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In physics, a system can accumulate energy in various ways, a chakra can be imagined as an "energy field" that can accumulate energy from external sources. If we imagine the chakra as an "energy center" that functions at a certain frequency, energetic breathing can be seen as a process of bringing it into resonance with energies that can be "absorbed" and integrated.
When a system resonates with an external energy frequency, this increases its ability to absorb that energy, leading to an "enhancement" of the chakra's energy field. Resonance allows accumulation without dispersion, as external energy synchronizes with the internal system. Absorbing energy also means integrating different or higher frequencies, which can enrich the existing energy system and improve its functioning.
A system that absorbs energy becomes more powerful and active. This is similar to a tank that fills up: the more energy is absorbed, the richer the system becomes in energetic potential. The system accesses higher energy availability by ensuring a higher flow of energy, a high-powered light bulb, for example, emits more light than a low-frequency lightbulb.
If you intensify a chakra, you are concentrating or increasing the energy force expressed by that chakra at that moment.
The Enemy's power names are recited backwards to cancel out their energy. When two waves meet, they can interact in different ways, depending on their amplitudes and phases (i.e., their position in the wave cycle):
Constructive interference: If two waves are in phase (i.e., the peaks and troughs of the waves coincide), they add together, increasing the overall amplitude of the resulting wave.
Destructive interference: If two waves are out of phase (the peaks of one wave correspond to the troughs of the other), they cancel each other out. This is the concept behind canceling sound waves and vibrations.
A practical example of destructive interference is found in noise cancellation technologies, where microphones pick up ambient noise and produce opposing sound waves to cancel it out. This uses interference principles to reduce perceived noise.
In acoustics, if two sounds of opposite frequencies are emitted simultaneously, they can reduce or eliminate the resulting sound in a certain area, demonstrating the concept of destructive interference.
In meditation, through visualization, a white auric barrier is created around us to reflect curses and general negative energies.
White light tends to reflect the entire visible spectrum rather than absorb it. This is a principle related to the nature of the color white, which occurs when a surface reflects almost all visible wavelengths of light without significantly absorbing them.
When an object appears white, it means that it reflects an almost complete amount of visible light from all wavelengths. On the contrary, a dark or black colored object tends to absorb most of the visible wavelengths, converting light energy into heat.
Therefore, a white surface reflects light and, therefore, "resists" absorption, while a dark color tends to attract and retain light waves. This is why in the summer, white t-shirts are recommended under the sun and not black t-shirts.
The reflection of wavelengths by white can be seen as a phenomenon that “repels” external light influences (in this case the wavelengths of light) rather than absorbing them.
In meditation, a strong white light is placed through visualization around the chakras or in the aura for cleansing.
The particles of energy within a physical system such as a chakra that are on low tunings and therefore connect to lower states, when they interact in the presence of an external light tend to absorb photons of higher levels of energy, this increases their frequency of vibration raising the energetic state of the system dissipating the less coherent and lower energy.
In magic, concentration is important. For example, vibrating a word of power while distracted loses its effectiveness because the energies are dispersed, while they should be focused on a goal.
In physics, the energy of a system can be concentrated in a specific area to maximize its effectiveness (as happens with a lens that focuses light on a point).
In the spiritual or energetic context, intensification can be seen as a process of mental and energetic "focusing", concentrating the energy on a specific point or intention to amplify its strength.
Breathing can actually influence systems of our being, and even glands, organs and vital functions. For these purposes, breathing exercises are used in disciplines such as yoga and meditation. Deep and controlled breathing stimulates the parasympathetic system, responsible for the sleep response and digestion, reduces heart rate and blood pressure, and also relaxes the body.
Some types of meditative breathing can lower levels of cortisol (stress hormone) and promote calm and well-being. Breathing can indirectly influence endocrine glands, such as the pineal gland and the pituitary gland. Conscious and deep breathing contributes to relaxation and stress reduction, which in turn can balance the activity of these glands, which are also responsible for regulating sleep, metabolism and immune responses.
Some breathing techniques stimulate the vagus nerve, an important nerve that passes through various organs and communicates directly with endocrine glands, such as the adrenal glands, reducing the production of adrenaline and noradrenaline (stress hormones).
Increasing oxygen in the blood through deep breathing allows a higher oxygen ratio to the vital organs. This can improve the function of the organs themselves, such as the heart, kidneys and liver, and promote better cellular health. Proper oxygenation supports the optimal functioning of the lymphatic system, which is responsible for eliminating toxins and waste products from the body.
Diaphragmatic breathing gently massages the internal organs. This improves blood circulation and promotes digestion. Regular diaphragmatic breathing can also reduce abdominal tension, improving the function of the digestive system. Some advanced breathing exercises are thought to activate the pineal gland, and it is thought that breathing with intention, when performed under certain conditions, can influence the blood flow to this gland and activate it.
In meditation, a ball of light is condensed in the brain, moved into another's brain via the third eye, and returned. In advanced states, information can be received telepathically.
