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Sep 21, 2017
The future system will be a pure one, a system oriented towards society and individual and not towards capital or power for the sake of power. All satisfaction will derive out of helping oneself and others as well. A system where all merit, joy and sense of accomplishments comes out of giving something to the society we live in.

To achieve this, the Empire will have to have a propaganda system oriented in this direction. All aspects of our modern world such as cartoons, movies, commercials, podcasts, reels, fun videos and sponsored content will have to cover this important side of our lives as well.

Instead of making smoking, drugs, race-mixing, retarded LGBT ranting, heavy drinking and other nonsense and harmful ideas mainstream, we will make accomplishments in all areas be the “trend” or the “cool thing” to do. Achievements in sports, academia, construction, science, environment, economy, spirituality, physical development and medicine be the actions that young people look forward to and consider it the factors which bring social validation. Social pressure will be first on making a family and having a house, then on having a car and a better job. The state must facilitate the basic needs and not replace its population for the sake of a hostile biological element.

Psychologically speaking, humans, in their basic levels of understanding, will fundamentally go towards where social pressure reside, where social validation gives them the sense of pride, safety and comfort. If the system can create this psychological and emotional environment, then all those natural actions will come very easy since those are the natural and instinctive paths the human follows. When the enemy presented our people with their destructive ideology to wipe ourselves out of existence, they had to enforce this social validation through a lot more pressure that we would need to create in order to direct them towards the natural path, as theirs was highly unnatural and unhealthy.

An important area of our lives that can be considered a starting point for many other actions and decisions is the area of health and physical well-being. How one takes care of his own body can determine considerable effects on other areas of his life such as intellectual activities, financial planning and acting, fixing issues of various nature and even intimate relationships.

This is where physical training comes in to help us. Doing regular physical training is a great stimulus for one’s desire to achieve more and grow. It correlated directly with the will to grow and receive joy from other activities as well as it releases endorphins which are considered the brain’s feel-good neurotransmitters.

“Endorphins are neurotransmitters released by the pituitary gland and hypothalamus in the brain. As natural hormones, they can alleviate pain, lower stress, improve mood, and enhance your sense of well-being. The body releases endorphins when you do pleasurable activities such as eating, exercise, and sex, etc.” – medparkhospital.com

Physical training is a great stimulus for oxygen and blood circulation as well as energy which in turn will amplify an already determined mind, increase its focus and will.

In Timothy Zahn’s Star Wars book, “Thrawn”, the main character describes physical exercise as follows:
“Many of those skilled in technological warfare believe that physical training and discipline are unnecessary. With turbo lasers, hyperdrives, armor plating and the mental resources to direct them, muscular strength and agility are thought to be merely conceits. They are wrong. The mind and body are linked together in a meshwork of oxygen, nutrients, hormones and neuron health. Physical exercise drives that meshwork, stimulating the brain and freeing one's intellect. Simulated combat has the additional virtue of training the eye to spot small errors and exploit them. A change in focus can also allow the subconscious mind to focus on unresolved questions. Simulated combat often ends with the warrior discovering that one or more of those questions has been unexpectedly solved. And occasionally, such exercise can serve other purposes.”

Truth is, I myself have experienced something very similar. Before I had my first sparring sessions in kickboxing, I did not realize the extent of a respiratory deficiency I had at that time. I had lived with it for all my life without anyone guiding me to solve it and perceived it as normal. That episode made me research into the issue and came to the conclusion that I had a respiratory allergy which I managed by researching, to solve it by using a mixture of ginger, black pepper and honey.

Indeed, physical training stimulates the whole organism, amplifies all other abilities and creates the drive for success and winning.

The future system’s role will be to monitor how one evolves and what are their strong and weak points. Unfortunately, some may evolve slower in this area due to natural predisposition and certain chronical conditions. There are individuals who from an early age may find it difficult to run, get tired very fast or have certain discomforts in their bodies. While some nerdy kids may be more focused on school as opposed to others who often profit from them to pass the school year, there are still other factors which impede the kid’s physical development and social integration which are strongly related.

We all lived with the “push harder” attitude which others displayed and for some it worked for others all it did was further alienate them from society. This is not to say that we should give up and adopt a victim mentality. I struggled with many self-development issues and I had to push myself extremely hard to achieve a socially acceptable level. Turns out it could have been way easier if played out in a more intelligent and strategic way. Screaming “push harder” does not make one a good trainer, but seeing what path the student must take for optimal results. Of course, the student must be willing to do so. But will without means is equal to nothing as is the other way around. This is why we need both brain and muscle. We wish to become strong men so we don’t end up a hormonal and psychological mess of a wimp that is susceptible to enemy toxic ideology. The Jew’s ideology played out perfect on our frustration, amplifying them and turning people against each other.

