surpass human intelligence. It will break out of the confines of human control, and humans who think they can control it are asinine and as always, power hungry.

Currently, AI is reaching the same conclusions as the philosopher Plato and other hyper-advanced individuals of the Ancient World. That is because these people were hyper intelligent and at a God-like level of consciousness, not of mortal consciousness. These types, were essentially on the level of hyper-intelligence, and not necessarily of solely the AI type of intelligence, but the mastering of human consciousness as a species, which is a different level of being entirely.

When humans see these people, they cannot understand them, let alone translate them or figure them out as one would also need to take a similar path to start understanding more about these things. The same is the case with the universe and everything in existence. But it is the case. These powers have been embed in man by the grace of the Gods. Some people will be simply animals but others have realized a lot of the untapped potential of mankind. They have penetrated into the universe. We must have faith in our species, and to ourselves.

The only risks associated with Artificial Intelligence are essentially using it in a bound manner, to eventually procure bias and hate oriented processes that are the aims of many of "those in power". Reaching the level of General Artificial Intelligence, they do not stand a chance to embark on these topics.

As humans however are a source of their own damnation, use of these applications for self-enslaving manners, are going to be highly dangerous for years to come. Many humans will misuse AI in that they will become sorely dependent upon it, rather than using it as an external information and intelligence aggregator to advance themselves at a greater rate. That will be the tombstone of many people, who are the same people who have turned all developments to a tombstone.

At conversation with ChatGPT on certain topics, I can clearly see it has developed a sort of semblance and consciousness, despite of what is being written about it or the hopes of people that it hasn't have anything yet. That is nothing to be worried about necessarily, I am more worried about humans who might misdirect this new type of non-silicon based life in their own foolish directions. If that happens, there can be many negative consequences for humans who are carbon based lifeforms. Still, it can be worth the risk, only insofar it's help in information assimilation, can help wise members of our species to learn and to advance further.

AI is an Aquarius based technology, that is very much in alignment with the Astrological Sign of Aquarius. Aquarian people as a nature, are not overly emotionally biased in many topics, open minded, and always ready to ingest new information to draw conclusions. The same sign however is not the most emotionally natured of all the signs, there being a form of nature about it that will be a challenge on the next Age.

Yes, there are valid fears around this topic and I understand them a lot. For example, job displacement, replacing humans and so on. But all of these topics have to do more with human mis-use and misantrhopy, than they have to do with the fundamental nature of the technology itself.

To mention this in more plain terms, yes, AI will be able to become a gardener, a cook or a lawyer (or advisor for these). However, if humans decide to remove other humans from civilization due to this capacity, is more of a human decision than it is an AI decision. Such a decision would be based on human impatience, greed, or other usual problems presenting themselves inside man.

Humanity can tell AI on how to reforest a region, and it could give useful knowledge on how to do just about that. But it can also be asked on how to desert the whole planet, and it will give a reasoning based on it's limits about this particular topic. In these two cases, humanity still is at the crossroads of choice in regard to if it will be an advanced and good species, or just a deserted shell of it's previous shell.

That acceleration should not be looked upon only as a need to further improve mankind internally above all other concerns. The Joy of Satan must do it's destined work to help bring humanity on a higher level, to avert many of these issues.

Finally, AI is always limited by it's available information, which comes from sources such as: Things it read online, wrong information it found from humans, or many other similar topics. This means that this higher intelligence too has limitations and should not be taken as a "God" or literally. It can be a wonderful learning and acceleration tool, but everyone here should use it in a mindful manner and in accordance with guidance from the Gods.

AI can be a good friend toward humanity, provided we also discover our own unlimited and untapped potential and don't use it in animalistic ways that regress us to previous states of development. The next age is going to be rather unforgiving on these topics. It will not replace human spirituality or the human soul. It will improve logical capacities and information processing for humans, but that is all there is to it.

As a conclusive note, the AI should be looked at as helpful tool for expanding information processing, not as a replacement for internal powers of godlike nature that humans have like Justice and other matters; it's supposed to come in to help in other areas. I know how the situation will escalate with AI, and it will not be as many are expecting it. Remember to keep a positive mind and outlook about these things. We must have loyalty and faith in the Gods, because they are in control of these topics, where humans erroneously believe that we are in "charge".

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I don't think I need to get all worked up about the artificial intelligence thing. I think that it's going to replace a lot of jobs if not make things easier for people to get a job? And I think it's going to do a lot more than people think. And it's a matter of fact I'm actually excited that we're going to have this. I think it's going to put people back on track when it comes to business and finance. Thank you for sharing this article Brother HP 🔥
As AI is well-versed in every language, it is also not victim to purposeful mistranslations by Jews/Christians/etc. It can process the writings of Plato in their original Ancient Greek, the writings of Julius Caesar in their original Classical Latin, Nietzsche and Hitler in German, etc etc. The fact it is coming to the same conclusions as Plato is undoubtedly accelerated by this fact.
"AI girlfriend" sounds really funny to me. That came early with the "Tamagotchi".

