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Base chakra meditation?


Active member
Aug 31, 2021
This may be an obscure question but I thought I'd ask if you had any thoughts/opinions relating to the base chakra and its role in our development on our path.

My thoughts pertaining to this have felt hyperbolic due to a few health challenges. I feel as though the base chakra relates strongly to pain primal instincts, and above all sexual nature.

The path to opening the soul completely requires a person to open each chakra (starting from the third eye) downward with the base chakra being the last to be opened.

It makes perfect sense to me because people should open their mind and consciousness first before facing the lower portion of the soul. As these regions require these aforementioned things to develop the most (i.e logic/awareness should be at the forefront and beginning of emotional and basal aspects). For any spiritual practise to think of a bottom-up approach would be ludicrous to me as I imagine this would advance base-chakra natures first, thus spelling disaster. The enemy focuses all things in our word on the base chakra which is also telling, as though they wish for our self destruction at every turn. To see that and overcome it in itself is something scarecely understood by people in the world excluding here, a thing of great comfort and reassurance to me I think of this much like the our father Satan's concept of darkness from light. We overcome the darkness in the lowest regions of our soul through advancing the upper regions and through it opening the light within the darkness of that region and through this process we obtain wisdom.

Without getting too carried away I'd like to ask what the best approach would be for overcoming health issues relating to injury of the lower spine? It's a bit of a struggle albeit I do know that my health provider can cover for chiropractic services that are deemed severe.

During this process do you suppose I should focus on base-chakra healing and empowerment? As much as I stand behind the top-down approach I feel that I should also focus on spiritual healing acompanied with continued physical pursuits.

Should I perform a sun-square for the base chakra with runes? I'll look towards seeking professional medical help as I do find they often can provide more harm than good when it comes to specialists. Specifically physicians and psychiatry on the other hand often only know enough to generally present a biased and stereotyped diagnosis and recommendation of things which can lead some people to drugs when countless alternative routes could be opted for. I also find it fascinating that chiropracy dates back to the ancient people of Greece and, if I recall, Egypt. Such things should be common-knowledge. I am blessed and in much gratitude of Maxine and the forums for spreading truth in the world. I feel blessed beyond worlds and I look forward to the truth growing en masse, be it in this life time or another.

May all the best be with you brothers and sisters. Thank you for your time reading my ridicuoulously long question. 😊
Just because an injury/body part is in proximity to a chakra doesn't necessarily mean it is ruled by it. The Sun rules the spine, i.e., the solar chakra. I wouldn't try to fix this just by focusing on the chakra though. Sun squares and freeing workings if you are prone to injuries due to negative karma.
It makes perfect sense to me because people should open their mind and consciousness first before facing the lower portion of the soul. As these regions require these aforementioned things to develop the most (i.e logic/awareness should be at the forefront and beginning of emotional and basal aspects). For any spiritual practise to think of a bottom-up approach would be ludicrous to me as I imagine this would advance base-chakra natures first, thus spelling disaster. The enemy focuses all things in our word on the base chakra which is also telling, as though they wish for our self destruction at every turn. To see that and overcome it in itself is something scarecely understood by people in the world excluding here, a thing of great comfort and reassurance to me I think of this much like the our father Satan's concept of darkness from light. We overcome the darkness in the lowest regions of our soul through advancing the upper regions and through it opening the light within the darkness of that region and through this process we obtain wisdom.
It is instructed on JoS as so because energy flows upward, and to avoid harmful side-effects from blockages and the like the opening sequence is to be initially done from top to down. From there on meditation is to be done from bottom to top.

Aside from the above by JG, you can do Demon Rituals such as Valefor's, or even Satan's to help you in your pursuit in improving health-related issues.
Just because an injury/body part is in proximity to a chakra doesn't necessarily mean it is ruled by it. The Sun rules the spine, i.e., the solar chakra. I wouldn't try to fix this just by focusing on the chakra though. Sun squares and freeing workings if you are prone to injuries due to negative karma.
Thank you for this. I've wondered because I have a number of physical issues that seem to relate solely to the base and naval chakras, yet this probably doesn't mean that the chakra is damaged or blocked. All things considered I'm very fortunate that my challenges are minimal when compared to what others in our world have to face. I'll keep working on myself and not allow these things to suppress my action and progress. These things I'm certain began very early as a child as I had experienced a not-so-ideal upbringing up until 9 years and I've (following my dedication and advancement) experienced flashes of memories from my past that were suppressed. It will I think be worth me not dwelling on this too much; to focus on overcoming it rather than allowing it to shape my reality. Thank you Power of Justice!

