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Fall in love!

Aquarius said:
Shadowcat said:
There's a website called whitedate.net
it's a dating site for whites only, maybe you could try that.

I found my ex on ok cupid. Many dating sites are kiked and I've even browsed through several pagan ones recently. They had alot of jews there and even xtians lol. Most white non ss NS are xtian or very xtian programmed. I could look at this site too for the lolz sometime but I won't expect anything serious. Thanks aquarius :p
Meteor said:
Aquarius said:
Shadowcat said:
There's a website called whitedate.net
it's a dating site for whites only, maybe you could try that.
In my opinion it's better to meet people anywhere other than dating apps, especially considering she wants something long-term and serious. Apps tend to attract an unpleasant crowd that might be too superficial for what she's looking for.

I've never tried using any, but based on stories I heard and some statistics Jack and SWG shared before, that's the impression I got.
I too don't like dating apps, I much prefer speaking face to face or even just voice chat.
Shadowcat said:
Blackdragon666 said:
Shadowcat said:
Indeed, all of what you said is exactly what i meant, just that for polygamy and monogamy there are different rules. with monogamy i follow a very hard line and have always been monogomous. I have a very saturnine and neptunian view of monogamy. Strict and idealistic, consistant and irrevocably loyal and giving. What do i think of the idea of living forever with a person? as in being risen as a God that completed the MO? someone to share everything with and discover things with and further evolve always experiencing something new together knowing no dross will drive us apart? this makes me extatic! Where is he? have yall seen him?? Give me some time to clean my soul more, and perfect my body so i can be something awesome for him. Maybe a fewmore life times :cry:
You might want to do a working for this at some point, whenever you are ready. Specify your basic needs like if they are to be smart, caring, and so on. It's really not good to stay lonely for so long. I've seen average people with wonderful lovers out there. Those of us who have suffered in love just attract the worst and this can really warp how we view love.

I'm above average tbh and I considered a working. The energy would surely attract the closest thing to what i ask for...and in general the closest isn't very close.

For one I refuse to date a xtian or a normal. It wouldn't work out our mentalities would be way too different.

Meeting people from here isn't advised and my experiences with privately talking with several SS have told me that in many ways even most SS wouldn't cut it with some of the mentalities or maturity levels they've had. And most of these I talked to as only platonic acquaintances for a short time.

Secondly guys in my age range either are married or are single parents with kids. Several have approached me to try to cheat which I scoffed at.

Compared to when I worked in Europe there is also barely anyone of my race here. All of them are mixed race or black. I am also a hybrid of 2 white subraces of which med white is most dominant phenotypically and in temprement. So I'm better of with someone who is med. Sadly those are all roman catholic or Muslim.

My ex was fully germanic. My mother was germanic. But he found my med features ugly like my prominent nose and jaw which is more square and angular than a germanic one typically. Often on women this isnt cute. But attractiveness is also based somewhat down to the subrace too. It's only natural that he found other pure germanic women more attractive. I actually find med men the most attractive. I fall over for black hair and blue eyes and later I found out my grandpa had this combo and so does my cousin. And this is from the med side. It's just biological imperative to look for some one who is like you.

If someone with blonde hair and blue eyes approached me I would tell him to marry a woman with his phenotype. Subraces shouldn't mix also as it is and Theres plenty of us whites with dark hair and eyes. Out of all the aryan features the actual colored eyes and hair are dying out. They are the hall mark features of many of our Gods and I will not help them go extinct. Both my grandfather's had blue eyes and so did my mother. But if I carry that gene who knows.

The typical American culture of smoke and drink beer and watch football is also not something I'm a fan of and that's all I see here. No offense but the nasty npc with dip or cig breath and a hairy beer gut or the obese redneck that drives antisocially on the road with Jesus bumper stickers just dont do it for me.

This is one of the reasons I didn't mind dating at a long distance at first. I saw my ex was in nl and I didn't care. I pmed him. It turned out with me going to live and work there, what I saved up alot of money for and shed alot of sweat. After a few visits it took a year and 3 months before I moved there. Everyone thought I was nuts to be so patient but that's my saturnine nature in love. Patient and literally outlasting everyone..my ex included when he finally cheated.

I talked to some other people after but there I was again making the same sacrifices and moves. You know what someone can go the distance for me for once..but no I'm always asked to do it. No longer. So that's bye bye to LDRs not to mention I'm never leaving the US again. I need to put down roots and work on saving for old age and don't have time to piddle around for stupid dreams. So that's out of the question if someone is far away as well now.

So then the question remains. Why not attract? But the energy used can only attract the closest that you ask for based on what there really is. Seeing as we are not Gods yet who can't conjure something out of thin air, that energy is going to go for the closest to what you ask among what is available.

Now given the above what kind of investment would this be? I don't think the closest would even come close to close enough...why invest energy that could still successfully attract something that might not last when you could use that energy instead to advance and become a God and attract the absolute perfect mate by looking, feeling and acting the best you can? And this is ofcourse not doubting majick but weighing the prospective outcomes of the investments thereof.
I see it's a bit complicated. Well you can make your job easier and ask a God or Goddess to direct your energies to the right person. You do have pretty realistic needs and I'm very sure you can't lack a White man who fits the criteria.

Also, try to get over the scarcity mindset. It can hamper your working. Believe that such men who have your desired physical features, aren't hardcore xians or into drugs and so on do exist.
Jack said:
Shadowcat said:
Jack said:
What are you even talking about, I was citing a statistic researching genomic data.

According to genomic data only 40% of men have reproduced and 99% of women have and the genomic data shows that all Aryan societies have been polygynous in the past. This Is a historical fact.

And what do indian men have to do with guys like above. Indians shouldn't be in the same continent as white people.

Do you even think about things before you write things ? It's very hard to understand what you're saying when you're not using proper English.

Ofcourse I'm in support of Eugenics even though a lot of people here aren't. I don't believe Genetically diseased or I'll people should be born let alone have a chance at reproduction.

Ofcourse I'm in support of Eugenics even though a lot of people here aren't. I don't believe Genetically diseased or I'll people should be born let alone have a chance at reproduction.
Are not in support of eugenics? If what you say is true i am suprised. Not only should these people not be allowed to reproduce they should not be concieved in the first place. It is cruel for many of these people to live such poor quality lives and alot of them do. When the enemy is gone I am hoping for when Aryan civilization even goes so far as to curing all genetic illness and defects and handicaps, including mental retardation. as well as every other flaw that makes the human body disproportionate or ugly...however the MO by this time will have fixed this for many and will be something that solves alot of imperfections in itself.

Finding cures for these otherwise irreversable diseases will also happily eliminate alot of peoples reasons for abortion, and will be able to give these people a real chance at a happy life with normal healthy genetics and good stock. This will help Aryan civilization thrive and grow. And without a kiked medical industry real cures and real solutions for many medical conditions will be possible unlike before.

I literally had one dumbass on gab telling me it was a jewish notion that i suggested that one day all genetic defects should be cured. Said something like "get your jewish friends and set up go fund me" what a retard. Told me that i should accept retards as is because they've always been. this was my response to him on gab. the idiot ofcourse shut the fuck up.
are you telling me it's jewish to want to find a cure for genetic defects and practice eugenics?? Seriously?

I'm obviously not talking about the way kikes run the medical industry as I obviously wrote they need to be gone from these places in order for any progress in any actual healing or anything to take place. The whole jewish medical industry profits on the sick remaining sick. Hence my "step one" with outing all jews from the medical and scientific areas as well as every where else.

You are thinking that I am trying to find a solution to something under the jewish system we already have which was the opposite of what my comment said...with them in any field nothing will truely advance.

There are cures even for cancer not given out because big pharma would loose money.

It's all well and good if you want to accept retards the way they are and say there's nothing wrong with them. But this is the problem with people accepting things "as is" hurr its always been so. Well the jews have been around a good bit and that's not ok with us because of what they're doing right? Should we accept them because they've "always been there" too?, along with any sick ideology they've always had for mankind along with the white race especially?

With aryans at the forefront in everyfield there would be cures out eventually for many things incl genetic defects. Think of all the shit that has been kept from us to maximize profit. No I will not accept that downies should stay as is once our people are free of these jewish parasites when the world starts making actual progress with medicine genetics and technology without planned obscelecense and nor should anyone else.

Sigh...the mainstream "woke" NSer. Bet that guy goes to church too.

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Yes I know. I meant when you mentioned you said alot of others weren't here. Look at the entire sentence that I quoted from you.....
Shadowcat said:
Maya said:
Shadowcat said:
also wanted to ellaborate here specifically.
i think this is a horrid rebuttal and defense of him. he knows its not acceptable and has let those feelings happen anyway. people who talk like this are looking for justification much of the time to not feel guilty. and jack was giving him just that in his comment which is disgusting. i wonder why you didnt go off on him instead? you dont have to physically touch someone to cheat.

he actyally writes that he doesnt know if this is a good thing or not
Seriously? yet he is married and in a monogomous arragement with someone. If you yourself are actually SS you will know better and see through things like this through a decent code of morals opposed to some people who apparenly think things such as this are relative when the Gods themselves teach humans actual ethics, and won't be trying to make excuses for people who stoop to this level. you get on me for "starting shit" and "projecting" but you know what? i'm harder on SS because i expect more from them as Gods in the making.

Chillout, I just mentioned what everyone can see, that your way of talking is not polite, and no person deserves this unless it's enemy. I see no reason of you having all this tension.

On the whole comment you only referred to men. This is not polite and doesn't give a good impression to anyone who reads this, especially to non-active people who browse the forums.
If you have something in mind and can't express it fully then don't expect people to understand what you have in mind, but only what you wrote.
You referred to men looking for younger people, that you are 31 and debating to start a Venus square cause of this "fact" and even this shows that you didn't understand what the o.p. was saying and you just needed to steam off somewhere, mentioning your personal experiences and closing with saying that cats are better. Oh, I am not implying anything; whoever can read can perceive this fully.
Now on your first reply to me, you come and clarify and elaborate on what you actually have in mind.

You can't come to a conclusion that most men like younger women, even if this is what you've seen around you. Another person may know only men who like older women. The patterns you say you've seen and experienced are the patterns you attract cause of your chart and/or cause of your mind. Strong minds attract around them what they believe. There are thoughtforms and magic aiming this specifically, cheating one another, so that the two genders hate each other  and this way pushes them to everything that destroys unity and development of our sacred race.

"Good", "right", and "acceptable" have different meanings. Between two people all these terms can be different.

Any person who lets his feelings happen for a third person, which is something you make it seem so wrong and unacceptable, can be a result of endless reasons. You cannot know what is happening between a couple, you cannot know what a person is going through, planetary transits, a toxic relationship, feeling unfulfilled etc., and we should not be concerned about that, but only about giving help, so coming here judging and harassing any person without having a clue of their life is just not right.

And no God has the time nor the will to deal with if an SS cheated on their partner, except some serious exceptions.

Also, you should know yourself that using phrases  like "if you yourself are actually SS" is the most offending thing to say to family. I just expressed my thoughts on your comment and you come to doubt me as SS.
Calling pseudoethics and mentioning our Gods in everything is a convenient action but it doesn't represent always the reality.
Our Gods have given us free will and the ability to choose freely our own actions, and depending on each person's natal chart and experiences, the morals and ethics of a person on their love life can vary, and this is totally reasonable.

Chillout, I just mentioned what everyone can see, that your way of talking is not polite, and no person deserves this unless it's enemy. I see no reason of you having all this tension.
What everyone can see? hilarious, because you are the only one ever on this forum who has decided she has to have a problem with me all of a sudden, much less this specific thread. I have no intentions of having serious issues with anyone here, but SS having normal disagreements or even disputes is something also much different than spewing actual hate or wishing ill on them. This is something i have never done to any SS so stop blowing shit out of proportion.

You can't come to a conclusion that most men like younger women, even if this is what you've seen around you.
ofcourse they do. This is the general rule This in itself is biological. Men like youth because it signifies fertility and beauty. almost no one wants someone used up with stretch marks from having someone elses kids, who is probably overweight with cellulite all overthe place. Get real and grow up kid. I find it hilarious when 20 something brats try to lecture me. notice when i said most, the word most leaves room for exceptions?