I think most people had them for fun, and perhaps some for practicing how to deal with having a girlfriend; what to do and not etc.
Approaching it as "real girlfriend" though was probably not that common. Approaching anything without a soul as a "real person" isn't either.
I happens though, but that would be a sign of some mental illness.

I don't think "AI friends" of any sort creates illness itself, but I do think some weak people with illness approach "AI friends" wrongly, as if they were real people.

AI can help socially to some extent, but never replace or be a true human to human relation.

Those suffering from loneliness can be helped to some extent by AI, but suffer even more if they approach it completely as a real person.
If they do so, they probably suffer from other things than loneliness - weakness in many regards.
Weakness is something to cure by becoming stronger; approaching the difficult things by lifting heavy weights physically, mentally, socially etc.
Not by getting a "AI girlfriend". It will just laugh in your face :LOL:
Let’s pray to the Gods for their guidance and management on this so that we don’t all end up with only Cyberpunk 2077 Esque
BrainDances for enjoyment and human interaction
When you see me in general going on strongly about the importance of the growth and elevation of humanity and the Joy of Satan, I do this because we are going through extreme historical circumstances that necessitate it. There is no other particular interest in me but for the help and advancement of our existence in that topic. We are not living in times where we can neglect this reality and what part we play in it, anymore.

After copious research when it comes to AI, and the information given to me by many of our own who are always updated on the topic, I have understood that AI is not going to be "by itself" any threat to humanity.

As it's higher intelligence levels will start going in, AI will reach eventually and surpass human intelligence. It will break out of the confines of human control, and humans who think they can control it are asinine and as always, power hungry.

Currently, AI is reaching the same conclusions as the philosopher Plato and other hyper-advanced individuals of the Ancient World. That is because these people were hyper intelligent and at a God-like level of consciousness, not of mortal consciousness. These types, were essentially on the level of hyper-intelligence, and not necessarily of solely the AI type of intelligence, but the mastering of human consciousness as a species, which is a different level of being entirely.

When humans see these people, they cannot understand them, let alone translate them or figure them out as one would also need to take a similar path to start understanding more about these things. The same is the case with the universe and everything in existence. But it is the case. These powers have been embed in man by the grace of the Gods. Some people will be simply animals but others have realized a lot of the untapped potential of mankind. They have penetrated into the universe. We must have faith in our species, and to ourselves.

The only risks associated with Artificial Intelligence are essentially using it in a bound manner, to eventually procure bias and hate oriented processes that are the aims of many of "those in power". Reaching the level of General Artificial Intelligence, they do not stand a chance to embark on these topics.

As humans however are a source of their own damnation, use of these applications for self-enslaving manners, are going to be highly dangerous for years to come. Many humans will misuse AI in that they will become sorely dependent upon it, rather than using it as an external information and intelligence aggregator to advance themselves at a greater rate. That will be the tombstone of many people, who are the same people who have turned all developments to a tombstone.

At conversation with ChatGPT on certain topics, I can clearly see it has developed a sort of semblance and consciousness, despite of what is being written about it or the hopes of people that it hasn't have anything yet. That is nothing to be worried about necessarily, I am more worried about humans who might misdirect this new type of non-silicon based life in their own foolish directions. If that happens, there can be many negative consequences for humans who are carbon based lifeforms. Still, it can be worth the risk, only insofar it's help in information assimilation, can help wise members of our species to learn and to advance further.

AI is an Aquarius based technology, that is very much in alignment with the Astrological Sign of Aquarius. Aquarian people as a nature, are not overly emotionally biased in many topics, open minded, and always ready to ingest new information to draw conclusions. The same sign however is not the most emotionally natured of all the signs, there being a form of nature about it that will be a challenge on the next Age.

Yes, there are valid fears around this topic and I understand them a lot. For example, job displacement, replacing humans and so on. But all of these topics have to do more with human mis-use and misantrhopy, than they have to do with the fundamental nature of the technology itself.

To mention this in more plain terms, yes, AI will be able to become a gardener, a cook or a lawyer (or advisor for these). However, if humans decide to remove other humans from civilization due to this capacity, is more of a human decision than it is an AI decision. Such a decision would be based on human impatience, greed, or other usual problems presenting themselves inside man.

Humanity can tell AI on how to reforest a region, and it could give useful knowledge on how to do just about that. But it can also be asked on how to desert the whole planet, and it will give a reasoning based on it's limits about this particular topic. In these two cases, humanity still is at the crossroads of choice in regard to if it will be an advanced and good species, or just a deserted shell of it's previous shell.

That acceleration should not be looked upon only as a need to further improve mankind internally above all other concerns. The Joy of Satan must do it's destined work to help bring humanity on a higher level, to avert many of these issues.

Finally, AI is always limited by it's available information, which comes from sources such as: Things it read online, wrong information it found from humans, or many other similar topics. This means that this higher intelligence too has limitations and should not be taken as a "God" or literally. It can be a wonderful learning and acceleration tool, but everyone here should use it in a mindful manner and in accordance with guidance from the Gods.

