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Music is a really important part for understanding how the Mind & Universe Works.


Jul 23, 2019
Hey there. All these years, I've been trying to understand how our minds and the universe work. Today, while studying the matter of vibrations, the universe, and its potential structure, including its harmonic structure, I had this music theme playing in my head. I thought it was coming from somewhere else in the house. I checked everywhere, but it wasn't. This theme is really precious to me, and then I felt like I had received a clue. The concept of "Music" as we know it can be used to understand everything more deeply.

We have identified music as "music," perceiving the beauty of sounds and their tangible meaning, I'm not talking about music as "music" in accordance with the musical theory of any culture it belongs to. Even the rumble of an engine makes sense to us because our irrational brain receives the frequencies and vibrations, and our rational side analyzes them, making them appear as something "meaningful," something that has a "sense," like rhythms, harmonies, harmonic structures are a mathematical matter of "harmonicity," but the melodic structures and perceiving them are truly the result of that "filter" we have within us. Talking about music is wrong; we must talk about "vibrations." Vibrations can be perceived unconsciously; music is made up of vibrations like the entire universe. We can perceive these vibrations because our rational physical side can hear them through the eardrum. The vibration frequency also determines the sound wave's amplitude; consequently, an excessively sharp vibration (high in hertz) cannot be heard because it can never have the right amplitude to make our eardrum vibrate sufficiently and/or even the speakers cant. (a speaker is an eardrum that could be mistakenly defined as one working in reverse, which is correct, but the right definition is an eardrum that does not have a consciousness, consequently, it is an eardrum that sends, not that receives. Our eardrum could also "Send," but that input is sent to our brain, which then rationally interprets the vibrations, giving them a sense).A speaker of the right proportions moves when frequencies below the audible spectrum are played, our brain perceives them as something that does not have a rational melodic/harmonic "sense."

And while reading the JoS website page about this :

" All frequencies of energy have their own sounds. The entire universe runs on vibration. One of the most interesting experiences in clairaudience is hearing the sounds of the cosmos. "

and that there was an experiment where one army scientist understood the meaning of a message only through unhearable microwaves I understood everything.

This explains it well :

" despite the general understanding that infrasound is inaudible, humans can perceive infrasound, if the level is sufficiently high. Pure tones become gradually less continuous, the tonal sensation ceases around 20 Hz, and below 10 Hz it is possible to perceive the single cycles of the sound. A sensation of pressure at the eardrums also occurs. The dynamic range of the auditory system decreases with decreasing frequency. This compression can be seen in the equal-loudness-level contours, and it implies that a slight increase in level can change the perceived loudness from barely audible to loud. Combined with the natural spread in thresholds, it may have the effect that a sound, which is inaudible to some people, may be loud to others. Some investigations give evidence of persons with an extraordinary sensitivity in the low and infrasonic frequency range, but further research is needed in order to confirm and explain this phenomenon.

https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15273023/#:~:text=Sound at 20-200 Hz,the level is sufficiently high "

To be clearer, music is made up of vibrations that our physical brain can INTERPRET and SIMPLIFY in a RATIONAL way through the logical part, which reduces the universal metaphysical sensations to an easier output but also erases a lot of information that cannot be translated into words or numbers that make sense to us rationally, both through words and through our biological survival instinct.

The mind is ABLE through meditation and training to emit those vibrations. Thinking about energy as sinusoid-like shaped vibrations in the KEY. We can communicate through these vibrations, and our soul is made up of really complex vibrations.

There are four main types of brainwaves: Beta, Alpha, Theta, and Delta.

Beta waves characterize the conscious waking state at 14 cycles per second and up. The conscious mind does not take suggestion very well. Reasoning, logic, thinking and putting into action what it already knows is mainly what the conscious mind does. Higher cycles of beta waves are used in rituals where a lot of active energy input is needed, as in revenge. A good example is in building a circle cone of power. The more excited one becomes, the higher the cycles per second in the brain.

The alpha state operates at a lower cycle, 7-14 per second level. This is the trance state when the body can no longer be felt, and sounds may become painful. This is the meditation and sleep range. Deep meditation descends into the theta state.

Source : https://satanisgod.org/Brainwaves.html "

I am a successful music artist now and I pay my bills only with music. Through all of my career I've been really fascinated about Waveforms, and now even more. Understanding waveforms and how they are structured is important to understand how energy works and how our meditations and energy projection works.
Welcome back Brother. I always hoped everything was going great for you.
I can't imagine my life without music.
I am a successful music artist now and I pay my bills only with music. Through all of my career I've been really fascinated about Waveforms, and now even more. Understanding waveforms and how they are structured is important to understand how energy works and how our meditations and energy projection works.