With that being said for your misintperperetations of what i did or did not say i cannot be responsible...especially because you decided you had to patronize me and talk down when i did jack shit except for a bit of a lact of tact. again something that was blown out of proportion by you as if i was cursing someone. Do i have to break it down barnie style and spell everything out for you? And no i have not implied that only men cheat. Stop blaming me for your apparent lack of critical thinking with your "ohh now you explain it!"

"Good", "right", and "acceptable" have different meanings. Between two people all these terms can be different.

Any person who lets his feelings happen for a third person, which is something you make it seem so wrong and unacceptable, can be a result of endless reasons. You cannot know what is happening between a couple, you cannot know what a person is going through, planetary transits, a toxic relationship, feeling unfulfilled etc., and we should not be concerned about that, but only about giving help, so coming here judging and harassing any person without having a clue of their life is just not right.

It seems as if you are putting words in my mouth again, or at least misintperpereting by saying i think polygamy is "wrong" and that there fore i have a psudotwisted view of relationship ethics. Again stop assuming shit. There is nothing wrong with loving a 3rd person, sure, but only if the relationsip is mutually polygamous. Here it obviously is not. Notice how i put emphasis on cheating? What if he goes home and tell his wife he wants the relationship to be open and she doesnt want this? do you realize what this could do to her? As meteor said it could be seriously damaging to self esteem as well.

This also again just sounds like making excuses for someone who would cheat. and i mean anyone in general.So have you cheated ever? i wouldnt be suprised.This is the exact kind of shit my ex said to me too. he even tried to use mental illness as an excuse and told me i was being selfish for not understanding. seriously?? if your polygomous thats fine again, but yes the "ethics" for polygamy and monogamy, well the rules rather, are different yes. Again i am not implying they arent and i never have. In a monogamous relationship cheating is cheating and theres no excuse. i am obviously strictly speaking in terms of monogamy.

Calling pseudoethics and mentioning our Gods in everything is a convenient action but it doesn't represent always the reality.
I look to the Gods as examples because they are the examples we should live up to. It is also specifically said in the incubi succubi ritual if one has a monogamous Demon partner and the human strays the humans partner with whom they cheat can end up dead. They can be understanding as well but it is also to a point. will you patronize and blame the Demon too, like youre patronizing and shaming me me for expecting people to have better self control? I find that to be absolutely pathetic. Again i am speaking for the ethics of monogamy. not for polygamy so no, there is no "psudoethics" here going on. yet another thing you seem to misinterperet. pretty good at that arent you?

Also, you should know yourself that using phrases like "if you yourself are actually SS" is the most offending thing to say to family. I just expressed my thoughts on your comment and you come to doubt me as SS.
I am basically saying with this that SS should be held to higher critical thinking and moral standards. This was also the basic message in my first reply to dragonfire. Again if you are so shitty at critical thinking that you have to take everything out of proportion and misinterperet me it is not my responsibility. I will never direct geniune hate to SS and i didnt with dragonfire or you either. Learn that there is a difference between dispute and actual infighting/cursing. It is unrealistic to assume SS will almost never have disputes as everyones charts are different and its impossible to like absolutely everyone. you for example probably have several planets in cancer which i actually cant stand in people. Who knows maybe im wrong.

This is not polite and doesn't give a good impression to anyone who reads this, especially to non-active people who browse the forums.
I have never had issues with anyone on this forum and have always been productive here. But keep on trying to make me out in a horrible light and shaming me just becuase you dont like what i am saying. Love the continuous patornizing by the way. There must be a balance between being harsh and not. there are times when people deserve it. if you cannot understand this, then you are probably the type that undeservedly coddles spoiled rotten kids and makes excuses for their bad behavior. which is what you did here. Interesting that my post is cherrypicked this way, when others can very well just look at your post and say you are making excuses for something that isnt right and be put off by that as well.

I have never had an issue with you Maya. Weve even been on friendly terms before. So if you all of a sudden decide you have to have a problem with me, then that is your perogative. And remember, youre the one who started on me, when i was calling out on something, that wasnt right. If you can't deal with it too bad. My only mistake was my lack of tact but the message remains the same. If i approached you the same way you did to me at first dont tell me you wouldn't react.

And no God has the time nor the will to deal with if an SS cheated on their partner, except some serious exceptions.
This is also something i have literally never mentioned nor implied. Im starting to wonder if english is even your first language. If it is, im going to facepalm.

So you felt so butthurt that somebody dared to "lecture" you, that you need to try to assume personal details about me to try to use them against me and feel better about yourself?

For a 31 year-old, who thinks she's so superior to "20-something brats", yet can't take a respectful piece of criticism, you are more insecure than I thought.

But if it helps you sleep at night, you can assume whatever about me. I'll just let your mind blow with it. I don't need to verify anything personal about myself in order to make my point clear.

I just called you out on your unnecessary arrogance towards the o.p., before you apologized about it. Sure, I was the only one who called you out on it, but it doesn't take anybody else pointing that out in order for everyone to see that you were on the wrong. And now you repeat the same kind of arrogance towards me, looking for ways to insult me at every single paragraph, when I did none of that in my previous replies. Call it whatever you want, but that's just anger disguised as a "dispute".

You wonder if English is my first language? I'll let you know that I can clearly write better than you. I won't even get started counting your several spelling and punctuation mistakes. Not to mention that you were the one who misinterpreted what the o.p. said and assumed he was going after a 18 y.o. woman, while missing his actual question, which was "should I cut ties with her but still keep as friends?". Not: "should I go for it?"

So yeah, you better shut up about my English and interpretation skills.

As for the moral part, I wasn't talking about monogamy vs polygamy. I meant that the o.p. shouldn't be blamed for simply being excited for another woman. He simply asked a question about it. This doesn't have to imply that he will cheat or wants to cheat, especially when he himself says he had been avoiding her. He knows it is wrong. He doesn't need anything toxic thrown at him for simply asking a question.

And even if he wanted to be with said woman, there are ways to go around his current situation without cheating. What he can't do is repress his honest desires. But yet, we all agree he needs to be responsible about his relationship and evaluate his feelings realistically. That's all I'm gonna say.

Now dance all you want cause I ain't gonna continue this beef.
Shadowcat said:
Compared to when I worked in Europe there is also barely anyone of my race here. All of them are mixed race or black. I am also a hybrid of 2 white subraces of which med white is most dominant phenotypically and in temprement. So I'm better of with someone who is med. Sadly those are all roman catholic or Muslim.

My ex was fully germanic. My mother was germanic. But he found my med features ugly like my prominent nose and jaw which is more square and angular than a germanic one typically. Often on women this isnt cute. But attractiveness is also based somewhat down to the subrace too. It's only natural that he found other pure germanic women more attractive. I actually find med men the most attractive. I fall over for black hair and blue eyes and later I found out my grandpa had this combo and so does my cousin. And this is from the med side. It's just biological imperative to look for some one who is like you.

If someone with blonde hair and blue eyes approached me I would tell him to marry a woman with his phenotype. Subraces shouldn't mix also as it is and Theres plenty of us whites with dark hair and eyes. Out of all the aryan features the actual colored eyes and hair are dying out. They are the hall mark features of many of our Gods and I will not help them go extinct. Both my grandfather's had blue eyes and so did my mother. But if I carry that gene who knows.


Now given the above what kind of investment would this be? I don't think the closest would even come close to close enough...why invest energy that could still successfully attract something that might not last when you could use that energy instead to advance and become a God and attract the absolute perfect mate by looking, feeling and acting the best you can? And this is ofcourse not doubting majick but weighing the prospective outcomes of the investments thereof.

It's funny that you mention all this because I am in the same racial position that you are in. It bugs me because it throws a huge wrench into my sense of identity, and also complicates who I chose for a partner. I want what the Gods want, basically, but I am not sure on specific details such as how each subrace maintains itself and the future and etc.

Sometimes I feel like not a part of European whites, and it makes me feel like a downgrade to identify as Arab either, just because that people/area has been so fucked by Jews and degenerated. I am sure all of this can be reversed, but like I said, not sure about specifics and so forth.


For your working, you should program the energy to bring you a successful relationship, not just a transient one. It can take some time to really nail down a concise, yet accurate affirmation. At that point, it becomes a matter of energy behind the working. Conveniently enough, squares can generate lots of energy.

Your question can be posed to all workings: Is this use of time and energy worthwhile, or do you wait until you are even stronger and can accomplish the same with less effort? This is where Virgo skills of organization and efficiency come into play.
Maya said:
Shadowcat said:
Maya said:
Chillout, I just mentioned what everyone can see, that your way of talking is not polite, and no person deserves this unless it's enemy. I see no reason of you having all this tension.

On the whole comment you only referred to men. This is not polite and doesn't give a good impression to anyone who reads this, especially to non-active people who browse the forums.
If you have something in mind and can't express it fully then don't expect people to understand what you have in mind, but only what you wrote.
You referred to men looking for younger people, that you are 31 and debating to start a Venus square cause of this "fact" and even this shows that you didn't understand what the o.p. was saying and you just needed to steam off somewhere, mentioning your personal experiences and closing with saying that cats are better. Oh, I am not implying anything; whoever can read can perceive this fully.
Now on your first reply to me, you come and clarify and elaborate on what you actually have in mind.

You can't come to a conclusion that most men like younger women, even if this is what you've seen around you. Another person may know only men who like older women. The patterns you say you've seen and experienced are the patterns you attract cause of your chart and/or cause of your mind. Strong minds attract around them what they believe. There are thoughtforms and magic aiming this specifically, cheating one another, so that the two genders hate each other  and this way pushes them to everything that destroys unity and development of our sacred race.

"Good", "right", and "acceptable" have different meanings. Between two people all these terms can be different.

Any person who lets his feelings happen for a third person, which is something you make it seem so wrong and unacceptable, can be a result of endless reasons. You cannot know what is happening between a couple, you cannot know what a person is going through, planetary transits, a toxic relationship, feeling unfulfilled etc., and we should not be concerned about that, but only about giving help, so coming here judging and harassing any person without having a clue of their life is just not right.

And no God has the time nor the will to deal with if an SS cheated on their partner, except some serious exceptions.

Also, you should know yourself that using phrases  like "if you yourself are actually SS" is the most offending thing to say to family. I just expressed my thoughts on your comment and you come to doubt me as SS.
Calling pseudoethics and mentioning our Gods in everything is a convenient action but it doesn't represent always the reality.
Our Gods have given us free will and the ability to choose freely our own actions, and depending on each person's natal chart and experiences, the morals and ethics of a person on their love life can vary, and this is totally reasonable.

Chillout, I just mentioned what everyone can see, that your way of talking is not polite, and no person deserves this unless it's enemy. I see no reason of you having all this tension.
What everyone can see? hilarious, because you are the only one ever on this forum who has decided she has to have a problem with me all of a sudden, much less this specific thread. I have no intentions of having serious issues with anyone here, but SS having normal disagreements or even disputes is something also much different than spewing actual hate or wishing ill on them. This is something i have never done to any SS so stop blowing shit out of proportion.

You can't come to a conclusion that most men like younger women, even if this is what you've seen around you.
ofcourse they do. This is the general rule This in itself is biological. Men like youth because it signifies fertility and beauty. almost no one wants someone used up with stretch marks from having someone elses kids, who is probably overweight with cellulite all overthe place. Get real and grow up kid. I find it hilarious when 20 something brats try to lecture me. notice when i said most, the word most leaves room for exceptions?

With that being said for your misintperperetations of what i did or did not say i cannot be responsible...especially because you decided you had to patronize me and talk down when i did jack shit except for a bit of a lact of tact. again something that was blown out of proportion by you as if i was cursing someone. Do i have to break it down barnie style and spell everything out for you? And no i have not implied that only men cheat. Stop blaming me for your apparent lack of critical thinking with your "ohh now you explain it!"

"Good", "right", and "acceptable" have different meanings. Between two people all these terms can be different.

Any person who lets his feelings happen for a third person, which is something you make it seem so wrong and unacceptable, can be a result of endless reasons. You cannot know what is happening between a couple, you cannot know what a person is going through, planetary transits, a toxic relationship, feeling unfulfilled etc., and we should not be concerned about that, but only about giving help, so coming here judging and harassing any person without having a clue of their life is just not right.

