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Actual Self Love: Drugs & Addictions - Fixing One's Self

Try qigong, and other methods of increasing your Chi. I eat sweets every now and then, but I generally never crave them unless I've gone too long without taking care of myself, or go months without doing qigong, or rushing too much with a lot of JoS projects and not enough time to just chill.

Thank you HPs Lydia, I used to do Qigong but just forgot for the last few months. And you're right, I've started feeling lousy. Thank you for the reminder.

Hail Satanas!!!
Should it be done before or after Hatha yoga and in the video they talk nothing about resting afterwards Should we still rest on our back for 15 minutes
Do it separately, or whenever works for you if you're short on time, but it's best done separate from hatha.

Don't lie on your back after, you can simply relax while sitting down to meditate, or immediately go about your day after.

Thank you. That's horrible. I had no idea it was THIS serious.
I've been wondering for a while, how bad is something like alcohol compared to weed?
It depends on the person. Some people smoke weed with little bad effects, but alcohol is worse for them. And vice-versa. Different substances affect different chakras, but I have not studied in-depth as to the chakras and drugs of individuals to determine if these things can be predicted; especially as it is best to avoid them altogether.
Do it separately, or whenever works for you if you're short on time, but it's best done separate from hatha.

Don't lie on your back after, you can simply relax while sitting down to meditate, or immediately go about your day after.

It depends on the person. Some people smoke weed with little bad effects, but alcohol is worse for them. And vice-versa. Different substances affect different chakras, but I have not studied in-depth as to the chakras and drugs of individuals to determine if these things can be predicted; especially as it is best to avoid them altogether.
The thing I know for certain, as someone who does consume alcohol occasionally, it's that alcohol is much slower to act than THC, because THC is lipophilic and so, it get through most of the cells in our body, especially the neurons who are pretty fatty.

Also, a matter of the amounts typically consumed, 1 beer vs 1 joint, objectively the joint has much more effect even if it's made by only half weed and half tobacco, or even less, 25% weed 75% tobacco.

This makes me think that there should be no issue with the occasional glass of beer or, even better, wine.
Or with stronger types of alcoholic beverages, this should probably be a singular shot, 2 maximum.

Although I won't lie, I do drink more than that sometimes.
But never to the point I get actually drunk. It does have an effect when I drink more than usual but I haven't been "drunk drunk" in years.

I also find more "rare" and "ancient" forms of alcohol to be on a whole another level of taste, like mead.
Mead tastes simply great, and I guess it was made by our Norse ancestors, wasn't it? I guess there must be some value in it then?

As far as I've heard, red wine should be the most beneficial alcoholic beverage around, but I really can't get into it, I don't like the taste.
I like white wine more.
Thank you for your knowledge HP
I've also found out that one addiction often comes with another. The most "inoffensive" one that I see a lot in university students, is pairing up gaming with weed. And getting that rush again and again just because they're bored.

Another side is how the process of going clean is. I always hear this in Europe, that there is a need of more social personal to get up and do the 'dirty work', rehabilitate people and help them by giving resources. I think it's true up to an extent, but people need to want to be helped. It's not that they are just addicted and nothing else. Their life can be in shambles and destructive as whole: no family or ill parents, bad friends, no connections for jobs, etc.

In these subjects it can be seen why JoS is truly a gift. You get to understand and apply an overhaul of your whole life. When you become aware of your habits, thoughts, emotions of course you will know how to exert willpower to stop what is harmful for you.
When one does negative things to one's self, you are not truly "loving yourself". Over the last days I have been doing a lot of further research on addictions, drugs and related problems, since I want to be able to solve these problems for others.

At the case where people do this, we can see strongly there is a lack of self-esteem, confidence and self love. I don't mean narcissistic self love and other deceptive forms of love, I mean actual self-love that is based on self respect. Trauma and other underlying problems, which can be healed by the love of the Gods if you let them, can be the sources of these problems. One has to go back and see on the root causes; self knowledge is very important here.

One must ask: Why am I doing this? Then the answer might be fairly evident: "I need confidence". "I suffer with my life because ___", "I need to have a good time" (that is a masked response). Yet you could have a good time without drug abuse, maybe with some alcohol. Or even without it. So what is keeping you? One must keep asking; eventually the facts will reveal themselves. Oftentimes the facts are hidden from your immediate understanding. "I find my life not that interesting" is another response; it all depends on the individual.

The less one has of the negative issues within, the more the soul can blossom unimpeded, the more one goes into the wrong direction, one sets themselves up for abuse by others, drugs, practice escapism and other negative things. One does not want to be who they are, they are not there yet. One is avoiding and coping with avoidance.

What is one avoiding? That is something important that must be faced. When that is faced, the rewards are standing within reach. The more you try to cheat through and bypass these things, the far further away you are from what you truly need inside.

To mention more explicit dangers, HPS Maxine has also stated many years ago in a very direct manner, "Drugs make you someone's slave (Bitch)". Her statements reflect wisdom of more than 5 decades in this life, she has seen it all in life and I know that personally. Many also here have seen where these paths end; only in darkness, deception and nothing of what one initially wanted. So one is fooled, enslaved and controlled.

Clearly that's not a good state to be, nor to be found over-dosed one night because the "Plug" decided it was time to finish your life. A lot of great people have been lost for literally no reason over these topics. People around this block have something to do with their existence during that lifetime, so dying randomly from these things is never a good idea.

We have endless cases of SS and I am truly proud of all of them, who actually built formiddable selves that are beyond these. And these people are still only developing; the path is long and the power you seek will be attained. Yet one must give this to themselves. The way to do this is to actually get there and not on the opposite direction.

This path over time will teach you slowly, and through overcoming with trials for your improvement, actual self love.

