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Sleep every other day (seek help for severe insomnia)


New member
Feb 11, 2022
Hello brothers and sisters!
Please excuse my poor English.
I rarely post because of work and the country I live in, but the situation has deteriorated so badly that I have to ask for help from you all (((
I've been having some weird sleep issues lately:Couldn't sleep at night, couldn't fall asleep until the next night, then slept 12-14 hours (still very sleepy), couldn't sleep again the next night.Currently that equates to 36 hours of work, 12 hours of sleep, and then continuing the cycle.
I tried many methods, but none of them worked.
1.I have used melatonin, but this only guarantees that you can fall asleep that night. It is still ineffective if you stop using it, and I found that it is highly dependent.
2.About TCM treatment methods:I looked up relevant information and found that insomnia is a condition where "Yang does not enter Yin".I took some herbs like Schisandra, Ziziphus jujuba, Lilium, Poria as tea and felt sleepier, but still no good effect, at least for 2 days now it has not changed my weird sleep cycle.
3.I never drink real tea, coffee, or consume anything that would excite my nervous system.
4.I turn off all light sources when I sleep, and I stop any mental work and any music 6 hours before sleep;I will do some moderate exercise during the day and go out for a walk, and stop exercising 4 hours before going to bed to avoid causing excitement.I have tried going to bed between 7-9pm, and I have also tried turning off the lights after midnight, and the results are the same.I can sleep tonight only if I didn't sleep the night before.
5.According to TCM, my physical condition may be "yin deficiency". For the second point, the herbs I take are all for nourishing yin and calming the mind. I can't confirm whether the herbs need to be taken for a long time to be effective, I will continue to try.
6.When I have insomnia, I sweat a lot when I try to fall asleep. I think it may be a case of "night sweats". When I slept normally before, every time I sweated, it meant I was about to fall asleep, but now I just sweat for nothing. (I only cover myself with a thin blanket in winter, and the temperature is not high)

This weird sleep cycle (36 hours awake, 12 hours asleep) has happened at least 3-4 times now, and I sometimes feel the occasional stabbing pain that separates the left and right sides of the back of my head. And hunger...I had eaten enough, but not a lot, so it wasn't a stomach issue.

The only thing I haven't tried yet is magic. How can I do this? Water/Earth breathing? Moon and planet square spells? Specific rune composition + affirmation? Or...
Or if someone can help me with TCM... I really want to sleep normally.:cry:

I even thought about whether humans could sleep every other day, but the grogginess during the day and the knowledge I read about the internal organs detoxifying during sleep at night made me feel scared and impossible. I also have a little anxiety disorder, and I know that the more I fear sleeping, the less I can sleep, but even if I don't think about anything, I am only one step away from entering the state.

I don't want to take sleeping pills or melatonin, and I don't want to destroy my body in the long run (I'm not sure if this will eventually destroy my health)... Please help me...(((
Hello brothers and sisters!
Please excuse my poor English.
I rarely post because of work and the country I live in, but the situation has deteriorated so badly that I have to ask for help from you all (((
I've been having some weird sleep issues lately:Couldn't sleep at night, couldn't fall asleep until the next night, then slept 12-14 hours (still very sleepy), couldn't sleep again the next night.Currently that equates to 36 hours of work, 12 hours of sleep, and then continuing the cycle.
I tried many methods, but none of them worked.
1.I have used melatonin, but this only guarantees that you can fall asleep that night. It is still ineffective if you stop using it, and I found that it is highly dependent.
2.About TCM treatment methods:I looked up relevant information and found that insomnia is a condition where "Yang does not enter Yin".I took some herbs like Schisandra, Ziziphus jujuba, Lilium, Poria as tea and felt sleepier, but still no good effect, at least for 2 days now it has not changed my weird sleep cycle.
3.I never drink real tea, coffee, or consume anything that would excite my nervous system.
4.I turn off all light sources when I sleep, and I stop any mental work and any music 6 hours before sleep;I will do some moderate exercise during the day and go out for a walk, and stop exercising 4 hours before going to bed to avoid causing excitement.I have tried going to bed between 7-9pm, and I have also tried turning off the lights after midnight, and the results are the same.I can sleep tonight only if I didn't sleep the night before.
5.According to TCM, my physical condition may be "yin deficiency". For the second point, the herbs I take are all for nourishing yin and calming the mind. I can't confirm whether the herbs need to be taken for a long time to be effective, I will continue to try.
6.When I have insomnia, I sweat a lot when I try to fall asleep. I think it may be a case of "night sweats". When I slept normally before, every time I sweated, it meant I was about to fall asleep, but now I just sweat for nothing. (I only cover myself with a thin blanket in winter, and the temperature is not high)

