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Let Us Be Clear About A Few Things


Active member
Oct 27, 2021
As the title says, I would like to give some explanations/information about some things, as well as things in the pipeline.

First of all, I'm fine - I hope you're fine too. This post should have been written earlier, but I felt I had time to work on it a bit now.

As many of you know, this is important to me, and I place great emphasis on the anonymity and security of SS. Now, there have been some minor misunderstandings about this - I've received some emails that I've been thinking about.

It's great that you care about your security. That's one of my goals, to encourage you to do that. I have spoken to my Guardian Demon about the Kundalini-Project and She has given me advice about this and also about a new job I am planning.

Everything I do for SS I do with all my heart and dedication.

No need to be so "paranoid" about anonymity/security. Unfortunately, we live in a world where it is inevitable that we will be in contact with the internet and virtual space.

We have accounts, bank accounts, things, and they are all in virtual space. This is perfectly normal. Technology is evolving and we are evolving as a human race and as a society - I am not against technology, make no mistake.

I despise exploitation, lies, data collection and the like. On the Internet, you have the right to freedom and anonymity, and no one can interfere - if they do, it is called censorship.

Accept that the internet has been taken over by jews on a monumental scale, because in today's world it is the easiest way to track someone. I will go into more in this post, read on.

When you're online, a lot is happening in the background, without your knowledge - many browsers phone home, this includes your data. Many browsers collect and share data about your habits, your system, your location, etc.

When you type search values into the browser bar and they are displayed to you before you click to search - you are making a request to the search engine, which selects the values for you. You have done nothing, you have already sent the information about yourself.

And that's how the whole internet works - you don't have to consciously do anything, your data is sent. JavaScript is one way that site owners can collect very, very relevant and a lot of information about you.

The ads that are displayed can also store data about you and can further track your browser session. Not to mention the rest. The point of my posts on anonymity/security is to raise awareness of this danger and to pass on information. Yes, sometimes in a crude way, but the point should get across.

When I talk about "be safe", "use Tor, VPN, Linux" etc., I am specifically referring to SS. Keep your SS secure - everyone's data is collected and stored by companies. This happens from the moment you first go on to the internet.

Your SS life should be completely separate from your more "open" life. You should use the programs/software you use for SS.

For example - don't use the same VPN server for forums as you do for Twitter for example. Use servers in other locations. Don't use Pale Moon for banking if you use Pale Moon for forums - User-Agent manipulation can get around this, but many people don't know this.

Another question I am often asked - social media. It is entirely your personal choice whether or not to use it. If it's the only place you can keep in touch with your friends or girlfriends, then it's your responsibility whether you use it.

Social media is under monumental jewish influence - they collect everything they can about you. They put viruses on your system, they share monumental amounts of data in the background without your knowledge - they have no respect for you.

If you must use them, you should do so through a browser. Don't download it to your phone! The browser does most of the processing, while on your phone has access to everything - files, contacts, pictures, music, kittens, puppies, everything.

It is not necessary [or even recommended] to use a real name here. You can give a completely unrealistic name - for example, if your name is Thomas, use Gordon. The point is clear - also in terms of email address, never use an email address on social media that you use on SS.

If you use Disroot on SS, don't use Disroot here either - the point is clear.

So my cyber security, anonymity posts are for your SS life! Everyone lives a public life to some extent, but keep your SS private! You are needed, needed by humanity, by me, by High Priest, by everyone - be safe!

I am not encouraging you on social media - however I am not your boss to tell you what to do. The responsibility is your. You can apply the knowledge I give you to all aspects of your online life.

You can contact me by email. Not just IT/programming questions, you can contact me with any questions. I have recently brought the IT part of SS to the forefront, I have written several important posts in the past - there is no end to them.

My life has just taken a different direction - I have to do what the Gods and Satan Asks me to do. There have been many times when I didn't listen to Satan or Gods because of the superiority of my own personal ego - that was a big mistake.

The Kundalini-Project has a purpose - initially to spread JoS, to bring Knowledge to people and to inspire Truth. Our society is in decline and has the potential to get worse.

As long as people will exist as slaves, they will not find Truth. When I talk to people, I often have to realize how much difference there is between us. We have completely different values.

Do not worry that everything will go to shit - The Gods Will Not Leave Us Alone! There will come a time when we will win, but every single day you have to get off your ass and do what you have to do.

A large percentage of people will go their whole lives having done nothing for humanity. Before the Gods, when my time comes, I will have to answer with a clear conscience and that I have done all I can for SS, my Brothers and Sisters.