Impressions absorbed in your early life that you "need to be this or that" or other forms of self hate, can lead people to all sorts of negative actions in life committed against yourselves. These can manifest in addictions, drugs, trying to gain confidence and self love from the backdoor or through other engagements.

In all cases, none of this is going to truly help you. Everytime you do these things to yourself, you are only developing a sense of self-failure and self hate within. Because deep down everyone knows when they do these things, eventually all they do is wear themselves down.

Of major importance here is for one to understand that by ripping down your sanity, health, existence, wallet and everything else, only to get temporary false validation, is not going to lead you nowhere, but in more darkness than the starting point. One must make a choice to go the opposite direction.

That's not the powerful Darkness of Lucifer either, it's more like the darkness of the foolish and the enslaved; the real darkness is approached in other ways. Real darkness is to master within, is to dive within.

As that is a very large topic, I will end this post here; but if one refers above and re-reads they will understand what is meant and how they can trace the issues and actually tackle them. That's the only way. Avoidance is not the way.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
This is a wonderful post (y)

If a person does not smoke, drink or use drugs, a person may suffer from such serious addictions as addiction to computer games or games on a smartphone.
You can't really learn it from PDF. Go on youtube, type in "Lee Holden Qigong" and you'll find lots of videos. His 20 minute morning and 20 minute evening routines are what I started with.
Well well well. I just did my first ever Qigong exercise, the morning routine by Lee Holden. It was quite a pleasant experience. Thank you for sharing this.
Well well well. I just did my first ever Qigong exercise, the morning routine by Lee Holden. It was quite a pleasant experience. Thank you for sharing this.
I've also told you about it on the chat if you remember but who f cares ?
I used to have a sweet tooth. The day I started doing Qigong, was the day I no longer craved sweets.

From a holistic perspective, craving sweets comes from a lack of self-nourishment. The sugary sweets are a way of trying to compensate. Try qigong, and other methods of increasing your Chi. I eat sweets every now and then, but I generally never crave them unless I've gone too long without taking care of myself, or go months without doing qigong, or rushing too much with a lot of JoS projects and not enough time to just chill.
HP Lydia, what source could you recommend if we wanna look up Qigong exercises, I interested to try it out.
I used to have a sweet tooth. The day I started doing Qigong, was the day I no longer craved sweets.

From a holistic perspective, craving sweets comes from a lack of self-nourishment. The sugary sweets are a way of trying to compensate. Try qigong, and other methods of increasing your Chi. I eat sweets every now and then, but I generally never crave them unless I've gone too long without taking care of myself, or go months without doing qigong, or rushing too much with a lot of JoS projects and not enough time to just chill.
Dear High Priestess Lydia, I just tried the Qi Gong by Lee Holden that you mentioned and I am so shocked by how efficient it is. I just did the 20 minute morning routine and I feel much better. I was a little sick and I ate a croissant and some biscuits today and now I feel much better. I just had a problem relaxing my muscles and also just relaxing in general. I am too tense and stressed. I will add it to my daily routine with exercise and Yoga. Any other things you could recommend? I've read about the 5 Tibetans, is it also effective?

In closing, if anyone is tense and needs relaxation, that videos on Qi Gong by Lee Holden are super effective. I also love his voice and how calm he is.
Dear High Priestess Lydia, I just tried the Qi Gong by Lee Holden that you mentioned and I am so shocked by how efficient it is. I just did the 20 minute morning routine and I feel much better. I was a little sick and I ate a croissant and some biscuits today and now I feel much better. I just had a problem relaxing my muscles and also just relaxing in general. I am too tense and stressed. I will add it to my daily routine with exercise and Yoga. Any other things you could recommend? I've read about the 5 Tibetans, is it also effective?

In closing, if anyone is tense and needs relaxation, that videos on Qi Gong by Lee Holden are super effective. I also love his voice and how calm he is.
Do falun dafa as well, another one I have said on the chat Henu but you're too busy with your shit man
HP Lydia, what source could you recommend if we wanna look up Qigong exercises, I interested to try it out.
I've listed sources before. Check this thread, and scroll up a bit for links to Mimi Kuo-Deemer's videos, those 4 are the ones I've done a lot :)

I've only done from videos, not from books.
Dear High Priestess Lydia, I just tried the Qi Gong by Lee Holden that you mentioned and I am so shocked by how efficient it is. I just did the 20 minute morning routine and I feel much better. I was a little sick and I ate a croissant and some biscuits today and now I feel much better. I just had a problem relaxing my muscles and also just relaxing in general. I am too tense and stressed. I will add it to my daily routine with exercise and Yoga. Any other things you could recommend? I've read about the 5 Tibetans, is it also effective?

In closing, if anyone is tense and needs relaxation, that videos on Qi Gong by Lee Holden are super effective. I also love his voice and how calm he is.
5 Tibetans are also great for when you're in a hurry and need to raise your energy quickly. I used to do them a lot, they were my first introduction to yoga many years ago.

I also love that about Lee Holden, he is very pleasant to listen to :)
Dear High Priestess Lydia, I just tried the Qi Gong by Lee Holden that you mentioned and I am so shocked by how efficient it is. I just did the 20 minute morning routine and I feel much better. I was a little sick and I ate a croissant and some biscuits today and now I feel much better. I just had a problem relaxing my muscles and also just relaxing in general. I am too tense and stressed. I will add it to my daily routine with exercise and Yoga. Any other things you could recommend? I've read about the 5 Tibetans, is it also effective?

In closing, if anyone is tense and needs relaxation, that videos on Qi Gong by Lee Holden are super effective. I also love his voice and how calm he is.
I use to do the five tibe tan but can't find anywhere can please share if you have it
And regarding five Tibetan effectiveness I can tell you with certainty it's very powerful I use to do it 2 years back

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
