I'm sorry for my absence, I don't have a strong reason to justify my forgetfulness to respond to these precious answers, I'm just going through what I think it's a personal crisis. The truth is I've poorly explained the situation, banalizing it and making it all about sex. If anyone of you can spend a slice of their precioius time to read and to respond to this, I'll be very grateful, as I'm grateful to have so much mature and advanced people to discuss this with.
I am 19 years old, I fell in love with this girl when we where both around 15. We were both our first love. We had a relationship, but never had sexual intercourse. After 4 months, I had to leave her because I had to relocate, and the relationship finished, but I never stopped thinking about her and leaving her because I had to relocate in order to not making her suffer will be on of my biggest regrets. A year later, I came back from the same town, same school were I met her. She was in a relationship with another guy, had sex with him, but eventually she broke up with him and started talking to me again. We start talking again, nothing happens. She goes with this other guy, have sex with him, leaves him, we started talking again, after a quarrell she ghosted me. Mind you this all happened when we were about 16/17. The last year of highschool begun, we were 18, i hated her like i've never hated someone in my life. I've always waited for her, wrote her letters that i never gave, never had any sexual intercourse with anyone, even though I had the chance once or twice, because i simply couldn't do it physically and it felt off. Around february of 2024 she goes in another relationship with this other guy and of course has sex with him. At this point I feel that I'm not capable of feeling love or have sex with someone ever in my life. In June, highschool is ending, and I finally felt free for the first time in four years. I gave her all my letters, I said all the things i've never said to her, i just wanted this cathartic moment to free myself once and for all, since i was never going to see her again. But what happened next wasn't what i expected at all. She told me she felt the same way, that she always loved me but never had the courage because she thought i would leave her all over again. She told me that she purposedly did go with other guys who resembled me physically (and it's true, they all resemble me in some way) because she thought i hated her and never wanted to have anything to do with her again. Days later, she gives me all the diary pages she wrote for me during these years, saying basically what she told me previously (she couldn't forget me, got with others but always thought about me, i was the one etc). At this point i don't know what to do, i'm overwhelmed, i feel like she always felt the connection i did, but expressed it in different ways (while i bottled all my emotions up, waiting for god knows what, she vented with sex and relationships). I also thought this was another lie of hers, but couldn't ignore the connection i felt, and the fact that all the feelings i thought were gone, rised up stronger than ever. She cheated on her previous boyfriend with me, leaved him, had sex with me (I was wrong thinking i couldn't do it, because everything did go heavenly). She told me it was the best sex of her life, not only because it was physically ecstatic, but also because she felt an unexplainable connection. We got together ufficially, we had the best head over heels summer of our lives, We've been almost a year together, started university together, moved to the same city, travelled, studied, got to know each other, lived in the same house for months. For me, it was one of the best periods of my life. I've never thought once about her past... until now. I don't understand why, during the end of february/starting of march i had all of these resentment coming out (I don't know if it's related to the current venus retrograde or else). I started to remember all the things she did till a year ago, like I was waking up from a dream. Eventually, when the situation became unbereable for me, i confronted her about it. To make a long story short, we had really bad fights, all ended with both of us crying. I've never seen someone cry like her before in my life. She told me what she had with others was nothing and nothing, and didn't matter to her, and that she didn't knew what love was till she got with me. For my part, I just couldn't forget what she did. It's like I hate and have a quarrel with a part of her that apparently is gone, and that i can't forget. I can't forget the offense i felt in my heart when i knew everytime she got with one of these three guys, the sense of betrayal and perpetual anguish. Maybe because I'm an extremely monogamous person, because i think that sex is the most intimate thing you can do with someone in your life and she did it with other three guys, because i believe it creates soul ties, and i believe virginity it something very special i had to take from her since she's the loml. I can't bear the thought that the hypothetical mother of my future children got around, you know? I can't bear the betrayal combined with the three body counts. We talk about it currently and we are trying to resolve it together: she doesn't blame me for how i feel, she's always here for me when i want to talk to her about it, even if it can make her feel bad and cry sometimes. Sometimes she goes defensive. I watch videos about how to cure retroactive jealousy because i want to become a better person and overcome it. But it's hard. One day i thing i'm well, the other day i have a break down and can't even look at her. I don't know what to do. I sure don't want to break up because i know myself, and i know i couldn't be able to start a relationship with anybody else. But i don't know the best way to get past it. Read about similar life examples? Writing it over and over in my journal? Bang my head against the wall?
p.s : to the visitor that called her a "whore", go fuck yourself.