The Kundalini-Project is also expanding outside SS - my website has a good number of visitors and it is only systematically growing. These people are finding not only the Kundalini-Project but also JoS.

If the Kundalini-Project brings up to 1 person a day to Joy Of Satan, I'm already happy - that's one person's life changed in a positive direction.

Also a message to those rats who want me to die and disappear - you are wasting your time.

Remember one thing - the enemy's strength and importance is nowhere compared to Ours. In the end it will be the Gods and Satan who will decide, because They and We have the Truth. Enemy programs are just ridiculous efforts without substance or benefit. This is called pathetic.

Be strong,

Sieg Heil!

Thank you.🙏♥️
I know this won't be fun or easy for me but it will be done. Social media, no problem. But no more Windows? This will be an adjustment for me.

Being an all-or-nothing type of person I expect that I'll use QubesOS and stick to Tor while following your protocols on the kundalini-project (excellent resource BTW! I learned a lot). I'm not sure about VPNs though as I've read that they pinpoint your activity to servers that governments have easy access to. No bueno.

Not being able to comment on jew-tube however is a bummer. You mentioned somewhere about only downloading YT videos to view remotely rather than viewing an embedded video on the site.

Does this mean no commenting? I've been banned on a couple of emails (jew-mail mind you). It's a little bit insane how heavily they censor people even when they aren't posting that much truth and keeping things passive/open-minded.

It's just as you say that the internet is run by Jews! Trackers and so on, terrible stuff.

Does anyone know if it's possible to have a normal experience with top-notch security? Would it be best to dual boot a separate Linux distro for social, more open conduct and activity? I'm almost at a place of privacy fatigue yet my hope is that will eventually turn into some kind of runner's high where I overcome those difficult transitional and adjustment stages.
I know this won't be fun or easy for me but it will be done. Social media, no problem. But no more Windows? This will be an adjustment for me.

Being an all-or-nothing type of person I expect that I'll use QubesOS and stick to Tor while following your protocols on the kundalini-project (excellent resource BTW! I learned a lot). I'm not sure about VPNs though as I've read that they pinpoint your activity to servers that governments have easy access to. No bueno.

Not being able to comment on jew-tube however is a bummer. You mentioned somewhere about only downloading YT videos to view remotely rather than viewing an embedded video on the site.

Does this mean no commenting? I've been banned on a couple of emails (jew-mail mind you). It's a little bit insane how heavily they censor people even when they aren't posting that much truth and keeping things passive/open-minded.

It's just as you say that the internet is run by Jews! Trackers and so on, terrible stuff.

Does anyone know if it's possible to have a normal experience with top-notch security? Would it be best to dual boot a separate Linux distro for social, more open conduct and activity? I'm almost at a place of privacy fatigue yet my hope is that will eventually turn into some kind of runner's high where I overcome those difficult transitional and adjustment stages.

It is really up to you as an individual what operating system you use, but - windows is a jewish product, always has been and always will be, and that is a very dangerous thing for your SS life.

Qubes OS with Tor is a great choice, however Tor is blocked in many places [Cockflare, for example]. Although Cockflare will block you for User-Agent if it want to. Many JoS sites are behind Cockflare, so using Tor here can be more of a disadvantage.

As far as VPNs go, there are really few VPNs you can trust - RiseupVPN and MullvadVPN, for example. They use highly encrypted and secure servers. Riseup doesn't log or collect anything.

Anyway, Kundalini-Router uses Riseup's servers for it's VPN connection, so it worth a look. A more optional solution would be to run a secure Linux distro [Devuan, Slackware, BSD, etc.] and do the more "public" stuff through VirtualBox or Qemu.

However, this would require a bit more powerful hardware, but I assume you have it since you mention the Qubes OS.

Sieg Heil!
Not being able to comment on jew-tube however is a bummer

invidious.io is a very good solution, I have been using it for months without any issue.
But no more Windows?

If you need Windows for a specific thing, use it preferably on a separate device. But most people don't need it unless their work requires this or they wish to use a specific programs that has no good alternatives. If you only want to keep windows just because muh feelings, this is bullshit.
It is really up to you as an individual what operating system you use, but - windows is a jewish product, always has been and always will be, and that is a very dangerous thing for your SS life.

Qubes OS with Tor is a great choice, however Tor is blocked in many places [Cockflare, for example]. Although Cockflare will block you for User-Agent if it want to. Many JoS sites are behind Cockflare, so using Tor here can be more of a disadvantage.