This weird sleep cycle (36 hours awake, 12 hours asleep) has happened at least 3-4 times now, and I sometimes feel the occasional stabbing pain that separates the left and right sides of the back of my head. And hunger...I had eaten enough, but not a lot, so it wasn't a stomach issue.

The only thing I haven't tried yet is magic. How can I do this? Water/Earth breathing? Moon and planet square spells? Specific rune composition + affirmation? Or...
Or if someone can help me with TCM... I really want to sleep normally.:cry:

I even thought about whether humans could sleep every other day, but the grogginess during the day and the knowledge I read about the internal organs detoxifying during sleep at night made me feel scared and impossible. I also have a little anxiety disorder, and I know that the more I fear sleeping, the less I can sleep, but even if I don't think about anything, I am only one step away from entering the state.

I don't want to take sleeping pills or melatonin, and I don't want to destroy my body in the long run (I'm not sure if this will eventually destroy my health)... Please help me...(((

I need to know these things to best help you:

1) What are your habits of the day? How do you spend the day?

2) What keeps you awake? Thoughts? An active mind? Energy? Agitation? What do you feel?

3) Your habits before you started having insomnia. Tell me about them.

4) What changed in your daily routines as you started to suffer from insomnia?

5) What are your activities during the hours when your brain should be producing melatonin? Name anything, including being on your cell phone and when, etc.

6) How do you manage the input and output of your daily physical and astral energies? That is, what kind of diet do you have, how often do you exercise, what exercise do you perform, how much do you meditate and how much do you use the spiritual energy you have raised?

7) What is your health condition? What physical condition do you have? How are you doing mentally? How well is your body functioning? What does your doctor say and what path are you on medically?

I also need to know if spontaneously, without thinking about it too much, but at the level of associative mental feeling, you can name some habits that you feel deep down that may be wrong and those that you feel you know may be right. But it has to go by feeling this, I don't want you to think about it for this part.

Keep the privacy, but the longer, more precise and specific you are, the more accurate my answer might be.

Thank you so much.
I need to know these things to best help you:
(1) I am currently unemployed and waiting for a new part-time job at home;Apart from eating and exercising, I spend my time watching electronic devices at home.
(2)There are reasons for anxiety, some excitement, and even the urge to not sleep. For example, the time I reply now is 2 a.m., but I still don’t want to sleep (although my brain is telling me that you must try to sleep). Of course, when I try to sleep, I still can’t fall asleep.
(3)Before I had insomnia, my habit was never to stay up late, go to bed early and get up early. Maybe some of my habits have changed since I lost my job? No longer getting up early and going to bed early...
(4)Almost no changes, except headaches and daytime grogginess and more anxiety (
(5)Do you mean 7-9pm? Maybe I'm checking my phone right before bed? But it's never happened before.
(6)As for meditation, I’ve stopped doing it for a while now, and am more troubled by anxiety and other emotions, so maybe I should start meditating?
(7)I have no problems in modern medical examinations, and I was healthy in previous physical examinations, but I have many problems in TCM, such as "yin deficiency" and "liver fire", etc. However, I have not been to the hospital for insomnia.
(1) I am currently unemployed and waiting for a new part-time job at home;Apart from eating and exercising, I spend my time watching electronic devices at home.
(2)There are reasons for anxiety, some excitement, and even the urge to not sleep. For example, the time I reply now is 2 a.m., but I still don’t want to sleep (although my brain is telling me that you must try to sleep). Of course, when I try to sleep, I still can’t fall asleep.
(3)Before I had insomnia, my habit was never to stay up late, go to bed early and get up early. Maybe some of my habits have changed since I lost my job? No longer getting up early and going to bed early...
(4)Almost no changes, except headaches and daytime grogginess and more anxiety (
(5)Do you mean 7-9pm? Maybe I'm checking my phone right before bed? But it's never happened before.
(6)As for meditation, I’ve stopped doing it for a while now, and am more troubled by anxiety and other emotions, so maybe I should start meditating?
(7)I have no problems in modern medical examinations, and I was healthy in previous physical examinations, but I have many problems in TCM, such as "yin deficiency" and "liver fire", etc. However, I have not been to the hospital for insomnia.

