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For or Against Defending Israel, Stamping-out anti-Semitism and Supporting Jews? Here's Why.


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
This OP is a placeholder because I can't edit my posts. This animated .gif below can be this thread's thumbnail.

I made this animated .gif back in November 2015 - with some old links! I have put the .gif in spoiler tags because it contains some flashes, so it might be an epilepsy trigger.


I was going to entitle this thread sarcastically, asking if we should defend Jews, stamp-out anti-Semitism and support Israel. I decided not to. I think we know the answer to the title question - and here's why...
The jew Gaslighting the Goyim

I think this video could be the title video for this thread. I've had this idea of putting a thread like this together with media of what the jew and "israel" does for quite a while, and since I found this video by accident, I thought it was a good enough time to actually make it, and this video is a very good one for being the title video, a very good one to start off with. Feel free to add your own media - pics, vids, articles, etc.

The Real Holocaust

Kabbalah Exposed

Beware of @Le_CRIF (and probably others)

The Joys of Yiddish [Revised]

World Union of Jewish Students - Hasbara Handbook - Promoting Israel on Campus

Current JoSM Sites & Selected Important Links
This current-links post was made before the forum migration which means the links are not hyperlinks, not clicklable, so you'll have to either copy the links or - easier - treble-click them, then open them in a new tab.







P.S. Just as I was about to post this, the forum was down. This is still going up as soon as possible. The jew might have been able to get away with its non-Human, anti-Human evil for many centuries in the past, but now with the 666 WWW these things are recorded and backed-up and many people can, will, and do save them and re-upload them in various places online so the truth can be known, the truth will be known, the truth is known.
"isreal" soldier threw stun grenade at Palestinian Man

Former member of "israel" government admits "anti-semitism" and "the" holocaust is a trick

Prime minister of "israel", Benjamin Netanyahu - Hitler Didn't Want to Exterminate the jews

Argentinian jew allegedly murdered auntie and mother after they visited, miaowing in court room

(((gabriel gipe))) Inderkum High School Natomas Sacramento ANTIFA teacher exposed part 1; news+other

(((gabriel gipe))) ANTIFA teacher exposed part 2a - official Natomas School Board meeting recording

(((gabriel gipe))) ANTIFA teacher exposed - part 2b - personal camera, before/during/after

The jew CELEBRATING the White-Brother war between Russia and Ukraine?

Sam Bankman-Fried, the former owner of FTX, a cryptocurrency exchange, is jewish

Non-Human; rabbi admits jew is alien/ET species; & more - War from Another Galaxy short documentary

Protests Erupt Worldwide in Support of Palestine

Top jew jacob rothschild admitting its family's involvement in the creation of "israel"

Robert Welch's Plan to Destroy America

Modern eDuCaTiOn

"There are two genders", said a student; his teacher kicked him out of the classroom

re: "There are two genders", said student; teacher kicked him out classroom

"Save the polar bears while I fly around in my diesel-guzzling jet"

CoVID House-arrest/microchip - "israel" wants electronic 'freedom' bracelet; enforce self-isolation

CoVID-19 - Supermarket rang police; reported medically-exempt disabled Man for not wearing mask

Coronavirus 2019 - Police Abusing Their Powers Outside ASDA Shop in Birkenhead

COVID-19 - Big Brother? AI Scanners Monitor Pedestrians' Social Distancing

Coronavirus Lockdown SEX BAN - Piers Morgan Good Morning Britain

"Diversity is Humanity's Destiny ... Europe will be diverse" - Frans Timmermans

BLM Terrorising White People Eating at a Restaurant

Black Lives Matter Now, MF - Black Ohio Man in custody after kneeling on White Toddler Boy's neck

A muslim threatens a German Man - 'We will conquer you with births; we will marry your daughters!'

Common jewish woman being racist on a Bus

Most or all of these Bitchute video pages have links back to posts on this forum. Some of the videos don't work for me, including when I try them on a different browser. I intend to reupload them eventually. Perhaps you can find them elsewhere.
Cool GIF! It really gives me early-mid 00's vibes.
Thanks, lol. I have no idea about the '00s vibes. I just made it... the original static picture about 6 years ago. I thought it would be better to have the nice animation, so I did that a few years ago. The red "ISRAEL AND SATAN" bit was its own separate picture, which I also did about 6 years ago.