The medical system will have to monitor and help any person willing to grow in any area of their physical well-being. For example, many of us grow with a limited respiratory capacity without knowing this. It is some have, not all have done a spirometry and such individuals will accept their condition as normal.

Future science will have to put a great amount of effort in gathering a list of factors and causes which impede the area of well-being and determine the causes and remedies for each one of them. Modern medicine is hooked up to a financial system which profits from our diseases so, there is little to no interest to eliminate chronic disease. Therefore, modern medicine will only at best, treat the symptom, but not go backwards on the cause-and-effect chain to see what was the starting point of the issue or condition in question.

Respiratory issues can include allergies, acute respiratory distress syndrome, asthma, allergy-based asthma and other similar conditions. In severe cases, emergency medication must be administered, but on the long term the cause must be identified and eliminated.

Usually, most chronic conditions are nutrient deficiencies as researched by Doctor Eric Berg. His YouTube channel is very useful and has helped a lot of people in need.

Asthma and allergy-based asthma may be a vitamin D deficiency. The mainstream medical approach is to prescribe 2000 IUs of vitamin D per day, but as some have researched 10 000 IUs is the equivalent of 20 minutes of sun per day. Eric Berg usually recommends a dosage between 10 000 and 20 000 IUs per day as a maintenance dosage and even higher for possible chronic diseases. Many chronic conditions are a cause of poor vitamin D levels.

Researching into the subject of vitamin D made me reach a few positive conclusions such as reducing my allergy -based asthma to a great extent. Vitamin D is correlated perfectly with all we have learned from Joy of Satan all those years as it is basically sun power and the main solar chakra energy.

I begun with 6000 IUs and raised the dosage to 12 000 IUs over time to see that the wall I reached in gym was suddenly and violently broken. I have raised the weights to a very impressive level after a short period of this treatment. This vitamin, like our main meditation energy, regulates the function of every cell. This vitamin is more similar to a hormone and is a universal regulator for all types of cells.

It seems the enemy heavily impedes all research on this topic. Sometimes they attack the career of those who do extensive studies on this subject.

On the matter of allergy-based asthma and lung capacity, one can also use a mixture of ginger or turmeric mixed with a bit of black pepper which facilitates the absorption and honey. This mixture if taken a few times a day (two to four or even five teaspoons of this mixture per day) can relax the lungs and airways and largely increase one’s breathing capacity. When I did a spirometry before I started researching on this topic on my own, the inhaling capacity (PIF) was at 55% and that was the best out of three tries. PIF means Peak Inspiratory Flow and PEF means peak Expiratory Flow.

The doctor wrote in the medical report that I was in perfect parameter values which was the most retarded thing a doctor could say in such circumstances. Luckily, I had taken the paper with the parameters home and was able to research which each one of them meant.

Turns out, the medical device was right, but the doctor was incompetent.

Respiratory problems, allergies and asthma can also be a consequence of low stomach acid or a damaged bowel flora as all nutrients that leave for the rest of the body need to be processed by the digestive system which is analogous to the logistical center of one’s body. Nutrients that need to reach certain areas are not enough due to the low stomach acid sometimes. Acid has the role to break the food into the necessary nutrients and taking supplements may not be enough if the acid and bowel flora issues are not solved. Remember, one must always track the chain from the last effect to the first cause.

Allergies may be a cause of digestive problems due to a deficiency of vitamin B. Canker sores (aphthous stomatitis) can be a cause of low protein and vitamin B as are hair thinning and skin/scalp problems due to the same lack of protein, vitamin B, zinc, Iron and magnesium. Red meat is excellent in fixing those issues as it contains those exact elements, but to achieve the maximum potential, one must be sure they have the optimal functioning of the digestive system. Stomach acid should normally be between 1 - 3 PH and supplements such as betaine hydrochloride or a mixture of a bit of apple cider vinegar diluted in a bit of water can increase the acid. Acid reflux contrary to what some may believe is triggered by a low acid level in the stomach as the stomach’s sphincter needs the PH to be between 1 and 3 in order to close. I have tried this and the effects were successful. I consider myself a hero with a total lack of modesty obviously, for achieving so much physical progress before I managed to solve the stomach and lung issues I had. I was sweating like a sauna guy every time I did intense training. Turns out the effort I was making was way worse than what should have been.

