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Idealism VS Objectivity in Satanism?


Active member
Aug 31, 2021
Just a short question for everyone. Is there a delineation between what and what isn't realistic in this path?

By this I'd like to ask about those who cannot in some capacity achieve to the same degree as 99% of others.

Take for instance schizophrenics? Those with irreparable head trauma, spinal injury or other injuries? Blindness? Deafness? Trans-people? Those with serious diseases or other life-debilitating deformities that medicine or surgery cannot fix?

We live in a world mired with problems that are so far-gone that it's clearly been a long time in the making. The movie 'Freaks' highlights this uncomfortable reality well. I don't mean to make this post spreading doom-and-gloom but rather to look to solutions and be proactive about these topics.

What can be said about these people? Is it worth it doing everything that they can to overcome their shortcomings in life while working towards our cause? (RTRs, research, meditation, spreading awareness, etc?) It's human nature to constantly compare and analyze differences in all things, thus such people face a far greater challenge in accepting themselves fully, growing outside of the 'spotlight effect' of psychology and looking to the good from the bad in themselves while always moving forward. I admire their resolve yet there are areas in which they may not be able to be overcome in their lifetime. To some degree I believe that they have to accept that and instead focus more on the things that they can achieve. Although I do not agree with most of Einstein's ideas, I do agree with the idea that 'insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results'.

I think that suicide is an easy way out. For some in this world that becomes an objective path that is the only way out for them, such as the farmers who lost everything in India years back due to Monsanto. Satan and our Gods do not want this for any of their children no matter how hopeless things appear. They wish for us to grow and incessantly progress forward with absolute, invincible and everlasting joy in life.

Thank you for the time and I'm sorry to throw such a heavy topic at you all. The underlying question I have here is how can these people separate objective reality from idealism? Is it idyllic to think that 'anything is possible?' Like (for those who made poor choices), can I regrow my junk that the doctor removed and reverse the changes of hormone therapy? That's not me but I'd really hate for it to be.
Most people, even when exposed to the truth, simply won't care about it. Not everyone is made for the path. Even when we're gonna have the next golden age, there will be people who won't participate in truth. Eugenics will fix most problems in the future, and those that have life altering diseases will be cured.
Everything you listed are problems that can be fixed, or at least highly improved, if the person chooses to work on this. It is like anybody else; whatever your problems are, it is your job to work towards solving and removing your problems. Even if the symptom of the problem is not 100% repaired in this current life time, your spiritual work towards solving the problem will stay with you and you will receive this benefit in the next life time by either not having the problem anymore, or it being extremely reduced.
Just a short question for everyone. Is there a delineation between what and what isn't realistic in this path?

By this I'd like to ask about those who cannot in some capacity achieve to the same degree as 99% of others.

Take for instance schizophrenics? Those with irreparable head trauma, spinal injury or other injuries? Blindness? Deafness? Trans-people? Those with serious diseases or other life-debilitating deformities that medicine or surgery cannot fix?

We live in a world mired with problems that are so far-gone that it's clearly been a long time in the making. The movie 'Freaks' highlights this uncomfortable reality well. I don't mean to make this post spreading doom-and-gloom but rather to look to solutions and be proactive about these topics.

What can be said about these people? Is it worth it doing everything that they can to overcome their shortcomings in life while working towards our cause? (RTRs, research, meditation, spreading awareness, etc?) It's human nature to constantly compare and analyze differences in all things, thus such people face a far greater challenge in accepting themselves fully, growing outside of the 'spotlight effect' of psychology and looking to the good from the bad in themselves while always moving forward. I admire their resolve yet there are areas in which they may not be able to be overcome in their lifetime. To some degree I believe that they have to accept that and instead focus more on the things that they can achieve. Although I do not agree with most of Einstein's ideas, I do agree with the idea that 'insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results'.

I think that suicide is an easy way out. For some in this world that becomes an objective path that is the only way out for them, such as the farmers who lost everything in India years back due to Monsanto. Satan and our Gods do not want this for any of their children no matter how hopeless things appear. They wish for us to grow and incessantly progress forward with absolute, invincible and everlasting joy in life.

