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Quitting coffee

I see now, thank you Henu! I always avoided learning TCM because it seemed outside of science to me for some reason. I notice in myself that I tend to think in terms of logic a bit too much and avoid things that appear too broad.

That said, TCM has worked for thousands of years and it's something that I should read more into!

So this conversion Yin (female) to Yang (male) I'm guessing would create an excess of Yang energy? That makes sense because from what I glossed over on the net says that a preponderance to Yang causes restlessness, anxiety, stress and anger.

I can relate to this idea! I'm not so angry but I do sometimes feel restless and anxious; a sort-of overstimulated feeling. I also feel reactive to certain things, like if the mother plays gospel music by which I have to take some time in my room to clean my aura and get that AoP going.

I work varying hours and I live in a busy house whereby kids can be loud in the mornings whilst the father at times watches TV (albeit quietly) at night, which causes me to feel a need to drown it out with music. I have trouble getting void meditation to work for me. Thus, meditation has been all over the place, just like my sleep. Because of that I tend to depend on coffee in the morning to help get me going.

I'll try to quit that stuff and try to master void meditation. It feels like it doesn't work though... I'll hear the smallest sound and it brings me out of focus. Do you have any advice or thoughts there? Thanks so much!
Ol Argedco gave a good reply and I wish to add more:

TCM and other holistic medicines are energy-focused, whereas modern medicine usually has a more "Virgo" focus. At the same time, TCM can certainly be scientifically proven and it has been done so in tens of thousands of papers. It is just that western medicine has some elements of corruption which do not want to cure people, as they would lose money.

Medicine should advance to higher states of clarity and expertise, following the advancement of the human soul, therefore becoming finer in its attention to detail. Yet, we have gone backwards, still stuck on major life-threatening illnesses, even deeming them as "incurable". This is the de-evolution of the medical system, as its efficacy is reduced to the point where it can barely keep us alive, let alone do fine attuning of one's soul.


If you are over-reactive and agitated, this points more towards a yin deficiency rather than a yang excess. This can be a confusing concept at first, but look at other symptoms to understand this. For example, the fact that you need coffee to wake up suggests a lack of yang energy, as normally it is our body's Aries-style energies which spring us awake in the morning. So this would point against the theory of having a yang-excess, but rather a lack of yin.

This is caused by, or aggravated by, any intestinal or emotional problems, as this is a source of yin energy for the body and mind, as it is ruled by the Moon. When I had done Moon Squares, this caused by emotional outpouring as well as intestinal changes, as such changes were needed for my soul's overall lunar energies to advance to a higher status. So there is a strong correlation here.
I love coffee but I also overconsumed caffeine and other stimulants(not drugs) in various forms for years. I probably have some sort of adrenal fatigue.

What's the protocol for treating this?
You can look at your undereyes as one visual indicator of the adrenals, as well as other aspects ruled by Venus, such as your hair quality.

Some people can "tank" stimulants without issue, just as we tank many other negative health elements. So it doesn't necessarily mean you are fatigued unless you are currently suffering this.

The health should be thought of as like a checking account which you add to and take from. You can destroy your health in one day if you tried hard enough: Just refuse to eat, smoke meth, don't sleep, run in circles all day, take viagra and masturbate 20x, etc. All of this would burn up your yin energy extremely quickly. Even just overwork can do this, if you do not have the vitality to support it.

The soul has natural recuperative properties and this is how we can spend energy, both on productive and non-productive purposes, without developing major imbalances or deficiencies. As we advance the body and our healthful habits, this would naturally improve.

Anyway, google "Kidney deficiency symptoms" and if you have these, either the yin or yang aspects, then that could qualify as adrenal fatigue. Kidney 3 is a good way to direct energy towards the kidneys and rebuild from an adrenal fatigue situation. Combine it with an energy raising activity like breath of fire, for example, or the upcoming Sun and Mars Squares.
I remember when I was younger, I was made to taste the coffee several times and it really sucked. When I grew up I had a period of a few years where I drank coffee in the morning with late, the first few days I would force myself to drink it but it still always pretty much sucked.

Sometimes I wonder about the coffee thing, why does anyone drink it? Is it because you've been taught it's an adult thing or something, or because you can't do without it anymore?
Is coffee addiction really as serious as cigarette addiction?
Combination of regular medical knowledge and some TCM information. Which is really just looking at how certain organs and areas of the body are influenced by the chakras that they are linked to, and the elemental energies that control the behaviours of these organs. TCM and regular medical knowledge really support and agree with each other 100%, there is no difference. And they each provide more supporting information to help explain the other side.