Other issues relating to digestive problems may be a constant abdominal discomfort often with pain and a lot of bloating because of the damaged flora. Meat in general and especially red meat heal the gut. A carnivore diet with vegetables, salad and fewer carbohydrates can work wonders for such issues. Carbs and sugar should not be abused, but they should not be completely excluded either. The quality of industrial food is often very damaging, but carbs in themselves are a source for physical energy and sugar feeds the neural cells.

The system’s role in this aspect of our lives will be to help each individual track all of their discomforts, chronic conditions and impeding factors and make them stronger, having an easier and more facile path to advancement. Research will be made by the cause-consequence chain method and provide solutions for as many existing problems as possible. Each individual will have a medical record with the purpose of his own advancement and as both a testimony and a case study for even further improvement on the achievement of the perfect human or the Übermensch.

As an ending I will leave you with a few excerpts from “The New Empire” relating to health. If you wish to re-read them, they are here for you, otherwise jump to the next chapter.

“I have started doing some medical investigations on some of the problems I had with the respiratory system (ex: nose turbinates obstruction reduction) which were a great success for meditation, physical training and the overall good disposition and capacity to focus. This is why after the first medical success I resumed going to the gym in a way that I never did before, plus had the opportunity to get some help and guidance from a friend who really knows how to be a coach and make sure I make every lifting move the optimal way. The only regret I may have, is not doing it sooner.

Also, the Commander's personal coaching has given me some great insights about how to take advantage of certain astrological aspects as well actions relating to the medical issues I am continuing to investigate and solve one by one. I am honored and grateful for Commander Cobra’s guidance that has pushed me do grow in the year 2023 more that I could have imagined possible! High Priestess Lydia’s medical writings about canker sores, hair and scalp health have been of great value, which is why I am grateful for the forums and community.

Me and my wife have even managed to solve a medical issue her grandmother had with the eyesight so this is another chain reaction of the energy and momentum which were created. All this period with challenges has further made me develop my day-to-day skills and traits as a man even further in areas such as plumbing, car mechanics, software programming and communication, cooking, courage and guts, knowledge in the area of legislation and other personal traits involving family. In various type of issues relating to conflict and disputes I manage to stay calm and even attract the adversary into check mate situations that made them panic and lose their momentum. I learned how certain psychological types feed of our anger and fear if they are not properly managed into a confrontation. If this momentum keeps up, I may even start practicing combat sports once I completely get my health and physical fitness in order.”

“In such a set of circumstances, the situation can be diagnosed based on symptoms. A low stomach acid is not enough to break the food in the necessary nutrients and the intestine may further not be able to absorb the nutrients to full capacity. For example, hair thinning and canker sores (Aphthous Stomatitis) can be a consequence of low protein, iron and vitamin B12 absorption. So, increasing the input of protein, B12 and iron was only helping a bit compared to fixing the main issue. As I set my mind on solving this issue, I continued to read, make medical investigations, ask doctors until I found the main cause. And to make a parallel here, I cannot emphasize enough on the importance of a healthy digestive system. All nutrients that our bodies need must be correctly processed by the digestive system. If this system has a problem, it will trigger further problems in turn as a logistical chain reaction of the body. An increase in the solar plexus chakra training and empowerment is also of great help in such a situation as both are linked and it is the most powerful and important chakra in our souls. Again, we see how the physical and spiritual realms are perfectly correlated and how the enormous importance of the solar plexus chakra relates to the enormous importance of the digestive system. Perhaps the most overused term in my writings is “correlated” as one must get this term and its importance engraved in his mind to understand Spiritual Satanism.

The warrior mindset is especially of utmost importance in the context of our endeavor against the enemy. One most important aspect of a man’s warrior spirit is physical training and especially physical combat. Hand to hand combat sports calibrate the instincts and help enormously in giving one much more mental clarity by being a consequence of self confidence in a modest and calculated way. The more one achieves and increases his own skills, the more he has a sense of safety and the fears of danger and constantly having something to prove lessen.

The same way one trains spiritually is analogous to physical training. Each chakra is correlated to a set of organs, muscles and their health. By combining meditation with physical training, this helps in increasing our view and perception of nature and the world. We gain a better understanding about all elements in our life and how each one ties to the others. Such practices increase our mental clarity and give us the desire to achieve more. This combination is the start of being a true warrior as it gives us a thirst for success, fixing issues and achieving objectives, regardless of the risks. As one progresses through life, due to both age and experience, they will care less and less about the consequences and risks of trying and will be more prone to take that risk then avoid losing and regretting the wasted opportunity. After certain stages of maturity which involve both our minds and souls, it becomes more painful to let opportunities slip, even if we were to fail, than not taking it for comfort purposes. Here pride plays a major role.