It seems as if you are putting words in my mouth again, or at least misintperpereting by saying i think polygamy is "wrong" and that there fore i have a psudotwisted view of relationship ethics. Again stop assuming shit. There is nothing wrong with loving a 3rd person, sure, but only if the relationsip is mutually polygamous. Here it obviously is not. Notice how i put emphasis on cheating? What if he goes home and tell his wife he wants the relationship to be open and she doesnt want this? do you realize what this could do to her? As meteor said it could be seriously damaging to self esteem as well.

This also again just sounds like making excuses for someone who would cheat. and i mean anyone in general.So have you cheated ever? i wouldnt be suprised.This is the exact kind of shit my ex said to me too. he even tried to use mental illness as an excuse and told me i was being selfish for not understanding. seriously?? if your polygomous thats fine again, but yes the "ethics" for polygamy and monogamy, well the rules rather, are different yes. Again i am not implying they arent and i never have. In a monogamous relationship cheating is cheating and theres no excuse. i am obviously strictly speaking in terms of monogamy.

Calling pseudoethics and mentioning our Gods in everything is a convenient action but it doesn't represent always the reality.
I look to the Gods as examples because they are the examples we should live up to. It is also specifically said in the incubi succubi ritual if one has a monogamous Demon partner and the human strays the humans partner with whom they cheat can end up dead. They can be understanding as well but it is also to a point. will you patronize and blame the Demon too, like youre patronizing and shaming me me for expecting people to have better self control? I find that to be absolutely pathetic. Again i am speaking for the ethics of monogamy. not for polygamy so no, there is no "psudoethics" here going on. yet another thing you seem to misinterperet. pretty good at that arent you?

Also, you should know yourself that using phrases like "if you yourself are actually SS" is the most offending thing to say to family. I just expressed my thoughts on your comment and you come to doubt me as SS.
I am basically saying with this that SS should be held to higher critical thinking and moral standards. This was also the basic message in my first reply to dragonfire. Again if you are so shitty at critical thinking that you have to take everything out of proportion and misinterperet me it is not my responsibility. I will never direct geniune hate to SS and i didnt with dragonfire or you either. Learn that there is a difference between dispute and actual infighting/cursing. It is unrealistic to assume SS will almost never have disputes as everyones charts are different and its impossible to like absolutely everyone. you for example probably have several planets in cancer which i actually cant stand in people. Who knows maybe im wrong.

This is not polite and doesn't give a good impression to anyone who reads this, especially to non-active people who browse the forums.
I have never had issues with anyone on this forum and have always been productive here. But keep on trying to make me out in a horrible light and shaming me just becuase you dont like what i am saying. Love the continuous patornizing by the way. There must be a balance between being harsh and not. there are times when people deserve it. if you cannot understand this, then you are probably the type that undeservedly coddles spoiled rotten kids and makes excuses for their bad behavior. which is what you did here. Interesting that my post is cherrypicked this way, when others can very well just look at your post and say you are making excuses for something that isnt right and be put off by that as well.

I have never had an issue with you Maya. Weve even been on friendly terms before. So if you all of a sudden decide you have to have a problem with me, then that is your perogative. And remember, youre the one who started on me, when i was calling out on something, that wasnt right. If you can't deal with it too bad. My only mistake was my lack of tact but the message remains the same. If i approached you the same way you did to me at first dont tell me you wouldn't react.

And no God has the time nor the will to deal with if an SS cheated on their partner, except some serious exceptions.
This is also something i have literally never mentioned nor implied. Im starting to wonder if english is even your first language. If it is, im going to facepalm.

So you felt so butthurt that somebody dared to "lecture" you, that you need to try to assume personal details about me to try to use them against me and feel better about yourself?

For a 31 year-old, who thinks she's so superior to "20-something brats", yet can't take a respectful piece of criticism, you are more insecure than I thought.

But if it helps you sleep at night, you can assume whatever about me. I'll just let your mind blow with it. I don't need to verify anything personal about myself in order to make my point clear.

I just called you out on your unnecessary arrogance towards the o.p., before you apologized about it. Sure, I was the only one who called you out on it, but it doesn't take anybody else pointing that out in order for everyone to see that you were on the wrong. And now you repeat the same kind of arrogance towards me, looking for ways to insult me at every single paragraph, when I did none of that in my previous replies. Call it whatever you want, but that's just anger disguised as a "dispute".

You wonder if English is my first language? I'll let you know that I can clearly write better than you. I won't even get started counting your several spelling and punctuation mistakes. Not to mention that you were the one who misinterpreted what the o.p. said and assumed he was going after a 18 y.o. woman, while missing his actual question, which was "should I cut ties with her but still keep as friends?". Not: "should I go for it?"

So yeah, you better shut up about my English and interpretation skills.

As for the moral part, I wasn't talking about monogamy vs polygamy. I meant that the o.p. shouldn't be blamed for simply being excited for another woman. He simply asked a question about it. This doesn't have to imply that he will cheat or wants to cheat, especially when he himself says he had been avoiding her. He knows it is wrong. He doesn't need anything toxic thrown at him for simply asking a question.

And even if he wanted to be with said woman, there are ways to go around his current situation without cheating. What he can't do is repress his honest desires. But yet, we all agree he needs to be responsible about his relationship and evaluate his feelings realistically. That's all I'm gonna say.

Now dance all you want cause I ain't gonna continue this beef.

shove it and make yourself useful by doing some rtrs and go fuck yourself.
Blitzkreig said:
Shadowcat said:
Compared to when I worked in Europe there is also barely anyone of my race here. All of them are mixed race or black. I am also a hybrid of 2 white subraces of which med white is most dominant phenotypically and in temprement. So I'm better of with someone who is med. Sadly those are all roman catholic or Muslim.

My ex was fully germanic. My mother was germanic. But he found my med features ugly like my prominent nose and jaw which is more square and angular than a germanic one typically. Often on women this isnt cute. But attractiveness is also based somewhat down to the subrace too. It's only natural that he found other pure germanic women more attractive. I actually find med men the most attractive. I fall over for black hair and blue eyes and later I found out my grandpa had this combo and so does my cousin. And this is from the med side. It's just biological imperative to look for some one who is like you.

If someone with blonde hair and blue eyes approached me I would tell him to marry a woman with his phenotype. Subraces shouldn't mix also as it is and Theres plenty of us whites with dark hair and eyes. Out of all the aryan features the actual colored eyes and hair are dying out. They are the hall mark features of many of our Gods and I will not help them go extinct. Both my grandfather's had blue eyes and so did my mother. But if I carry that gene who knows.


Now given the above what kind of investment would this be? I don't think the closest would even come close to close enough...why invest energy that could still successfully attract something that might not last when you could use that energy instead to advance and become a God and attract the absolute perfect mate by looking, feeling and acting the best you can? And this is ofcourse not doubting majick but weighing the prospective outcomes of the investments thereof.

It's funny that you mention all this because I am in the same racial position that you are in. It bugs me because it throws a huge wrench into my sense of identity, and also complicates who I chose for a partner. I want what the Gods want, basically, but I am not sure on specific details such as how each subrace maintains itself and the future and etc.

Sometimes I feel like not a part of European whites, and it makes me feel like a downgrade to identify as Arab either, just because that people/area has been so fucked by Jews and degenerated. I am sure all of this can be reversed, but like I said, not sure about specifics and so forth.


For your working, you should program the energy to bring you a successful relationship, not just a transient one. It can take some time to really nail down a concise, yet accurate affirmation. At that point, it becomes a matter of energy behind the working. Conveniently enough, squares can generate lots of energy.

Your question can be posed to all workings: Is this use of time and energy worthwhile, or do you wait until you are even stronger and can accomplish the same with less effort? This is where Virgo skills of organization and efficiency come into play.

Sometimes I feel like not a part of European whites, and it makes me feel like a downgrade to identify as Arab either, just because that people/area has been so fucked by Jews and degenerated. I am sure all of this can be reversed, but like I said, not sure about specifics and so forth.

If the one half of you that you speak of is from the levant, you probably have alot of roman and greek ancestry especially if no one in your family tree is muslim. Contrary to what alot of Nordicists and others believe, whiteness especially in ancient times was not exclusive to Europe. There were many ancient white tribes in Canaan, North Africa, and in Egypt before kikes mass murdered them and before islam came along, forcing alot of the populations to mix with arabs. Although it is more so today the case, Alot of people in that region who have genetics from ancient times still have little admixture, but this can vary so this is more taken on a case by case basis. The xtians in palestine and Lebanon have roman, greek, hittite, Canaanite/phonecian, and also some philistine ancestry. The most recent admixtures afterward are from the European crusades, the Ottoman empire, and Byzantine empire with some having some arab blood. If one is muslim, this is almost certain. Many of the xtians in Palestine specifically are descendants of the roman armies. Lebanon also has alot of roman and italian blood, not just from ancient times, but also from refugees during the italko-turkish war. My grandmother was lebanese and italian.

The aformented poplulations are all white and not arab and can pass for present day southern europeans. Alot of morons think the indegenous populations of the levant were semites but this is jewish bullshit. Jews invaded the levant on order of their god to settle in after mass murdering the numerous indigenous aryan tribs that resided there.

As a result of the phonecians having trade routes all along the mediterranean, and fighting for Hannibal in Carthage who had alot of berbers in his army, alot of present day lebanese and other levantines also have some berber ancestry. My father has a paleoberber haplogroup consistiant with the indigenous berbers before they were islamized. These people were pagans who followed a pantheon close to the egyptian one, and the egyptians ofcourse before the arab invasion were white. One of their queens was said to have had blonde hair also. Many berber tribes came from the egyptians from what I understand. Lebanese specifically share 90 percent of their dna with the ancient canaanites who worshipped Baal (Beelzebul) and Astarte. The armanid strain is also common in the levant and from what i understand Most armenians were white. They also speak an indo european language like the persians did.

Many people in the levant have arabic surnames and ofcourse the dominant language is arabic due to the ottoman empire and islamization...but there is still a number of people there are not genetically arab at all and many others partially. The marionite xtians especially. Not even the individual sects of xtinity there preferred mixing.

If you have the same racial composition i do, your med genes are probably dominant in temperment and phenotype and would be better off with someone mostly or wholly of mediterranean descent IMO. If you do however have significant actual arab ancestry the same narrative would go for you with not being as compatible with a germanic white, but with the other i am not certain as well. Look at your phenotype and see what is most dominant. Do you actually look arab? if not, this is probably not your dominant genotype.

I hope this helps.
Meteor said:
Aquarius said:
Shadowcat said:
There's a website called whitedate.net
it's a dating site for whites only, maybe you could try that.
In my opinion it's better to meet people anywhere other than dating apps, especially considering she wants something long-term and serious. Apps tend to attract an unpleasant crowd that might be too superficial for what she's looking for.

I've never tried using any, but based on stories I heard and some statistics Jack and SWG shared before, that's the impression I got.
I don't think I've ever shared any kind of dating statistics buy if I remember correctly, Incels cite a statistic of 80 20 where the majority of women on dating apps find the 80% of men as undatable or below average looking (I can't remember. ) So only the top 20% of men in terms of height and attractiveness have options from 80% of women who are swiping on them. In essence 80% of all men will get no Box while 20% of men will get all the box.

However Dating apps aren't real life because the entire population of marriage age adults aren't on these apps. But from statistics we see that 40% of marriage age women are single and 30% of the male population is incel. What this means is the 10% women are having casual sex with men whom they're not counting because they aren't in a relationship which is why it's not 40 40.

Allegedly it's getting extremely difficult for marriage and dating in the United States and it is estimated that about 50% of women will be single In about 10 years. The reasons for this is that average women claim that average men are unattractive and financially incompetent and that they will die alone rather than be with an average man. This is why a lot of investors have said to invest in cat and food food.

In a healthy society average men would have no problem getting box from average women. So it's beginning to look like a dystopia. This is why the MGTOW and Incel movement have grown exponentially as the Gender relations devolve even further.
Blackdragon666 said:
DragonFire11 said:
I am not saying that I want to betray/cheat on my wife, but I do not know, what sudden situation will happen in the future.
I will keep a distance from her that I know, but it will be not easy fo now, cos she know how I looking at her and she is not 18 but 40, an experienced woman with very sexual vibes.

