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Musical Communication with the Gods: Inquiring into Sounds

I didn't get a shiver but I was forcibly put into a trance of sorts, and she blasted Metal/House music into both my Sacral and 6th Chakras, which felt very good.

The lyrics were unintelligble, though, so my assumption is she just wants me to explore these genres specifically because they have some sort of "medicinal quality" to aid my current development, or issues and problems related to these chakras specifically.

I've noticed she will also oft send you signs in advance, because she is already aware of struggles you will encounter in the near future and wants you to be prepared. I'm pretty sure she is aware of my past memories, which I'm not sure if it's just a natural ability of God's or it's because she has always been "with" me, so to speak.
So look for more about that genre, usually when those things happen it's because this kind of music has an effect on your psyche.

Learn to direct the energy through music. Lady Astarte teaches this to perfection, ask her for guidance and tell her that you are confused, if you feel confused....

She has taught me several little things about this.

Yes, one of Lady Astarte's qualities is clairvoyance, she teaches but she also gives you information of what can happen.

Even when you develop clairvoyance, it tells you what can happen.

Many times she has told me in advance several things, even Father Satan told me something that needs her training and teachings.

So yes, this I totally confirm.

As for past lives, I have not inquired into that subject.... I have a suspicion that she has also been with me a long time ago, for some reason I feel a familiarity with her....

When a God/ess comes in contact with you on a personal level, that is to say, you see and feel him/her in trance or in the astral as he/she is, they usually awaken in you abilities, they are like gifts that they give you, I say this from experience... She gave me one of those abilities when I saw her after a year and a half of communication with her and it was precisely something I needed to unlock JAJAJ what she did was to accelerate the unlocking so to speak.

I could really write a whole book about her, what she is, what she represents, absolutely everything about her....

Anyway, don't hesitate and explore that genre, along with mantras and affirmations to help you. Music is a great ally of this, of your psyche, of the path and a great method of communication.
When I look at certain lyrics I just feel she is speaking directly to me, because they almost always pertain to some recent thought or worry, and/or future warning that ends up surfacing within the next couple of days.

In regards to "unlocking powers", on that same day she blasted music into me my sixth chakra suddenly/randomly expanded in size and my rate of development has sped up massively since. I was able to feel x3 as much energy/vril/power in just two days and it feels way easier to manipulate energy and maintain focus. My vibrations also x5'd in power/resonance. And an "addiction" I had for years just vanished one day, literally overnight... I'm not sure if this is the sort of thing you're talking about, but yes I would call them many little gifts which aided my development.

Also, what made you think she was with you in a past life? And could you describe personal experience with that sense of "familiarity".
x3* not x5, it produces A LOT of energy. The problem is now tho the whole fucking house can sense my vibrations even when i am trying to be quiet, and idk how to deal with that yet.

Everything you wrote in this thread and the "getting to know Lady Astarte" thread has been my exact experience, except... I don't smell anything.

Is this something you specifically practiced? Astral smell?
When I look at certain lyrics I just feel she is speaking directly to me, because they almost always pertain to some recent thought or worry, and/or future warning that ends up surfacing within the next couple of days.

In regards to "unlocking powers", on that same day she blasted music into me my sixth chakra suddenly/randomly expanded in size and my rate of development has sped up massively since. I was able to feel x3 as much energy/vril/power in just two days and it feels way easier to manipulate energy and maintain focus. My vibrations also x5'd in power/resonance. And an "addiction" I had for years just vanished one day, literally overnight... I'm not sure if this is the sort of thing you're talking about, but yes I would call them many little gifts which aided my development.

Also, what made you think she was with you in a past life? And could you describe personal experience with that sense of "familiarity".
I had the feeling of familiarity the first day, she showed me her temple and the first thing that came to my mind was "I've been there before" "I've seen you" "my memory for some reason remembers you but doesn't know from where".

As time went by my suspicions became stronger because of the way we communicated, everything was very "easy" so to speak and with time I started to have flashbacks of certain things.

When I started to feel my soul, I seemed to remember a feeling I had forgotten, a memory I had forgotten over time, something to do with her.