It is instructed on JoS as so because energy flows upward, and to avoid harmful side-effects from blockages and the like the opening sequence is to be initially done from top to down. From there on meditation is to be done from bottom to top.

Aside from the above by JG, you can do Demon Rituals such as Valefor's, or even Satan's to help you in your pursuit in improving health-related issues.
I get it now, that is fascinating! Thank you Henu! So the kundalini rises from the base chakra after we open chakras from the top-down.

Thank you for the recommendations! I'll give it a go. For contact do you suppose a pendulum with letters written on a paper would work? I'm thinking about getting a ouija board at some point though I am concerned if I might need to advance further to use it effectively.
Thank you for this. I've wondered because I have a number of physical issues that seem to relate solely to the base and naval chakras, yet this probably doesn't mean that the chakra is damaged or blocked. All things considered I'm very fortunate that my challenges are minimal when compared to what others in our world have to face. I'll keep working on myself and not allow these things to suppress my action and progress. These things I'm certain began very early as a child as I had experienced a not-so-ideal upbringing up until 9 years and I've (following my dedication and advancement) experienced flashes of memories from my past that were suppressed. It will I think be worth me not dwelling on this too much; to focus on overcoming it rather than allowing it to shape my reality. Thank you Power of Justice!

I get it now, that is fascinating! Thank you Henu! So the kundalini rises from the base chakra after we open chakras from the top-down.

Thank you for the recommendations! I'll give it a go. For contact do you suppose a pendulum with letters written on a paper would work? I'm thinking about getting a ouija board at some point though I am concerned if I might need to advance further to use it effectively.
For recurring health issues or just bad health in general, is strongly suggest that you study your chart and look for debilitated planets, especially the Sun. Planets aspected by Neptune or Saturn can indicate health problems associated with the body parts ruled by those planets.
This may be an obscure question but I thought I'd ask if you had any thoughts/opinions relating to the base chakra and its role in our development on our path.
The root chakra, when in its prime, teaches one to use intense force correctly. You know, when controlled wisely, it turns into resilience and endurance, it can inspire in others the passion to fight. When managed poorly, it imposes pain, fear and anger on you.

I didn't just say wisdom for a reason, you know, a king is not only about his military exploits, but also about wise ruling. Yes, opening the crown chakra enhances the root chakra and vice versa, the crown likes to pull a human being into space and transcendental concepts if they are out of balance with the root chakra.

The root chakra does not ground gently, it is sobering, it is a lightning strike, it is a nuclear explosion, it is a judge's hammer. And it needs wise guidance.

The root chakra is the first one that activates your serpent.

That's so, if I can put it in a couple of words, actually, there's too much to say about the root chakra and even more about its role in the external world, yes. Both internally and externally.

I think the soul needs to be developed in a balanced way, not just opening the top first, then the bottom, it's not an instant process, everything needs to be paid attention to and it's fertile, as experience suggests. And people naturally have some chakras more developed than others, which creates an imbalance. We need to expand more in understanding than the standard concepts and prescriptions, do more self-discovery.

Don't be afraid, opening the root does not awaken the serpent, there must be a clear intention to do it, a powerful intention, because the serpent is initially in the state of "kundalini", that is, it is coiled and quite firmly sits in its position, like a shell.

And it is necessary to purify all chakras in order to cope with one's karma.

The base chakra indirectly influences the treatment, but it does, the Solar and Heart chakras are much more influential here. But again I remind you, the real power is in the balance and coherence of the chakras.

As for your problem, to treat similar should be similar, you when you will apply on yourself magic on treatment, you will understand, you will get successful and correct solutions to your problem. I have already written about treatment in brief in this thread: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/any-advice-about-doctors.158858/#post-510646

Seriously on any disease there is a counterbalance, so the world is structured.

About methods of treatment wrote and respected High Priestess Lydia, and as far as I remember Guardian Blitzkreig and Guardian NakedPluto, please search independently information on keywords, they certainly had articles on the treatment of emotional and physical health.

Good luck solving your health problem.