Basically caffeine forces the adrenal glands to give out adrenaline, and this uses up energy both from the adrenal glands and also the kidneys that they are attached to. They are connected together as one related system. If this area has little energy to begin with, and if the adrenal glands have very little adrenaline to give, then you are overexerting and damaging these areas.
Very fascinating! Thanks Ol argedo lucifias!

I can understand now why this topic of coffee is so complex. Some here will defend it to the death and I understand why as it can be very addictive and create this feedback loop of feeling the need to create more of that energy from nowhere (along with the suppression of sleep hormones).

I find that it doesn't affect my meditation or health all too badly however. I used to (in the past) work full time, meditate and drink 5 cups of coffee per day (even in the evening) yet I had no negative effects on my sleep. Now that I work part time however this is not the case.

I don't suppose one to two cups in the morning would be the worst thing for a healthy active person, but for someone like me it's not a great idea, especially since I'm working to improve my digestion and sleep.

Thanks so much for this empowering information. :)
Ol Argedco gave a good reply and I wish to add more:

TCM and other holistic medicines are energy-focused, whereas modern medicine usually has a more "Virgo" focus. At the same time, TCM can certainly be scientifically proven and it has been done so in tens of thousands of papers. It is just that western medicine has some elements of corruption which do not want to cure people, as they would lose money.

Medicine should advance to higher states of clarity and expertise, following the advancement of the human soul, therefore becoming finer in its attention to detail. Yet, we have gone backwards, still stuck on major life-threatening illnesses, even deeming them as "incurable". This is the de-evolution of the medical system, as its efficacy is reduced to the point where it can barely keep us alive, let alone do fine attuning of one's soul.


If you are over-reactive and agitated, this points more towards a yin deficiency rather than a yang excess. This can be a confusing concept at first, but look at other symptoms to understand this. For example, the fact that you need coffee to wake up suggests a lack of yang energy, as normally it is our body's Aries-style energies which spring us awake in the morning. So this would point against the theory of having a yang-excess, but rather a lack of yin.

This is caused by, or aggravated by, any intestinal or emotional problems, as this is a source of yin energy for the body and mind, as it is ruled by the Moon. When I had done Moon Squares, this caused by emotional outpouring as well as intestinal changes, as such changes were needed for my soul's overall lunar energies to advance to a higher status. So there is a strong correlation here.
That makes sense. I'm a Virgo and have very strong traits like that (attention to detail, perfectionism and modesty) whilst medical science is very much this way; passive and a little too detailed. Like you say, medical science today does go backwards considering the lack of critical thought and not looking at things from a holistic perspective (treating symptoms and manifested disease instead of discovering and healing the true root cause of the disease via giving the body the right tools to do so).

Your comments always inspire me! I've been doing some major overhauls in my health and I do feel bad not expressing myself well in the past. When one has various problems at the same time it can be difficult to pinpoint where the best place is to start. Albeit I have some circulation problems, back and neck problems and frequent urination, I do believe that digestion should be my greatest point of focus. Socrates did one say that "all disease begins in the gut".

When I also consider that 90% of communication in the gut-brain access goes from the gut to the brain it's also no wonder I've had troubles communicating effectively and tend to fixate on things too much. This makes me question everything I say and do a little too much, constantly apologizing when I probably don't need to. Meditation and keeping an open mind at all times has helped a lot there!

I'll keep my focus on healing and growing without having fear or doubt in myself. It's easy to want to take things to unnecessary extremes such as fasting for too long and then eating too suddenly and so forth. For me an elimination diet, fermented foods, restoring good sleep patterns, meditating and routine exercise all will help me far more than falling into my hyper-fixation which does feel much like spinning a wheel without gaining any traction or results. I need to be more proactive and utilize less time thinking about the best route to take action. We have so much power and ability to become our ideal self and I'll never forget that.

Thanks so much for the input!
Oh right, moon square will be a big help for me! I'm very excited to see how that goes and I will make sure to keep at it with with utmost determination and confidence. Thanks again!

Hail Satan!
Drinking 5 coffees per day with seemingly no reaction looks like a very bad sign. It shows that you were already so depleted that there was nothing left to give. It is possible for Satanists to heal, but if it's bad enough it will take purposeful attention and workings.

I'm not completely against coffee. I like cappuccinos, and cold brew black coffee. But I purposefully try to only drink it once every 2 or 3 weeks.