As far as VPNs go, there are really few VPNs you can trust - RiseupVPN and MullvadVPN, for example. They use highly encrypted and secure servers. Riseup doesn't log or collect anything.

Anyway, Kundalini-Router uses Riseup's servers for it's VPN connection, so it worth a look. A more optional solution would be to run a secure Linux distro [Devuan, Slackware, BSD, etc.] and do the more "public" stuff through VirtualBox or Qemu.

However, this would require a bit more powerful hardware, but I assume you have it since you mention the Qubes OS.

Sieg Heil!
Well Windows is out for me. I only favoured it due to routine and strong familiarity with it. I tried Linux Mint for a period but I had a hard time installing drivers for certain things (mostly for DAW/sound-design stuff) and switched back. I'll try researching more about Qubes and give it a go. I think it's neat that you can separate things, like have one cube for JoS stuff and another for creative stuff. I think it would be better to conduct personal activity outside of this OS though (Gmail, banking, shopping, etc). For this instead of a dual-boot I might try booting Tails from a USB. That should be pretty secure. Again, I'm not that smart when it comes to this computer stuff yet it does fascinate me and it's something I think I can eventually improve at. I just can't see myself mastering code and becoming like Edward Snowden or something. That would be cool AF but not practical I'm guessing... that is unless I took courses and worked in that field which isn't my area of utmost interest. I tend to be more a humanities person TBH.

My system should be able to handle Cubes no problem (16-GB RAM, 6-core intel processors with 12 hyperthreads).

I'm nervous to jump on it because I'm not sure how good it is for practicality, such as watching JewTube videos occasionally and commenting on said videos. Registering with a burner email from something like risup.net might be an option though and using this only on Tails.

I'm just not that smart when it comes to this stuff and it gives me some anxiety trying to learn it. The more I try to learn the more I feel like I don't know. 😅

That said, your posts here have been a gargantuan help! Thank you BrightSpace666. I'll get started on this and give you guys a succinct update on my progress.

invidious.io is a very good solution, I have been using it for months without any issue.

If you need Windows for a specific thing, use it preferably on a separate device. But most people don't need it unless their work requires this or they wish to use a specific programs that has no good alternatives. If you only want to keep windows just because muh feelings, this is bullshit.
Good info bro. Yeah, it's mostly muh feelings in a way which is bullshit, you're right. Time to change that and learn this stuff fast. Invidious.io looks confusing! Is it possible to do this a more direct way? I looked through the site and can't make heads-or-tails of how it works. Outside of Windows, having challenges installing drivers and such for creative purposes has been the only real obstacle for me. Still, Windows is shit considering how much space it takes up and all the tracking and stuff it more-than-likely does.

I should ask (for the install of Qubes) should I wipe Windows somehow before installing? Or does installing over Windows work as effectively? I've got to protect my activity and info yet it almost seems like the best way to do that is throwing my drives in a microwave and getting new ones LOL. The way they portray OPSEC in the movies is more true than I once thought which is both fascinating and horrifying.

Here you click on any of this that looks appealing to you.
for example

And this is now just simply youtube.

But without connecting to 10000 things.

should I wipe Windows somehow before installing?

Well I guess this works the same way for qubes, when you install an OS your drive will be wiped unless there is another option and you choose that. Choose the option to wipe the drive.

Although the data that was on the drive can still be restored, as these are still craved into the hard drive, but the OS will ignore this and think it's an empty space, and obviously those data and programs cannot function anymore. You probably don't have to worry about this but there are probably some programs that fills your whole hard drive with random data and than "deletes" it. So any previous data gets overwritten. Again, you don't have to worry much about this.
Awesome, thanks for the infos AFODO! 🙂

That's all a big relief to me. Everything is much more straight-forward than I thought. This site 100% looks to have every channel that YT does. Fantastic resource and thank you for sharing brother.
As the title says, I would like to give some explanations/information about some things, as well as things in the pipeline.

First of all, I'm fine - I hope you're fine too. This post should have been written earlier, but I felt I had time to work on it a bit now.

As many of you know, this is important to me, and I place great emphasis on the anonymity and security of SS. Now, there have been some minor misunderstandings about this - I've received some emails that I've been thinking about.

It's great that you care about your security. That's one of my goals, to encourage you to do that. I have spoken to my Guardian Demon about the Kundalini-Project and She has given me advice about this and also about a new job I am planning.

Everything I do for SS I do with all my heart and dedication.

No need to be so "paranoid" about anonymity/security. Unfortunately, we live in a world where it is inevitable that we will be in contact with the internet and virtual space.