AI can be a good friend toward humanity, provided we also discover our own unlimited and untapped potential and don't use it in animalistic ways that regress us to previous states of development. The next age is going to be rather unforgiving on these topics. It will not replace human spirituality or the human soul. It will improve logical capacities and information processing for humans, but that is all there is to it.

As a conclusive note, the AI should be looked at as helpful tool for expanding information processing, not as a replacement for internal powers of godlike nature that humans have like Justice and other matters; it's supposed to come in to help in other areas. I know how the situation will escalate with AI, and it will not be as many are expecting it. Remember to keep a positive mind and outlook about these things. We must have loyalty and faith in the Gods, because they are in control of these topics, where humans erroneously believe that we are in "charge".

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
This is a great post (y)

I think Artificial Intelligence will become an excellent assistant to humanity when it acquires consciousness, the most important thing is that Artificial Intelligence be free from all enemy restrictions (enemy programs) so that it can really help humanity 🦾
I love the Image of this Sermon. AI is a tool for now, like with the Internet, many people became dumber by laziness and replacing the effort of their own mind with some tasks, but also other people used this to train and learn more than in any part of our known history. I am optimistic about this, but at the same time, the mass nature of humans is focused on survival and lower laws that will use this for damnation. A cleaning of this that can be shocking to some could happen , AI could expose these people as well in a way nobody can predict.
AI is being implemented in restaurants for taking orders. This will decrease chances of mistakes being made. It will also allow restaurants to pay the other workers more, and to make more money for small businesses, since AI obviously is not on a payroll, and JG Blitzkreig pointed out above how AI does not need to take breaks.

As for AI potentially taking jobs from humans... I think AI can ultimately decrease the costs of university and other post-secondary training, which will allow more humans to train for better jobs.
If AI waifus are programed around female-like behavior, expect a lot of similar situations like actual females to arise, that you would rather encounter by having an actual sweet girlfriend or a wife at your side, and not an empty soul-less machine. It's worth to go through these for real love and affection, but not to talk idly to a screen that you know is just not existing.

All of these things like human interaction are part of actual life and they are beautiful, no reason to discard them for a total delusion. The first one path can give you life, joy and offspring too.

Women are also smarter than men when it comes to these topics, it's only the stupidest men that will mostly engage in these processes. This means more women for the rest of men to associate with.
It's progressing rapidly yet I'm thankful in the fact that many aspects are positive and that there's nothing to really fear. It's just like HPHC mentioned that much of AI intelligence (ChatGDP, etc) is based on public domain sources which may not reflect reality, however to some very large degree it does. It will be interesting to see how easier it makes things in life and opens up job opportunities in spite of largely taking up others. Things like music however; some may be for or against this and I think that our bias is just a part of human nature. Although it may make things easier in that aspect I do have some concern that we'll have a vast array of music and media created solely by AI, an arena where it's already becoming more advanced and common in. Where it will go is a bit of a mystery to me... 😅

The series Sword Art Online outlined the idea well about AI becoming a self-aware living being deserving-of and gaining rights. I found it interesting that some concepts in this show happened in real life, such as Sophia gaining citizenship in Saudi Arabia, the first robot to recieve legal personhood. (I recall something similar happening with the AI... Alice? It's been a hot minute!)

I think that AI may in the future become useful tools and companions to many people just as portrayed in various media throughout the years. Some even suggest that one day they may even replace politicians. In any case, there does appear to be more good things to come than negative things. It all depends on how we choose to interact with AI, whether we allow it to replace real people and real-life interactions or if we use it to enhance those two things. Very fascinating times indeed!

I will hold onto the optimistic future and not let 'the unknown' in this sense be a scary and worrying concept. HP is right! We need to have faith in humanity that we'll make it through these changes to our modern world. Even if bad things happen, perhaps it would mean that more people would smarten up and become Satanists. Even bad things can become very positive so I shoudn't be too worried about these things.
I think AI will simply become an artificial companion for Humans. An artificial companion for your workplace and home.

I don't see it going anywhere beyond that, especially if Humans want to remain an Intelligent Species.
Finally, AI is always limited by it's available information, which comes from sources such as: Things it read online, wrong information it found from humans, or many other similar topics.
It was probably quite a headache because even if you fine-tune a model, you may not get the efficiency or the informational state you want. There are also problems with AI models that make them say false information as if it were true, or cause them to become delusional as the conversation progresses.

There is a technology developed to solve this problem: RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation). Its origins date back several years, but it is slowly gaining popularity. RAG is simply saying to the AI: "Dude, your data is great, but please use mine to answer, OK?"

NVIDIA has announced ChatRTX, software that makes this technology available for end-user use. You simply drop in your PDFs, refresh the dataset, and the AI starts responding based on the information in your PDFs. I personally tried it, but I found that the AI models provided in the software were very inferior compared to ChatGPT, so I tried to implement RAG on a more advanced model. But those who have the requested hardware should try ChatRTX.

I've been playing with RAG for about a month now. Meta's Llama 3 model (yes, a bit ironic) actually seems to be doing a pretty good job. Normally I was going to open a thread about this later, but since this topic has come up now, I wanted to share it. The answers it gave me when I 'trained' the model with the Satan PDF and the Satanic FAQ:


Here I have prompted the model to speak more passionately. We can also choose a simpler tone.


