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Immortality Without Wisdom?

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Young Faith said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
A common misconception that many humans have, is that the more ignorance for a person, the more 'happy' they are...
I particularly hate when people say that they supposedly would not want to be immortal because the enemy basically told humanity for centuries that immortality is something bad and unnatural. These people when asked if they would want to be immortal would probably answer something like "I would not want to see everyone else die" or either "It would get boring". This is for the most part Hollywood's fault, as there are plenty of movies and series where the theme of immortality gets explored by one or more immortal characters than carry this trait like if it was a burden. First example coming to my mind is the character Cain from the popular TV series Lucifer, which I guess it's cool that they explore a non-evil version of Lucifer, but everything else is just straight garbage. Even Highlander has the same theme if I remember well. Holy fuck, what a horrible message that movie has, these immortal beings fighting each other and the prize is mortality.

Many people also falsely have been obsessing over becoming immortal, but for no particular reason either.

The fear of many people for immortality is not a very misplaced fear at all times. One living forever at the level of a very materialist lifestyle, would eventually become very boring and dull.

The Gods have placed the ability of immortality in sight, but the key is that as one is getting there, they also elevate their soul. This is why this is the end goal in Satanism and that is achieved by Meditation and the Magnum Opus.

A person being solely biologically immortal, might as well be a cursed. Death in such a person, or even the renewal of becoming another person through reincarnation, is actually revitalizing. Woes can be left behind and many people can forget and have a fresh start. The soul remains and they can heal it in the next go. For many normal people, death can come as a relief, after a human being has come full circle.

For those who also work spiritually, they can be elevated and lifted to higher levels of being to continue easier, and so on, so forth.

The enemy did not only remove the "Tree of Life" aka Immortality from humanity. They removed first and foremost before that the "Tree of Knowledge". This is the consciousness and spiritual understanding.

There is an Ancient Greek myth of Tithonus. Tithonus was made immortal by a Goddess, by in the allegory the Goddess forgot to give him eternal youth. As a result, Tithonus was constantly becoming older and older and not really dying, decaying and decaying indefinitely until he remained in a state of a vegetable that could not move at all. Eventually he was begging to be killed in his mind but he couldn't even move or die. He also had to watch his family die and so on, as one would deduct from this. All of this can be really painful and if one does not have understanding, it will not affect them well.

Imagining the average person of today somehow immortal, it would be a curse on them and they would suffer greatly. In a way, it makes far more sense that at this level of consciousness they live as much they do, and that is great for them too.

One can only imagine if China for example found a way to elongate the lifespan of enslaved workers, what it would mean for a human soul to live let's say 150 years in consistent unending serfdom where one is not even allowed to die or suicide. That would not be progress, that would be a nightmare beyond imagination. This is also one of the reasons of the Gods in why they oppose these slavery infested systems that want to turn humans into borg greys. Copious suffering is involved. This is not the proper way to go about this.

In a decent society, with aims for the future, or freedom, then this is when elongating life is a great and even necessary practice, because one wants to actually have more power to evolve. One would also want to have time to look into themselves more, learn about the universe, explore life and so on. Then, elongating lifespan would come as a gift.

The above story of Tithonus is to display what are the ramifications of getting power over something but not in the proper way. Immortal? Sure. But they forgot the youth and then this is what happened in the allegorical myth. It's the same with meditation and advancement.

Only people who understand more things about life will come in better terms with immortality or elongated lifespan. However, even this, is nothing and means nothing if one does not advance as a being or has self consciousness and other things.

The enemy greys apparently can live for about 150 to 300 years, but they are unconscious slaves and it's as if they don't even exist, since they don't have any self consciousness. Some others I have read and I would certainly believe, don't live more than 20-30 years as they are a disposable kind. They are a biohazard. I am sure if any of them had any "individual" consciousness and awareness of self in this sorry state for 150 or 300 years, they would want to immediately suicide or pull the plug to the whole thing that consumed them.

Likewise, many people on this earth such as billionaires and others who are non conscious and unable to grasp the meaning of existence, rave ad nauseum about immortality. They are desperately after this like blinded, but they always somehow seem to fail or it goes south. There are also tales in modern books such as Harry Potter about this. This will never work and that's because the universe deems it so.

From a scientific perspective, reducing the woes of old age, and expanding the lifespan is the first thing that will be properly attained. That is attainable by science and will probably be mainstream in the close by future. We are talking of an age like 120 or 140 or so.

This if combined with meditation will have wonderful outcomes for human beings, because it will help us escape a lot of delays. On it's own, it will just mean people drink beers and watch Netflix all day for just an extra 30 or 40 years. The prolonging of lifespan won't even be some sort of advancement. It might even reassure people remain further retarded.