Definitely my brain and also logic telling me to leave it, try to focus on other things, but the emotions are strong, is not so easy for me now to control and I do not know what would I do if for example I get in a sexual situation with her /hope never will happen/.

I know a few men who did cheat on their wifes, some of them say after 10years, some 15 or 20 years of marriage, just because they wanted to have a sex with another woman, just for joy and pleasure and after it they continued their life normaly. I am NOT taking an exaple of these people. I WILL TAKE YOUR ADVICE!!!
It's possible to remove feelings or lust for someone. Don't cheat on your wife brother.

I want to remove unnecessary feelings for the other SS.
Is there a specific rune needed for this?
MiniMe3388 said:
Blackdragon666 said:
DragonFire11 said:
I am not saying that I want to betray/cheat on my wife, but I do not know, what sudden situation will happen in the future.
I will keep a distance from her that I know, but it will be not easy fo now, cos she know how I looking at her and she is not 18 but 40, an experienced woman with very sexual vibes.

Definitely my brain and also logic telling me to leave it, try to focus on other things, but the emotions are strong, is not so easy for me now to control and I do not know what would I do if for example I get in a sexual situation with her /hope never will happen/.

I know a few men who did cheat on their wifes, some of them say after 10years, some 15 or 20 years of marriage, just because they wanted to have a sex with another woman, just for joy and pleasure and after it they continued their life normaly. I am NOT taking an exaple of these people. I WILL TAKE YOUR ADVICE!!!
It's possible to remove feelings or lust for someone. Don't cheat on your wife brother.

I want to remove unnecessary feelings for the other SS.
Is there a specific rune needed for this?

Just tell them how you feel about them.
If they feel the same for you, or if they are interested in you, then there is no need to remove any feelings.

If they are not interested, and you know it, your feelings will probably vanish by themselves, with out any working required to remove them.

Ik you have a Demon lover, altho imo, we should have human partners here on earth, maybe he is even cool with your Demon lover, who knows.
MiniMe3388 said:
Blackdragon666 said:
DragonFire11 said:
I am not saying that I want to betray/cheat on my wife, but I do not know, what sudden situation will happen in the future.
I will keep a distance from her that I know, but it will be not easy fo now, cos she know how I looking at her and she is not 18 but 40, an experienced woman with very sexual vibes.

Definitely my brain and also logic telling me to leave it, try to focus on other things, but the emotions are strong, is not so easy for me now to control and I do not know what would I do if for example I get in a sexual situation with her /hope never will happen/.

I know a few men who did cheat on their wifes, some of them say after 10years, some 15 or 20 years of marriage, just because they wanted to have a sex with another woman, just for joy and pleasure and after it they continued their life normaly. I am NOT taking an exaple of these people. I WILL TAKE YOUR ADVICE!!!
It's possible to remove feelings or lust for someone. Don't cheat on your wife brother.

I want to remove unnecessary feelings for the other SS.
Is there a specific rune needed for this?
You have feelings for another SS? You can tell them about it and see how they react, if they can be cool with something like courtship and getting to know each other, if they are single etc.

Depending on how deep your feelings run, if it turns out you two can't have a thing then you can work on removing the feelings with a rune like Uruz (that is if it's something deep and can keep you down, Scorpio kind of love) or just let it fade on its own as advised above. All the best sister.
DragonFire11 said:
I never thought that I can fall in love, I am nearly 40 years old, father of 2 and a husband.
I can not decide it is good or not. Last time I felt this feeling it was 10+ years ago and now I can not handle it like those times.

You know, the thing is that I start feel love to my colleague, she has same age as me, but this is very strange for me. I work for this company 3 years now, she 18 years

Can you suggest me something, what should I do, to finish this feeling but not cut the friedship with her off??

This post is fucked lol

Just control yourself, man. It'll pass
MiniMe3388 said:
Blackdragon666 said:
DragonFire11 said:
I am not saying that I want to betray/cheat on my wife, but I do not know, what sudden situation will happen in the future.
I will keep a distance from her that I know, but it will be not easy fo now, cos she know how I looking at her and she is not 18 but 40, an experienced woman with very sexual vibes.

Definitely my brain and also logic telling me to leave it, try to focus on other things, but the emotions are strong, is not so easy for me now to control and I do not know what would I do if for example I get in a sexual situation with her /hope never will happen/.

I know a few men who did cheat on their wifes, some of them say after 10years, some 15 or 20 years of marriage, just because they wanted to have a sex with another woman, just for joy and pleasure and after it they continued their life normaly. I am NOT taking an exaple of these people. I WILL TAKE YOUR ADVICE!!!
It's possible to remove feelings or lust for someone. Don't cheat on your wife brother.

I want to remove unnecessary feelings for the other SS.
Is there a specific rune needed for this?
If you have a monogamous demon lover then try to talk to him first and foremost.

What type of feelings do you have? Just lust, infatuation, a crush? If that's the case then you shouldn't really betray and break your lover's heart over some childish feelings or a superficial crush.

Also how do you know this SS. From forums, online? Have you even ever physically met the guy? Have you seen your synastry chart? Have you seen his natal chart? Do you know him 100% like your demon lover knows everything about you? If not then what do you even have feelings for?

Real life people is nothing like what people are online. No matter who it's the same thing. Even if you chat on messaging apps or email.

Btw you can email me on Protonmail if you want to vent more about this. I've a demoness as well and I've learned through the years how to deal with situations like this.

Here is my email: [email protected]

Hail Satan!
mercury_wisdom said:
MiniMe3388 said:
Blackdragon666 said:
It's possible to remove feelings or lust for someone. Don't cheat on your wife brother.

I want to remove unnecessary feelings for the other SS.
Is there a specific rune needed for this?
If you have a monogamous demon lover then try to talk to him first and foremost.

What type of feelings do you have? Just lust, infatuation, a crush? If that's the case then you shouldn't really betray and break your lover's heart over some childish feelings or a superficial crush.

Also how do you know this SS. From forums, online? Have you even ever physically met the guy? Have you seen your synastry chart? Have you seen his natal chart? Do you know him 100% like your demon lover knows everything about you? If not then what do you even have feelings for?

Real life people is nothing like what people are online. No matter who it's the same thing. Even if you chat on messaging apps or email.

Btw you can email me on Protonmail if you want to vent more about this. I've a demoness as well and I've learned through the years how to deal with situations like this.

Here is my email: [email protected]

Hail Satan!

Having a Demon Partner, or a human partner are very different.
Not everyone wants to stick with a relationship like this, as they also need physical activity.
Also, having Children with a Demon is not possible for the near future. So no family.

Demon Lovers are not for everyone.
Let everyone decide for themselves if they want a relationship like this, and even how long they want to be in a relationship like that.

If someone is isolated or something like this, or there is no other option, having a Demon Lover is a good way out of loneliness.

But else, in my opinion it is wiser for humans to stick with humans.
And if she is in love with another SS, if it is a decent person overall, let her see how it turns out.
NinRick said:
mercury_wisdom said:
MiniMe3388 said:
I want to remove unnecessary feelings for the other SS.
Is there a specific rune needed for this?
If you have a monogamous demon lover then try to talk to him first and foremost.

What type of feelings do you have? Just lust, infatuation, a crush? If that's the case then you shouldn't really betray and break your lover's heart over some childish feelings or a superficial crush.

Also how do you know this SS. From forums, online? Have you even ever physically met the guy? Have you seen your synastry chart? Have you seen his natal chart? Do you know him 100% like your demon lover knows everything about you? If not then what do you even have feelings for?

Real life people is nothing like what people are online. No matter who it's the same thing. Even if you chat on messaging apps or email.

Btw you can email me on Protonmail if you want to vent more about this. I've a demoness as well and I've learned through the years how to deal with situations like this.

Here is my email: [email protected]

Hail Satan!

Having a Demon Partner, or a human partner are very different.
Not everyone wants to stick with a relationship like this, as they also need physical activity.
Also, having Children with a Demon is not possible for the near future. So no family.

Demon Lovers are not for everyone.
Let everyone decide for themselves if they want a relationship like this, and even how long they want to be in a relationship like that.

If someone is isolated or something like this, or there is no other option, having a Demon Lover is a good way out of loneliness.

But else, in my opinion it is wiser for humans to stick with humans.
And if she is in love with another SS, if it is a decent person overall, let her see how it turns out.

“How the Gods make love is so sacred that none should even talk about it. People with Demon lovers know this firsthand. These beings give their all” … “Satanists treat their mates with uttmost respect and they should never leave each other as anything can be worked out through Satan

– High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Some Demons are monogamous, in that they only have one partner and this goes both ways. These Demons take monogamy VERY seriously and if a relationship is violated by a human being, the partner of the human being could in the worst of cases wind up dead. Demons are known like humans to become very jealous.
- High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Never, ever, betray your lover (for the case of a monogamous relationship)! The opportunity to have a love relationship with a God or Goddess is a so wonderful gift from Father Satan as is Godhead itself. Father Satan only allows the worth capable of his (if He has no other plans for you), so if you betray your lover you betray the trust that Father Satan himself put in you!
Found here: https://thirdsex666.deathofcommunism.com/for-those-who-have-demon-lovers/

These relations are a specific gift from Satan himself and some of these Gods actually have the want to be with us Humans for many reasons. This is something entirely different, True and goes both ways.
Here: https://thirdsex666.deathofcommunism.com/sex-and-the-gods/

I don't have to say much as Hp HC and Hps Maxine have said much. I never said Demon lovers are for everyone. But she is the one who chose to have one or even asked Satan for one. I am not deciding for her she is the one that decided. I am only trying to help.

Just because the guy she has feelings for is an SS doesn't mean he is right, suitable or compatible to her. But what I am certain of is that her demon is compatible otherwise the demon wouldn't choose to be with her in the first place.

Also demon lovers are not only for those imprisoned. That's just naive. Lots of SS and great people have demon lovers and are very happy with them.

It's very naive and immature for you Ninrick to tell her to betray her lover just because she has some infatuation for a guy here on earth. Remember demons are just like humans. They have feelings and are to be treated with uttmost respect.

You keep talking and saying "go ahead tell the SS you like him maybe he will even be okay with your demon lover" but what about her lover's feelings? Does he not have a say in this? Or just because he reaches her on the astral that means his feelings doesn't matter?

I don't understand why an SS would disrespect a demon so much. Treating him like he doesn't exist. Treating him like he wouldn't get jealous over his own lover.

Like really wtf Ninrick?
Blackdragon666 said:
MiniMe3388 said:
Blackdragon666 said:
It's possible to remove feelings or lust for someone. Don't cheat on your wife brother.

I want to remove unnecessary feelings for the other SS.
Is there a specific rune needed for this?
You have feelings for another SS? You can tell them about it and see how they react, if they can be cool with something like courtship and getting to know each other, if they are single etc.

Depending on how deep your feelings run, if it turns out you two can't have a thing then you can work on removing the feelings with a rune like Uruz (that is if it's something deep and can keep you down, Scorpio kind of love) or just let it fade on its own as advised above. All the best sister.

Thank you :)
mercury_wisdom said:
MiniMe3388 said:
Blackdragon666 said:
It's possible to remove feelings or lust for someone. Don't cheat on your wife brother.

I want to remove unnecessary feelings for the other SS.
Is there a specific rune needed for this?
If you have a monogamous demon lover then try to talk to him first and foremost.

What type of feelings do you have? Just lust, infatuation, a crush? If that's the case then you shouldn't really betray and break your lover's heart over some childish feelings or a superficial crush.

Also how do you know this SS. From forums, online? Have you even ever physically met the guy? Have you seen your synastry chart? Have you seen his natal chart? Do you know him 100% like your demon lover knows everything about you? If not then what do you even have feelings for?

Real life people is nothing like what people are online. No matter who it's the same thing. Even if you chat on messaging apps or email.

Btw you can email me on Protonmail if you want to vent more about this. I've a demoness as well and I've learned through the years how to deal with situations like this.

Here is my email: [email protected]

Hail Satan!

I live in a polygamous relationship. Since the age of 13, I have dreamed of having several lovers. Lord Satan has confirmed to me that I am capable of being in love with several people at the same time. I currently have an incubus and a succubus. They are amazing <3
NinRick said:
mercury_wisdom said:
MiniMe3388 said:
I want to remove unnecessary feelings for the other SS.
Is there a specific rune needed for this?
If you have a monogamous demon lover then try to talk to him first and foremost.