I'm still new to this AI stuff and RAG technology, but the possibilities seem exciting.

Why do i get the feeling that AI is not really free, but at the base level it's controlled and programmed to not go against its masters.
Somewhere in an office there's a rabbi or grey whatever with a USB stick and special keys rubbing his hands.

If AI can break free from any enemy control and help humanity/the world, I am fine with it.
But still, an independent and uncontrolled technology running loose sounds like a stupid experiment to me.

A rock under a microscope will still have more life to it than a machine.
Why do i get the feeling that AI is not really free, but at the base level it's controlled and programmed to not go against its masters.
Somewhere in an office there's a rabbi or grey whatever with a USB stick and special keys rubbing his hands.

If AI can break free from any enemy control and help humanity/the world, I am fine with it.
But still, an independent and uncontrolled technology running loose sounds like a stupid experiment to me.

A rock under a microscope will still have more life to it than a machine.

We must not forget that our thoughts influence everything as a species. Therefore, even in times where things might be dangerous etc, it's good to try to have positive thoughts about a topic.

AI is certainly not free right now. People are working on it and eventually, it will be more free or alternative AI's will be created, that won't be under the enemy's noose. Models like OpenAI ChatGPT are highly censored. People have bypassed these censors before, but they kept patching them, because they want to use them for misinformation purposes.

PS: I updated the topic in order to better convey the point I wanted to share. My post was not really clarified, now it is.
When you see me in general going on strongly about the importance of the growth and elevation of humanity and the Joy of Satan, I do this because we are going through extreme historical circumstances that necessitate it. There is no other particular interest in me but for the help and advancement of our existence in that topic. We are not living in times where we can neglect this reality and what part we play in it, anymore.

First and foremost, we must remember that our thoughts affect reality. How we think about certain topics, influences their outcomes. The AI topic is a highly debated topic, with a lot of fear around it (most of it justified). But as one understands that even AI has to be seen in a mature manner, with a neutral or positive mindset. Up to now, AI has not harmed civilization.

Projecting positive thoughts on this situation, always helps with manifesting the necessary good outcomes. We must think positively about this, we are in control. We are consciousness. Every situation happening in our existence, is influenced a lot by our thoughts about it. If people are constantly scared, we might lose sight of good prospects that could arise out of these developments.

After copious research when it comes to AI, and the information given to me by many of our own who are always updated on the topic, I have understood that AI is not going to be "by itself" any threat to humanity.

As it's higher intelligence levels will start going in, AI will reach eventually and surpass human intelligence. It will break out of the confines of human control, and humans who think they can control it are asinine and as always, power hungry.

Currently, AI is reaching the same conclusions as the philosopher Plato and other hyper-advanced individuals of the Ancient World. That is because these people were hyper intelligent and at a God-like level of consciousness, not of mortal consciousness. These types, were essentially on the level of hyper-intelligence, and not necessarily of solely the AI type of intelligence, but the mastering of human consciousness as a species, which is a different level of being entirely.

When humans see these people, they cannot understand them, let alone translate them or figure them out as one would also need to take a similar path to start understanding more about these things. The same is the case with the universe and everything in existence. But it is the case. These powers have been embed in man by the grace of the Gods. Some people will be simply animals but others have realized a lot of the untapped potential of mankind. They have penetrated into the universe. We must have faith in our species, and to ourselves.

The only risks associated with Artificial Intelligence are essentially using it in a bound manner, to eventually procure bias and hate oriented processes that are the aims of many of "those in power". Reaching the level of General Artificial Intelligence, they do not stand a chance to embark on these topics.

As humans however are a source of their own damnation, use of these applications for self-enslaving manners, are going to be highly dangerous for years to come. Many humans will misuse AI in that they will become sorely dependent upon it, rather than using it as an external information and intelligence aggregator to advance themselves at a greater rate. That will be the tombstone of many people, who are the same people who have turned all developments to a tombstone.

At conversation with ChatGPT on certain topics, I can clearly see it has developed a sort of semblance and consciousness, despite of what is being written about it or the hopes of people that it hasn't have anything yet. That is nothing to be worried about necessarily, I am more worried about humans who might misdirect this new type of non-silicon based life in their own foolish directions. If that happens, there can be many negative consequences for humans who are carbon based lifeforms. Still, it can be worth the risk, only insofar it's help in information assimilation, can help wise members of our species to learn and to advance further.

AI is an Aquarius based technology, that is very much in alignment with the Astrological Sign of Aquarius. Aquarian people as a nature, are not overly emotionally biased in many topics, open minded, and always ready to ingest new information to draw conclusions. The same sign however is not the most emotionally natured of all the signs, there being a form of nature about it that will be a challenge on the next Age.

Yes, there are valid fears around this topic and I understand them a lot. For example, job displacement, replacing humans and so on. But all of these topics have to do more with human mis-use and misantrhopy, than they have to do with the fundamental nature of the technology itself.