All right, I've read. I'm out walking now. As soon as I find a place to sit or at least stop for a few minutes I'll tell you what you should do. Thank you for your patience in answering me.

Okay let me preface this by saying that the hours you actually need of sleep will vary with the specific individual. In fact, I myself sleep very few hours during the week in order to be on the Forum and to be able to do that better I use a sleeping method that the military uses. But in the absence of such specific needs, a generation of 8 hours of sleep per night is ideal to add to healthy habits.

(1) I am currently unemployed and waiting for a new part-time job at home;Apart from eating and exercising, I spend my time watching electronic devices at home.

The fact that you are unemployed is not necessarily to your detriment. Use the additional free time to cultivate hobbies that are also "tiring," but fun. One very important thing is to take walks during daylight hours. You very much need the light of the sun's rays to make your brain sleep with the right chemical releases inside.

(2)There are reasons for anxiety, some excitement, and even the urge to not sleep. For example, the time I reply now is 2 a.m., but I still don’t want to sleep (although my brain is telling me that you must try to sleep). Of course, when I try to sleep, I still can’t fall asleep.

You have to resolve anxiety with Breathing exercises, trance training (without reaching deep trance stages, just relax). Then we will talk about the state of excitement.

3)Before I had insomnia, my habit was never to stay up late, go to bed early and get up early. Maybe some of my habits have changed since I lost my job? No longer getting up early and going to bed early...

Reestablish regular schedules that work with day/night cycles. Artificial light bulbs exist today, but without electricity you would have had to submit to day/night cycles. In general, do not force your body to stay awake if it feels the urge to want to sleep. Unless you have really really serious commitments for which an exception doesn't make a difference, don't push yourself beyond that limit. Except to readjust to the normal cycles I mentioned earlier, and even that, it has to be done a little bit at a time and not all at once.

4)Almost no changes, except headaches and daytime grogginess and more anxiety (

Introducing relaxing meditations helps. Hatha Yoga also helps. But not before bedtime. Do it during the day, not before you fall asleep.

5)Do you mean 7-9pm? Maybe I'm checking my phone right before bed? But it's never happened before.

Do not use cell phone, general electronic devices that include any kind of screen after sunset. Wait until at least sunrise. The same goes for exercise or any other activity that stimulates you mentally. Exercise is fine and helps a lot, but finish before evening hours.

Having orgasms also helps; before you go to sleep, a healthy orgasm will put you into a spontaneous trance state. Don't use pornography for this because it will block a sexual arousal that should come to you spontaneously and not induced. You can masturbate to anything you find useful. Don't go just to fantasy here, go to astral senses and not just visualization.

For example, if you have an erotic ideal, try not only fantasizing about her, but use as many astral senses as possible that will enhance your orgasm and so will the subsequent relaxation. Also, when using your cell phone, take the blue lights off the screen settings; you can do this generically for various electronic displeasures. If you are at the TV, stay very far away from it and don't put it in front of you. Decrease the times you use these things during the daytime hours. There are also cell phone foil to filter out blue lights that you can use in addition to this.

