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No Sleep? Let's Look Into That: Anomalies Associated with Advancement and Increased Bioelectrical Frequency, and How We Deal With That!


May 15, 2024
So I was parusing various posts today and stumbled across a cute but valid question:

Do the Gods Sleep?

Now, this was a simple answer from me, because I had to learn very early on how to deal with a potentially problematic anomaly associated with spiritual advancement, and that is I absolutely could not, for the life of me, get one minute of sleep. Upon just beginning the activation of my soul, it became impossible for me to rest, and so I wondered the same question once.

„How the fuck do I rest like this?“ I thought. There had to be some way, because you can have all the power in the world built up in your soul, but that flesh of yours needs a break, and the solution was pretty straight foreward from the get go: it is absolutely crucial to master the deep trance as quickly as possible. Surging with energy or not, your body can get very sick without sleep, and health on all planes is a balancing game.

Gods sleep, yes, but not in a state of subconscious background processing like lower forms of life, and this starts to become the case for some mages, unfortunately quite early on and before you fully understand what's happening, like it did for some such as myself. And at the time, back in 2012, I was just a 16-17 year old punk; my first thought was „Weed's natural, just knock myself out with that“
Nah, dude. See, cannabis is a lunar incense, and a powerful one, it opens your soul right up. Knock yourself out on that? You're a sitting duck with a big bright flashing beacon with a megaphone screaming „COME SIPHON/ATTACK ME“ to the enemy.

Don't even use shit like that. You need to be able to attain states naturally anyways, and the most you should be doing with that stuff is using it as a lunar inscence, or killing a tumor with the refined product that comes from it, and by a physicians instruction. There's no time for misuse of medicine or straight up abuse of...vile chemical concoctions, lets call them.

For any level of magick, we need to be able to attain trance states, and we need to be aware, all of the time. Especially once your fully activated. Same goes for when you're „sleeping“, and this requires the deeper trance states, so I want to make it absolutely clear how important this skill is to actually work on, because you may actually need it to rest your body at all eventually. Sleep becomes another meditative process, you either leave your body behind for astral exploration, or you use it as time to do some internal work. I usually spend my time traversing my mind-city, trying to understand myself a little better. This is the world my dreams used to take place in, but is now just a playing field for my mind in deeper states. Something similar should happen for you as well, eventually.

So, how will you pass your time once your dreams become obsolete? Start out in your Mind's Realm or your Astral Temple. Hell, Temples need renovations every now and then, don't they? Just a thought. Would love to hear any of yours.
When I don't have dreams, I tend to imagine myself in different scenaria, usually intense, though in these cases I'm not fully asleep, but I'm not awake either. This can actually cause your mind to overthink and be more tired during the day, but it's a habit I am working on fixing.
Layers of improvement, every day, I get ya haha. You'll kick it.

Great advice for the newcomers!

Also, Maxine's post on being able to give the excess energy to Demons is also good option, especially if you are new, and the energy goes to waste often, with no actual use.
Oh, yes, thank you for bringing that up, I completely forgot to mention that. If you don't know what to do with the energy, definitely pass it on. The Gods never forget favours, and this is a bigger one than most know!

The trance state doesn't actually help you assimilate the energies, it just redirects your attention away from the energies, which is essentially a loss of a resource and the frustrating thing is that you don't learn how to manage the resource by just ignoring it. You know, different types of energies require different awareness and approach to them.

If energies prevent you from sleeping, don't practice before going to bed and direct all your meditation, willpower to developing aspects of the soul or start using witchcraft for practical purposes. To realise witchcraft in a non-mental way will require serious efforts.

In summary this says that the energies should not own you and impose unwanted conditions/sentiments on you, like the fact that you can't rest or you get negative obsessions, you should own the power.
[I'll ask the moderator to delete two posts in a different language, I accidentally posted]
Layers of improvement, every day, I get ya haha. You'll kick it.

