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I was one of Jehova's Witnesses


New member
Sep 2, 2021
I cannot continue as one, for I have sinned. I feel the pull of gay pornography very strong. Please help me, Satan, for I feel God will no longer accept me as I am.
AnnaMarie said:
I cannot continue as one, for I have sinned. I feel the pull of gay pornography very strong. Please help me, Satan, for I feel God will no longer accept me as I am.

Pls read:

Exposing Christianity

There are no sins, the only sins there are, are in your mind beliving in them.
AnnaMarie said:
I cannot continue as one, for I have sinned. I feel the pull of gay pornography very strong. Please help me, Satan, for I feel God will no longer accept me as I am.

so your gay their is nothing wrong with that, but to christards yes ,anyway their are others on this community that were witnesses, also the first thing i recommend learning all the contradictions of the bible this will help get rid of the jewish brainwashing of christianity it will get rid of fear,it helped someone grow stronger in his faith of satan,also satan probably accepts that you are gay an their are gay gods to,anyway he is a greate god many have had pleasant an good experiences from him, you are not a siner cause you love men,anywho meditate dedicate yourself to satan you will see what i mean,also their is a lgbt jos community on this forum
with that welcome you are accepted here
I was a christian. I was nearly a fundy one. I am also non-heterosexual myself. Welcome!

One question you might want to ask yourself is why "god" made you gay! If "god" gates homosexuals, then it should stop making gay Babies!
AnnaMarie said:

You have made a very wise decision in coming here, as opposed to any Christianity-related. Pornography usage is bad, but nothing about homosexuality is inherently bad. It is a false perception that homosexuality is equal to heavy promiscuity or other undesirable behaviors.

Through Satanism, we directly work to advance our soul, free ourselves of our limitations, and reach new heights in our personal abilities. You would do well to put some effort in practicing meditations, studying the writings, and deprogramming from Christianity.
Glad your here Jehovas Witnesses that is hard to say the least. Post anything on here if you need support I know how hard it is to get out of Xtianity. Read the site and keep reading it fill your mind with the opposition. You may find some places useful like www.ex-christian.net as well. Reading the stories and maybe talking to people. I found that site useful when getting out. I grew up in a strong xtian household where my dad was a pastor.

Be careful though that is an actual cult they may shun you or cause some issues in your life in the physical. There are some documentaries too on getting out if you search online.

Nothing wrong with being gay in our beliefs but Porno is mostly bad read on here if you like about it in the search function. If you have a problem with this there are good suggestions to help you out on some threads.
Meteor said:
FancyMancy said:
I was a christian. I was nearly a fundy one. I am also non-heterosexual myself. Welcome!

One question you might want to ask yourself is why "god" made you gay! If "god" gates homosexuals, then it should stop making gay Babies!
While I agree with your argument, I don't think I've ever seen a gay baby!

I'm well aware that certain sexual preferences and inclinations are based on things that are already set in stone at a very young age (as it has to do with a person's natural instincts), but attributing the resulting sexual orientation to a child or infant seems rather silly to me.

Regardless, denying one's very nature just to conform to the expectations of others would be completely unnatural and harmful. People should be free to do what will fulfil them the most sexually, as long as everyone involved consents to it.
It was a meme or a quote I saw online ages ago. Someone said "god" should stop making gay Babies. Of course, christians can't explain why "god" continues to make gay Babies, so they just blame "the devil" instead.
Meteor said:
FancyMancy said:
Meteor said:
While I agree with your argument, I don't think I've ever seen a gay baby!

I'm well aware that certain sexual preferences and inclinations are based on things that are already set in stone at a very young age (as it has to do with a person's natural instincts), but attributing the resulting sexual orientation to a child or infant seems rather silly to me.

Regardless, denying one's very nature just to conform to the expectations of others would be completely unnatural and harmful. People should be free to do what will fulfil them the most sexually, as long as everyone involved consents to it.
It was a meme or a quote I saw online ages ago. Someone said "god" should stop making gay Babies. Of course, christians can't explain why "god" continues to make gay Babies, so they just blame "the devil" instead.
The idea that people are created a certain way with a certain intended purpose never made sense to me; because if hypothetically there were someone that designed me with intent, then I want to punch him/her/it in the face for making me a contradiction.

Since those hypocrites just say whatever is convenient for them anyway while committing horrible injustices against others whenever their superstitions allow it, I would much rather be in league with the "Devil", who is far more wise and fair.
Welp, "god" created all, and that includes us. We were manufactured in a factory, with searing hot molten metal in a specially-designed metal-melting oven. "god" fashioned us into what we are, and then said that we were shit and must be punished! a bad workman always blames his tools :roll: "god" is retarded and shit and stupid and useless...! :lol: :lol: :lol: :evil: :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :evil: :twisted: "god"? A workman?! Yeah - and "jesus" was a carpenter! I'll say one thing about the jew - it certainly knows how to troll! :!: :lol: :evil: :twisted: :lol: :evil: :twisted: :lol: :evil: :twisted:

The pic in this post, and hopefully all of the thread, can also help
AnnaMarie said:
as well, I hope.

