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  1. Fuchs

    For some who question QTards

    All the qtards do, is spread rumors containing some truth (e.g. child sacrifices) mixed with false info which leads to the people not doing anything like: No worry you don´t have to do anything some special forces/aliens/etc is allready doing something about it. While omitting the fact...
  2. Fuchs

    Finetuning Mantras / Vibrations

    I think there are 3 points one can consider, about vibrating a mantra/rune: 1. How you chant it/ vibrate it/ emphasis it. (The reason you did this post) 2. Your fokus while chanting= chakras or aura etc,... 3. What you imagine while chanting = color, runeshapes into aura chakras,... If you for...
  3. Fuchs

    Bayleaf Magick

    "Magickal Uses for Herbs IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT HERBS Herbs by themselves have little magickal power. In order to practice powerful witchcraft using herbs, the herbs must be infused with power. This is advanced magick and requires the ability to invoke/evoke and direct the elements. Each...
  4. Fuchs

    What is the effect of doing chariot of Ra?

    Found these infos: "microcosmic orbit (also known as Chariot of Ra) Stormblood wrote: ↑ Wed Sep 08, 2021 10:55 pm It is nullified because you first do it properly, then reverse it. Energies of equal value but opposite direction on the same axis nullify one another. The Raum meditation is a...
  5. Fuchs

    how to delete humans from your mind?

    here you go: How to get rid of past memories https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=44241 Just so I did mention it, there are friendship rituals so you could be on good terms again with your friends, if you want to start see ss calendar for a good date, you can find the calendar...
  6. Fuchs

    Finetuning Mantras / Vibrations

    Yes, one thing about AUM, did read some did vibrate the A into hearth chakra, U into solar and M into 6 chakra.
  7. Fuchs

    I ask to be verified as Astrologer

    Did not think of the data sharing aspect (fear), sry Lydia. I´m glad we may have a additional astrologer, about translation help, the site www.deepl.com is quite good. German-> english works quite well, not sure about italien-> english, but always better then using google translater (data safety...
  8. Fuchs

    Aura of protection to my father.

    See ss calendar for a good starting point avoid void of course moon, any daytime if good astrological starting point is good-> https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=49621
  9. Fuchs

    Could you do me a favor, please?

    Enemy teachings Global Warming, Big Bang, Flat Earth, We are all out of africa, limitless economic groth, communism is great, we are all equal, gender studies, there are way more
  10. Fuchs

    about connection with demons

    Opening the 10th and 11th Temple Chakras https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Opening_10th_and_11th_Chakras.html
  11. Fuchs

    On Lady Sekhmet

  12. Fuchs

    Energy raising from Father

    5 is Venus. 9 is for endings. 3 is also endings, 9 is also a powernumber. What again was 4?
  13. Fuchs

    Living alone.

    health care, emergency phone calls, police, law, jobles money,... etc...
  14. Fuchs

    what should i do to have a better life next life if i die right now?

    If you would share more info, people here could give you better advice. It is also important to prioritize / which problems you want to solve first etc. Don´t try to solve them all at the same time.
  15. Fuchs

    Energy raising from Father

    I remember reading this in an older post and it makes sense. 3 is mostly for ending things, 4 is if I remember right is venus number of Satan. 4 is a good number.
  16. Fuchs

    Can genetic phobias be cured

    Any phobia can be cured, be it via meditation or hypnosis -> Satanic Hypnosis https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Satanic_Hypnosis.html
  17. Fuchs

    HP routines

    HPS Shannon did share her routine back then: "Hello dearest Luis, For the sake of time, this is the program I am currently doing. I started it about 2.5 weeks ago. I only have time for 3-4 hours of meditation a day (RTRs and cleaning with Azazel are included in that time) Kundalini Yoga...
  18. Fuchs

    I ask to be verified as Astrologer

    You have to work on your english: "I know it is very busy." If you are talking about HPHC it has to be: "I know HE is very busy." Just mentioning it, because if you want to be a good official astrologer, you have to be also very good in english, it also is kind of is disrespectfull to say HPHC...
  19. Fuchs

    about connection with demons

    Don´t be dissapointed, some people are better at communication other better in collecting energy,... etc, don´t fokus on the things you can´t do, fokus on the things you now can do, just keep going, if you want to fokus more on your astral senses there are good workings: New Pineal Gland/6th...
  20. Fuchs

    Satan On The Creation Of Man, Immortality And The "Transhumanist" Agenda

    If the gods would be here, I know they can´t out of security, until the earth frequency is on a higher plane. Could they beside guiding, help with thear technologie/spiritual gear to safely speed up/help kundalini/Magnum Opus achivement?
  21. Fuchs

    Satan On The Creation Of Man, Immortality And The "Transhumanist" Agenda

    They want to get rid of thear bodys fuse with machines, upload thear mind into machines to achive immortality, which is fake and not free, because you will always depend on the operator of the machine, even if they succeed.
  22. Fuchs

    Energy raising from Father

    There are front and back chakra extensions, he could start back base to crown and then finish base. This would be one circuit. See picture: Also left and right, the same, don´t know for sure, but would start with left side to right side. Then one go from base to crown and crown to base...
  23. Fuchs

    wow just wow

    How to Share Pictures on the Forum https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=43091
  24. Fuchs

    Living alone.

    Well this is not healthy, also it depends on the social/health/security structures of the country you live in. If the social/health/security structures are decent, one could life alone, if they have atleast a succubus/incubus to talk/etc.
  25. Fuchs

    Energy raising from Father

    Is there a reason, why you stop at the heart chakra and not continue to the base again/stop there?
  26. Fuchs

    A question about something that seems important.