The forgotten feeling was born suddenly when I was walking, I remember I was crossing a street when an intuition came, an event that my soul recognized immediately, it was a flash, It seemed like an alteration of the course of my thoughts and my life but it was so strong that my heart seemed to shrink before such a feeling and the first thing that came out of my mouth was "I will never lose sight of you again" then days later, a wave of emotions came over it, a wave of loss as if my soul recognized the pain that caused that loss and it had to do precisely with her.

I will not delve into it, because it is something rather private but what I can tell you is that if you feel that you have been somewhere with her and do not remember it, be sure that you already come with her from past lives.

Also familiarity manifests itself in trust and it seems to be something blind, because at the beginning although I had doubts I seemed to find in her a kind of trust, something that told me "it is her" from the beginning my mind told me again and again "it is her" "it is her" with time I could understand these words.

I hope this helped you :)
I really love your post here! I've always been an extreme kind of person and thus I have this concern that my tastes in music might not be able to communicate to me messages from the Gods, with a few even perhaps misrepresenting concepts of Satanism in some ways, although I am a very musical sort-of person too. That being said I've learned to not take things literally (example: words like death, sacrifice, etc).

My favourite genres tend to be Black Metal, Industrial, Death Metal, Folk Metal and Goth (such as Voltaire, Creature Feature, Diva Destruction, Switchblade Symphony, One-Eyed Doll - more Goth Rock, Bauhaus, etc)... the former is also considered 'Dark Cabaret'... I'm all over the place I think albeit I'm extremely picky about what I like even within the above genres. 😅

I'm strange that way in that I tend to love themes of death, darkness, horror, war, anti-Christianity, anarchy, Satanism, nihilism, machines, WW2, nature, magic and things that are hyper-reality focused (some examples of 'hyper-reality' are industrial groups such as KMFDM, Die Krupps, H.EXE, etc). One group that I like in terms of art and history themes is Nebula-H, albeit they are not well known. :-/
Another group I like is Trimetrick (many of their songs but not all). They can be found on YT and can be pretty anti-christian (in the song 'Black Electro'), though are mostly anarchy focused. They distributed their music for free here: https://be.electrobel.org/Trimetrick

A very anti-mainstream and avante-garde sort of group IMO.

That being said much of the music that I listen to is in languages that I don't understand LOL!

Other than that I do enjoy all kinds of music though I'd never go out of my way to listen to it. Essentially anything but modern country and pop music (I do appreciate classical and 50's to 80's music. I even like Aqua LOL). I'm also not really into much electronic music other than EBM, Industrial, Darkwave, Terrorcore, Power Noise and (once and a while from my high school days) Psytrance.

For whatever reason since my youth I was into extremes... horror movies (not so much today as the world has enough horrors LOL!), hard rock, punk music, thrash metal followed by nu-metal and then in high school all of the above mentioned. I could never get into House or Dubstep strangely. It is fascinating to me how our tastes are all so individual! Anyway, sorry for the ramble brother. ^_^

Hopefully too much 'evil' so to speak in music isn't harmful. It's a question I've wondered for a while. 😅
I love listening to artists like Fka Twigs, Sevdaliza, Rosalia. They give me such strength when I’m listening to them and they have very interesting aesthetics. I’m not a big fan of Princess Nokia, but she has a song called Brujas. I like the beat and how it makes me feel. Used to like listening to Billie Eillish as well, but all she sings about is being sad and heartbroken and honestly I’ve had enough of it.
I really love your post here! I've always been an extreme kind of person and thus I have this concern that my tastes in music might not be able to communicate to me messages from the Gods, with a few even perhaps misrepresenting concepts of Satanism in some ways, although I am a very musical sort-of person too. That being said I've learned to not take things literally (example: words like death, sacrifice, etc).
Here the important thing is how your psyche feels, many times we think that certain things are wrong, but it all depends on how you feel and what thoughts arise.

There is something that helps me a lot to identify when I have made the right decision, the phrase "peace will be your torment" is very accurate.

When I make decisions and I feel a peace, it means that's where it's at, so with that in mind, it's a good gauge of when something is right for you and when something is wrong for you at a given moment.

Each path is totally individual, it is different and unique, of course certain things are shared to help others, but here the experience and the inquiry is of each one.