Oh, yes, thank you for bringing that up, I completely forgot to mention that. If you don't know what to do with the energy, definitely pass it on. The Gods never forget favours, and this is a bigger one than most know!
Plus, you can request your GD or Demons in general take all unused excess energy every time there is such (but of course in such way that won't hinder advancement).
For them making a thoughtform to do this is quite easy, I guess. I've requested that in the very beginning of my journey in JoS, bet it's still active.
Glad that every bit of power goes to use for the Goal.

The trance state doesn't actually help you assimilate the energies, it just redirects your attention away from the energies, which is essentially a loss of a resource and the frustrating thing is that you don't learn how to manage the resource by just ignoring it. You know, different types of energies require different awareness and approach to them.

If energies prevent you from sleeping, don't practice before going to bed and direct all your meditation, willpower to developing aspects of the soul or start using witchcraft for practical purposes. To realise witchcraft in a non-mental way will require serious efforts.

In summary this says that the energies should not own you and impose unwanted conditions/sentiments on you, like the fact that you can't rest or you get negative obsessions, you should own the power.
[I'll ask the moderator to delete two posts in a different language, I accidentally posted]
Homie, you seem to be mistaking this post for something it's not. The first thing I'm gonna oppose you on is "don't practice before bed". That was, for lack of better terminology, a crock of steaming bullshit.

See, that is simply not an option. Unless you want to wake up sore and sticky with astral tar and muck up your advancement. Once a day is nowhere near enough.

Sleep is when you are most vulnerable. Sleep is when you must be most protected. Thus, one needs to at the very least set up their aura before bed, and this can cause high discomfort and a complete inability to sleep. I would never ever suggest not preforming at the very least an aura of protection working before laying one's body to rest. That's no better than drugging yourself to sleep, that's just leaving yourself open to nasties flat out. Protections are manditory. This can cause a high bioelectrical frequency, and even when one rids themselves of the energies, they may still find themselves wide awake.

Now, as I said, when you are resting your body, you are still operating as an astral being. Thus, you can still preform work and apply any extra energies where you need to, as well as more easily contact a God or Daemon who could use the extra vril. There are ways to deal with this extra energy once your body is resting, it's meditation for pete's sake, and it's imparative to get the trance down to most effectively reapply energies or pass them on to other beings, so no matter what, what I'm saying still stands strong.

The second is you accusing any here of not owning their power, now, that's just rude! I feel like you didn't even fully read my post, man!
This post is exactly about how to deal with and own your own power; I'm not saying „I can't sleep, help me.“, I'm saying „I don't sleep, and this is why, and how I deal with it. If you can't either, this is what you can do. Anyone else have alternative solutions?“

„just get good kid“ isn't the way to teach anyone new anything, and that's all you telling new bloods to just own their power is. They don't know how yet, dude.

This post is not for people who can just own it, it's for people who have to learn how to own it. Some of us can do things and have certain effects from the get go and are flabbergasted at what to do, some of us have to learn and develop effects later and thus have a steadier curve. You're acting like we're all at the exact same level with the exact same skills and the exact same soul. Stap it. SCHTAPIT. Dafonk do you think you're doing telling people not to meditate before bed?! That's like, base rules of spiritual health and safety, friend, just what are you on about?
So I was parusing various posts today and stumbled across a cute but valid question:

Do the Gods Sleep?

Now, this was a simple answer from me, because I had to learn very early on how to deal with a potentially problematic anomaly associated with spiritual advancement, and that is I absolutely could not, for the life of me, get one minute of sleep. Upon just beginning the activation of my soul, it became impossible for me to rest, and so I wondered the same question once.

„How the fuck do I rest like this?“ I thought. There had to be some way, because you can have all the power in the world built up in your soul, but that flesh of yours needs a break, and the solution was pretty straight foreward from the get go: it is absolutely crucial to master the deep trance as quickly as possible. Surging with energy or not, your body can get very sick without sleep, and health on all planes is a balancing game.