In the ancient past quite a few people have been said to have lived for 300, 400 or even 800 years [non immortals, just elongated lifespan]. That is possible for extremely advanced mediators. Back then it was called the "Age of the Nephilim", a thousand of so years after the Gods physically departed. Of course, life was rife with meaning and one would want to definitely live a very long time to finish important work into this world and on themselves.

Yet even this did not necessitate immortality, and beings who have done that [very few] have known how to become immortal, but over other reasons such as needing to move to another body, they decided to let themselves "die" and reincarnate again. Our planet is also affected by both a zone that affects ageing, but also a zone of existence that affects consciousness. Then the enemy has added wrongly into this to damn humanity and make a very difficult time interval for us collectively, even worse.

These are also a natural cycle, in part. Both of these path are paths that are sister paths into the proper attainment of the end goal in Spiritual Satanism.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Being too scared of death, I've never thought about this. It actually makes sense and, if I've never thought about it, it's likely because I am utterly blinded by fear.
This is a very good explanation. I have also heard the same rebuttals over and over from people how immortality "would get boring" or "emtpy" This definately would not happen with evolution of the soul. There are always things to discover, as well as the next steps for self betterment. The more one does this and focuses on this, the greater experiences they will have and the more doors will open, that is something i could hardly find boring.
This is a womderful topic. When I was at University I created the “150 Club” for those who wanted to live a minimum of that many years. There were 2 people as members, my best friend and myself. We could never get other people to join. They were more interested in death religions. I have remained in the club as has my friend, and my wife set this as a goal as well. However, she and I updated it to physical immortality….and it has been that way for me for quite a while. In fact, when someone says, “We all die sooner or later”, I say, “not me. I plan on neing immortal”. Sometimes this leads to conversations as to why they would hate to live forever. I think the key is one has to build, create and find satisfaction in ones life. If one let’s the disappointments and occasional failures get to you instead of finding a way to overcome and beat their challenges one eventually thinks, “Hey that grave is starting to look pretty good.” For me it is a combo of overcoming and gaining my material goals and also my spiritual ones, a synergy of sorts. I’m never happier than when I keep creating a better future in both areas.

Excellent Sermon.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
One living forever at the level of a very materialist lifestyle, would eventually become very boring and dull.
This is a very insightful post. It's interesting how the jew-pushed pastimes like watching soap operas on Netflix and collecting one of every random plastic collectible lead to no improvement in one's life or wisdom. It gets very boring. The only way of keeping immortality interesting is with improvement. New inventions, scientific discovery, spiritual advancement, etc. Otherwise life becomes like dice: eventually you will have seen all the sides, and even though you don't know what happens next, you've seen it already. The only way eternal life can be worthwhile is if the universe is infinite and eternal. This just happens to be what the Joy of Satan has been saying for years about the universe.
If one is scared of death, they can surely put lots of effort into prolonging their life. SaTaNaMa for healing and removing negative aspects of aging. Fire-type energy workings for improving vitality. Perhaps similar workings for reducing sleep requirements. Workings to increase productivity can also be done, to ensure one gets even further in their advancement, and so on.

The world of our future will be one where reincarnation is not scary. Like all things, the enemy has made us despise something that is otherwise neutral. All of life's aspects will be worth living again, so don't worry about having to go through this process again.
I always thought with Magnum Opus, the body gets compleately renewed, lost body parts grow back etc, or was there body not fit, for the process of doing the Magnum Opus?

If the later, how has a body to be, to be fit for Magnum Opus.

Please nobody should be scared, by me asking this question (could have got a sign to not ask, but really want to know).

If this Question does more harm then good, then pls dissaprove the post
HP. Hoodedcobra666

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Yet even this did not necessitate immortality, and beings who have done that [very few] have known how to become immortal, but over other reasons such as needing to move to another body, they decided to let themselves "die" and reincarnate again.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Excellent topic as always HPHC. I believe the fact that the Magnum Opus process is required to achieve immortality is for this reason, so that the person achieves wisdom and can obtain the mindset necessary to live immortality as fully as possible. If the person doesn't have a clear objective of why he wants to be immortal, it loses its meaning, after all, what is the point of living forever if it is not to accomplish a great work that requires continuous effort, or to evolve oneself and reach higher and higher levels of power in order to accomplish more and more great works? I believe that this is the reason why immortality is something difficult to achieve; after all, the adept's willpower for this goal will be tested to the limit. If the motivations are weak, the adept will not be able to hold on to this goal until the end.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Young Faith said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
A common misconception that many humans have, is that the more ignorance for a person, the more 'happy' they are...
I particularly hate when people say that they supposedly would not want to be immortal because the enemy basically told humanity for centuries that immortality is something bad and unnatural. These people when asked if they would want to be immortal would probably answer something like "I would not want to see everyone else die" or either "It would get boring". This is for the most part Hollywood's fault, as there are plenty of movies and series where the theme of immortality gets explored by one or more immortal characters than carry this trait like if it was a burden. First example coming to my mind is the character Cain from the popular TV series Lucifer, which I guess it's cool that they explore a non-evil version of Lucifer, but everything else is just straight garbage. Even Highlander has the same theme if I remember well. Holy fuck, what a horrible message that movie has, these immortal beings fighting each other and the prize is mortality.