Thank you for the time and I'm sorry to throw such a heavy topic at you all. The underlying question I have here is how can these people separate objective reality from idealism? Is it idyllic to think that 'anything is possible?' Like (for those who made poor choices), can I regrow my junk that the doctor removed and reverse the changes of hormone therapy? That's not me but I'd really hate for it to be.
I think that yes, everything is possibile.

All can be done even if it needs big amounts of energy
Everything you listed are problems that can be fixed, or at least highly improved, if the person chooses to work on this. It is like anybody else; whatever your problems are, it is your job to work towards solving and removing your problems. Even if the symptom of the problem is not 100% repaired in this current life time, your spiritual work towards solving the problem will stay with you and you will receive this benefit in the next life time by either not having the problem anymore, or it being extremely reduced.
Amazing feedback! I tend to feel too empathetic about others yet you are right! I've had some life-long problems I've been working on throughout my life and it honestly feels like climbing out of a hole to reach that level ground where everyone else starts at, yet at the same time I have gained in so many ways where others have not. I should focus less on the physical and keep my focus in the spiritual and on constant progression through the 8-fold path. There is always something positive to be gained even if things look to be hopeless. I guess one can say that nothing is purely 'bad' (save from the enemy itself which causes these problems to occur)... it just is and it's our reaction towards it that makes the difference. Spectacular wisdom! This has given me great hope and I love that the JoS doesn't judge or look-down on anyone as 'less than' given whatever their hand in life was. It is what we do with it that matters. Truly and genuinely, I thank you!
Most people, even when exposed to the truth, simply won't care about it. Not everyone is made for the path. Even when we're gonna have the next golden age, there will be people who won't participate in truth. Eugenics will fix most problems in the future, and those that have life altering diseases will be cured.
That's a spectacular point! A person focused and living only for truth in spite of the challenges is truly a rare person... almost perhaps 0.001 percent of all people or less. Eugenics! This is an interesting idea. I'd always thought that it could end very badly, like in the film 'Gattaca'. For something positive to come from it... this is truly a thing to consider! It's the same with AI and quantum computing. A force that can either do great good or bad depending on how its used and who uses it.

This all relates to power and it's up to how we wield that power that makes the difference. Although it seems as if everything is going downhill fast in the world there is a monumental force for change in our cause and on our side. Thus, things in the world are far more dynamic and unpredictable than they appear to be. Excellent food for thought!
That's a spectacular point! A person focused and living only for truth in spite of the challenges is truly a rare person... almost perhaps 0.001 percent of all people or less. Eugenics! This is an interesting idea. I'd always thought that it could end very badly, like in the film 'Gattaca'. For something positive to come from it... this is truly a thing to consider! It's the same with AI and quantum computing. A force that can either do great good or bad depending on how its used and who uses it.

This all relates to power and it's up to how we wield that power that makes the difference. Although it seems as if everything is going downhill fast in the world there is a monumental force for change in our cause and on our side. Thus, things in the world are far more dynamic and unpredictable than they appear to be. Excellent food for thought!
Gattaca is some kind of utopian nightmare based of the false idea that "Nazis" only wanted blue eyed people with blonde hair. Which is totally false.
honestly, for those who already have considerable achievements like one of us, they are most likely people who have some kind of naturalness and prepared ground to flourish, be it in a tolerable physical environment, an OK financial condition, existing talent and spiritual strength, and yet, there was herculean effort and diligence to remain firm.
before talking about the examples of what you gave, let's pave the scenario of what a removal is in a horrible soul, let's put the insane transsexual who would try to fix his emotional, which he would miraculously already have an established power to manifest in 40 days in reality, nothing absurd to mitigate the collateral damage that occurs with someone full of garbage.

there will be long bad days in his life, not to say anything else, this will open up new visions and conceptions, on the one hand ceasing to be less worse as a BEING, but understanding the misery and hole that he is today, and the immensity to leaving negative to enter neutral.

and remembering that whatever this individual is, everything manifested by the soul resides around him, friendships, tastes, preferences, and so on.
in this case, it is literally denying destiny completely, remaining in solitude with possible boredom, having to deal with healthy replacement of important areas of life, self-hypnosis to leave no trace, acquiring new standards, and worst of all, dealing with it.
but of course, to improve, haha.

let's also assume that it is at a time in the future when Satan's influence already resides and is very much experienced on our planet, and this person is curious without much spiritual resourcefulness and only seeks to improve, without having the journey like many of us, appreciation, and lifelong belonging to life as draconic warriors.


seriously, but knowing the average NPC...
i don't have to say anything.

there are times when i even think that destiny controls everyone's place, yes, at the level of whether they will move forward and leave their place, or whether they will strive and end up nowhere.

if someone sees something good, a river of opportunities, which is peaceful, it is not what i "painted", please, with facts and arguments, come and explain your point, it is easier to speak when you have experienced something of a similar caliber, which is my case.
and not, by destiny, merit or luck, a more favorable life with many facilities at birth.
An ideal world is where everything goes as planned perfectly.

