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Videogame for us?


Jul 14, 2021
I think the Gods just directed me to a videogame called Cover Fire... its on google play store... it features imagery of the Sowilo rune... please sisters/brothers... check it out and see if it was developed for us 😂
Why not check it out yourself?
I looked it up, looks to me like another useless shooter video-game. The Sowilo rune is used in the name, but that's about it regarding spirituality from what I saw, unless there is more inside the game itself. I would like to note that advanced SS do not waste their time playing video-games, as they know it's a waste of time and can only cause them harm.
I looked it up, looks to me like another useless shooter video-game. The Sowilo rune is used in the name, but that's about it regarding spirituality from what I saw, unless there is more inside the game itself. I would like to note that advanced SS do not waste their time playing video-games, as they know it's a waste of time and can only cause them harm.
We aren’t all hermits my dear brother, although we can play video games once in a while. I usually play Skyrim because it’s fun. But I still make time for meditations. All you need is balance and it will become clear to you.
We aren’t all hermits my dear brother, although we can play video games once in a while. I usually play Skyrim because it’s fun. But I still make time for meditations. All you need is balance and it will become clear to you.
I know, but videogames only offer fun when it comes to positives, while they have countless negatives. It doesn't mean that everyone who plays videogames is a redditor, but they do cost in the long run. Everyone is different, but I prefer spending my free time translating articles of the JoS. This doesn't mean I didn't use to play videogames, but I have gotten over them now.
I know, but videogames only offer fun when it comes to positives, while they have countless negatives. It doesn't mean that everyone who plays videogames is a redditor, but they do cost in the long run. Everyone is different, but I prefer spending my free time translating articles of the JoS. This doesn't mean I didn't use to play videogames, but I have gotten over them now.
True. I can agree wholeheartedly at this. Also good job translating for the Gods and for the JoS, it is an honorable thing to do.
I concur, this is a monumental service and much thanks!

I also agree. I used to play a lot of platformer games growing up, then Skyrim and now I gave them up also. Life is the best video game there is. We have real-life NPCs, different levels (stages in life), final bosses and so on. Breaking out of the physical matrix as much as we can and improving ourselves; this is far more rewarding and fulfilling. I've replaced the fast motions of gaming with work, cooking and cleaning. Menial tasks become fun when you make them that way. We really do create our own reality and that's what this path is all about - building our own avatar.

I won't judge anyone for finding joy in this or even in watching the occasional movie/show, etc. Still, I think this should be limited as much as possible. We were incarnated here for a good reason and I don't want to squander that opportunity, especially since I'd already done so in my past.
We have real-life NPCs, different levels (stages in life), final bosses and so on. Breaking out of the physical matrix as much as we can and improving ourselves; this is far more rewarding and fulfilling. I've replaced the fast motions of gaming with work, cooking and cleaning. Menial tasks become fun when you make them that way. We really do create our own reality and that's what this path is all about - building our own avatar.
You described it perfectly. Especially the part about real-life NPCs made me chuckle a bit. :ROFLMAO:

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