Those who curse "israel" are blessed; those who bless "israel" are cursed.
Did "israel"'s national security minister threaten netanyahu if it doesn't invade Rafah?

I came across this


and when I searched for a bit of that, I found these -


and as we can see,

the first result is

the second result is

and the next results are "understanding the good samaritan parable" and "healing"? This coincidence, regarding individual search terms or phrases, is funny that the search engine put these right after the ones above. So "good samaritan" and "healing" means to hurt, to be hurtful and celebrate that? Apparently so. Woe unto those - the jew - for putting good for evil and evil for good, so say its own bibles.

I wonder if (((they))) manipulated the results so that those results about "helping" and being a "good samaritan" appeared alongside the other results about the jew cursing Palestine and the Palestinians.
I came across this...
Very interesting article F.M. 🙂

I thought I'd throw out something stupidly random (don't know if you use Windows or not), but I found out that you can set a custom dark theme in 'themes' that makes everything black (even any website you visit) with your choice of letter colouring, etc.

Just a random tidbit if it's something you might be into because I myself have had trouble with too much white on my monitor... It's too much for my eyes. 😅

I might have to try some blue light glasses as an added benefit for evenings. Great posts as always; highly informative and always appreciated!
Very interesting article F.M. 🙂


Great posts as always; highly informative and always appreciated!
Thanks. I'm considering stopping fully, or reducing doing it. It seems like a waste of time, like I'm wasting my time.

I thought I'd throw out something stupidly random (don't know if you use Windows or not), but I found out that you can set a custom dark theme in 'themes' that makes everything black (even any website you visit) with your choice of letter colouring, etc.

Just a random tidbit if it's something you might be into because I myself have had trouble with too much white on my monitor... It's too much for my eyes. 😅

I might have to try some blue light glasses as an added benefit for evenings.
On Windose (as I call it) (assuming it works in all later versions) you could use Left-CTRL, Left-ALT and PrtScn, but that might not be quite what you're after.
Thanks. I'm considering stopping fully, or reducing doing it. It seems like a waste of time, like I'm wasting my time.

On Windose (as I call it) (assuming it works in all later versions) you could use Left-CTRL, Left-ALT and PrtScn, but that might not be quite what you're after.
I suppose your right there, however I have heard some things... crazy things about dead internet theory and this other theory floating around about how everything in the internet (going back something like 15 years) has been archived on servers some place silicon valley which (((for all we know))) could include silicon wady.

Considering all the things you have pointed to (antisemitism groups scampering like orcs invading Moria) along with that new antisemitism bill... things are getting crazier and it doesn't hurt to be informed regarding this stuff yet at the same time not to let it create a total 'panic mode' and instead to build stronger awareness of how and why these things occur.

You also have the most broad approach to research to most here IMO which isn't so bad in my view. It's good to think critically and that is encouraged here. I did find that one post you made comical and informative. Nothing they do makes any sense:
"After all,“Yiddish” comes from the German Jüdisch, meaning “Jewish,” and in the Yiddish language itself Yiddish means “Jewish.”"
So "yiddish" < Jüdisch = "jewish" & "yiddish" means jewish (= jewish) but it is not jewish (=/
= jewish)?

I also couldn't believe the thing about bagels. That was a dissapointment... from Jewish communities in Poland. I'll hold onto the expectation that they coped something else from the Poles or maybe even stole it which is far from uncommon in their insane history.

It probably is worth to store information. I've got a hard copy of the JoS and the old forums just in case things start going mad max which is always a tiny possibility no matter how much no one likes to consider it.

I do love that you made a post about smart dust, nanotech, mind-control, etc while no one else did. These also are things to keep in the back of our minds. but rather to be aware and to seek on working around.

In terms of that... I've heard many things like using a powerful neodynium magnet could help in mitigation, along with one invention someone made (the nano-bucket) albeit that one's a bit extreme. 😄

I think that things like chlorela and betonite clay along with certain foods like brocolli, garlic, turmeric etc all have some chelating properties. A detox bath might also be worth doing once a week I think: https://www.zumanutrition.com/en-ca...detox-bath-a-natural-way-to-cleanse-your-body

Things like that might help along with meditation. Saying we can meditate ourselves out of anything isn't always the answer IMO... some people even need serious medical intervention on the physical side, thus (as it's been encouraged) we should combine science and the spiritual and have a balance of the two. For that reason I don't expect its possible to meditate ourselves away from nanotech no less than we can mediate ourselves out of a bacterial infection. Things requre a balance of both spiritual and physical, just as outlined in the 8-fold path.