From a physical standpoint, light can contain and transmit information through variations inits frequency, intensity, phase, or polarization. For example, in modern communication systems (such as fiber optics), light carries encoded data via specific signals that are then decoded to retrieve the transmitted information.
Mantras are vibrated to resonate in the pineal gland to stimulate it. The idea that a physical body can be affected by sound vibrations is well documented and can be explained through physical concepts.
Here are some key points that connect sound vibration, such as a mantra like "GAUM", and the effect it can have on a physical body, particularly the pineal gland. Every object has a natural resonant frequency, which is the frequency at which an object tends to vibrate.
When a sound is produced at that frequency, the object can absorb the energy of the sound and vibrate strongly, increasing its internal movement. This is what happens to glasses: if you emit a sound at the right frequency, the glass can vibrate so much that it breaks.
The human body also has its own resonant frequencies, including different parts of the body and internal structures. Sound vibrations can affect cells, tissues, and organs. When you emit sounds or mantras at specific frequencies, such as "GAUM", you create vibrations that can interact with the pineal gland and other parts of the body.
In a real physical system, there is always a limit to the amount of energy that can be stored before the system becomes unstable or dissipates energy.
Similarly, a chakra can be thought of as having a “maximum capacity” for storing energy. If it is “charged” beyond its ideal level, the system may become unstable, requiring a certain level of balance to maintain the energy boost.
When sound resonates in a certain area of the body, it induces vibrations that extend into the surrounding tissues. These vibrations create a sort of “energy wave” that can stimulate the chakra area more, amplifying its perceived activity. The sound vibrations can then help “shake up” stagnant energy and get the energy in that area moving, creating a feeling of greater “activation” or “intensity.
Thought forms are energy packets that are accumulated or created based on strong emotions that are released, and then feed off the surrounding energies.
From a physical point of view, intense emotional states can temporarily influence electromagnetic fields or generate sound waves that, even at low frequencies, can leave a minimal and temporary impact.
In an abandoned place or in a space where these emotions have been very intense, such as a house that has experienced trauma or a dark period, it is possible that people who enter are unconsciously influenced, and this sensation is often interpreted as the presence of “thought forms”.
The residual energy associated with intense events can persist for a variable period of time, depending on various factors. In places where events charged with emotional significance have occurred, the energy residues may seem to be “felt” for long periods. If a thought form has a vibration that “resonates” with the environmental energy, it may be able to “absorb” this energy and intensify its manifestation.
When you die, the body's field that holds energy is broken so that the soul leaves it to go to the astral plane. If it does not reincarnate due to lack of energy (as for those who have spent their life without meditating), over time it also begins to lose the remaining energy it is composed of, until it dissipates in the astral plane and the person ceases to exist forever without remedy.
In physics, energy dispersion occurs when an energy system (soul) is exposed to a more intense source. The idea of compact light (soul) that disperses occurs because, in physics, when a compact energy is exposed to an external source of greater intensity, the internal coherence can break leading to a dispersion of the initial energy.
All chakras must be correctly aligned. Alignment occurs by visualizing the various chakras in this way: from bottom to top, the first chakra has the tip pointing up, the second also, the third has the tip pointing down and NOT towards the fourth, the fourth is a connector chakra between the upper and lower chakras and has a yoni shape, the fifth with the tip pointing down, the sixth and seventh as well.
An aligned system allows for better energy transmission. In physics, a well-designed conductor transmits electricity with little resistance. Similarly, when the chakras are aligned, energy can flow without interruption, optimizing physical, emotional and spiritual experiences. In an energy field (such as a magnetic or electric one), the field lines must point in a specific direction to generate a coherent effect.
If the directions are disordered, the fields can interfere with each other and reduce the effectiveness of the system, canceling each other out or creating chaotic effects. For example, aligning the magnetic dipoles (the directions of the small magnets within a material) is what makes a material magnetic. The flow of energy is influenced by the direction of forces. In systems such as electrical circuits or fluids, the direction of flow ensures that energy moves from one point to another in an orderly fashion.
When a system is properly aligned, energy can flow without obstructions, such as in a pipe that allows liquid to flow without dispersion. The stability of many physical systems is linked to symmetry, which often involves precise and consistent directions. In an ordered system, directional alignment minimizes internal stresses and allows a stable equilibrium to be achieved, similar to the molecules in a well formed crystal, which must be directed and oriented symmetrically to maintain their solid structure.
In physics, when energy is transferred from one system to another, there is often a dispersion or loss of energy, especially if we consider that the energy must attach or adapt to the new system.
When an energy system leaves a compact state to transfer to another system, a part of the energy is almost always dispersed. This process increases the entropy of the surrounding system, in physical terms, this means that part of the initial energy is "wasted" and is not available to the new system in a useful form.
