Well-known member
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- Sep 20, 2017
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[POST 1]
This thread is for like a reference for anyone to link to, for anyone to see information in a sort of nutshell - quite a sizable nutshell, because there is so much to try and cover minimally - of just what's what. It's not a conspiracy anymore.
There are pictures, so those on slower connections might want to give them time to load. There are also links to other information below, as well. It covers things that explain it's not a conspiracy anymore, and explains how money is... basically laundered and misused as - if not legally, then Naturally and Morally and Ethically - criminal organisations; and corruption; and lack of caring by the powers that be for the rest of us; and shows that it is so overwhelming. There is so much of it.
There is a limit of 35 pictures per post, which inspires me to split-up this thread into parts! (Plus it makes it look nicer and easier to follow!)
CONTENTS (use your browser's search function for the [tags]):
[POST 1]
Various pictures/memes [VPM]
Links to other threads [LOT]
Explanation of the money-laundering of christianity Worldwide [XIANML]
Links to other threads [LOT2]
Links to other threads [LOT3]
[POST 2]
Pro-JoS Pictures/Memes; relevant arguments [PJOSPMA]
Links to other threads repeated, all together for ease [LOTR]
Let me share this... fun or interesting one -
More information -
Since the forum migration, links have become unclickable in older threads, so treble-click them (or press and hold/highlight, if on mobile), and open them in a new tab.
It's official: (((governments))) are using technology to disrupt the weather
At the Beijing 2008 Olympics, weather-controlling technology was also used -
Great Reseters Openly Hire "Information Warriors"
"israel" paying students to defend it online
World Union of Jewish Students - Hasbara Handbook - Promoting Israel on Campus
The Joys of Yiddish [Revised]
This is a revised edition of a book about a dictionary but not about a wordbook but about a lexicon... yet they mean the same thing... That is jew psychology, or psycho-illogy as I prefer to call it.
The worldwide church also has, as my estimate, over 1tn 144bn income per year.
From here.
I've been told that in history - and I am inferring that it was only in some places at some times in history; I don't know how far and widespread and for how long - churches used to actually fine people if they didn't attend church. I've also seen news bits where a church or chapel in whichever local community does some fundraising in the community - perhaps for the architecture of the building I personally would not be upset about it (but still not contribute to a church building), but as it is a church then the christians choose to not wonder why "god" doesn't magic 6 million shekels in the vestry or crypt/catacombs. Not to mention that the church elders refuse to go to the vatican and get the current "the" pope to donate a few bob.
As you may have seen I posted before - a few years ago I did a tiny bit of research. According to Wikipaedia and InfoPlease, there are about 2.2 billion (2 200 000 000) christians in the World. If each of those 2.2 billion gave £€$¥10 for 52 weeks per year, then
[pretend these numbers line up!]
2 200 000 000
* 52
* 10
= 1 144 000 000 000 (1 trillion, 144 billion) per year... and "god" still "needs" more money, and Children are starving to death and can't afford medical treatment, etc.!
To add to that, which I didn't say in the original reply - the Worldwide church has, as my estimate, over 1tn per year, and "god" supposedly has all the power, yet it doesn't care that a building - "its home" - is collapsing due to Mother Nature, and christians can't magic money out of thin air nor magic "god" to fix the building - or keep it away from needing to be fixed!
It's as if christianity is a Worldwide Child-raping, Soul-destroying, Mind-abusing, Brainwashing mafia business. We know that it is.
Now the jew admits that islam is like a sweeping broom, used to sweep away Europe of White people.
Rabbis say that the WAR is about erasing AMALEK
It's also important to know that "tithe", as in what christians are supposed to do every Sunday, actually means "slave" -
All "tithing" is is a jew or a shabbos goy leeching and parasitising off you so it can wear fancy clothes, live in a nice house, etc., all free, while you, a poor loser, LARP around like an idiot in a LARP-fantasy nonsense thing, believing it is real.
You could also say that the "tit" in "tithe" refers to a parasite suckling shekels out of the Goyim constantly. I may be sceptical!
While I might be sceptical, research is better. Based on my actual research, rather than my poetic license -
Well - or welp... the jew suckles like a parasite on the teets of its host Goyim slaves, while the Goyim slaves are all dazed - or judaised/jew-dazed...
So "tithe" means "slave" and it seems to be connected with "robot", as well. As is known, christians behave quite like robots, regurgitating and spewing-out the tripe they're been brainwashed and force-fed with automatically, without logic nor reason. They're supposed to just be robots accepting input/programming from an end user, the buybull is the holy interface and the Human-hating machine goes on rampages taking over other countries and cultures in history, fighting "holy" wars, "converting" - forcing - others to do as its programming code was written. As we know, islam is today what christianity was decades and centuries ago. They - christianity and islam - are two sides of the same jewish coin. Indeed - abrahamism (judaism, christianity and islam, and all the off-shoots) are a literal virus upon the World. As in germ viruses, abrahamism mutates, to cover more area, snatch and ensnare more victims. Like a plague that spreads around, conquering and taking over, forcing the host cells and bodies to conform to its ownDNA computer programming code, abrahamism is that. Both christians and muslims - and the fundamental ones especially - are robots controlled in a computer network by a server, that being the jew; who, in turn, is a robot, a slave race of the reptillians - and "yhvh", supposedly "the name of god", is very much connected as hebrew letters of power - and in my experience christians are not "allowed" to know "god"'s "name", so have to settle with "yhvh", lol.
Banking/economy memes & videos
[PICTURES] In Case You Missed it or Were Asleep - Welcome to Dystopia/Communism
For or Against Defending Israel, Stamping-out anti-Semitism and Supporting Jews? Here's Why.
This thread is for like a reference for anyone to link to, for anyone to see information in a sort of nutshell - quite a sizable nutshell, because there is so much to try and cover minimally - of just what's what. It's not a conspiracy anymore.
There are pictures, so those on slower connections might want to give them time to load. There are also links to other information below, as well. It covers things that explain it's not a conspiracy anymore, and explains how money is... basically laundered and misused as - if not legally, then Naturally and Morally and Ethically - criminal organisations; and corruption; and lack of caring by the powers that be for the rest of us; and shows that it is so overwhelming. There is so much of it.
There is a limit of 35 pictures per post, which inspires me to split-up this thread into parts! (Plus it makes it look nicer and easier to follow!)
CONTENTS (use your browser's search function for the [tags]):
[POST 1]
Various pictures/memes [VPM]
Links to other threads [LOT]
Explanation of the money-laundering of christianity Worldwide [XIANML]
Links to other threads [LOT2]
Links to other threads [LOT3]
[POST 2]
Pro-JoS Pictures/Memes; relevant arguments [PJOSPMA]
Links to other threads repeated, all together for ease [LOTR]