Anyway, without going on too much I can understand where you may think your posts feel like a waste of time. I believe that every post has value, even the ones from trolls/infiltrators. There's always something positive to be gained and that's the whole point, so don't get yourself down too much about these things. People will react and that in itself presents yet another thing to reflect on. I think that people should be allowed to post what they please given that it's with good intent. Nothing you've shared glorifies jews in any way; it only presents some facts and unbiased information sources to compare/contrast/evaluate/etc. No harm in that so long as it takes a very small part of your daily efforts.

It's totally up to you on whether you post or not. Taking a break and comming back every now-and-then can help too for sure. You're a bit of a celebrity around these forums and for good reason. 😄
Just noticed... for the sake of better clarification... (trolls and infiltrators) was a contrasting comparison as you're neither of these obviously yet I think I remember a comment or two where some had that idea... people are strange I guess. To most everyone I'd say you're posts are quite welcome however for sure don't put yourself out too much with your contributions if you don't feel inclined to. I genuinely appreciate them a lot and I know I'm not alone there... people may be more busy I think (full-time, vs part-time). Your openness, directness and humour is in my view an exceptionally strong quality to have, one I'm working on myself being that I'm a bit like spock/sheldon or something of that sort in some ways. 😆
You're a bit of a celebrity around these forums and for good reason. 😄
Am I? Oh, my days. I('d (not) like to) imagine that there's a secret FancyMancy worship society that I don't know about... Now that I've upset some individuals...!

I do often feel my right ear burning, but that tends to be for spite; it's the left for love. Are you sure I'm not a celebrity? Less famous, more notorious? It would make sense if y'all were slagging FancyMancy off behind his back!


Silicon Wadi? The World's "start-up nation"? PMSL. Grassroots? Of society? Of society? "PMSL" is to "lol" as "?" is to "PMSL"; therefore, ?.

You also have the most broad approach to research to most here IMO which isn't so bad in my view. It's good to think critically and that is encouraged here. I did find that one post you made comical and informative. Nothing they do makes any sense:

"After all,“Yiddish” comes from the German Jüdisch, meaning “Jewish,” and in the Yiddish language itself Yiddish means “Jewish.”"
So "yiddish" < Jüdisch = "jewish" & "yiddish" means jewish (= jewish) but it is not jewish (=/= jewish)?
To sound like a broken record - the jew dissimilates. It decides meaning, "meaning", mEaNiNg. As we (might) have seen, this gideon falter was going to go on a march walk. It's not a march, because it's defined as not-a-march. So "yiddish" means "jewish" but is "not"* jewish at all. Herp-derp.

from Jewish communities in Poland.
There is something about the jew in... if I remember correctly, it was Poland. I hope I still have it so I can upload it eventually.

In terms of that... I've heard many things like using a powerful neodynium magnet could help in mitigation, along with one invention someone made (the nano-bucket) albeit that one's a bit extreme. 😄
I don't really know what you mean by any of that. I suppose neodymium magnets could help with the "smart" dust, to gather it and make it easier to control, and possibly for the nanotech to mess it up like a lorry's tachograph, but for the rest, I don't know.

I think that things like chlorela and betonite clay along with certain foods like brocolli, garlic, turmeric etc all have some chelating properties. A detox bath might also be worth doing once a week I think: https://www.zumanutrition.com/en-ca...detox-bath-a-natural-way-to-cleanse-your-body
There are two reasons I call dirty industry dirty... cough I also just realised, that it might be a coincidence, if not a cohencidence - in-dust-ry. It is very dusty, or smoggy and dirty. Maybe the "in" refers to it being in people's lungs...

Your openness, directness and humour is in my view an exceptionally strong quality to have, one I'm working on myself being that I'm a bit like spock/sheldon or something of that sort in some ways. 😆
Request permission to tease you and antagonise you in a friendly and no-homo loving way?

*I wonder if you or anyone understands the italics and quote marks at the same time here -

I put it as a spoiler in case some might want to try and realise on their own what I meant with the italics and quote marks being together, without being influenced by what I explain below.
If someone is your friend, but they talk shit behind your back, stab you in the back, use you, etc., then they are not your friend; one might say that they are your "friend", i.e. meaning so-called, but not actually friend;
italics are used for emphasis, to stress a point;
so with the italics of not, that is emphasising that "yiddish" is, in fact, not jewish; however, the "quote marks", as used to mean alleged rather than quoting, indicate the opposite, the contradiction of the point; so using them together, in this case, means that "yiddish" really isn't jewish, but in fact, it actually is!