If we think of the transfer of energy as a "movement" from one system to another, it is as if it encounters a natural resistance. Friction or resistance causes the dispersion of part of the energy, leaving less energy available to the receiving system. A common example is the transfer of electric charge along a circuit: during the transfer, some of the electrical energy is transformed into heat, causing a "loss" of energy.
In magic, energies must be of specific colors and be clearly programmed for the purpose of the work.
Resonance occurs when an external force or energy is in sync with the natural frequency of a system, amplifying its vibrations. In a ritual context, energy intensification can be seen as an attempt to resonate with an internal or external energy source, increasing personal energy capabilities through this synchronization. In lasers, for example, light waves become coherent, meaning all waves are aligned and travel in the same direction, increasing the power and density of the beam. A personal energy system could be intensified by aligning and organizing one's internal "vibrations," similar to coherence in a laser, reducing dispersion and increasing effectiveness.
Along with meditation, the practice of physical yoga is very important. It serves to unblock the flow of energy from the soul from blockages and to increase energies. This is why it is explained that bioelectricity increases during the final resting position savasana.
In physics, smoothing a flow of current means reducing resistance and improving the efficiency of the system, but it does not necessarily directly amplify the energetic state. However, this optimization of the flow allows the system to use its energy more powerfully and productively. Atoms or molecules can be "excited" to higher energy levels and, once activated, can release this energy at a later time.
Even in meditation or ritual, a "charging" phase can be compared to a temporary elevation of energy, in which a person's energy system is prepared to be released and used. When resistance is reduced in an electrical circuit, for example, the flow of current can flow more freely. Less energy is "lost" as heat, and the released energy can be used more effectively to do work. With yoga, releasing physical tension improves personal “energy flow,” allowing you to use energy with less waste.
A system with fewer obstacles (be it electrical, hydraulic, or, in symbolic terms, energetic) can operate with greater efficiency, freeing up more power for other functions. This is similar to how practices like yoga and meditation can clear blockages and make the body and mind more harmonious, promoting a more powerful use of personal energy. An optimized system is able to reach its maximum potential with less energy expenditure, because energy is not wasted.
In energetic practice, this translates into a stronger, more focused flow that seems amplified, because it is better organized.
It is used to access meditative states to activate hidden and unused areas of the brain.
During a deep trance state, changes in brain waves can be observed. Meditation or trance techniques can increase the presence of theta brain waves (4-8 Hz), which are associated with a state of deep relaxation, creativity, and access to the unconscious.
Brain Areas Involved:
• Prefrontal Cortex: Associated with reflection, planning, and self-control. During trance, this area may show decreased activity, leading to a sense of relaxation and freedom from conscious thought.
• Limbic System: Involved in emotions and memories. May become activated during trance, leading to intense emotional experiences or reprocessing of memories
.• Thalamus: Regulates sensory input. In a trance state, it may reduce sensitivity to external stimuli, allowing for greater introspection.
Trance Effects:
• Deep Relaxation: Deep trance is often associated with reduced stress and anxiety. This is due to changes in levels of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine, which can increase feelings of well-being.
• Expanded Consciousness: Many practitioners report experiences of expanded consciousness, where they feel more connected to themselves and their surroundings. This state of consciousness can also lead to transcendent or spiritual experiences.
• Susceptibility to Hypnosis: In a trance state, people can become more susceptible to external suggestions. This means that positive affirmations or mental images can have a greater impact on their psyche.
In meditation, all the chakras must be strengthened with meditation in a balanced way so as not to create imbalances of one chakra being stronger than another.
In physics, objects and systems tend to seek a state of equilibrium. Similarly, balancing the chakras is a way to create equilibrium within the energy body. A balanced system is more stable and less subject to oscillations or disturbances. In physics, many complex systems are made up of interconnected elements. Likewise, the chakras do not function in isolation; the alignment of one chakra can influence the others.
This meditation is used to detach the soul from the physical body temporarily using the preliminary meditation of blocking the rotation of the chakra system so that the soul that they hold is released.
In physics, when you interrupt or modify the oscillation of a system with an internal energy, that is, when the system stops or is blocked, the energy present does not disappear, but is transformed, as when the oscillation of a pendulum is blocked, the potential energy accumulated in the initial position is transferred to the surrounding environment. A chakra that stops releases the energy by redistributing it in other energy layers (astral plane, while before it was in the material plane).
In physics, stopping the oscillation of a system often means interrupting an energetic balance. In certain cases, if a system has been charged with energy, as in the case of the harmonic oscillator, suddenly stopping it can lead to a release of energy towards the outside.
Let's imagine a vibrating tuning fork: when it is dampened, the vibrational energy is transferred in small part to the surrounding air in the form of sound waves.
When focusing on the Sigils, one observes a symbol of power, whether it is a Seal of the Necronomicon, a Sigil of the Gods or even a Yantra or various other geometric forms of power.
There are several areas according to which the scientific aspect of the thing is demonstrated in psychology, neuroscience and according to visual perception.