    Everyone is free to write good posts, adress important issues, give advise, you don´t need a HP title for this.
  27. Fuchs

    Support your cause and your family in the Gods

    You can also swap your BTC to XMR.
  28. Fuchs

    Support your cause and your family in the Gods

    Sending via KYC² bought BTC from a KYC registered wallet, is like giving them your adress/name etc, not good. BTC blockchain is puplic. Buy Monero XRM, it´s should be totaly private even if boaght via KYC. Here some info about XMR (Monero): "What is Monero? Monero (XMR) is the top...
  29. Fuchs

    Support your cause and your family in the Gods

    Ledger is bad, not fully open source.
  30. Fuchs

    wow just wow

    NO! We all have to do everyday our rituals, or we will live a miserable or no life in the future. If you don´t want to work/meditate consistent to change your life your life will stay the same. I like your ability to summarize information and your good memory. If you could cut out the...
  31. Fuchs

    On Lady Sekhmet

    She did also mention it here: "Notice how I put quotation marks around black. Its not literal." HPS Shannon https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=19942 also: "Doesnt matter the race of the dedicated satanist, any of the gods can be a GD to us. The Egyptian daemon gods are...
  32. Fuchs

    Support your cause and your family in the Gods

    Better use Monero (XRM) BTC is traceabel with KYC it´s also linked on jos donation site: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Donate.html https://odysee.com/@cryptodefirevolution:1/what-is-monero-(xmr)-monero-xmr:8
  33. Fuchs

    Support your cause and your family in the Gods

    Use Cold storage /hardware wallet, look for totally open source wallets. Here are good channels to get info: https://odysee.com/@TraderUniversity:a https://odysee.com/@aantonop:8 For security this is the order most secure to not not secure (use open source): Hardware Wallet -> Phone Wallet...
  34. Fuchs

    wow just wow

    You can´t give negative advise, especially harmfull ones, even out of delusion or missunderstandings. If anything she should be happy, people did complain about it, so her advise doesn´t harm other people. One can make a error, but you have to learn from it.
  35. Fuchs

    acupuncture in ears

    Better not (purposefully permanently pierce my acupressure points), or you can´t use them, if you need them.
  36. Fuchs

    On Lady Sekhmet

    It was allready answered from Ol argedco luciftias here : https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=19942 "But Sekhet is white. She's one of Satan's wives. She just has a tan." on JOS : "SEKHET Sekhet is also known as �Sekhmet,� �Sechmet,� �Sekhait,� �Sekhautet,� �Sekhem� and...
  37. Fuchs


    ---> https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/HELP.html "WORKING WITH THE DECEASED About Necromancy Bifrons Bune Gamygen [Gives reports on those in Hell] Murmur Nebiros"
  38. Fuchs

    I ask to be verified as Astrologer

    You could ask Lydia if you could do some of her pending readings, a other way would be to ask the gods and ask them after positive feedback, to ask Lydia or HPHC to help you on your way to be a astrologer. Good luck! fuoco blu 666
  39. Fuchs

    Odd dream

    Don´t think so for the most people old, weak one did and will die from it. I think thear main aim are our reproductive organs, so they can damage them and people with money like 10.000 USD, can then buy the medicine to undo the damage and have a child again. On this way they do not disturb the...
  40. Fuchs

    Odd dream

    We were advised (HPHC) to resist as much as we can, not like: Today I feel like, as I want to get the jab, I´m free to choose blah blah ... .
  41. Fuchs

    Question about reading people's mind

    Either you hear/read the thoughts of someone else or not. To randomly think the same as someone esle is highly unlikely especialy over a longer time.
  42. Fuchs

    slight pain in my left arm after kundalini

    Sometimes if a path is blocked the kundalini doesn´t flow right and produce in body parts heat like feet, arms. Work on cleaning your chakras kunda/hatha joga.
  43. Fuchs

    AoP with or without deflection part?

    Your affirmation does miss the bold parts I´m at all times spiritually, physically and mentaly: safe, secure, motivated, purified, protected, powerfull, strong, and healthy in a positive way for me. As I did explain in the other topic the aop is for protection against physical stuff and ac...
  44. Fuchs

    some confusing questions

    1. Don´t think so, the universe is infinite so this probably applyes to the souls reincarnated. 2. Not everybody will achive immortality, morelikely like 5%, it takes effort, not everybody is willing to do this. Also Universe has so much liveabel space we can´t immagine. 3. If they want they can...
  45. Fuchs

    AoP with or without deflection part?

    Jes, but how would you change the affirmation so the originial meaning stays and it gets repelling property? I use this affirmation (aop): "I´m at all times spiritually, physically and mentaly: safe, secure, motivated, purified, protected, powerfull, strong, and healthy in a positive way for...
  46. Fuchs

    AoP with or without deflection part?

    If I would do this, then I would start a new aop, but I want to continue my old one. Some times ago I did read if one only adds a word or 2 then the affirmation/working can continue, if one is powerfull enouth.
  47. Fuchs

    Is there any physical activity can help one balance element water

    You can also vibrate SaTaNaMa, if I remember right it should also balance the elements. More info about Satanama: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=13361 Instead of invocing water you can invoce quintessence, you can´t do anything rong with it, it will balance the elements...
  48. Fuchs

    AoP with or without deflection part?

    I use this affirmation (aop): "I´m at all times spiritually, physically and mentaly: safe, secure, motivated, purified, protected, powerfull, strong, and healthy in a positive way for me." x 18 reps. How should I add there any repelling property?
  49. Fuchs

    AoP with or without deflection part?

    The question is can we only program our aura to repel energy or can somehow a affirmation like this one changed so it is also repelling: "I´m at all times spiritually, physically and mentaly: safe, secure, motivated, purified, protected, powerfull, strong, and healthy in a positive way for me."...
  50. Fuchs

    AoP with or without deflection part?

    The question is should we add reppeling property to aop and ac ? Or is only ac enouth?
  51. Fuchs

    AoP with or without deflection part?