Putting that aside, there is no point in obsessing what others enjoy doing in their bedroom when one isn't involved. You're among the people who helped me realise that, as I used to be far more judgemental when it comes to that sort of thing.
Wow. Well, I'm glad I could help.
FancyMancy said:
I was a christian. I was nearly a fundy one. I am also non-heterosexual myself. Welcome!

One question you might want to ask yourself is why "god" made you gay! If "god" gates homosexuals, then it should stop making gay Babies!

the jewish thoughtform is trash,he decides already who will make it to his (paradise air quote) an who will not, so he already decided, so much for free will an crap. anyway im no longer afraid when i die, knowing the bible is a lie,being a jokehovian witness is hard they believe when you die, you stay dead till they jew in the sky brings you back, an by stay dead i mean like nothing no soul pops out you don't go anywhere nothing, an i hear some seen their fate an they stay tethered to the earth till their soul dissipates an they literally become nothing sad fate, but im sure their jewish leaders know, i have a strong suspicion one or more are jews,anyway the witness cult has many failed prophecys 1914 1975 many more, you may want to researcher, they are a cult with deep ties to man company's of war, an i think a few porn industries no im not kidding look up their tax returns you will see,they are a business posing as a religion an have duped many people
Meteor said:
FancyMancy said:
I was a christian. I was nearly a fundy one. I am also non-heterosexual myself. Welcome!

One question you might want to ask yourself is why "god" made you gay! If "god" gates homosexuals, then it should stop making gay Babies!
While I agree with your argument, I don't think I've ever seen a gay baby!

I'm well aware that certain sexual preferences and inclinations are based on things that are already set in stone at a very young age (as it has to do with a person's natural instincts), but attributing the resulting sexual orientation to a child or infant seems rather silly to me.

Regardless, denying one's very nature just to conform to the expectations of others would be completely unnatural and harmful. People should be free to do what will fulfil them the most sexually, as long as everyone involved consents to it.

Sexual orientation is an inborn human trait that is in the soul. It cannot be changed through different lives, as it is determined when your soul was first born. That is the nature side of the question.

Now, regarding the nurture side, it is possible to make someone believe they are whatever through brainwashing. This happens through media, social norms, religion, etc. This is why there are so many trans, why so many people are confused, why homosociality between males is based mostly on aggression, dominance and fear of being labelled 'gay' (especially a gay bottom), and also why so many things. Hypnosis can turn you into a monkey or a parrot, so it's perfectly possible for some people to believe they are something they aren't such as another sexual orientation or an teacup.

In the age we live, only power meditation, deep cleaning, purification and freeing the soul can lead you to deep self-knowledge, and take you out of the loop of confusion and brainwashing. Your sexual orientation may 'change' this way as you discover your true nature, and so will your hobbies, interests, passions, and ambitions change, revealing your true essence. So much is mystified on purpose.

There is also advancement, and that will lead you toward better things, and to relinquish that which holds you back. That happens because, as you start settling on higher and higher frequencies, you no longer resonate with things that are lower and thus dross. In that case, it is dangerous to keep clinging to them, as it will only bring you back down where you were, stalling your advancement. This is why it is important to keep an open, flexible mindset, always questioning yourself in the strive for ascension.
Meteor said:
Stormblood said:
Meteor said:
There is also advancement, and that will lead you toward better things, and to relinquish that which holds you back. That happens because, as you start settling on higher and higher frequencies, you no longer resonate with things that are lower and thus dross. In that case, it is dangerous to keep clinging to them, as it will only bring you back down where you were, stalling your advancement. This is why it is important to keep an open, flexible mindset, always questioning yourself in the strive for ascension.
I see how it would be harmful. I tried looking at pornography for a few days last year purely for nostalgia's sake, and while it was exciting at first, I soon felt a disgusting feeling and literal pain accumulating in my sacral chakra. I haven't felt like looking at any since.

Given that, why would anyone want to cling to such things, rather than leave it behind when they realise they can't enjoy it anymore? Isn't it a no-brainer to stop engaging in things that no longer resonate with them?

Even if it concerns a habit someone regularly engaged in with their long-term partner, I don't think they'd be able to force themselves to continue with it for long. It would make more sense to try to discuss it than to keep putting up with something they no longer like.

So what could cause someone to want to cling to something they don't like anymore, when it's even harmful to them?