Some shapes and symbols can actually influence certain mental and personal states. Shapes and symbols are powerful tools for the human mind, as they evoke associations. For example, circular shapes recall continuity or completion. Sharp corners convey intensity and tension.
A symbol may even be able to activate specific memories and archetypes, which in turn can influence our mental state. Some neuroscience studies show that shapes and visual patterns even influence brain waves.
Looking at geometric figures or complex structures can activate areas of the brain related to perception, memory and emotions. For example, repetition of certain patterns can induce a state of relaxation or meditation, similar to that experienced when looking at mandalas.
A Sigil can also act as a trigger for a certain mental state when we intentionally associate it so that the brain connects that symbol with a specific response or activation. Over time, the mere act of focusing on that symbol can bring the mind into the desired state, a phenomenon that can be compared to Pavlovian conditioning.
The Reticular Activating System, a network of neurons located in the brainstem that plays a key role in regulating alertness, attention, and level of consciousness, filters information and modulates the level of alertness. By repeatedly connecting to a symbol (such as a sigil), the brain can be instructed to tune into certain information or mental states each time that symbol is viewed.
In meditation, you vibrate a word of power to empower the chakra.
In physics, resonance occurs when an object vibrates at a frequency that matches the natural frequency of another system, causing it to vibrate more strongly. When you chant a mantra at a specific pitch, the sound vibrations emitted by your voice can generate a resonance in certain parts of the body, including organs and muscle structures, that are located near the chakra locations (such as the throat, chest, or abdomen).
Each chakra is associated with a physical area, and by chanting the mantra at the right pitch, the vibration can be felt as if it were "in" the chakra, because the resonance occurs in that region of the body. Every sound has a specific frequency (measured in Hertz), and certain tones may resonate more effectively in different parts of the body. For example, lower tones tend to resonate better in the lower areas of the body (such as the lower abdomen), while higher tones are more easily perceived in the head or chest.
This effect is related to the physical structure of the body and the different frequencies at which different regions of the body resonate. So, by adjusting the frequency of your mantra to "direct" it to a specific chakra, you are creating a vibration that matches the natural resonance of that region of the body.
Sound vibration, in and of itself, does not "create" energy in the sense that it does not generate new energy. Resonance is a phenomenon in which an object vibrates at a greater amplitude when struck by its natural resonant frequency. This effect can "amplify" the vibrational energy of a system, such as musical instruments or a voice vibrating glass until it breaks.
When you chant a mantra and “vibrate” your voice at a specific point, such as a chakra, you are activating and amplifying the energy in that area. If the mantra is chanted at a frequency that resonates with the chakra, this resonance can amplify the chakra’s energy, making it more “active” or “powerful”.
Resonance is a kind of “natural amplification”: when energy vibrates at the chakra’s frequency, it creates a heightening effect. While a sound vibration doesn’t generate extra energy on its own, it can amplify an existing energy system. Resonance is like “tuning” an object or system (such as a chakra) to a specific frequency that it naturally responds to. When you apply a vibration at the system’s natural frequency, such as a mantra to a chakra, the energy already there can be “energized” and amplified.
This amplification occurs because resonance allows the system to vibrate more strongly without adding external energy; you get a "build-up" effect that increases the energy activity in the chakra, like when you push a swing at the right time and its movement intensifies. When a mantra creates a constant vibration in a chakra, this vibration can help synchronize the energy of the chakra, making it more coherent and "ordered".
Regarding the better ability to feel energy through the right number of vibrations: in physics, coherent vibrations increase the effectiveness of a system because they reduce energy dispersion, allowing a more efficient use of the energy already present. In the case of the chakra, the energy vibrates in a more focused and structured way, facilitating a feeling of energetic intensity and empowerment of the chakra without adding extra energy.
In this meditation, the chakras spin faster and faster.
Vibrating at higher speeds has the following positive effects:
At higher frequencies, low energies are not generated because they are converted.
The energy system is made more stable, increasing long-term energy sustainability.
A system that vibrates at higher frequencies can resonate with other energies or frequencies around it, thus amplifying the available energy.
In meditation there are different mantras. For example, the mantra for empowering the base chakra is LAUM, while the mantra for the crown chakra does not have the letter L, but the letter M and is MAUM.
But in Physics can we explain the need for having precise sounds as well as different frequencies that resonate according to the tone in specific centers of the body?
Specific mantras can be compared to targeted frequency modulations or selective resonance in some energetic phenomena.
In radio circuits, a frequency oscillator (such as the AUM part of the mantra) provides a stable base frequency. If specific components or filters (comparable to the consonant of the mantra) are added to this frequency, specific signals can be tuned. This process allows you to "direct" a signal to a specific frequency, thus choosing to activate only that part of the energy system.
When two frequencies are combined, a resulting frequency or beat is generated. This phenomenon is similar to adding vibrations with selective effects, like a sound system that directs certain frequencies to specific speakers to produce a distinct sound. Each modulated frequency acts as a cue or direction that specifically tunes an area of the body (or a specific chakra).