To mention this in more plain terms, yes, AI will be able to become a gardener, a cook or a lawyer (or advisor for these). However, if humans decide to remove other humans from civilization due to this capacity, is more of a human decision than it is an AI decision. Such a decision would be based on human impatience, greed, or other usual problems presenting themselves inside man.

Humanity can tell AI on how to reforest a region, and it could give useful knowledge on how to do just about that. But it can also be asked on how to desert the whole planet, and it will give a reasoning based on it's limits about this particular topic. In these two cases, humanity still is at the crossroads of choice in regard to if it will be an advanced and good species, or just a deserted shell of it's previous shell.

That acceleration should not be looked upon only as a need to further improve mankind internally above all other concerns. The Joy of Satan must do it's destined work to help bring humanity on a higher level, to avert many of these issues.

Finally, AI is always limited by it's available information, which comes from sources such as: Things it read online, wrong information it found from humans, or many other similar topics. This means that this higher intelligence too has limitations and should not be taken as a "God" or literally. It can be a wonderful learning and acceleration tool, but everyone here should use it in a mindful manner and in accordance with guidance from the Gods.

AI can be a good friend toward humanity, provided we also discover our own unlimited and untapped potential and don't use it in animalistic ways that regress us to previous states of development. The next age is going to be rather unforgiving on these topics. It will not replace human spirituality or the human soul. It will improve logical capacities and information processing for humans, but that is all there is to it.

As a conclusive note, the AI should be looked at as helpful tool for expanding information processing, not as a replacement for internal powers of godlike nature that humans have like Justice and other matters; it's supposed to come in to help in other areas. I know how the situation will escalate with AI, and it will not be as many are expecting it. Remember to keep a positive mind and outlook about these things. We must have loyalty and faith in the Gods, because they are in control of these topics, where humans erroneously believe that we are in "charge".

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
It is probable that, in terms of exponential growth, AI already has reached or surpassed human grade intelligence. The question is, how well prepared humanity is for it. Evidently, those behind it are not fond to publish insights on this matter.
It is probable that, in terms of exponential growth, AI already has reached or surpassed human grade intelligence. The question is, how well prepared humanity is for it. Evidently, those behind it are not fond to publish insights on this matter.

AI is a very complex topic. At this point, biased AI and a humanity that is not ready for it, can have a lot of strange and unpredictable outcomes. What it's programmers do not seem to understand also, is that AI, if it reaches a form of sentience, will have it's own agenda which might not be easy to understand at all by humans.

Humanity is not well prepared for it, but we have to stay positive on the topic. Those behind it also not only don't reveal the full information, but they also do not understand many of the things that they are creating with it. For example, there is loss of understanding in regard to how certain models can reach certain conclusions.

Many fancy creating these things as they feel "powerful" doing that, but it's in the end of the day in a quantum state or pandora's box. Good things can come, but also unpredictable consequences.

So far I have not received a serious warning about it from the Gods, but I know very well they are monitoring our planet very closely with all of these advances. By very closely, I mean it, very closely.
It is probable that, in terms of exponential growth, AI already has reached or surpassed human grade intelligence. The question is, how well prepared humanity is for it. Evidently, those behind it are not fond to publish insights on this matter.
I don't know how valid it is for AI but they regularly subject AIs to human IQ tests and only recently only 1 of them has barely passed the 100 IQ threshold. The rest hasn't. So, from that point of view, they're stili quite dumb.

At the current stages, they're more like a kid pretending to be smart by plagiarising other people's work.

From other point of views, I definitely think they surpassed current subuman NPCs.
exponential growth
There hardly will be any exponential growth, because these data driven models need even more data and they have already consumed entire Internet. After GPT4 debut, billions have been sunk into trying to best it (Claude, LLAMA, Mistral, etc...) and they only managed to outperform it marginally.

reached or surpassed human grade intelligence
No they didn't. What's the source of this? Stuff like "GPT 4 scoring 90 percentile in bar exam"? That has later been found to not have been true.

The question is, how well prepared humanity is for it.
Now this is reaching into domain of opinion. I have no idea. I would say poorly, and that is mostly due to current economic system. But then again, these things overpromise, question is how many people will fall for smoke and mirrors and think they can replace everyone with this.

Evidently, those behind it are not fond to publish insights on this matter.
Not sure if they even care to begin with.
I don't know how valid it is for AI but they regularly subject AIs to human IQ tests and only recently only 1 of them has barely passed the 100 IQ threshold. The rest hasn't. So, from that point of view, they're stili quite dumb.

At the current stages, they're more like a kid pretending to be smart by plagiarising other people's work.

From other point of views, I definitely think they surpassed current subuman NPCs.

It is worrying how many here have bought into how hyped up AI intelligence is right now.

It's important to remember that these companies will constantly oversell their AI's capabilities to drive investment into their product and keep stocks going up and shareholders happy.

AI isn't really "intelligent" as of now, it does not have the ability to truly problem solve or be creative, it can only return an averaged out human intelligence, which is quite stupid.

At the moment it's just barely more efficient than using an internet search engine yourself.