We have accounts, bank accounts, things, and they are all in virtual space. This is perfectly normal. Technology is evolving and we are evolving as a human race and as a society - I am not against technology, make no mistake.

I despise exploitation, lies, data collection and the like. On the Internet, you have the right to freedom and anonymity, and no one can interfere - if they do, it is called censorship.

Accept that the internet has been taken over by jews on a monumental scale, because in today's world it is the easiest way to track someone. I will go into more in this post, read on.

When you're online, a lot is happening in the background, without your knowledge - many browsers phone home, this includes your data. Many browsers collect and share data about your habits, your system, your location, etc.

When you type search values into the browser bar and they are displayed to you before you click to search - you are making a request to the search engine, which selects the values for you. You have done nothing, you have already sent the information about yourself.

And that's how the whole internet works - you don't have to consciously do anything, your data is sent. JavaScript is one way that site owners can collect very, very relevant and a lot of information about you.

The ads that are displayed can also store data about you and can further track your browser session. Not to mention the rest. The point of my posts on anonymity/security is to raise awareness of this danger and to pass on information. Yes, sometimes in a crude way, but the point should get across.

When I talk about "be safe", "use Tor, VPN, Linux" etc., I am specifically referring to SS. Keep your SS secure - everyone's data is collected and stored by companies. This happens from the moment you first go on to the internet.

Your SS life should be completely separate from your more "open" life. You should use the programs/software you use for SS.

For example - don't use the same VPN server for forums as you do for Twitter for example. Use servers in other locations. Don't use Pale Moon for banking if you use Pale Moon for forums - User-Agent manipulation can get around this, but many people don't know this.

Another question I am often asked - social media. It is entirely your personal choice whether or not to use it. If it's the only place you can keep in touch with your friends or girlfriends, then it's your responsibility whether you use it.

Social media is under monumental jewish influence - they collect everything they can about you. They put viruses on your system, they share monumental amounts of data in the background without your knowledge - they have no respect for you.

If you must use them, you should do so through a browser. Don't download it to your phone! The browser does most of the processing, while on your phone has access to everything - files, contacts, pictures, music, kittens, puppies, everything.

It is not necessary [or even recommended] to use a real name here. You can give a completely unrealistic name - for example, if your name is Thomas, use Gordon. The point is clear - also in terms of email address, never use an email address on social media that you use on SS.

If you use Disroot on SS, don't use Disroot here either - the point is clear.

So my cyber security, anonymity posts are for your SS life! Everyone lives a public life to some extent, but keep your SS private! You are needed, needed by humanity, by me, by High Priest, by everyone - be safe!

I am not encouraging you on social media - however I am not your boss to tell you what to do. The responsibility is your. You can apply the knowledge I give you to all aspects of your online life.

You can contact me by email. Not just IT/programming questions, you can contact me with any questions. I have recently brought the IT part of SS to the forefront, I have written several important posts in the past - there is no end to them.

My life has just taken a different direction - I have to do what the Gods and Satan Asks me to do. There have been many times when I didn't listen to Satan or Gods because of the superiority of my own personal ego - that was a big mistake.

The Kundalini-Project has a purpose - initially to spread JoS, to bring Knowledge to people and to inspire Truth. Our society is in decline and has the potential to get worse.

As long as people will exist as slaves, they will not find Truth. When I talk to people, I often have to realize how much difference there is between us. We have completely different values.

Do not worry that everything will go to shit - The Gods Will Not Leave Us Alone! There will come a time when we will win, but every single day you have to get off your ass and do what you have to do.

A large percentage of people will go their whole lives having done nothing for humanity. Before the Gods, when my time comes, I will have to answer with a clear conscience and that I have done all I can for SS, my Brothers and Sisters.

The Kundalini-Project is also expanding outside SS - my website has a good number of visitors and it is only systematically growing. These people are finding not only the Kundalini-Project but also JoS.

If the Kundalini-Project brings up to 1 person a day to Joy Of Satan, I'm already happy - that's one person's life changed in a positive direction.

Also a message to those rats who want me to die and disappear - you are wasting your time.

Remember one thing - the enemy's strength and importance is nowhere compared to Ours. In the end it will be the Gods and Satan who will decide, because They and We have the Truth. Enemy programs are just ridiculous efforts without substance or benefit. This is called pathetic.

Be strong,

Sieg Heil!

This may sound fucked up, but some months ago I created an X account, with Satanist, anti woke, anti jew purposes, and guess what, x started recommending me people to follow that I KNOW are members of the JoS, people I've never spoken to. THAT IS FUCKED UP.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