What type of feelings do you have? Just lust, infatuation, a crush? If that's the case then you shouldn't really betray and break your lover's heart over some childish feelings or a superficial crush.

Also how do you know this SS. From forums, online? Have you even ever physically met the guy? Have you seen your synastry chart? Have you seen his natal chart? Do you know him 100% like your demon lover knows everything about you? If not then what do you even have feelings for?

Real life people is nothing like what people are online. No matter who it's the same thing. Even if you chat on messaging apps or email.

Btw you can email me on Protonmail if you want to vent more about this. I've a demoness as well and I've learned through the years how to deal with situations like this.

Here is my email: [email protected]

Hail Satan!

Having a Demon Partner, or a human partner are very different.
Not everyone wants to stick with a relationship like this, as they also need physical activity.
Also, having Children with a Demon is not possible for the near future. So no family.

Demon Lovers are not for everyone.
Let everyone decide for themselves if they want a relationship like this, and even how long they want to be in a relationship like that.

If someone is isolated or something like this, or there is no other option, having a Demon Lover is a good way out of loneliness.

But else, in my opinion it is wiser for humans to stick with humans.
And if she is in love with another SS, if it is a decent person overall, let her see how it turns out.

This is also very true. it depends very much on the person. Having an astral partner, at least a monogamous one though would require someone to be extremely patient and fixed when it comes to a partner choice as many people change partners, wereas Demons are different, at least the monogamous ones, as this goes for them beyond just one lifetime. It takes a unique person in their own way to be happy with someone on the astral. And even then being a little more open is advised for that.

The same applies to long distance relationships also imo as this is hard on people in general, as yes, many people very much need physical interaction.
MiniMe3388 said:
mercury_wisdom said:
MiniMe3388 said:
I want to remove unnecessary feelings for the other SS.
Is there a specific rune needed for this?
If you have a monogamous demon lover then try to talk to him first and foremost.

What type of feelings do you have? Just lust, infatuation, a crush? If that's the case then you shouldn't really betray and break your lover's heart over some childish feelings or a superficial crush.

Also how do you know this SS. From forums, online? Have you even ever physically met the guy? Have you seen your synastry chart? Have you seen his natal chart? Do you know him 100% like your demon lover knows everything about you? If not then what do you even have feelings for?

Real life people is nothing like what people are online. No matter who it's the same thing. Even if you chat on messaging apps or email.

Btw you can email me on Protonmail if you want to vent more about this. I've a demoness as well and I've learned through the years how to deal with situations like this.

Here is my email: [email protected]

Hail Satan!

I live in a polygamous relationship. Since the age of 13, I have dreamed of having several lovers. Lord Satan has confirmed to me that I am capable of being in love with several people at the same time. I currently have an incubus and a succubus. They are amazing <3
Cool. Then do whatever you like as long as it's benficial and fun haha.

Best of luck!
mercury_wisdom said:
NinRick said:
mercury_wisdom said:
If you have a monogamous demon lover then try to talk to him first and foremost.

What type of feelings do you have? Just lust, infatuation, a crush? If that's the case then you shouldn't really betray and break your lover's heart over some childish feelings or a superficial crush.

Also how do you know this SS. From forums, online? Have you even ever physically met the guy? Have you seen your synastry chart? Have you seen his natal chart? Do you know him 100% like your demon lover knows everything about you? If not then what do you even have feelings for?

Real life people is nothing like what people are online. No matter who it's the same thing. Even if you chat on messaging apps or email.

Btw you can email me on Protonmail if you want to vent more about this. I've a demoness as well and I've learned through the years how to deal with situations like this.

Here is my email: [email protected]

Hail Satan!

Having a Demon Partner, or a human partner are very different.
Not everyone wants to stick with a relationship like this, as they also need physical activity.
Also, having Children with a Demon is not possible for the near future. So no family.

Demon Lovers are not for everyone.
Let everyone decide for themselves if they want a relationship like this, and even how long they want to be in a relationship like that.

If someone is isolated or something like this, or there is no other option, having a Demon Lover is a good way out of loneliness.

But else, in my opinion it is wiser for humans to stick with humans.
And if she is in love with another SS, if it is a decent person overall, let her see how it turns out.

“How the Gods make love is so sacred that none should even talk about it. People with Demon lovers know this firsthand. These beings give their all” … “Satanists treat their mates with uttmost respect and they should never leave each other as anything can be worked out through Satan

– High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Some Demons are monogamous, in that they only have one partner and this goes both ways. These Demons take monogamy VERY seriously and if a relationship is violated by a human being, the partner of the human being could in the worst of cases wind up dead. Demons are known like humans to become very jealous.
- High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Never, ever, betray your lover (for the case of a monogamous relationship)! The opportunity to have a love relationship with a God or Goddess is a so wonderful gift from Father Satan as is Godhead itself. Father Satan only allows the worth capable of his (if He has no other plans for you), so if you betray your lover you betray the trust that Father Satan himself put in you!
Found here: https://thirdsex666.deathofcommunism.com/for-those-who-have-demon-lovers/

These relations are a specific gift from Satan himself and some of these Gods actually have the want to be with us Humans for many reasons. This is something entirely different, True and goes both ways.
Here: https://thirdsex666.deathofcommunism.com/sex-and-the-gods/

I don't have to say much as Hp HC and Hps Maxine have said much. I never said Demon lovers are for everyone. But she is the one who chose to have one or even asked Satan for one. I am not deciding for her she is the one that decided. I am only trying to help.

Just because the guy she has feelings for is an SS doesn't mean he is right, suitable or compatible to her. But what I am certain of is that her demon is compatible otherwise the demon wouldn't choose to be with her in the first place.

Also demon lovers are not only for those imprisoned. That's just naive. Lots of SS and great people have demon lovers and are very happy with them.

It's very naive and immature for you Ninrick to tell her to betray her lover just because she has some infatuation for a guy here on earth. Remember demons are just like humans. They have feelings and are to be treated with uttmost respect.

You keep talking and saying "go ahead tell the SS you like him maybe he will even be okay with your demon lover" but what about her lover's feelings? Does he not have a say in this? Or just because he reaches her on the astral that means his feelings doesn't matter?

I don't understand why an SS would disrespect a demon so much. Treating him like he doesn't exist. Treating him like he wouldn't get jealous over his own lover.

Like really wtf Ninrick?

You are naive for thinking a relationship has to be forever. Once interests, desires and needs shift, people and their relationships change as well. Or else they stay unsatisfied and unfulfilled.

I never disrespected any Demon, nor said that they don’t exist. So you better drop it.

Demons are not nearly like humans, you are speaking about beings, that are immensely old and experienced with any and all situations you can come up with. You are not that’s why we can not fully comprehend why they are so loving and caring with us.

Do you really think when your needs and desires change, they will force you to stay? Just because they would be sad?

For example, some people chose to be with a Demon Lover because of loneliness. They didn’t think about it much and wanted a Monogamous relationship.

After a while they notice, that they want to have a physical relationship and that this isn’t fully satisfying their needs fully.
Or for example they want to start a family.

Do you want to tell me that those people should suffer, and stay in a relationship like this until they die? Devoid of experiencing live to its fullest? Devoid of having kids? Physical security? A house and a family to call your home? Not fulfilling their desires?
mercury_wisdom said:
NinRick said:
mercury_wisdom said:
If you have a monogamous demon lover then try to talk to him first and foremost.

What type of feelings do you have? Just lust, infatuation, a crush? If that's the case then you shouldn't really betray and break your lover's heart over some childish feelings or a superficial crush.

Also how do you know this SS. From forums, online? Have you even ever physically met the guy? Have you seen your synastry chart? Have you seen his natal chart? Do you know him 100% like your demon lover knows everything about you? If not then what do you even have feelings for?

Real life people is nothing like what people are online. No matter who it's the same thing. Even if you chat on messaging apps or email.

Btw you can email me on Protonmail if you want to vent more about this. I've a demoness as well and I've learned through the years how to deal with situations like this.

Here is my email: [email protected]

Hail Satan!

Having a Demon Partner, or a human partner are very different.
Not everyone wants to stick with a relationship like this, as they also need physical activity.
Also, having Children with a Demon is not possible for the near future. So no family.

Demon Lovers are not for everyone.
Let everyone decide for themselves if they want a relationship like this, and even how long they want to be in a relationship like that.

If someone is isolated or something like this, or there is no other option, having a Demon Lover is a good way out of loneliness.

But else, in my opinion it is wiser for humans to stick with humans.
And if she is in love with another SS, if it is a decent person overall, let her see how it turns out.

“How the Gods make love is so sacred that none should even talk about it. People with Demon lovers know this firsthand. These beings give their all” … “Satanists treat their mates with uttmost respect and they should never leave each other as anything can be worked out through Satan

– High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Some Demons are monogamous, in that they only have one partner and this goes both ways. These Demons take monogamy VERY seriously and if a relationship is violated by a human being, the partner of the human being could in the worst of cases wind up dead. Demons are known like humans to become very jealous.
- High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Never, ever, betray your lover (for the case of a monogamous relationship)! The opportunity to have a love relationship with a God or Goddess is a so wonderful gift from Father Satan as is Godhead itself. Father Satan only allows the worth capable of his (if He has no other plans for you), so if you betray your lover you betray the trust that Father Satan himself put in you!
Found here: https://thirdsex666.deathofcommunism.com/for-those-who-have-demon-lovers/

These relations are a specific gift from Satan himself and some of these Gods actually have the want to be with us Humans for many reasons. This is something entirely different, True and goes both ways.
Here: https://thirdsex666.deathofcommunism.com/sex-and-the-gods/

I don't have to say much as Hp HC and Hps Maxine have said much. I never said Demon lovers are for everyone. But she is the one who chose to have one or even asked Satan for one. I am not deciding for her she is the one that decided. I am only trying to help.

Just because the guy she has feelings for is an SS doesn't mean he is right, suitable or compatible to her. But what I am certain of is that her demon is compatible otherwise the demon wouldn't choose to be with her in the first place.

Also demon lovers are not only for those imprisoned. That's just naive. Lots of SS and great people have demon lovers and are very happy with them.

It's very naive and immature for you Ninrick to tell her to betray her lover just because she has some infatuation for a guy here on earth. Remember demons are just like humans. They have feelings and are to be treated with uttmost respect.

You keep talking and saying "go ahead tell the SS you like him maybe he will even be okay with your demon lover" but what about her lover's feelings? Does he not have a say in this? Or just because he reaches her on the astral that means his feelings doesn't matter?

I don't understand why an SS would disrespect a demon so much. Treating him like he doesn't exist. Treating him like he wouldn't get jealous over his own lover.

Like really wtf Ninrick?

I hope you appreciate how objective I was.
NinRick said:
mercury_wisdom said:
NinRick said:
Having a Demon Partner, or a human partner are very different.
Not everyone wants to stick with a relationship like this, as they also need physical activity.
Also, having Children with a Demon is not possible for the near future. So no family.

Demon Lovers are not for everyone.
Let everyone decide for themselves if they want a relationship like this, and even how long they want to be in a relationship like that.

If someone is isolated or something like this, or there is no other option, having a Demon Lover is a good way out of loneliness.

But else, in my opinion it is wiser for humans to stick with humans.
And if she is in love with another SS, if it is a decent person overall, let her see how it turns out.

“How the Gods make love is so sacred that none should even talk about it. People with Demon lovers know this firsthand. These beings give their all” … “Satanists treat their mates with uttmost respect and they should never leave each other as anything can be worked out through Satan

– High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Some Demons are monogamous, in that they only have one partner and this goes both ways. These Demons take monogamy VERY seriously and if a relationship is violated by a human being, the partner of the human being could in the worst of cases wind up dead. Demons are known like humans to become very jealous.
- High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Never, ever, betray your lover (for the case of a monogamous relationship)! The opportunity to have a love relationship with a God or Goddess is a so wonderful gift from Father Satan as is Godhead itself. Father Satan only allows the worth capable of his (if He has no other plans for you), so if you betray your lover you betray the trust that Father Satan himself put in you!
Found here: https://thirdsex666.deathofcommunism.com/for-those-who-have-demon-lovers/

These relations are a specific gift from Satan himself and some of these Gods actually have the want to be with us Humans for many reasons. This is something entirely different, True and goes both ways.
Here: https://thirdsex666.deathofcommunism.com/sex-and-the-gods/

I don't have to say much as Hp HC and Hps Maxine have said much. I never said Demon lovers are for everyone. But she is the one who chose to have one or even asked Satan for one. I am not deciding for her she is the one that decided. I am only trying to help.

