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Well-known member
Sep 21, 2017
This component is fundamental for the existence and perpetuation of the Aryan Empire and for the natural path of mankind.

Our future society will have to always maintain a good natural environment, protect animals, preserve species, and optimally manage the forests and green areas. Parks and green areas will be essential especially in cities. Where a tree is cut, by legislation the local administration will have to replace it preferably with the same species. Since trees take a while to grow and people should ideally enjoy their shadow and effects on health and pollution neutralization, I am advocating for research in the area of catalyzation and growth acceleration research programs in the area of botanic studies.

Usually where there are natural green areas, pollution levels go down as carbon is absorbed for photosynthesis and during summer, heat also goes down. The idea is to create as much comfort for our citizens and not just leave them in a depressing maze of concrete as the enemy did.

Lake hygiene, water cleaning and filtering are essential components of environment management for two reasons: first, for human consumption and second for the health of the ecosystem around that area.

In time, if humanity advances and we might transition to a non-capitalistic economic system, water distribution, energy and other services might become free without affecting human labor. But that requires a higher consciousness and it is achieved in time with effort. At least certain public services might become free for a limited period of time as an experiment to see if the transition is gradually possible. It al depends on the human general understanding about the self as well as about the collective society/community. If humans start perceiving that what one does affects the rest of the system, if we achieve a general understanding about the complex system of links and correlations between all humans, processes and affairs, then we are on the right path to achieving this.

Revenue or any other forms of wealth should never be looked upon as negative elements as the enemy often thought us and neither as instruments of oppressive control. It should only be a way to reward labor in terms of quantity and quality. How many products and/or services one delivers and their quality.

Animals, in turn should be treated with utmost care. Even animals which are killed for food, must be killed without feeling any pain and their environment should be as clean and comfortable as possible. Also, the food which they consume determines the quality of their meat and products. Cows and chicken which are fed with grass for example have healthier meat and give better quality milk and eggs.

The biodiversity of an ecosystem should also be monitored and maintained, the goal being to maintain the proportions of species of animals and plants.

When it comes to public administration, people should ideally be able to easily procure trees, plants and shrubs of their choice for their yards. The question of pollution also comes back to smart infrastructure made in such ways as to avoid traffic jams. Cities should have suspended roadways and belt roads in order to avoid going through the center when the purpose of drivers is to just transit without stop.

For an SS, having this balance comes with extra sources of energy which usually affect meditation in a positive way. I for one, feel that the optimal environment comes from a balanced environment, having a city, town or village, that is either not very crowded or is easily transited due to good infrastructure and smart logistics (AI traffic lights and well-placed signs) while having lots of parks and natural places. Of course, preferences are subjective, but lots of people I know do agree with me.

Smart cities should be built for the purpose of speeding up transportation and providing safety. The enemy had us believed they wanted the same thing, but in reality, they only wanted to spy on citizens that might not be on their side.

In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous.

If one way be better than another, that you may be sure is nature's way.

“Neither by nature, then, nor contrary to nature do the virtues arise in us; rather we are adapted by nature to receive them, and are made perfect by habit”

“Nature does nothing in vain.”


Scientific research should also determine how being closer to

nature affects the human body and soul. What biological parameters change with prolonged exposure to different environments and how behavior is affected. Cells, hormones, nutrients and energy shift in accordance to each natural element’s properties. Being close to water, different types of forests, interacting with animals and so on.

Usually, people become attached to places when those places have a certain degree of uniformity in their comfort. A place that is pleasant to someone, but suffers changes will trigger negative emotions even in some cases where the changes is not necessarily negative. This happens in my case when in certain areas trees are being cut and not replaced. You know a certain place in a certain way for years and all the sudden it suffers such a change. This creates a sense of unfamiliarity.

As SS, we must watch over those aspects which create the balance between nature and urban for maximizing human comfort and growth potential. One trains much easier in such an environment which also decreases the frequency of chronic disease in the population.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