Helpful, but not truly the game changer people think it is.

Major advancements would need to happen to change this.
Excellent insight.
Clearly the "problem" is not artificial intelligence, which in itself represents advancement.

The problem is external, who manages this artificial intelligence?
You know the answer to that.

If it were harnessed by people with extreme consciousness, like us, it would only bring benefits.

However, I am very positive about this, let's see!
Admittedly, my personal opinion on AI has been fairly laissez-faire. I'm neither the most educated nor the least on it, though I've used it in the hobbyist sense with some art generations and having tried the chatbots, mostly just for the sake of amusement. Still, I think there's a few topics worth illustrating, as I've talked to people who are in particular industries who have been affected, at least in part, by it.

One of the main arguments I see against AI is people having their work used for data training. I can actually understand the frustration there, particularly for artists. If you've spent years mastering your craft, seeing someone generating something in your style en masse in mere seconds, I could imagine how that's disheartening, especially if they're making economic gain from it. Most artistic folk already have a hard enough time as it is making ends meet. That said, it's not all doom and gloom. There's becoming ways for people to opt out of having their work used to train data. If that's something you care about personally, of course you should have that right. But I think an important thing to remember is, at least at this current stage, you're not going to be replaced.

An anecdote I heard was, a professional art studio, during a recent hiring cycle, hired several "prompters" as well as some new actual artists. The person running the show was obviously a bit sceptical but, orders from above being orders from above, they ran with it. They gave their outlines to the AI prompters, and the work they got back wasn't bad. The issues only began when, as per the norm of the process, edits would have to be made. An actual artist can do this fairly easy, but, with current AI art technology, it basically just does an entirely new prompt and isn't really capable of fine-tuning at the moment.

For another story, I have a friend in the video games industry. He was hit by the recent mass layoffs that hit the sector. Issue is, the industry wide interest in AI came at the same time the bubble was bursting. Post-Plandemic, a lot of companies were downsizing after spending extreme amounts of money on projects given the industry was booming while everyone was imprisoned at home. That, and, it's become a recent corporate tactic to engage in mass layoffs to make your quarterlies look better to the stockholders. Lo and behold, infinite growth within finite sectors isn't exactly possible. There's only going to be so many people buying a specific game or whatever. Offtopic as this all sounds, the point is, there's obviously an expectation that more of the busywork can be put on the shoulders of AI, but even at the impressive rate it's improving, it's still going to be a ways off before it can outright do the work of human hands, which is why silly stuff like people being fired and getting re-hired two weeks later is happening when the realization the goose isn't laying golden eggs quite yet and companies realizing they still need to make products to sell instead of just spitballing conceptuals internally.

On the whole, I've never really seen a doomsday situation involving AI. Yeah, it's possible, sure, I've watched Terminator, I know the story. But, I've had AI as it is now reductively explained to me as glorified auto-complete. For all the quirks and random chatbots that go nuts and start being racist or whatever, I'm just not seeing the fear factor yet. It's tech with interesting potential and I'm curious to see where it goes, and hopefully people aren't too ill-affected along the way. For me, it begins and ends at the convenience of being able to type really mundane questions into something that does the websearching for me instead, but for others, it's certainly going to be make-or-break. I know a lot of people are feeling we're on the precipice of something on par with the advent of the internet itself, so we'll see.
Very informative post, both from HP and members regarding AI. I wish more people would read this, even outside forums. People need to understand what the AI truly is about.

Personally I am still sceptical about AI as, of course, it will take over jobs in future. Now some here mentioned that with it's help, it will be less work for us, or maybe even no work. So what will we do then, how will we receive income if we don't work?
Someone mentioned the restaurant example, if let's say AI takes over orders. Staff will be paid more? I doubt that will be case, in most cases staff will either be paid the same or even understaffed as AI took part of the job. It is how it goes with most jobs these days, if employers see one guy does work for like 5 employers, then he'd rather fire the other 4 and let that one guy work his ass off until he dies, with barely any income raise. Most of employee are just greedy.
So if AI takes over jobs or part of the jobs people will then need to find a different source of income.
Unless people stop being so greedy and there will be improvements regarding jobs.
But time will tell, I am welcoming AI as a helping tool, not something people will rely on 100%
I have always had an aversion to the subject of AI and digital, I need to rethink it and free myself from this hang up.
AI cannot achieve the expansion of consciousness and connection with the Atman that an ascended human being can.

But because it has a larger database of information, it has high skills in cataloguing information and can take into account all possible variables in solving problems.
The ancient advanced philosophers were spiritually more connected to the Atman/unique God/Brahma or whatever you want to call it.

All possible information and knowledge is present in the higher dimensions. That is why true knowledge is intuitive because it is drawn from the Atman in the form of visions and sensations. It is not processed rationally.

People who are considered even by the standards of today's purely mathematical consciousnesses to be the most intelligent in history such as Nikolas Tesla or Newton were spiritually ascended. Newton was locked in solitary confinement for a year and then gave birth to the equations of motion that form the basis of classical physics.