    I use for aop this affirmation: "I´m at all times spiritually, physically and mentaly: safe, secure, motivated, purified, protected, powerfull, strong, and healthy in a positive way for me." I do not see a posability to add reppelling property to it. Your affirmation feels like the ac one...
  52. Fuchs

    Help me forget a girl please

    See here: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=63928
  53. Fuchs

    AoP with or without deflection part?

    Did create a extra topic because I think this is important for many: Pls provide your aop affirmation, I want to analyse it, thanks. If I remember right many people don´t use any deflection on there aop. Also the jos aop affirmation does not have it: "I am always totally safe and protected in...
  54. Fuchs

    A Message To Andrew Torba Of Gab [Updated October 31 2021]

    I find it important to point out the part the essenes (a jewish sect) did play in this hoax: " They were, needless to say, only a very small sect of the Jewish tribes and not a part of the Jewish conspiracy as such. Being outside of the mainstream of Jewish activity and thought, the Jews...
  55. Fuchs

    Odysee (video) links get numbers and % if copy and pasted= tracking?

    Is this some kind of tracking mechanism? I tried to repost an Odysee link, but when I pasted it here, some extra numbers and % were added to the link that didn't contain any when I copied it. When I tried to delete the numbers and % elements, the link no longer linked to the Odysee video, even...
  56. Fuchs

    About Meditation Problems

    But, by doing so, you would decrease the potential of it, which is pointless because we should do RTRs everyday and afterwards AC anyway. I also didn´t find/see a better or shorter affirmation for both, if done like I mentioned.
  57. Fuchs

    I've been getting hacked. warning

    Normaly your bank has insurance against this, just tell them, you should get your money back, and usually they will find the guys bank acc were the money did get send to.
  58. Fuchs

    About Meditation Problems

    You are right, but I did mean specific bad energy like curses, bindings, hatred, ill will, thoughtforms, and destructive energys, AC is sending those back AoP does not, well it depends on the wording probably, but I see it as most usefull to use it like this: AoP "I´m at all times spiritually...
  59. Fuchs


    You could try this meditation: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=41513
  60. Fuchs

    How To Deal With Negative Energy From Others / Outside World

    AOP (Aura of protection) + AC (Aura cleaning) everyday, also try to distance you, from other people you think are negative.
  61. Fuchs

    About Meditation Problems

    AOP is not for energy reflection(it is physical protection), AC is. Without AC you do leave a attack window wide open. Better start asap, if you want 10.31.2021. Do it every day.
  62. Fuchs

    Confidence - Leadership Working

    Jes and if you recite it, you think about being a good leader, this is a reminder /help for you.
  63. Fuchs

    Confidence - Leadership Working

    Will be is not good, better(did also cut out alpha not sure if energy will know what to do): In a positive and healthy way, I´m confident in my self and in my abilities, including leading others, I´m in control over my own life for now and forever. x18 Not super happy about the including...
  64. Fuchs

    About Meditation Problems

    Does the pain gets better, when you do returning curses 1 and 2? https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Returning_Curses.html https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Returning_Curses2.html
  65. Fuchs

    Succubus in my dreams?

    You could have both a polygamous succubus and a girlfriend. But if she did give you hints regarding girls in your area, you may should follow these. In the end it is your decision. If you want to reach out to her again, you can ask via Lord Satan, fokus on his Sigil and ask him politely to...
  66. Fuchs

    About a certain food and coffee

    With coffee/energy drinks you will see the negative effects after some jears, like increased heart attack risk... , sugar is also not great can give you later on for example diabetic disease,... . Nearly 500 years ago, Swiss physician and chemist Paracelsus expressed the basic principle of...
  67. Fuchs

    Spiritual Eugenics & Reincarnation

    I think better/stronger souls create stronger souls/new souls. If they don´t and someone reincarnates, I think the soul/gods choose a suitabel body also in accordance to the former chi level if possibel.
  68. Fuchs

    RTR energy depletion

    Here is the link to the raising energy site: https://satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/Raising_Energies.html "666 Meditation: 1. Vibrate VUUUUU into your solar chakra 6 times. 2. Vibrate VAAAHHHH into your heart chakra 6 times 3. Vibrate VOOOHHHHH into your 6th chakra 6 times. If you are uncomfortable...
  69. Fuchs

    New Member Introduction

    Much thanks.
  70. Fuchs


    Not much found this website: http://themillenniumreport.com/2017/07/a-must-read-if-you-have-rh-negative-blood/ it probably contains much bs, but maybe also some truth, read with a satanic eye: A MUST READ If You Have Rh-Negative Blood The Mystery of Rh-Negative Blood—Genetic Origin Unknown...
  71. Fuchs

    solar chakra up or down?

    In most cases down (3 chakra/sun chakra), I did read if one want´s do do black magic working (e.g. some necronomicon workings) and want to decrease the chance of connecting to the bad energy, one can align thear chakras all up. One does not have to do this, it is just a extra step like adding a...
  72. Fuchs

    Useful Information On Numbers 6 and 7

    "777 is a bad number, as it has to do with punishment, which is no wonder it relates to the hebrew egregore." HP. Hoodedcobra666 https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=22841&p=97357&hilit=777#p97357 Is 777 still a bad number if one does apply your advise?: "In the same way, this...
  73. Fuchs

    Recent Attacks Against HPHC

    Found a good video in which is explained how effective spam mails are and what the strategie behind it is: Do those “Nigerian Prince” emails actually make money? https://odysee.com/@JakeTran:3/do-those-“nigerian-prince”-emails:a Could also be a good way to improve online warfare.
  74. Fuchs

    Recent Attacks Against HPHC

    I also think people should seperate thear online profil persona from them self, HP.Hoodedcobra666 is not you, it is just your online persona. As we advance we may would give other advice of questions of the past. Not to say the former answers were not right, I want to explain you can´t recreate...
  75. Fuchs

    Confidence - Leadership Working

    I would use 88 reps instead, what will be your affirmation?
  76. Fuchs

    satanic history about italy/roman empire?