In physics, a system can accumulate energy in various ways, a chakra can be imagined as an "energy field" that can accumulate energy from external sources. If we imagine the chakra as an "energy center" that functions at a certain frequency, energetic breathing can be seen as a process of bringing it into resonance with energies that can be "absorbed" and integrated.
When a system resonates with an external energy frequency, this increases its ability to absorb that energy, leading to an "enhancement" of the chakra's energy field. Resonance allows accumulation without dispersion, as external energy synchronizes with the internal system. Absorbing energy also means integrating different or higher frequencies, which can enrich the existing energy system and improve its functioning.
A system that absorbs energy becomes more powerful and active. This is similar to a tank that fills up: the more energy is absorbed, the richer the system becomes in energetic potential. The system accesses higher energy availability by ensuring a higher flow of energy, a high-powered light bulb, for example, emits more light than a low-frequency lightbulb.
If you intensify a chakra, you are concentrating or increasing the energy force expressed by that chakra at that moment.
The Enemy's power names are recited backwards to cancel out their energy. When two waves meet, they can interact in different ways, depending on their amplitudes and phases (i.e., their position in the wave cycle):
Constructive interference: If two waves are in phase (i.e., the peaks and troughs of the waves coincide), they add together, increasing the overall amplitude of the resulting wave.
Destructive interference: If two waves are out of phase (the peaks of one wave correspond to the troughs of the other), they cancel each other out. This is the concept behind canceling sound waves and vibrations.
A practical example of destructive interference is found in noise cancellation technologies, where microphones pick up ambient noise and produce opposing sound waves to cancel it out. This uses interference principles to reduce perceived noise.
In acoustics, if two sounds of opposite frequencies are emitted simultaneously, they can reduce or eliminate the resulting sound in a certain area, demonstrating the concept of destructive interference.
In meditation, through visualization, a white auric barrier is created around us to reflect curses and general negative energies.
White light tends to reflect the entire visible spectrum rather than absorb it. This is a principle related to the nature of the color white, which occurs when a surface reflects almost all visible wavelengths of light without significantly absorbing them.
When an object appears white, it means that it reflects an almost complete amount of visible light from all wavelengths. On the contrary, a dark or black colored object tends to absorb most of the visible wavelengths, converting light energy into heat.
Therefore, a white surface reflects light and, therefore, "resists" absorption, while a dark color tends to attract and retain light waves. This is why in the summer, white t-shirts are recommended under the sun and not black t-shirts.
The reflection of wavelengths by white can be seen as a phenomenon that “repels” external light influences (in this case the wavelengths of light) rather than absorbing them.
In meditation, a strong white light is placed through visualization around the chakras or in the aura for cleansing.
The particles of energy within a physical system such as a chakra that are on low tunings and therefore connect to lower states, when they interact in the presence of an external light tend to absorb photons of higher levels of energy, this increases their frequency of vibration raising the energetic state of the system dissipating the less coherent and lower energy.
In magic, concentration is important. For example, vibrating a word of power while distracted loses its effectiveness because the energies are dispersed, while they should be focused on a goal.
In physics, the energy of a system can be concentrated in a specific area to maximize its effectiveness (as happens with a lens that focuses light on a point).
In the spiritual or energetic context, intensification can be seen as a process of mental and energetic "focusing", concentrating the energy on a specific point or intention to amplify its strength.
Breathing can actually influence systems of our being, and even glands, organs and vital functions. For these purposes, breathing exercises are used in disciplines such as yoga and meditation. Deep and controlled breathing stimulates the parasympathetic system, responsible for the sleep response and digestion, reduces heart rate and blood pressure, and also relaxes the body.
Some types of meditative breathing can lower levels of cortisol (stress hormone) and promote calm and well-being. Breathing can indirectly influence endocrine glands, such as the pineal gland and the pituitary gland. Conscious and deep breathing contributes to relaxation and stress reduction, which in turn can balance the activity of these glands, which are also responsible for regulating sleep, metabolism and immune responses.
Some breathing techniques stimulate the vagus nerve, an important nerve that passes through various organs and communicates directly with endocrine glands, such as the adrenal glands, reducing the production of adrenaline and noradrenaline (stress hormones).
Increasing oxygen in the blood through deep breathing allows a higher oxygen ratio to the vital organs. This can improve the function of the organs themselves, such as the heart, kidneys and liver, and promote better cellular health. Proper oxygenation supports the optimal functioning of the lymphatic system, which is responsible for eliminating toxins and waste products from the body.
Diaphragmatic breathing gently massages the internal organs. This improves blood circulation and promotes digestion. Regular diaphragmatic breathing can also reduce abdominal tension, improving the function of the digestive system. Some advanced breathing exercises are thought to activate the pineal gland, and it is thought that breathing with intention, when performed under certain conditions, can influence the blood flow to this gland and activate it.
In meditation, a ball of light is condensed in the brain, moved into another's brain via the third eye, and returned. In advanced states, information can be received telepathically.