That's the "logic" of the jew. Either it is really retarded and schizophrenic, which it is, or it is very clever and knows quite how to confuse and confound.

"Lexicon" is not "wordbook" but is "dictionary" - yet all three of these words are the same;
"yiddish" is not jewish - except that it is;
gideon falter was planning on going on a not-march - except that's exactly what it would have been if it wasn't cancelled;

Thus spake kikajewsta, Also sprach kikajewsta.

No wonder the Goyim need faith in the holey-with-an-E "father"! Logic and reason and proper, actual understanding make no sense to those who are wise, who have the wisdumb of faith! Bless Goy Adam for eating the Apple from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.

What? Adam's a jew? So the jew punishes its own... and jew Adam helped the Goyim? The snake, who is not Satan by name (and Satan really meant the embodiment of evil as opposed to an actual character and being), helped jew Adam? Are you sure Adam's a jew? If it's a jew, "god"'s "choszen people", then why did jewgod not make it suffocate to death or curse it to death with the lashes of fire?

Oh, that's what christian hell is, you say? Did Adam go to christian hell before christianity was invented?

To shreds you say?
unexpected Futurama reference
You're always welcome to poke fun at me lol, I can take that any day of the week, no-homo. 🙂

I think I'm starting to slowly understand Fancy-Mancynese and your "sarcasm" lol. Still, you always keep me on my toes and just a touch confused which I take as a means to develop my thinking, comprehension, expression and so forth. Can't be so serious all the time like the Joker once said, a character that in some ways represents a hero more than a villain, particularly in the film of the same name.

Herp-derp lol! A new internet slang word for the memory bank. Thank the Gods for urban dictionary. If that didn't exist I'd think I was suffering from dyslexia.

I took it a bit too literally with my search engine and trying to figure out what it meant which is either 1.) to point out a stupid or ignorant remark or behavior, or 2.) SublimeSS overthinking a bit (nothing new there) leading to 'herp' (The word "herp" is short for herptile, which is the general term for amphibians and reptiles as a group) and 'derp' (a stupid or foolish acting person)... foolish thinking/acting reptiles/amphibians.

The shoe largely fits either way I think. 😆

Regarding the in-dust-try lol - I think there's a point where we can agree that the human body is more resilient than what people tend to think. (((They/them/he/she/it))) have been trying to kill us off for decades with ill success, having to ramp up the vaccines 414% from the 1950s, destroy food/farming around the 90's, littering the skies with chemtrails and so forth. All things considered I saw a person of relatively-normal health subsisting on junk food, soda, etc... many of these examples are those I encounter spinning in the streets and calling out to things/people when no one is around. (At least they get plenty of exercise) Speaking frankly, I truly hope the best for these people. They often can be highly empathetic to each other (one time I saw one of these people giving another a pair of winter gloves). Such is human psychology, that we are apt to expect the worst in things too easily.

Indeed, they can try to get to us with all the stuff but I think that if I for example ate out that one off-day I wouldn't become this inhuman thing with a nano-network, etc. Even that latest James Bond move TBH made me (for a period of time) afraid to make contact with people, such as a handshake or high-five.

So long as I avoid putting my arm in-and-out, doing the 'hokey-pokie' (and spin myself around - spinners) I should have no reason to fear self-replicating nanobots taking over my consciousness/body. That got a little dark! Such is my sense of humour regretably. 😅


For information sake, those reading who did do the hokey-pokie, I think you shouldn't have anything to truly fear as a sizable portion of doses were placebos, plus this technology in the context of humans is in the 'experiemntal' phase which gives me some hope. Sorry for my excess skepticism and concern around that. As alluded to above, we're creations of the Gods and I do belive that we can overcome literally anything whereas most others are left to the whim of fate.
Recently saw an interview with a swedish gangster named "Leo Carmona".
He mentioned something interesting; that the swedish former gangster-rapper "Sebbe" - now Christian, so extremely full of love (actually shit), has begun supporting Israel on all fronts.

This was heavily criticized by Leo which was good.
He mentioned all the sick Israel loving litterature the church comes out with, and that Sebbe is led by the church who dictates what is "holy" or right etc.
That support and loving of Israel is a core thing in that program.