    If I remember right, the oldest Satanist writings did survive through the vedas (old indian writings), this was way before italy. From this: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=182 "The Greeks, Druids, Egyptians and Romans stated in their ancient records they came from the east...
  77. Fuchs

    RTR energy depletion

    It is best to do the RTR when your energy is at the most high the day, this should be after you did all your normal yoga/meditations -> then rtr -> cleaning[ Returning Curses Part 1 Returning Curses Part 2 https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Returning_Curses.html...
  78. Fuchs

    About Meditation Problems

    Did you had this pain before sometimes?
  79. Fuchs

    "Constantly absorbing energy"

    Ultimately: The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Without raising energy before, this won´t do much. As one who did a similar rune working 360 days straight, it did help me get better in gathering of sun energy. But it can also be detrimental in some cases like: You sit in the sun and you...
  80. Fuchs

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Satanas is better for raising energy, Satanama is more for balancing healing etc (it can be used, but Satanas is better), think the same applies for aum.
  81. Fuchs

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Satanas is better for raising energy, Satanama is more for balancing healing etc (it can be used, but Satanas is better).
  82. Fuchs

    For HP HoodedCobra666

    Old sermon from mageson: Exposing Enemy Corruption The Seven And The Mystery Of The Gan Edin https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=18092 "Exposing Enemy Corruption The Seven And The Mystery Of The Gan Edin In the east the enemy promotes the concept of the 7 chakra's and they...
  83. Fuchs

    Who am I? How do I find out? [Long Post]

    I did create this rune working you could use it for it (for a good start date look the ss calendar especialy no void of course moon https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=49621&hilit=ss+calendar): 2. Intelligence and memory working (color visualised runes and aura yellow)...
  84. Fuchs

    Donald Trump creates his own Social Media Platform

    If this is you, in your profile picture, remove it asap, enemy can use it to curse you.
  85. Fuchs

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    What ever vision you did have, even if true, we are here doing RTRs everyday so they won´t come true. Stop worrying start doing RTRs ( only after dedication, see my other post about it: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=290134#p290134).
  86. Fuchs

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    You can read the The Runic Kabalah.pdf (link) to find the right runes, if you can´t, ask again. https://web.archive.org/web/20150330181914/http://webzoom.freewebs.com/spiritualwarfare666/The%20Runic%20Kabalah.pdf From here: https://satanslibrary.org/Pdf_Library.html
  87. Fuchs

    Dream about a Black pyramid

    I think the gut feeling is also a good way to get a short sign, if someone should do something or not. Thanks for your explanation.
  88. Fuchs

    Why Myths Were All Made of Allegories?

    Well persecution, allegorics are better remembered then hard instructions similar to symbols (deep/"racial"[not sure if the right term] memorie), as you did guess, I think they are also tie in other spiritual workings of the past, like Pepe character/Kek (ancient god name/allegory/spiritual...
  89. Fuchs

    New Member Introduction

    Welcome, could you tell which software tool you use, some members did try to archive the forum with HTTrack Website copier tool (free/ if I remember right open source)? Or just give a overal statement, which tools are best to use, you could also write a guide for other people to use these tools...
  90. Fuchs

    JoS Position On Jews - We are Good, and You Are Evil

    More info about jewish crimes: https://satanslibrary.org/666BlackSun/Jew_Problem.html "2000 Years of Jewish Ritual Murder The Jews work very hard to keep Satanists/Pagans from being heard when speaking of the Jewish crimes against humanity. The most you'll usually find regarding the truth...
  91. Fuchs

    For HP HoodedCobra666

    I thought 7 chakras (pineal gland missing), was a old enemy corruption of the 8 chakras/eightfold path of astarte?
  92. Fuchs

    For HP HoodedCobra666

    Could you provide more info,planets numbers, others may could help you.
  93. Fuchs


    You don´t have to give in to paranoia, the enemy ships can´t do anything to a dedicated satanist/we are protected. Don´t fear concentrate on your advancement.
  94. Fuchs

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Only after dedication one has full protection from the gods, without protection no warfare/RTRs! Some people did ignore this (wanted to dedicate on a special date[not necessary]) did heavy warfare and got problems, which they could have avoided, if they were dedicated. Also after RTRs always do...
  95. Fuchs

    Dream about a Black pyramid

    Did you find out why this happens? Is this some sort of training for having greater more important visions?
  96. Fuchs

    Dream about a Black pyramid

    When I was younger, I had dreams about events, that did happen shortly after (1-4 days) in the same way. Everytime this happend, I thought I allready did this. These events were not something special or of great importance. Did you have the same experience?
  97. Fuchs

    Organized Body like Freemasons and CoS

    Don´t think this is the right way, to have secret codes etc, we strive for a world in which we can be free, open about our path, the only limits there should be natural limits, which can be broken down by applied practice and knowledge, free for everyone to learn about.
  98. Fuchs

    HP confirms that I am the strongest on earth?

    Probably -> solution-> void meditation. Don´t fail the 3rd teaching of Azazel: "The Third One: "Pledge [Certainty], Then Calamity" This statement, translates to “A pledge, then a calamity”. This is the most cryptic of the three statements.This statement warns strongly against being deluded on...
  99. Fuchs

    Painting of Hell

    It could be a adam eve painting with the angel talking to them naked. You could use this one: "Here is a painting from "Paradise Lost" of Satan's Palace by John Martin." from here: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Satan.html
  100. Fuchs

    Fossil fuel - The dark blood of the Earth?