From a physical standpoint, light can contain and transmit information through variations inits frequency, intensity, phase, or polarization. For example, in modern communication systems (such as fiber optics), light carries encoded data via specific signals that are then decoded to retrieve the transmitted information.
Mantras are vibrated to resonate in the pineal gland to stimulate it. The idea that a physical body can be affected by sound vibrations is well documented and can be explained through physical concepts.
Here are some key points that connect sound vibration, such as a mantra like "GAUM", and the effect it can have on a physical body, particularly the pineal gland. Every object has a natural resonant frequency, which is the frequency at which an object tends to vibrate.
When a sound is produced at that frequency, the object can absorb the energy of the sound and vibrate strongly, increasing its internal movement. This is what happens to glasses: if you emit a sound at the right frequency, the glass can vibrate so much that it breaks.
The human body also has its own resonant frequencies, including different parts of the body and internal structures. Sound vibrations can affect cells, tissues, and organs. When you emit sounds or mantras at specific frequencies, such as "GAUM", you create vibrations that can interact with the pineal gland and other parts of the body.
In a real physical system, there is always a limit to the amount of energy that can be stored before the system becomes unstable or dissipates energy.
Similarly, a chakra can be thought of as having a “maximum capacity” for storing energy. If it is “charged” beyond its ideal level, the system may become unstable, requiring a certain level of balance to maintain the energy boost.
When sound resonates in a certain area of the body, it induces vibrations that extend into the surrounding tissues. These vibrations create a sort of “energy wave” that can stimulate the chakra area more, amplifying its perceived activity. The sound vibrations can then help “shake up” stagnant energy and get the energy in that area moving, creating a feeling of greater “activation” or “intensity.
Thought forms are energy packets that are accumulated or created based on strong emotions that are released, and then feed off the surrounding energies.
From a physical point of view, intense emotional states can temporarily influence electromagnetic fields or generate sound waves that, even at low frequencies, can leave a minimal and temporary impact.
In an abandoned place or in a space where these emotions have been very intense, such as a house that has experienced trauma or a dark period, it is possible that people who enter are unconsciously influenced, and this sensation is often interpreted as the presence of “thought forms”.
The residual energy associated with intense events can persist for a variable period of time, depending on various factors. In places where events charged with emotional significance have occurred, the energy residues may seem to be “felt” for long periods. If a thought form has a vibration that “resonates” with the environmental energy, it may be able to “absorb” this energy and intensify its manifestation.
When you die, the body's field that holds energy is broken so that the soul leaves it to go to the astral plane. If it does not reincarnate due to lack of energy (as for those who have spent their life without meditating), over time it also begins to lose the remaining energy it is composed of, until it dissipates in the astral plane and the person ceases to exist forever without remedy.
In physics, energy dispersion occurs when an energy system (soul) is exposed to a more intense source. The idea of compact light (soul) that disperses occurs because, in physics, when a compact energy is exposed to an external source of greater intensity, the internal coherence can break leading to a dispersion of the initial energy.
All chakras must be correctly aligned. Alignment occurs by visualizing the various chakras in this way: from bottom to top, the first chakra has the tip pointing up, the second also, the third has the tip pointing down and NOT towards the fourth, the fourth is a connector chakra between the upper and lower chakras and has a yoni shape, the fifth with the tip pointing down, the sixth and seventh as well.
An aligned system allows for better energy transmission. In physics, a well-designed conductor transmits electricity with little resistance. Similarly, when the chakras are aligned, energy can flow without interruption, optimizing physical, emotional and spiritual experiences. In an energy field (such as a magnetic or electric one), the field lines must point in a specific direction to generate a coherent effect.
If the directions are disordered, the fields can interfere with each other and reduce the effectiveness of the system, canceling each other out or creating chaotic effects. For example, aligning the magnetic dipoles (the directions of the small magnets within a material) is what makes a material magnetic. The flow of energy is influenced by the direction of forces. In systems such as electrical circuits or fluids, the direction of flow ensures that energy moves from one point to another in an orderly fashion.
When a system is properly aligned, energy can flow without obstructions, such as in a pipe that allows liquid to flow without dispersion. The stability of many physical systems is linked to symmetry, which often involves precise and consistent directions. In an ordered system, directional alignment minimizes internal stresses and allows a stable equilibrium to be achieved, similar to the molecules in a well formed crystal, which must be directed and oriented symmetrically to maintain their solid structure.
In physics, when energy is transferred from one system to another, there is often a dispersion or loss of energy, especially if we consider that the energy must attach or adapt to the new system.
When an energy system leaves a compact state to transfer to another system, a part of the energy is almost always dispersed. This process increases the entropy of the surrounding system, in physical terms, this means that part of the initial energy is "wasted" and is not available to the new system in a useful form.