Many people also falsely have been obsessing over becoming immortal, but for no particular reason either.

The fear of many people for immortality is not a very misplaced fear at all times. One living forever at the level of a very materialist lifestyle, would eventually become very boring and dull.

The Gods have placed the ability of immortality in sight, but the key is that as one is getting there, they also elevate their soul. This is why this is the end goal in Satanism and that is achieved by Meditation and the Magnum Opus.

A person being solely biologically immortal, might as well be a cursed. Death in such a person, or even the renewal of becoming another person through reincarnation, is actually revitalizing. Woes can be left behind and many people can forget and have a fresh start. The soul remains and they can heal it in the next go. For many normal people, death can come as a relief, after a human being has come full circle.

For those who also work spiritually, they can be elevated and lifted to higher levels of being to continue easier, and so on, so forth.

The enemy did not only remove the "Tree of Life" aka Immortality from humanity. They removed first and foremost before that the "Tree of Knowledge". This is the consciousness and spiritual understanding.

There is an Ancient Greek myth of Tithonus. Tithonus was made immortal by a Goddess, by in the allegory the Goddess forgot to give him eternal youth. As a result, Tithonus was constantly becoming older and older and not really dying, decaying and decaying indefinitely until he remained in a state of a vegetable that could not move at all. Eventually he was begging to be killed in his mind but he couldn't even move or die. He also had to watch his family die and so on, as one would deduct from this. All of this can be really painful and if one does not have understanding, it will not affect them well.

Imagining the average person of today somehow immortal, it would be a curse on them and they would suffer greatly. In a way, it makes far more sense that at this level of consciousness they live as much they do, and that is great for them too.

One can only imagine if China for example found a way to elongate the lifespan of enslaved workers, what it would mean for a human soul to live let's say 150 years in consistent unending serfdom where one is not even allowed to die or suicide. That would not be progress, that would be a nightmare beyond imagination. This is also one of the reasons of the Gods in why they oppose these slavery infested systems that want to turn humans into borg greys. Copious suffering is involved. This is not the proper way to go about this.

In a decent society, with aims for the future, or freedom, then this is when elongating life is a great and even necessary practice, because one wants to actually have more power to evolve. One would also want to have time to look into themselves more, learn about the universe, explore life and so on. Then, elongating lifespan would come as a gift.

The above story of Tithonus is to display what are the ramifications of getting power over something but not in the proper way. Immortal? Sure. But they forgot the youth and then this is what happened in the allegorical myth. It's the same with meditation and advancement.

Only people who understand more things about life will come in better terms with immortality or elongated lifespan. However, even this, is nothing and means nothing if one does not advance as a being or has self consciousness and other things.

The enemy greys apparently can live for about 150 to 300 years, but they are unconscious slaves and it's as if they don't even exist, since they don't have any self consciousness. Some others I have read and I would certainly believe, don't live more than 20-30 years as they are a disposable kind. They are a biohazard. I am sure if any of them had any "individual" consciousness and awareness of self in this sorry state for 150 or 300 years, they would want to immediately suicide or pull the plug to the whole thing that consumed them.

Likewise, many people on this earth such as billionaires and others who are non conscious and unable to grasp the meaning of existence, rave ad nauseum about immortality. They are desperately after this like blinded, but they always somehow seem to fail or it goes south. There are also tales in modern books such as Harry Potter about this. This will never work and that's because the universe deems it so.

From a scientific perspective, reducing the woes of old age, and expanding the lifespan is the first thing that will be properly attained. That is attainable by science and will probably be mainstream in the close by future. We are talking of an age like 120 or 140 or so.

This if combined with meditation will have wonderful outcomes for human beings, because it will help us escape a lot of delays. On it's own, it will just mean people drink beers and watch Netflix all day for just an extra 30 or 40 years. The prolonging of lifespan won't even be some sort of advancement. It might even reassure people remain further retarded.