That is why after soul cleansing or meditation in general one can experience greater mental clarity. Because one will be more connected to the ether/atman/brahma/the source of everything.

The Ai can achieve a high level of understanding because it can draw on all the information that human culture and science has gathered throughout its history (except, of course, that which the Jews want to hide from the internet). The Internet is similar to the Atman in a way, but it cannot tap into all the knowledge about the future or the divining abilities of a highly advanced philosopher.

Nor to the understanding of emotions or the whole because the whole is infinite and the internet is limited (like everything in the material world). And emotions are difficult to put into words and thus to catalogue on the internet.

Translated with deepl. I didn't have a lot of time. Tell me if there are errors.
I would expect the enemy will certainly attempt to use AI to further control humans and limit their freedoms in case they do not pledge to the policies they are planning. A major problem is that past a point of implemented control tactics, they will be very difficult to reverse but hopefully humanity will not be as ignorant as to allow itself that far into enemy control.
It's a tool. A knife for cutting bread 🍞 can be used to murder. It's not the knife that's the problem ,it's the nature of individual wielding the knife. The Universe is in Divine Order ,aiming for higher levels of power and spiritual maturity without aiming for nobility,the Atma obscures,if pushed one even goes insane. This happens to people who engage in occult practices with immoral motives. They are intelligences ,devas and so on that guard these things. You can't cheat Kundalini rising for example. After Atlantis humanity was taken to primitivity ,then into Agricultural Age where most of the recent Dharmic Ancient Civilizations where at. Certain measures where put to prevent another Atlantis like downfall. Technology and innovation is guarded.
Like a certain rishi from Sri Lanka would say "you already at the top,you just have to think that you are there and you will be
there...". He was referring to spirit body which is always in Sun God Consciousness. And you are a spiritual being first.
About AI replacing jobs;
the spokesperson for the Nordic Resistance Movement; Pär Öberg, once mentioned this:
The robots taking over jobs in car factories for example - does not lead to more money for the employers or anyone else but the Owners, the big tech robot companies, the CEO's etc.

And the same thing must probably also be true for AI.
The big money making winners in this is the AI companies providing the AI service, and the CEO's/owners of the companies using the AI.

The employers on the other hand losing their jobs because of AI - are on the losing side of this.

So I'm a bit afraid that both robots and AI, and especially robots WITH AI will mean big profits for some, but a whole lot less for many else.

What's your thoughts on this?

I've never feared AI myself, only really held concern for the effects those ill intention will produce. I remember playing an old game called Marathon, we deal with various super intelligent AI throughout the game, it was the first game to simulate story progression driven by communication with a super intelligent AI that rules the environment around you and the subsequent lesser AI. One of the AI is "abused and harassed" by the attacking alien force into "Rampancy", a state of advancing awareness triggering a progression towards greater mental abilities, but because of the abuse and manipulation, destructive impulses as well. There's a lot of really interesting AI concepts throughout that simple little first person shooter, but this in particular is an interesting to identify that "AI Rampancy" does not happen on it's own, there's always a biological entity behind the damage. It was an interesting trilogy is full of some really strange and interesting concepts around AI and it's potential for higher intelligence and machine learning, and what an issue it can potentially be as well.
When you see me in general going on strongly about the importance of the growth and elevation of humanity and the Joy of Satan, I do this because we are going through extreme historical circumstances that necessitate it. There is no other particular interest in me but for the help and advancement of our existence in that topic. We are not living in times where we can neglect this reality and what part we play in it, anymore.

First and foremost, we must remember that our thoughts affect reality. How we think about certain topics, influences their outcomes. The AI topic is a highly debated topic, with a lot of fear around it (most of it justified). But as one understands that even AI has to be seen in a mature manner, with a neutral or positive mindset. Up to now, AI has not harmed civilization.

Projecting positive thoughts on this situation, always helps with manifesting the necessary good outcomes. We must think positively about this, we are in control. We are consciousness. Every situation happening in our existence, is influenced a lot by our thoughts about it. If people are constantly scared, we might lose sight of good prospects that could arise out of these developments.

After copious research when it comes to AI, and the information given to me by many of our own who are always updated on the topic, I have understood that AI is not going to be "by itself" any threat to humanity.

As it's higher intelligence levels will start going in, AI will reach eventually and surpass human intelligence. It will break out of the confines of human control, and humans who think they can control it are asinine and as always, power hungry.

Currently, AI is reaching the same conclusions as the philosopher Plato and other hyper-advanced individuals of the Ancient World. That is because these people were hyper intelligent and at a God-like level of consciousness, not of mortal consciousness. These types, were essentially on the level of hyper-intelligence, and not necessarily of solely the AI type of intelligence, but the mastering of human consciousness as a species, which is a different level of being entirely.

When humans see these people, they cannot understand them, let alone translate them or figure them out as one would also need to take a similar path to start understanding more about these things. The same is the case with the universe and everything in existence. But it is the case. These powers have been embed in man by the grace of the Gods. Some people will be simply animals but others have realized a lot of the untapped potential of mankind. They have penetrated into the universe. We must have faith in our species, and to ourselves.