    I heared a story of a university researcher who did have the blue print for a 1l /100km=62,5mi. They tryed to assasinate him twice. He couldn´t find a company willing to develop it. Also car charing or smaler cars/bikes, the possabilities are plenty, if you just fokus on one energy source...
  101. Fuchs

    Perfect Example of the Jewish Mindset I came across

    You don´t have to justify your self, as if you did something wrong, also this is a potential opening for slander (He is offmod, now promotes a jewish band, he got payed to do so...). We should not promote jewish thoughts here, be it in the form of music, art, writings with the only pretext of...
  102. Fuchs

    How you do motivation - a rough guide

    What is VM? Void Managament? I´m a big fan of first explaining something, then using the short form of it, otherwise you will repel inexperienced readers. For my Aura of Protection (AoP) I use this affirmation: "I´m at all times spiritually, physically and mentaly: safe, secure, motivated...
  103. Fuchs

    How to become more organised - a rough guide

    I like to use"to do lists" like: 1. Create a to do list 2. Write all your open task on it, including the time when they should be done, including tools, people etc... you need. 3. Prioritise which of it is the most important one 4. Furfill them in the right order, most important to not much...
  104. Fuchs

    Fossil fuel - The dark blood of the Earth?

    You can get good info about the runes from The Runic Kabalah pdf, especially if you read the sources from which HPS Maxine took the info, keep in mind not all info in the books are perfect, read with a satanic eye, would not waste my time with other sites/sources : [also you never know if the...
  105. Fuchs

    How to be a man. @Jack

    Be your self, develop your self to the best possibel you, inspire others to do the same.
  106. Fuchs

    Fossil fuel - The dark blood of the Earth?

    Don´t think so, I mean what should it sustain?(Blood sustains body cells) It is a living organism if looked at it in a greater picture. Well it did need thousands of years with pressure, what they lye about, is how much off it is left, plenty, probably some percent of it gets regenerated...
  107. Fuchs

    How to Reset VoC Working Or Mercury Retrograde

    See SS Calendar for a good starting date for your meditations or online purchases: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=49621&hilit=ss+calendar
  108. Fuchs

    Short question

    If they are both asian and have the same subrace (best case).
  109. Fuchs


    Fresh herbs, are best if you are abel. Some do even look for astrology moon (waxing waning) to pick the right moment the plant has maximum potential.
  110. Fuchs

    If you are stuck

    Here is the full list of mudras: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=30115&p=130915&hilit=mudra+fist#p130915 I think goldwhite is better for cleaning, but for burning enemy energy blue satanic flames really work well. You may want to use Satanic flames and after clean with...
  111. Fuchs

    If you are stuck

    Just fill your whole being with blue flames, chakras everything end of deal. If they have admin acces, so do you. Don´t limit your self. Want it, feel it, do it, forget about it. x 40 days straight. (Don´t start on a void of course moon) You can increase the energy collection process with this...
  112. Fuchs

    Spiritual attack

    Do they tell you to do negative things? Or do you just hear random things, could it be that you hear the thoughts of those people?
  113. Fuchs

    Does it make the body healthy just by doing this?

    Should be ok, short term, see: https://www.eatthis.com/high-protein-beans/
  114. Fuchs


    On the New JOS Site [https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/AzazelHC.html] I get 404 Error for: Honorary/Invocatory [https://www.satanisgod.org/Gods/Azazel_PsalmHC.html] also for Psalm to Azazel [https://www.satanisgod.org/Gods/Azazel_PsalmHC.html] The second...
  115. Fuchs


    Thuja is a rather poisonous herb (even low quantities are bad for you diggested), if you want to give people advice with herbs you should also include the quantity of the herbs they should take + the daily dosage. About herbs in general it is not good to take most herbs longer then 30 days in...
  116. Fuchs

    If you are stuck

    Did you ever try satanic blue fire (about your parasite problem), with sealing your aura do you mean the aura of protection working?
  117. Fuchs

    Native Americans as Satan's people?

    Would it change something, if this would be true? Still no racemixing, still everybody has to do the RTRs everyday, if for example a "pure aryan" would be lazy, his race wouldn´t benefit from it. Every gentile race can reach godhood/ maximum potential, I see no point in asking who is the...
  118. Fuchs

    sky gods

    I would stick with Inanna you can do afterwards this working (BTW Astaroth is a enemy male blasfemy the right way spelled is Astarte, it´s still online because most people know her with this name, sad but true, also it is bad vibrating Astaroth same with some names so better stick with what is...
  119. Fuchs

    New Vaccine To Prevent Opioid Overdose

    We should fokus on natural solutions, like meditation for this, it will also be beneficial in raising the planets overal vibration level, so the gods can visit savely.
  120. Fuchs

    Working to cause Hercules gene?

    If you worry to much about negative stuff , that could happen, which the rune could cause, while using a rune, you might get this, as it should be clear only fokus on the positive you want from the rune/runecombination/intended working (white magic).
  121. Fuchs

    Can Demons help me with martial arts?

    Sure, this is the reason, I did post it to begin with, if the probably most advanced of us have sometimes problems it might not be a good idear to train martial arts move with it, because you do something rong and you might hurt yourself.
  122. Fuchs

    The enemy wanders to their doom

    And in the afterlife the gods wait, to give them a warm greeting.
  123. Fuchs

    New Vaccine To Prevent Opioid Overdose

    It´s like, get addicted from our stuff, but don´t kill your self, we need you alive and working/slaving for us.
  124. Fuchs

    Why The Enemy Isn't Gone Yet?

    I once did read a story that some 100-200 people did gather in a city and did meditate for peacefull life there, during this time the crime rate dropped by 80-90%. I don´t think all the meditators where crimminals :lol:.
  125. Fuchs

    Catholic church in France abusing up to 330,000 children since 1950's

    Even the pope did admit it back then, saying the "devil" is accusing the "good people of god". It was the time when millions of people did cancel thear membership in the churches. Can´t remember the exact year.
  126. Fuchs

    Catholic church in France abusing up to 330,000 children since 1950's

    Hardcore xtians are hooked to the enemy energy vortex, it gives them sort of false mild high/peace feeling while they get drained off thear energy/pray, it makes them addicted like a drug. For more info you can read: https://satanslibrary.org/ExposingChristianity/EXPOSING_CHRISTIANITY_MAIN.html
  127. Fuchs

    Can Demons help me with martial arts?