If we think of the transfer of energy as a "movement" from one system to another, it is as if it encounters a natural resistance. Friction or resistance causes the dispersion of part of the energy, leaving less energy available to the receiving system. A common example is the transfer of electric charge along a circuit: during the transfer, some of the electrical energy is transformed into heat, causing a "loss" of energy.
In magic, energies must be of specific colors and be clearly programmed for the purpose of the work.
Resonance occurs when an external force or energy is in sync with the natural frequency of a system, amplifying its vibrations. In a ritual context, energy intensification can be seen as an attempt to resonate with an internal or external energy source, increasing personal energy capabilities through this synchronization. In lasers, for example, light waves become coherent, meaning all waves are aligned and travel in the same direction, increasing the power and density of the beam. A personal energy system could be intensified by aligning and organizing one's internal "vibrations," similar to coherence in a laser, reducing dispersion and increasing effectiveness.
Along with meditation, the practice of physical yoga is very important. It serves to unblock the flow of energy from the soul from blockages and to increase energies. This is why it is explained that bioelectricity increases during the final resting position savasana.
In physics, smoothing a flow of current means reducing resistance and improving the efficiency of the system, but it does not necessarily directly amplify the energetic state. However, this optimization of the flow allows the system to use its energy more powerfully and productively. Atoms or molecules can be "excited" to higher energy levels and, once activated, can release this energy at a later time.
Even in meditation or ritual, a "charging" phase can be compared to a temporary elevation of energy, in which a person's energy system is prepared to be released and used. When resistance is reduced in an electrical circuit, for example, the flow of current can flow more freely. Less energy is "lost" as heat, and the released energy can be used more effectively to do work. With yoga, releasing physical tension improves personal “energy flow,” allowing you to use energy with less waste.
A system with fewer obstacles (be it electrical, hydraulic, or, in symbolic terms, energetic) can operate with greater efficiency, freeing up more power for other functions. This is similar to how practices like yoga and meditation can clear blockages and make the body and mind more harmonious, promoting a more powerful use of personal energy. An optimized system is able to reach its maximum potential with less energy expenditure, because energy is not wasted.
In energetic practice, this translates into a stronger, more focused flow that seems amplified, because it is better organized.
It is used to access meditative states to activate hidden and unused areas of the brain.
During a deep trance state, changes in brain waves can be observed. Meditation or trance techniques can increase the presence of theta brain waves (4-8 Hz), which are associated with a state of deep relaxation, creativity, and access to the unconscious.
Brain Areas Involved:
• Prefrontal Cortex: Associated with reflection, planning, and self-control. During trance, this area may show decreased activity, leading to a sense of relaxation and freedom from conscious thought.
• Limbic System: Involved in emotions and memories. May become activated during trance, leading to intense emotional experiences or reprocessing of memories
.• Thalamus: Regulates sensory input. In a trance state, it may reduce sensitivity to external stimuli, allowing for greater introspection.
Trance Effects:
• Deep Relaxation: Deep trance is often associated with reduced stress and anxiety. This is due to changes in levels of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine, which can increase feelings of well-being.
• Expanded Consciousness: Many practitioners report experiences of expanded consciousness, where they feel more connected to themselves and their surroundings. This state of consciousness can also lead to transcendent or spiritual experiences.
• Susceptibility to Hypnosis: In a trance state, people can become more susceptible to external suggestions. This means that positive affirmations or mental images can have a greater impact on their psyche.
In meditation, all the chakras must be strengthened with meditation in a balanced way so as not to create imbalances of one chakra being stronger than another.
In physics, objects and systems tend to seek a state of equilibrium. Similarly, balancing the chakras is a way to create equilibrium within the energy body. A balanced system is more stable and less subject to oscillations or disturbances. In physics, many complex systems are made up of interconnected elements. Likewise, the chakras do not function in isolation; the alignment of one chakra can influence the others.
This meditation is used to detach the soul from the physical body temporarily using the preliminary meditation of blocking the rotation of the chakra system so that the soul that they hold is released.
In physics, when you interrupt or modify the oscillation of a system with an internal energy, that is, when the system stops or is blocked, the energy present does not disappear, but is transformed, as when the oscillation of a pendulum is blocked, the potential energy accumulated in the initial position is transferred to the surrounding environment. A chakra that stops releases the energy by redistributing it in other energy layers (astral plane, while before it was in the material plane).
In physics, stopping the oscillation of a system often means interrupting an energetic balance. In certain cases, if a system has been charged with energy, as in the case of the harmonic oscillator, suddenly stopping it can lead to a release of energy towards the outside.
Let's imagine a vibrating tuning fork: when it is dampened, the vibrational energy is transferred in small part to the surrounding air in the form of sound waves.
When focusing on the Sigils, one observes a symbol of power, whether it is a Seal of the Necronomicon, a Sigil of the Gods or even a Yantra or various other geometric forms of power.
There are several areas according to which the scientific aspect of the thing is demonstrated in psychology, neuroscience and according to visual perception.