That is very cool, I'm happy for you!
It's totally true what you say, I'm not a musician, not yet, but I have been connected to music since I started SS.

Lately my ears get sharp even when I have music in my headphones, lately I've been picking up sounds behind what I'm listening to at the time.

I have not been paying attention, just letting it play out while I get a good grasp on this, but I have noticed a vibration in my ears.

The sound nor the vibration are annoyances and seem to be in the background of what I am listening to at the time, it seems like an almost imperceptible sound but my ears have managed to pick this up several times.

The capacity that we human beings have to transcend everything that seems impossible to humanity, is something amazing.

Thank you for your publication, it was revealing for me to understand several little things.
I'm very inspired by your writing here! I've been a little obsessed with music myself lately (solely digital so far) and I started with LMMS and I'm now (slowly) working towards mastering Ableton.

You're so right that vibration (sound) is fundamental to all things in the world just as Tesla said. I found it mind blowing and a bit confusing how two sine waves playing at different times to each other affect change in the entire sound; thus from this we can create square waves and saw waves, in essence changing the tonality of sounds. There's also phase cancellation which is quite interesting to me (eliminating sound with another sound).
Within these new waveforms (if one zooms in and sees the tiny parts that they are built of) they would realize that these too are many small sine waves. Everything is a sine wave it seems!

A random and off-topic thing, I also recently learned about this thing from Tesla called the 3, 6, 9 code - that the sum of all angles in a bisecting circle always reduce to the number 9 (eg. 360 = 9, 180 = 9, 90 = 9, etc) and it's the same thing with the sum of all angles in polygons. Also, anything you add to the number 9 always reduces to the number that you added (9 + 2 = 11, 9 + 3 = 12, etc). It boggles my mind how synchronized everything appears the more I learn.

What amazes me even more though is how the platonic solids all have a different resonating frequency and how crystals are formed from this kind of geometry on a molecular level. Then you have things like the fibonacci sequence and from it the golden ratio, which can be found in all bird species and (from it) can be observed in all modern aircraft as well.

There are endless patterns in the world! I find this enlightening and fascinating given I'd always been a little obsessed with patterns and sequenced things, yet I think many people are, they just don't always understand the 'why' aspect; such as why music and dance has been an age old beloved thing since our earliest civilizations. It's through meditation I believe that we better grasp these ideas.

I've got a lot of learning to do to do yet and I do hope that these things are common knowledge because it should bring people to the conclusion that everything indeed is energy. I lack formal education big time (special ed) and I never thought myself intelligent but rather more artistically inspired.

Anyway, thanks again and I apologize to chatter away about random semi-unrelated topics. One could probably go on forever about how related and connected things are in the world. That's one reason I think it becomes possible to see a persons soul through visualization, that everything is connected through the aether. I don't meant to say that all is one (a new-age idea) but rather all things are interconnected somehow.

Meditation may be the only way to better grasp these concepts I figure. Thanks again and sorry for rambling. Congrats on your success BTW! It's empowering to me that one can actually make a career from the very thing I'd love to someday achieve.
Hey there. All these years, I've been trying to understand how our minds and the universe work. Today, while studying the matter of vibrations, the universe, and its potential structure, including its harmonic structure, I had this music theme playing in my head. I thought it was coming from somewhere else in the house. I checked everywhere, but it wasn't. This theme is really precious to me, and then I felt like I had received a clue. The concept of "Music" as we know it can be used to understand everything more deeply.

We have identified music as "music," perceiving the beauty of sounds and their tangible meaning, I'm not talking about music as "music" in accordance with the musical theory of any culture it belongs to. Even the rumble of an engine makes sense to us because our irrational brain receives the frequencies and vibrations, and our rational side analyzes them, making them appear as something "meaningful," something that has a "sense," like rhythms, harmonies, harmonic structures are a mathematical matter of "harmonicity," but the melodic structures and perceiving them are truly the result of that "filter" we have within us. Talking about music is wrong; we must talk about "vibrations." Vibrations can be perceived unconsciously; music is made up of vibrations like the entire universe. We can perceive these vibrations because our rational physical side can hear them through the eardrum. The vibration frequency also determines the sound wave's amplitude; consequently, an excessively sharp vibration (high in hertz) cannot be heard because it can never have the right amplitude to make our eardrum vibrate sufficiently and/or even the speakers cant. (a speaker is an eardrum that could be mistakenly defined as one working in reverse, which is correct, but the right definition is an eardrum that does not have a consciousness, consequently, it is an eardrum that sends, not that receives. Our eardrum could also "Send," but that input is sent to our brain, which then rationally interprets the vibrations, giving them a sense).A speaker of the right proportions moves when frequencies below the audible spectrum are played, our brain perceives them as something that does not have a rational melodic/harmonic "sense."