    I sayed sometimes, probably related to astrological bad times.
  128. Fuchs

    Throat Chakra Activation? Next steps

    Youre right did missremember
  129. Fuchs

    Working to cause Hercules gene?

    Did they use my working or just a other combination with hagl? (I mainly use green color for the working) I do it, since I did post it to this day. No bad experience so far I can tell.
  130. Fuchs


    Does anybody here, not buy stuff from Amazon, etc? Better give them your money then Bezoz. I always try to support with my spendings decent persons/businesses.
  131. Fuchs

    Can Demons help me with martial arts?

    You realise even our HP HPS have sometimes problems with clear astral communication, you can try, but I think you are better of only training with youtube videos and searching a sparring partner. You could try asking one of the gods listed in the military section...
  132. Fuchs

    Health working

    Do the working with english affirmation.
  133. Fuchs

    Working to cause Hercules gene?

    Well we only use 30% something of our muskle force, so our bones don´t get damaged. If you want to decrease weight eat less then you consume food/energy a day. !Not for new or inexperienced meditators! I made this rune working a jear ago, if you imagine while doing it, your body in the way...
  134. Fuchs

    Why The Enemy Isn't Gone Yet?

    Well unspiritual people can still be good people. We should not brag about it and some casual activities now or then won´t hinder your spiritual progress, remember you want to be a future god, who has the task, to guide people to the same level. If they are realy toxic, remove them from your life.
  135. Fuchs

    Will this year be a dangerous winter in Europe and the USA?

    Everything can, nothing has to be, better be prepared as good as possible, then sorry. 2 - 4 people can survive cold weather like bees or pinguins, if they sit next to each other, using thear body heat with some sheets.
  136. Fuchs

    Color of the soul's wings ?

    You did mean a lucid dream for more info: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=56867&p=255692&hilit=lucid+dreaming#p255692 https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=61482&p=274385&hilit=lucid+dreaming#p274385 Can´t really give a good anwers, but colors have different...
  137. Fuchs

    Culture following?

    Follow what helps you best/ to improve the best in this livetime.
  138. Fuchs

    One little question about identity

    Most of your persona is from your birth chart (astrological planets position influencing you), you inherit some karma from your parents and even your hole family tree. It is normal, to want justice.
  139. Fuchs

    Throat Chakra Activation? Next steps

    While you do the raum meditation you do head back and forth ², with kunda joga you do head circling, it was said some people tend to do mudras (hand positions) on thear own while meditating out of thear memory. Can you force your head to be in one position while you meditate? 2...
  140. Fuchs

    A Collection of Quotes From the Gods

    "A soul's outcome in the afterlife is based upon knowledge." "Knowledge of past lives can be acquired by breathing exercises, which recall the memory of the soul." "How well the deceased person had established truth in his or her lifetime, against the powers of evil." "Did the deceased embrace...
  141. Fuchs

    Why The Enemy Isn't Gone Yet?

    I try to summarize, what I think I did understand: There are different levels of existence higher and lower ones, the universe has regions who are higher and lower(Layers). Earth is in a lower level. Beings of higher level have here a dissadvantage up to mortality if they would be attacked...
  142. Fuchs

    A Collection of Quotes From the Gods

    "Human beings must become enlightened in order to find their way in the dark. Becoming enlightened means becoming smart travelers, who acquire knowledge of the way, an understanding of the local language and friendship with other travelers. We are all travelers in eternity." Thoth
  143. Fuchs

    About New Meditation Section

    A jear or so ago, I did create this rune working: 2. Intelligence and memory working (color visualised runes and aura yellow) MANNAZ+LÖGR+ODHAL+PERTHRO (Madur+ Lögur+Odal+Pero norwegian spelled one breath together) x111 reps "My intelligence and memory are increasing in a healthy and...
  144. Fuchs

    Introspective Meditation: Increasing Conscious Awareness

    Did you ever try "to do lists" like: 1. Create a to do list 2. Write all your open task on it including the time when they should be done. 3. Prioritise which of it is the most important one 4. Furfill them in the right order most important to not much important.
  145. Fuchs

    What is the best way to cleanse your home of negative energy?

    One can charge thear herbs with energy, just wanted to mention. But without it is mostly placebo, as herbs don´t have much energy on thear own. "Herbs by themselves have little magickal power. In order to practice powerful witchcraft using herbs, the herbs must be infused with power. This is...
  146. Fuchs

    Affirmation guidance?

    Jes was directed at Fluffystuff
  147. Fuchs

    Making Mistakes And The Gods, Reaching Our Human Perfection

    Just for new people, only use the sigils of the gods to connect with them, not some pictures, skulptures, etc.
  148. Fuchs

    Affirmation guidance?

    Why do people spend thear energy on unnecessary things, unless you are a spy or something similar, this should not be your priority. Also don´t show off with it.
  149. Fuchs

    What is the best way to cleanse your home of negative energy?

    You made a point it may not be ideal for starters, but with returning curses you push the dirt away from you/places/etc at a place you like and condense it there, after ritual you ask a Demon or Demones to take it away or you shoot it your self away, normaly you know where the negativity is...
  150. Fuchs

    Anonymity 101

    Some good adviced you have given, but I always thought you can´t use tor with youtube, because youtube requires java script "FYI - in terms of being vulnerable, if you have javascript enabled on Tor, then that is the same as not using Tor at all. I don't, but thanks for reminder No problem...
  151. Fuchs

    Affirmation guidance?