Gods sleep, yes, but not in a state of subconscious background processing like lower forms of life, and this starts to become the case for some mages, unfortunately quite early on and before you fully understand what's happening, like it did for some such as myself. And at the time, back in 2012, I was just a 16-17 year old punk; my first thought was „Weed's natural, just knock myself out with that“
Nah, dude. See, cannabis is a lunar incense, and a powerful one, it opens your soul right up. Knock yourself out on that? You're a sitting duck with a big bright flashing beacon with a megaphone screaming „COME SIPHON/ATTACK ME“ to the enemy.

Don't even use shit like that. You need to be able to attain states naturally anyways, and the most you should be doing with that stuff is using it as a lunar inscence, or killing a tumor with the refined product that comes from it, and by a physicians instruction. There's no time for misuse of medicine or straight up abuse of...vile chemical concoctions, lets call them.

For any level of magick, we need to be able to attain trance states, and we need to be aware, all of the time. Especially once your fully activated. Same goes for when you're „sleeping“, and this requires the deeper trance states, so I want to make it absolutely clear how important this skill is to actually work on, because you may actually need it to rest your body at all eventually. Sleep becomes another meditative process, you either leave your body behind for astral exploration, or you use it as time to do some internal work. I usually spend my time traversing my mind-city, trying to understand myself a little better. This is the world my dreams used to take place in, but is now just a playing field for my mind in deeper states. Something similar should happen for you as well, eventually.

So, how will you pass your time once your dreams become obsolete? Start out in your Mind's Realm or your Astral Temple. Hell, Temples need renovations every now and then, don't they? Just a thought. Would love to hear any of yours.
People in here assume different things about gods and how they operate, especially at a physical, more directly 3d level. I personally don't assume things about them, since every belief can be easily broken down and changed if not based on sound evidence and strong evidence, also the gods themselves want us to discover them on our own.

Maybe they need sleep, maybe they don't. Who knows for sure?

for me it's difficult not to fall asleep when I'm doing trance meditation, and I dont get the idea of creating an astral temple if you can't even reach it when you don't know how to astral project.

having a physical altar or temple somewhere in your own house would be more efficient perhaps.
People in here assume different things about gods and how they operate, especially at a physical, more directly 3d level. I personally don't assume things about them, since every belief can be easily broken down and changed if not based on sound evidence and strong evidence, also the gods themselves want us to discover them on our own.

Maybe they need sleep, maybe they don't. Who knows for sure?

for me it's difficult not to fall asleep when I'm doing trance meditation, and I dont get the idea of creating an astral temple if you can't even reach it when you don't know how to astral project.

having a physical altar or temple somewhere in your own house would be more efficient perhaps.
That's a fair point right there, we can't really assume things, I figured whatever I'm going through my guardian deals with at an exponential level due to the sheer energy I feel whenever he even touches my mind. Trance takes a lot of time to get used to, it's a bit of a learning curve. I also agree, everyone should at least have an altar in their home, the astral temple is for when you reach that level of being actively concious while in lower thought frequencies. Which isn't always easy to attain at first.
Homie, you seem to be mistaking this post for something it's not. The first thing I'm gonna oppose you on is "don't practice before bed". That was, for lack of better terminology, a crock of steaming bullshit.
It's more about the language barrier and the translator who always goes "you".

You're either vulnerable or you're not, it's like saying that a city can be captured just because some of the guards are asleep there. Or that a village will be defended because of constantly awake villeins, as if that would make the village impregnable.

It's a matter of building a competent defence that is many years old. And the same applies to sleep, as well as other forms of activity.

Of course I agree that the aura should be programmed for defence and in any conditions it should act. But whether you make your plan during the day, morning or night or divide it into several sessions is very indirect. And it was mentioned that if a person has problems with sleep, it is better for him to postpone the energising activity for the period when his organism is active and to do something quiet for the period when the organism is used to rest.

I don't agree with you that it is possible to perform magical works during sleep or I have mistranslated again. Please clarify.

You do realise that magic requires heightened awareness, much more heightened than when awake, it may be called trance, but it is not sleep.

If they don't know how to channel energies, let them read and practice how to channel energies, the basics are perfectly laid out on the site.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
