I don't mean to stoke any fires on this highly complex issue but I think that you might be taking Ol agedco luciftias's insinuation as an assertion.
I'm not all that informed but what I gather is that estimates suggest that 80% of gun-related crimes in the USA are committed with illegal firearms.
There have been some things I've read pointing to Democrats as being heavily involved in distribution here, however you do make valid arguments that Republicans are also steeped heavily in corruption and that these MAGA patriots aren't usually very bright from what little video footage I've seen. I have yet to experience it first hand mind you... American politics for some reason appears to me far more popular and talked about than most other political debates in the West.
I think a better question to ask is which of the two parties is a lesser of two evils (red vs blue) and how can we determine the root source of all the various gun crimes and extrapolate a ratio from there? I'd suggest that no single person can answer this question with absolute certainty but instead can only have a best guess.
The republican side appears to me as having a slightly better approach to these issues (allowing Americans their right to defend themselves) among other things economic, trade and energy wise, however they are as you say highly corrupt. Trump recently suggested bringing the death penalty back for 'antisemites', supports mRNA vaccines, builds an ineffective wall with gaps which taxpayers have to pay to remove after paying to build it (which I don't think has happened) while Tucker Carlson is more than likely a pedophile (defends pedophile/cult leader Warren Jeffs and another time a teacher who molested a 13-year-old)....
There are innumerable issues with both parties and it goes to a point where I myself cannot keep track. What are your thoughts? I honestly value both your views regardless of what they are because they are points in which we all can gain better awareness rather than seeing things only from a one-sided viewpoint. Both of you know a lot more about the actual polititians running than I currently do. From my point of view you are both are exceptional members who have far more in common than otherwise. HPHC once said that we're a spiritual organization and not a political one after all (i.e spiritual beliefs transend political ones).
Anyway, thanks for reading my long-winded retort to these perplexing issues and my apologies for such soft language... that's how I tend to roll.
Grab a coffee, tea, 'cuz this is a long response. There isn't anything wrong with your response, it's not like you're raging or cussing or flinging insults without much of a backing or basis (harsh criticism isn't insults). Even if you disagreed with me and stuck to it, we keep it civil.
In terms of the statistics, sometimes I tend to be take statisticial research with a grain of salt (professional statisticians even recommend doing so, I also have a familiar who specialized in statistics in college), since that 80% is on the topic of reported incidents, sadly - there are many, many unreported incidents, you gets those from recounts of experiences of people. Some of those statistical groups can also be biased towards political agenda. Gun control-backed organizations will tell you that most gun crimes are committed by "evil white men" or whatever, and NRA-backed ones will tell you they are committed mostly by blacks and hispanics using illegal ones.
Although I'll say it is true, that the crimes using illegal guns > the crimes committed by legal gun owners. My argument was more-so in spite of this, there are still a huge chunk of bad apples, I'd-say more purely rotted apples flaunting the "patriotic" mask. That in my opinion, will destroy the patriotic camp from the inside, internal dissent, bad apples and weak links need to be dealt with just as much as dealing with enemy democrats and enemy liberals, you can't fight the enemy without a strong basis and with too many hypocrites in your camp. Lenin even admitted this when fellow jewess Lanny Kaplan turned on him and form their own "rival communist camps" so to speak kinda like the entire "Rebel rabbi" story and viewed her and dissenters as being more threatening than the combined White Russian army, which too - had degenerated into selfish rivaling warlord factions who committed atrocities of their own.
In my opinion the entire gun issue really is a multi-layered issue that isn't solely fixed by just lessening or toughening gun laws, I learned from a non-bullshido master that self-defense is not simple, and gun laws, strict or lax, have shown different results in different nations. Pro-gunners are valid when they argue that other tools, such as knives, wrenches and the such can be used as murder weapons.
But it all truly depends on the kind of society you're around and how mentally and spiritually-sane the people are around you and how corrupt the gov't is.
Take Africa and the Muslim countries for example - those nations have practically no regulation on firearms, and they child soldiers with ak47s walking around yet you still bear the risk of not waking up thanks to having your brains blown out in a fine pink mist by a rivaling tribe or whatever, we can thank subhuman Islam and the spiritual pollution of black folks for this. This sadly has carried on with black gangs and illegal firearms in the US.
Switzerland however is also armed to the teeth and they love their guns too to America-levels, government actually equips their citizens with fully-automatic firearms not normally accessible to even an average American citizen without a federal firearms license, yet they have very low crime, you don't really see biker gangs or road ragers going around shooting each other, at least not that I ever heard of.
Then there's Japan, where guns aren't "totally illegal" but due to the process and requirements of obtaining one, just forget it, - they make Canada look like the NRA in comparison, since it's not even worth the attempt. It's easier to be a simp and still get a petite woman in Japan than to apply for a firearm, let alone keeping it since Japanese gun owners are literally required to show the cops maps of their homes. Forget about telling the cops you want it for self-defense. However, Japan's crime is very low, even their "Yakuza" organized crime acts more civilized than those black and latin gangs. I can't say the same for the U.K., their guns laws are ultra-strict like Japan but that hasn't fixed their rampant crime that is being caused by illegal immigrants. Taiwan and South Korea too aren't gun-friendly, but have low crime.