    Always include in a safe and healthy way and the question is, why would you want to remove (permanent) a working you do?
  152. Fuchs

    I need sleep... pls help

    Void meditation ignore the entity compleatly, don´t engage in any succubus ritual let´s say for 1 jear. First work on your astral senses if you can talk with your gd clear, then try again if you still need it. Do also returning curses 1 &2...
  153. Fuchs

    What is the best way to cleanse your home of negative energy?

    You can do returning curses 1&2 just imagine your home instead of your body change the affirmation accordingly.
  154. Fuchs

    Energy drinks, alcohol and softdrinks

    In general everything that does inbalance you, is bad for you. I can´t give a statement regarding the aura. I stopped drinking cola after I realised 1,5l of it, is nearly one day food energy consumption / 1700 calories.
  155. Fuchs

    Fall in love!

    So it was a missunderstanding, I didn´t know Incel means "Involuntarily Celibate" I thought it was similar to subhuman. Well I think birth control is important and the wimmen should have a choice, everything else feels rong, we need to find a better solution, maybe the state should be boosting...
  156. Fuchs

    Into Satan's Great Upcoming Aeon

    Even if they would succeed, I think any psychic member, would be proud to act as a vessel for his soul to continue his service from the astral. They may could in theory destroy his body, but they can never erase his soul and burning fighting passion for Satans Kindom to arise, long live HP...
  157. Fuchs

    Fall in love!

    See it like this: you achive MO and then as a God you get a "incel" to lead to godhood, become his GD, will you then discard him, or would you try to help in every possibel way so he reaches godhood? For me the word Incel feels heavy rong like in german: Heide, it means pagan but in a bad way...
  158. Fuchs

    Past Life Regression: A Warning And Explanation

    How does one know if they lived only this time/one being a new fresh soul? And the only use besides the points you mentioned, would be discovering things like a fortune, one did hide in a former lifetime, but I think something like this did not happen often in peoples former lives. With...
  159. Fuchs

    Fall in love!

    Here you go (man 4 wifes is superior to incel /singel man): "Nowadays this concept of Monogamous marriage is being eroded and more and more people are becoming increasingly accepting of previously present historical pairing of one high value man and many women as sex becomes extremely scarce...
  160. Fuchs

    Fall in love!

    You portray a men who has 4 wifes as superior to someone who does not reproduce. If I recall right, Adolf Hitler didn´t have 4 Wifes and 12 Children, was he inferiour to someone who did have? Sure not. Ones value is not only determined by the number of wifes or children. Everyone should do...
  161. Fuchs

    Fall in love!

    I tryed with open questions to show you your error in your logic, I don´t think only the best genetic people did always reproduce, as for example some warriors had the best genetics, but were gay so they went out to fight for thear homeland, protect thear people including polygamous people, they...
  162. Fuchs

    Social Engineering useages for advertising JOS

    Sure, everyone can write how they did benefit/ tell one of the storys how they did solve a problem with magic.
  163. Fuchs

    Fall in love!

    Why do you think 100% off all wimmen are fit to reproduce, but somehow only 40% of all men should? If we take this nature´s way of guaranteeing only the best Gene´s pass through to the extreme, well look at this picture: Should we now limit the reproduction to only men like him? Is any...
  164. Fuchs

    Fall in love!

    Killing someone for cheating is a little bit overkill so to speak, I mean will he learn anything from it? Will he be different in a other lifetime? Don´t think so, better cast a nasty STD on him, so he may rethinks his behaviour.
  165. Fuchs

    Fall in love!

    "The thing about Satan having 5 wives is from common grimoire, and "Sekhmet" being his wife I have already explained. The Five Wives is a nod to the five elements, and the 5 regions of "Hell" these lead are the 5 regions of the soul in which each of the five elements is present. Lilith is his...
  166. Fuchs

    Meditation to help you stay healthy and protected in adverse situations

    18 is a powernumber a smaler powernumber. It is all fine what you say, but I think the chance of someone doing a bigger working successfull over time is greater then doing 5 smaler ones everyday. It is also the same effort, if you vibrate for example 88 time aum or vibrate it 11 times 8 reps...
  167. Fuchs

    Should I worry about that?

    Do double one day.
  168. Fuchs

    Want to scream. News from Australia, New Caledonia and Italy

    I asked something similar HPHC did answer: I "Vaccines are given to prevent people from advancing thear souls." Statement from a probably new age guy in a video. Do you think this is possibel? This would be, the wet dream of the enemy." HPHC: "At this point in time and for the foreseeable...
  169. Fuchs

    Fall in love!

    I once did read a story about someone who did loose interest in his wife: He did meet a fortune teller, the fortune teller told him he will find the wimmen of his dreams if he is good to his wife for 40 days straight, she adviced him to help his wife more in the house, give her free time from...
  170. Fuchs

    New Pineal Gland/6th Chakra Meditation by Me and HPS Maxine [Audio Updated]

    Do not change the meditation, just do it, as it is written, I do viualise them always like goldwhite cones spinning counterclockwise. With visualisation if you can´t visualise something then just try to visualise the area in goldwhite getting brither over time.
  171. Fuchs

    Easy, natural and permanent cure for Neurodermatitis?