So don't worry, if it works for you, everything is fine. Remember to always be aware of How do I feel? Is it good for my psyche? and so on.

It is a great pleasure to know about your tastes and that you share them.
I had the feeling of familiarity the first day, she showed me her temple and the first thing that came to my mind was "I've been there before" "I've seen you" "my memory for some reason remembers you but doesn't know from where".

As time went by my suspicions became stronger because of the way we communicated, everything was very "easy" so to speak and with time I started to have flashbacks of certain things.

When I started to feel my soul, I seemed to remember a feeling I had forgotten, a memory I had forgotten over time, something to do with her.

The forgotten feeling was born suddenly when I was walking, I remember I was crossing a street when an intuition came, an event that my soul recognized immediately, it was a flash, It seemed like an alteration of the course of my thoughts and my life but it was so strong that my heart seemed to shrink before such a feeling and the first thing that came out of my mouth was "I will never lose sight of you again" then days later, a wave of emotions came over it, a wave of loss as if my soul recognized the pain that caused that loss and it had to do precisely with her.

I will not delve into it, because it is something rather private but what I can tell you is that if you feel that you have been somewhere with her and do not remember it, be sure that you already come with her from past lives.

Also familiarity manifests itself in trust and it seems to be something blind, because at the beginning although I had doubts I seemed to find in her a kind of trust, something that told me "it is her" from the beginning my mind told me again and again "it is her" "it is her" with time I could understand these words.

I hope this helped you :)
Another way she communicates is through her symbols and certain numbers.
Whenever she is near her or just before she comes the numbers 8, 88 or 888 appear.
Or the 8-pointed star or the Egyptian ank also appears.
...So don't worry, if it works for you, everything is fine. Remember to always be aware of How do I feel? Is it good for my psyche? and so on.
It is a great pleasure to know about your tastes and that you share them.
Thanks Yeye95! Your words here were helpful. I shouldn't overthink it. Music that is very raw, dark and extreme tends to make me feel at peace and inspired albeit too much 'angry' music for too long at times can make me feel angry at the world. :-/

It might be the same in that I don't care for too much quiet (nature is fine as this has sounds all the time); however when I'm in a silent room with a book/studying it's hard for me to remain completely focused (save from meditation) and I tend to enjoy busy places like malls, streets and so on as this makes me feel more grounded and calm. To others these places cause them anxiety.

I have a friend and some relatives who (as soon as we enter a mall) it's like fight-or-flight and they can't wait to get out while for me its the exact opposite. I love making social interactions (big and small) with all kinds of people while they find this task to be arduous and uncomfortable, as though for them it takes immense forethought.

Everyone is indeed so different and unique! You have a very open mind about these things and its honestly a breath of fresh air because most people I know (either without realizing it or not) project their ideals onto others in subtle ways. Kind of like how many of us when gift shopping tend to pick out something that we know we'd also like (myself included there lol). I don't believe this inherently to be a bad thing, it's just something very fascinating to me.

Anyway, there I go again with my deep and profound thinking LOL.

It's great to see that there's a fellow Rammstein fan here! Feur Frei is an all time fav of mine. 😁😄🔥🔥🔥

It's wild how so much music today wouldn't exist if it wasn't for Kraftwerk. Germany is an exceptional country, although all countries (minus that "imaginary" invaded one) have admirable traits no doubt.
Another way she communicates is through her symbols and certain numbers.
Whenever she is near her or just before she comes the numbers 8, 88 or 888 appear.
Or the 8-pointed star or the Egyptian ank also appears.
Great info. Today I saw someone with an Ankh tattoo and later an octopus dog toy I sold at work along with more (fake) flowers than usual. Not sure if that counts but I will for sure try meditating on this to gain better awareness.

I feel in a way that Astarte is too busy and valuable for a new-ish (not advanced yet) person like myself. Still, it probably wouldn't hurt to complete her power ritual and try making contact afterwards. I do (like so many) feel very drawn to our Godess and I hope to gain better insights in things; namely numerology, astrology and symbology.

What do you suggest would be a good approach to this? I should probably get a green candle though I'm not sure what fragrances she likes. I may try using a pendulum as I don't have a ouija board yet. The latter is compelling to me though I suspect it takes being a bit more advanced also.