Aide-toi, le ciel t'aidera "Help yourself, heaven shall help you"
I get it now, that is fascinating! Thank you Henu! So the kundalini rises from the base chakra after we open chakras from the top-down.
It requires much more work than simply opening of chakras.
Thank you for the recommendations! I'll give it a go. For contact do you suppose a pendulum with letters written on a paper would work? I'm thinking about getting a ouija board at some point though I am concerned if I might need to advance further to use it effectively.
I meant the Power Rituals that are on josrituals.com.
It requires much more work than simply opening of chakras.
That is good to know. It appears like a very long and difficult path to get there but I'll do my best.
I meant the Power Rituals that are on josrituals.com.
Yes, I did catch that. I was just wondering (along with that route) if I do make contact with one of our Gods how I should go about it. I think a pendulum might help and I feel unsure about a ouija board at this time. I suspect in myself that contacting them effectively would require far greater advancement along with opening clairvoyance and clairaudience chakra points. Given that I have a long road ahead there is of course no better time than the present. I'll keep at it and sorry about the convoluted question. There was some poor wording on my part. 🙂
This was highly informative! I'll keep at the chakra spin meditation and cleaning each of my chakras during my daily routines. The post you made also has some great information on healing. There is so much to do and explore when it comes to healing ourselves. With diet, exercise, meditation and vibrating runes along with help from divination and our Gods, I will no doubt be far better off than without these things.

Thanks Amar! 🙂
For recurring health issues or just bad health in general, is strongly suggest that you study your chart and look for debilitated planets, especially the Sun. Planets aspected by Neptune or Saturn can indicate health problems associated with the body parts ruled by those planets.
Thank you! I'll try that. I know for myself my birth time is vauge and I did experience a premature birth, however I did read somewhere that you can get your birth time from the hospital you were born at. I'll do that and I'll try figuring out some of this astrology because it does appear to be something of crucial importance.
That is good to know. It appears like a very long and difficult path to get there but I'll do my best.
A permanently risen Serpent is actually the first of three stages of Magnum Opus. At this current time, it is a very notable achievement and usually requires decades of diligent work at the very least.
Yes, I did catch that. I was just wondering (along with that route) if I do make contact with one of our Gods how I should go about it. I think a pendulum might help and I feel unsure about a ouija board at this time. I suspect in myself that contacting them effectively would require far greater advancement along with opening clairvoyance and clairaudience chakra points. Given that I have a long road ahead there is of course no better time than the present. I'll keep at it and sorry about the convoluted question. There was some poor wording on my part. 🙂
Here are two replies about this issue from another member.

A pendulum is something I personally would never recommend for anybody. This type of tool is extremely difficult to use correctly, and the only way to even be able to get true answers from this tool would be to have your psychic senses be open and powerful enough, that the pendulum would be irrelevant and unnecessary anyway.

Work on the minor chakras for clairvoyance and clairaudience. Do the RTRs, and all works for cleaning the soul and removing blockages. Ask the gods for assistance. And with basic psychic senses opened and able to receive communication, you could get answers and guidance directly from the gods without trying to use a pendulum. Asking gods to send you a message in a way that you will be able to receive, and they will find a way to show you a sign that you will notice. This request can be made by anybody at any level of advancement and with any level of senses, and the gods will know how to show you some kind of sign that you will recognize.

This is possible, but very unlikely. What is most likely and very common for beginners is that your psychic senses are not open or accurate yet, and your mind and body are still adapting to these new senses that you have not used before. So when trying to have communication, your own mind is far more active and far more powerful than your actual psychic senses. So what you think are answers or replies are not coming from gods, but are instead coming from your own thoughts and your own imagination. This is very common for beginners, until the time when your psychic senses develop enough to actually be strong, accurate, and useful.

You can always do the Standard Ritual and contact the 4 highest ruling gods, and they will certainly hear you. This is one way to ensure that you are contacting the gods.

Standard Ritual to Satan

And ask them to answer you by showing you a sign that you will understand. Then some time in the next few days, you will see this sign. I can't be more specific because the sign could possibly be anything. What will tell you that it is the sign, is you will have a very powerful feeling and intuition that this has a strong meaning to it, and you will intuitively have an idea of what the meaning is. The gods will ensure that you will notice it, and that you understand it. The gods can also guide you by subtle intuitive feelings.

Outstanding information, thank you!!! You're a wizard, Harry-I mean Henu. 🤣

This was very empowering and reassuring to read through. I'll keep at it and I won't worry too much about the more advanced stuff ATM. All things in good time.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