Another thing is people like to drink coffee in the morning just because they are in a natural trance. This is a natural and healthy thing to be in a trance like this sometimes. This is while the right side of the brain is more active, and the left side of the brain is less active. Normally when we are awake, it is the opposite and the left side of the brain is doing most of the work. I strongly believe it is important and healthy to allow the right side of the brain to take over being more active sometimes, and allow that trance to go for as long as it wants.
You can look at your undereyes as one visual indicator of the adrenals, as well as other aspects ruled by Venus, such as your hair quality.

Some people can "tank" stimulants without issue, just as we tank many other negative health elements. So it doesn't necessarily mean you are fatigued unless you are currently suffering this.

The health should be thought of as like a checking account which you add to and take from. You can destroy your health in one day if you tried hard enough: Just refuse to eat, smoke meth, don't sleep, run in circles all day, take viagra and masturbate 20x, etc. All of this would burn up your yin energy extremely quickly. Even just overwork can do this, if you do not have the vitality to support it.

The soul has natural recuperative properties and this is how we can spend energy, both on productive and non-productive purposes, without developing major imbalances or deficiencies. As we advance the body and our healthful habits, this would naturally improve.

Anyway, google "Kidney deficiency symptoms" and if you have these, either the yin or yang aspects, then that could qualify as adrenal fatigue. Kidney 3 is a good way to direct energy towards the kidneys and rebuild from an adrenal fatigue situation. Combine it with an energy raising activity like breath of fire, for example, or the upcoming Sun and Mars Squares.
I think the shoe fits.
It even explains this mysterious transient bone pain that I've been having, not to mention the tinnitus. Thank you for your guidance.
I quit coffe for about 4 months to see how it went, and I felt very lethargic and exhausted many times, even 2/3 months after quitting. At the moment I'm not able to have a proper diet and other factors in my life can be the cause of this fatigue, but during times like this coffe really makes a difference. I started drinking it again a week ago and I feel so much more energetic and productive.

When I get my life in order I think I will quit it again, because I don't want to be addicted to it, or being unable to perform at all without it. My intuition just tells me that something with 0 calories that gives you this amount of percieved energy and stimulates your brain so much cannot be that good for you in the long run.
I quit coffe for about 4 months to see how it went, and I felt very lethargic and exhausted many times, even 2/3 months after quitting. At the moment I'm not able to have a proper diet and other factors in my life can be the cause of this fatigue, but during times like this coffe really makes a difference. I started drinking it again a week ago and I feel so much more energetic and productive.

When I get my life in order I think I will quit it again, because I don't want to be addicted to it, or being unable to perform at all without it. My intuition just tells me that something with 0 calories that gives you this amount of percieved energy and stimulates your brain so much cannot be that good for you in the long run.
Perhaps try yerba mate. It is healthier, the caffeine is easier on the body and does not give jitters or crashes. It's also cheaper and can be re-steeped about 5 times, so you will save a lot of money.

^This advice is for a quick fix, until your health improves through better nutrition and so on.
Perhaps try yerba mate. It is healthier, the caffeine is easier on the body and does not give jitters or crashes. It's also cheaper and can be re-steeped about 5 times, so you will save a lot of money.

^This advice is for a quick fix, until your health improves through better nutrition and so on.
Thank you HPS!
Its not bad if you drink it with moderation. But I understand your point, the drawbacks sometimes are not worth it. If you want some natural energy boosters, in this site there are many, alternate nostril breathing, breath of fire, kundalini yoga, etc.
You can regulate it, but it's unhealthy to have no orgasm for a longer time.
For men, the issue is not the orgasm, but ejaculation as it drains vital force of the body. Having the skill to separate the orgasm and ejaculation would circumvent this issue. Otherwise, one must increase their vitality and exert control over how much they choose to do this.
I'll try to quit that stuff and try to master void meditation. It feels like it doesn't work though... I'll hear the smallest sound and it brings me out of focus. Do you have any advice or thoughts there? Thanks so much!
Have you ever been focused on something for an extended period of time? Like when reading a book, playing a game, listening to music, watching TV, socializing with someone, things like that, and you were not thinking anything else or being distracted by anything else and had this one thing on your mind only? Void meditation differs by having a 'void' as the point of focus instead of everyday things. That being said, what your issue, like with most other people is, that there is challenging habitualization about this subject. It's not like you can not focus, but your focus is trained in a manner that sitting still and being quiet becomes difficult even though you can focus. Does that make sense? So it comes down to bringing the brain and consequently the mind under reasonable control by limiting activities that bomb your brain with constant stimulation and keep training on sitting still and being quiet.

For disturbing noises, you can try something like earplugs, earmuffs, and noise-canceling headphones. It is possible to evolve to a position where these are not required even in a noisy environment.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