I feel a little extra formal given these things but I wish to show my admiration and respect as much as I'm able to.

Any thoughts/advice? Thanks for your time. 🙂
Perhaps many of you do not know how to interpret certain messages from the Gods through music, this is for people who have this method of communication with the Gods.

How do you realize this?

By your chart, per se it is those people who have a pronounced Neptune or artistic interests, especially a skill with music or a genuine interest in this.

If you are one of those people who meditate with music, who study with music, who even bathe with music, you my friend are one of me, you are one of those people that music is necessary in your life and is a pretty good method of communication.

When the gods use music to communicate with you they will do it in different ways, here I will describe according to my experience what I have been able to determine, the patterns that I have been able to establish and how I was able to determine when they are my thoughts and when they are the Gods talking to me.

I will tell this experience as a result of my communication with Lady Astarte, she helped me to investigate this, to determine when they are messages and when they are not, she helped me to identify my thoughts from what she tells me. Although I don't play any instrument, at least for now, music for me has been like the salvation to all my ills, literally.

Connecting with music expanded my mind, made me more focused, brought out the best in me, connecting with musical energies and their forms opened a whole new world for me.

I want to clarify that NOT all music is to my liking, and according to my personality I adapted to certain musical tastes.

It is well known that music can reduce pain, it even helps with learning, with focus, it helps to meditate, even to visualize. However, before entering this path, I never thought that music could be a method of communication.

Lady Astarte helped me to find the musical genres that best suit me and my personality, she also helped me to discover Satanic music and those bands that make reference to the Gods in every way.

It is worth mentioning that my native language is Spanish, but she also helped me to find English songs, a few but she gave them to me.

Music has a frequency that has an effect on our brain and our body, at this moment I am in an investigative project of astrology with science, and in a few months I will publish it here, this is under the direction of her, this project will shed much light on how all this influences our body and gives a scientific view of all this, with this you will also understand the effect of music in our body and our mind.

There are certain musical genres that are of great help, it should be emphasized that this is my experience and in general, you can adapt this to your style and personality.

The musical genres, bands or singers that I discovered with the help of Lady Astarte for me were.

1. Lofi
2. Dark techno
3. Wizard of oz
4. Rammstein
5. Deep house
6. Hang drum
7. Imagine Dragon (Some songs)
8. Frequency of Thetha, Beta, alpha waves
9. Rock in English and Spanish (Some songs)
10. Techno House

As you can see, some of them are without lyrics, here I will also help you to interpret the messages that come through this musical genre.

In songs like Deep house or Techno house, are good to give energy to the body, I have noticed that when I feel a drop in my mood, which is normal because we are human beings, this type of music reestablishes my mood and gives me much more energy.

You will use the music according to your needs at this moment. For example, to meditate the type of music I use is hangdrum and dark techno, between those two genres is my meditation.

When I study depending on the day and how fresh I am mentally I use lofi or rock in Spanish.

When I am doing another activity, like exercise I use Rammstein as it gives me strength, I have noticed an increase of strength with this band.

I use the thetha, Alpha or beta wave frequencies to relax and get ready to enter into trance or the astral. With the trance theme, you should experiment, because when you are in trance everything is heard much louder, much stronger, so here it depends on the tolerance you have to the sounds or the music. That's why I said at the beginning that this publication is for those who have in some way an affinity with music, either because you play an instrument or you have in your chart something pronounced referring to this.

As you can see, there is no absolute rule for this, it all depends on your personality, what you are and what music you identify with.

To determine an adequate musical communication with the Gods, certain criteria must be fulfilled:

1. an adequate intuition, it must not be very very developed. the important thing is to know it.

2. Distinguish well between your thoughts and when it is a message from them.

3. The astral touch is also important, by this means also clues are given when it is a message from them.

4. Feel energy. This will also give you clues.

5. Work with a God/Goddess/Goddess/Demon/Demoness.

The above will be explained in depth below.

The question more than one must be asking is how to detect intuition?

In this I can help even a little, at first it may seem confusing but the more you practice it, or rather the more a Demon/God communicates with you the faster you will develop it.