Just because the guy she has feelings for is an SS doesn't mean he is right, suitable or compatible to her. But what I am certain of is that her demon is compatible otherwise the demon wouldn't choose to be with her in the first place.

Also demon lovers are not only for those imprisoned. That's just naive. Lots of SS and great people have demon lovers and are very happy with them.

It's very naive and immature for you Ninrick to tell her to betray her lover just because she has some infatuation for a guy here on earth. Remember demons are just like humans. They have feelings and are to be treated with uttmost respect.

You keep talking and saying "go ahead tell the SS you like him maybe he will even be okay with your demon lover" but what about her lover's feelings? Does he not have a say in this? Or just because he reaches her on the astral that means his feelings doesn't matter?

I don't understand why an SS would disrespect a demon so much. Treating him like he doesn't exist. Treating him like he wouldn't get jealous over his own lover.

Like really wtf Ninrick?

You are naive for thinking a relationship has to be forever. Once interests, desires and needs shift, people and their relationships change as well. Or else they stay unsatisfied and unfulfilled.

I never disrespected any Demon, nor said that they don’t exist. So you better drop it.

Demons are not nearly like humans, you are speaking about beings, that are immensely old and experienced with any and all situations you can come up with. You are not that’s why we can not fully comprehend why they are so loving and caring with us.

Do you really think when your needs and desires change, they will force you to stay? Just because they would be sad?

For example, some people chose to be with a Demon Lover because of loneliness. They didn’t think about it much and wanted a Monogamous relationship.

After a while they notice, that they want to have a physical relationship and that this isn’t fully satisfying their needs fully.
Or for example they want to start a family.

Do you want to tell me that those people should suffer, and stay in a relationship like this until they die? Devoid of experiencing live to its fullest? Devoid of having kids? Physical security? A house and a family to call your home? Not fulfilling their desires?
Ninrick, you are entitled to your opinion. I won't argue much as your opinion doesn't mean anything to me. Changing it won't benefit me. Besides the enemy is attacking the forums so this is not a very good time to have a conversation.

But yes I want a relationship that lasts forever. I actually want one that lasts for this life time and all life times. This is not naive at all.

I have an 8th house venus and an 8th house stellium. So yes I want a deep soul-to-soul connection that lasts forever. I want someone I can merge with. I would guess you have an air venus or other air placements so this is not attractive to you and it shouldn't. We are individuals after all and every one likes different things. The important thing is to respect each other as SS no matter our differences. As far as I go I respect your preference. It's just not how I want to live my life.


Hail Satan!!
MiniMe3388 said:
Blackdragon666 said:
MiniMe3388 said:
I want to remove unnecessary feelings for the other SS.
Is there a specific rune needed for this?
You have feelings for another SS? You can tell them about it and see how they react, if they can be cool with something like courtship and getting to know each other, if they are single etc.

Depending on how deep your feelings run, if it turns out you two can't have a thing then you can work on removing the feelings with a rune like Uruz (that is if it's something deep and can keep you down, Scorpio kind of love) or just let it fade on its own as advised above. All the best sister.

Thank you :)
I have just read some more posts on this thread and apparently you have a Demon lover. If this is the case and they are monogamous/it is a monogamous relationship, don't even think about approaching that other person with ulterior motives.
Blackdragon666 said:
MiniMe3388 said:
Blackdragon666 said:
You have feelings for another SS? You can tell them about it and see how they react, if they can be cool with something like courtship and getting to know each other, if they are single etc.

Depending on how deep your feelings run, if it turns out you two can't have a thing then you can work on removing the feelings with a rune like Uruz (that is if it's something deep and can keep you down, Scorpio kind of love) or just let it fade on its own as advised above. All the best sister.

Thank you :)
I have just read some more posts on this thread and apparently you have a Demon lover. If this is the case and they are monogamous/it is a monogamous relationship, don't even think about approaching that other person with ulterior motives.

Don't worry bro. I live in a polygamous relationship. :cool:
mercury_wisdom said:
NinRick said:
mercury_wisdom said:
I don't have to say much as Hp HC and Hps Maxine have said much. I never said Demon lovers are for everyone. But she is the one who chose to have one or even asked Satan for one. I am not deciding for her she is the one that decided. I am only trying to help.

Just because the guy she has feelings for is an SS doesn't mean he is right, suitable or compatible to her. But what I am certain of is that her demon is compatible otherwise the demon wouldn't choose to be with her in the first place.

Also demon lovers are not only for those imprisoned. That's just naive. Lots of SS and great people have demon lovers and are very happy with them.

It's very naive and immature for you Ninrick to tell her to betray her lover just because she has some infatuation for a guy here on earth. Remember demons are just like humans. They have feelings and are to be treated with uttmost respect.

You keep talking and saying "go ahead tell the SS you like him maybe he will even be okay with your demon lover" but what about her lover's feelings? Does he not have a say in this? Or just because he reaches her on the astral that means his feelings doesn't matter?

I don't understand why an SS would disrespect a demon so much. Treating him like he doesn't exist. Treating him like he wouldn't get jealous over his own lover.

Like really wtf Ninrick?

You are naive for thinking a relationship has to be forever. Once interests, desires and needs shift, people and their relationships change as well. Or else they stay unsatisfied and unfulfilled.

I never disrespected any Demon, nor said that they don’t exist. So you better drop it.

Demons are not nearly like humans, you are speaking about beings, that are immensely old and experienced with any and all situations you can come up with. You are not that’s why we can not fully comprehend why they are so loving and caring with us.

Do you really think when your needs and desires change, they will force you to stay? Just because they would be sad?

For example, some people chose to be with a Demon Lover because of loneliness. They didn’t think about it much and wanted a Monogamous relationship.

After a while they notice, that they want to have a physical relationship and that this isn’t fully satisfying their needs fully.
Or for example they want to start a family.

Do you want to tell me that those people should suffer, and stay in a relationship like this until they die? Devoid of experiencing live to its fullest? Devoid of having kids? Physical security? A house and a family to call your home? Not fulfilling their desires?
Ninrick, you are entitled to your opinion. I won't argue much as your opinion doesn't mean anything to me. Changing it won't benefit me. Besides the enemy is attacking the forums so this is not a very good time to have a conversation.

But yes I want a relationship that lasts forever. I actually want one that lasts for this life time and all life times. This is not naive at all.

I have an 8th house venus and an 8th house stellium. So yes I want a deep soul-to-soul connection that lasts forever. I want someone I can merge with. I would guess you have an air venus or other air placements so this is not attractive to you and it shouldn't. We are individuals after all and every one likes different things. The important thing is to respect each other as SS no matter our differences. As far as I go I respect your preference. It's just not how I want to live my life.


Hail Satan!!

Blackdragon666 said:
MiniMe3388 said:
Blackdragon666 said:
You have feelings for another SS? You can tell them about it and see how they react, if they can be cool with something like courtship and getting to know each other, if they are single etc.

Depending on how deep your feelings run, if it turns out you two can't have a thing then you can work on removing the feelings with a rune like Uruz (that is if it's something deep and can keep you down, Scorpio kind of love) or just let it fade on its own as advised above. All the best sister.

Thank you :)
I have just read some more posts on this thread and apparently you have a Demon lover. If this is the case and they are monogamous/it is a monogamous relationship, don't even think about approaching that other person with ulterior motives.
She and her demons (yep it's not even one demon haha) are poly. Don't worry about it brother.
Jack said:
Fuchs said:
Jack said:
What are you even talking about, I was citing a statistic researching genomic data.

According to genomic data only 40% of men have reproduced and 99% of women have and the genomic data shows that all Aryan societies have been polygynous in the past. This Is a historical fact.

And what do indian men have to do with guys like above. Indians shouldn't be in the same continent as white people.

Do you even think about things before you write things ? It's very hard to understand what you're saying when you're not using proper English.

Ofcourse I'm in support of Eugenics even though a lot of people here aren't. I don't believe Genetically diseased or I'll people should be born let alone have a chance at reproduction.

I tryed with open questions to show you your error in your logic, I don´t think only the best genetic people did always reproduce, as for example some warriors had the best genetics, but were gay so they went out to fight for thear homeland, protect thear people including polygamous people, they did not die in war because they were genetical inferior.
I think, feel people may have been poly, but it wasn´t always about muh best genetics, but more about men who love to raise children, who were abel to love thear kids, so they can become thear best self, you can be as good/mighty/genetically best as you want, if you are unabel to raise your children, including loving them etc, you will raise mentally handicaped children.

And if you don´t have other "inferior" men to protect you while you are doing it, well the chances of survival are slim.

Back then the people had a understanding of reincarnation, so it didn´t matter if you reproduce as long enouth other men did make up for you raised children so you can reincarnate.

In a essence the 60% not reproducing men were not garbage or inferior they did support thear society as much as the other 40% raising children. Without the 60% the 40% couldn´t have done what they did.

I would go as far as to state if one wife was married this didn´t mean she could not have sex with a other guy as long she does not get pregnang or in some cases they may have raised children from other men who didn´t want to take the burden of raising a child but did fight all thear life in wars.

Your numbers don´t tell you the connection between people how they did act etc with each other.

I hope I made it more clear this time.
I highly doubt that men were allowing their wives to have sex with other men ,just telling them not to get pregnant. Cuckoldry is an unnatural thing (because of jealousy) which pagan men of good character would never indulge in. Also I never claimed anyone was inferior or superior, so I don't know where you got that from. What I said was these people didn't get a chance to reproduce and polygynous marriages must have exacerbated the problem. This is exactly why I Said that Monogamy was more beneficial for society in terms of cohesiveness and order.

What we know is that there was extreme intraspecific competition and a large percentage of men were not able to reproduce (not because they were gay(only about 2 - 5% of people are gay in a population at any given time naturally) but because of wars ,disease ,and unable to provide for a wife or even have a chance to get a wife, (ex- being born a slave.) This is a historical fact which you can research online.

Before the advent of modern medicine there was always a surplus of women than men because men were more susceptible to die from disease and from doing dangerous jobs with high mortality.

You portray a men who has 4 wifes as superior to someone who does not reproduce. If I recall right, Adolf Hitler didn´t have 4 Wifes and 12 Children, was he inferiour to someone who did have?

Sure not. Ones value is not only determined by the number of wifes or children. Everyone should do what they can do best, if one is the perfect child raiser/wife supporter, then sure why not. It is a important task, but not the only important one.

Also a society with only mens having 4 wifes would not last without "incels" who do important tasks I did mention above.

We live in a society so everybody who does add something positive is important. That´s the reason I told one guy, who said he would want to kill 90% of the populace:

They may behave like animals, only follow thear instincts/needs and do what they have to do and not more, no interest in bettering the world, but they may do something which does help the 10% of people who want to better the world. Also, if we ever want to colonise new planets, we may don´t want to send the best at first, in case something goes rong.
Fuchs said:
Jack said:
Fuchs said:
I tryed with open questions to show you your error in your logic, I don´t think only the best genetic people did always reproduce, as for example some warriors had the best genetics, but were gay so they went out to fight for thear homeland, protect thear people including polygamous people, they did not die in war because they were genetical inferior.
I think, feel people may have been poly, but it wasn´t always about muh best genetics, but more about men who love to raise children, who were abel to love thear kids, so they can become thear best self, you can be as good/mighty/genetically best as you want, if you are unabel to raise your children, including loving them etc, you will raise mentally handicaped children.

And if you don´t have other "inferior" men to protect you while you are doing it, well the chances of survival are slim.

Back then the people had a understanding of reincarnation, so it didn´t matter if you reproduce as long enouth other men did make up for you raised children so you can reincarnate.

In a essence the 60% not reproducing men were not garbage or inferior they did support thear society as much as the other 40% raising children. Without the 60% the 40% couldn´t have done what they did.