    Much thanks for the provided infos Maya and Blitzkreig.
  172. Fuchs

    Everyone Will Want To Join, But It Will Be Too Late

    For the mosquitos, there is allready a solution: How to Make a DIY Mosquito Trap That Actually Works! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3LrFwGWu20 "In this video I show you how I made a DIY mosquito trap that really works! Seeing the Dynatrap mosquito traps interested me in making my own but...
  173. Fuchs

    [3 DAYS ADDED - SEPTEMBER 28-30] / RTR Schedule September - 28th to September 30th - 2021

    Always after do: Returning Curses Part 1 https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Returning_Curses.html
  174. Fuchs

    Demon sigils in dream

    Maybe you did allready know each other from past lives, or you can do a specific task no one else is suitabel for.
  175. Fuchs

    Meditation to help you stay healthy and protected in adverse situations

    no offence taken, just try to work with powernumbers, also one big rune working is better then 3 short ones.
  176. Fuchs

    A tip from my GD regarding the FRTR

    HPHC did once write, it can be done first, both ways are valid the question is, is it also good or better to do it at the end and beginning like encapsulating the FRTR+Tetra? You said you can ask your GD, then pls do, I know communication can be off and is difficult.
  177. Fuchs

    Luck or choose

    A1 Jes A2 not personaly, but somehow influenced Musik/Art/Poetry/Symbols/knowledge. Which brings out the question, was all this art etc done in advance, for each and any singel individual carefully done, who does join us, like a chain of influences, that ultimately lead to our purpose of...
  178. Fuchs

    Worried about Mars

    Normal Peoples aura influence: Planets "aura" influence: There is no way someone can change the plants energies, if we would be able, this could be also changed/blocked if enouth/powerfull people live here, on earth.
  179. Fuchs

    Demon sigils in dream

    Contact the demons which are connected to the sigils you did see? Or in general do more void sigil meditation: Fokus on a sigil of the demon and don´t think about anything just fokus on the sigil try to feel it.
  180. Fuchs

    Fall in love!

    If you are also singel, I would say go for it, if she says no, then you can calm down, feel a little sad, but if she says jes well you might have a nice time, maybe she waits for you to say something (Does she give any signals?). Don´t waste this opportunity, also the company does not decide...
  181. Fuchs

    I was one of Jehova's Witnesses

    Pls read: Exposing Christianity https://satanslibrary.org/ExposingChristianity/EXPOSING_CHRISTIANITY_MAIN.html There are no sins, the only sins there are, are in your mind beliving in them.
  182. Fuchs

    Some questions i need answer please, regarding spirituality and fluoride in water and tooth health products. Please.

    What? Are you sure? This rather sounds to me people get unnecessarily addicted to snuff tobacco.
  183. Fuchs

    Jewish features but not a jew

    Like a jewish child? Could you pls post the exact post of HPS Maxine, this does not sound like her.
  184. Fuchs

    Meditation FEELS GOOD?!?!?!?

    If you masturbate, use the energy for your self advancement like: In a positive and healthy way for me, the orgasmic energy is cleaning my chakras, fully, permanent. x 8 times after climax. Also visualise this in you with goldwhite energy. There is also the book multiorgasmic men from Mantak...
  185. Fuchs

    Some questions i need answer please, regarding spirituality and fluoride in water and tooth health products. Please.

    No you can´t loose energy, by cleaning, it is quite the contrary, it is best to first clean, then do all meditations, then do RTRs, then clean again--> Returning Curses Part 1 https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Returning_Curses.html I find it astonishing that...
  186. Fuchs

    Some considerations about RTRs Attacks

    First off all thank you for joining, did you allready dedicate? With dedication you get protection (including physical/don´t be stupid) etc, only after one can safely do the RTRs, if combined with cleaning afterwards, if you do your dedication, just avoid void of course moon any other date is...
  187. Fuchs

    Afghanistan And Taliban [Megathread] : Prepare For Another 2015 Europe "Crisis"

    The pictures we see could also be produced within the US in a movie studio, I did see something similar from prior terrorist clips, who are aired to frighten the masses, create a counteraction, which will benefit the JNWO, like more migrants for the world. Your sarcasm brightens my day.
  188. Fuchs

    Immortality Without Wisdom?

    I always thought with Magnum Opus, the body gets compleately renewed, lost body parts grow back etc, or was there body not fit, for the process of doing the Magnum Opus? If the later, how has a body to be, to be fit for Magnum Opus. Please nobody should be scared, by me asking this question...
  189. Fuchs

    Pass on Satanism to the Trends

    Keep in mind online safety: Staying Safe On The Forums And Online https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=42971
  190. Fuchs

    Enemy pretending to be Satan in lucid dream + I need some help with lots of attacks while meditating

    Satanic blue flames, fight back, don´t have fear, let them be afraid of you. They can´t harm you, you are protected/dedicated they only can scare you.
  191. Fuchs

    Some Colored Insulting Clergy.

    This may be a translation error, but you are not a HP/clergy. If you write someones name here, who knows you, this can be linked to you back.
  192. Fuchs

    A tip from my GD regarding the FRTR

    What about: Shattering the soul -> FRTR and Tetra -> Shattering the soul ? Or should all 3 always be done togehter, as 3 is for endings?
  193. Fuchs

    Meditation to help you stay healthy and protected in adverse situations

    Have to strongly disagree here: "3. In the energy meditation, you will do it normally, with the difference that on the exhale, you will vibrate the rune URUZ, for a total of 14, 12, or 10 repetitions. 14 is better, but you can do 12 or 10 to save time, but below that I don't recommend it because...
  194. Fuchs

    Liberalism and Socialism

    Thanks for the info Siatris Ioholo. I realy like Gear88 signature it explains it very well and short what NS is about: :idea: National Socialism is not fascism, fascism is not National Socialism! Why are we memetically assaulted into a lump labelled Fascism. Do you, pinko, know what Fascism...
  195. Fuchs

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    About not hating all jews: How do you know, that a jew didn´t sacrifice gentile children in a past live? The enemy did in the past let´s call it nagging of the demons by summoning them, it is like someone would call your number all day long, you can´t block thear calls compleately, because...
  196. Fuchs

    Additional Information On Beelzebul - [Advanced Knowledge] - Updated + On JoS Page Now

    33 was also related to the bones in the spine also: "Upon reaching the 33rd degree (this now a days is much different from the original rank where spiritual knowledge was obtained and the 33 degrees represented the spinal column and the kundalni)"...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