Intuition is that thought/feeling/idea that stands out from all your thoughts. I would describe intuition as a strong point among all that you have in your mind. It is that which does not go unnoticed and which generates biochemical reactions in your body.

What do you mean by biochemical reactions?

The biochemical reactions are the emotions/feelings that cause a certain reaction in you, like for example anger, that causes a chemical reaction, I will not go into detail on this as it is more scientific.

Intuition is detected when you are doing a different activity or are focused on a certain activity. To better describe the above I will give a more explanatory example.

Let's say you are studying X subject, it happens that in your study routine, doubts arise, questions that you could not solve at that moment, so you decide to rest and do another activity such as exercise, maybe painting, watching anime etc..

while doing that different activity, an idea comes to you, or maybe you see in the anime chapter something related to what you were asking and at that moment your body reacts perhaps feeling a joy, or simply feeling that thought of "Here is the answer".

Another example of this is, let's say you are in a bookstore, you are looking for a book that talks about the mind and its functions, you do not know what book it is but you know what topic you want to address, you go through the psychology or science section and you look and look at titles when suddenly one catches your attention, you feel that you should take it, this is intuition.

The gods also speak to us and guide us by this, this writing will not be about that specific type of communication.

Let us remember that the High Priest HC 666 in the sermon "How do the Demons teach? tells us

You will begin to learn regularly about a subject, then, competence will come. The demon/God/sa will give you ideas, warnings, guide you to the proper knowledge. I underline here proper, because there is a lot of improper knowledge, that the Demons can help in any subject so that one does not fall into that.

How to detect communications from Gods/Devils?

I will describe a series of steps to detect when Gods/Devils are transmitting a message to us through music:

1. When a phrase from a specific song comes to you: This first step is when you find yourself doing a certain task that has nothing to do with SS or if it does it is in another area. Let's say you are cooking, suddenly a phrase of a song you haven't heard in a while comes to you with the strong feeling of a specific God/Demon or with the strong thought of Father Satan. This is a message through music and intuition and that specific phrase is telling you something, it is your duty to look at the context and analyze the lyrics, sometimes the message is clear especially when you are a beginner, you can take it literally, but as you advance everything will be as encrypted and that is where you must apply spiritual understanding.

2. When you go through your video application (Jewtube or Newpipe) and suddenly there is a song that appears repeated: This aspect can happen, it has already happened to me and I will try to explain it, it turns out that I am watching a video and if you notice the application shows you more videos related to what you are watching, it turns out that when watching those recommended videos there are two or three different videos but they have the same name, that is, that name does not correspond with the Videos, this is not an error or a coincidence, this is a clear and transparent message that tells you to listen to the song and listen to what is there. Many times this type of communication can be that all the lyrics contain the message, that is to say, that you listen to the whole song. Another way is that you listen to the whole song and your intuition is activated to tell you which specific parts of the song are for you and contain the message.

3. The numbers 333, 444, 555, 666: These numbers come with other signs, not only the number in question is taken, we must have other signs that confirm this. I am going to narrate one of the many experiences I have had about this. It happens that one day I was in a cab on my way home, I was with my sister. I was chatting with my sister, we were busy in the recess, so I was neither into JoS nor thinking about the Gods at that moment. Suddenly I looked at my cell phone, it was very strange, when I opened it the video application was open and there was a song that had the number 444, it turns out that when I saw it I felt a tingling in my body too strong and I got the mental image of Astarte's Sigil, with all those signs I determined that it was a message that I had to listen to. When I started to listen to the song I felt like little ants in my body, then as I listened to it there were specific parts of the song that carried a message. So I determined that it was a message from her.

4. A song that wakes you up in the morning: This method is common for beginners, when we sleep, our senses are more open, when we get up a song, this is heard mentally, when you hear that song or phrase, or sometimes there are no lyrics just a humming, in the latter is your duty to find what song it is, if you are familiar or what. The latter is a little difficult, but with time you will find the song. The point is that this mental song that woke you up brings an important message from the Gods, but not only for this, this sound is accompanied by the mental image of what represents that God/Demon, that is to say, at the beginning with Lady Astarte came the song and the # of her, or the Lion, sometimes a snake or simply her sigil, this confirms even more this.