In my experience and observation, the force of habit and a fixed mindset can cloud your judgement and perception, deluding you into believing that something is good for you just because it always was. Porn, gaming, Netflix, alcohol caffeine, sweets, being sedentary, tech dependency, spoon-feeding... there is a lot of things that hold us back. Prejudice and personal bias prevent many people from advancing at an optimal pace. HP Hooded Cobra tried many times to offer a grounded perspective in his sermons, to push people to identify imbalances and rectifies. Hopefully, people stop ignoring his warnings once and for all.

A note to some of the readers that like to twist my words for the sake of argument: just because I recognise things and unveil them in front of everyone, it doesn't mean that I am by any stretch perfect. Everyone has their own struggles to overcome.
Meteor said:
I should probably clarify. I used to not care about it, as I used to have some strange fetishes myself and assumed that was the case for most people. But then as I meditated for some time, I completely lost interest in those, as for me those fetishes were caused by deep psychological complexes and trauma which I was able to overcome thanks to meditation. Since meditation is "cleaning", I assumed that meant my former fetishes were actually "impure", and that the sexual preferences that remained were pure and natural.

That much is correct in a sense, in that it is pure and natural for me. But I took it a step further, and started to think that people who enjoy things I dislike are unclean and misguided, that they were failing to see what sex is truly meant to be (in my eyes). I especially looked down on people who enjoyed things that are the furthest removed from my own preferences, such as polyamory, BDSM, and other things I find too disgusting to mention here. I began to see their sexual preferences as a corruption that they were trying to spread to others by pretending it's normal and that it should be tolerated, when really it shouldn't be because it's unnatural (for me).

You were the first to remind me that there are polyamorous Gods and Goddesses, and that They've never tried to tell me that there's anything wrong with my preference for monogamy. That was the key to me gradually realising that there is no ideal sexuality for everyone, and that it's perfectly natural for different people to like different things. Because of that, I stopped looking down on those who told me about their genuinely positive experiences with things I wouldn't enjoy. Realising how positive it was for them, but that it's okay for me not to be like them, eventually helped me feel comfortable enough to descend from my high horse.

It was you that got me to think things over again and see the flaws in my thinking, and reach more reasonable and tolerant conclusion. Perhaps sometimes I was really worried deep down: "what if I'm actually the one that's odd?" But now, I know that's okay too.
Cool. Nice one.

Satnam666 said:
the jewish thoughtform is trash,he decides already who will make it to his (paradise air quote) an who will not, so he already decided, so much for free will an crap. anyway im no longer afraid when i die, knowing the bible is a lie,being a jokehovian witness is hard they believe when you die, you stay dead till they jew in the sky brings you back, an by stay dead i mean like nothing no soul pops out you don't go anywhere nothing, an i hear some seen their fate an they stay tethered to the earth till their soul dissipates an they literally become nothing sad fate, but im sure their jewish leaders know, i have a strong suspicion one or more are jews,anyway the witness cult has many failed prophecys 1914 1975 many more, you may want to researcher, they are a cult with deep ties to man company's of war, an i think a few porn industries no im not kidding look up their tax returns you will see,they are a business posing as a religion an have duped many people
christianity as a whole is a business. I forgot who said it, I think one who did our sites originally so maybe HPS Maxine, that the jew trades material wealth and possessions for Souls. Well, I also read once that the OT tells the jew how to steal your money; the NT tells you how to give your money to the jew... Of course, christianity, etc., are distractions from what should be, and what used to be, real-life - which, of course, will return as we are seeing.

Stormblood said:
Meteor said:
Stormblood said:
There is also advancement, and that will lead you toward better things, and to relinquish that which holds you back. That happens because, as you start settling on higher and higher frequencies, you no longer resonate with things that are lower and thus dross. In that case, it is dangerous to keep clinging to them, as it will only bring you back down where you were, stalling your advancement. This is why it is important to keep an open, flexible mindset, always questioning yourself in the strive for ascension.
I see how it would be harmful. I tried looking at pornography for a few days last year purely for nostalgia's sake, and while it was exciting at first, I soon felt a disgusting feeling and literal pain accumulating in my sacral chakra. I haven't felt like looking at any since.

Given that, why would anyone want to cling to such things, rather than leave it behind when they realise they can't enjoy it anymore? Isn't it a no-brainer to stop engaging in things that no longer resonate with them?

Even if it concerns a habit someone regularly engaged in with their long-term partner, I don't think they'd be able to force themselves to continue with it for long. It would make more sense to try to discuss it than to keep putting up with something they no longer like.

So what could cause someone to want to cling to something they don't like anymore, when it's even harmful to them?