Some shapes and symbols can actually influence certain mental and personal states. Shapes and symbols are powerful tools for the human mind, as they evoke associations. For example, circular shapes recall continuity or completion. Sharp corners convey intensity and tension.
A symbol may even be able to activate specific memories and archetypes, which in turn can influence our mental state. Some neuroscience studies show that shapes and visual patterns even influence brain waves.
Looking at geometric figures or complex structures can activate areas of the brain related to perception, memory and emotions. For example, repetition of certain patterns can induce a state of relaxation or meditation, similar to that experienced when looking at mandalas.
A Sigil can also act as a trigger for a certain mental state when we intentionally associate it so that the brain connects that symbol with a specific response or activation. Over time, the mere act of focusing on that symbol can bring the mind into the desired state, a phenomenon that can be compared to Pavlovian conditioning.
The Reticular Activating System, a network of neurons located in the brainstem that plays a key role in regulating alertness, attention, and level of consciousness, filters information and modulates the level of alertness. By repeatedly connecting to a symbol (such as a sigil), the brain can be instructed to tune into certain information or mental states each time that symbol is viewed.
In meditation, you vibrate a word of power to empower the chakra.
In physics, resonance occurs when an object vibrates at a frequency that matches the natural frequency of another system, causing it to vibrate more strongly. When you chant a mantra at a specific pitch, the sound vibrations emitted by your voice can generate a resonance in certain parts of the body, including organs and muscle structures, that are located near the chakra locations (such as the throat, chest, or abdomen).
Each chakra is associated with a physical area, and by chanting the mantra at the right pitch, the vibration can be felt as if it were "in" the chakra, because the resonance occurs in that region of the body. Every sound has a specific frequency (measured in Hertz), and certain tones may resonate more effectively in different parts of the body. For example, lower tones tend to resonate better in the lower areas of the body (such as the lower abdomen), while higher tones are more easily perceived in the head or chest.
This effect is related to the physical structure of the body and the different frequencies at which different regions of the body resonate. So, by adjusting the frequency of your mantra to "direct" it to a specific chakra, you are creating a vibration that matches the natural resonance of that region of the body.
Sound vibration, in and of itself, does not "create" energy in the sense that it does not generate new energy. Resonance is a phenomenon in which an object vibrates at a greater amplitude when struck by its natural resonant frequency. This effect can "amplify" the vibrational energy of a system, such as musical instruments or a voice vibrating glass until it breaks.
When you chant a mantra and “vibrate” your voice at a specific point, such as a chakra, you are activating and amplifying the energy in that area. If the mantra is chanted at a frequency that resonates with the chakra, this resonance can amplify the chakra’s energy, making it more “active” or “powerful”.
Resonance is a kind of “natural amplification”: when energy vibrates at the chakra’s frequency, it creates a heightening effect. While a sound vibration doesn’t generate extra energy on its own, it can amplify an existing energy system. Resonance is like “tuning” an object or system (such as a chakra) to a specific frequency that it naturally responds to. When you apply a vibration at the system’s natural frequency, such as a mantra to a chakra, the energy already there can be “energized” and amplified.
This amplification occurs because resonance allows the system to vibrate more strongly without adding external energy; you get a "build-up" effect that increases the energy activity in the chakra, like when you push a swing at the right time and its movement intensifies. When a mantra creates a constant vibration in a chakra, this vibration can help synchronize the energy of the chakra, making it more coherent and "ordered".
Regarding the better ability to feel energy through the right number of vibrations: in physics, coherent vibrations increase the effectiveness of a system because they reduce energy dispersion, allowing a more efficient use of the energy already present. In the case of the chakra, the energy vibrates in a more focused and structured way, facilitating a feeling of energetic intensity and empowerment of the chakra without adding extra energy.
In this meditation, the chakras spin faster and faster.
Vibrating at higher speeds has the following positive effects:
At higher frequencies, low energies are not generated because they are converted.
The energy system is made more stable, increasing long-term energy sustainability.
A system that vibrates at higher frequencies can resonate with other energies or frequencies around it, thus amplifying the available energy.
In meditation there are different mantras. For example, the mantra for empowering the base chakra is LAUM, while the mantra for the crown chakra does not have the letter L, but the letter M and is MAUM.
But in Physics can we explain the need for having precise sounds as well as different frequencies that resonate according to the tone in specific centers of the body?
Specific mantras can be compared to targeted frequency modulations or selective resonance in some energetic phenomena.
In radio circuits, a frequency oscillator (such as the AUM part of the mantra) provides a stable base frequency. If specific components or filters (comparable to the consonant of the mantra) are added to this frequency, specific signals can be tuned. This process allows you to "direct" a signal to a specific frequency, thus choosing to activate only that part of the energy system.
When two frequencies are combined, a resulting frequency or beat is generated. This phenomenon is similar to adding vibrations with selective effects, like a sound system that directs certain frequencies to specific speakers to produce a distinct sound. Each modulated frequency acts as a cue or direction that specifically tunes an area of the body (or a specific chakra).