5. New songs in your playlist without you adding them: as it says, I previously said I had playlist, if I didn't say it here I say it XD, it turns out that I know everything I add, I am aware of the songs I manage, they are almost always the same. One day I happened to look at what I had in my playlist when I saw two songs that I had never heard, moreover it was a genre that I do not listen to regularly, when I saw the Lady Astarte sigil appeared mentally and I was ready to listen to it, indeed brought a message.

These are the different ways in which the Gods can communicate. Always the songs are accompanied by a signal, so get ready to recognize those signals. Even sometimes these signals are not at a mental level, they are even at a physical level, for example if you usually have candles on your desk, of those aromatic ones, then many times when you hear the song the flame of the candle increases abnormally, this is also a message from them of course, this method is more advanced.

Other ways to recognize it is with the sense of smell, for example, I know that Queen Astarte has a characteristic smell that she likes, when that smell comes to me in a song I know it is her. Not everything has to be with things that represent it, many times they are physical, but this method is more advanced.

The communication of the senses is also linked to the musical theme, many times the music has certain smells, but as I said this is also advanced and you need to go through a basic process to recognize it. The sense of touch, hearing and smell are vital in these aspects as well, in my experience I am more of these three senses, not so much the sight, I almost do not use it, I like much more to use the other senses, what can not be seen with the naked eye but I can perceive with other senses.

It is important to emphasize that we all have different processes here, some things may help you, some things may help you here, nothing may help you here, what I experience may not help you, I write this as a record that there are other methods to feel, smell, hear the gods, it is not only to see them. In my experience I have found it much more profound for me to use these senses than just sight. I have connected in other ways more deeply especially with the Goddess Astarte and it has allowed me to explore this musical theme.

As I experience more I will surely be able to share more with you.

My dear musical friends, do not be afraid to experience this musical theme. Open your mind through the senses and music. :)

Another important thing I want to emphasize is that as you advance the messages will not be so clear, they will be like encrypted in a song, that is, you should not take it literally but you should apply the spiritual understanding.

Here I will put an example of it, about a song that contains a message.

Wizard of Oz Astaroth

From the night of time
From your darkness
I have returned to seek
A gift to mankind

The first paragraph speaks of the darkness of the soul, from your darkness of the soul she is born to give you a path, gifts and knowledge through your effort and your dedication. It emerges as the path you must take.

And you do not pronounce my name
Though you know well who I am
Of your pride and your hatred
The fed reflection I am

The subject of NOT SPEAKING HER NAME. According to what I have noticed is that she is a very reserved Goddess, her name as such bring hidden attributes and those who discover it should guard them, it is recommended not to name her name outside.

Recall that the Al- Jilwah, Father Satan makes reference to this "mention neither my name nor my attributes" here in this piece she confirms it.

In the third line she speaks of pride and hatred, but it is not that she feeds on this, she represents what my soul is harboring, what I have been feeding on for a long time and also those things that I have to be careful not to fall back into. Astarte appears here as a witch, remember that the word witch means wise, however she also appears as a Goddess, representing also my inner God. when I said before that she is born from the darkness of my soul, it is this. It speaks of all the darkness that as human beings consumes us, some more some less, but we have the same feelings about it.

I am the echo of your anger
The mirror in which
Your greed is reflected
And gives me power

She refers to our feelings again, those that are intact and harbored for a long time, that is why she says she has come to give a gift to humanity, she shows herself as the liberator of all this, granting peace and knowledge.

I flow through the lives
That do not get to know
Where to find the exit
That opens the door of evil and good

Come to me
And let me dwell in you
I am the desire
The dark in you

The first paragraph speaks of the connection we have with her through life, either directly or indirectly, when we enter a new life, we enter under amnesia, so it refers to NOT GET TO KNOW, the output of these people is in her, meeting with the only one who has the key to the two doors, both good and evil, ie the only one who knows the good and evil, light and darkness, knows the duality of life. It also refers to the fact that many do not know her, do not get to know her and therefore do not find the path of light and freedom.

In the second paragraph, it is an invitation to let her dwell, she appears as the only one who knows what we want, those deep desires and what our soul harbors. She appears as the light bearer who will help you to get out of all that darkness harbored in your soul. She invites us to open our soul to her, because she knows us so well that she will show us the way out of all this.