I would go as far as to state if one wife was married this didn´t mean she could not have sex with a other guy as long she does not get pregnang or in some cases they may have raised children from other men who didn´t want to take the burden of raising a child but did fight all thear life in wars.

Your numbers don´t tell you the connection between people how they did act etc with each other.

I hope I made it more clear this time.
I highly doubt that men were allowing their wives to have sex with other men ,just telling them not to get pregnant. Cuckoldry is an unnatural thing (because of jealousy) which pagan men of good character would never indulge in. Also I never claimed anyone was inferior or superior, so I don't know where you got that from. What I said was these people didn't get a chance to reproduce and polygynous marriages must have exacerbated the problem. This is exactly why I Said that Monogamy was more beneficial for society in terms of cohesiveness and order.

What we know is that there was extreme intraspecific competition and a large percentage of men were not able to reproduce (not because they were gay(only about 2 - 5% of people are gay in a population at any given time naturally) but because of wars ,disease ,and unable to provide for a wife or even have a chance to get a wife, (ex- being born a slave.) This is a historical fact which you can research online.

Before the advent of modern medicine there was always a surplus of women than men because men were more susceptible to die from disease and from doing dangerous jobs with high mortality.

You portray a men who has 4 wifes as superior to someone who does not reproduce. If I recall right, Adolf Hitler didn´t have 4 Wifes and 12 Children, was he inferiour to someone who did have?

Sure not. Ones value is not only determined by the number of wifes or children. Everyone should do what they can do best, if one is the perfect child raiser/wife supporter, then sure why not. It is a important task, but not the only important one.

Also a society with only mens having 4 wifes would not last without "incels" who do important tasks I did mention above.

We live in a society so everybody who does add something positive is important. That´s the reason I told one guy, who said he would want to kill 90% of the populace:

They may behave like animals, only follow thear instincts/needs and do what they have to do and not more, no interest in bettering the world, but they may do something which does help the 10% of people who want to better the world. Also, if we ever want to colonise new planets, we may don´t want to send the best at first, in case something goes rong.
I never said that a man with 4 wives was superior. You just made that up. Quote me where I said a man who has multiple women is superior to one who is monogamous. You can't because I've never said this.
Jack said:
Fuchs said:
Jack said:
I highly doubt that men were allowing their wives to have sex with other men ,just telling them not to get pregnant. Cuckoldry is an unnatural thing (because of jealousy) which pagan men of good character would never indulge in. Also I never claimed anyone was inferior or superior, so I don't know where you got that from. What I said was these people didn't get a chance to reproduce and polygynous marriages must have exacerbated the problem. This is exactly why I Said that Monogamy was more beneficial for society in terms of cohesiveness and order.

What we know is that there was extreme intraspecific competition and a large percentage of men were not able to reproduce (not because they were gay(only about 2 - 5% of people are gay in a population at any given time naturally) but because of wars ,disease ,and unable to provide for a wife or even have a chance to get a wife, (ex- being born a slave.) This is a historical fact which you can research online.

Before the advent of modern medicine there was always a surplus of women than men because men were more susceptible to die from disease and from doing dangerous jobs with high mortality.

You portray a men who has 4 wifes as superior to someone who does not reproduce. If I recall right, Adolf Hitler didn´t have 4 Wifes and 12 Children, was he inferiour to someone who did have?

Sure not. Ones value is not only determined by the number of wifes or children. Everyone should do what they can do best, if one is the perfect child raiser/wife supporter, then sure why not. It is a important task, but not the only important one.

Also a society with only mens having 4 wifes would not last without "incels" who do important tasks I did mention above.

We live in a society so everybody who does add something positive is important. That´s the reason I told one guy, who said he would want to kill 90% of the populace:

They may behave like animals, only follow thear instincts/needs and do what they have to do and not more, no interest in bettering the world, but they may do something which does help the 10% of people who want to better the world. Also, if we ever want to colonise new planets, we may don´t want to send the best at first, in case something goes rong.
I never said that a man with 4 wives was superior. You just made that up. Quote me where I said a man who has multiple women is superior to one who is monogamous. You can't because I've never said this.

Here you go (man 4 wifes is superior to incel /singel man):

"Nowadays this concept of Monogamous marriage is being eroded and more and more people are becoming increasingly accepting of previously present historical pairing of one high value man and many women as sex becomes extremely scarce for the average man (30% of the total male population is Incel.) This future looks bleak for inc4ls but these are "our values" and "who we are". " Jack https://www.ancient-forums.com/search.php?keywords=incel&terms=all&author=Jack&sc=1&sf=all&sr=posts&sk=t&sd=d&st=0&ch=300&t=0&submit=Search

I also don´t understand why you have to use the word incel I mean if parts of the gentiles are misslead should we just say oh you are a incel, you are a subhuman? Don´t they just need some guidence to find a good partner and could produce quite good offspring? Maybe not the best genetic wise, but good enouth. And even if you are not the big guy in the picture I posted, like Hitler, you can achive great things, for your race.
Fuchs said:
Jack said:
Fuchs said:
You portray a men who has 4 wifes as superior to someone who does not reproduce. If I recall right, Adolf Hitler didn´t have 4 Wifes and 12 Children, was he inferiour to someone who did have?

Sure not. Ones value is not only determined by the number of wifes or children. Everyone should do what they can do best, if one is the perfect child raiser/wife supporter, then sure why not. It is a important task, but not the only important one.

Also a society with only mens having 4 wifes would not last without "incels" who do important tasks I did mention above.

We live in a society so everybody who does add something positive is important. That´s the reason I told one guy, who said he would want to kill 90% of the populace:

They may behave like animals, only follow thear instincts/needs and do what they have to do and not more, no interest in bettering the world, but they may do something which does help the 10% of people who want to better the world. Also, if we ever want to colonise new planets, we may don´t want to send the best at first, in case something goes rong.
I never said that a man with 4 wives was superior. You just made that up. Quote me where I said a man who has multiple women is superior to one who is monogamous. You can't because I've never said this.

Here you go (man 4 wifes is superior to incel /singel man):

"Nowadays this concept of Monogamous marriage is being eroded and more and more people are becoming increasingly accepting of previously present historical pairing of one high value man and many women as sex becomes extremely scarce for the average man (30% of the total male population is Incel.) This future looks bleak for inc4ls but these are "our values" and "who we are". " Jack https://www.ancient-forums.com/search.php?keywords=incel&terms=all&author=Jack&sc=1&sf=all&sr=posts&sk=t&sd=d&st=0&ch=300&t=0&submit=Search

I also don´t understand why you have to use the word incel I mean if parts of the gentiles are misslead should we just say oh you are a incel, you are a subhuman? Don´t they just need some guidence to find a good partner and could produce quite good offspring? Maybe not the best genetic wise, but good enouth. And even if you are not the big guy in the picture I posted, like Hitler, you can achive great things, for your race.
I'm still searching for where I said The people who were monogamous were inferior :roll: :roll: :roll:
Also even in this quote I never said the incels were inferior.
Fuchs said:
Jack said:
Fuchs said:
You portray a men who has 4 wifes as superior to someone who does not reproduce. If I recall right, Adolf Hitler didn´t have 4 Wifes and 12 Children, was he inferiour to someone who did have?

Sure not. Ones value is not only determined by the number of wifes or children. Everyone should do what they can do best, if one is the perfect child raiser/wife supporter, then sure why not. It is a important task, but not the only important one.

Also a society with only mens having 4 wifes would not last without "incels" who do important tasks I did mention above.

We live in a society so everybody who does add something positive is important. That´s the reason I told one guy, who said he would want to kill 90% of the populace:

They may behave like animals, only follow thear instincts/needs and do what they have to do and not more, no interest in bettering the world, but they may do something which does help the 10% of people who want to better the world. Also, if we ever want to colonise new planets, we may don´t want to send the best at first, in case something goes rong.
I never said that a man with 4 wives was superior. You just made that up. Quote me where I said a man who has multiple women is superior to one who is monogamous. You can't because I've never said this.

Here you go (man 4 wifes is superior to incel /singel man):

"Nowadays this concept of Monogamous marriage is being eroded and more and more people are becoming increasingly accepting of previously present historical pairing of one high value man and many women as sex becomes extremely scarce for the average man (30% of the total male population is Incel.) This future looks bleak for inc4ls but these are "our values" and "who we are". " Jack https://www.ancient-forums.com/search.php?keywords=incel&terms=all&author=Jack&sc=1&sf=all&sr=posts&sk=t&sd=d&st=0&ch=300&t=0&submit=Search

I also don´t understand why you have to use the word incel I mean if parts of the gentiles are misslead should we just say oh you are a incel, you are a subhuman? Don´t they just need some guidence to find a good partner and could produce quite good offspring? Maybe not the best genetic wise, but good enouth. And even if you are not the big guy in the picture I posted, like Hitler, you can achive great things, for your race.

See it like this: you achive MO and then as a God you get a "incel" to lead to godhood, become his GD, will you then discard him, or would you try to help in every possibel way so he reaches godhood?

For me the word Incel feels heavy rong like in german: Heide, it means pagan but in a bad way used (Heide = catholic church, incel = rightwing ).
Fuchs said:
Fuchs said:
Jack said:
I never said that a man with 4 wives was superior. You just made that up. Quote me where I said a man who has multiple women is superior to one who is monogamous. You can't because I've never said this.

Here you go (man 4 wifes is superior to incel /singel man):

"Nowadays this concept of Monogamous marriage is being eroded and more and more people are becoming increasingly accepting of previously present historical pairing of one high value man and many women as sex becomes extremely scarce for the average man (30% of the total male population is Incel.) This future looks bleak for inc4ls but these are "our values" and "who we are". " Jack https://www.ancient-forums.com/search.php?keywords=incel&terms=all&author=Jack&sc=1&sf=all&sr=posts&sk=t&sd=d&st=0&ch=300&t=0&submit=Search

I also don´t understand why you have to use the word incel I mean if parts of the gentiles are misslead should we just say oh you are a incel, you are a subhuman? Don´t they just need some guidence to find a good partner and could produce quite good offspring? Maybe not the best genetic wise, but good enouth. And even if you are not the big guy in the picture I posted, like Hitler, you can achive great things, for your race.

See it like this: you achive MO and then as a God you get a "incel" to lead to godhood, become his GD, will you then discard him, or would you try to help in every possibel way so he reaches godhood?

For me the word Incel feels heavy rong like in german: Heide, it means pagan but in a bad way used (Heide = catholic church, incel = rightwing ).
Incel means "Involuntarily Celibate". There have been many Great Incels who have dedicated their lives to giving great value to human society. For example, Ludwig Von Beethoven ,Mozart , Tesla ,Nietzsche.

I've never said that incels are inferior to anyone who is not an incel. Infact I'm a proponent of not deciding your value by the validation of women. When I said High Value man ,I mean his Sexual Market Value according to the Sexual Economics theory ,which is decided by Women at any given time in society. Other men can't decide the sexual market value of a man. His Sexual Market Value is decided by how many women would potentially want to sleep with him. I'm not saying that an incel with low SMV cannot contribute value to his race or society.

Infact in my original point I was making a sarcastic comment that ideally most of these 30% incel men shouldn't have to be incels and should be having normal healthy relationships with women of their caliber. Which was the case before Birth Control and Sexual Revolution in the 1960s.

It is only after so many decades of Feminism in the 2021 that such a large percentage of women have such exceedingly high standards in America that they won't look at these 30% men. It's not me who you should be angry about. I'm on your side and am speaking out for you any chance I get.
Jack said:
Incel means "Involuntarily Celibate". There have been many Great Incels who have dedicated their lives to giving great value to human society. For example, Ludwig Von Beethoven ,Mozart , Tesla ,Nietzsche.

I've never said that incels are inferior to anyone who is not an incel. Infact I'm a proponent of not deciding your value by the validation of women. When I said High Value man ,I mean his Sexual Market Value according to the Sexual Economics theory ,which is decided by Women at any given time in society. Other men can't decide the sexual market value of a man. His Sexual Market Value is decided by how many women would potentially want to sleep with him. I'm not saying that an incel with low SMV cannot contribute value to his race or society.