Let me share this... fun or interesting one -

More information -
Since the forum migration, links have become unclickable in older threads, so treble-click them (or press and hold/highlight, if on mobile), and open them in a new tab.
It's official: (((governments))) are using technology to disrupt the weather
It's official: (((governments))) are using technology to disrupt the weather
This video is in Spanish, basically it says: UAE triggers heavy artificial rainfall with new technology in the midst of a heat wave Heavy rains have fallen on July 14 and 15 in several regions of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), such as Abu Dhabi...

At the Beijing 2008 Olympics, weather-controlling technology was also used -

Great Reseters Openly Hire "Information Warriors"
Great Reseters Openly Hire "Information Warriors"
"Oy vey goy, let me pick the accurate knowledge for you! Goy is too stupid!"

"israel" paying students to defend it online
"israel" paying students to defend it online
I think it was me who shared this before. I looked on here but I couldn't find it so it must have been on the previous forum, so here it is again. Israel: Government pays students to fight internet battles Release the Trolls This one is not...

World Union of Jewish Students - Hasbara Handbook - Promoting Israel on Campus
World Union of Jewish Students - Hasbara Handbook - Promoting Israel on Campus
I came across this PDF, which I have provided a link to at the bottom. Below, I have copied only a small part of the full 121+10-page (i.e. preface/contents pages + main body) PDF. I make a slight edit in the document - to make it clear that I have disabled the link in the actual document...

The Joys of Yiddish [Revised]
[BOOK] The Joys of Yiddish [Revised]
I found this ebook online after hearing about, and then searching for, it. There are two copies/versions I found, both which appear to be the same but with slight differences, such as different font sizes; therefore, more or less pages; therefore, different file sizes. For those who don't know...