And while reading the JoS website page about this :

" All frequencies of energy have their own sounds. The entire universe runs on vibration. One of the most interesting experiences in clairaudience is hearing the sounds of the cosmos. "

and that there was an experiment where one army scientist understood the meaning of a message only through unhearable microwaves I understood everything.

This explains it well :

" despite the general understanding that infrasound is inaudible, humans can perceive infrasound, if the level is sufficiently high. Pure tones become gradually less continuous, the tonal sensation ceases around 20 Hz, and below 10 Hz it is possible to perceive the single cycles of the sound. A sensation of pressure at the eardrums also occurs. The dynamic range of the auditory system decreases with decreasing frequency. This compression can be seen in the equal-loudness-level contours, and it implies that a slight increase in level can change the perceived loudness from barely audible to loud. Combined with the natural spread in thresholds, it may have the effect that a sound, which is inaudible to some people, may be loud to others. Some investigations give evidence of persons with an extraordinary sensitivity in the low and infrasonic frequency range, but further research is needed in order to confirm and explain this phenomenon.

https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15273023/#:~:text=Sound at 20-200 Hz,the level is sufficiently high "

To be clearer, music is made up of vibrations that our physical brain can INTERPRET and SIMPLIFY in a RATIONAL way through the logical part, which reduces the universal metaphysical sensations to an easier output but also erases a lot of information that cannot be translated into words or numbers that make sense to us rationally, both through words and through our biological survival instinct.

The mind is ABLE through meditation and training to emit those vibrations. Thinking about energy as sinusoid-like shaped vibrations in the KEY. We can communicate through these vibrations, and our soul is made up of really complex vibrations.

There are four main types of brainwaves: Beta, Alpha, Theta, and Delta.

Beta waves characterize the conscious waking state at 14 cycles per second and up. The conscious mind does not take suggestion very well. Reasoning, logic, thinking and putting into action what it already knows is mainly what the conscious mind does. Higher cycles of beta waves are used in rituals where a lot of active energy input is needed, as in revenge. A good example is in building a circle cone of power. The more excited one becomes, the higher the cycles per second in the brain.

The alpha state operates at a lower cycle, 7-14 per second level. This is the trance state when the body can no longer be felt, and sounds may become painful. This is the meditation and sleep range. Deep meditation descends into the theta state.

Source : https://satanisgod.org/Brainwaves.html "

I am a successful music artist now and I pay my bills only with music. Through all of my career I've been really fascinated about Waveforms, and now even more. Understanding waveforms and how they are structured is important to understand how energy works and how our meditations and energy projection works.
Really I need to get in the studio and make more music now like it's been a while since I got in the studio
A random and off-topic thing, I also recently learned about this thing from Tesla called the 3, 6, 9 code - that the sum of all angles in a bisecting circle always reduce to the number 9 (eg. 360 = 9, 180 = 9, 90 = 9, etc) and it's the same thing with the sum of all angles in polygons. Also, anything you add to the number 9 always reduces to the number that you added (9 + 2 = 11, 9 + 3 = 12, etc). It boggles my mind how synchronized everything appears the more I learn.
The number 9 was used a lot in Satanic German lodges in the early 20th Century.
Music is Magic and it has healing attributes it can come a person down and open up the mind. It can get somebody off their butt and in the mood to dance and it can drive somebody into absolute Madness at the same time especially depending on the type of music you listen to. It is a source of Both Worlds both dark and Light. I think that music expresses it all! The imagination the mind the body and the spirit. Nothing gets you up off your butt then a good song on the radio. Or just sitting down and listening to vinyl albums? Or a good CD your favorite band your favorite janeir. Whatever you feel comfortable with. People Express their knowledge and their spirituality with their music and who they are as an individual. I've often Associated music with the Gods it is that powerful! And it's nice to know that we have it here up on this earth. I don't know what mankind would do without music. ❤️🎸🎷🎶🎹
In my opinion, music is absolutely universal and absolutely feeds the human soul. My only passion in life is music. But music is not only rhythms played with vocals and guitars, it is also the sound of harmony and beauty. Everything is music to anyone whose ears are open enough.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