How is an ideal world built? Through hard work, dedication, and time. The world we envision isn't something that will appear in a few years or even in a few decades. This is because the physical world is the slowest and most dense world that requires the most time to manifest. Regardless of how fortunate or unfortunate one's situation is, it is due to the hard work and dedication of one's ancestors that built what you have now. Good or bad.

The reason why it is said that it this path is for the few elite isn't because of some sort of egotistic gate keeping but because of nature. Through the myriad of possible combination of fate, circumstance, and personal effort there is near infinite different ways a person can turn out. There are more forces against a person trying to advance then there is forces helping one advance. This is because degeneracy is the easy path while advancement is the hardest path. Hence unless one is naturally inclined towards this path, it takes a huge amount of effort to start and remain walking this path. And even with that natural inclination its much easier to slip and remain fallen than it is to get back up and keep walking.

So let's take the current circumstance of humanity where the average level of a person spiritually is low. This manifests as the typical person who cares little about advancement, expanding one's mind, or even being a generally healthy person. How did this occur? This is mostly due to one's upbringing and one's environment. Upbringing refers to how one is raised and educated while environment is self explanatory. If a child is is raised in poverty with a lack of education then what methods would they even have to be better? And if their environment is even worse, full of people that are also uneducated, and full of the negatives in life then there is little hope. The longer this goes on the larger the community of uneducated beings lower than animals will be. It doesn't even need to be both at once. If even one of these, whether upbringing or environment, is in the negative aspect of life then one is more inclined to fall into it. This is because it takes constant work to go higher and the more resistance the harder it becomes.

This is why this path emphasizes not just wisdom but also power. Without both one wont be able to combat the resistance in the right way. And even then it isn't easy. The world we have is built on these people that put in that effort and had the power and wisdom to leave us the means to keep going into the future. That future is now our present. And its the job of the people who lives now to understand this and put in their effort.

This is also one of the reasons why honoring one's ancestors and family is so important. These are the most direct reasons for your existence and its through them that the world you live in is the way it is. By honoring them you feel the worth of what they built even if its only a little bit and would also try to improve what you have even if only a little bit. Even if their contribution is small and even if you feel they should have done more, it still needs to be recognized. And through recognition one can improve. And lastly even if one feels that their family is the worst of the worst understand this: even if ones parents were bad, or their parents parents, or even the generations before them, one should know that we can all be traced back to Satan as our Progenitor. Because of that, the majority will still have the capacity to become like him.

So as a final answer to the question: Satan made us in His image, giving us both the means and wisdom to be as Him. All things He is capable of is a real possibility of what we as both an individual as a whole can become. This is the realest of realities that can happen. This path is both the simplest path but the hardest path but it is a path already walked. It is a straight path that has neither detours nor forks. All one needs to do is walk it.

Hail Satan.
Thank you for writing this and my apologies for not noticing it until now.

You make fantastic points! This path is indeed the most direct, logical and true path in life yet it is certainly one where we face challenges of avoiding escapism and bad habits. These things are everywhere! Bad eating habits, media scrolling, societal appropriation of alcohol/drug use, procrastination, cynicism, lack of confidence and so on. It takes a strong mind to consistently avoid all of these things yet after a while it does get easier.

TBH I've had moments where I would fall back on watching too many videos. This year I've been really hammering out a schedule for myself which honestly for me makes it feel as though I have more time.

I tend to put too much focus on one thing and easily get too engrossed. Thus, building routines and limitations on all things has been helpful.

It's just as you say that this path is the simplest and hardest one can take. It is the best path in life though and I find it more fulfilling than any other.

I look forward to advancing even more! No more YT and bitchute for a while. 🙂

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