Addressing the illegal guns - pro-gunners are valid when calling out illegal gun crimes, criminals are criminals, who they won't follow whatever law so in makes total sense in that situation to arm good civilians as some kind of volunteer force, "getting paid" should not be the concern when defending lives other than the necessarry funds to pay for weapons and training.
That's where I mention the "two-fold" argument, embracing gun ownership is a "two-fold" responsbility and even "good civilians" can turn bad if not responsible, and make the the "good guys" look just as bad as the "bad guys" (communists, liberals, lefties). It's why patriotic camps at times have factions that literally seperate themselves and have their own inner circle not involved with the low-quality people, often-not you'll find Satanic souls in there.
I guess it's also goes with ethics and high expectations. A criminal is understood to be a criminal, so it's not surprising they do they things they do. But in the case of biker gangs, as well as corrupt cops and corrupt military/veterans who openly support the GOP and whistleblower groups, these are the people who claim to protect America, protect Constitution and etc., and therefore - a high expectation gets placed, and if/when they caught in the act of a crime - then it's obviously more concerning. I do remember HPs, both Maxine and Cobra saying that the Gods tend to be very stricter on advanced Souls, and even more merciful on the non-Satanic Souls. If a jew commits a crime, the Gods wouldn't be surprised, but if hypothetically, a proclaimed "SS" who practices our meditations and rituals were do XYZ crime or lead people astray, then the Gods will obviously place huge concern or even anger against that individual since it puts a stain on their image, a really, really bad stain. the jews figured out this tactic, and thats how we got the "jewish illuminati" and their hijacking of Satanic symbols.
Addressing the "high expections" for legal gun owners - handling your guns safely, and not using it in knee-jerk reaction. That encompasses another paradigm seperate from that which involves fending off invaders - this encompasses families with bad karmic cycles of domestic abuse and violence. Gun laws in the Southeast Asian countries like Thailand, Philippines and Malaysia have shown mixed results, but the Philippines is another prefect example of the double-edged sword.
I have Filipino uncle who pointed his gun at his daughter because some issue about a clean house, as well another Filipino ancestor going back to the grandparents/greatuncle tier who were alcoholics and would always point their guns at their wives and children in a drunken rage, and their children too continued the karmic cycle and nearly used their guns during a heated altercation with a neighbor. However, they were also able to enjoy the benefit of the doubt when traveling to communities inhabited by china-backed communists who use the jungles as their cover.
Eventually, said grandparent had his guns confiscted, so the "inner threat" was eliminated, but this also now meant they were sitting ducks against criminals and terrorists backed by china, since china likes to support and arm communist and islamist territorist groups in the Philippines. Malaysia and Thailand however have stabilized their people (Thailand even more-so). That's just the truth of "
actions have consequences, rights can be taken away if not responability used" at play right there.
That's my analysis of the gun issue, it's a "multi-polar" issue that transcends just gun laws themselves. A war against illegal gangs and criminals, and a war against inner evil to do something dangerous with it, for whatever reason - you have mental issues, you thought it was "cool/funny" and the such.
In terms of political groups themselves, I realized about the republicans they aren't as "uniform" as one thinks same goes for democrats. Republican are actually getting less and less Xian nowadays and most of them just flaunt Xianity because it's always been "the thing" to do, like a fad more-so. Yes, while both parties "mainstream wings" are controlled by jews, and promote the most retarded of people to be the media forefrunters, some of the lesser-known tiers within the republican leadership are Satanic and patriotic souls, I think I recall it was Michigan where legislatures passed laws banning employers from enforcing vaccinations or police departmants refusing to enforce mask laws or ultra-restrictive gun laws. Another thing that boggles me is how the democratic and republican parties actually flip-flopped in their ideology. The Southern secessionists of the American civil war were all democrats, but that's because democrats were the conservative party at the time. Go back to the 1950s, and being a Republican in the southhern U.S.....well let's just say, didn't end well. As the old saying goes, "
Republicans became Democrats and Democrate became Communists". You'd be the surprised the number of Republicans and Dixiecrats (Confederate flag-type people) I've seen that proclaim to be "Buddhist"so really, the entire "Christianity and patriotism" thing has become a stereotype. Maby those "Buddhist republicans" too are Satanic souls in reality.
You know what they say, secrecy is key. I also did see a video of turcker carlson seemingly defending pedos, but I have to watch the entire videos and do more investigating, sometimes people can cut audio and video clips to make someone look worse. Sherrif David Clarke was a perfect example of a "black sheep among the Democrats", ran under a democratic ticket but truly conservative at heart, pro-gun, pro-law enforcement and etc., even spoke at CPAC.