In my experience and observation, the force of habit and a fixed mindset can cloud your judgement and perception, deluding you into believing that something is good for you just because it always was. Porn, gaming, Netflix, alcohol caffeine, sweets, being sedentary, tech dependency, spoon-feeding... there is a lot of things that hold us back. Prejudice and personal bias prevent many people from advancing at an optimal pace. HP Hooded Cobra tried many times to offer a grounded perspective in his sermons, to push people to identify imbalances and rectifies. Hopefully, people stop ignoring his warnings once and for all.

A note to some of the readers that like to twist my words for the sake of argument: just because I recognise things and unveil them in front of everyone, it doesn't mean that I am by any stretch perfect. Everyone has their own struggles to overcome.
I am thinking that
Whatever we are, which includes the things we do, increase. I think this is either Nature or is an inbred trait given to us by our godly ancestors when They helped us skip over many countless years or evolution. Why can't our pet dogs increase and have a larynx which enables then to speak in Human words, then build a rocket to Moon, Mars and More? They, or crocodilians or other animals and insects, have been around for millions of years longer than we have - and even if our Gods and Goddesses hadn't have enabled us, we would have reached somewhere in the same direction eventually - if left alone. Of course, the increase of whatever we are, be, do, etc. can work better or worse. So if we eat sweets enough to a certain threshold, or more so to a point of no return - or drink this or that, or do this or that, or look at this or that... then it becomes us more and more, until it goes too far. Perhaps this is what is meant by "many will want to join but it will be too late", as well. Also I refer again to Hitler's mention of "the eternal struggle" - even if we break free of crap, there is eternal improvement, advancement, and betterment, as the Gods and Goddesses are doing.

I think that our Souls and Chakras generate power in and of themselves, without raising our energies for workings; what sugar, alcohol, caffeine, images, substances, enjoyments, education, media, brainwashing, etc., etc., etc. we consume, all for dopamine and endorphines to be released (remembering the Mind, Soul and Body all affect each other) increases this naturally. What we put in comes out. Like when we raise, programme and direct Energies in workings, it's very similar, but over a longer period of time for some of the things.

The Mind is stubborn, and goes back to what it knows, based on the Soul, Mind and Body affecting each other. I think the Mind and Conscience are the gateway or 'driver' (in computer terminology) between the Physical Brain and the Soul and Spirituality. The effects of X drug on the Body, done after however many times, with the vibrations of that substance in conjunction with our Body, Mind and Soul separately and together, affect each of these things - then people actually are dependant on them - or so they think and have submitted themselves to.

So for those who have been duped by christianity in this case, or by drugs or fat food, etc. - and including some who have not been duped but have been into good things such as healthy sexual fetishes and interests, and also exercise, proper eating, etc. - these are what the person knows/comes to know, then does, and for some, live as/by. It is fed into them and it increases, hence stubbornness, force of habit, etc. Repetition is key - then the person becomes it and the Mind, Body and Soul ooze that which they did. "You are what you eat."

To quit, or for not-bad things, to change, etc. takes no-less effort than how much was used to begin and get into that thing. It might be easy to go to a party and be offered drugs and consume some, then enjoy it if you don't puke up or overdose - but the energies of getting to that party, being invited, being popular or a friend, living/hanging out in the correct areas and circles, working with the correct people, etc., are all a part of that work or hard work; then quitting the drugs needs much hard work, as well, but more so than what was put into it to get those drugs, accidentally or deliberately, in the first place.

Energy takes the path of least resistance. This usually is bad, negative, destructive, etc. It is easier to destroy than it is to create.

FancyMancy said:
Think of building the Taj Mahal or the Palace of Westminster - all of the designing, working out the dimensions, planning, gaining planning permission, gathering of resources, employing workers, training them, setting dates, contending with the weather, the medium of spending money and paying wages, contending with noise and other polution surrounding, etc., etc., etc. all takes a long time and a lot of energy/power/resources. Someone destroying this can either gain permission and waste much less time, or they can do it maliciously - just coming along and using TNT or a bulldozer or wrecking ball to destroy it all in a matter of minutes and not care about the consequences.

To get better, in whichever positive, healthy and beneficial ways, is much harder than to give-in and call it quits. At this point, the person should not bother complaining about things - but the fact that they still do complain is a positive sign that they want to improve, get better, etc.; a lot just don't know how.

Changing a habit to a different or better one is similar. If the habit is not bad, then why break it? Surely for a reason I don't know. Power Meditation, Magick, the Occult, Spirituality - knowledge and understanding and applying that knowledge and understanding correctly - is a bunch of cheat codes in this Game of Life which the jew has created - but we can do a Capt. Kirk and change the rules in this no-win situation!

This doesn't all have to be relevant to whom I am replying to here. It can also be relevant to AnnaMarie, and of course to anyone, also.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