The worldwide church also has, as my estimate, over 1tn 144bn income per year.
From here.
I've been told that in history - and I am inferring that it was only in some places at some times in history; I don't know how far and widespread and for how long - churches used to actually fine people if they didn't attend church. I've also seen news bits where a church or chapel in whichever local community does some fundraising in the community - perhaps for the architecture of the building I personally would not be upset about it (but still not contribute to a church building), but as it is a church then the christians choose to not wonder why "god" doesn't magic 6 million shekels in the vestry or crypt/catacombs. Not to mention that the church elders refuse to go to the vatican and get the current "the" pope to donate a few bob.
As you may have seen I posted before - a few years ago I did a tiny bit of research. According to Wikipaedia and InfoPlease, there are about 2.2 billion (2 200 000 000) christians in the World. If each of those 2.2 billion gave £€$¥10 for 52 weeks per year, then
[pretend these numbers line up!]
2 200 000 000
* 52
* 10
= 1 144 000 000 000 (1 trillion, 144 billion) per year... and "god" still "needs" more money, and Children are starving to death and can't afford medical treatment, etc.!
Obviously - and guess what. Well, rather remember this - churches (if I am not mistaken, as it might have changed, which I doubt) are tax-exempt!So it's like a church tax.
I think that depends on the level and height of civilisation. In a Godly civilisation, I think money wouldn't exist; bartering and haggling would be done, and Energy would be a currency. (I asked about this on the other forum, and I was told, or it was suggested, that the things we need will be free, and the things we want we can purchase.) We'd have the ability to move objects with our Mind - telekinesis - but even beyond that, we could do maintenance Magick which can have Energies and witchcraft help keep the conditions of buildings spick and span.Pagan temples would have needed maintenance, and the the administrators of the temples would have most likely been the Clergy. If the job of the Clergy is to teach and guide, to impart the instructions of the Gods, then they can't exactly perform other specialties that would bring in maintenance money. Therefore people with a source of income who come to learn and benefit from the Clergy at the temples would necessarily be obliged to offer money if they expect to keep the place running for their benefit.
For something to justify its existence in a business sense, it needs to have demand for its services. And if there is demand for its services (spiritual learning in this case) then there needs to be something offered to sustain its existence. The clergy are putting in their time to offer specialized spiritual instruction when they could be investing their time into a standard labor job for pay, and then spending that pay as they wish. But their specialty in life is spirituality and its instruction. It's foolish not to help with sustaining something that you insist upon having in the first place. And we all must insist upon the existence of true spirituality lest we leave our society and species to stagnation and ruin. Necessity demands sustenance, and sustenance demands money (which represents labor and resources). In other words, you need Saturn in order to get to Jupiter.
From what I gather, tax is illegal or is a "sin" or the taxman would get "gunnar" in islam. (I can remember muslims pronouncing it as "gunnaarr", and Gunnar apparently is actually a Nordic Boy's name.) wonders about taxman rishi sunak and its wife who doesn't pay full tax...So it's all Jew shit. Ok. Just wanted to be sure.
To add to that, which I didn't say in the original reply - the Worldwide church has, as my estimate, over 1tn per year, and "god" supposedly has all the power, yet it doesn't care that a building - "its home" - is collapsing due to Mother Nature, and christians can't magic money out of thin air nor magic "god" to fix the building - or keep it away from needing to be fixed!
It's as if christianity is a Worldwide Child-raping, Soul-destroying, Mind-abusing, Brainwashing mafia business. We know that it is.

Now the jew admits that islam is like a sweeping broom, used to sweep away Europe of White people.
Rabbis say that the WAR is about erasing AMALEK
Thread - Rabbis say that the WAR is about erasing AMALEK
Rabbis Fantasize About the Destruction of America... “These animals can no longer live.” Ezra Yachin, a 95-year-old Israeli army reservist, is seen inciting “every Jew with a weapon” to kill Palestinians and “erase the memory of them”...

It's also important to know that "tithe", as in what christians are supposed to do every Sunday, actually means "slave" -
All "tithing" is is a jew or a shabbos goy leeching and parasitising off you so it can wear fancy clothes, live in a nice house, etc., all free, while you, a poor loser, LARP around like an idiot in a LARP-fantasy nonsense thing, believing it is real.
You could also say that the "tit" in "tithe" refers to a parasite suckling shekels out of the Goyim constantly. I may be sceptical!
While I might be sceptical, research is better. Based on my actual research, rather than my poetic license -

Well - or welp... the jew suckles like a parasite on the teets of its host Goyim slaves, while the Goyim slaves are all dazed - or judaised/jew-dazed...
So "tithe" means "slave" and it seems to be connected with "robot", as well. As is known, christians behave quite like robots, regurgitating and spewing-out the tripe they're been brainwashed and force-fed with automatically, without logic nor reason. They're supposed to just be robots accepting input/programming from an end user, the buybull is the holy interface and the Human-hating machine goes on rampages taking over other countries and cultures in history, fighting "holy" wars, "converting" - forcing - others to do as its programming code was written. As we know, islam is today what christianity was decades and centuries ago. They - christianity and islam - are two sides of the same jewish coin. Indeed - abrahamism (judaism, christianity and islam, and all the off-shoots) are a literal virus upon the World. As in germ viruses, abrahamism mutates, to cover more area, snatch and ensnare more victims. Like a plague that spreads around, conquering and taking over, forcing the host cells and bodies to conform to its own
Banking/economy memes & videos
Banking/economy memes & videos
Some may be true, some may be false. Size of bank failures since 2000 See also March 2023 United States bank failures...

[PICTURES] In Case You Missed it or Were Asleep - Welcome to Dystopia/Communism
[PICTURES] In Case You Missed it or Were Asleep - Welcome to Dystopia/Communism
For those on slower connections - there are loads of pictures in this thread. You might want to give them time to load. You can find these pictures, and probably more, from online. These ones I found while checking news; there are multiple threads/articles containing these types of pictures, and...

For or Against Defending Israel, Stamping-out anti-Semitism and Supporting Jews? Here's Why.
For or Against Defending Israel, Stamping-out anti-Semitism and Supporting Jews? Here's Why.
This OP is a placeholder because I can't edit my posts. This animated .gif below can be this thread's thumbnail. I made this animated .gif back in November 2015 - with some old links! I have put the .gif in spoiler tags because it contains some flashes, so it might be an epilepsy trigger. I...