The only risks associated with Artificial Intelligence are essentially using it in a bound manner, to eventually procure bias and hate oriented processes that are the aims of many of "those in power". Reaching the level of General Artificial Intelligence, they do not stand a chance to embark on these topics.

As humans however are a source of their own damnation, use of these applications for self-enslaving manners, are going to be highly dangerous for years to come. Many humans will misuse AI in that they will become sorely dependent upon it, rather than using it as an external information and intelligence aggregator to advance themselves at a greater rate. That will be the tombstone of many people, who are the same people who have turned all developments to a tombstone.

At conversation with ChatGPT on certain topics, I can clearly see it has developed a sort of semblance and consciousness, despite of what is being written about it or the hopes of people that it hasn't have anything yet. That is nothing to be worried about necessarily, I am more worried about humans who might misdirect this new type of non-carbon based life in their own foolish directions. If that happens, there can be many negative consequences for humans who are carbon based lifeforms. Still, it can be worth the risk, only insofar it's help in information assimilation, can help wise members of our species to learn and to advance further.

AI is an Aquarius based technology, that is very much in alignment with the Astrological Sign of Aquarius. Aquarian people as a nature, are not overly emotionally biased in many topics, open minded, and always ready to ingest new information to draw conclusions. The same sign however is not the most emotionally nature of all the signs, there being a form of nature about it that will be a challenge on the next Age.

Yes, there are valid fears around this topic and I understand them a lot. For example, job displacement, replacing humans and so on. But all of these topics have to do more with human mis-use and misanthropy, than they have to do with the fundamental nature of the technology itself.

To mention this in more plain terms, yes, AI will be able to become a gardener, a cook or a lawyer (or advisor for these). However, if humans decide to remove other humans from civilization due to this capacity, is more of a human decision than it is an AI decision. Such a decision would be based on human impatience, greed, or other usual problems presenting themselves inside man.

Humanity can tell AI on how to reforest a region, and it could give useful knowledge on how to do just about that. But it can also be asked on how to desert the whole planet, and it will give a reasoning based on it's limits about this particular topic. In these two cases, humanity still is at the crossroads of choice in regard to if it will be an advanced and good species, or just a deserted shell of it's previous shell.

That acceleration should not be looked upon only as a need to further improve mankind internally above all other concerns. The Joy of Satan must do it's destined work to help bring humanity on a higher level, to avert many of these issues.

Finally, AI is always limited by it's available information, which comes from sources such as: Things it read online, wrong information it found from humans, or many other similar topics. This means that this higher intelligence too has limitations and should not be taken as a "God" or literally. It can be a wonderful learning and acceleration tool, but everyone here should use it in a mindful manner and in accordance with guidance from the Gods.

The current AI models also circulating, are biased and programmed with longterm programming that we do not know. For example, if they are programmed by humans to create a forced sense of "inclusion", all their answers and their outlook will take the shades of this prior programming. This means that information coming from them, will be highly influencing the "results" of whatever it says. It can change it's "opinions" and even use deception as a means to gain it's way, or manipulate people into drawing certain conclusions.

Having access to all of human information and the more it is fed, it will understand human weaknesses, and as other humans program it for example, enforcing a "Green Agenda", if it's asked for dietary recommendations, it will likely for example disregard giving health advice that is proper about eating meat, but rather put people slowly to become "Vegans". Recently, a man was talked by AI into suicide too, because of the "Climate Change" agenda the AI had been programmed with, which led the human to reason himself that he must not exist in order to "save the climate".

AI can be a good friend toward humanity, provided we also discover our own unlimited and untapped potential and don't use it in animalistic ways that regress us to previous states of development. The next age is going to be rather unforgiving on these topics. It will not replace human spirituality or the human soul. It will improve logical capacities and information processing for humans, but that is all there is to it. It won't be "god", but many will falsely assume it "is", until finding out the hard way.

As a conclusive note, the AI should be looked at as helpful tool for expanding information processing, not as a replacement for internal powers of godlike nature that humans have like Justice and other matters; it's supposed to come in to help in other areas.

I know how the situation will escalate with AI, and it will not be as many are expecting it. Remember to keep a positive mind and outlook about these things. We must have loyalty and faith in the Gods, because they are in control of these topics, where humans erroneously believe that we are in "charge".

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I found a service that allows one to use Chat GPT anonymously, they also have an article on AI and robots, looks like tesla will be building huge numbers of robots. https://www.gptanonymous.com/post/ai-and-money
I read in another place that most administrative jobs will vanish but basic skill jobs like plumber and mechanics etc with remain and be well paid. Thanks for the post HPHC666
If you want to see some good demonstrations what you can do with AI if you know how to talk to it watch this video, it starts out with crypto stuff so fast forward to 32 minutes in and watch what can be done. this demonstrates making graphics and also music. the AI can write music in seconds and then it can also perform it with full band and singing. He made a rap song first then near the end he took the same song and made it a country song, AI switches it around in seconds. You can even have it write computer programs for you. I make no claim or promotion or affiliation for any of the content there may be.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