In the ancient past quite a few people have been said to have lived for 300, 400 or even 800 years [non immortals, just elongated lifespan]. That is possible for extremely advanced mediators. Back then it was called the "Age of the Nephilim", a thousand of so years after the Gods physically departed. Of course, life was rife with meaning and one would want to definitely live a very long time to finish important work into this world and on themselves.

Yet even this did not necessitate immortality, and beings who have done that [very few] have known how to become immortal, but over other reasons such as needing to move to another body, they decided to let themselves "die" and reincarnate again. Our planet is also affected by both a zone that affects ageing, but also a zone of existence that affects consciousness. Then the enemy has added wrongly into this to damn humanity and make a very difficult time interval for us collectively, even worse.

These are also a natural cycle, in part. Both of these path are paths that are sister paths into the proper attainment of the end goal in Spiritual Satanism.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

This is a very meaningful and great post HP Hooded Cobra. It resonates with alot of realizations I have came to about my reasoning for not wanting to reincarnate in this life, and go all the way, not just an elongated life span, but the full complete magnum opus.

Is there any insight you could give or add, regarding satanists who are extreme focused, and dedicated on achieving the full extent of the great work, or if they should not exclude the possibility of not getting there in one lifetime?

I was just curious on your thoughts.
Ready to fit my shoes. If it fits just wear it times displaced but found truth ready for whats next.

Akra hass sa-va huume
Hail satan
Another wrong and dangerous thing that some people do is to seek safety in ignorance. They are just cowards and deluded and with that they only make their situation worse.
the universe is vast.

love and trust in the gods. i trust their love and plan.

thank you. for bringing us knowledge.

it would take me 20 yrs without you. you accelerate my progress.
Nice. They said that Noah lived about 1000 years. I don't this is true or false but some scientist said that with the technology in future human can become immortal. I don't know there will be technology like this or not but I heard that Jew's have cloned their self and when some part of their body fail they just change it look at the Island movie (2005) something like this.
Siavash said:
Nice. They said that Noah lived about 1000 years. I don't this is true or false but some scientist said that with the technology in future human can become immortal. I don't know there will be technology like this or not but I heard that Jew's have cloned their self and when some part of their body fail they just change it look at the Island movie (2005) something like this.
Immortality is achieved through Spiritual Alchemy, not mere technological instruments.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
In the ancient past quite a few people have been said to have lived for 300, 400 or even 800 years [non immortals, just elongated lifespan]. That is possible for extremely advanced mediators. Back then it was called the "Age of the Nephilim", a thousand of so years after the Gods physically departed. Of course, life was rife with meaning and one would want to definitely live a very long time to finish important work into this world and on themselves.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Wait, am I reading this correctly?

Not only is an average lifespan barely enough to achieve the first stage of the Magnum Opus, but even very advanced meditators who lived closely to a thousand years did not achieve immortality?

Just how long does on average person need to work on themselves to finally get it then? A million years or what?
Soaring Eagle 666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
One living forever at the level of a very materialist lifestyle, would eventually become very boring and dull.
This is a very insightful post. It's interesting how the jew-pushed pastimes like watching soap operas on Netflix and collecting one of every random plastic collectible lead to no improvement in one's life or wisdom. It gets very boring. The only way of keeping immortality interesting is with improvement. New inventions, scientific discovery, spiritual advancement, etc. Otherwise life becomes like dice: eventually you will have seen all the sides, and even though you don't know what happens next, you've seen it already. The only way eternal life can be worthwhile is if the universe is infinite and eternal. This just happens to be what the Joy of Satan has been saying for years about the universe.

That's already what it feels like being on earth nothing really changed that much in the last couple thousand years in the physical and on an intellectual and spiritual level most are still focusing on the same jewish nonsense. If it was not for reincarnation I might have been less happy but when you become aware again you feel bored.

If I didn't think this world was going to change or i thought that the Jews would win I would try to seek to end my existence all together somehow as it is kind of boring and pointless being stuck here the way it is.

This honestly is my main motivation for doing the rtrs.
Now I know why knowledge has to be given little by little :lol:
Shadowcat said:
This is a very good explanation. I have also heard the same rebuttals over and over from people how immortality "would get boring" or "emtpy" This definately would not happen with evolution of the soul. There are always things to discover, as well as the next steps for self betterment. The more one does this and focuses on this, the greater experiences they will have and the more doors will open, that is something i could hardly find boring.

Yes friend you are right some may think that an immortal life is empty but there will always be people who will want immortality. But a reason that seems empty to them you know what it is that they don't know what they are losing, wonderful abilities and powers :)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