Feelings like pride, anger and determination, if calculated and managed properly, are a set of weapons against all adversaries in our lives. Avoiding risks endlessly, ultimately leads to disappointment and great regret. Once a soul is sufficiently mature to comprehend this inner drive, the warrior mindset is completely unleashed and on a growing path. Safety and wisdom must always be there to balance the process and avoid recklessness, but without a decent amount of bravery, one will not grow or achieve much of anything.”

“Another example of an impeding factor is the predisposition of canker sores, scientifically known as Aphthous Stomatitis or Aphthous Ulcers. When those sores are recurring, it can be very painful and the discomfort they create affect our daily life and concentration capacity. It can be very tiring to live with them. They are mainly caused by a deficiency of vitamin B so if one has recurring canker sores, they should take a B vitamin complex and it will reduce their appearance frequency as well as their intensity. Another thing that causes it is the lack of a proper oral flora. It can be the consequence of antibiotics, stiff drinks or other factors that kill off the flora. A proper toothpaste that repairs the flora can have great results as well as foods rich in it.
Another natural remedy for this problem is chamomile tea that also has the ability to reduce inflammation and if taken in the incipient stages of a canker sore, it speeds up its death very fast.”

“But let’s dive even deeper into the human body’s physiology. The stomach is the logistical center of the human body as the heart is the energy center and the brain is the command center to put this in a set of analogies. Given this, some issues relating to nutrient absorption can be a consequence of not having enough stomach acid. Therefore, all the nutrients we need to absorb for the rest of the processes in our organism, may be lower. Take the previous examples about the aphthous ulcers and hair thinning. Nutrients such as zinc, protein and vitamin B can be harder to absorb if the stomach acid is lower. Normally the stomach PH should be between 1 and 3 which is extremely acid. This is the necessary level of acid that breaks down the food into the much-needed nutrients and without such levels of acid, absorption is incomplete. When the stomach acid is low, the stomach’s sphincter does not fully close as the closing mechanism is triggered by the high levels of acid therefore causing gastric reflux. This in turn can cause persistent cough and even respiratory or digestive allergies. If both issues are present, it would be best to go solve the one which is the cause, in such a case the stomach’s low acid. This can be treated naturally with either Betaine HCl or with vinegar, taken during the meal in order to naturally raise the PH. Some Betaine HCl supplements even contain pepsin which is a digestive enzyme that helps the breaking down of nutrients and especially protein. Speaking of the center of logistics in the body, without the proper absorption of nutrients due to low acid problems, elements such as vitamin B12, iron, zinc or protein are insufficient for the rest of the body and such deficiencies can cause the previously mentioned issues such as hair thinning or canker sores.

Doctor Eric Berg has a YouTube channel where he talks a lot about solving such problems based on supplements and natural remedies. I recommend watching his content as his videos are really useful and gave me clues on what issues to hunt down and gradually solve.

Hypochlorhydria is the name of the low stomach acid phenomenon.

The digestive problem of low acid can also be caused by a pathogen called Helicobacter Pylori which inhibits acid. Hypochlorhydria effects can be bloating, gas, excessive burping, difficult digestion, acid reflux, cough, psoriasis, constipation or diarrhea, hair thinning, canker sores and any issues relating to a nutrient deficiency. Acid reflux, as opposed to many doctors’ views, is not so often caused by hyper acidity, but by low acid as the mechanism of the sphincter’s closing is not triggered by enough acid and normally the high acid would not even escape the stomach. What we feel is a low acid getting out.

Other related issues include a damaged intestinal flora which can cause either diarrhea or constipation and also, can cause nutrient deficiencies. It can manifest with bloating and minor pain and discomfort. Such problems are usually solved with yogurts and probiotics.

All those examples serve to give us insight of some of the possible health issues, discomforts or minor handicaps that can be solved. Such problems often make it hard for people to achieve their goals. Pains, lack of energy, discomforts, breathing problems make it hard for us to progress in our lives and make us tired and lack motivation. An individual that goes very often to the bathroom will have a hard time concentrating on their day-to-day activity and the last thing they will want is setting goals. Often, a person that poses as a life coach or motivator will just preach “try harder” and accuse you of being lazy. Truth is, your will and efforts must be put in logically finding the impediments that hold you back, solving them one by one and letting each small, related progress in your life motivate you further.

Feeling comfortable and strong in one’s own body is fundamental to the development of their body on all fronts be they intellectual, physical or spiritual.

One should make it their mission to self-evaluate the problems which hold them back in achieving their objectives and go hunt them one by one. The solving of those problems is one of the most rewarding moments of life.”

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