6)As for meditation, I’ve stopped doing it for a while now, and am more troubled by anxiety and other emotions, so maybe I should start meditating?

Meditation helps a lot with the proper functioning of the body. But don't increase your energy before sleep. More like, before you sleep you can spell for something to temporarily discharge some of these energies.

7)I have no problems in modern medical examinations, and I was healthy in previous physical examinations, but I have many problems in TCM, such as "yin deficiency" and "liver fire", etc. However, I have not been to the hospital for insomnia.

While you can, do not hesitate to consult your doctor. The melatonin you take is not bad in itself, but you should not allow your pineal gland to use external melatonin without it producing its own. Occasional melatonin is fine and may help at first. But don't rely on melatonin in camomile tea or anything like that. Of course, continue to avoid coffee. If you want to use chamomile tea, don't keep the sachet submerged for more than a minute otherwise instead of calming, it will become stimulating like coffee. By itself you can use decaffeinated coffees or decaffeinated teas for flavor. Don't repress yourself on this if you don't need to. But make sure they are free of caffeine and theine. Don't use cannabis.
Yoga asanas are super helpful for yin deficiency symptoms, in my experience, as doing them balances you. If you are not already doing them it would be a good time to start. Notice that you need to put some effort in, as a quick 15-minute session or similar might not be enough, and the effects start to accumulate after a few days of consistent practice.
Personally, when I used to suffer from anxiety breathing exercises just exacerbated the feeling of anxiety, I could only start pranayama when I got rid of it.

See if this helps:

"Breathing exercises can be done to calm and quiet the mind before every session. Just tuning into and 'watching' the breath is an excellent method of focusing one's mind and entering the alpha state necessary for power meditation"

好吧,首先我要说的是,你实际需要的睡眠时间因人而异。事实上,为了能更好地参加论坛,我自己一周只睡了很少几个小时,为了能更好地参加论坛,我采用了军队使用的睡眠方法。但在没有这种特殊需求的情况下,每晚睡 8 小时是健康习惯的理想选择。

Thanks, I will try your method
Yoga asanas are super helpful for yin deficiency symptoms

However, I knew of the specific existence of Yin Asanas in Hatha Yoga that in fact promote relaxation and things like that. Generally practicing them throughout the day helps with relaxation.

@HPS Lydia Surely you know a lot more about this than I do. :)

In any case, if you also Google "yin asana" you will find useful things.

A good example of Yin Yoga (poses):
However, I knew of the specific existence of Yin Asanas in Hatha Yoga that in fact promote relaxation and things like that. Generally practicing them throughout the day helps with relaxation.

@HPS Lydia Surely you know a lot more about this than I do. :)

In any case, if you also Google "yin asana" you will find useful things.