Infact in my original point I was making a sarcastic comment that ideally most of these 30% incel men shouldn't have to be incels and should be having normal healthy relationships with women of their caliber. Which was the case before Birth Control and Sexual Revolution in the 1960s.

It is only after so many decades of Feminism in the 2021 that such a large percentage of women have such exceedingly high standards in America that they won't look at these 30% men. It's not me who you should be angry about. I'm on your side and am speaking out for you any chance I get.

For what is worth I finally understand you better and I also understand why those that have gone and insulted you very badly don't understand where you're coming from. Seeing that I'm more "involved" in today's culture ( viewing things from the benches without letting the people "playing" persuade me to join in, maybe once in a while to grow a network but that's it and I sure af don't do anything degenerate) I'm able to understand these posts better and can see the sarcasm in other stuff you write without thinking you were being serious and getting upset about it like I have before.

If those that aren't *actually* paying attention to today's way of acting that a large portion of the population acts in then yeah they'll be upset when you say real stuff like that. The world is made up of these type of men and women and even the higher educated normies act this way so it's not just the hood or whatever. It's today's damned society we're in. We really do live in a society :| :lol:

As you can see it's hard to for me explain myself on this as it's been hard for even you who has tried to break it down over and over and in my opinion it's better if people saw things for themselves.

I hope this mess of a reply makes sense lmao.

This isn't kissing ass since I'm sure there will be things we will disagree on but I just thought you should know what was up. Keep up the good work Bro. Hopefully your biggest haters here start trying to make sense of what you say instead of emotionally reacting but like I said I understand why they think they have the right to get upset if theyre not aware of things of today's world and the lives of the regular people living in it.

Many of us here have good people skills but since the majority of humans are insufferable we have isolated ourselves but in my opinion it became unbalanced and gotten a bit detrimental to the cause.

If those that are mentally strong or even have the patience for it (I'm sure it doesn't have to do with mental weakness here) enough to handle it then try understanding regular folks of today better. (If you have the time as well) You don't have to be involved with any or many individuals on a personal level to do this either. One doesn't have to be wasting time partying or whatever. There's ways to go about this.

Just a reminder to whoever cares,
Hitler was a people's person but he didn't get involved in their degeneracy but was involved enough for people to connect with him and love him because of it.
hailourtruegod said:
Jack said:
Incel means "Involuntarily Celibate". There have been many Great Incels who have dedicated their lives to giving great value to human society. For example, Ludwig Von Beethoven ,Mozart , Tesla ,Nietzsche.

I've never said that incels are inferior to anyone who is not an incel. Infact I'm a proponent of not deciding your value by the validation of women. When I said High Value man ,I mean his Sexual Market Value according to the Sexual Economics theory ,which is decided by Women at any given time in society. Other men can't decide the sexual market value of a man. His Sexual Market Value is decided by how many women would potentially want to sleep with him. I'm not saying that an incel with low SMV cannot contribute value to his race or society.

Infact in my original point I was making a sarcastic comment that ideally most of these 30% incel men shouldn't have to be incels and should be having normal healthy relationships with women of their caliber. Which was the case before Birth Control and Sexual Revolution in the 1960s.

It is only after so many decades of Feminism in the 2021 that such a large percentage of women have such exceedingly high standards in America that they won't look at these 30% men. It's not me who you should be angry about. I'm on your side and am speaking out for you any chance I get.

For what is worth I finally understand you better and I also understand why those that have gone and insulted you very badly don't understand where you're coming from. Seeing that I'm more "involved" in today's culture ( viewing things from the benches without letting the people "playing" persuade me to join in, maybe once in a while to grow a network but that's it and I sure af don't do anything degenerate) I'm able to understand these posts better and can see the sarcasm in other stuff you write without thinking you were being serious and getting upset about it like I have before.

If those that aren't *actually* paying attention to today's way of acting that a large portion of the population acts in then yeah they'll be upset when you say real stuff like that. The world is made up of these type of men and women and even the higher educated normies act this way so it's not just the hood or whatever. It's today's damned society we're in. We really do live in a society :| :lol:

As you can see it's hard to for me explain myself on this as it's been hard for even you who has tried to break it down over and over and in my opinion it's better if people saw things for themselves.

I hope this mess of a reply makes sense lmao.

This isn't kissing ass since I'm sure there will be things we will disagree on but I just thought you should know what was up. Keep up the good work Bro. Hopefully your biggest haters here start trying to make sense of what you say instead of emotionally reacting but like I said I understand why they think they have the right to get upset if theyre not aware of things of today's world and the lives of the regular people living in it.

Many of us here have good people skills but since the majority of humans are insufferable we have isolated ourselves but in my opinion it became unbalanced and gotten a bit detrimental to the cause.

If those that are mentally strong or even have the patience for it (I'm sure it doesn't have to do with mental weakness here) enough to handle it then try understanding regular folks of today better. (If you have the time as well) You don't have to be involved with any or many individuals on a personal level to do this either. One doesn't have to be wasting time partying or whatever. There's ways to go about this.

Just a reminder to whoever cares,
Hitler was a people's person but he didn't get involved in their degeneracy but was involved enough for people to connect with him and love him because of it.

The thing is that most people are too emotionally attached to the way they've been raised up. The instinctive push about taking sides is what's problematic. As a Yogi the first thing you can do is look at a civilizational problem from a macro view and then then think about what's happening at a micro individual level and then see what's the solution.

I'm not really concerned about who says what to me. Its similar to how Alex Jones was vindicated on almost every single crazy topic that people claimed he was lying about (Human Animal Chimeras, Baby Organ Harvesting, Blood Drinking Jewish Sabatian Rituals of the Globalists, Pedophile Networks maintained by Intelligence organizations, 9/11 being am inside job, hoarding a virus pandemic, AI virtual reality etc. )

On a long enough timeline everything he says about the Globalist plan is coming true as he said 10 to 20 years ago (and many others.) People have rejected my views here because I'm just a random name on this forum.

But will people here reject the new Dictator or leader who will lead White Nations ? What will the people here do when he says the same things that Adolf Hitler said and enact the very same policies for women ? In terms of employment and education and everything else.

Will they see all the "Advanced" people who disagreed with me as not actually being advanced ? Or will they continue in cognitive dissonance ?

The reason why I'm so abrasive is because when everything I said comes to pass as I've said it ,I want people to remember that Jack ,a random name who these "Advanced Members "criticized was right and they were all wrong. People can reject my views and the views of random people. But they won't reject the views of a titular leader who will lead us out of the Apocalypse. For he will replace the current reality with the actual reality that is supposed to be.
Jack said:
Fuchs said:
Fuchs said:
Here you go (man 4 wifes is superior to incel /singel man):

"Nowadays this concept of Monogamous marriage is being eroded and more and more people are becoming increasingly accepting of previously present historical pairing of one high value man and many women as sex becomes extremely scarce for the average man (30% of the total male population is Incel.) This future looks bleak for inc4ls but these are "our values" and "who we are". " Jack https://www.ancient-forums.com/search.php?keywords=incel&terms=all&author=Jack&sc=1&sf=all&sr=posts&sk=t&sd=d&st=0&ch=300&t=0&submit=Search

I also don´t understand why you have to use the word incel I mean if parts of the gentiles are misslead should we just say oh you are a incel, you are a subhuman? Don´t they just need some guidence to find a good partner and could produce quite good offspring? Maybe not the best genetic wise, but good enouth. And even if you are not the big guy in the picture I posted, like Hitler, you can achive great things, for your race.

See it like this: you achive MO and then as a God you get a "incel" to lead to godhood, become his GD, will you then discard him, or would you try to help in every possibel way so he reaches godhood?

For me the word Incel feels heavy rong like in german: Heide, it means pagan but in a bad way used (Heide = catholic church, incel = rightwing ).
Incel means "Involuntarily Celibate". There have been many Great Incels who have dedicated their lives to giving great value to human society. For example, Ludwig Von Beethoven ,Mozart , Tesla ,Nietzsche.

I've never said that incels are inferior to anyone who is not an incel. Infact I'm a proponent of not deciding your value by the validation of women. When I said High Value man ,I mean his Sexual Market Value according to the Sexual Economics theory ,which is decided by Women at any given time in society. Other men can't decide the sexual market value of a man. His Sexual Market Value is decided by how many women would potentially want to sleep with him. I'm not saying that an incel with low SMV cannot contribute value to his race or society.

Infact in my original point I was making a sarcastic comment that ideally most of these 30% incel men shouldn't have to be incels and should be having normal healthy relationships with women of their caliber. Which was the case before Birth Control and Sexual Revolution in the 1960s.

It is only after so many decades of Feminism in the 2021 that such a large percentage of women have such exceedingly high standards in America that they won't look at these 30% men. It's not me who you should be angry about. I'm on your side and am speaking out for you any chance I get.

So it was a missunderstanding, I didn´t know Incel means "Involuntarily Celibate" I thought it was similar to subhuman.
Well I think birth control is important and the wimmen should have a choice, everything else feels rong, we need to find a better solution, maybe the state should be boosting programms so the Incels get in better shape. I thought you did read to many rightwinger news and because of this you are filled with wrong hate towards gentiles, I´m sorry, thanks for the explanation. I wasn´t angry and luckily I´m not incel :lol:
Jack said:
The thing is that most people are too emotionally attached to the way they've been raised up. The instinctive push about taking sides is what's problematic. As a Yogi the first thing you can do is look at a civilizational problem from a macro view and then then think about what's happening at a micro individual level and then see what's the solution.

This right here. Couldn't have said it better myself.
Jack said:
Fuchs said:
Fuchs said:
Here you go (man 4 wifes is superior to incel /singel man):

"Nowadays this concept of Monogamous marriage is being eroded and more and more people are becoming increasingly accepting of previously present historical pairing of one high value man and many women as sex becomes extremely scarce for the average man (30% of the total male population is Incel.) This future looks bleak for inc4ls but these are "our values" and "who we are". " Jack https://www.ancient-forums.com/search.php?keywords=incel&terms=all&author=Jack&sc=1&sf=all&sr=posts&sk=t&sd=d&st=0&ch=300&t=0&submit=Search

I also don´t understand why you have to use the word incel I mean if parts of the gentiles are misslead should we just say oh you are a incel, you are a subhuman? Don´t they just need some guidence to find a good partner and could produce quite good offspring? Maybe not the best genetic wise, but good enouth. And even if you are not the big guy in the picture I posted, like Hitler, you can achive great things, for your race.

See it like this: you achive MO and then as a God you get a "incel" to lead to godhood, become his GD, will you then discard him, or would you try to help in every possibel way so he reaches godhood?

For me the word Incel feels heavy rong like in german: Heide, it means pagan but in a bad way used (Heide = catholic church, incel = rightwing ).
Incel means "Involuntarily Celibate". There have been many Great Incels who have dedicated their lives to giving great value to human society. For example, Ludwig Von Beethoven ,Mozart , Tesla ,Nietzsche.
Its anachronistic to label these people as 'incels', they didn't have lasting relationships for one reason or another(except for Mozart who was married and had children not sure why you mentioned him) but not for the reasons incels talk about like "online dating" or lack of "social/sexual market value".
Fuil said:
Jack said:
Fuchs said:
See it like this: you achive MO and then as a God you get a "incel" to lead to godhood, become his GD, will you then discard him, or would you try to help in every possibel way so he reaches godhood?

For me the word Incel feels heavy rong like in german: Heide, it means pagan but in a bad way used (Heide = catholic church, incel = rightwing ).
Incel means "Involuntarily Celibate". There have been many Great Incels who have dedicated their lives to giving great value to human society. For example, Ludwig Von Beethoven ,Mozart , Tesla ,Nietzsche.
Its anachronistic to label these people as 'incels', they didn't have lasting relationships for one reason or another(except for Mozart who was married and had children not sure why you mentioned him) but not for the reasons incels talk about like "online dating" or lack of "social/sexual market value".
It doesn't matter why they didn't have lasting relationships. You could simply be ahead of your time and have an elevated consciousness which prevents you from connecting with base level humans around you. You could be a military leader who died and couldn't reproduce.It still means you're an Incel.

The basics of being an Incel has been constant throughout history.
1)You try to find a partner and reproduce.
2)You fail.
3)Your Genetic Line is wiped out.

It's that simple.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