I buy your dreams
For your soul, your God
How much does he give?
I am who I am
The light bearer

Cover your mantle, my light and my love
Soft is the death and sweet this pain
Take me and the wind will make a song
With the eternal fire that will seal our union

In the first paragraph, it is not literal, she refers to the fact that she knows everything about us and that she knows what our dreams are, that with her those longed-for dreams will come true.

In the second line of the first paragraph, it is not a purchase, it is simply that I inquire about my inner God and get in touch with this to know what I really want, she invites us to listen to our inner God and make peace with this. Besides, this is another allegory to what my inner God is capable of, that is to say, what capacity does my inner God have now by himself?

On this occasion she is clearer and names the purpose, showing herself as the light bearer. Again she invites you to let her dwell in her, it is practically an invitation to give all of yourself to her, and leave your affairs in her. When she says the eternal fire that will seal our union, she is referring to the commitment that you are going to make, this commitment will be forever and will not be only for one life or something per season, it is a permanent union.

Take my blood, mix it, drink it, burn it.
Burn it, burn it in the flame
For only then can you worship me
Do as I say for this is the law
Don't believe me, experience
Drink for there is no, there is no other means

When she refers to the Blood, it is the commitment that is made in the initial dedication, for it is the only way to reach it, through this dedication, there is no other way. Here she shows you how to reach it, arising in you as the path you must take.

What she says, is law, that is to say that it must be taken for granted, her word is knowledge, her word must be taken as the absolute truth however she invites you to experiment, that is to say, she invites you to verify what she says. In the same way it incites you to respect her word and all that she says. Drink then, there is no other way, it is "give yourself, there is no other way to what you want to get".

That is to say, she will turn you into practically what you wish to be, in a path of light and a path full of knowledge. She invites you to experience, to grow and not only this, she represents everything positive.

Overall, "Astaroth" explores the themes of temptation, inner darkness and the eternal conflict between good and evil. It serves as a cautionary tale about the allure of darker desires and the consequences of willingly embracing them.

The other part of the lyrics, repeating what we have seen, I will leave here:

Come to me
And let me dwell in you
I am the desire
The dark thing in you

I buy your dreams
For your soul, your God
How much does it give?
I am who I am
The light bearer

Come to me
And let me dwell in you
I am the desire
The dark in you

I buy your dreams
For your soul, your God
How much does it give?
I am who I am

  • YEYE95
This was definitely for me. My intuition guided me here. Thank you for taking the time to communicate that with all of us here. I really appreciate it as I was wondering I have had a telepathic interaction and now know why I’m so connected to music makes since.
I always had a rush of energy or feelings while listening to music. I have had some sw experiences with music to specifically recently I won’t sleep til I’m dead by autumn kings. The message don’t stop, I’d rather go insane then let it go to waste. Life is a test ect.
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So look for more about that genre, usually when those things happen it's because this kind of music has an effect on your psyche.

Learn to direct the energy through music. Lady Astarte teaches this to perfection, ask her for guidance and tell her that you are confused, if you feel confused....

She has taught me several little things about this.

Yes, one of Lady Astarte's qualities is clairvoyance, she teaches but she also gives you information of what can happen.

Even when you develop clairvoyance, it tells you what can happen.

Many times she has told me in advance several things, even Father Satan told me something that needs her training and teachings.

So yes, this I totally confirm.

As for past lives, I have not inquired into that subject.... I have a suspicion that she has also been with me a long time ago, for some reason I feel a familiarity with her....

When a God/ess comes in contact with you on a personal level, that is to say, you see and feel him/her in trance or in the astral as he/she is, they usually awaken in you abilities, they are like gifts that they give you, I say this from experience... She gave me one of those abilities when I saw her after a year and a half of communication with her and it was precisely something I needed to unlock JAJAJ what she did was to accelerate the unlocking so to speak.

I could really write a whole book about her, what she is, what she represents, absolutely everything about her....

Anyway, don't hesitate and explore that genre, along with mantras and affirmations to help you. Music is a great ally of this, of your psyche, of the path and a great method of communication.
This is on my YouTube after.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