A good example of Yin Yoga (poses):
View attachment 6060
Heh, many of those are in my routine, so it's no wonder. In this case, holding the pose longer is better, as stillness symbolizes characteristics of yin.
(1) I am currently unemployed and waiting for a new part-time job at home;Apart from eating and exercising, I spend my time watching electronic devices at home.
(2)There are reasons for anxiety, some excitement, and even the urge to not sleep. For example, the time I reply now is 2 a.m., but I still don’t want to sleep (although my brain is telling me that you must try to sleep). Of course, when I try to sleep, I still can’t fall asleep.
(3)Before I had insomnia, my habit was never to stay up late, go to bed early and get up early. Maybe some of my habits have changed since I lost my job? No longer getting up early and going to bed early...
(4)Almost no changes, except headaches and daytime grogginess and more anxiety (
(5)Do you mean 7-9pm? Maybe I'm checking my phone right before bed? But it's never happened before.
(6)As for meditation, I’ve stopped doing it for a while now, and am more troubled by anxiety and other emotions, so maybe I should start meditating?
(7)I have no problems in modern medical examinations, and I was healthy in previous physical examinations, but I have many problems in TCM, such as "yin deficiency" and "liver fire", etc. However, I have not been to the hospital for insomnia.
Hello brothers and sisters!
Please excuse my poor English.
I rarely post because of work and the country I live in, but the situation has deteriorated so badly that I have to ask for help from you all (((
I've been having some weird sleep issues lately:Couldn't sleep at night, couldn't fall asleep until the next night, then slept 12-14 hours (still very sleepy), couldn't sleep again the next night.Currently that equates to 36 hours of work, 12 hours of sleep, and then continuing the cycle.
I tried many methods, but none of them worked.
1.I have used melatonin, but this only guarantees that you can fall asleep that night. It is still ineffective if you stop using it, and I found that it is highly dependent.
2.About TCM treatment methods:I looked up relevant information and found that insomnia is a condition where "Yang does not enter Yin".I took some herbs like Schisandra, Ziziphus jujuba, Lilium, Poria as tea and felt sleepier, but still no good effect, at least for 2 days now it has not changed my weird sleep cycle.
3.I never drink real tea, coffee, or consume anything that would excite my nervous system.
4.I turn off all light sources when I sleep, and I stop any mental work and any music 6 hours before sleep;I will do some moderate exercise during the day and go out for a walk, and stop exercising 4 hours before going to bed to avoid causing excitement.I have tried going to bed between 7-9pm, and I have also tried turning off the lights after midnight, and the results are the same.I can sleep tonight only if I didn't sleep the night before.
5.According to TCM, my physical condition may be "yin deficiency". For the second point, the herbs I take are all for nourishing yin and calming the mind. I can't confirm whether the herbs need to be taken for a long time to be effective, I will continue to try.
6.When I have insomnia, I sweat a lot when I try to fall asleep. I think it may be a case of "night sweats". When I slept normally before, every time I sweated, it meant I was about to fall asleep, but now I just sweat for nothing. (I only cover myself with a thin blanket in winter, and the temperature is not high)

This weird sleep cycle (36 hours awake, 12 hours asleep) has happened at least 3-4 times now, and I sometimes feel the occasional stabbing pain that separates the left and right sides of the back of my head. And hunger...I had eaten enough, but not a lot, so it wasn't a stomach issue.

The only thing I haven't tried yet is magic. How can I do this? Water/Earth breathing? Moon and planet square spells? Specific rune composition + affirmation? Or...
Or if someone can help me with TCM... I really want to sleep normally.:cry:

I even thought about whether humans could sleep every other day, but the grogginess during the day and the knowledge I read about the internal organs detoxifying during sleep at night made me feel scared and impossible. I also have a little anxiety disorder, and I know that the more I fear sleeping, the less I can sleep, but even if I don't think about anything, I am only one step away from entering the state.

I don't want to take sleeping pills or melatonin, and I don't want to destroy my body in the long run (I'm not sure if this will eventually destroy my health)... Please help me...(((

Try the spleen 6 acupoint. This alone will create a strong yin effect.

Also try breaths of lunar energy or the berkano rune. Either can be affirmed in some way like "I now easily enter into a positive and restful sleep" or "my body's yin has been restored in a positive way for me". This should result in an immediate calming sensation.

Yes, the sweating indicates a loss of fluid, such as not being retained properly by a yin aspect of the body. Combine this with a diagnosis of the headache for the best result.

Great source on headaches


From the above, this looks like ascendant liver yang energy, which can occur when the liver's energy is unrestrained due to a yin deficiency. Spleen 6 will help this because it covers 3 organ systems, including the liver. However, you can also use liver 3 for this too, which itself is calming as well.
Last edited:
(6)As for meditation, I’ve stopped doing it for a while now, and am more troubled by anxiety and other emotions, so maybe I should start meditating?
(7)I have no problems in modern medical examinations, and I was healthy in previous physical examinations, but I have many problems in TCM, such as "yin deficiency" and "liver fire", etc. However, I have not been to the hospital for insomnia.

Restart your hatha yoga. This will be a great way to get your spiritual and physical health back in order.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