"Gods chosen people" together with their "King of Jews Jesus" needs eradication in order to stop that support and love for these criminals.
Just a side note to my last post here; Leo Carmona is of course not ethnically swedish, but from Chile.
He has done big robberies; robbed the swedish airport Arlanda once, been involved in really high crime, cocaine smuggling etc.
No name is more gangster than "Leo Carmona".

Can be important to point out what is meant with swedish sometimes. Definitely not an ethnical swede that one.


Nothing to see here. That profile picture is merely a cohencidence...


...of the Syrian Boy and similar.

I prevented the showing of the pictures on purpose.
Also netanyahu thanked nikki haley for long-time support of "israel".

The most moral army on the Planet, "israel".
Who is in the wrong? Who is the most moral? Who is the enemy?


Oh, and let's compare that with...


I wonder what's going to happen in the near future, in 4+ years or so, as per "the curse of the 8th decade"...

That's a very interesting blue and white 'verified' tick there. The jew is getting free reign with its Internet terrorism, while others get (((shadowbanned/banned))).
"israel" - It didn't start on the 7th/Oct

13,000 Palestinian Children Have Been Arbitrarily Detained, Interrogated, Tried in Military Courts and Imprisoned in Israel since 2000​

"israel" attacks innocent civilians AGAIN, in an "israel"-designated "safe zone"


Italian football fans turned their backs when the "israel" "national anthem" played during Italy v "israel"

Israeli forces 'kill a Palestinian child every two days' in West Bank
Report finds 141 children across the occupied territory have been killed by soldiers and settlers since October, with most shot in the head and torso


An Israeli soldier takes position during an army operation in Tulkarm in the north of the occupied West Bank on 29 August 2024 (AFP)

A new report has detailed how more than 140 Palestinian children have been killed by Israeli forces and settlers in the occupied West Bank since the 7 October Hamas-led attack and ensuing war on Gaza began.

The report by Defence for Children International (DCIP), Targeting childhood: Palestinian children killed by Israeli forces and settlers in the occupied West Bank, is based on eyewitness testimonies, medical reports and CCTV footage. It documents the killing of 141 Palestinian children between 7 October 2023 and 31 July 2024.

Researchers found that on average, Israeli forces have killed a child every two days during this period.
According to the report, most of the victims were shot in the head or torso with live ammunition. It added that 18 children were shot in the back, indicating that they were not facing their assailants.

In many cases, the children were targeted by snipers, who are regularly deployed during military incursions into Palestinian communities across the West Bank.
Researchers said that while some of the children were killed during clashes between Israeli forces and Palestinian communities, snipers “routinely” target Palestinian children while they are “going about their daily lives”.

In one case, a four-year-old named Ruqaya Jahalin was shot in the torso while she was in a van with her mother at a checkpoint near Beit Iksa in the central West Bank.
In another, Mahmoud Amjad Ismail Hamadneh, 15, was shot in the head, torso and limbs by an Israeli sniper while riding his bike home from school in Jenin.

No imminent threat​

In all cases documented in the report, the DCIP emphasised that the children posed “no imminent threat” and that there was no evidence that Israeli forces issued warnings prior to firing. It added that, under the UN Basic Principles on the Use of Force, Firearms by Law Enforcement, live ammunition should only be used as a last resort.

“Israeli forces have made clear their contempt for Palestinian children’s lives in their deliberate and systematic disregard for international law and even their own policies permitting the use of live ammunition in circumstances not justified under international law,” the report said.

According to DCIP, in addition to deliberately targeting children, in 60 percent of the cases, Israeli forces “systematically” blocked paramedics and ambulances from reaching the wounded children.

The NGO has documented more than 700 deaths of Palestinian children in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, since 2000. It said that, of that figure, 20 percent were killed since 7 October.

"This notable increase, in part, can be attributed to Israeli authorities’ unwillingness to hold individual soldiers accountable for unlawful conduct and war crimes," the report read.

It added that while no Israeli soldiers have been held accountable for these deaths, their deliberate targeting of children is a breach of international law and means they could be prosecuted at the International Criminal Court (ICC) for the war crime of wilful killing.

See the link for related.

Palestine (& Civilians & Children) v "israel" & military

A jew responds to genocide accusations




What's that? The jew dissimilates? Well... we know that already...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
